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When the Nightclerk sent me this email it was NO joke and the fact that the FBI ignored him when they were first told of his existence in 2001.

Subj: Re: Cooper/Evidence/Collins/Weber
Date: 11/8/2007 8:45:30 AM Central Standard Time

Email address erased

Dear Jo- I personally believe as you -that ' John Collins ',' D .B. Cooper' , and Duane Weber were one and the same!! My memory of those events were made perfectly clear to me when I was interveiwed on the day after the hijack. If I had not been questioned so thoroughly I probably would have passed it all off. My wife at that time would verify my story because of all the attention it received and my employment at the Rodeway Inn was so short lived after that. HHMM.! When Margie Boule talked to me to have you get in touch with me I was very careful to see if I was going to be part of a hoax. I know now that we verified each others stories and facts. Please know that I believe in you and respect your tireless effort to have others know the truth. For the record, I have never asked for anything except to offer my knowledge of those events so that the true story can be told. I have come to realize however that the legend is and will continue to be the story everyone wants to hear. I think you were sabotaged the moment you started to dig up the truth about Duane's other 'lives'. I for one am glad you made it through the firefight without getting too badly singed. What you have tried to do has taken more courage than most people would have been willing to muster. I really respect that!! Hindsight being 20/20 of course, knowing what I know now ,I would have taken/made a few copies of the motel registry, the receipt for the room bill, etc. . Thank you for not getting me involved with those people who would just seek monetary gain and not care who they would step on to get it! I am sorry that some tried to take advantage of you! From China- my best wishes and heartfelt respect, CHUCK

Since this email was received he has been taped and recorded - NOT by the FBI, but by parties associated with yours truely. 8 yrs too late for his testimony to be untainted.

That email was NOT solicited by me or anyone else and ALL of you know when he was stateside in Nov. of 2008, he walked into the FBI Office in Portland and handed them a notarized statement. A few wks after the night clerk's inpromptu visit to the FBI office, Agent Carr did call him, but that is ALL the FBI did.

I am very CURIOUS about this new information Sluggo has mentioned that is NOT yet public and what this information consists of. My hunch is the this is about another subject and/or made by someone who has his own subject to promote and not verified information provided by the FBI. If the FBI was too busy to interview the night clerk - why would they obtain any other information regarding Weber...and that is my deduction about this "new information".

I am NOT feeling well at all - and today Medicare denied blood test I really need. I had to sign my life away to get the tests, yet medicare fraud out there cost Billions and Billions and then Obama wants to rape the system even more over the next few yrs. Fix what is out there first and stop the fraud. Fix the health insurance industry and provide guide lines and create jobs, but leave medicare alone.

What the Government is doing has already affected me and other seniors. Seniors who are chronically or terminally ill are DISPOSABLE. Today was a REAL WAKE-UP call and the rest of you need to wake up before you are on that list. Do you have $800 lying around to pay for blood tests every few months that are critical to managing your care?

I have already experience this before - and Medicare never reversed their decision - so I had to pay up. My message to the Government is to STOP letting medical suppy offices and wheelchair sales persons from charging 10,000 dollars for an item that cost them only 1,000 dollars. FIX the damn system - plug the damn leaks - but, allow me and others like me the blood tests we need to monitor our condition and to control our futures.

Sorry, this is off subject, but right now I feel really LOUSY and I am fed up with the system. If all of the seniors such as myself where to band together - we would be a FORCE to reckon with...but, we are too old, too weak and too tired of fighting everyday battles for survival...it is easier to walk into the gas chamber. This is Germany all over again and unless you youngster out there take a stand - remember this - someday you will be standing in that line.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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When the Nightclerk sent me this email it was NO joke and the fact that the FBI ignored him when they were first told of his existence in 2001.

Subj: Re: Cooper/Evidence/Collins/Weber
Date: 11/8/2007 8:45:30 AM Central Standard Time

Email address erased

Dear Jo- I personally believe as you -that ' John Collins ',' D .B. Cooper' , and Duane Weber were one and the same!! My memory of those events were made perfectly clear to me when I was interveiwed on the day after the hijack. If I had not been questioned so thoroughly I probably would have passed it all off. My wife at that time would verify my story because of all the attention it received and my employment at the Rodeway Inn was so short lived after that. HHMM.! When Margie Boule talked to me to have you get in touch with me I was very careful to see if I was going to be part of a hoax. I know now that we verified each others stories and facts. Please know that I believe in you and respect your tireless effort to have others know the truth. For the record, I have never asked for anything except to offer my knowledge of those events so that the true story can be told. I have come to realize however that the legend is and will continue to be the story everyone wants to hear. I think you were sabotaged the moment you started to dig up the truth about Duane's other 'lives'. I for one am glad you made it through the firefight without getting too badly singed. What you have tried to do has taken more courage than most people would have been willing to muster. I really respect that!! Hindsight being 20/20 of course, knowing what I know now ,I would have taken/made a few copies of the motel registry, the receipt for the room bill, etc. . Thank you for not getting me involved with those people who would just seek monetary gain and not care who they would step on to get it! I am sorry that some tried to take advantage of you! From China- my best wishes and heartfelt respect, CHUCK

