50 50

DB Cooper

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377. Shelly read the post and said she will respond later.She does read them and relate's to orange 1.She like's Geoger and the Snowmman ,although I don't no why(humor)> She Just finished a course in motorcycle safety so she could get her motorcycle indorsement. and ride the motorcycle she stole from me. It's kind of funny but when she set's her mind to do something nothing stops her. Tell your girl friend the secret is love,The heart conection kind.Snowmman in response to your question. Not realy much to share . Just a bunch of nightmares involving the vietnam conflict and the fact that that war is still killing people do to agent orange cancer and the fact the only way you new who the enemy was . was when you were being shot at Let's not forget the restriction's placed on us inregards to lethal engagement.Her is some new's on the cooper case. At 0730 this morning I recieved a phone call from the Fazio's.Geoger: Richard Fazio stated that the FBI first showed up during there lunch hour on Feb 12th exscavation did not go in to full swing untill Wenesday the 13th ,however the agent's did do some digging with shovel's that afternoon. There was some question as to who's propery the money was found on It's location was close to the property line and as we all no now it turned out to be the fazio's . No other property owner was contacted at this time.There still in a state of shock over the national geo documentary.and shared ther view's on it. Just thought you guy's would like to know. Jerry

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I've attached the article.
I think I did a good job at keeping it <300kb and still readable
you'll have to zoom in your picture viewer to read it, but it should be readable.

I'm going to transcribe, but then I have to proofread the transcription. So a little bit for that.

(edit) Note that besides the Mrs. Ted Braden mention, Ted is referenced as jumping with the 8th Div. club. If this is 1961, then Golden Knights wasn't quite official or just starting? They were approved in 1961 right? They kind of started in 1959??

Be nice if any jumpers out there could talk up this 1961 army competitive jumping...it's really early days trivia.

Maybe I could find more in Stars and Stripes around the club, just not mentioning Ted...

work, work, work.

(edit) "The meet is sponsored by the 8th Inf Div Golden Arrow Sports Parachute Club in conjunction with the Parachute Club of America"

I wonder if Ted was a PCA member? Remember how I went thru the history of the PCA/USPA transfer, and we talked about record possible loss?

(edit) mistake. It was Mrs. Helms they were talking to on the chute. But Mrs. Braden is there, quoted.

(edit) Just realized this is an earlier stars and stripes than I quoted before. Now that I have a subscription, I have to find the 62? article that had Ted in freefall photo (my guess)

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Low Ceiling Stymies Sky-Diving Contest
By Bob Greabell, Staff Writer
Stars and Stripes Monday April 24, 1961 page 8

ILLESHEIM, Germany (S&S) The roof fell in Sunday on the first European U.S. Forces sky-diving meet here.

Poor weather and a steadily decreasing ceiling forced a change in the program Sunday afternoon, and continuing the contest Monday.

The twenty-five American military skydivers competing for berths on the U.S. team that will: 'carry the Stars and Stripes Into the Federation Aeronautical Internationale contest at Leutkirch June 14-18, were able to complete only one of two required events.

So Sunday afternoon, which was to have wound up the two-day meet, was devoted to 20-second delay accuracy jumps from 2,500 feet, until the celling got too low even for that.

Sgt Robert Santiago of the 8th Inf Div was leading the field of 25 Sunday with 642 points out of a maximum possible of 650. Close behind was Sp4 Ben Bristow of the 24th Inf Div's Victory Sports Parachute Club, with 622.

In third was Sgt Jack Helms of the 8th Div, with 616 while Sp4 Harold Dreblow of Bad Toelz was in fourth with 582. In fifth was Air Force S Sgt Robert Lanier, a member of the 5th Aerial Port Sq at Evreux, France, with 574 points.

Capt Edward Passalaigue of the 24th Div was sixth with 565 points, and in seventh was Pfc John Chace, of the 8th Div, with 551. Sp5 Norman Charland of the 8th Div was No. 8 man with 549, and Pfc John L. Fetz, also of the 8th Div, was ninth with 546.

