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DB Cooper

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Snowmman. Why ask that question !You already Know the answer.Jerry

Because every answer needs a question.
Doesn't matter the order. If the answer is given, then the question has to be asked to complete the couplet.

Otherwise the universe becomes unbalanced, and we spin off into a black hole.

"He who shall jump the jet
Shall always live to take the bet"

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What about Rex Jaco? Is Bruce "the guy who gives good phone" going to find out what the FBI asked Jaco when they "interrogated" him? When and where? What's it like to get FBI interrogation? Do they give you candy?

You must be psychic Snow, I was just going to send you a PM about Rex. He's next on my list to call, right after Hetrick and assorted calls to Stroudsburg and White Haven, and oh- yeah, Rataczak to ask about the $400K

Your questions about the FBi's investigatio are excatly the kind I plan on asking.

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377. I don't understand what you mean when you say the government is paying me. I have never recieved a dime. Nor has it been requested. I have always funded my own research. Jerry


You are taking my sarcastic post too literally

I don't think you are paid to discredit Jo or that you are on a mission to suppress the "truth" about Duane. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not

My best regards to Shelly

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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By my look, Rex Jaco was about 36 years old in 1971.
Be good for Bruce to get a better confirmation.

Now explain to me why the FBI would be talking to someone 36 years old?

I thought Ckret said they were really positive on the age from the witnesses. He wouldn't budge on that when I pressed it.

I wonder how many people in their 30s were interviewed?

Are half of the 1000+ list <40 years old or ???
do we even know? I don't think they're all in the target age group?

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Jo Never Happened. If it had why didn't you tell me this back in 1998.All you could remember was that you went accros the I 5 bridge.Further more why didn't you bring this up when they did documantaries.You Know the one's there was only two .The first one was when you stated that you was positive that Duane's plane ticket was buried with the ruber duckie.You couldn't remember where it was buried. But yet you marked it's exact location . Denie that . Please! Then watch the video.Jerry

Yes I thought he had buried something with the dog but it was so gross when we found him no one wanted to examine the orfices - he was almost soup, because he had been buried in a big plastic bag and then put in a plastic container.

I NEVER SAID WE went across the I-5 bridge - YOU TOLD me that was where we had to have went. YOU kept insisting we went in to Portland and we did NOT until the return trip home. You are doing the same thing you did on the phone and have done before in this forum - ENOUGH is ENOUGH!.

From yours and the experience of others you are aware the documentaries only use about 1 minute out of 5 hours of filming. If someone only does well on a one on one basis they do not do well in front of a camera..it can be more confusing.

YOU are the one who had me confused about where I was by by insisting I went to Portland and insisting we crossed the I-5 bridge. Who was I to argue this until I went to WA in 2001. I contacted you and told you I found the places - even then you insisted you were right and that LaCames Lake was NOT possible.

What you are doing on this forum and did to me on the phone prior to 2001 and the conversation you had with me where you called me Liar Liar over and over - are tactics used on prisoners of war. Stop this I am not your victim anymore and I refuse to be - I also refuse to step to your level. You are the one who has to live with what you say and for your reasons for doing so.

By the WAY to ALL. How would you get I-5 bridge out of this description. We crossed the Columbia after we left the Dalles. Where we crossed - there were lots of Boats on our right and it didn't look like a river. After we crossed the Columbia at that is point we went down a road for several miles thru forest and he told me about Indina grounds on the WA sided till we came to an area were the highway had been widened - and I went look at the atlas because he thought he had missed his turn - but before I could find the area we turned into this town and then I tell you about the camp and the Washougal and the point and the area across this body of water.

This is the point you claimed he took me back to the Columbia when that is not what he did - it was the only way you could explain away the the quiet wide body of water - you NOT one time mentioned Lake LaCames.

The map I had did not show a lake as it was too small and I did acquire a larger map at a later date that showed the Lake, but that was AFTER I had returned to FL. Had I have had that map prior to my trip - that documentary would have been informative and not what it was.

PS: For the record one last time.
The filming company is who decided not to use Jerry - NOT me. I asked where he was and they told me he WAS NOT AVAILABLE.

Sorry, but you guys have heard this before - life is to short to continue this. I can be called dilusional, but I don't dare say what I think about someone else.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo said "when we found him no one wanted to examine the orfices"

See the thing I can't understand, is that I can't picture that the plan was
"First we dig up the dog, then we examine the orifices"

Did someone articulate the orifice plan before the digging commenced, or did you make that up?

I'm starting to see Jerry's point. The orifice issue doesn't make sense.

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Jo said "when we found him no one wanted to examine the orfices"

See the thing I can't understand, is that I can't picture that the plan was
"First we dig up the dog, then we examine the orifices"

Did someone articulate the orifice plan before the digging commenced, or did you make that up?

I'm starting to see Jerry's point. The orifice issue doesn't make sense.

I had never smelled a body in that stage of decomp. I was horrible - horrible - gross. No one wanted to pull him apart to see if there was anything tucked under or in the arm pit or in his mouth. They turned him over and poked at him - the body was intact, but soupy. They thought maybe Duane had tucked it up under him and one of them suggested it might be inside of him - in other words orfice may not be the right word - it could have been in a cavity and it could have be tucked up high enough under the arms to be absorbed into the body soup.

They did not expect to find the body in that type of decomp - expected it to be - dried up and bones and hair. No one realized how well Duane had packed him for his burial. His blanket, his duck, in a large thick plastic bag taped and sealed and the in a large Hi-impact plastic container.