Since this email was received he has been taped and recorded - NOT by the FBI, but by parties associated with yours truely. 8 yrs too late for his testimony to be untainted.

That email was NOT solicited by me or anyone else and ALL of you know when he was stateside in Nov. of 2008, he walked into the FBI Office in Portland and handed them a notarized statement. A few wks after the night clerk's inpromptu visit to the FBI office, Agent Carr did call him, but that is ALL the FBI did.

I am very CURIOUS about this new information Sluggo has mentioned that is NOT yet public and what this information consists of. My hunch is the this is about another subject and/or made by someone who has his own subject to promote and not verified information provided by the FBI. If the FBI was too busy to interview the night clerk - why would they obtain any other information regarding Weber...and that is my deduction about this "new information".

I am NOT feeling well at all - and today Medicare denied blood test I really need. I had to sign my life away to get the tests, yet medicare fraud out there cost Billions and Billions and then Obama wants to rape the system even more over the next few yrs. Fix what is out there first and stop the fraud. Fix the health insurance industry and provide guide lines and create jobs, but leave medicare alone.

What the Government is doing has already affected me and other seniors. Seniors who are chronically or terminally ill are DISPOSABLE. Today was a REAL WAKE-UP call and the rest of you need to wake up before you are on that list. Do you have $800 lying around to pay for blood tests every few months that are critical to managing your care?

I have already experience this before - and Medicare never reversed their decision - so I had to pay up. My message to the Government is to STOP letting medical suppy offices and wheelchair sales persons from charging 10,000 dollars for an item that cost them only 1,000 dollars. FIX the damn system - plug the damn leaks - but, allow me and others like me the blood tests we need to monitor our condition and to control our futures.

Sorry, this is off subject, but right now I feel really LOUSY and I am fed up with the system. If all of the seniors such as myself where to band together - we would be a FORCE to reckon with...but, we are too old, too weak and too tired of fighting everyday battles for survival...it is easier to walk into the gas chamber. This is Germany all over again and unless you youngster out there take a stand - remember this - someday you will be standing in that line.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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Some recent information (not public) probably moves Duane even further from the “Cooper Possibility.”

Am I aware or been told of this information by FBI and is it recent information?
I would appreciate an email or call from you explaining what this is.

I spent over 3 hrs with an individual yesterday and sent him some information to research. This individual and I are on different sides of the fence, but has the means and capabilities to help me find some resolutions.

If you are referring to what Jerry claimed about family saying Duane was with them - that one did NOT pan out. If the FBI has more information that can help me to resolve this then I need to be in the loop. Otherwise someone is making a decision on the basis of what they think they found or the opinions of someone else. I would be very interested to know what this information is about and I believe I am entitled to know.

I have always been open to information about Duane that can be proven - just like is requested of me over and over.
Anything I can learn about Duane is helpful - pro or con.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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Anything I can learn about Duane is helpful - pro or con.

Duane was a pro. Duane was a con.

Just joking Jo, but in the absence of hard irrefutable evidence linking Duane to Cooper, you can't tell whether he was posing or not. Show us a twenty. Show us anything unambiguous. You can't. Therefore it is entirely possible that Duane was posing as Cooper. You prefer the alternative though it it less likely than the poser case.

You are free to believe what you wish, but stop blaming the FBI for your woes. You lived with Duane. You were in a far better position than the FBI to produce evidence proving your hypothesis.


Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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Duane had a lot more history as a con man than he did as a parachutist. The part that doesnt fit is his death bed confession, but maybe he just wanted Jo to remember him as a big time operator, a guy who really could pull off the big one without getting caught and without hurting any individuals.

Nobody wants to be remembered as a small time criminal who always got caught.

You and others have tooted this before, BUT if that senario was true - don't you think he would have been sure that I understood who Dan Cooper was? I have asked before if the media or some other group ever made any fake tickets, stubs and bank bags to sell or distribute. If that is the way he wanted me to remember him - he would have been absolutely sure - I understood and he would have left more behind than the did or have been sure I understood what it was and were it was. Duane was not a GAME player and I doubt doing something like that ever entered his mind. A keeper of secrets - yes and he sure as hell had a lot of those.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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Jo's idea that the FBI is doing a cover up of Cooper's identity is absurd. It makes ZERO sense to me.

