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snowmman 3
background: I am by no means experienced in using online search materials for people. Stuff like that used by genealogy folks.
I've been getting myself up to speed. has stuff I wasn't aware of.
With respect to our quest for info about a Ted. B. Braden, age 80, it's depressing information.
I suspect Cousin Brucie will be able to dig up some more stuff, so I'll defer to him for a while.
(edit) Hey in honor of Mad Dog, and to see if you read the full post on him, I've attached a Marlin Model 444-S (.444 Marlin).
There's another post I could make about how Plaster in "SOG" noted the jokeplaying around "Walter Shumate". Walter Shumate stayed in, and somehow joined Delta Force in the late 70's under Beckwith.
(the joke was to always give your name as "Walter Shumate" whenever you got into fights, or kicked some Marine ass, or signed into hotels the stories started filtering back about Walter Shumate doing all these crazy things everywhere, simultaneously)
I've been getting myself up to speed. has stuff I wasn't aware of.
With respect to our quest for info about a Ted. B. Braden, age 80, it's depressing information.
I suspect Cousin Brucie will be able to dig up some more stuff, so I'll defer to him for a while.
(edit) Hey in honor of Mad Dog, and to see if you read the full post on him, I've attached a Marlin Model 444-S (.444 Marlin).
There's another post I could make about how Plaster in "SOG" noted the jokeplaying around "Walter Shumate". Walter Shumate stayed in, and somehow joined Delta Force in the late 70's under Beckwith.
(the joke was to always give your name as "Walter Shumate" whenever you got into fights, or kicked some Marine ass, or signed into hotels the stories started filtering back about Walter Shumate doing all these crazy things everywhere, simultaneously)
snowmman 3
Sergeant Major Walter J. Shumate was a living legend in the Special Forces. A veteran who had entered the army during the Korean War, he had seen and done it all. Now closing in on thirty years of service, at forty-four he was the oldest man ever to make it through Delta Force Selection. And he was invaluable to the formation of the unit. Sumate added an element of humanity that could very well have eluded the organization in those critical early years. Without his special touch and unique influence, the outfit could easily have taken itself way too seriously. But with Shumate around, no matter how special we thought we were, he could always convince us that were were just human beings. He was serious about soldiering but he was the opposite of a robot.
(this was in the 1978, after Shumate had served in MACV-SOG in Vietnam, after he got into Delta)
(this was in the 1978, after Shumate had served in MACV-SOG in Vietnam, after he got into Delta)
snowmman 3
interesting Frank Greco ran the photo lab for CCC.
(I had quoted from his "Running Recon" book before.
Kontum: Command and Control
27 February 2006
Vietnam special forces veteran Frank Greco recently published Kontum: Command & Control as a follow up to his highly acclaimed first book Running Recon.
Greco enlisted in the Army after dropping out of college and after completing his basic infantry and parachute training joined Special Forces. Whilst assigned as a typist to the 7th SF group at Fort Bragg in late 1968 he a submitted request to serve in Vietnam. Two weeks after that request he received his orders and departed for his mission in early April 1969.
For the first 8 months of his tour he was a member of SOG (Studies and Observation Group) Recon Team Colorado running missions across the boarder in Laos, whilst stationed at CCC (Command and Control Central) in Kontum.
Greco assumed control of the CCC photo lab for the remainder of his time In-Country, processing and developing top-secret reconnaissance photographs as well as taking part in numerous low-level recon flights across the border.
Greco's original work, Running Recon, was an account of his and other veteran's experiences in SOG and featured more than 700 photographs that were taken and developed during his time at CCC.
Kontum: Command and Control uses the same successful format as Running Recon and contains around a 100 photographs within its 80 pages. Some of the photos are full color versions of the black and white images in Running Recon, whilst others are never before seen SOG photographs.
The book has a number of good aerial images of the Ho Chi Minh trail, as well as plenty showing Recon teams just prior to mission departure. In addition to the photographs a few SOG veterans have contributed some of their personal accounts, which make for interesting reading.
Whilst Kontum: Command and Control is less comprehensive and features fewer original photographs than Running Recon, it is nonetheless a valuable supplement to the original book and a worthwhile addition to any SOG library.
(I had quoted from his "Running Recon" book before.
Kontum: Command and Control
27 February 2006
Vietnam special forces veteran Frank Greco recently published Kontum: Command & Control as a follow up to his highly acclaimed first book Running Recon.
