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DB Cooper

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If you were telling the truth, that you had evidence proving Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, then who cares about whether Jerry might have given you confusing local directions or information or even misleading info? It shouldn't matter one bit now that you have proof Duane was Cooper, right?

Your readiness to descend with intense vigor into the depths of irrelevant moot trivial details tells me that you don't have the evidence you claimed to have. Prove me wrong. I am waiting and so is everyone else.

I don't like taking you to task but I will until you either prove what you promised or withdraw your incredible claims.

I think the government is wasting my tax money paying Jerry to discredit you. You are doing a first rate job yourself.

Sometimes I feel like I am channeling Orange 1. I used to be so sympathetic. Now it's tough love Jo. Stand and deliver or back down and apologise for making unfounded extravagant claims.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We are waiting for verification of dates of specifc incidences occuring in the life of a certain person. If the FBI cared at all they could get this information with the click of a few computer keys - but we have to find it the old fashion way. This is what is holding us up - then comes the very very hard part - this person's life crossed with that of another - whose life was forever changed........with this information we have opportunity, jump exposer and MOTIVE. The lives of several individuals turned and not for the better.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Duane, Jo and Jerry plan a plane hijack.

They never pull it off, getting arrested arguing with each other at the gate, about who didn't pay their full share of a diner breakfast bill 18 years ago.

The arresting agent is promoted to Special Agent, because of his exemplary work in breaking the case.

A new Division of Homeland Security is created to try to emulate such investigative success.

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How did Braden desert? Did he fail to return from a leave or did he skip out in Nam,? How did deserters get out of Nam?


there were some details in the babelfish Der Spiegel translation, but I'll post when I get the original article.
It is a curious issue.

I'm also curious about how he spent 123 days in solitary in Fort Dix, with jump experience, in 1966, and he never showed up on a "let's find out where this guy is" list in 1971. Even though they know he got released. I thought they checked jail stuff. Did they not check military jail stuff???

Maybe he didn't use enough foul language for Himmelsbach?

Maybe Sluggo is lying and Braden was investigated?

What about Rex Jaco? Is Bruce "the guy who gives good phone" going to find out what the FBI asked Jaco when they "interrogated" him? When and where? What's it like to get FBI interrogation? Do they give you candy?

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On the trip with Duane, or the trip where you met Jerry, I'm curious about your memory. You have an amazing memory.

Do you remember where you ate breakfast each day? What you ordered? Who paid the bill?

I'm just wondering about the limits of memory here, and what things got remembered and which didn't.

What kind of shoes were you wearing?

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Orange1. I have discussed this with Ralph. And Ralph Hope who was one of the Agent's involved with this case. Both have stated that Cooper only requested 200,000 . Any other info is incorrect. Or a figment of someone's imagination.It's just another atempt to add mystery to this case.Jerry

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On the trip with Duane, or the trip where you met Jerry, I'm curious about your memory. You have an amazing memory


I have never met Jerry.


Do you remember where you ate breakfast each day? What you ordered? Who paid the bill?

Breakfast on the day we stayed at the Dalles was our snacks we took with us and so was lunch. Dinner was in Seattle - and it was late. We ate near the Men's club at some cafe on that street within walking distance....same side as The Mens Club.

I'm just wondering about the limits of memory here, and what things got remembered and which didn't.


What kind of shoes were you wearing?

the first day in Salt Lake and before we got to Seattle I had on white tennis shoes and shorts and flowery top (I remember this because of pictures, but also that Duane had told me it would be a warm day and I could start out in shorts). The morning at the Dalles - I don't remember because I didn't take any pictures that day.;):D


Ask my kids how I remember what they were wearing when I am doing 105 miles per hour in a Bel Air with one child bleeding to death in the seat next to me.
The Highway patrol was behind me with sirens as I went thru a school zone. I refused to stop and he then passed me (I was reading 105) and escorted me with his sirens - I had kept shaking my head as he had come along side pointing to something in the seat and he saw the other child STANDING up in the seat - I am say no no and Shaking my head. REFUSING to pull over. The yr was 1964.

At the intersection near Castleberry and Maitland, I turned instead of going straight as he thought I was headed to the Hospital. I was going to my Drs. Office - His name was Dr. Overstreet. He then doubled back thinking I had hoodwinked him and spoke with the nurse who told him had carried in a child who had a serious injury and had lost a lot of blood and that things where under control. I never did get to meet that patrolman. How different it is today - I would have been arrested and charged with child endangerment.

