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DB Cooper

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? Why would the night clerk burn the money? It wasn't that cold that night.


That is an excellent example of what is done to me ALL of the time. Twist the words to where they do not resemble what I tried to say at all.

What a TURKEY day this has been and it all started 38 yrs ago. WHEW!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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377 You wrote the post I am referencing in Sept of 2008:


your statements implying a deliberate FBI cover up leave me repeatedly shaking my head. Why would the FBI hide Cooper's identity, especially if Duane were Cooper? Give us a credible reason. What enduring government interest would support a cover up conspiracy as late as 2008?

I believe we have found the answer to that question...the FBI was not part of a cover-up in the beginning only when a suspect made his confession and his background was revealed.


I think if the FBI knew who Cooper was they'd say so. The fact that the case remains unsolved is a lingering embarrassment to the agency.

Yes, it is and disclosing Cooper is going to be even more embarrassing - unless someone can produce some very good answers.


Please just explain why, if the FBI knew who Cooper was or even might be, they would cover it up in late 2008?

You shall have the answer to that question in a short period of time. The investigation of one suspect opened a can of worms. If the FBI had been allowed to admit this suspect was Cooper - what was lying in the bottom of that can could have stayed there and have been forever buried.

I understand the concept because any subject declared to be Cooper would have resulted in writers and investigators digging up all of the background they could find. All that was accomplished was a delay of the inevitable. During the past 13 yrs - how many suspects have been exploited? How much did it cost the government? How much harm did it cause to innocent parties involved with all of these suspects?

No one expected a spunky old woman to not accept these answers...They under-estimated how much she might really know about his past. They made an evaluation in 1998 that she didn't know enough to be a threat. Her age and health where on their side. What they did not count on was the remarkable recall she had and others coming to her aid and providing information into the background of her husband.

Since she wasn't out there for a book or movie - and money was not the motivation - others stepped into help her find answers and the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. This aid was accelerated within the last 3 months, until up popped the bunny out of the hat. It was not magic - but technology and record keeping and 3 brilliant minds and lots of hard work. These brilliant minds did not let themselve become bogged down in a thread, but used their time in more productive ways.

The developements of the last 2 weeks are amazing. When a incidental discovery tipped the can of worms over and a direction was created. This discovery escalated the urgency of finding more answers - and the next find was a jaw dropper.

Please realize that I cannot give details to you guys - and I presume you do not want them anyway since most of you have decided there was no way for Weber to be Cooper. The thread actually was how 2 of these individuals came to my aid...but are not an active part of the community.

Do your searches or whatever entertains - because some of it has been helpful.

ORANGE: Your post was very helpful - I had asked several times about finding a family who lived in the N.W. with the name Cooley or Coolidge. I was looking for older people - probablly deceased because it was a name out of the past of Weber. The name was mentioned (by Duane's brother) as having been friends of Duane's mother who assisted the family when Duane was sent to McNeil in 1944 and helped get him into a program and out of McNeil. Duane had also mention family friends by that last name.

Per the age of the Cooley in the article he could have been the son of the Cooley I was looking for as Duane was the baby of the family with his brother and sister being 8 and 12 yrs older than Duane. I didn't look for anyone Duane's age category - but it stands to reason the mothers might have had children in the same age categories.

Now I want to find out about the the life and family of the deceased man - where he was born, where they lived and what kind of work they did - and to have someone in the family to see if an old photo I have matches anything the family might have from the 40's.

I leave NO stones unturned and this is just wanting to know more about Duane's family and how they lived.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Please just explain why, if the FBI knew who Cooper was or even might be, they would cover it up in late 2008?

You shall have the answer to that question in a short period of time. The investigation of one suspect opened a can of worms. If the FBI had been allowed to admit this suspect was Cooper - what was lying in the bottom of that can could have stayed there and have been forever buried.

