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DB Cooper

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So Ive given you a wider window based on actual
history than you (or Snowmman) previously allowed
or discussed. Now all you have to do is put Cooper there.

Thanks Georger. I am working on it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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On March 31st 08 Ckret made the post below regarding (his) interpretation of how dna might be applied, or might-should not be applied, to the
Cooper case.

Would anyone care to comment about Ckret's
comments in this matter?

# # # # #
Ckret JumpsLicenseIn sport : : :
May 31, 2008, 11:07 AM Post #1922 of 10320 (1541 views) Registered: Sep 7, 2007Posts: 522 Re: [peckerhead] Theory: Cooper didn't jump in the deep woods [In reply to] Can't Post

My take on the whole "new suspect" thing is the same as the rest. Nothing links any of these people to the crime other than some stories that can't be proven. Beyond that, our efforts are paying off because people are talking about the case which may bring someone forward that can actually be investigated. And here is the problem with testing these folks against the DNA: The DNA cannot be used as proof that the person is Cooper. The pool of possible donors is too large, it can only be used to exclude. So you have someone that has no link to the crime other than some stories that can't be proved. You then compare their DNA and it comes back as a partial match. This, in reality, is meaningless with regard to solving the crime but could you imagine the mess it would stir. It would cause far more harm in resloving the case than it would ever help. If i just did a random sample of a thousand people, several may match the partial DNA as possible donors. For this reason there are very few people I would test against the DNA we have, there would have to be something more than stories about people who are no longer with us. I do, however, plan to look at the prints. " (Ckret)

First we don't know for sure if the tie partial DNA was actually Cooper's. If it is, then Ckret says it can only eliminate suspects, which is useful, but will not ever give us Cooper with 100% certainty. It is possible that the DNA is not Cooper's. If that is the case, it could be erroneously used to eliminate the real Cooper. So how useful is the DNA considering the uncertainty about its origin?

Don't get me wrong. Ckret was a VERY valuable participant here. I am really pissed that some vindictive person here may have been responsible for his departure.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I have not followed this thread other than to check in once in a while to see if you guys have figured it out yet. However I ran across this article which explains who Dan Cooper was. It claims that Dan was the hijackers brother whom he used to blame everything on when they were children. If something was found broken he would always say "Danny did it!". So the name was used as a joke so to speak.

Here is the article which is now being finished into a book... http://www.depoebaybeacon.com/news.asp?dtype=4&catid=6&recid=30 Perhaps some of you have already seen it but thought I would throw it in here in case you haven't.

Blue ones...
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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I have not followed this thread other than to check in once in a while to see if you guys have figured it out yet. However I ran across this article which explains who Dan Cooper was. It claims that Dan was the hijackers brother whom he used to blame everything on when they were children. If something was found broken he would always say "Danny did it!". So the name was used as a joke so to speak.

Here is the article which is now being finished into a book... http://www.depoebaybeacon.com/news.asp?dtype=4&catid=6&recid=30 Perhaps some of you have already seen it but thought I would throw it in here in case you haven't.

Blue ones...

interesting read thanks.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I wonder of Cooper was in SE Asia during the war and was traumatized by what he saw? Wouldn't that be something if both cases had their roots in Viet Nam? It is just speculation though. We (excluding Jo) still have no idea who Cooper was.


Weve been over this a thousand times.
Ckret said too old for VN.

There were lots of "civilian advisors" in Nam and tech reps. They didn't have to be soldier age. Also, since when did what "Ckret said" have more value than an educated guess? I miss him a lot and the forum really I from his absence but he is no closer than we are to knowing who Cooper was, but he may know more than we do about who Cooper wasn't.



Not just that 377 - Cooper didn't have to be in the army first time in Nam... there were enough more senior soldiers who had already seen duty in Korea etc (I posted a bio of at least one some time ago) and other stuff, the Tibetan drops etc. It does potentially make the PTSD argument a bit less potent than before though I think - unless what the guy saw was so much worse in Nam than what he had seen before.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Thanks GreenLight. I correspond occasionally with Galen Cook, the attorney investigating Gossett. He is pretty sure that Gossett was Cooper and will soon be publishing a book about his findings. Gossett was definitely qualified to do the jump, was in money trouble and had been assigned to Ft Lewis. Gossett sure looks a LOT like the sketches that the FBI prepared. Cook is a smart guy and not dogmatic. So far, I think his case is entirely circumstantial. Show me a new Cooper $20 bill and I'll be a believer.

I am always skeptical about self confessed Coopers. If you were Cooper wouldn't you keep your mouth shut? I mean you got away with it, the FBI has been baffled for decades, why blow it by confessing to ANYONE???? Confession while alive and healthy makes little sense to me.

Duane Weber's death bed confession would make more sense, but I don't believe he was really Cooper. I do, however, believe he told his wife that he was Dan Cooper. That event has been a source of endless grief and anguish for her because she took it as the truth then and still believes it to this day.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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15. 1995. He tell me he is DAN COOPER. This makes no sense unless I know who Dan Cooper is.
16. 1996 I find out who Dan Cooper was.