She would probably have lost her toe and part of her foot if had I gone to the hospital......

Sharon was wearing a pink checkered top with rickrack and shorts. I don't remember what the injured daughter was wearing - all I remember is all of the blood and the bottom part of foot hanging off...I had grabbed a dish towel since I was in the kitchen when it happened. They had been watching one of the cartoons on TV and dancing around just as I told them to be careful of their cereal bowls - then it happened. We had terazzo floors and the bowls where glass.

Does this help...I might not remember mundane everyday incidents - but, ask me about the trips I took with my parents as a child --- no don't ask unless you want more of the above. How many birthday cakes I have had - I can count them on one hand. How many birthday parties I had - also on one hand. Who attended both birthday parties. One was all adults and I was only 5 yrs old. The other was my 16th birthday. Ask me what was served on my 5th birthday - of course my favorite food and on fine china and with crystal.

As for the WA trip - no I didn't know where I was but I know what I saw. I could not make Jerry understand me. He had me where I was not. Then in 2001 the crew didn't take me to the right places - and they know I was ADAMANT the places they took me were NOT right.

Then my last day in WA and that female truck driver - I described the places to her. I gave her the same descriptions I had given Jerry for 5 yrs and went right to them - screaming stop stop stop turn turn turn. Anyone with me would have known I had found my places....the places Jerry told me didn't exist.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377. I have never mislead Jo. It is the other way around. All I have done is check out her claim's and searched the area's she has requested. With each search Ralph and I discussed it. Jo has sent Map's. But even these did not come into play untill after she came out to this area in 2001. Jerry

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Jo Never Happened. If it had why didn't you tell me this back in 1998.All you could remember was that you went accros the I 5 bridge.Further more why didn't you bring this up when they did documantaries.You Know the one's there was only two .The first one was when you stated that you was positive that Duane's plane ticket was buried with the ruber duckie.You couldn't remember where it was buried. But yet you marked it's exact location . Denie that . Please! Then watch the video.Jerry

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Okay I'm no psychologist, Jo, but I think the way your brain processes stuff is off the median of the curve. i.e. just different than the median.

It may affect the way you see linkages..i.e you're used to remembering things other people don't, and seeing things that other people don't see. So you've gained confidence that you can see linkages that other people don't, because in other situations, you have.

It's actually a good thing to forget things. Frees the mind up to do other things. Human's ability to forget is as important to their evolution as their ability to remember.

There's no good way for you to be wrong, unless someone else is proved to be Cooper. That's the most likely way your situation gets resolved. I think that's why we kind of don't pay attention. Probability says the Duane option is the least likely resolution of this thing. (edit) same can be said for some other suspects.

I still can't figure out why Jerry bothers arguing with Jo. It seems to take credibility away from his other arguments.

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I've been trying to tease sentences out of Google Books on the Ramparts article..they don't allow preview, but I can get little snippets..(I use secret Google ju-jitsu here...get a couple words at a time...patience is a virtue)..
example snippet used to assemble stuff below:

these sentences were maybe prescient:

History - 1967

Page 22
Braden was almost a pioneer of the form and was recruited to help bring at least two Vietnamese to some level of expertise for the mission..

Braden is among those professionals who appear to have a secret death wish, coupled with well-trained instincts for survival.

He continually places himself in unnecessary danger but always manages to get away with it. At one time he was forbidden to free-fall for violating safety regulations. The rules state a jumper must pull and be in the saddle before he reaches 2000 feet. Braden makes a habit of waiting until he is well below 1000 feet.

Falling at 174 feet a second, if his main chute malfunctioned and he pulled his reserve, he would have to run the last hundred feet to get it open. ..

was chained to a stanchion and we were in the air on the first leg of my return to the USA. A waiting sedan whisked me to the Fort Dix stockade where I was ...