Rounding out the top 10 was Sp4 James Boyle of the 8th Div, with 517 points.

More than 500 spectators, Including some of the contestants' wives, turned out to watch the competition Sunday. The meet is sponsored by the 8th Inf Div Golden Arrow Sports Parachute Club in conjunction with the Parachute Club of America.

Delay Drops
Contestants must qualify by making 60-second and 30-second delay drops, performing required maneuvers before opening their parachutes and then hitting an assigned target when they land.

It looks dangerous, but these men will assure you it's a lot safer than it looks to the layman on the ground.

Mrs. Helms, whose husband was third in the first-event scoring, said she'd rather see her husband making free-fall sport jumps than regular static-line drops of the sort airborne troopers make.

"This way I know he packs his own chute," she said. "In fact, he has jumped with a chute I packed, although he was right at my shoulder while I was doing it," she said.

Mrs. Ted Braden, whose husband jumps with the 8th Div club, said she never could imagine a human flying, but her husband is happy and she has learned to enjoy the sport too.

Contestants are jumping from H34 helicopters and from UA Otter fixed wing aircraft. Thirty-second delay drops are made from 7,200 feet, and the 60-second delay jumps from 12,500 feet.

Each man decides when he wants to leave the aircraft and how he is going to use his body, arms and legs to perform the required maneuvers in midair before he opens his chute, and works in as closely as possible to the target.

Smoke Pot Used
One smoke pot was being used to tell the competitors the direction of the wind, but individuals were not using smoke bombs in this meet as they often do in exhibition jumps.

Points are awarded on the basis of how well the midair maneuvers are executed and how close the man comes to landing on the 18-by-36 inch target.

Judging the contest are Lt Col Howard I. Lukens of USAREUR Hq; Capt Philip C. Miller of the 8th Div, and Maj Charles Burson of Bad Toelz.

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Enlistment state of Ohio (Toledo) is interesting, as is the truck driving experience (weak).
I'm assuming this says he was born in Indiana?
The Der Spiegel said something about WWII.
Wondering if Ted lied about his age, served for a short time, then re-enlisted later (he said 14 years military in 1966, I think?? in Der Spiegel)

I don't think this data offends anyone, so am just posting

Name: Ted B Braden
Birth Year: 1925
Race: White, citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Indiana
State of Residence: Ohio
County or City: Lucas

Enlistment Date: 28 Jan 1944
Enlistment State: Ohio
Enlistment City: Toledo
Branch: No branch assignment
Branch Code: No branch assignment
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Term of Enlistment: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law
Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life

Education: 2 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 01
Weight: 101

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I'm scratching my head wondering why the Braden story is aligning with the random nonsense Jo has spewed out about Duane.

Remember Ohio?

If the WWII Ted is the same Ted, I have his birthplace and residence when he enlisted, along with claimed usable skill category.

:DB|;):)Put Coffelt in N.O. in 1968 or 1969 - and give him some quirkly traits besides what is known about him and you have a motive for Weber.???????
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I didn't transcribe the captions of Ted's photos.
But this is the article on page 12

We have Ted's unit then: CO C. 505th Inf

Note that the number of freefall jumps claimed (400 at this point)
aligns with the number given by Braden in Der Spiegel in '66 in Africa (the article was '68) or so..Ted wrote (rough translation)

"Qualification: 101. Airborne division, world war II; The master parachutist, 911 registered jumps, under it 695 in the free case; Ex second lieutenant and ex-Sergeant of the US army"

We know the Africa Ted is the SF Ted that Waugh and Plaster confirmed as the Ted in Plaster (and others) books..from RT Colorado and Duncan and Leaping Lena.

A Weekend Thrill
By BOB H. GREABELL, S&S Staff Writer S&S Photos by TONY EVANOSKI

LINDBERGH'S "WE" has been changed to "Me" be a new breed of people called sky divers. These people spend their weekends "up in the air," just for the fun of it.
Using various body positions. It's possible to "fly" over a mile in the air just as free as a bird. These birds, however, are equipped with an altimeter, stop watch, helmet and goggles and two parachutes which they pack themselves.