Maybe COVER-up is a little over board - but they sure did miss the hot buttons, especially if what I was told tonight is true.

As for the commutation I didn't even know what it was - what bothers me more is that it is granted to John C. Collins with no mention of the aka of Weber and the fact the FBI would provide me with NO information on the SS for John Collins.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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As a matter of fact when FDR finally caught on with members of Congress in motion and complaints beginning to surface from FDR's rich buddies, FDR damned near cancelled the program! The program hung in limbo for several weeks at which point Wallace went in to see FDR and slammed his fist on FDR's desk saying unless you want MacArthur shooting every citizen of the United States with America going Socialist and storming the Whitehouse, that caught FDR's attention. Later the same day Eleanor Rooseveldt called Wallace and through her support behind the program in opposition to her own husband!

So you can build your shrine to FDR if you want. Just know who and what you are saying?
And what may this have to do with Cooper?

There was an excellent documentary on PBS with some wonderful and clear footage of Roosevelt visiting the CCC camps and having a meal with them in the field. Lots of joking around...BUT great footage of the times. Not once in this documentary did they credit anyone other than Roosevelt.
Glad to have someone like you around who knows what goes on in the White House - we could use someone there today.

The only thing this has to do with Weber or Cooper was just seeing footage from times before the 1971 hijacking. It showed the men in the camps and the hobos jumping trains. It was just having a feel of the the days when Cooper would have been maybe 10 yrs old. Having a father who was or wasn't one caught up in the depression and what if any bearing that might have on a man in 1971....who was himself in his 40's and coming into hard time.

Most of us do not even think about the yrs during which Cooper was growing up and what was his life like as a young man.
There were those of priviledge and there was the very poor. There were those who lived well until the depression and suddenly had nothing - living from hand to mouth. My be interesting to explore how Cooper had grown up.

Had an interesting conversation with someone tonight - who has more on Duane than the FBI. This person will be providing me with some information that might be very suprising...for me and everyone else.

Our illustrous FBI NEVER provided me or anyone else with the information I learned tonight - nor did the FBI ever tell me about the places Duane worked under the John Collins ID. I knew they had the capablilities to do this and I needed it for my SS benefits...but they NEVER offered even when I BEGGED.

The FBI knew I needed this information for the SS benefits and someway to prove I was also the widow of John C. Collins. If the SS belonged to a real John Collins it will show dual employment for him - in different locations. A man can not be working for XYZ company in Alt and at the same time working for another in Maine. Also one of the prison records has several contacts listed - provided by Duane yet the FBI NEVER provided that to me...and they knew I was looking for one of the wives and her daughter.

East Coast and West Coast - where were these guys 9 yrs ago?
What was SO secret about Duane Weber the FBI could not tell his wife of 17 yrs? All I EVER wanted was the truth - and all the FBI ever did was LIE to me and hide information that might have helped me understand who I was married to. There should be a law against what they have done and their concealment of information.

Maybe this guy doesn't have the information he says he does, but I think he does - he had NO reason to lie to me. The truth is never a threat, but concealment of the truth was NOT called for in this case. If the answers I have sought have been right there in his prison files - someone needs to answer to this (there is NO conceiveable reason for the FBI to lie and to evade information to a wife).

Maybe the FBI was encapable of locating inidividuals named in a prison file given by Duane as contacts, but someone else did. The FBI didn't even give me the courtesy of acknowledging this information even existed...yet I have spent yrs looking for this very infomation.

I think one would call that CONCEALMENT of facts that might have proven a man was innocent or quilty of another crime. These HOT SHOTS who call themselves FBI investigators need to hire the people who have been helping me. Will what the FBI didn't tell me prove Duane was Cooper? No one will know until it is checked out, but none of these people are alive now and if the FBI did talk to any of them I want to know and I had a right to know about these people.

It there was a link to Duane's background in those names - do you really think the FBI agents of today would have had a clue of what they were looking for. It was just some contacts...and if they were not in the phone book they didn't make the effort to find them after all they were OLD contacts from yrs prior to the 1971 event. What do they think I have been looking for all of these yrs?

:) look on his face saying "I had urgent business on my mind". I guess you could be fair and put a bank in the background being robbed.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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Regarding the 1979 trip to WASHINGTON - with Duane Weber and then his subsequent claim he was Dan Cooper in 1995.

