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DB Cooper

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yeah, like everything here, nothing is really proof.
But it's interesting.
Note the incident was 2003. The 2005 report was a resolution of the court case that resulted. It had some more detail about the 2003 event.

You can read various things into it: for instance 500+ gallons of oil floated, and spreads a lot. Some probably beached in other places. But the reports came from where people go.

But the money likely didn't float.

I think you only worry about currents if you're trying to get the current/water flow as the sole mechanism for deposit at Tena Bar.

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I did see that Commons stuff in Ostrom's award bio, COOL!

Being a Berkeley grad I was pleased to see Williamson share the prize with her.

Hey Orange, would you let Baby O skydive when she turns 18? My boy is showing some interest and my ex thinks it's nearly child abuse to facilitate it.

I really like it when Snow and Georger collabaorate and even spar on Tena Bar stuff. I am leaning more towards dredge transport all the time.

Jo hasnt answered my question as to how Duane could have known that a 727 could be jumped. I was an airplane fanatic and a jumper in 1971 and I was very surprised to learn that it could be done.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Ok, back to the serious business of squeezing a dime out of a nickel.

Say that Orange1's kid happens to find a Cooper twenty on a beach in SA. Maybe some NB-6 hardware too. How can we make that happen? There's got to be some nice beaches down there. Is it summer now? perfect!

It's perfect. We have everything lined up. We've got the scientist with electron microscopes. The crazy woman saying how Duane was in Africa once. Bruce with the background story on Braden and Africa, with some cow mutilation stuff for color when things get boring. We've got the Vietnam vet.
377 has the test dummy for the recreation.

And South Africa is primed to be the world's focus, with the World Cup next year.

I think we leak the story first with a reporter on TV 3 in Slovenia, so it's not in English, and people are trying to decipher it first just from the graphics.

Then flights to Johannesburg are hard to get, so the story gets dragged out further while the world media scrambles to Orange1's door.

PLUS: the kid ain't old enough to speak yet, (other than cute gurgles) so she won't spill the beans.

Now: were does the money come from?
Well Snowmman Industries has the 90 day futures market on 40mm grenades all tied down. I'm selling like crazy.

When the Mini-Orange-Cooper story hits the news, everyone will forget about war for a week...The price on 40mm grenades drops, I buy to cover my shorts, and we all pocket the difference.

377 gets some consult fees on this test dummy. Everyone can work their own private deals.

And it'll be better to have the hoax spread out across a bunch of countries. Makes jurisdiction issues messier. And don't have to worry so much about CIA rendition flights lately.

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This beats balloon boy big time!

....but you know Orange will never permit Baby O to be part of any disreputable hoax, no matter how big the payoff.

Keep movin them 40mms Snow till we figure out a plan B.

Wouldnt it just be astounding if a real undamaged Cooper 20 showed up OUS? That would make my day for sure.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Kindly explain how Duane knew that a 727 airstair could be successfully deployed in flight?

I have a complete Multi hundred page 727 flight manual and it doesn't address the issue.

Certainly an aircraft paint contractor/supplier would not need this kind of specialized system information.


[:/]Perplexed by the question.
Even John (Duane's brother told me that Duane had access to the schematics and knowledge of the 727 due to his own involvement). John conveniently neglected to inform me of the OTHER involvement regarding the Boeing contract with Sherwin William or the extensive involvement of the family with Corporate and Labs of Boeing.

If you were a young man and your family was involved in a new space station they helped develope and where involved in - would you not have reason to know all about it you could? You can be sure this aft stairs would have been mentioned along the line -- the aft stairs would be computed in the estimate of costs and/or applications.
What about the people who finished the planes out - the painting, etc - they knew the aft stairs was there? They probably found out somewhere along the line it could be opened in the air.

Remember Cooper was NOT to clear on this - he asked to TAKE-OFF with the aft stairs open. With this in mind - the question could be mute. What is more important is HOW he KNEW you could jump from the aft-stairs.

If he had a family connection to the Boeing - I would think those might be some of the few who knew this other than just those involved in the design and construction. The Boeing was DEFINITELY looked at for its military options - again - family connections. Even though I cannot prove it, I am aware Duane was involved in some covert "stuff" between 1962 and 1968 - about 2 yrs of that time was spent in prison. We again have "FAMILY" connecting Duane to Bay of Pigs and JMWAVE did purchase a couple of 727's - per information provided, again I believe by someone on the forum and in a Web page

When I was looking at the Boeing film clips we had regarding the possible use of the Boeings in Vietnam I made an observation I did not share and something I just discounted on my own...figured it was impossible, but would some one direct me back to that clip and give me the date of the clip. My mind is short circuiting tonight due to an incident with my health and don't want to take up precious time trying to find it again. Takes me 2 hrs to do what you guys do in 2 minutes.

