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DB Cooper

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Greetings Orange1

You ask a profound question and back it up with compelling facts. So, why do people confess to crimes they didn’t commit?

Darn good question, and one that I have some interest in writing about - remember – I get paid by the column inch generally, and not the topic, per se.

But staying with DB Cooper, why did Barb, Duane, William Gossett, and maybe McCoy in a kinda roundabout way, confess to being DB Cooper?

First off, let’s deal with Barb:

She was outted by Ron Forman during one of her Cooper tactical sessions on how DB could have done it and survived. Ron said, “Yeah, I know Barb, you’re DB Cooper,” and laughed. A few minutes and one masculine-toned admonishment later, he wasn’t laughing anymore.

So, the fact of Barb being prompted to confess gives some weight to the confession itself. This is not a straight forward, “I wanna be somebody,” kind of boasting for friends to gain status.

As for the rest, for me, the confessions don’t actually prove who DB Cooper is, rather, it puts these individuals on the radar screen of closer examination, and in that we see the confessors sharing many striking similarities: high-risk careers in the military, loner qualities, lots of secrets, weird sex lives, living with dramatic, abrupt changes in their lives. Generally, I see a troubled, but physically robust life, suggesting that psychologically and behaviorally they all could have done it. And from that, there is much more investigation to be done following those leads. From that point of view, the confessions are only a red flag that point to something else.

However, as for the confession itself, since the confessions don’t prove they did it since how could they all be DB Cooper, do they say something else about them? Could the confessions be a signal, a code, a feeble admission that they were involved somehow but they really don’t know how, and they can’t really tell it coherently to anyone?

Remember, they may not have fully understood what had happened to them if they were in MKULTRA, so confessing to being DB Cooper may have been their way of trying to start the conversation with a loved one about how crazy and mixed up their lives had actually been once upon a time.

For them, all of life, or the DB Cooper part of their lives, could be like trying to understand a lucid dream. Trying to tell someone about it is very difficult. It’s hard to remember the details when you’re telling it, and when you’re finished it only makes sense to the teller, and that’s if he’s lucky to have a somewhat coherent dream.

Lastly, if any of this is tied to MKULTRA or any kind of govt op, the Cooper crew would probably have a very strong fear about telling the truth of it, to whatever degree they understood it. They probably had a fear of betraying the mission, or betraying their oath to secrecy. They may have been afraid of being killed for talking about what they knew and did. Perhaps a death-bed was the only safe time to talk, so the only time to confess.

That’s a lot of pressure- to tell a truth that they only partially understand or remember, and running the risk of being killed over it, and possibly having their loved ones think they were crazier in actuality than their families had ever imagined.

This all could have been going on.

On the other hand, the other forces that compel people to falsely confess may have been at work, such as longing for meaning, wanting to be a hero, wanting to be special. Those can be powerfully desperate needs, Orange1, as your statistics suggest so clearly.

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Greetings Orange1

You ask a profound question and back it up with compelling facts. So, why do people confess to crimes they didn’t commit?

But staying with DB Cooper, why did Barb, Duane, William Gossett, and maybe McCoy in a kinda roundabout way, confess to being DB Cooper?

First off, let’s deal with Barb:

First off, they didnt confess. Others confessed for them
or alleged they were ..... this n' that.

Write about the facts(for a change).

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Whose facts would you like me to write about, Georger?

Ron and Pat Forman are reputable people. I've talked with plenty of folks who know them and consider them honest. I believe they are telling the truth when they say Barb Dayton told them she was DB Cooper.

Do you truly believe the Formans are lying? What are your facts that back-up that charge?

Galen Cook is a reputable guy, and fun to talk with, too. Do you think he is lying that Gossett family members say William confessed to being DB Cooper, and that he induced an impostor to pose on Coast-to-Coast radio as Gossett's son and claim he heard his father confess?

Jo Weber may play loose with facts and consistency, true, but do you really believe she is lying about Duane's confession? Ralph Himmelsbach and Doug Pasternak believed her once upon a time, and that's good enough for me until proven otherwise.

Further, are you angry at me for believing them?

Is that why you are provocative and hostile in a veiled kind-of-way?

Why don't you just say exactly what's on your mind relative to the material presented, Georger, and refrain from dis-ing me as a short-hand way of blowing the whole thing off.

Personally, I don't like it, and I ask for better from you. I think my posts deserve better from you. Everything I write is well-considered and well-intensioned. Whether you agree with any of it is secondary. What I write is presented in a respectful manner, and I expect the same in return, sir.