Greco enlisted in the Army after dropping out of college and after completing his basic infantry and parachute training joined Special Forces. Whilst assigned as a typist to the 7th SF group at Fort Bragg in late 1968 he a submitted request to serve in Vietnam. Two weeks after that request he received his orders and departed for his mission in early April 1969.
For the first 8 months of his tour he was a member of SOG (Studies and Observation Group) Recon Team Colorado running missions across the boarder in Laos, whilst stationed at CCC (Command and Control Central) in Kontum.
Greco assumed control of the CCC photo lab for the remainder of his time In-Country, processing and developing top-secret reconnaissance photographs as well as taking part in numerous low-level recon flights across the border.
Greco's original work, Running Recon, was an account of his and other veteran's experiences in SOG and featured more than 700 photographs that were taken and developed during his time at CCC.
Kontum: Command and Control uses the same successful format as Running Recon and contains around a 100 photographs within its 80 pages. Some of the photos are full color versions of the black and white images in Running Recon, whilst others are never before seen SOG photographs.
The book has a number of good aerial images of the Ho Chi Minh trail, as well as plenty showing Recon teams just prior to mission departure. In addition to the photographs a few SOG veterans have contributed some of their personal accounts, which make for interesting reading.
Whilst Kontum: Command and Control is less comprehensive and features fewer original photographs than Running Recon, it is nonetheless a valuable supplement to the original book and a worthwhile addition to any SOG library.
Sluggo Stated:
I told you that I remembered something major (enough to make the evening news) happening at Soledad while I was living in CA. I told you that I couldn’t remember if it was in Upstate NY or CA.
Jo states:
ALL you said was it was a prison in N.Y. that they sent some really bad guys. You mentioned NOTHING about Ca. You must have found that after you went home but NEVER communicated it to me.
YOU know that little was said about Soledad and what I said above is ALL that was said in my presence - anything else was what you researched AFTER you left here.
Sluggo stated:
Is it your way of saying that the guy you once trusted may be part of the “BIG conspiracy” against you and your efforts to prove Duane Weber (John Collins) was D.B. Cooper? Exactly why is it that this is “an issue” with you?
Jo States:
You are reading WAY too much in to my statement about Soledad - You take things totally out of context. I used this as an example of - of things being taken out of context - nothing more.
Sluggo said:
The Knife
The knife I saw was a typical folding pocket knife (of the Boy Scout variety) with some lint in the folding slot that was EXACTLY like the lint found in the knife I was carrying in my pocket at the time. This led me to think the knife had little or no value as evidence. I did not state this to you, because I did not want to be unkind and sound like I was saying; “You old fool, that’s just pocket lint!” Maybe, I should have been more honest and forthright. It’s just not my nature.
Jo States:
That was a much larger knife than the Boy Scout variety and that piece of cord DID not resemble the lint that had accumulated. It cannot be judged of NO value unless someone BESIDEs Sluggo see it.
Sluggo states:
Fees and Compensation
If you or anyone else honestly believes the rumor that is circulating that Tom Kaye received $50,000 for his part in Nat-Geo’s “The Skyjacker That Got Away” I truly feel sorry for you. If you just look at the production budget, the sum of $50,000 is laughable. A rumor that Tom Kaye received $5000 would maybe be believable.
JO states:
Read the prior posts. I only stated something that SOMEONE else had stated and it was used to place value on what the FBI looks at and doesn't look at.
Sluggo said
Jo’s Perceptions
When I see your post about things I have said, decisions I have made, and conversations we (you and I) have had, I realize that your perception is VERY different from mine. This casts doubt on all the other things you have told me. If I was starting over, looking into Duane’s past, I would be skeptical of everything you said in cases where you did not have evidence (like Pasternak’s research).
Jo States:
I remember what you said to me about Soledad - I would also be skeptical of your research. You do additional research, but never relay that information to the other party. The high intellectual gets caught up in their thoughts and forgets to relay information to another interested party.
Do your research and leave your personal feelings down there with Drummond Dog or whatever you call it. Your intellect and education and analytical brain ARE your strongest asset - don't let personal agendas get in your way. NO one is right 100% of time no matter how high your IQ is.
Sluggo said:
his madness will cause you to drive away the people who want to help you the most. Don’t slide over the edge.
Jo states:
I am not going over the edge, because more research HAS been done and it leads down 3 roads. No one likes one of the roads - it is one even I am hesitant to travel and the other one is so sordid I can't even talk about it. That leaves only the road I have traveled well - with NO defining evidence other than all of the mounting co-incidences.