Remember that farm that I felt had a cement block building in front of it...I felt it was a milking station, as that was often done so that the milk was easy to access by the trucks picking it up?

I asked lots of people to look up the county records from 1941 to 1971 - but I had NO takers. I contacted real estate agents hoping someone would take on the challenge. I would not have been that difficult as it was a farm in 1979 and some forest land. I told Jerry Thomas about this farm in 1996 so I have no idea how he had me on the other side of the Columbia - DUH!

I contacted real estate agents asking for someone to do the search for a nominal fee - no takers.

Now someone who lives 100's of miles from WA is taking it on. This was the farm that Duane told me "They had a son about my age". Since I have been able to narrow down the yrs Duane would have been exposed to WA - that limits the time from 1942 - 1950 and then from 1962 to 1967. The later is really not feasible, but since we only have hear-say as to his whereabouts in those yrs. they have to be looked at.

My gut is telling me and I hope we have already seen a picture of this "son".

I also had asked Jerry Thomas yrs ago to obtain a list of all of the individuals interned at the cementary in Washougal from 1941 to 1972. He never did it.
No one would do this. I tried to get the information by phone, but no one knew who needed to be contacted. Surely there is a roll call for that cementary for those yrs.

Maybe I won't recognize the name, but what if it was a name he mentioned or that I could connect to his history?

If anyone know some way of getting that cemetery "roll call" I would appreciate it. It was called the Washougal Memorial Cemetery. Duane mentioned he knew someone who was buried there.

The names of the owners of the land in 1940 and the Cemetery records - might have something that will bring together Duane's past and his connections to WA.

Duane pointed out several cemeteries during that trip - maybe he was a GRAVE digger.
During the 40's - who dug the graves and why would Duane know where so many cemeteries were located? There was at least 6 cemeteries he pointed out.

The one in Washougal and then on up the road off of a side road after we turned away from Wahougal. The along the upper route toward Ochards he mentions 2 more - he also points our every airstrip and tower during this trip. When we got on I-5 he mentions another cemenary near the Grist Mill in the same breath as knowing a woman who lived in St. Helens who owned a store there.

When someone makes sense of all of these things Duane told me about the area - and can provide some kind of explanations that make sense - besides Duane being Cooper. YOU will get my attention. But, then maybe I have yours - because I told ALL of this to the FBI in 1996 and 1997, but they were NOT listening.

Respectfully, Jo Weber

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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When the Nightclerk sent me this email it was NO joke and the fact that the FBI ignored him when they were first told of his existence in 2001.

Subj: Re: Cooper/Evidence/Collins/Weber
Date: 11/8/2007 8:45:30 AM Central Standard Time

Email address erased

Dear Jo- I personally believe as you -that ' John Collins ',' D .B. Cooper' , and Duane Weber were one and the same!! My memory of those events were made perfectly clear to me when I was interveiwed on the day after the hijack. If I had not been questioned so thoroughly I probably would have passed it all off. My wife at that time would verify my story because of all the attention it received and my employment at the Rodeway Inn was so short lived after that. HHMM.! When Margie Boule talked to me to have you get in touch with me I was very careful to see if I was going to be part of a hoax. I know now that we verified each others stories and facts. Please know that I believe in you and respect your tireless effort to have others know the truth. For the record, I have never asked for anything except to offer my knowledge of those events so that the true story can be told. I have come to realize however that the legend is and will continue to be the story everyone wants to hear. I think you were sabotaged the moment you started to dig up the truth about Duane's other 'lives'. I for one am glad you made it through the firefight without getting too badly singed. What you have tried to do has taken more courage than most people would have been willing to muster. I really respect that!! Hindsight being 20/20 of course, knowing what I know now ,I would have taken/made a few copies of the motel registry, the receipt for the room bill, etc. . Thank you for not getting me involved with those people who would just seek monetary gain and not care who they would step on to get it! I am sorry that some tried to take advantage of you! From China- my best wishes and heartfelt respect, CHUCK

Since this email was received he has been taped and recorded - NOT by the FBI, but by parties associated with yours truely. 8 yrs too late for his testimony to be untainted.

That email was NOT solicited by me or anyone else and ALL of you know when he was stateside in Nov. of 2008, he walked into the FBI Office in Portland and handed them a notarized statement. A few wks after the night clerk's inpromptu visit to the FBI office, Agent Carr did call him, but that is ALL the FBI did.

I am very CURIOUS about this new information Sluggo has mentioned that is NOT yet public and what this information consists of. My hunch is the this is about another subject and/or made by someone who has his own subject to promote and not verified information provided by the FBI. If the FBI was too busy to interview the night clerk - why would they obtain any other information regarding Weber...and that is my deduction about this "new information".