When I spoke of Sherwin Williams I was not talking about a connection with a store (accept for the parents being provided with a francise to run in Huntington) but Corporate and Laboratories - this was in Ohio and Ill.

No one looks for motive - Cooper had a motive and he chose Boeing, the 727 and WA for valid reasons. The FBI forgot about Motive - the amount of money asked for - should have gave any profiler reason to look beyond a simple hijacking. This jump was about getting even and a man in dire straights with no one or anything to fall back on. This was a man whose connections to Boeing where outside of the perimenters the FBI explored. The FBI looked for someone within Boeing, but they didn't take that next step.

Why did the FBI checked on previous employees of Boeing?
The FBI didn't take the search to the next level...the family members of those who profited by family connections to Boeing and whose grudge was with those individuals and NOT with Boeing. The FBI investigated several prior and what was then current employees - they were looking for that grudge - Cooper spoke of and Tina asked him about. Why did Tina think Cooper had a grudge (she asked him the question according to the FOIA). Cooper had to have SAID something we have never been told or perhaps something never told to the FBI by Tina.

The limitations of the conversation between Tina and Cooper definitely had to involve more than what has been reported by the FBI or then maybe Tina felt sorry for Cooper.
Some men have the ability to manipulate how a woman perceives him.

Tina in every sense of the word was traumatized - and God's word and what she had at her hands is how she dealt with it. She not only felt fear for her life in the event he tried to take her with him, but she actually felt sorry for him. I believe he actually apologized or threaten her verbally (probably both) - fear and compassion often get confused in a hostage situation and in relationships.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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And don't have to worry so much about CIA rendition flights lately.

The ACLU has filed suit on behalf of "terror" prisoners who were transported abroad for torture, not directly against the US Govt, but against Jeppesen, a flight planning and aero chart company which helped plan the flights. The US Govt has intervened, asked for dismissal due to the risk of "state secrets" being exposed and the fight is on.

Somehow this will benefit Snowmman Industries, you can bank on that.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Duane had access to the schematics and knowledge of the 727

Prove Duane could read and correctly interepret an aircraft system schematic. Did he have any engineering training?

I have the 727 flight manual with many system schematics, and I know how to read them, but I cannot tell that a 727 is jumpable from reading the schematics or text.

Even the NWA pilots and flight engineeer were not aware of the 727s ability to serve as a jumpship, so how did Duane know?

I do think there are probably clues in Cooper's converstaions with Tina, but we may never know what was said.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I was reading some interesting papers summarizing the wide variety of bombings that happen in the US. (remember my comments about Zazi)

Also there were a bunch of 17 year olds that have recently blown off their hands and such..so it got me wondering about the numbers (and who gets called "terrorist").

Here's a study that summarizes some quick stats.
This is reporting over twenty years.

The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care:
December 2005 - Volume 59 - Issue 6 - pp 1436-1444


"Background: Terrorist bombings remain a significant threat in the United States. However, minimal longitudinal data exists regarding the medical and public health impact because of bombings.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of the number of incidents, injuries, and deaths because of explosive, incendiary, premature, and attempted bombings from January 1983 to December 2002. Morbidity and mortality by motives, target locations, and materials used were evaluated.

Results: In the United States, 36,110 bombing incidents, 5,931 injuries, and 699 deaths were reported. There were 21,237 (58.8%) explosive bombings, 6,185 (17.1%) incendiary bombings, 1,107 (3.1%) premature bombings, and 7,581 (21.0%) attempted bombings. For explosive bombings with known motives, 72.9% of injuries and 73.8% of deaths were because of homicide.

For incendiary bombings with known motives, 68.2% of injuries were because of extortion and revenge, and 53.5% of deaths were due to homicide. Private residences accounted for 29.0% of incidents, 31.5% of injuries, and 55.5% of deaths. Government installations accounted for 4.4% of incidents but were the site of 12.7% of injuries and 25.5% of deaths.

In bombings with known materials, nitrate-based fertilizers accounted for 36.2% of injuries and 30.4% of deaths, and smokeless powder and black powder accounted for 33.2% of injuries and 27.1% of deaths.

Conclusions: Illegal bombings and related injuries commonly occur in the United States. Because of the easy availability of bombing materials, government agencies and healthcare providers should prepare for potential mass-casualty bombings."

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Hey Orange, would you let Baby O skydive when she turns 18? My boy is showing some interest and my ex thinks it's nearly child abuse to facilitate it.