Do I take one of the other roads where the evidence and data and documentation points - one of those roads leads to a tangled forest where horrible things happened and there is no escape from this for the victims of the toment...I will not go there...the price is too high.
Sluggo said:
I have posted here a dozen (or so) times; “Those that know, aren’t talking and those that are talking, don’t know.” Let me say that (to you specifically) in another way. SHUT UP! THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING, THE PEOPLE YOU BADGER CONSTANTLY (by berating their efforts) ARE SEEKING THE TRUTH. WHEN THE TIME COMES, YOU’LL KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW… NOT BEFORE!!!
The results of the investigation may point to Duane, or not. I’m still “open minded” about Duane, but I’m “open minded” about several other suspects also. The current approach is not find a suspect and prove that the suspect was Cooper, but rather look at the (small quantity of) evidence and see where (to whom) it points.
* * I was concerned that the mention of Camp Siebert might be confidential, but you mentioned it in posts #3703 and #1120.
I told you that I remembered something major (enough to make the evening news) happening at Soledad while I was living in CA. I told you that I couldn’t remember if it was in Upstate NY or CA.
Jo states:
ALL you said was it was a prison in N.Y. that they sent some really bad guys. You mentioned NOTHING about Ca. You must have found that after you went home but NEVER communicated it to me.
YOU know that little was said about Soledad and what I said above is ALL that was said in my presence - anything else was what you researched AFTER you left here.
Sluggo stated:
Is it your way of saying that the guy you once trusted may be part of the “BIG conspiracy” against you and your efforts to prove Duane Weber (John Collins) was D.B. Cooper? Exactly why is it that this is “an issue” with you?
Jo States:
You are reading WAY too much in to my statement about Soledad - You take things totally out of context. I used this as an example of - of things being taken out of context - nothing more.
Sluggo said:
The Knife
The knife I saw was a typical folding pocket knife (of the Boy Scout variety) with some lint in the folding slot that was EXACTLY like the lint found in the knife I was carrying in my pocket at the time. This led me to think the knife had little or no value as evidence. I did not state this to you, because I did not want to be unkind and sound like I was saying; “You old fool, that’s just pocket lint!” Maybe, I should have been more honest and forthright. It’s just not my nature.
Jo States:
That was a much larger knife than the Boy Scout variety and that piece of cord DID not resemble the lint that had accumulated. It cannot be judged of NO value unless someone BESIDEs Sluggo see it.
Sluggo states:
Fees and Compensation
If you or anyone else honestly believes the rumor that is circulating that Tom Kaye received $50,000 for his part in Nat-Geo’s “The Skyjacker That Got Away” I truly feel sorry for you. If you just look at the production budget, the sum of $50,000 is laughable. A rumor that Tom Kaye received $5000 would maybe be believable.
JO states:
Read the prior posts. I only stated something that SOMEONE else had stated and it was used to place value on what the FBI looks at and doesn't look at.
Sluggo said
Jo’s Perceptions
When I see your post about things I have said, decisions I have made, and conversations we (you and I) have had, I realize that your perception is VERY different from mine. This casts doubt on all the other things you have told me. If I was starting over, looking into Duane’s past, I would be skeptical of everything you said in cases where you did not have evidence (like Pasternak’s research).
Jo States:
I remember what you said to me about Soledad - I would also be skeptical of your research. You do additional research, but never relay that information to the other party. The high intellectual gets caught up in their thoughts and forgets to relay information to another interested party.
Do your research and leave your personal feelings down there with Drummond Dog or whatever you call it. Your intellect and education and analytical brain ARE your strongest asset - don't let personal agendas get in your way. NO one is right 100% of time no matter how high your IQ is.
Sluggo said:
his madness will cause you to drive away the people who want to help you the most. Don’t slide over the edge.
Jo states:
I am not going over the edge, because more research HAS been done and it leads down 3 roads. No one likes one of the roads - it is one even I am hesitant to travel and the other one is so sordid I can't even talk about it. That leaves only the road I have traveled well - with NO defining evidence other than all of the mounting co-incidences.
Do I take one of the other roads where the evidence and data and documentation points - one of those roads leads to a tangled forest where horrible things happened and there is no escape from this for the victims of the toment...I will not go there...the price is too high.