Promises, promises. Once again Jo can't reveal the key evidence now but will soon. Yawn... This is ridiculous Jo. Really. If you have evidence publish it. You keep promising the moon and delivering absolutely nothing. You are hopelessly addicted to the tease. I guess it focuses attention on you. I can't think of any other reason you repeat the behavior over and over. It turned me from a sympathetic protector to a harsh critic. Sluggo too.



2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The FAA and Unions and CIA had critical situations going on during all of this time --- .

Take the Marana, Tx operations - there are those who have died and their obituaries specifically state they were trained there for covert actions in Cuba among other places. This was during the very time that I question Duane's past - the John Collins days and his being in places he could not be in if he was in prison...1962 and then the following yrs....

CKRET - would you have wanted Duane selling you an insurance policy? ------calling you on behalf of your employer.....the FBI, CIA etc. One of these companies was mentioned in an article that stated it was a front for coverts...who supposedly sold insurance to FBI, CIA and other government agencies. Felons selling insurance to the FBI, CIA and other government agencies, there is SOMETHING wrong with this.

Does anyone remember my search for the source of one of Duane's employments his ex-wife told me about? That company is mentioned in the articles about Marana, TX and in the JMwave entities. Duane is in and out of the Tuson, Casa Grande and Phonix area during those yrs...along with MN among the many others on the list. His connections with New Orleans are established....

----- his wifes address is listed as New Orleans and her name is different. Didn't Ray deliver a package to a woman in New Orleans? Don't answer that because I know his testimony states that he did.

I also mention the FBI's refusal to provide the SS information I had requested.

Well, well, well hide if you can - but modern technology has a "Gottcha". When you can't get in the front door - try the back door and if that doesn't work crawl beneath the house, oops a concrete foundation so then you try the chimney - no chimney - so then you just KNOCK on the door.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you have evidence publish it. You keep promising the moon and delivering absolutely nothing. You are hopelessly addicted to the tease. I guess it focuses attention on you. I can't think of any other reason you repeat the behavior over and over.

Call it a tease if you wish, but I do like being alive and do not wish to damage someone else in the process of what is being done. Documentations and Evidence have a way of DISAPPEARING or being altered and that is NOT going to happen this time. Also specifics have a way of causing willing parties to not participate - because of fear of damage to their reputations. When this is done it will be done in front of a lawyer and with legal counsel and with all statements and documentation secured - and rechecked.

If you prefer - I can just not post, but I will not be co-erced into making a statement, conselor. This is not an interrogation room nor a court room. With all that is going on in the states right now - you are the last person I expected to make that kind of statement.

Check you PM because there is a pargagraph I just deleted.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you prefer - I can just not post, but I will not be co-erced into making a statement, conselor. This is not an interrogation room nor a court room. With all that is going on in the states right now - you are the last person I expected to make that kind of statement.

Jo, I am hardly coercing you to make a statement. YOU make statement after statement. You then promise to back them up with evidence that you possess but can't reveal just yet. Predictably you fail to disclose the promised evidence.

I was taught by a brilliant defense lawyer that the surest way to lose a case was to claim something extreme in your opening statement to a jury and then fail to deliver the evidence during the trial.

You aren't on the witness stand Jo. You are an advocate who has made a series of extraordinary claims about Duane and then failed to produce the promised supporting evidence every single time.

You are free to post, to make unsubstantiated claims, associate Duane with just about every major US asassination victim of his era etc etc. Just don't cast yourself as the victim of an unjust inquisition. That is ridiculous.

I find it amusing and far more indicative of narciscism than real threats that you fear for your safety if you reveal the truth about Duane. It does however serve a valuable function for you in justifying your endless renegging on disclosure promises.

You have a perfect opportunity to strike back Jo and make me look like a mean old fool by proving Duane Weber was Dan Cooper. Your move.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Please just explain why, if the FBI knew who Cooper was or even might be, they would cover it up in late 2008?

You shall have the answer to that question in a short period of time. The investigation of one suspect opened a can of worms. If the FBI had been allowed to admit this suspect was Cooper - what was lying in the bottom of that can could have stayed there and have been forever buried.