I am NOT feeling well at all - and today Medicare denied blood test I really need. I had to sign my life away to get the tests, yet medicare fraud out there cost Billions and Billions and then Obama wants to rape the system even more over the next few yrs. Fix what is out there first and stop the fraud. Fix the health insurance industry and provide guide lines and create jobs, but leave medicare alone.

What the Government is doing has already affected me and other seniors. Seniors who are chronically or terminally ill are DISPOSABLE. Today was a REAL WAKE-UP call and the rest of you need to wake up before you are on that list. Do you have $800 lying around to pay for blood tests every few months that are critical to managing your care?

I have already experience this before - and Medicare never reversed their decision - so I had to pay up. My message to the Government is to STOP letting medical suppy offices and wheelchair sales persons from charging 10,000 dollars for an item that cost them only 1,000 dollars. FIX the damn system - plug the damn leaks - but, allow me and others like me the blood tests we need to monitor our condition and to control our futures.

Sorry, this is off subject, but right now I feel really LOUSY and I am fed up with the system. If all of the seniors such as myself where to band together - we would be a FORCE to reckon with...but, we are too old, too weak and too tired of fighting everyday battles for survival...it is easier to walk into the gas chamber. This is Germany all over again and unless you youngster out there take a stand - remember this - someday you will be standing in that line.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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I called Carr to see if he was reading the thread - he stated that he had not He stated he can only provide information from the file and he is not actively investigating the case.

He again asked me to send what I had on Duane in the way of records - which I am doing. But, he also told me that the only way I can prove Duane was Cooper is to put him on the plane...I asked how him how I am supposed to do that. His reply - ticket or witness. There is only one way for me to get a witness - that is to confront Tina and Florence myself with the correct photos - age appropriate.

I have asked myself - how I could get them to view photos without actually intruding myself into their lives - and there is no way..I would think this to be the job of the FBI.

I only know one other way to put Duane on that plane . We are aware that more conversation took place between Duane and the Stewardess than we originally thought - such as the grudge question.

Duane and his wife had supposedly broken up - two of her son's lived in the WA/OR area. She was the female version of himself. What would he have told Tina about her and other things in his life without revealing something that would lead the FBI to his doorstep if he survived.

B|I need for you guys to pretend I am Cooper and you are the stewardess - fire questions at me - I will try to answer the way I think Duane would have answered. Please be kind and earnest with the questions - Remember that Tina was a good catholic girl of 20. Ask your daughter or wives if they were in Tina's place what would they ask...perhaps by doing this I will provide the FBI with the answer that will put him on the plane...I refuse to use vugarities and will replace them with the appropriate number of x's with a first letter.

ATTENTION CARR: If no such conversation happened then please let me know as there is no need to put me thru a grueling session that might not be necessary...

Ready when you are guy and gals.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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The only way the FBI is going to believe Duane was on that plane is if they can match a fingerprint. Does the FBI have known fingerprints of Duane and have they compared them to their fingerprints from the plane? Since we don't have these fingerprints, the FBI must do this.

Please, guys - fire the questions that Tina may have ask - if I can't answer it - will just reference that answer as "Don't know".

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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, How do you get from a wilderness jump (or farmland jump) and blend back in when there is so much news circulating? Every guy who looked wet and disheveled was a suspect that night.

There was a cabin on the Columbia - owned by an individual who didn't live there.

Nov 2, 2009, 9:50 PM
Post #13669 of 13701 (292 views)
Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 1719

Ok, I am going to shut-up, but I think I have made my point.

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You absolutely amaze me!

In addition to your lack of critical thinking skills (the ability to view testimony with skepticism), you have the most complete “illusion of central position” I have ever seen.

When I posted:

Some recent information (not public) probably moves Duane even further from the “Cooper Possibility.”

You responded (multiple times):

Am I aware or been told of this information by FBI and is it recent information? I would appreciate an email or call from you explaining what this is.

I spent over 3 hrs with an individual yesterday and sent him some information to research. This individual and I are on different sides of the fence, but has the means and capabilities to help me find some resolutions.

If you are referring to what Jerry claimed about family saying Duane was with them - that one did NOT pan out. If the FBI has more information that can help me to resolve this then I need to be in the loop. Otherwise someone is making a decision on the basis of what they think they found or the opinions of someone else. I would be very interested to know what this information is about and I believe I am entitled to know. {Emphasis mine}

Well, I hate to be so blunt… but you aren’t entitled to a God-damned thing! Not from me, not from Bruce, not from Orange1, not from the FBI, not from Edge West, not from Law Enforcement, and not from anyone else.

