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DB Cooper

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I just dont have enough info about Christiansen to decide anything, but the proponents sure jump to a lot of conclusions.

Jumping out the side door of a C 46 on static line is hardly a similar experience to making a freefall jump from a 727 jet.

If you used your experience in one to prepare for the other you could make some fatal errors. The LAST think you'd want to do is have a money bag at the end of a long tether on a jet jump. An unstable exit is almost certain. Even if you planned to hold the bag close to you and only release it after canopy deployment, the violence of the jet exit could easily rip it from your hands. You'd have to have one hand free for a rip cord handle pull. The tether could wrap you as you tumbled and prevent the chute from opening.

I doubt if an NWA purser would pull off Norjack without an effective disguise. Too easy for fellow employees to put two and two together. A tan is not what I'd call an effective disguise.

I am keeping an open mind, but whenever the proponent of a Cooper theory has something to sell, my skeptic alarms start ringing. I dont think it automatically turns authors into liars, but it shades their judgment. They amplify evidence that supports their theory and attenuate evidence that doesnt. Georger could write the transfer function for the phenomena.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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whenever the proponent of a Cooper theory has something to sell, my skeptic alarms start ringing. I dont think it automatically turns authors into liars, but it shades their judgment. They amplify evidence that supports their theory and attenuate evidence that doesnt.

Agreed - and not just authors of course, but anyone who has a strong vested interest in a particular suspect.
Goes back to what Georger was saying about how good it would be it to have an impartial, objective fact-checker.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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how good it would be it to have an impartial, objective fact-checker.

Agree with you and Georger. Most established publishers require this for non fiction, but the age of easy self publishing has permitted authors to be their own fact checkers, thus removing the key filter of impartiality.

Actually I welcome anything, even a flawed Cooper book, that gets big publicity for the case. You never know what it might trigger. Someone might recall an odd fact about an old friend or co-worker that links them to NORJACK.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Orange1 said:

Agreed - and not just authors of course, but anyone who has a strong vested interest in a particular suspect.
Goes back to what Georger was saying about how good it would be it to have an impartial, objective fact-checker.

I agree with Orange1 and georger, it would be GREAT to have an impartial, objective fact-checker… but how does one go about locating such a person.

I feel like I started out that way (when I started my web-site and associated blogs etc.), but soon I started interacting with the information and personalities, so I no longer can claim to be truly “unbiased”.

It would have to be someone who has no knowledge of NORJAK in the beginning. IMHO, a person like that wouldn’t be very dedicated.

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It would have to be someone who has no knowledge of NORJAK in the beginning. IMHO, a person like that wouldn’t be very dedicated.

I have dealt with fact checkers for major publications. They are not passionate about the story they are checking and that's good. They just follow leads down and see if they are grounded in something solid. The process works surprisingly well even though they are not "dedicated."

They are hard nosed and single minded in my experience.

It will be funny if the Gosset and Christiansen books are released simultaneously.

If Christiansen was successful at eluding suspicion and laundering the loot, why would he give up some of it at Tena Bar?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just had a thought..inbuilt scepticism about someone hoping to make money out of it is good. But we should still keep open minds, no? Just because someone is writing a book (about whoever) it doesn't automatically make them wrong either...

After all, as we keep on being reminded, no-one has conclusively disproved that any of the potential suspects was Cooper :)

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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My son, when he was 7, used to refuse to tell me whether or not he had done his school homework. He told me if I couldn't prove he didn't do it, then I should give him credit for having done it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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So has any of the Christiansen as Cooper camp explained the Tena Bar money in a manner which fits their story?

If I was escaping suspicion and turning my hot 20s into negotiable rare stamps etc., I would just keep right on doing what I was doing and sure wouldn't stir the pot by planting some rotted Cooper currency.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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So has any of the Christiansen as Cooper camp explained the Tena Bar money in a manner which fits their story?

If I was escaping suspicion and turning my hot 20s into negotiable rare stamps etc., I would just keep right on doing what I was doing and sure wouldn't stir the pot by planting some rotted Cooper currency.


I have often thought DB just chucked a few bundles out of the plane. Possibly the ones he was going to tip Tina with. The only part of my idea that makes it seem impossible is the fact that the bundles would never drop together all the way to the ground.

I am with you 377 on the point that the more publicity the better. Keep the story in the news. DB may get sick and tired of all of the mis-information and try and set the record straight. Kind of like what BTK did when he resurfaced 30 years after his killing spree.

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Cooper is haplessly mired in his own lore borne litany.

Just as with UFO sightings individuals will use historical but unproven data to buttress their 'experience.' Reporting frail, three foot tall creatures with grey skin as credible since it matches so many reports from the past. Yep that sounds like a legit sighting report to me all righty.

Or the many stories of Bigfoot. The only discovery where the site actually repulsed future seekers. Hey, they just discovered a Coelacanth off Madagascar! Great, I'll check the north Pacific. Yahoo! oil was found at Spindletop, Texas. Hawaii or Bust! Incredible.