Only those sky divers who are licensed by the Parachute Club of America (PCA) are eligible and sanctioned to make free-fall jumps. And depending on the number and type Jumps, these free-fall artists earn either a Class A or B license. Class C and D licenses are rare and only the most proficient Jumpers earn one.

Should a jumper violate the PCA safety rules he is grounded, and if the violation is serious enough his license can be taken away from him.

Each skydiving meet must meet the safety requirements of the International Aeronautical Federation, the world governing body, and the PCA.

According to Capt Philip C. Miller, PCA area safety officer for Europe, "The sky diver says 'me' because he is strictly on his own. At the sky diver's signal, he has the aircraft maneuvered to the exact spot where he wants to Jump. Twisting and turning his body, he can do loops, turns, bank and glide before he pulls his chute."

Many sky divers are former combat paratroopers who have devised this new way for thrills. And for added thrills, three or more Jumpers exit the aircraft almost together.

Using a 12-inch baton, these jumpers try to pass It from one jumper to another as they glide, bank and dive toward earth. A double baton pass is between three Jumpers and a triple pass (rare) between four jumpers. "Make sure you hand the baton to me, don't hit me with it as you go by!"

In competitive sky diving, jumpers are required to maneuver their bodies to do figure eights, both forward and backward Inside and outside loops, either 180 or 360 degree alternating turns, barrel rolls and then "track" to the target before popping their chutes.

Tracking is a position which gives the sky diver the necessary body control and speed to move laterally in the air from his exit spot, generally downwind of the target to an upwind position where he opens his chute and maneuvers it to land on the target. And in competitive sky diving, the landings are measured in half inches for scoring.

The targets are brightly colored cloth panels pinned on the ground to form a cross. The panels are 18 inches wide and 36 inches long but look like a lady's petite handkerchief from the air.

Sky divers Jump from aircraft at specific altitudes as prescribed by PCA for time delay jumps. And they free fall anywhere from three seconds to 105 seconds depending on the meet requirements.

The free-fall artist's only aid. on the ground, is a smoke bomb which gives him wind direction. After that he is on his own.

Sgt Ted B. Braden Jr. Co C. 505th Inf, who has about 400 combat and free fall jumps in his record book, is an expert sky diver. What does his wife think about It?

"I just couldn't believe a human being could fly, but my husband loves it and I've learned to enjoy it, too."

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I'm scratching my head wondering why the Braden story is aligning with the random nonsense Jo has spewed out about Duane.

Remember Ohio?

If the WWII Ted is the same Ted, I have his birthplace and residence when he enlisted, along with claimed usable skill category.

:DB|;):)Put Coffelt in N.O. in 1968 or 1969 - and give him some quirkly traits besides what is known about him and you have a motive for Weber.???????

Come on Jo, give me some more than that. Just say what your theory is. Maybe I can dig up something for you, if there's anything new. All I can see is random coincidence.

I've done enough record searching to know that I see random coincidences ALL the time. You don't realize it till you look at a lot of stuff. You have to learn to ignore stuff that doesn't align..you can't grab at random things and say "see that means something"...you need a bunch of alignments..not just random little factoids.

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from Stars and Stripes Archive.

REALLY interesting historical photo, for me.

Jumpers: comment on the form..1959 freefall..what's the rig?

Not Ted, but remember this club sponsored the meet he was in, that I posted about (1961)


Gus Schuettler ©Stars and Stripes
Germany, August, 1959: A member of the 8th Infantry Division's newly-formed Golden Arrow Sports Parachute Club takes the first step into the void. The group, based at the Finthen, Germany, airstrip, started out as an after-hours activity for paratroopers from the 504th Infantry's Company D. When membership was opened to the rest of the 8th Infantry, over 100 applications to join poured in.

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The more I read about Braden, and the history of Army freefall jumping, the more I smell either coverup or absolute incompetence in 38 years of FBI investigation.

Carr always wanted us to accept "FBI is not whuffo"

But I think you have to say "FBI is whuffo" for anything to make sense.

Carr already admitted Braden was never investigated?

how else does one explain that? coverup or incompetence?

