georger 247
You have no idea of what is being investigated and/or explored. Because of your past behavior, no one wants you in the loop. This is exactly what I feared would happen and tried to convey to you 2 years ago.
Trust me... investigation is ongoing... private parties, interested bystanders, authors, news media, and others (including the FBI when presented with something credible).
As I said before; “You made your bed… now lie in it." or "Now you have to stew in your own stew." No sympathy from me.
Im sorry to disagree but I think you made a
fundamental error in your assesment of Jo.
There wont be any bed of regret for Jo to lie
in. Jo has no regrets and never will. She has
already been in the bed of her chosing for years,
and she likes it!
Jo is a compulsive gambler, Sluggo. What Jo
calls hope is merely another wager in an endless
line of wagers which have little or no cost to her.
Her wagers only cost others!
The tipoff is what Duane himself said and I believe
there is a seed of truth in this, whatever he actually
was referring to on his deathbed. He said "Let it go!"
according to Jo. It may not have had anything to
do with the Cooper case but the admotion was real
in reference to Jo and it refers to Jo whatever else was involved. Duane knew Jo! Duane was telling Jo to stop gambling. She didnt. She can't. Jo is
an addicted personality.
Jo's whole Cooper story(stories) is a wager.
Beyond that it doesnt really matter what Duane
was all about or involved in. We know Duane could
not possibly have been Cooper, but Jo Weber will
continue to make wagers on the premise he was
just to feed her own habit, until the day she drops.
So it is impossible to be disappointed in Jo or
warn or remand her. One might as well warn and
remand a light bulb.
Enough said on this very long tiresome worn out
Take care. Dont take any more wooden nickles.
I have a whole collection!

377 22
Quotewarn or remand her. One might as well warn and
remand a light bulb.
I have reprimanded vacuum tubes. They share some traits with light bulbs. Does that count Georger? You know, 6146s, 807s, 813s. You were right. It had no effect on transconductance, emission or any other measurable parameter. Cathode poisoning is immune to entreaties.
The gambler playing with other peoples money is an interesting analogy. I had never looked at it that way. We simply need to walk out of the casino.
QuoteThe tipoff is what Duane himself said and I believe there is a seed of truth in this whatever he actually was referring to on his deathbed. He said "Let it go!"
according to Jo.
Jo's whole Cooper story(stories) is a wager. Beyond that it doesnt really matter what Duane was all about or involved in. We know Duane could not possibly have been Cooper, but Jo Weber will continue to make wagers on the premise he was just to feed her own habit, until the day she drops.
A gambler - anyone will tell you I am NOT and never have been a risk taker.
You are taking "Let It Go!" OUT OF CONTEXT. I will re-itnerate the conversation that took place in the hospital. Duane told me he was DAN COOPER and was desperately trying to get me to understand who Dan Cooper was. It was a simple converstation but when he mentioned "jumping out of plane" for the second time (the first was when I took him to the hospital several wks prior) he became upset and shouted "Oh, F--- Let it Die with ME!" That expression was nothing more than his exasperation in trying to get me to understand what he was talking about.
Am I perhaps Obsessive on what I am doing - you are damn right I am - I want to know the truth, whatever that truth is.
Are you going to continue to distort everything to discredit me or stroke your own ego? . For instance this statement "We know Duane could not possibly have been Cooper". Explain to me HOW YOU KNOW THIS and produce the documented information and proof on this thread.
If anyone is trying to steer public opinion and playing his cards in desperation - that would be you. If you have PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper why does any of this concern you at all? Do you have a VESTED interest?
You have claimed to be from the Mid-West, but I think perhaps a TEXAS connection is MORE appropriate. I believe you KNOW exactly what I am referring to, but no one else on this thread would understand that, except for maybe Sluggo.
Robert M Blevins, managing editor for Adventure Books of Seattle has a new Cooper book coming out. He has posted to the D. B. Cooper Research Yahoo Group (
He sites an interesting article ( that claims the person who inhabited Christiansen’s Bonnie Lake, WA house found $2,000 in $20-bills and turned them into the US Treasury for replacement. They were found in a tree stump on the property.
Check it out and let’s talk about someone other than Weber.
Web Page
georger 247
I need two matched 6146B's. Got any!?QuoteQuotewarn or remand her. One might as well warn and
remand a light bulb.
I have reprimanded vacuum tubes. They share some traits with light bulbs. Does that count Georger? You know, 6146s, 807s, 813s. You were right. It had no effect on transconductance, emission or any other measurable parameter. Cathode poisoning is immune to entreaties.
The gambler playing with other peoples money is an interesting analogy. I had never looked at it that way. We simply need to walk out of the casino.

georger 247
Robert M Blevins, managing editor for Adventure Books of Seattle has a new Cooper book coming out. He has posted to the D. B. Cooper Research Yahoo Group (
He sites an interesting article ( that claims the person who inhabited Christiansen’s Bonnie Lake, WA house found $2,000 in $20-bills and turned them into the US Treasury for replacement. They were found in a tree stump on the property.