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We sure see Occam's razor differently. I think MKULTRA is one of the least likely explanations for all the Cooper's, some of whom may have actually believed their false confessions.

I do agree with your assessment of the veracity of Cook, the Formans and even Jo. Truthful people can believe the lies of others and adopt them as the truth. It happens all the time in cults.

I disagree with a lot of your imaginative Cooper theories, but they are only presented as theories so why should they piss anyone off?

You do think out of the box. I had always assumed that there was only one Cooper, but your mind control theory raises the possibility, however unlikely, that there may be several brainwash victims who truly believe they did the NORJACK hijacking and jump.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Whose facts would you like me to write about, Georger?

Well, none of the people you mention confessed
to anything. All have been "outed" by second or third hand parties who are promoting them. That is an essential fact.

Then you talk about the psychology of confessors.
What confessors? They are none.

You might talk about the psychology of promoters
which is another matter entirely but I doubt you are interested in that. You want glamor, not science.

I cant think for you and am not interested in trying.
Maybe someone else will . . .

[edit]: I have already said I consider the Forman's work on a par with Folk Art - like a grandma Moses
painting vs Renoir. If people want to confuse it with
reality, or think it offers some insight into reality,
then that will happen whether I say anything about
it or not.

Im not being critical, just realistic.

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What makes you so sure the watches really belonged to Duane?

:SOne he was wearing before I met him and the other one I bought him


even taking better coats than the ones he left in cloakrooms when you two went out to dine. Why didn't you stop him?

I only found out after the fact.


Show me a thief with a good watch and usually somewhere there is a theft victim.

That could well be true with the one he had but not the one I gave him. I wasn't worried about the FBI "stealing" the watch - I kept things because it is the nature of a widow to hold on to something of her husbands. He was always guarded about the watch he had when I married him - I have described it before in this thread or the other thread.

I had no idea that Sluggo was interviewing me for the forum. I thought it was a private thing and exchange and not for the public. I had been talking to Sluggo for yrs (I didn't know him as Sluggo)before the forum ever came into being.

I have not tried to alienate anyone and I came to the DZ site looking for information about the subject matter and it has been extremely helpful.

:(Duane Weber could have with his record have confessed to many crimes or involvements - why choose to confess to me something I knew little about? Also the fact that he used the name Dan Cooper in his confession. He could have told me that he fired the shot from the grassy knoll in 1963 - at least I would have known what he was talking about.:D

When other people have their MONEY invested in the things currently being worked on, I can't put it out there until we have finished and have it ALL together.

I hand to the thread what I can...I have said we are waiting on a very important interview. I do throw out there things that others might be able to help with - such as the SLC photo and this Ed Huran guy.

There are things that would be an invasion of the privacy of others that cannot be used until those individuals agree to their information being made publilc...some of this was acquired at a great deal of expense and effort.
Is Cook sharing his sources?
Is Gray Sharing his sources?
Do either of them make available their research except where it benefits them?

I am extremely sorry if anyone and everyone is offended.

I will ask ONE more time if anyone has any information regarding air- a-robic in Ca in the 30 and what kind of shows were being put on. Also any pictures of these events and the people involved. This goes for the early stages of the Derry group in Ca. Any pictures of Derry or any of his group from 1935 to 1945 that has not been in books.

Again look at this attached photo from the 30's - the young man in glasses and the older man.

I know who 5 of the indiviuals are - but I am trying to connect this photo with events in CA during that time.,,,guessing the date approx 1932 to 1936.

What I think:
The older woman who is seated was related to one of the groups involved in the 1930 CA airplane and jumping events and the early developement in the forestry preservation and firefighting.

The Webers had lost the family home in Ohio and Mr. Weber had lost his job. In 1942 the Ca connection made arrangements for Mr. Weber (Duane's father ) to run a paint store in Ca. When Duane went to Ca. after he messed up with the Navy and Army he got into trouble.

These family friends came to the rescue and provide aid to Duane when he was sent to McNeil - as I have said he was eligible for parole after ONE day. The FBI neglected to let anyone know this.

I feel sure that the records on Duane will show intervention before and after his sentencing that will reflect a name well known in the Fire Industry.

I am going to hire an attorney to help me obtain Duane's 500 pages that Carr said were available - wonder how much of that is information that the FBI obtain and how much of it is information I provided over from 1996 to 2006 when Carr made that statement.