Maybe it was outside the FBI that the coverup happened.

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Bruce: if this hangs together, maybe the 505th will have some historic photos...I'll see if I can find a historian

from http://www.history.army.mil/html/forcestruc/lineages/branches/inf/0505in003bn.htm

3d Battalion
505th Infantry Lineage

Constituted 24 June 1942 in the Army of the United States as Company C, 505th Parachute Infantry

Activated 6 July 1942 at Fort Benning, Georgia

(505th Parachute Infantry assigned 10 February 1943 to the 82d Airborne Division)

Reorganized and redesignated 15 December 1947 as Company C, 505th Airborne Infantry

Allotted 15 November 1948 to the Regular Army

Inactivated 1 September 1957 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and relieved from assignment to the 82d Airborne Division; concurrently redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Airborne Battle Group, 505th Infantry

Redesignated 3 July 1968 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 505th Infantry (organic elements concurrently constituted)

Assigned 15 July 1968 to the 82d Airborne Division and activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Inactivated 15 December 1969 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and relieved from assignment to the 82d Airborne Division

Assigned 3 October 1986 to the 82d Airborne Division and activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

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Yet another one.
Here is the full article and photos.
photos are poor.
Suggests Ted was in the Golden Arrow Parachute Club in 1962
(although he probably wasn't in 8th division?..see prior posts)

Going Down
Sky divers at last week's big meet in Gablingen, Germany, put the elevator comapnies to shame with the number of descents they made before a large crowd. In top photo, Sgt Ted Braden of the 8th Div's Golden Arrow Parachute Club leaves the aircraft, while in middle photo two more stunt jumpers, trailing smoke, get together on their way to terra firma.

In the lower picture, Braden is shown once again as he returns to earth. At bottom right, judges (from left) Capt Phillip C. Miller, Mrs. Mary White and German Army Sgt Maj Heinz Girnth keep an eye peeled for the jumpers.

Hidden behind the trio are Sgt George Lane and Sgt Henry Belton. At left Sp6 James Boyle of the 3rd Armd Div's sports parachute club packs up before taking another trip.

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No one had posted about Golden Arrow Sports Parachute Club on DZ.com before. They seem interesting. Right around when Golden Knights was coming together. They travelled to competitions, so the idea that the Golden Knights were the first Army competitors isn't true (I don't know if they said that)

from http://www.stripes.com/article.asp?section=104&article=56773&archive=true

photos (nice!) attached

377: check out picture 2!! Jealous?

1) Sgt. Rudolph Montoya takes jump position during ground practice, as Sfc. Gary A. Botelho, left, stands by.

2) Sfc. Harold Smith, at bottom, and Capt. Garland J. McAbee in action over the Finthen airfield.

Their first step is 2,000 feet down

The 8th Inf Div's new parachute club has no room for hot rods — nor a straightleg who doesn't use his head

By Bob Fleming, Stars and Stripes
European edition, Friday, September 25, 1959

JUMPING on company time wasn't enough for a bunch of paratroopers in the 504th Inf's Co D. So they got together at the Finthen airstrip in Germany after work and took up the fine art of sky diving.

Now they've opened their select club to the rest of the 8th Inf Div. A total of 102 applicants, including a handful of non-jumping "straightlegs," have signed up for the Golden Arrow Sports Parachute Club.

They are undergoing the rigorous training program set up by Capt Garland J. McAbee, CO of Co D and a guy who would jump every day if he could get up there.

"We screen all applicants to eliminate hot rods — guys who will try it once and then quit," said McAbee, who is from Phoenix, Ariz.

He's assisted by three other sky-diving instructors, Sfc Gary A. Botelho, of Monterey, Calif.; Sfc Harold R. Smith, of New Richmond, Ohio, and Sgt Thomas E. Nielsen. All are instructors licensed by the Parachute Club of America (PCA).

The captain is the PCA's regional safety officer for Europe, and he doesn't leave anything to chance.

"All we need is one fatality and this club is through," he emphasized. "But sky diving is definitely safe — if a man uses his head."