When something has any element of legitimacy a rush will ensue as on the Klondike, Oklahoma land rush and oil drilling in western Pennsylvania. These musings about genuine alien behaviors or the stench of Sasquatch is vexing in how seriously the separate camps take each other while creating a hierarchy of expertise. This requires some 'rare sense' where common information is allowed to be processed in a linear fashion to observe how long it will survive.

The Cooper 'bar of expertise.' Cooper is a veteran, jump trained, pilot and bomb maker because he jumped out of a plane and used flaps and opened a briefcase. OK then, I must be a plumber since I used a toilet today and a mechanic since driving a car and computer maker after displaying a laptop. Perhaps the hallowed halls were such expertise is awarded should consider accreditation. Is there evidence that Cooper was anything more than lucky? However I am willing to credit him with the ability to smoke where his drinking had noob written all over.

Re-enter the Purser. He looks like Cooper, great; now ask Tina. He worked for Northwest, ah-ha, yes, of course, why didn't we see it? Because is was never a serious parameter before and little more than a coincidence now. He was a mechanic too, on airplanes!! That fits perfectly with Cooper performing a phase inspection of the fuselage. He went through jump training in the army. Again, as this was not a requirement to be Cooper, I don't see the value beyond coincidence.

Christiansen did NOT smoke Raleigh's. Did NOT drink bourbon exclusively. Did NOT speak about bombs, air stairs or hijackings. Was NOT tall or heavy enough, dark enough, skin and eyes. But he sure looked like that black and white drawing from Mucklow's description except for those other things, he is a 95% match. In fact the D in Cooper's name is Dorian as he keeps getting younger with each investigation.

The pre-requisites to be Cooper should include not being seen since 1971 for starters. Why have all of the suspects decided to hang around and live such pedestrian lives with such dark and sinister pasts? Dan Coopers or Walter Mittys? If it was a relative I suspected, I would want them investigated as quietly as possible followed by relief after having done my civic duty. I don't see myself insisting an uncle, dead or alive, as having to be some criminal.

As Hunter S Thompson said before deciding he had enough; "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

Cooper has been imitated many times, has been a pilot, has been jump trained, has been a Northwest employee and has been a transsexual. For all of this and more, Cooper has never been boring.

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Oh yeah? OH YEAH? You are wrong and I can prove it!

Here’s an e-mail I received today:


Just so you know - I flew aircraft with DB up to two weeks before the event and so I might have a unique perspective on all of this - FBI and FAA interviewed me on the Monday after the event so my coming forward is nothing new - have talked with Galen also... will post in the near future to go along with the DB anniversary next week.

Signature Redacted

So there… Mr. Smarty-pants… what do you think of that?

Seriously, I get some of the strangest e-mails (especially around the anniversary time). I wish I could share them all.


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I hope this person can recall what took place on that flight in the two weeks preceding. I was trying to recall the names of teachers from the same time period and managed to score absolute zero. Keep in mind these were people I saw everyday for 8 months and not a glimmer of recall.

A few years later Squeaky Fromme threw down on Gerald Ford while he was visiting Sacramento, CA. Recall any news reports where people mentioned an elfin woman flitting around wearing a bright red pixie hat and monks robe? That's what she was wearing when she was hauled away. Either this was common garb in the mid 70's or the average persons power of observation is always off and the power of imagination is ........ eleven.

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Frankly, Jo, when you've stated about a thousand times that you know for a fact that Weber was Cooper, you can't expect anyone to take your arguments against anyone else as being objective.

georger, on the other hand, raises some good points. and the idea of a willing and able, objective fact checker is a wonderful idea.


I made a mistake in that post - I spoke to Christiansen's brother and he sent me a photo of Christiansen and his friends.

Orange - me thinks you do not want me to POST AT ALL. I was only stating my experience - and NO I can't be completely objective, but I do have a lot of general knowledge about this crime and I have been at it for 14 yrs...:(how many yrs have you studied Cooper and the suspects in any depth?

Eyes: Christiansen had hazel eyes - the is NO way they could be mistaken for dark brown/black - I have hazel eyes.

Christainsen was too short - it was Carr who re-interated that point over and over.

Christiansen was pale and no suntan on his complexion could possibly have been described as "Latin" or "Olive".

High probablility of being recognized by co-workers during that time.

Found Money:
Very unlikely Cooper money - 2001 was 30 yrs after the crime and the money was supposedly found in a tree stump. Now think about the condition of the money found 7 yrs after the crime.

Motivation of individuals making claims about who Cooper is or was:
How many of the accusors/participants have taken money (some even ask for money) and /or are writing a book. Jo Weber has refused compensation and has been UPFRONT about this with every production company who has approached me. The terms have and will remain to all - show me the proof...find the truth...then we will talk about money or a book or etc.