I don't the know the technical lanuage, but you get the drift.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo Never Happened. If it had why didn't you tell me this back in 1998.All you could remember was that you went accros the I 5 bridge.Further more why didn't you bring this up when they did documantaries.You Know the one's there was only two .The first one was when you stated that you was positive that Duane's plane ticket was buried with the ruber duckie.You couldn't remember where it was buried. But yet you marked it's exact location . Denie that . Please! Then watch the video.Jerry

Jerry if I had known exactly where the dog was buried then I would not have needed all of that equipment they brought with them. I had some local volunteers prior who had been out with their equipment several time to try and find the grave with no luck. I have the name and card of the equipment people - do you want to contact them? They found the dog NOT me.

It took that team a while to find him. You are well aware that they do stage some of the filming. I only watched the film one time and it was so gross - there were lots of things I did not agree with. The questions were out of sequence and it didn't make much sense....JUST like they did with Tom Kaye.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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By the WAY to ALL. How would you get I-5 bridge out of this description. We crossed the Columbia after we left the Dalles. Where we crossed - there were lots of Boats on our right and it didn't look like a river. After we crossed the Columbia at that is point we went down a road for several miles thru forest and he told me about Indina grounds on the WA sided till we came to an area were the highway had been widened - and I went look at the atlas because he thought he had missed his turn - but before I could find the area we turned into this town and then I tell you about the camp and the Washougal and the point and the area across this body of water.

Your description back then had me thinking that you crossed either at Hood River or further West at Cascade Locks (Bridge of the Gods), and then shortly after passing Beacon Rock descended down out of the forest and hit flatter land just after Bonneville Dam. Not too far after that is Washougal. Your description definitely did not have me thinking I-5 bridge.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Found an interesting newsletter from 1970 online

had an article that reinforces how we aren't really right in our perceptions of ages involved in Vietnam military

Fire Base 173
Contents From VOL. III, NO. 19 August 31, 1970


NCO Leaps For Joy

LZ ENGLISH- The "First Shirt" of the States Army Parachute Team, The Golden Knights, is now the Sergeant Major of 2d Bn, 503d Inf. CSM John T Hollis, was the top NCO of the Golden Knights from 1959, when the team was formed, until 1963. The team started with 26 senior jumpers that graduated from Special Forces first HALO, High Altitude-Low Opening, class. They were originally called the "Strac Parachute Team." Their purpose was to test and develop Army free fall techniques and equipment.
Hollis made his first free fall jump while stationed with the 11th Airborne Division in Japan in 1946. He had been in parachute maintenance and when the opportunity presented itself he "jumped" at the chance. The early problem encountered with the "Knights" were many. Hollis' job was to take a group of experienced jumpers and form a crack performance team. They had problems obtaining support and aircraft that could fly high encough. Still they pressed on.
Today you can see the results of Hollis' work, and many like him, in airshows, exhibitions and international competition almost anywhere in the world. "

other issues (photos on the pages)

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JHC, you dug up a dead dog?? I am amazed, but OK.

But come on Jo- if you guys really thought there was something there that would conclusively link Duane to Cooper, you would have got rubber gloves, pegged your noses, and found it. Your story doesn't add up to me.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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JHC, you dug up a dead dog?? I am amazed, but OK.

But come on Jo- if you guys really thought there was something there that would conclusively link Duane to Cooper, you would have got rubber gloves, pegged your noses, and found it. Your story doesn't add up to me.

I'm wondering how you can get a whole group of people to agree to the proposal that "all men are created equal"...whoops I mean "it makes sense that Duane may have buried a plane ticket inside a dead dog"

Do people bury things with dead dogs a lot? Is it a common crime investigation technique to dig up all recently deceased pets? I'm wondering.

If my neighbor buries his dog, should I dig it up in the middle of the night, in case there is some good stuff in the orifices?

Is there something good buried in the middle of the meditation walkway in the woods I described?
How deep do I need to dig to be sure?

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How deep do I need to dig to be sure?

If it has to do with Duane you need to dig 2" more than you did. Let me expand

while(evidence != Duane)
check your orifaces;
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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page 16 of "Never Suck A Dead Man's Hand: Curious Adventures of a CSI" by Dana Kollmann


Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Citadel (February 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0806528222
ISBN-13: 978-0806528229

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"it makes sense that Duane may have buried a plane ticket inside a dead dog"

I see I wasn't the only one pondering this amazing almost stupifying event.

It is living testament to Jo's incredible powers of persuasion.

I mean look at me. I am STILL searching for evidence of CA state prison inmate smoke jumpers.
I am lucky. That's a lot easier than exhuming long dead dogs.

Think about it. Jo has a rare and powerful talent. We need to figure out how to harness it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Is there something good buried in the middle of the meditation walkway in the woods I described?
How deep do I need to dig to be sure?

Dig until you reach C9 shroud lines or an NB 6 rig. Nothing else matters.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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thinking about it a bit further (cos thinking is a good thing to do, sometimes...)
wtf would anyone bury something with a dog? either you want to get rid of it (which you do properly), or you leave it somewhere if you want people to find it. You don't act like some cliched mystery novel that gets found in the bargain bins.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Orange1 thunk: "You don't act like some cliched mystery novel that gets found in the bargain bins."

Is there a dime novel where someone buried something with the dead dog?

I might be able to find it with more hints.

I've never heard of one. I guess there's stories where people bury things with dead humans? Treasures etc.

377 talked about heroin etc with body bags?

Maybe Jo smuggled dope in body bags, which made her think the plane ticket in the dog was a reasonable proposition?

Jo: did you ever smuggle dope out of Vietnam? I only ask because, in context, it seems like a reasonable proposition.
Or maybe you were the pilot? Jo: can you fly a C-123K? I need someone....still.

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