In the Golden Arrow there's no place for anyone who can't. Once accepted, the full treatment is given to neophytes and airborne veterans alike.

All are regarded as student parachutists. After completing pre-jump training and conditioning, they make five static-line jumps. Then, if everything looks good to the instructor, a member is ready to pull the ripcord and call himself a sky diver.

Sky divers who belong to the Parachute Club of America come in four grades. Class A members need at least 10 jumps. Class B requires 25 free-fall Jumps, including chute-opening delays of 30 seconds and demonstrated accuracy in landing on target.

Class C sky divers need at least 75 freefall jumps and must be able to pull off certain midair acrobatics. Class D is tops and calls for at least 200 free falls and all sorts of aerial wizardry.

McAbee and the other three instructors are qualified as Class C sky divers. Both McAbee and Botelho have logged more than 300 jumps. A Special Forces and Ranger veteran, McAbee has been airborne since 1943. He's made as many as five jumps in a day.

As a team, McAbee, Botelho and Smith have shown off their sky-diving prowess, in air shows at Wiesbaden, Mainz, Stuttgart and Etain, France, They wear white coveralls, football helmets and goggles, and use 28-foot parachutes with a section removed to improve maneuverability.

The special chutes cost about $500 for the front-and-back rig. They are supplied by the club. Every time he takes a dive, a club member shells out $1.50 for chute maintenance. He also has to learn how to roll his own, under supervision of a parachute rigger.

If you are ever around the drop zones at Finthen or Bad Kreuznach, here's how you tell the players apart: White coveralls mean a Class C expert. The rest of the club's cadre wear brown coveralls, and the boys in blue are apprentice sky divers.

What does McAbee's wife think about sky diving?

"We don't talk about it," he said.

How about his five sons?

"They think it's great."

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Jo : Please explain to me how a person, that when he did something illeagle ,always got caught. Or how someone not even fitting the discription, and had medical promblem's, that would have prevented him from jumping out of a airplane , or,wore glasses. Had no experience "regardless of your claim's"And even himself did not believe he was Cooper. Was Duane. A death bed confession, that did not take place would have been backed up by some evidence that was solid. Further more DNA, didn't match. And every one is telling you no way duane could have been Cooper . Why do you still persist to come up with new storie's. I have spent the same amount of time you have researching Duane and your stories. Only to find there is no evidence, leading to him in any way, fashion or form. I have disproven every senario you have presented. I have spent many hour's researching your storie's ,only to find that there was no basis for them. I realize you must have a hobby may I sugest Video Poker. At least you may win every now and again. Please leave this investigation to those that want to solve it. Or at least help ,and not obscure it or derail it at every turn. Your threat's and contact with agencie's has caused problem's . There would be more people on dropzone if it wasn't for your negative intervention. There may have been people that would have come forward with info. Had it not been for your intervention on documantaries. I realize it is hard to admit a mistake . Jo we both Know there is a solution to this problem and that is help solve it DUANE was not COOPER. The funny part is you Know this and alway's have. Jerry

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Snowmman: I posted a response to your question about sharing info about vietnam. In a response to 377 post I also posted a response to Geoger's question.What I did not answer was a question about pollen made by Jo. The answer is I do believe Tom has checked on this and other thing's I do Know he found some element's he has not made public yet. What they are is up to Tom to Disclose. I personally only no that Tom has stated he has not finished his research. However he is still studying the case. Jerry

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Meanwhile, Jerry slogs through the Washougal looking for a glint of a B 12 snap or the rusted springs of a Navy pack opening band. Long odds, but Jerry knows that rig is out there somewhere. Georger mercifully does not post the odds of Jerry finding it.


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Hi Jerry,
yeah thanks for the reply

you said "Not realy much to share . Just a bunch of nightmares involving the vietnam conflict and the fact that that war is still killing people do to agent orange cancer and the fact the only way you new who the enemy was . was when you were being shot at Let's not forget the restriction's placed on us inregards to lethal engagement."