Yes, one company flew me to WA (also meals and room). Another bought me lunch. If the FBI had done their job - I would never have had to expose myself to all of this for the past 9 yrs. Remember that I did NOT go public until 2000, but turned in what I knew in 1996. I was made many offers and there are still offers. What are my conditions? Do the research and find me the proof - find out who this man was..a man I was married to for 17 yrs and told me he was Dan Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Geoger. I just checked Sluggo's new site out. It is realy ammazing and even I can navigate through it. I do believe it can be the new drop zone. Check it out it is different and trully a place that you can post without ridicule. By the way new subject and Book Robert M Blevins on the Cooper saga is being discussed on the new site. I emailed Mr.Blevins Have not heard from him yet with any luck I will. As far as the other info we have discused I will keep you posted.Nothing to report yet. Geof Grey is working on his new book.I do believe it will be quite ammazing.Jerry

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Orange1 said:


Agreed - and not just authors of course, but anyone who has a strong vested interest in a particular suspect.
Goes back to what Georger was saying about how good it would be it to have an impartial, objective fact-checker.

I agree with Orange1 and georger, it would be GREAT to have an impartial, objective fact-checker… but how does one go about locating such a person.

I feel like I started out that way (when I started my web-site and associated blogs etc.), but soon I started interacting with the information and personalities, so I no longer can claim to be truly “unbiased”.

It would have to be someone who has no knowledge of NORJAK in the beginning. IMHO, a person like that wouldn’t be very dedicated.

That part is easy. Within the FBI itself. They are
the only people in position to do it, working with outside resources of course, who are *very*
objective, like an historian or two.

I have large faith in the younger generations
because I have seen them on the firing lines.
There are younger well educated people in the
FBI who would love this task and do an excellent
job. It would be great service.


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Here’s an e-mail I received today:


Just so you know - I flew aircraft with DB up to two weeks before the event and so I might have a unique perspective on all of this - FBI and FAA interviewed me on the Monday after the event so my coming forward is nothing new - have talked with Galen also... will post in the near future to go along with the DB anniversary next week.

Signature Redacted

Oh Goodie! Fresh meat on Survivor Cooper.

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Geoger. I just checked Sluggo's new site out. It is realy ammazing and even I can navigate through it. I do believe it can be the new drop zone. Check it out it is different and trully a place that you can post without ridicule. By the way new subject and Book Robert M Blevins on the Cooper saga is being discussed on the new site. I emailed Mr.Blevins Have not heard from him yet with any luck I will. As far as the other info we have discused I will keep you posted.Nothing to report yet. Geof Grey is working on his new book.I do believe it will be quite ammazing.Jerry

Ok will check it out.

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Cooper is haplessly mired in his own lore borne litany.

Just as with UFO sightings

Or the many stories of Bigfoot.

When something has any element of legitimacy a rush will ensue

The Cooper 'bar of expertise.'

Re-enter the Purser. He looks like Cooper,

Cooper has been imitated many times,

So the training question is: what would the real Cooper look like, how would one recognise him,
how might he surface in the course of daily events,
what would trigger your suspicion, and what would
you do about it if anything and when?

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So has any of the Christiansen as Cooper camp explained the Tena Bar money in a manner which fits their story?

I was wondering when this would come up. It is
avoided, of course.

In the end, the Mothership or a Soviet submarine
lost it there.

Hmmm... Submarine. Maybe Rat knew something and his attempt to have Cooper jump into the Pacific wasnt a murderous plan.

Just kidding, but the Chritiansen as Cooper story doesn't have me thinking case closed.

How do the authors quantify their 90-95% certainty about Christiansen being Cooper? Where are the metrics? I thought that would bring Snowmman into the fray, but it takes better bait than that apparently.

I'll have to recruit some Icelandic girls to the forum. That'll get Snow out of his cave.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just kidding, but the Chritiansen as Cooper story doesn't have me thinking case closed.

How do the authors quantify their 90-95% certainty about Christiansen being Cooper? Where are the metrics? I thought that would bring Snowmman into the fray, but it takes better bait than that apparently.


Perhaps I am getting senile. Perhaps I can't read or understand anything anymore.

I understand that Blevins is saying that Cooper handed the note to Tina Mucklow and that this is what the FIOA states.
This is contrary to everything I ever read. This man is writing a book and he doesn't know Tina from Florence. Maybe I am the idiot here - someone out there tell me who Cooper handed the note to and if the FIOA reads as Blevins has stated it...I don't want to go to bed thinking about that one.

Copied from a prior post made by me "Had an interesting conversation with someone tonight - who has more on Duane than the FBI. This person will be providing me with some information that might be very suprising...for me and everyone else. "

Received an email from this person yesterday stating the information will be forthcoming - this one has my attention. Wonder if the FBI has done what this individual claims he can do - verify employment for both SS # 's numbers used by Weber? I requested this from the FBI and the SS information for the FBI but was denied it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sluggo: Am I senile? Did Blevins actually state that Cooper handed the note to Tina Mucklow and that is what the FIOA states. Don't worry, I do not want to post there - but, it is interesting to read what others say outside of this thread.

I must have read the post incorrectly. This is one of the reasons I never allowed a book project ( I had a man do a 2 page query letter which he presented with multiple factual errors). This project was stopped before major steps were taken.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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