Actually, 18 is age of majority here, and she can skydive from 16 with parental consent. Answer of course is yes... my older one did some tunnel flying when she was 4 and has been fixated on reaching 16 so she can jump ever since :)
Snow...some of the best beaches in the world. Google Clifton, Camps Bay, Wilderness, Plettenberg Bay, Jeffrey's Bay, Wild Coast... and many more.
We have plenty of cows too, but I think we prefer them unmutilated. It's coming to whale season now, Any way you can fit a Southern Right into the conspiracy? I'm told flights around the World Cup in and out are already fully booked.

377, what exactly do you mean by

but you know Orange will never permit Baby O to be part of any disreputable hoax,

...implying I would allow baby O to be part of a reputable hoax? :P
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo Once again . When I first talked to you . and once again I can produce the tape's from our telephone coversation . You said That Duane told you that DB Cooper Burried the money under the Cowitz River Bridge. Now how far has this fiction story of your's or is it going to go. From the first conversation we ever had till all your post on DropZone. Have you written an ENDING page yet. Jerry

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Orange One . WoW Baby O first birthday ,What a blessing for your intire familly. WoW! You are so blessed . Please tell her happy birthday from Shelly and I. Hope you Know that your all lucky . A Family with the loving parent's that your's has . Is the foundation of life . and reality. Happy brthday Junior Princess or should I say a chip off of the old two block's. Jerry

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but you know Orange will never permit Baby O to be part of any disreputable hoax,


...implying I would allow baby O to be part of a reputable hoax? ***

Not a chance, Baby O is in very good hands.

When Baby O becomes a teenager, her Mom might actually be seen as slightly cool, being a skydiver and all that.

Good times ahead.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Snowmman . I guess that is up to you. I do have a question for you . I have proof your mother died of a overdose. and that you are a drug addict . and have killed 8 babie' kid's. and that you raped 26 young teen age girls. The reason for this is because you are high on cocain. Better yet is your name Snowmman. Go figure. Bottom line Can you prove me wrong or am I telling a fictional story. Who is going to believe. anything. Is this story true . Prove it wrong if you can. I'm sure we can all find something to make any story true. However I do No one thing And that is this story is Just a reality check and made up. If I had not made these statements. at the end of this stupid story . What would some one believe. Wake up Ficton does hurt and alters reality and thoughts of other's.Based on Fictional information that you or some one else has heard or on media fictional informaton you have heard would you come forward with a small piece of info on a important case. If you thought it was already solved or if you thought it would make you look like a fool. Now After the publicity the Cooper case has had . Then you seen the documantary Jo Webber was in. And you actually thought you had a good piece of info. Now all of a sudden you believe the story you have just seen on TV . Now what you realy No that could solve this case. seem.s wrong. Has the person you have just seen on TV commited a crime or has that person just destroyed a lot of good leads that could have actually solved this crime years ago. Your Call. Jerry

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My last post was just to make a point . Snowmman Has never done anything wrong. and is a solid member of society . The post was only given to make a point . Not to put anyone down I have the ultmost respect for the Snowmman as a good friend. This is why this post is made seperatly and just after the last post . Jerry

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re: solid citizen

You know how they always interview the neighbors after they dig up the bones at the serial murderer's house.

"He always seemed like such a nice man".

And when they interview the neighbors, there's the caption underneath "Neighbor of accused serial murderer".

I have this nightmare of waking up to TV Cameras at the door, and a mike shoved in my face "So, what was your connection to Jo Weber?"

"uuh" (naturally I have no shirt on) "She seemed like such a nice woman"

That evening on the news. That clip, with the caption "Posted on web forum with wife of DB Cooper".

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but you know Orange will never permit Baby O to be part of any disreputable hoax,


...implying I would allow baby O to be part of a reputable hoax? ***

Not a chance, Baby O is in very good hands.

When Baby O becomes a teenager, her Mom might actually be seen as slightly cool, being a skydiver and all that.

Good times ahead.


This summer my daughter went out for surfing lessons, and naturally had to give me all the detail about how the surfing instructor (guy) thought she was so good and waited for her after the wave, etc.

Oh brother.

Yeah, do you let your daughter go jumping or surfing. These are the questions. :) (maybe hitting the ground is the least of the concerns :)

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This beats balloon boy big time!

Maybe literally!

/Richard Heene had a well-documented criminal history with a common thread
-- going ballistic under pressure.

First of all, we've now found three criminal cases against Balloon Dad. In 1984,
Heene was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon -- a gun -- and received
three years probation.

In 1991, in San Bernardino, CA., Heene was arrested for corporal injury on a
spouse. It appears he was not convicted.