Many times I have said two things to you; “Everyone who shits on you is not your enemy and everyone who pulls you out of shit is not your friend,” AND “Those who know aren’t talking and those who are talking don’t know”.

Evidently, due to your non-critical thought process and illusion of central position, you do not truly understand the meaning of these statements.

With regard to those who pull you out of shit, you are trusting of a supposed desk clerk at the Rodeway Inn (Airport) who shows up 30 years after the fact and says something that supports your beliefs. He’s pulling you out of shit… but is he your friend?

With regard to the “not talking” statement you seem to think I am referring to some people HAVING information and not sharing it. What I am referring to is… people who talk, (blab… blab… blab…), people who denigrate the FBI…, people who cause trouble for public agencies, don’t GET the information.

You, have taken up a lot of bandwidth criticizing the FBI in a rude and hateful fashion. And then, you expect them to share information and act like your personal detective agency. IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN! Most people operate under a non-moralistic version of the “Golden Rule”. One that says; “Prove to me you are trustworthy and I will trust you.” You do not behave that way. With you it’s: “You are a bunch of liars, crooks, and incompetents… now look this up for me”.

What does “probably moves Duane even further from the “Cooper Possibility.”” Mean to you?

To me it says; “It has nothing to do with Jo or Duane Weber” So… why am I obligated to share it with you? You are aware that there are other suspects, other theories, and other scenarios out there, right? Or does your “illusion of central position” not allow you to see a NORJAK that isn’t centered on you and Duane?

You remind me of a circus bear on a unicycle. You hold an umbrella, you pedal, you keep your balance, you circle the ring, but you are non-the-richer for the experience. You can only focus on the bottle of pop in your handler’s hand that you will get if you make three circuits.

To my knowledge, the FBI isn’t currently investigating NORJAK (actively). But if you have reasonably pertinent information, and you present it respectfully and in a coherent, non-hysterical fashion, they will consider it and give you their opinion as to it’s value in the case.

Jo… you made your bed… now YOU have to lie in it.

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Sluggo, very well said... even though you probably know it will fall on deaf ears.

When this new information (which by inference is that someone else is increasingly being seen as a likely suspect) does become more available, I'm sure we'll all be interested in seeing it.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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You absolutely amaze me!

In addition to your lack of critical thinking skills (the ability to view testimony with skepticism), you have the most complete “illusion of central position” I have ever seen.

When I posted:


Some recent information (not public) probably moves Duane even further from the “Cooper Possibility.”

You responded (multiple times):
*** Am I aware or been told of this information by FBI and is it recent information? I would appreciate an email or call from you explaining what this is.

Read what I wrote responding to your statement - you also manage to get lost in things - note the repetitions created by Georger - what is written below is in a post to 377 and was my opinion of your statement and what I thought.

Within the post to 377 is this statement:

"I am very CURIOUS about this new information Sluggo has mentioned that is NOT yet public and what this information consists of. My hunch is the this is about another subject and/or made by someone who has his own subject to promote and not verified information provided by the FBI. If the FBI was too busy to interview the night clerk - why would they obtain any other information regarding Weber...and that is my deduction about this "new information". "

As for my criticizing the FBI, it is justified - others who have dealt with them are in full agreement about this. Obviously you and others have NEVER had to deal with them in the same manner I have had to. Young agents who know absolutely nothing about this old case - and rather than admit they don't know the facts - they make things up. I PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED THIS AND SOME OF YOU READ IT RIGHT HERE IN THIS FORUM WITH CKRET.

I have lived this nightmare with the FBI - you and others have not. Until you walk in my shoes don't criticize my rights to voice my opinions about how I have been treated. Being nice didn't do anything for me from 1996 to 2000. When a FBI agent is on the other end of the phone telling me out and out lies regarding the investigation of Duane Weber - and I am holding WRITTEN GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTATION that shows the agent is either lieing or never investigated Duane Weber...IT IS TIME to speak up. What was I SUPPOSE to do? Say I am sorry and that my government documents must be in error. Excuse me! I owe the FBI NO apologies.

Larry CARR claimed I had known about the DNA for several months prior to his going public - yet, HE WAS THE ONE WHO CALLED ME ON HIS WAY TO DOING A TV TAPE JUST BEFORE THEY WENT PUBLIC. That was decent of him, but not the lie where he is quoted as saying I had know for several months. about the DNA.