Promises, promises. Once again Jo can't reveal the key evidence now but will soon. Yawn... This is ridiculous Jo. Really. If you have evidence publish it. You keep promising the moon and delivering absolutely nothing. You are hopelessly addicted to the tease. I guess it focuses attention on you. I can't think of any other reason you repeat the behavior over and over. It turned me from a sympathetic protector to a harsh critic. Sluggo too.



This is true Jo, and your dramatic "want to be alive" responses don't wash with anyone here. Why? Because we have had - what - 2 years of being promised imminent revelations. All we get are more wild goose chases and stupendous leaps of imagination in joining dots ...dots that might not even be there in the first place. Your latest supposed response does not explain the past 2 years of revelations that have disappeared. There is only one logical explanation: you have nothing. This is also the only logical explanation for your continued hounding of the FBI because they won't act as your personal detective agency.

Do you know the saying put up or shut up?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Your latest supposed response does not explain the past 2 years of revelations that have disappeared. There is only one logical explanation: you have nothing. This is also the only logical explanation for your continued hounding of the FBI because they won't act as your personal detective agency.

Do you know the saying put up or shut up?

First and Foremost - I do NOT hound the FBI. I learned in my communications with Carr that was useless. Only 2 or 3 times in the past yr have they been contacted. and I did not get to speak with an agent of record.

When you and others DO learn what I am sitting on - then and only then will any of you understand the WHY.

Why don't you present the FBI with a Put Up or Shut Up ultimatum. You know what their response will be - NO response at ALL.

I have been advise - to pull away or make only generic posts regarding the crime. Two of these are personal friends of 15 yrs, others are those involved in the research and several family members. Their concern is NOT my health, but fear for my Safety. These people know me well enough to be aware - I am not a tease nor am I baiting anyone. They all know my ethics and the principles by which I have lived my life. Their judgement of me is personal - not a judgement based on what is read in this thread.

They have noticed something quiet different about me recently - that I seemed to be myself again - the old Jo was still there, but she was buried alive in all of the accusations and what the readers and others in general thought of her. Now the road to the truth has a huge passage plowed thru all of the debri - I can see the what is at the end of the road - truth and vindication.

Sorry if my research has bored you - but the truth is FAR from boring. Yes, you can classify that as a tease, because when the truth is told (even though many will find it UN-believable) my job is done......and because of that many will still not believe it - that is their problem, not mine.

The future of the US and the course our own government has made - must be changed. We are no longer a country under God, Truth and Justice for ALL. Everyone believes in a creator - and that is a GOD no matter what name you give him...
GOD is non-denominational. God has been taken out of the US and now the US is falling - our system is crumbling.

The crumbling of our government started in the 1950's and has esculated to the extreme since. Wake-up America - it may already be too late to save our country. The path to destruction started with crooked politicians and greed in the 50's and that trend has continued. We can't change history, but we can make history and by disclosing the past we might be able to change the future.

Does the above have one iota to do with Cooper? Probably not, but the research into his background sure exposed a lot of dirty laundry. What started out as uncovering the past of one man unmasked over half a century of deceit and corruption, which has excelerated in recent yrs and is out of control..

If you will excuse me I think I have a load in the Washer I need to Re-wash. Don't think I will get all the dirt out.....but, I can try. Perhaps the only thing to do will be to soak them in Bleach which will only tear down the basic structure causing the garments to fade and fall apart. Caution is advised with such drastic measures.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Your latest supposed response does not explain the past 2 years of revelations that have disappeared. There is only one logical explanation: you have nothing. This is also the only logical explanation for your continued hounding of the FBI because they won't act as your personal detective agency.

Do you know the saying put up or shut up?

First and Foremost - I do NOT hound the FBI. I learned in my communications with Carr that was useless. Only 2 or 3 times in the past yr have they been contacted. and I did not get to speak with an agent of record.