Now get this ... we broke the story yesterday that in 1997 Heene pled no contest
to vandalism and spent four days in jail. Wait 'til you hear what happened.

Heene, a contractor at the time, had an employee who didn't get paid. The
employee went to Heene's home to get his $300 and an argument ensued.

We're told Heene got physical with the guy inside the house, the employee walked out and Heene gave him $140 of the $300
he owed. The employee, Benito Ortiz, was dissatisfied and the argument continued.

According to the arrest report, Heene got in his pickup truck, backed up and apparently tried to hit the dude. The employee
got out of harm's way and Heene struck the employee's VW.

After hitting the VW, Heene pulled forward several feet, then put the vehicle back in reverse and collided again with Ortiz.

But wait, there's more. Heene did it a third time.

Finally, Heene parked, got out of his truck, picked up a wooden beam, held it over his head and screamed at Ortiz, "Get the
f**k away."

Heene later told cops .... during the conflict Ortiz struck him, he became "incoherent" and didn't know what happened next.

In addition to four days in jail, Heene was sentenced to house arrest and ordered to pay $100 in restitution./

edit: photos added. Note the 1/4" mahogany
underlayment floor and cardboard duc taped
door to the balloon compartment - two
9volt batteries were found in the 5 gallon bucket.

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Balloon Dad sounds like really bad news Georger.

I guess we are lucky he didn't actually launch Balloon Boy Falcon. I'll bet it had more to do with inadequate lifting capacity than good judgment.

When I was a kid I saw a movie about a kid who somehow ends up in a runaway gas balloon. It might have been made in Europe. They had a military parachutist try to get aboard. I can't find the movie. Maybe Snowmman can.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo Once again . When I first talked to you . and once again I can produce the tape's from our telephone coversation . You said That Duane told you that DB Cooper Burried the money under the Cowitz River Bridge. Now how far has this fiction story of your's or is it going to go. From the first conversation we ever had till all your post on DropZone. Have you written an ENDING page yet. Jerry

I do not know where the Cowitz Bridge is. All I had to go on was what YOU told me. I describe what I was shown and you Told me where I was - who was I to disagree? When I went to WA in 2001 - the female truck driver told me where to find what I was decribing and when I went to places she directed me - THEN AND ONLY THEN, DID I KNOW THE NAMES OF THE AREAS Duane had taken me to.

I was unfortunately at your mercy and you did not understand what I was trying to tell you. The Gunther book mentions the Cowitz - I did NOT even have a map of WA for God's sake. If you or someone else told me that was where I had to be - I accepted these things, UNTIL I went to WA in 2001. I am tired of repeating this.

If I said Cowitz then it was because someone told me that was where I had to be - I do NOT believe I have ever said Duane told me he buried "the money" under a bridge. (If he made that statement don't you think I would have been on pins and needles)?

On I-5 he pointed out a covert of some sort and it was about that same time he told me again about powerlines and pipelines - then further on up I-5 the talks about a Cementary to our right (East) and the little town over to the left (West) called Mt St Helens and the fact he used to know a woman who had a store there. Until I went to WA myself in 2001, I had to depend on you for 4 yrs to tell me where in WA I was when Duane told me things and showed me things.

Strange you would rather carry on about what a liar and story teller I am rather than go to and actually search the areas I have spoke of and take pictures of the areas and post them. You know EXACTLY where that (hill) is with the wire fence and the wooden gate. If you don't have a picture of how it looked in 1979 - there are people who do. Post it I dare you. Post pictures of the other places - like the point at Lake LaCames. Since you claim to have done so much searching then surely you have pictures of how this area looked in 1979 and 1971 and 2001.

Make valuable contributions toward this thread - get the pictures and post them!
Be sure you document the pics with dates and locations (maybe even use map co-ordinates). A lot of people will be interested in seeing these pictures and seeing the places you have "ACTUALLY" search that I have mentioned and I do NOT mean the Cowitz.
or I-5.

If you want people to recognize you as "the man on the ground" then you should do something to deserve that title. Spending your time calling me a liar and threatening to come to my hometown to expose me and most recently going so far as to say I have commited a crime will do nothing to help anyone to prove or disprove my claim.

If I was able to go out to WA and make the pictures and be there to do the physical research of the area and of old archives - I would do so. Unfortunately I have to rely on others and it is hard to relay to someone else what you need to have done and to pin point an area (such as where that old dairy farm was and the barn) to search the property records for that land in 1971.

The names of the property owners in 1971 South of Lake LaCames could help me to finish what I have to do.....That family had a son about the age of Duane. Plat records will assure you are using the right locations.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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