Why would Duane give you a death bed confession that meant absolutely nothing to you?

Why wouldn't he have said "I am DB Cooper, the man who hijacked that airliner and parachuted out with the ransom money?"


objection - requires the witness to speculate, your honour.

It's a great question, of course. I;m just not sure it requires an answer ;)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Have you considered adding a JD to your list of graduate degrees? Seriously, you have the right stuff.:)
Wish Snow would come back. I have tried to convince him but he is busy pursuing some technical stuff totally unrelated to Cooper.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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did anyone else catch the piece in the Gosset story where he started the ROTC progam at?Weber College!!!!!! HA! So Gosset worked for Weber. I state that to prove a point. It is true, he worked for Weber State College, not Duane. When you make statements is such a way as i did when i said Gossett worked for Weber, this it is how mis information and confusion clouds the real story around this.

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On March 31st 08 Ckret made the post below regarding (his) interpretation of how dna might be applied, or might-should not be applied, to the
Cooper case.

Would anyone care to comment about Ckret's
comments in this matter?

# # # # #
Ckret JumpsLicenseIn sport : : :
May 31, 2008, 11:07 AM Post #1922 of 10320 (1541 views) Registered: Sep 7, 2007Posts: 522 Re: [peckerhead] Theory: Cooper didn't jump in the deep woods [In reply to] Can't Post

My take on the whole "new suspect" thing is the same as the rest. Nothing links any of these people to the crime other than some stories that can't be proven. Beyond that, our efforts are paying off because people are talking about the case which may bring someone forward that can actually be investigated. And here is the problem with testing these folks against the DNA: The DNA cannot be used as proof that the person is Cooper. The pool of possible donors is too large, it can only be used to exclude. So you have someone that has no link to the crime other than some stories that can't be proved. You then compare their DNA and it comes back as a partial match. This, in reality, is meaningless with regard to solving the crime but could you imagine the mess it would stir. It would cause far more harm in resloving the case than it would ever help. If i just did a random sample of a thousand people, several may match the partial DNA as possible donors. For this reason there are very few people I would test against the DNA we have, there would have to be something more than stories about people who are no longer with us. I do, however, plan to look at the prints. " (Ckret)

First we don't know for sure if the tie partial DNA was actually Cooper's. If it is, then Ckret says it can only eliminate suspects, which is useful, but will not ever give us Cooper with 100% certainty. It is possible that the DNA is not Cooper's. If that is the case, it could be erroneously used to eliminate the real Cooper. So how useful is the DNA considering the uncertainty about its origin?

Don't get me wrong. Ckret was a VERY valuable participant here. I am really pissed that some vindictive person here may have been responsible for his departure.


well the key passage is: "And here is the problem with testing these folks against the DNA: The DNA cannot be used as proof that the person is Cooper. The pool of possible donors is too large, it can only be used to exclude. So you have someone that has no link to the crime other than some stories that can't be proved. You then compare their DNA and it comes back as a partial match. "

Ckret is using an outdated view of the
current state of dna matching. It all depends on
the testing (the samples) but testing technology
has evolved far above the perspective Ckret seems
to be speaking from.

For example, the Human Genome project cost roughly $2 billion and sampled only a fraction of the markers which can be sampled today. The same
project conducted today would cost only $200,000,
would sample two to three times the markers, and
would take only 24 hours! (Storage space however
is large.)

The problem in Ckret's case is the fact the tie and
other evidence was not stored properly, is undoubtedly
contaminated ... all of which makes sampling more
problematic. But sampling techniques today are far
beyond what Ckret seems to be suggesting - and whatever tests were run on item in 71-80 may have
contaminated the evidence. In 1971 people didnt even
know about dna!

Did you know that chlorine, for example, destroys

When I made my post I was wondering if someone
versed in dna matters would comment.

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Did you know that chlorine, for example, destroys dna?

Anyone who has watched CSI knows bleach destroys DNA evidence B|

I dont watch CSI...

What usually happens here (in the lab) is some dna
product is mixed with or contaminated by tap water
which is chlorinated. (Untrained people in labs have
a nasty habit of doing that and can destroy is very
valuable dna sample in an instant by exposure to
tap water. Can be very $$costly$$ !).

Did CSI cover that?

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377, I'm not sure whether I should be insulted or flattered :D

(no offence to anyone..you know who you are.. out there!)

Jo was saying this to people on PAGE #1 of the thread.
Accusing people of being MEAN TO HER. The thread had
not even started. So I tried to do an actual count of the times Jo hurled the charge .... I gave up by page 12!

Jo uses the charge with anyone that disagrees with her.
and has been doing this since the first page of the thread ....... factually.

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Unless Jo is a lawyer, that wasn't aimed at her!

CSI did cover something where some arbitrary thing destroyed evidence, can't remember if it was tapwater. I am not btw one of those people who thinks everything I see on TV is true (even if it is a "documentary" and not a fictional crime show). I did however read an interesting article a while back about how criminals have learnt stuff from CSI - like the bleach story - and used it to help cover their tracks.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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377, I'm not sure whether I should be insulted or flattered :D

(no offence to anyone..you know who you are.. out there!)