When you and others DO learn what I am sitting on - then and only then will any of you understand the WHY.

Why don't you present the FBI with a Put Up or Shut Up ultimatum. You know what their response will be - NO response at ALL.

I have been advise - to pull away or make only generic posts regarding the crime. Two of these are personal friends of 15 yrs, others are those involved in the research and several family members. Their concern is NOT my health, but fear for my Safety. These people know me well enough to be aware - I am not a tease nor am I baiting anyone. They all know my ethics and the principles by which I have lived my life. Their judgement of me is personal - not a judgement based on what is read in this thread.

They have noticed something quiet different about me recently - that I seemed to be myself again - the old Jo was still there, but she was buried alive in all of the accusations and what the readers and others in general thought of her. Now the road to the truth has a huge passage plowed thru all of the debri - I can see the what is at the end of the road - truth and vindication.

Sorry if my research has bored you - but the truth is FAR from boring. Yes, you can classify that as a tease, because when the truth is told (even though many will find it UN-believable) my job is done......and because of that many will still not believe it - that is their problem, not mine.

The future of the US and the course our own government has made - must be changed. We are no longer a country under God, Truth and Justice for ALL. Everyone believes in a creator - and that is a GOD no matter what name you give him...
GOD is non-denominational. God has been taken out of the US and now the US is falling - our system is crumbling.

The crumbling of our government started in the 1950's and has esculated to the extreme since. Wake-up America - it may already be too late to save our country. The path to destruction started with crooked politicians and greed in the 50's and that trend has continued. We can't change history, but we can make history and by disclosing the past we might be able to change the future.

Does the above have one iota to do with Cooper? Probably not, but the research into his background sure exposed a lot of dirty laundry. What started out as uncovering the past of one man unmasked over half a century of deceit and corruption, which has excelerated in recent yrs and is out of control..

If you will excuse me I think I have a load in the Washer I need to Re-wash. Don't think I will get all the dirt out.....but, I can try. Perhaps the only thing to do will be to soak them in Bleach which will only tear down the basic structure causing the garments to fade and fall apart. Caution is advised with such drastic measures.

Hey SubPrimeLoan4You Lady:

Shuto de fucho de uppo? Bochos Dochos.

Let a day pass without your feces routine on the
screens of the World?

Or we will have to lock you back up in the Banana Room.

Have the five cop cars left your front yard yet
from your ongoing feud with your neighbors?

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It's so cool that Duane Weber was Cooper. The only cooler thing is that Jo figured it out. Or maybe the coolest thing is how she did in in spite of all the roadblocks thrown in her way. And without violating any of her principles.

I think it's a little bit cooler that a university professor is reading French comic books. Or that Bruce is banging on his monitor trying to get it to stay on when he boots his pc. Or that Jerry walks around in the woods.

but it's all good. How come Brian Ingram is making the most money out of all this. How did he know to hold out till the internet age?

Man, if we could put Brian and Jo together, we'd have something.

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Why don't you present the FBI with a Put Up or Shut Up ultimatum. You know what their response will be - NO response at ALL.

You really are something else. If someone from the FBI had been consistently promising to reveal "the truth" and never delivering, then I would. You can't deflect it that easily Jo. The day you come up with something tangible, I guarantee you everyone here will give you credit...but after years of unfulfilled promises we have come to know it's never going to happen.

The definition of a rational person in economics is, basically, someone who learns from their mistakes. It would be completely irrational for anyone here to actually believe you do have something concrete to deliver.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Why don't you present the FBI with a Put Up or Shut Up ultimatum. You know what their response will be - NO response at ALL.

You really are something else. If someone from the FBI had been consistently promising to reveal "the truth" and never delivering, then I would. You can't deflect it that easily Jo. The day you come up with something tangible, I guarantee you everyone here will give you credit...but after years of unfulfilled promises we have come to know it's never going to happen.

The definition of a rational person in economics is, basically, someone who learns from their mistakes. It would be completely irrational for anyone here to actually believe you do have something concrete to deliver.

