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georger 247
Quote377. Shelly read the post and said she will respond later.She does read them and relate's to orange 1.She like's Geoger and the Snowmman ,although I don't no why(humor)> She Just finished a course in motorcycle safety so she could get her motorcycle indorsement. and ride the motorcycle she stole from me. It's kind of funny but when she set's her mind to do something nothing stops her. Tell your girl friend the secret is love,The heart conection kind.Snowmman in response to your question. Not realy much to share . Just a bunch of nightmares involving the vietnam conflict and the fact that that war is still killing people do to agent orange cancer and the fact the only way you new who the enemy was . was when you were being shot at Let's not forget the restriction's placed on us inregards to lethal engagement.Her is some new's on the cooper case. At 0730 this morning I recieved a phone call from the Fazio's.Geoger: Richard Fazio stated that the FBI first showed up during there lunch hour on Feb 12th exscavation did not go in to full swing untill Wenesday the 13th ,however the agent's did do some digging with shovel's that afternoon. There was some question as to who's propery the money was found on It's location was close to the property line and as we all no now it turned out to be the fazio's . No other property owner was contacted at this time.There still in a state of shock over the national geo documentary.and shared ther view's on it. Just thought you guy's would like to know. Jerry
Thanks Jerry...
georger 247
This is not the first time Ive heard/read that
it was 400000 and not 200000. Years ago on a Boeing forum? or perhaps the Peidmont forum?
a poster posted this assertion. He never explained or defended, just stated: 'it was $400,000 not $200,000'. Nobody questioned the statement. I
just let it pass but noted it but I may have copied
into a Word doc - it would take some time to find it.
This has definately been mentioned before by people but this is the first time Ive read any
context (ie. listening to short wave).
Later, the same claim was given me verbally
by a retired Boeing employee who claimed
the actual demand was for $400,000, but was
reduced to $200,000. I dismissed the story then
also -
Now here it is again!
Im wondering if some newspaper ever reported $400,00 in an early account?
However: Schafner's note is specific, quote:
Nov. 24/71 Flight #305
From Portland – Seattle.
Man with a brief case with a bomb – request $200,000 by 1700
As I sat down the stewardess seat handed me a note.
And (I?) wrote down his request.
QuoteKeep at it Bruce… data is data.
Now… I’m going to make an admittedly very bigoted, prejudicial, and skeptical statement. Here goes:
Thun Field (PLU) and Shady Acres (3BB) seem to have a “high degree of strangeness” (a UFOlogist’s term).
What say you, Cousin Bruce, about my bigotry?
What's so strange about Thun Field? It's just my little teeny-weeny airport down the road from home.
Oh, well, and it was the home field for Barb, too! What -you guys don't have pilots with gender-re-assignment surgery down your way in Alabama? Youse guys is slackin'.
As for Shady Acres, it is now the home port of the North American Eagle, the jet car getting ready to break the land-speed record of 763 mph, using a J-79 engine out of an ol' Starfighter.
As far as I know, there have been no crop circles reported lately at either air strip. But they might be keeping that hush-hush. Or, it might be due to the lack of rain. We're in a little drought at the moment.
So, what have you heard about my home ports?
Jerry Thomas;
I have asked you to leave ME alone. Duane was Cooper and NO ONE has provided any proof that he was not. Your post essentially calls me a LIAR. Well, now I will retailiate - You KNOW that what you are posting about me is NOT the TRUTH. You know that the FBI did NOT investigate Weber. IF the FBI did have proof that Weber was not Cooper - they would have provided that information yrs ago. If the FBI has information to prove Weber was NOT Cooper - they would use that information to make Weber disappear.
The only thing that gets in your crawl is that you were NEVER asked to participate in the documentaries that I did consent to do. I have refused ALL offers since 2002 - have you?
Every time you post - perhaps I should make derogatory and negative posts regarding the things you say - there are many times I could have done so, but I have been courteous enough not to pounce on your post. I expect the same courteousy from you.
from the Covert CIA director of affairs.
Jerry your assignment should you decide to accept it is:
Infiltrate DZ thread on Cooper.
Discredit Jo Weber or shut her up using any means at your disposal..
If you are unsuccessful in discrediting, create havoc and force the thread into lock mode.
Use your interrogation training to break her - she must be stopped at all cost. The subject has compromised our data base on Cooper. This subject must be silenced.
Good Luck Jerry -
PS: If you fail your mission our National Security will be jeopardized
snowmman 3
at least for me, I discredited your story long before Jerry showed up.
Why give Jerry a hard time about something that's not true...(Doesn't matter what Jerry thinks or says, in terms of your story and whether I believe it)
Jerry doesn't need to say anything.
I guess he does for whatever reason, but I don't think anyone is going to be swayed by anything Jerry says.
There's nothing to your story. Pretty simple.
It's fine for you to believe it though. Doesn't bother me either way.
(edit) I guess I'm scratching my head wondering why you would think I would listen to Jerry about Duane.
I barely listen to Jerry about anything! :)
snowmman 3
I guess you'd have to go thru bootcamp, and get shipped overseas. Could that happen in 10-11 months?
It was the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, which got me thinking...
Second Battalion 501st PIR at Bizory, Belgium
December 1944 through January 1945
The following is this author’s description of the flow of events and action as experienced by the men of Second Battalion, 501 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division beginning on the 18 December 1944 and ending on 15 January 1945.
A fellow Easy trooper, Ted Braden, would crawl out to the listening post alone just after sundown. He knew that by the time he was settled into the listening post two German soldiers would be making their way as quietly as possible from tree to tree along the farm track to their listening post only a few dozen feet away. The Germans always sent two men to such an outpost for they knew one soldier might be tempted to make his way to the American lines and give himself up. Men on listening outpost duty frequently heard snoring from their German counterparts.
yeah thanks for the reply
you said "Not realy much to share . Just a bunch of nightmares involving the vietnam conflict and the fact that that war is still killing people do to agent orange cancer and the fact the only way you new who the enemy was . was when you were being shot at Let's not forget the restriction's placed on us inregards to lethal engagement."
I've had limited contact with Vietnam vets, but I've found that if you can get them to say 10 words, there's usually 10,000 words that ain't never going to come out...probably for good reason.
I think of that when you bury a little sentence in the middle of your posts...and wonder..just what all is in Jerry's mind on this?
I was thinking the SOG guys had one advantage, if you could call it that. They even said it..when they crossed the fence, it was like they were the VC. Anyone they saw in Laos was a bad guy. So they could shoot first. They were the ones sneaking up, rather than vice versa.
I've not read much about the stuff going on in South Vietnam. Some stuff on some armored divisions protecting roads. I've not read much about any of the big battles. I guess some big ones where bases where attacked.
There's a book out I saw that tries to be a complete history. I'd be curious about what the "plan" was.
I guess if you're there, you want to trust your leaders. I suspect that was hard to do at times.
Sometimes I read stuff, and it seems like there was no workable we got caught up in Vietnam, and someone decided just send more people and stuff, and that's when they realized that wasn't going to work well, and the whole treating the ARVN as peers etc didn't work.
I don't know. Haven't really read enough.
(edit) Oh and sometimes I think of the possiblity of someone from Vietnam reading this today. And obviously there's a whole nother perspective that we should acknowledge. A lot of vietnamese got killed. We should always acknowledge this site has a global reach...not just US..all with different opinions on what went down there.
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