Excuse ME for expecting honesty from these agents!
Do you honestly think I would even entertain the idea of giving the FBI any new information if we are able to do more on our own.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Press Talk: D.B. Cooper finally captured! - Columbian.com
19 Sep 2009 ... VANCOUVER, Wash. — Bulletin. Finally, the ever-evasive, highly sought-after DB Cooper (very dramatic pause required here) has been.

www.columbian.com/article/20090919/NEWS02/709199974/0... - Similar

Time to lighten up.

PS: I am not the only one out there slamming the FBI on this.
Do a search and you will find
Galen Cook and the NY dectective Skip also speak their piece.
I am just more verbal, but excuse me - I am a woman and this was the man I was married to for 17 yrs and Cooper has consumed over 13 yrs of my life since he died. :|That totals up to 30 yrs of my life.....it is NO wonder I want answers and DEMAND anwers.:|

If Duane Weber was your brother, father or spouse - YOU also would want answers and you would be as fed up as I am with the FBI. Perhaps you would do it differently - but, I am doing all I know to do. I can't make the FBI investigate what I gave them and they have had NO intentions of doing so since 1998...they have done nothing but blow smoke and create myths - so Cooper will remain missing till the end of time.

Anyone think that Florida Gator was just a fluke? :D:ph34r: Maybe he was put there to make a point.


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Do you honestly think I would even entertain the idea of giving the FBI any new information if we are able to do more on our own.

So stop complaining about the FBI and produce the goods then.

Your last post just showed you are incapable of even trying to be objective. Did you even read what Sluggo wrote? [:/]
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Do you honestly think I would even entertain the idea of giving the FBI any new information if we are able to do more on our own.


You frequently speak of "we" and refer to paid researchers. By your own pen you state that you cannot afford critical medical tests.

Why spend money seeking further proof that Duane was Cooper? You have stated many times that there is no question that he was. You clearly have better uses for the funds.

Your hypocrisy regarding the FBI shows an alarming lack of self awarenesss. You blast them for allegedly withholding evidence and failing to provide answers. Look in a mirror sometime.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo I just read a lot of post's Im sorry you are still trying to push your story. Doesn't realy matter though' the truth is that you will continue to do so . Good Luck. You'll Need it. As far as I am concerned. You and I know the truth from fiction.Regardless of the stories you "Tell ". I will not humor you with any more responses to the stories you tell . I will let you continue to tell your fantisies , what you say I will monitor. Your comments. for my record's still continue your stories ,I and other's find them amuzzing. But please have a Good DB Cooper Thanks Giving. Jerry

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You frequently speak of "we" and refer to paid researchers. By your own pen you state that you cannot afford critical medical tests.

Most of the research has been voluntered, but there are times I have paid to off-set expenses. I do not do without medical care - but I am upset the proposed medical care - "universal care" that will be paid for with future tax dollars. I worked hard (sometimes 3 jobs raising 2 children with no reliable child support. I paid the rent and utilities and the health insurance and lived off of what was left - we didn't go out to eat (not even to McDonalds except for special occassions).

I personally know some of the abusers of the system. They take out the insurance at work and as soon as they get a clean bill of health they tell the boss to cancel it. These individuals can't do without their cell phone or eating out or use only one car. The younger generation thinks they are "owed" health insurance.
The girls get pregnant and then live with the father, but our tax dollars pay for the baby - when the father has a job with health insurance. When the child is 2 yrs old they get married after they have raped the system for pregnancy, child support, medical care and food stamps.

These "new" mothers from middle class America - never give up their cells or lattes or change their life style...we the tax payers provide for them. With all of the abuse of the current health care - Obama wants to just create more Gimme programs rather than fix the system first.


Your hypocrisy regarding the FBI shows an alarming lack of self awarenesss. You blast them for allegedly withholding evidence and failing to provide answers.

What I try NOT to do is make things public until they have been checked out. I did not hold anything from the FBI until I became aware they where NOT doing anything with it. I share things with people who are actually working on it in their spare time...I have shared things with the FBI and some of it you guys helped . Thru this forum I have had individivuals contact me and provide aid and information.

I said over and over that the Salt Lake City picture is crucial, but I got absolutely no where. The FBI didn't even acknowledge it. Now Weber has the attention of individuals who have access to information I didn't even know existed outside of the government and I hope they come up with something.

Currently 5 individuals helping right now - I expect one of them is just using me to help with his story. I shared the little girl photo with both Cook and Gray hoping that one of them might be able to get a picture of Tina as a little girl ... this was only because Sluggo thought it looked like Tina. I did also but didn't say it.

Maybe one of these guys has been able to prove that picture was not Tina, but remember it was not me saying it was Tina - I thought it could have been his daughter or even his sister or mother as a child. I was never able to put a time period on the photo - just the book. This book and picture appeared at the same time as the other items (stub and bank bag)...1990.