Jo is the sole owner and proprietor of the
No Hope Motel, where guests can check in and
stay forever - some never seen again! But at
some point Jo begins to worry about the bill and
then she complains to local officials (FBI) ... for
not ridding her of the very guests she welcomed!

Jo is her own proof.

Arent we all!

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This whole thing about how Duane hijacked 305 has got me thinking.

I don't think I like the idea of modern-day Duane's interfering with the flying (or non-flying as the case may be) of the aluminum things with fuel tanks in the air. Sure there are moms and kids on board, but let's be frank: The more hijackings there are, the more taxes are going to go up. Or we'll have to subsidize more TSA ex-McDonald's workers to inspect our shoes.

So it makes sense to round up all the likely Duanes, and ship them to Alaska.

Jo's comments about gods have got me wondering.

What god did Duane worship? Did he go to church? Did Duane and Jo go to church together? I'm wondering how this god thing plays out. If Duane was a god guy, did it work for him? Jo's throwing out this god thing, and we've not explored it fully.

Did Duane burn the money as some kind of offering? Do people do that?

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Did Duane burn the money as some kind of offering? Do people do that?

Of course I'm sure you realize, as probably everyone except Jo does, that the "burned" in Ckret's post that she was harping on about is 99.9999% likely to have been a typo when he meant to type "buried". Most people (without agendas) recognize a mistake like that when they see ut.

(Or does anyone think I was actually referring to someone called "Ut" there? ...btw that was a genuine typo, then I just decided not to correct it to prove a pint.)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo- simple question that requires a simple answer. So when do you see the release of this information that will change our lives?
A. 2 weeks
B. 2 months
C. 2 years
D. Never
E. When Jo is gone

Which one is closest to when we see all your hard work with the tsuper secret band on crackshot investigators?
Simple honest question that i would like a simple honest answer?

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by the way in another thread it was stated on 12/4 the CBS TV SHOW numb3rs will be about DB COOPER, and best of all check out who plays the FBI agent Roger Bloom! Ain't America Great!!!!!


Henry Winkler ("Happy Days") Returns as Former FBI Agent Roger Bloom

Michael Hogan ("Battlestar Galactica") Guest Stars as Ray Till, Uncle of the Slain Armored Car Driver and a Key Player in the Investigation

"Old Soldiers" - When the team foils a robbery of an armored car full of Federal Reserve money and recover bills that trace back to the infamous D.B. Cooper heist, they call on Agent Roger Bloom, who worked on the Cooper case, for help with the investigation, on NUMB3RS, Friday, Dec. 4 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Henry Winkler ("Happy Days") returns as former FBI Agent Roger Bloom, and Michael Hogan ("Battlestar Galactica") guest stars as Ray Till, the uncle of the slain armored car driver and a key player in the investigation.

Don Eppes.................................. Rob Morrow
Charlie Eppes........................ David Krumholtz
Alan Eppes.................................... Judd Hirsch
David Sinclair............................... Alimi Ballard
Amita Ramanujan.......................... Navi Rawat
Colby Granger.............................. Dylan Bruno
Nikki Betancourt...................... Sophina Brown
Liz Warner.................................... Aya Sumika
Larry Fleinhart......................... Peter MacNicol

Agent Roger Bloom................... Henry Winkler
Matt Li............................. Matthew Yang King

Ray Till..................................... Michael Hogan
Tina Tran............................. Nicole Bilderback
Teddy Antell............................. Rick Ravanello
Fremont.................................. Judith Moreland
Clerk.............................................. Alec Mapa

WRITTEN BY: Steve Cohen
DIRECTED BY: Executive Producer Ken Sanzel

Source: CBS

Read more: http://www.spoilertv.com/2009/11/numb3rs-episode-610-old-soldiers-press.html#ixzz0YAayEckf

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so there's this big table full of suits, and I've got the powerpoint cranked to 11, and they're all in the palm of my hand...not a cell phone to be seen anywhere....and I get to where I describe how Edgerton calls the retired FBI agent..

and I say "And guess who we've got for Bloom?"