Sluggo said:
I have posted here a dozen (or so) times; “Those that know, aren’t talking and those that are talking, don’t know.” Let me say that (to you specifically) in another way. SHUT UP! THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING, THE PEOPLE YOU BADGER CONSTANTLY (by berating their efforts) ARE SEEKING THE TRUTH. WHEN THE TIME COMES, YOU’LL KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW… NOT BEFORE!!!
The results of the investigation may point to Duane, or not. I’m still “open minded” about Duane, but I’m “open minded” about several other suspects also. The current approach is not find a suspect and prove that the suspect was Cooper, but rather look at the (small quantity of) evidence and see where (to whom) it points.
* * I was concerned that the mention of Camp Siebert might be confidential, but you mentioned it in posts #3703 and #1120.
Jo states:
I have NOT contact the FBI in a long time - and my confrontations with Jerry have been right here on the forum - SO I have no idea who you are referring to my badgering unless someone on this forum is FBI or CIA. I left a message for Carr - short and simple - if you consider that badgering.
I have NOT shared with the FBI what WE have found - because I no longer trust them. Out of the blue when others have gone where WE have gone they have reportedly been confronted with badges and warnings... I do not expect this to happen. It has been 37 yrs and does it really matter anymore? Other than others besides me might be called Crazy and dislusional.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
snowmman 3
Jo and Sluggo
sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
then comes ...I don't know what!
(edit) Badges?
The original quotation comes from the 1948 film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart. In one of the scenes in the movie a Mexican bandit leader (Gold Hat played by Alfonso Bedoya) is trying to convince Fred C Dobbs (played by Bogart) and company that they are the Federales.
Dobbs: 'If you're the police where are your badges?'
Gold Hat: 'Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!'
This in turn was adapted from B Traven's 1927 novel upon which the movie was based:
"All right," Curtin shouted back. "If you are the police, where are your badges? Let's see them."
"Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don't need badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching' tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you."
From "The Sierra Madre"
From "Blazing Saddles"
sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
then comes ...I don't know what!
(edit) Badges?
The original quotation comes from the 1948 film The Treasure of the Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart. In one of the scenes in the movie a Mexican bandit leader (Gold Hat played by Alfonso Bedoya) is trying to convince Fred C Dobbs (played by Bogart) and company that they are the Federales.
Dobbs: 'If you're the police where are your badges?'
Gold Hat: 'Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!'
This in turn was adapted from B Traven's 1927 novel upon which the movie was based:
"All right," Curtin shouted back. "If you are the police, where are your badges? Let's see them."
"Badges, to god-damned hell with badges! We have no badges. In fact, we don't need badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges, you god-damned cabrón and ching' tu madre! Come out from that shit-hole of yours. I have to speak to you."
From "The Sierra Madre"
From "Blazing Saddles"
Very close except the towers where much larger and tall. There was little green. but it could be he didn't have much in the way of colors to work with. Artist do that with water colors if they need to draw and show what they are seeing, but don't have the correct medians...the painting left me with the feeling of larger towers and a more barren area. Now the idea of barb wire is what I thought I saw in the paintings but I seem to think it was higher off the ground but not like photos you see of prisons.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
snowmman 3
From Sluggo's post:
The above statement is misleading ----
There is absolutely NOTHING going on inside of the FBI regarding any further investigation of Cooper. NOTHING! What is being done in this forum and by private individuals is ALL that is going on.
The FBI did NOTHING regarding Duane Weber until I confronted them in 2000 and they have done nothing in recent yrs except for Robbie Borroughs referring to a letter the FBI sent me in 1998 stating that Weber had been investigated. Excuse me that person is TOTALLY misinformed and should not represent the FBI.
Maybe I should make SOMETHING I HAVE REGARDING THE FBI'S INVESTIGATION as late as March of 2000 available to the MEDIA everytime the FBI makes that statement. The FBI dismisses the fact that they still checked the DNA in 2008 - and that they obtained the DNA on Weber in 2003. Excuse me, but the reference to that letter of 1998 - means the officials within the FBI don't have a clue of what is going on.
The FBI can't even post reliable and factual information on the official FBI site and rely on Comic Books to get the attention of the public. Ridiculous!
Yes, I hope they are reading this because I am fed up. The Salt Lake City photo wasn't even looked at - by Carr or anyone else in the FBI office. When hunting and the bird dog goes into point position - believe me there is something there. They didn't do a flush to even see what was in those bushes.