Do any of you really believe the FBI has 500 pages on Duane Weber that is a result of their own investigation and not provided by me, nor statements or emails or letter written by me. Perhaps this is WHY Carr never sent them to me has he stated he would in this forum and that I requested from him.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bruce, honestly, isn't it as simple as the fact that high-profile cases attract more than their fair share of crackpots? I mean, over 600 people confessed to either being the Lindbergh kidnapper or the Black Dahlia murderer. I'm sure there were a number of those that fit the profiles enough for serious investigation too, people who didn't appear to be crackpots on the surface. Why did all those people confess? This was way before MKUltra...

As for Jo, I have no doubt she believed she heard Weber confess. But I have seen people completely mis-hear other people particularly when they are in a highly emotionally wrought state (as Jo must surely have been wracked with grief, watching her husband die), and swear forever after that they heard X when it simply wasn't the case. I still can't help wondering if maybe Duane actually said something else.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I am going to hire an attorney to help me obtain Duane's 500 pages that Carr said were available -

That's a much better idea, and far more constructive, than continually using this forum as a vehicle to lambaste the FBI.


Do any of you really believe the FBI has 500 pages on Duane Weber that is a result of their own investigation and not provided by me, nor statements or emails or letter written by me. Perhaps this is WHY Carr never sent them to me has he stated he would in this forum and that I requested from him.

Did Carr ever claim it was all the result of their own investigation? I never saw anything he said on this forum where he said he would send you the file, just that he would answer any questions you had - which he seemed to do with incredible grace and courtesy considering the way you treated him.


hand to the thread what I can...

No, you don't. And I really don't need to explain that any further. And if you can't actually read 377's post objectively, then you will never understand why people cannot take you seriously, even those who were at first inclined to do so (and I was one of those, way back when.:|) And you will not understand why by now practically no-one has any interest in expending energy to help you answer your who when where questions with photos of unnamed people, at mostly undetermined places at undetermined times and sometimes even of indeterminate gender. When I look back at that sentence I start thinking Georger is right - you really do treat this as if it is a game. I'm sure that's not your intention, but it sure is what it comes across as.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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No, you don't. And I really don't need to explain that any further. And if you can't actually read 377's post objectively, then you will never understand why people cannot take you seriously, even those who were at first inclined to do so (and I was one of those, way back when.:|) And you will not understand why by now practically no-one has any interest in expending energy to help you answer your who when where questions with photos of unnamed people, at mostly undetermined places at undetermined times and sometimes even of indeterminate gender. When I look back at that sentence I start thinking Georger is right - you really do treat this as if it is a game. I'm sure that's not your intention, but it sure is what it comes across as.

Jo has no evidence. She never did. The only thing Jo
has evidence of to some extent. is that she and
Duanes spoke about McCoy and then Cooper. Who
knows who spoke of it first or how much, but it was at
Virginia Beach. Then comes Jo's report of Duane's
death confession, which there is no independent
witness of. (More Jesus on the toast).

The amazing thing to me is that Jo has gotten as
much mileage as she has.

Fundamentally people don't care. That is the mine
Jo (and Bruce) have been mining. But a coal mine
is not a gold mine no matter how you pitch it!

Just imagine how different this forum would have
been without Jo Weber (or Archie!) but then maybe
no one would have come or tuned in...

In spite of that, I know the FBI has gotten it's
money's worth! And anyone else who was looking
for a free ride to "Goslow". (anyone know the movie
Im talking about?)

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But I have seen people completely mis-hear other people particularly when they are in a highly emotionally wrought state (as Jo must surely have been wracked with grief, watching her husband die), and swear forever after that they heard X when it simply wasn't the case. I still can't help wondering if maybe Duane actually said something else.

Say this list of names outloud for proof of mishearing:)

Aynayda Pizaqvick and Malexa Kriest
Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet
Makollig Jezvahted and Levdaroum DeBahzted
Steelaygot Maowenbach and Tuka Piziniztee
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Just imagine how different this forum would have
been without Jo Weber (or Archie!) but then maybe
no one would have come or tuned in...

I am glad you see some value in Jo's participation Georger. I agree that she is looking for gold in a coal mine, but I really think she is sincere in her beliefs.

I do believe the alleged death bed confession was made, but I just think it was another of many lies Duane had told over the years. It might have been aided by pain drugs which blurred the lines between who he was and who fascinated him.

As time passes and Jo has to stretch harder and harder to link Duane to NORJACK (note she is now pursuing fire fighting links more than parachuting links), it should occur to her that it is a dead end, yet she continues with no signs of doubt.