The intent was flattery ;).

What can we do to get Snow back? I have been looking back at old posts and that dude added some serious value.

Does Safe still read this stuff? Tell us if you are Safe. Ckret couldnt tell us if he was still reading this and that pisses me off.

Sluggo has moved uptown, where he has a posh forum, but he still visits the ghetto now and then to hang with his homies. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377, I'm not sure whether I should be insulted or flattered :D

(no offence to anyone..you know who you are.. out there!)

Jo was saying this to people on PAGE #1 of the thread.
Accusing people of being MEAN TO HER. The thread had
not even started. So I tried to do an actual count of the times Jo hurled the charge .... I gave up by page 12!

Jo uses the charge with anyone that disagrees with her.
and has been doing this since the first page of the thread ....... factually.

It is a childish tactic well understood by my own kids. When my boy was 3 he had a mind of his own and just hated to follow orders from either parent. He learned the term "harsh" but couldn't pronounce it properly and spoke it as "howsh"

Whenever we got into any kind of dispute, which was often at that age, he would look at me with accusing eyes and say: "Daddy, you are being "howsh" to me. I am never "howsh" to you."

Good tactic. I am still vulnerable to it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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statement by Ckret - Agent Carr


I have already posted that I cannot find a registration with John Collins name on it. For the sake of argument let’s say that there was a registration with the name John Collins on it and the clerk says that John Collins looks like the picture of Duane Weber and he believes Duane Weber looks like Cooper. OK, now what? That would be great info to confront Weber with but that is not a possibility.

(This post was edited by Ckret on Dec 6, 2008, 10:56 AM)

Georger there is NO need to hash that one out again but, I will reply as I probably did in the past. Carr says that "he" hasn't been able to find the registration...yet, he NEVER made an attempt to interview that clerk but, he had knowledge of this "witness" since 2001...and his contact information. Note that Carr's orginal posts regarding not being able to find the registration were prior to the Night Clerk walking into the FBI office in Portland around Oct. of 2008.

Carr also indicated that he could find "NO hotel registrations" and you know the obvious argument for that as all of the hotels were checked and I am sure there are reports on these interviews SOME place in the FILES which seem to be in pure chaos.

Even after the Night Clerk went to the FBI office in 2008, all Carr did was make a couple of phone calls. He judged this man's credibility on a phone call. I hope now he has seen the video made of an unbiased interview of this witness. He was shown several photos and his reactions to one specific photo was ODD. Because of the yrs from 2001 and 2009 (when the video was made) - I feel the man has been exposed to the media and that now any statement he makes will be ignored because of that. Yet, the FBI had a chance to do this in 2001 before his memory could be tainted by exposure to things that have been in the media since that time.

Enough said.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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My kid works about 18 hours a day in a research lab that has VERY serious DNA gear. Ckret gave Cooper money to Tom for analysis. How about giving us some Cooper DNA?

If there is something useful that can be done with modern gear that the FBI hasn't done I'll have my kid give it a shot. He can sequence, synthesize, analyse, do PCR and a bunch of other stuff I dont really understand.

No, he cannot clone Cooper.

Ckret, are you listening?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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How about posting the night clerk video? Peer review is something valuable in research and you constantly thwart it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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No, he cannot clone Cooper.



Soon the DNA test will have evolved so much in forensic crime that they will be able to build a 3D image of the suspect, down to the colour of their eyes.

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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How about posting the night clerk video? Peer review is something valuable in research and you constantly thwart it.


You do know the legal problem that could cause?
It would require releases and this man doesn't want his picture put in every news paper - I do not own the tape nor the rights.

I believe that the FBI was provided with a confidential copy - at least I was told they would be provided with it. Doubt they even looked at it.

This man does not want to be subjected to what I have been thru - who would? If you will remember he came back to the states for surgery and hopes to return to China. He works for a living and may have to seek employement in the states for awhile.

Remember what my going public did to my career and my earning abilities? Or did anyone care?
I had a contract with an FBI agent on a house at the time I went public....I had to give away 60% of my commission for someone else to close it (they had to tell him I wasn't getting a dime)... they knew that if I took it to the FL Real estate Commission that I was in the right. We were ready to close when he found out who I was....had he been willing to forfeit his money he could have walked away and did a contract with another agent on another house...but not that same house.

I was kind enough to step aside and let it close - I was also healing from a very serious auto accident, but managed to continue to work. My clients picked me up at my home packing me with pillows (multiple broken ribs fron an auto accident). This is the kind of real estate agent I was - I had the reputation of being too honest, but that is what the buyers wanted - the listing agents hated to see me coming. Other agents knew they couldn't pull any shady stuff - with the contracts such as if they forgot to get things initialed - I had one agent blatantly initial her cilents initials on important parts of a contract. I was appalled...and I reported it --- refusing to accept this as she did not have power of attorney to do so.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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