Check it out and let’s talk about someone other than Weber.
I have expected this. Why?
(a) So far as the public
image is concerned Christiansen is seen as least
vetted by the FBI. That's an open door for sleuth
dreamers. This will develop into another contest
between the FBI and sleuth conspiracy makers.
(b) Its easy to turn a Norwegian into a Greek.
All you do is give him a tan and dye his hair.
Tummy tuck, jowl shrink, and belly button move.
Ear replacement. Lips? It suffices to say you can
turn a Homo Habilis into a Wall Street Broker ...
in a book of fiction.
(c) These writer guys are forensically challenged!
(d) People find buried money every day.
(e) Christiansen's letters. "Hey Mom. Thanks
for the colaches. I'm Jessie James. Send fudge and
more money, and my spurs."
Orange1 0
Robert M Blevins, managing editor for Adventure Books of Seattle has a new Cooper book coming out. He has posted to the D. B. Cooper Research Yahoo Group (
He sites an interesting article ( that claims the person who inhabited Christiansen’s Bonnie Lake, WA house found $2,000 in $20-bills and turned them into the US Treasury for replacement. They were found in a tree stump on the property.
Check it out and let’s talk about someone other than Weber.
I have expected this. Why?
(a) So far as the public
image is concerned Christiansen is seen as least
vetted by the FBI. That's an open door for sleuth
dreamers. This will develop into another contest
between the FBI and sleuth conspiracy makers.
(b) Its easy to turn a Norwegian into a Greek.
All you do is give him a tan and dye his hair.
Tummy tuck, jowl shrink, and belly button move.
Ear replacement. Lips? It suffices to say you can
turn a Homo Habilis into a Wall Street Broker ...
in a book of fiction.
(c) These writer guys are forensically challenged!
(d) People find buried money every day.
(e) Christiansen's letters. "Hey Mom. Thanks
for the colaches. I'm Jessie James. Send fudge and
more money, and my spurs."
Georger, while I may not be as scientifically-minded as you, I still remain open to Christiansen. There is a lot about the story that makes sense. Carr dismissed him on physical description.
We've spoken before about issues like difficulty judging height while seated, disguise ability etc. As well as the unreliability of sketches.
Anyway since when is Cooper definitively "greek"?!
The cache of $20s is an interesting angle... though of course unprovable one way or the other as serial numbers were not collected on them. The interesting bit to me - the one that has been mentioned before - is the house purchase for cash way in excess of his salary.
He knew the airlines - we have had a discussion before about how would Cooper have known about that particular flight ref the schedules; and he had jump experience. If he had a grudge, it makes a lot more sense that a NWA employee directly acts against the company as opposed to some of the other extremely fanciful and far-fetched notions on the "grudge" that we have heard from certain others. To my mind the thing most arguing against him, is the fact that someone might have recognised him.
I'm keeping an open mind, and I agree with Sluggo that we should be talking about other suspects.
georger 247
We've spoken before about issues like difficulty judging height while seated, disguise ability etc. As well as the unreliability of sketches.
Anyway since when is Cooper definitively "greek"?!
The cache of $20s is an interesting angle... though of course unprovable one way or the other as serial numbers were not collected on them. The interesting bit to me - the one that has been mentioned before - is the house purchase for cash way in excess of his salary.
He knew the airlines - we have had a discussion before about how would Cooper have known about that particular flight ref the schedules; and he had jump experience. If he had a grudge, it makes a lot more sense that a NWA employee directly acts against the company as opposed to some of the other extremely fanciful and far-fetched notions on the "grudge" that we have heard from certain others. To my mind the thing most arguing against him, is the fact that someone might have recognised him.
I'm keeping an open mind, and I agree with Sluggo that we should be talking about other suspects.
Hi Orange. For me its the difference between
evidence and anecdote. You can stack anecdotes
to the ceiling, but then when examined each
anecdote in turn is based on flawed facts or
assumptions, and the like.
Yes. "Carr dismissed him on physical description."
and what does this mean? It probably includes
dna profile.
Where is dna from Christiansen that matches the
partials the FBI has? The day you see the FBI or Treasurey or someone else excavating the
Bonney Lake cabin sight and turning the cabin
inside out, then you have cause to wonder. And
we would need no "book" to speculate.
Another tipoff for me is the article writer's attitude.
He scoughs at the FBI PDF's handed out. Does he
or his colleague have an PDF's to hand out, that
matter? The whole modus operendi of the writers
smacks of Dvorak-Myers over again. It usually the
same profile. And profiles matter.
Let's hope Im wrong.
georger 247
Suspects or aspects?
What this case has needed for some time is an historian. A fact checker. A real historian, neutral
but thorough. Perhaps the FBI is already working
on this.
Meanwhile here is some Christiansen history the
new authors dont talk about or dismiss. This is
actual history not open to conjecture. There is
more history the authors are conveniently not
mentioning/examining, for the sake of a book.