Jo has become much more cordial to us and we should return the courtesy. She is entitled to her ideas just as much as we are to ours. In her dogged pursuit of "Duane is Cooper" evidence, she may uncover useful info so I still welcome her presence.

I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.

I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.

I have been reading about the famous and controversial alleged sighting of an Ivory Billed Woodpecker which was assumed to be extinct for over half a century. There is a lot about it on the Cornell University website.


There are aspects of that matter that parallel the Cooper case. Experts swear they saw one. A video they took shows evidence that what they saw was indeed what they claimed it was, yet all subsequent searches including extensive use of robotic cameras have failed to turn up any unequivocal corroborating evidence.

Where did Cooper go? Where did the Ivory Billed Woodpecker go? Is there a Twilight Zone?;)

Can Bruce link the Woodpecker case to a CIA experiment? (just kidding Bruce).

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.

I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.

Gosset is a real person and interesting. He is somebody Bruce could learn from. Gosset definately had the skills, the mindset (maybe) - he's almost over qualified. But I doubt he was Cooper. ( I think
Sluggo's initial perceptions about Gosset were good).

I can see why Cook would take a good look at Gosset and pursue him.

To my way of thinking, qualifications matter in the
Cooper affair. Just the right set of qualifications,
just as Ckret proposed it but not necessarily Ckret's
exact weighting ... but close.

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DZ, Occam’s Razor, reply, May 28, 2009

Honestly, 377, what does Occam say for all the red flags from the Cooper crew?

1. Why did Barb confess? Why did Duane and Gossett? Or are they all lying as Georger claims despite being believed by reasonable people.

2. Why did McCoy go to Las Vegas on two mysterious trips? Why did he start taking skydiving lessons in October, 1971? That suggests he was no Cooper copycat. Why was he hospitalized for a psychiatric episode in that same time period, 1971, and diagnosed with stress-related symptoms stemming from his service in Viet Nam, but was discharged within days and returned to his normal, highly-pressured life (heavy college course work, a job, two kids, troubled marriage)? Why did he have absolutely no game plan for stashing the money?

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I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.

I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.

Gosset is a real person and interesting. He is somebody Bruce could learn from. Gosset definately had the skills, the mindset (maybe) - he's almost over qualified.


Enough with the personal slurs, Georger. I am not happy with your attitude.


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I have been communicating with Galen Cook and he remains confident about Gosset. Gosset did have Ft Lewis connections, provable military parachute training, money trouble, local knowledge etc. None of that proves he was Cooper but it makes him a person of interest.

I can't see why Gosset, a local, would do NORJACK without a disguise. Gosset's Cooper confessions also seem odd in that if they were true they heightened his risk and he got nothing tangible in return. Was it an ego thing? Telling a former judge that you are a wanted felon is risky as hell.

Gosset is a real person and interesting. He is somebody Bruce could learn from. Gosset definately had the skills, the mindset (maybe) - he's almost over qualified.


Enough with the personal slurs, Georger. I am not happy with your attitude.


OK. Im so sorry. You sound ominous!.
Sheesh better had get out of here.

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As time passes and Jo has to stretch harder and harder to link Duane to NORJACK (note she is now pursuing fire fighting links more than parachuting links), it should occur to her that it is a dead end, yet she continues with no signs of doubt.

:oI am NOT stretching anything and the firefighting is the very first thing I linked in 1996 - prior to knowing anything about his multiple criminal record.

Himmelsbach and the FBI should be able to attest to that. My early communications do exactly that - in the form of a letters and phone calls to Himmelsbach - I didn't really talk to the actual FBI very much - because the new agents didn't know much about Cooper.

Perhaps the biggest mistake I made was NOT going public in 1996 rather than going to the FBI. There might have been a lot more answers received while the others were still alive. BUT, no - stupid naive JO trusted the FBI to do what they are supposed to do - INVESTIGATE. Yet, in March of 2000 - the FBI hadn't done a DARN thing. They didn't even know Duane's background - I had more information than they did and/or the agent of record in 2000 deliberately lied.

:|I did NOT imagine the things I saw and held in my hands nor did I MISUNDERSTAND what he said.

Trying to get anyone to address the truth or getting any help with the things I need to bring this to an end - is like beating a dead horse. Well, I am physically and mental worn out. I just hope and pray that the truth will be known someday. I have been trying to find out what happened to the old family journals - probably in a dump somewhere.

If I had gone public in 1996 instead of going to the FBI. The guys who knew Duane as John Collins where still alive - Tony and Tommy. His ex-wiife was still alive. His step-daughter was still alive (I have her on tape saying she KNEW Duane was Cooper). His brother and sister were still alive and alert.