You and others asked me to prove it - that is why I am here in the first place - to get help to prove or disprove it. I have not seen anything forthcoming that proves Weber WAS NOT Cooper. Nothing....just more things that say he was Cooper, but none of it is proof. Perhaps more time needs to be used investigating instead of looking for fault in me.

Surely someone reads this forum that lives in Salt Lake City that might be able to help.

Jerry has never offered anything to prove Duane was NOT Cooper and yet you guys don't jump all over him for claiming I am writing fiction, when he has offered NOTHING to prove Weber was NOT Cooper.

I just wish I was able to travel and do this stuff myself - because I cannot explain it to anyone so they can understand what I am trying to convey. This is a waste of time...and I don't have a lot of that left. It is all hopeless.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have not seen anything forthcoming that proves Weber WAS NOT Cooper. Nothing....


Good luck in your quest for the truth about Duane Jo. We see things very differently. That's no reason for attack or disrespect. I do hope your health improves and you find what you are looking for.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I shouldn’t let this exasperate me, but for some reason it does.

Jo said:

You and others asked me to prove it - that is why I am here in the first place - to get help to prove or disprove it. I have not seen anything forthcoming that proves Weber WAS NOT Cooper. Nothing....just more things that say he was Cooper, but none of it is proof. Perhaps more time needs to be used investigating instead of looking for fault in me.


Do you even understand the term “negative hypothesis”? Basically, it is an attempt to gather data that demonstrates that something ISN’T a particular thing. Scientifically, it is impossible to prove unless ALL data is gathered, and ALL data can never be gathered (as long as the world hasn’t ended yet). I can’t prove that you AREN’T a man. I may not have any evidence (data) that you ARE a man, but I can’t prove that you AREN’T.

Your lack of understanding this basic principle of scientific (critical) thinking is one of the things that annoy the hell out of most of the posters here.

You are driven by your beliefs… I admire that… but DON”T EVER mistake your beliefs for scientific thought.

Also, you select data that supports your claims (beliefs) and reject data that does not support your claims. It is a natural human tendency, but not scientific. The scientific process dictates that you gather all the data you can, plot it out and see if a pattern (curve) develops. You DO NOT plot out a pattern and then gather the data that fits the plot (rejecting the data that doesn’t).

If you could overcome this shortcoming (as I see it), people (here) would take you more seriously.

To illustrate my point:
Why don’t you develop an argument proving that Guru312 WAS NOT D.B. Cooper? If you are successful (in proving a negative hypothesis), I will publically apologize and withdraw my statement.

Oh what the hell!... Go ahead… march to your own drummer… March in your own parade… some people find it entertaining.

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To illustrate my point:
Why don’t you develop an argument proving that Guru312 WAS NOT D.B. Cooper? If you are successful (in proving a negative hypothesis), I will publically apologize and withdraw my statement.

Thats to easy - we all know that Duane was Webber:D
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I shouldn’t let this exasperate me, but for some reason it does.

Jo said:


You and others asked me to prove it - that is why I am here in the first place - to get help to prove or disprove it. I have not seen anything forthcoming that proves Weber WAS NOT Cooper. Nothing....just more things that say he was Cooper, but none of it is proof. Perhaps more time needs to be used investigating instead of looking for fault in me.


Do you even understand the term “negative hypothesis”? Basically, it is an attempt to gather data that demonstrates that something ISN’T a particular thing. Scientifically, it is impossible to prove unless ALL data is gathered, and ALL data can never be gathered (as long as the world hasn’t ended yet). I can’t prove that you AREN’T a man. I may not have any evidence (data) that you ARE a man, but I can’t prove that you AREN’T.

Your lack of understanding this basic principle of scientific (critical) thinking is one of the things that annoy the hell out of most of the posters here.

You are driven by your beliefs… I admire that… but DON”T EVER mistake your beliefs for scientific thought.

Also, you select data that supports your claims (beliefs) and reject data that does not support your claims. It is a natural human tendency, but not scientific. The scientific process dictates that you gather all the data you can, plot it out and see if a pattern (curve) develops. You DO NOT plot out a pattern and then gather the data that fits the plot (rejecting the data that doesn’t).

If you could overcome this shortcoming (as I see it), people (here) would take you more seriously.

To illustrate my point:
Why don’t you develop an argument proving that Guru312 WAS NOT D.B. Cooper? If you are successful (in proving a negative hypothesis), I will publically apologize and withdraw my statement.

Oh what the hell!... Go ahead… march to your own drummer… March in your own parade… some people find it entertaining.

Has anyone got the time?

Oh! I see I have my own watch.

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