I've had limited contact with Vietnam vets, but I've found that if you can get them to say 10 words, there's usually 10,000 words that ain't never going to come out...probably for good reason.
I think of that when you bury a little sentence in the middle of your posts...and wonder..just what all is in Jerry's mind on this?

I was thinking the SOG guys had one advantage, if you could call it that. They even said it..when they crossed the fence, it was like they were the VC. Anyone they saw in Laos was a bad guy. So they could shoot first. They were the ones sneaking up, rather than vice versa.

I've not read much about the stuff going on in South Vietnam. Some stuff on some armored divisions protecting roads. I've not read much about any of the big battles. I guess some big ones where bases where attacked.

There's a book out I saw that tries to be a complete history. I'd be curious about what the "plan" was.

I guess if you're there, you want to trust your leaders. I suspect that was hard to do at times.

Sometimes I read stuff, and it seems like there was no workable plan..like we got caught up in Vietnam, and someone decided just send more people and stuff, and that's when they realized that wasn't going to work well, and the whole treating the ARVN as peers etc didn't work.

I don't know. Haven't really read enough.

(edit) Oh and sometimes I think of the possiblity of someone from Vietnam reading this today. And obviously there's a whole nother perspective that we should acknowledge. A lot of vietnamese got killed. We should always acknowledge this site has a global reach...not just US..all with different opinions on what went down there.

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377. Shelly read the post and said she will respond later.She does read them and relate's to orange 1.She like's Geoger and the Snowmman ,although I don't no why(humor)> She Just finished a course in motorcycle safety so she could get her motorcycle indorsement. and ride the motorcycle she stole from me. It's kind of funny but when she set's her mind to do something nothing stops her. Tell your girl friend the secret is love,The heart conection kind.Snowmman in response to your question. Not realy much to share . Just a bunch of nightmares involving the vietnam conflict and the fact that that war is still killing people do to agent orange cancer and the fact the only way you new who the enemy was . was when you were being shot at Let's not forget the restriction's placed on us inregards to lethal engagement.Her is some new's on the cooper case. At 0730 this morning I recieved a phone call from the Fazio's.Geoger: Richard Fazio stated that the FBI first showed up during there lunch hour on Feb 12th exscavation did not go in to full swing untill Wenesday the 13th ,however the agent's did do some digging with shovel's that afternoon. There was some question as to who's propery the money was found on It's location was close to the property line and as we all no now it turned out to be the fazio's . No other property owner was contacted at this time.There still in a state of shock over the national geo documentary.and shared ther view's on it. Just thought you guy's would like to know. Jerry

Thanks Jerry...

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Hi 377: Sorry I haven't responded sooner. We had to go pick up hay for my horses. Jerry is leaving for Washougal on Thursday. Then He is going up to check out our property on the ocean close to Fork's Wa. He'll be gone a few week's. Let your girlfriend Know that I don't allow Jerry to leave with out a, I love You .that alway's work's.Along with a little threat like you better take care of your self or else. Still 23 Yr's is alway's a plus.Yes any man is hard to deal with. Especially Jerry. Still it is worth it. If you work at it, all I do is take charge Ha!Ha! .Still I put up with him .His health is not like it should be So I do worry. It realy doesn't help though he still pushe's himself. I'll let him do so untill I think it will make his condition's worse. Orange 1 You rock Girfriend. Shelly

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When I mentioned that DB Cooper had demanded $200,000, Marianne interjected and said adamantly, “Not he didn’t. He asked for $400,000 at first."

This is not the first time Ive heard/read that
it was 400000 and not 200000. Years ago on a Boeing forum? or perhaps the Peidmont forum?
a poster posted this assertion. He never explained or defended, just stated: 'it was $400,000 not $200,000'. Nobody questioned the statement. I
just let it pass but noted it but I may have copied
into a Word doc - it would take some time to find it.
This has definately been mentioned before by people but this is the first time Ive read any
context (ie. listening to short wave).

Later, the same claim was given me verbally
by a retired Boeing employee who claimed
the actual demand was for $400,000, but was
reduced to $200,000. I dismissed the story then
also -

Now here it is again!