I trusted the system and where did it get me - 13 yrs of humiliation and being called a liar over and over and over? I swear to all of you and before GOD if he even exists that I have NOT lied. Yes, a lot got lost in all of the theories and criminal records that I learned about - I just did what the FBI didn't do.

When I go back to what I informed the FBI of in that 1st yr or so - where more than likely the connection lies - I am again spoofed and made fun of.

[:/]:|I did not imagine or misunderstand anything that Duane said. I have tried to put together the things he said with his background and for that - the world condemns me as a liar. Well, I am not and hopefully IF there is a darn GOD out there the truth will be known.

If any of you really want the truth then - find early information about the firefighters and pilots in CA in the late 30's. Force the FBI to open the file on Duane from 1942 to 1950. Show all the court records and the names of the individuals who assisted the family at that time and were instrumental in the family's move from Ohio to CA.

I started this post bawling and now I am just plain angry, but when I get off the computer, I am sure I will cry some more as many of you have made this all seem so futile.

Is there anyone of you and those that read this thread that actually think I gave UP my life and what I could have done with my life to chase LIES? Or to probagate lies? Or to be humiliated and made fun of?

NO - I am not dislusional and do any of you think I like to keep on and on being a whipping horse. If I was lieing I would have stepped down from all of this yrs ago. Probably the worst part of this was being called a liar for things I could prove did happen. Nothing any of you have said in this forum could hold a candle to the abuse I took from Jerry Thomas. ..in that 40 minute conversation and a prior conversation yrs ago. None of you have any idea what is going on in my mind or my heart.

377 is at least with compassion some of the time, but Orange has been ruthless. Even Georger has shown some compassion at times. If I could prove Duane was Cooper - DO ANY OF YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE STAYED AND have taken what I have if I didn't have some faith that one of you or someone reading the thread might provide that one piece of information that would bring this to a end?

As most of you know I rarely have a drink, but tonight I have had 1/2 a bottle of wine so taking my meds is out of the question. I bought this bottle to celebrate a Good day - not to have to continue to defend myself.

I hope NONE of you ever have to be in my positiion - to have to defend your very being everyday of your life. Duane spent 17 yrs in prison and I have spent 13 yrs in a different kind of prison...the jury has been hung for 13 yrs ... and the crime is ONLY almost 38 yrs old.

Is had been almost 29 yrs since he and I made that trip to Wa. and I am able to remember it like it was last yr - not many of you young whipper snappers can remember what you did a yr ago much less 28 yrs ago.

So here's to Duane Weber - duh - I meant to say Dan Cooperr. Hell, they are one and the same - even after 1/2 a bottle.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I trusted the system and where did it get me - 13 yrs of humiliation and being called a liar over and over and over. I swear to all of you and before GOD if he even exists that I have NOT lied. Yes, a lot got lost in all of the theories and criminal records that I learned about - I just did what the FBI didn't do.


How can you say you trusted the system????? That is designed to engender sympathy and is demonstrably incorrect. You wouldn't even trust the FBI with a watch and withheld it even though it might have held relevant DNA evidence. You call that "trusting the system"? If so the we define trust very differently. I am becoming more like Orange in how I deal with you, giving you no slack.

In many ways your complaints about the FBI could be credibly made by the FBI about you. You have been playing cat and mouse with them just as much as they have with you.

I have never called you a liar and I think Duane did confess to being Dan Cooper. I think you are biased and obsessed, but absolutely sincere. I have noticed your efforts to be more cordial and it would sure be nice if everyone reciprocated.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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How can you say you trusted the system????? That is designed to engender sympathy and is demonstrably incorrect. You wouldn't even trust the FBI with a watch and withheld it even though it might have held relevant DNA evidence. You call that "trusting the system"? If so the we define trust very differently.

I don't understand how anyone is expected to give up everything in their possession that belonged to their spouse - Every widow needs something physical to hold onto and remember their spouse by. Should I have also have given them his ashes?

I doubt that many widows have given the FBI all they had. There was enough there to fill a 24 by 14 by 18 box - wasn't that enough? Everything had been handle by others and cleaned and wiped off between 1995 to 2003 - they waited 8 damn yrs to ask for DNA and prints. Or did you remember that? I told them I was a neat freak - and that all of that stuff had been cleaned and the gloves tried on at a garage sale. I also told them I didn't think the hair I sent was Duane's, but belonged to a man who tried the suit on. It may even have been my own hair.