I have posted here a dozen (or so) times; “Those that know, aren’t talking and those that are talking, don’t know.” Let me say that (to you specifically) in another way. SHUT UP! THE INVESTIGATION IS ONGOING, THE PEOPLE YOU BADGER CONSTANTLY (by berating their efforts) ARE SEEKING THE TRUTH. WHEN THE TIME COMES, YOU’LL KNOW WHAT THEY KNOW… NOT BEFORE!!!
The results of the investigation may point to Duane, or not. I’m still “open minded” about Duane, but I’m “open minded” about several other suspects also. The current approach is not find a suspect and prove that the suspect was Cooper, but rather look at the (small quantity of) evidence and see where (to whom) it points.
The above statement is misleading ----
There is absolutely NOTHING going on inside of the FBI regarding any further investigation of Cooper. NOTHING! What is being done in this forum and by private individuals is ALL that is going on.
The FBI did NOTHING regarding Duane Weber until I confronted them in 2000 and they have done nothing in recent yrs except for Robbie Borroughs referring to a letter the FBI sent me in 1998 stating that Weber had been investigated. Excuse me that person is TOTALLY misinformed and should not represent the FBI.
Maybe I should make SOMETHING I HAVE REGARDING THE FBI'S INVESTIGATION as late as March of 2000 available to the MEDIA everytime the FBI makes that statement. The FBI dismisses the fact that they still checked the DNA in 2008 - and that they obtained the DNA on Weber in 2003. Excuse me, but the reference to that letter of 1998 - means the officials within the FBI don't have a clue of what is going on.
The FBI can't even post reliable and factual information on the official FBI site and rely on Comic Books to get the attention of the public. Ridiculous!
Yes, I hope they are reading this because I am fed up. The Salt Lake City photo wasn't even looked at - by Carr or anyone else in the FBI office. When hunting and the bird dog goes into point position - believe me there is something there. They didn't do a flush to even see what was in those bushes.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
snowmman 3
Ok, I worked thru the numbers to see how much of FBI resources are on the case.
as of 8/25/04
There are 28,576 FBI employees.
12,156 of these are special agents.
16,420 are support people, including 1300 analysts and more than 1000 information technology experts.
200 are overseas
There are 48 chemists
3 geologists
3 mathematicians
and just 1 metallurgist.
Out of all that, there is 1 person working the case.
And then there's the contract with Snowmman Industries, which doesn't disclose employees by division or project, but accounts for 37% of the FBI outsourcing budget.
(edit) Example: We recently received okay to buy up all "Dan Cooper" comics that exist worldwide, thinking that getting contact with all collectors would help lead to DB Cooper. The FBI okayed the budget, and we get 10% collection fees on all comics purchased. Win, win. Local and state taxes apply, so everyone gets a taste.
(edit) I'm closing in on twice the number of posts Jo has. Life is good.
as of 8/25/04
There are 28,576 FBI employees.
12,156 of these are special agents.
16,420 are support people, including 1300 analysts and more than 1000 information technology experts.
200 are overseas
There are 48 chemists
3 geologists
3 mathematicians
and just 1 metallurgist.
Out of all that, there is 1 person working the case.
And then there's the contract with Snowmman Industries, which doesn't disclose employees by division or project, but accounts for 37% of the FBI outsourcing budget.
(edit) Example: We recently received okay to buy up all "Dan Cooper" comics that exist worldwide, thinking that getting contact with all collectors would help lead to DB Cooper. The FBI okayed the budget, and we get 10% collection fees on all comics purchased. Win, win. Local and state taxes apply, so everyone gets a taste.
(edit) I'm closing in on twice the number of posts Jo has. Life is good.
snowmman 3
Running Recon: A Photo Journey with SOG Special Ops Along the Ho Chi Minh Trail
Frank Greco Paradin Press 2004
Attached some snaps from internal pages of the book, showing some photos, just for people who are interested in these kind of books
Frank Greco Paradin Press 2004
Attached some snaps from internal pages of the book, showing some photos, just for people who are interested in these kind of books
snowmman 3
Kontum: Command and Control
(Select Photographs of SOG Special Ops During the Vietnam War)
Frank Greco (USA 2005)
his 2nd book. some snaps from inside attached.
(Select Photographs of SOG Special Ops During the Vietnam War)
Frank Greco (USA 2005)
his 2nd book. some snaps from inside attached.
started). "
Isn't the Cooper thing all about rumors?
I've said many times. "There are no facts".
Sluggo concurred, with his issue about Fact vs Fiction categories for books published.
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