Im wondering if some newspaper ever reported $400,00 in an early account?

However: Schafner's note is specific, quote:

Nov. 24/71 Flight #305
From Portland – Seattle.
Man with a brief case with a bomb – request $200,000 by 1700
As I sat down the stewardess seat handed me a note.
And (I?) wrote down his request.

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Keep at it Bruce… data is data.

Now… I’m going to make an admittedly very bigoted, prejudicial, and skeptical statement. Here goes:
Thun Field (PLU) and Shady Acres (3BB) seem to have a “high degree of strangeness” (a UFOlogist’s term).

What say you, Cousin Bruce, about my bigotry?

What's so strange about Thun Field? It's just my little teeny-weeny airport down the road from home.

Oh, well, and it was the home field for Barb, too! What -you guys don't have pilots with gender-re-assignment surgery down your way in Alabama? Youse guys is slackin'.

As for Shady Acres, it is now the home port of the North American Eagle, the jet car getting ready to break the land-speed record of 763 mph, using a J-79 engine out of an ol' Starfighter.

As far as I know, there have been no crop circles reported lately at either air strip. But they might be keeping that hush-hush. Or, it might be due to the lack of rain. We're in a little drought at the moment.

So, what have you heard about my home ports?

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Jerry Thomas;

I have asked you to leave ME alone. Duane was Cooper and NO ONE has provided any proof that he was not. Your post essentially calls me a LIAR. Well, now I will retailiate - You KNOW that what you are posting about me is NOT the TRUTH. You know that the FBI did NOT investigate Weber. IF the FBI did have proof that Weber was not Cooper - they would have provided that information yrs ago. If the FBI has information to prove Weber was NOT Cooper - they would use that information to make Weber disappear.

The only thing that gets in your crawl is that you were NEVER asked to participate in the documentaries that I did consent to do. I have refused ALL offers since 2002 - have you?

Every time you post - perhaps I should make derogatory and negative posts regarding the things you say - there are many times I could have done so, but I have been courteous enough not to pounce on your post. I expect the same courteousy from you.

from the Covert CIA director of affairs.

Jerry your assignment should you decide to accept it is:

Infiltrate DZ thread on Cooper.

Discredit Jo Weber or shut her up using any means at your disposal..

If you are unsuccessful in discrediting, create havoc and force the thread into lock mode.

Use your interrogation training to break her - she must be stopped at all cost. The subject has compromised our data base on Cooper. This subject must be silenced.

Good Luck Jerry -

PS: If you fail your mission our National Security will be jeopardized:D:D:D

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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hey Jo,
at least for me, I discredited your story long before Jerry showed up.
Why give Jerry a hard time about something that's not true...(Doesn't matter what Jerry thinks or says, in terms of your story and whether I believe it)

Jerry doesn't need to say anything.
I guess he does for whatever reason, but I don't think anyone is going to be swayed by anything Jerry says.

There's nothing to your story. Pretty simple.
It's fine for you to believe it though. Doesn't bother me either way.

(edit) I guess I'm scratching my head wondering why you would think I would listen to Jerry about Duane.
I barely listen to Jerry about anything! :)

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If this Ted Braden really did enlist in Jan 1944, then I'm wondering if it's possible the Ted Braden referenced here in this account from WWII could be the same guy?
I guess you'd have to go thru bootcamp, and get shipped overseas. Could that happen in 10-11 months?
It was the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, which got me thinking...


Second Battalion 501st PIR at Bizory, Belgium
December 1944 through January 1945

The following is this author’s description of the flow of events and action as experienced by the men of Second Battalion, 501 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division beginning on the 18 December 1944 and ending on 15 January 1945.

A fellow Easy trooper, Ted Braden, would crawl out to the listening post alone just after sundown. He knew that by the time he was settled into the listening post two German soldiers would be making their way as quietly as possible from tree to tree along the farm track to their listening post only a few dozen feet away. The Germans always sent two men to such an outpost for they knew one soldier might be tempted to make his way to the American lines and give himself up. Men on listening outpost duty frequently heard snoring from their German counterparts.

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