Had they been interested in DNA in 1996 and 1997 the DNA I provided might not have been so contaminated or damaged.
They did not take DNA when they came to my home in 1997...they didn't even interview me until several months after I contacted them. I have given that date before and I am not going to dig into the files to find it...seems like it was early 1997 and I first contacted them on May 24th 1996. So now who trusted the system and why should I - it takes 8 months to send someone to see you and 8 yrs to ask for DNA???????????? Give Me a Break!

They never told me if they got the same DNA off of several items or just one item.
If only one item - it might not have been Duane's. I doubt they even recorded my statement about the hair and the items being used and worn by others. This is a part of the records I think are pertinent If they didn't get mutiple DNA HITS on several items - then was it Duane's DNA they compared? The letters were sealed in prison - I expect the officials sealed the envelopes in those day...did that DNA match DNA taken from multiple items?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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In many ways your complaints about the FBI could be credibly made by the FBI about you. You have been playing cat and mouse with them just as much as they have with you.

The FBI didn't even reply when I told them anything. I didn't think those books were important nor Mickey until I saw pictures of Tina. Sluggo is the one that made that connection in the forum...it had entered my mind. We still don't know if they are connected - or if the picture was connected? The FBI ain't talking! They have ignored everything I told them - what else am I supposed to do...I didn't get the information about the family friends until 2003 - and the FBI was told.

Come on 377 - cut me some slack here - I can't MAKE the FBI look at anything I have and I sure as hell couldn't get them to listen to anything I said. Sluggo is right - I do not present myself well - never have been able to do that. I couldn't even recite a poem in front of the class only to the teacher after class one on one.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.

If you wish to defend yourself against my accusation of game playing and teasing (note I have not said lieing) then simply give Sluggo an unequivocal green light to present what he thinks may be relevant. Given his demonstrated integrity you can't credibly claim that you can't trust him to be discreet or respect third party privacy concerns. Just give him the green light right here and right now. Until then my accusation stands and no slack will be deserved or given.

The ball is in your court Jo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.

If you wish to defend yourself against my accusation of game playing and teasing (note I have not said lieing) then simply give Sluggo an unequivocal green light to present what he thinks may be relevant. Given his demonstrated integrity you can't credibly claim that you can't trust him to be discreet or respect third party privacy concerns. Just give him the green light right here and right now. Until then my accusation stands and no slack will be deserved or given.

The ball is in your court Jo.


377 - I think you should be awarded this medal for taking the longest to crack:). Welcome to the club
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I’m going to say this one more time. And, I’m saying it with all the humanistic love and compassion I can muster.

If you keep doing what you are doing, you’ll keep getting what you are getting.

Don’t blame the members of this forum for your disappointment in the fact that no one believes you. You obviously don’t understand the role of the FBI. You obviously don’t understand the role of an internet forum. You obviously don’t understand the nature (and social behavior) of human beings and you obviously don’t know how to present a logical rather than emotional argument.

You post here voluntarily, you get responses (some serious, some not) to your post. Exactly what (else) do you expect?

You said you have hired (or will hire) a lawyer. Are you listening (or will you listen) to his/her advice?

You botched the telling of your story! You destroyed your relationship to the agency that you seem to think is omnipotent and could have best answered some of your questions. You have posted the same statements on this thread (ad nauseam) until everyone just ignores you.

You are the one to be held accountable for the results. I’m not accountable, georger isn’t accountable, 377 isn’t accountable. Neither Orange1, BruceSmith, JerryThomas, snowmman or any other posters are accountable. Jo Weber XXXX is the only one who is accountable.

Stop blaming others… tell your story… tell the WHOLE story… and then accept the results. If you don’t like what you hear… stop posting! Then... you will not suffer disappointment.

Ask yourself this:
If the FBI proved, without a doubt, that Leslie Q. Slackjaw was D.B. Cooper on June 15th, 2009, what would you do on June 16th? If you don’t like the answer… then change your ways!

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When called to task for withholding evidence you now say the evidence (a pair of watches) couldn't possibly have contained samples of Duane's DNA. Uhhhh... OK, but that's not what was initially implied IMHO.

Who told Jo watches are a preferred source for dna?
Is this Jo's idea?

I am trying to stay out of this debacle but I do not
understand where this idea that watches are a source
for DNA came from? It would not be my first choice!

If we ever cared about Myths VS Facts in this forum,
we threw that principle out the window wholesale
(long ago) in Jo's case.

That is simply a fact. Has nothing to do with

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