For three and a half days I was subjected to intensive psychological interrogation. Why did you desert from Vietnam? What are the names of everyone you've...

to spend the next 123 days and 14 hours in solitary confinement

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Snowmman. The only reason I argue with Jo. Is because with every statement she make's Or new story she present's. Give's other people the impresion that the case is solved. I have talked to many people that has believed her stories.When I give them the fact's of this case they can't believe how Jo come's up with these stories.Still there is a percentage of people that believe's her. It is posible that the one person that may have info that could solve this case would have come forward.If it was not for Jo's alligation's. There is alway's a risk that one person will think to themself's ,that the info they may have is useless. Because of Jo's stories. Jerry

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Snowmman. The only reason I argue with Jo. Is because with every statement she make's Or new story she present's. Give's other people the impresion that the case is solved. I have talked to many people that has believed her stories.When I give them the fact's of this case they can't believe how Jo come's up with these stories.Still there is a percentage of people that believe's her. It is posible that the one person that may have info that could solve this case would have come forward.If it was not for Jo's alligation's. There is alway's a risk that one person will think to themself's ,that the info they may have is useless. Because of Jo's stories. Jerry

So you're thinking that people who have evidence on who Dan Cooper was, hear Jo's story and think "Oh it was Duane Weber, I must just be mistaken"

Sounds like they would have pretty weak evidence.

What people are you talking about? I thought the latest documentary never mentioned Duane. Most accounts I read just mention Duane as a host of wannabees..Gossett etc.

In fact, you're probably the only person on the planet that engages Jo on this!

(edit) I think a bigger percentage of people talk about McCoy, because the FBI guys talked him up.

(edit) Oh Jerry: if there are any questions about my sources, like if you talk to Himmelsbach, be sure to put in a word for Snowmman Industries. Sure we have overwhelming market share globally right now, but these things can turn against you in a second (witness Blackwater)..so we always need a good plug in high places.

Plus our prices are dropping! Labor Day is just around the corner.

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Remember when we were in the Golden Knights back in the day, and almost everyone had the Right Hand Outboard Pull mod...

man, that plus we had women too!

(pic attached)
from http://flightability.bizland.com/page2.htm

Thanks to the orange-colored-1.

I see a couple right hand pulls in the first photo. (at least 3? possibly all the men???) Correct me if I'm wrong.

More left hand (inboard) pulls visible in the second...but you can see the mix in both. Women in the pic all have left hand pulls?

Plus Check the Dude on the right in the first pic.
He's more Cooperish than Duane! Funny!

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Snowmman: Would it be weak evidence.How would any one Know.Unless they come forward. If they believed Jo they would not. Catch my drift. many time's in the past people have not came forward because of faulse info. There has been many documented case's that inocent people have been exicutted because of info with held by those that did not believe the info mattered.Would you like to be responsble that. I know I wouldn't It's your call.Jerry

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Snowmman: Would it be weak evidence.How would any one Know.Unless they come forward. If they believed Jo they would not. Catch my drift. many time's in the past people have not came forward because of faulse info. There has been many documented case's that inocent people have been exicutted because of info with held by those that did not believe the info mattered.Would you like to be responsble that. I know I wouldn't It's your call.Jerry

Here's how:

Most people are not Jo!
Most people know weak vs strong evidence!
Most US Citizens have half a brain!
No one is going to get executed because of Flight 305!
You claim about many executions being erroneous is not supported by data!
I will be responsible for all executions caused by this thread! They're due to me!
This thread reaches 10 million people in the world! Not!
Just one woman (well 2 if you count Jo! 3 if you count Shelly!).

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Snowmman. Again you know what I was refering too. Debate is not a option. Go Figure if you can. Shelly say's Hi and chuckled on your last post.Jerry

Failure is not an option
Page 221


My greatest fear approaching launch day was that I would lose one or more of my books. To assure that they were easy to find, I used pictures of various striking young women from the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition for all my book covers. The controllers knew about my book covers and, if one were missing, this virtually guaranteed a prompt return. I went back and forth daily between the office and Mission Control with my four large distinctively covered volumes under my arms.

Title: Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond
Author: Gene Kranz
Publisher: Simon and Schuster, 2001
ISBN 0743214471, 9780743214476

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Three full pairs of shoes are visible in the first attached picture.

The two on the right are frenchies. You can tell by the thick sole, right?

The leftmost pair has thinner soles. Not the same.

What kind of shoe is it?

another try possibly is the second pic.

The guy's shoes in between the two women wearing white.
(black jumpsuit legs with diagonal strip/zipper?)
What kind of shoe?

Hint: These are not professionals. They're Golden Knights.

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