"We've been waiting all week for word of the success or failure of New York magazine's sort-of maybe kinda identification of Lyle Christiansen as D. B. Cooper - who has become something of an American myth since he hijacked a Northwest plane in 1971 and made off with $200,000. So far we've gotten not much: "Bonney Lake residents doubt their neighbor Christiansen was D. B. Cooper," says the AP today. The suspect's brother, Lyle Christiansen of Minnesota, really really wanted Nora Ephron to direct the movie but of course she didn't even return his letters. (Just like that Eminem song Stan.) But how reliable a narrator is Lyle? In order to send Ephron the letter, he paid a gumshoe $495 to find her address. Really, how can one rely on the word of a man who can't figure out how
Whitepages works?"
Promotions beget promotions.
There were no promotions on 11-24-71 when a
handful of agents and officers were ready and willing to end Cooper's life at the order.
Get real Orange.
QuoteThis is actual history not open to conjecture. There is
more history the authors are conveniently not mentioning or examining, for the sake of a book.
"The suspect's brother, Lyle Christiansen of Minnesota, really really wanted Nora Ephron to direct the movie but of course she didn't even return his letters. (Just like that Eminem song Stan.) But how reliable a narrator is Lyle? In order to send Ephron the letter, he paid a gumshoe $495 to find her address. Really, how can one rely on the word of a man who can't figure out how
Whitepages works?"
Promotions beget promotions.
There were no promotions on 11-24-71 when a handful of agents and officers were ready and willing to end Cooper's life at the order.
Get real Orange.
I recieved a photo from Lyle showing his brother and "some friends" - but it did not mean anything to me. Frankly I could not even figure out which one was Christiansen. Back when all of this happened I talked to Lyle and it resulted in the photo he sent me along with a nice letter.
VERY convenient someone finding 2000 dollars in 20's in the yr of 2001. Interesting as in the summer and fall of 2001 news stories and newpaper articles made the head lines in WA. regarding another suspect. The Oregonian and another newpaper did intense articles in the area.
Just the media activity regarding Cooper about that time - means an unusual find of $20 bills would have been investigated.
2001 someone living in WA finding $2000 in 20's and NOT checking them against the Cooper records would be an IDIOT! If the story is true, one would have thought they would have at least photographed the found money or the bank would have made note of this...old money.
Frankly, I thought when someone exchanged old damaged money they had to record the serial numbers or take photographs. I mention this because of an incident when old money was found in a wall a few yrs ago in the East. Don't remember the whole story on that. Seems there would be a federal or state law regarding found money - currency.
georger 247
VERY convenient someone finding 2000 dollars in 20's in the yr of 2001. Interesting as in the summer and fall of 2001 news stories and newpaper articles made the head lines in WA. regarding another suspect. The Oregonian and another newpaper did intense articles in the area.
Just the media activity regarding Cooper about that time - means an unusual find of $20 bills would have been investigated.
2001 someone living in WA finding $2000 in 20's and NOT checking them against the Cooper records would be an IDIOT! If the story is true, one would have thought they would have at least photographed the found money or the bank would have made note of this...old money.
Frankly, I thought when someone exchanged old damaged money they had to record the serial numbers or take photographs.
everything you say is true.
Maybe the money was drug money.
Orange1 0
georger, on the other hand, raises some good points. and the idea of a willing and able, objective fact checker is a wonderful idea.
That's what Custer said.
Yesterday was a good day and today was even better. Both days resulted in information coming my way - information I have been seeking for yrs and the FBI should have found. Why they didn't find this uncanny piece of information I just don't know.
Sluggo you missed it - you had your fingers right on this and missed it. I will tell you what we found and only you, but you have to contact me. Since you took the time to look at a small part of what I have - your time should be rewarded and perhaps you have an idea of how to approach it. We had some communication about this subject, but then you let my brisk abrupt way and your tender heart get in the way. I was not objective nor where you - that created an exercise in futility and loss of time for both of us. Simply put we are both Stubborn and Opinionated.
2 days and 2 pieces of information - What this shows is the FBI did NOT investigate Duane Weber or they had NO IDEA what they were looking at.
I know I promised NOT to discuss Weber, but this information is specific to Weber so I apologize in advance.
Two someones out there were really listen to me - and had a heart for what I was telling. Both decided to help regardless of what the search produced...and I was open to this. Both parties felt what they might find would produce disappointment on my side and prepared me for that. Since I want the truth, I have and still am prepared for the worse, but what keeps happening is MORE answers that definitely point to the probability that Duane was involved in some very serious "stuff". Nothing is shouting Cooper, but a man with a LOT of secrets - secrets that add up and secrets that substantiate the things he told me over the yrs. I believe that even Sluggo might agree with that.
Duane being involved in a Cooper search for the money is not possible. If Duane had done something like that he would have BRAGGED about it - it is and was not something to keep secret. He would have told his wife and wives and friends..but, that never happened and his being involved in a search never happened.
I know - I promised not to post, but so much is happening right now - and I wish it was possible to share more of what is going on..
Duane was from one side of the states to the other. He got around - the obvious answer - he was a thief and one on the run.
There is another answer to go along with that one.