"The Fonz"

Sharp intake of breath all around..following by serious nodding.

That's when I know the project is gonna green-light and serious ka-ching is coming.

But then, way down the end of the table...an old guy. No tie. No suit. Wearing sandals, which are propped up on the illegal Jatoba smuggled in by Peracchi from Brazil in the back of the company's Gulfstream IV.

He looks straight at me. Just one question, which he knows has no answer.

"What's Jo Weber gonna say?"

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The only person in the history of earth to engage in two hijackings was none other than criminal mastermind and teenager, Glen Kurt Tripp. Once again Northwest found a PDX - SEA flight being ransomed. But this time it was for half the parachutes and money, no doubt a bargain of air piracy.

The flight attendant put three Valium tablets into Tripp's drink. A crime for which she was never prosecuted for by the FBI, if anyone cares. Then the hijacker reduced his demands to some cheeseburgers and a wicked fast car. If you think about it, that's all any of us really want.

While exiting the plane, Tripp was arrested and sentenced to almost 16 months in prison and told to feel really, really, really bad about what he had done.

Another day another Portland based Northwest aircraft being hijacked. After completing parole, Tripp now 20 years old boarded a jet claiming to have a bomb. The government should lower the age for handgun purchase in order to give these youthful hijackers some options for weapons. But it may not have helped Mr Tripp in this case.

Rather than going through the process of negotiations where the perpetrator is served several hamburgers in the end. The FBI served a federally approved meal of Yankee justice from the barrel of a Smith Wesson at a hyper-space velocity. 30 minutes or it's free indeed.

So hats off to the only person on earth to hijack two planes. It would seem his possession a 68 point IQ was just the sort of criminal genius which facilitated his quick release from prison on the first offense. Releasing a person that can't appreciate the nature of his crimes into society? Nothing should go wrong here. Isn't America great? Even the intellectually challenged can aspire to and achieve greatness with little more than a dream, ransom note and a Northwest Orient ticket from Portland to Seattle. Twice.

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there's also been at least one passenger who has been on a hijacked plane twice.

I think that's more statistically remarkable.

You know about the mother/daughter/boyfriend separate hijacks too, right? Reviewing:

What was the daughter's name: "Robin Oswald (DC-9 hijack)
Mother: Barbara Oswald. (she hijacked a helicopter to try to free Trapnell. Shot)

Robin also wanted Martin McNally freed (hijacker/jumper) with Garrett Trapnell (hijacker)

Where did mom get the idea? Not much different than Jo.

"In his book, "The Fox is Crazy Too", Trapnell discussed escape. Mrs Oswald reportedly had read the book, and reportedly watched when Trapnell said on "60 minutes" ..that he was fascinated by the story of Papillon, a French prisoner who escaped from Devil's Island.

Mrs Oswald met Trapnell at the prison in April and fell in love with him...She died the next month, shot by the helicopter pilot..

"If I had made it in that helicopter...the American public would have loved it," Trapnell said later. "Escaping from prison is as American as apple pie"


How did Duane pull the strings on this one?

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The seeds of dis-information germinate in the very article which touts 99.44% purity.

From the 4th to last paragraph:

"A German-born carpenter who had fought against the US in the Second World War was eventually arrested and sent to the electric chair on the most tenuous of evidence."

Bruno Richard Hauptmann was executed on 3 April 1936, in Trenton, NJ. Yet he is credited with having fought in a war which was some three years in the future. Not wanting to leave well enough alone, they had to claim he fought against the US. Cunning of the FBI to rely upon the ignorance of world history to propel this myth.

Perhaps the "Independent" could get their facts straight if they were from a country which actually had some involvement in the Second World War.

Of course it's connected to Whittington.

Hauptmann is arrested by Norman Schwarzkopf for the Lindbergh kidnapping. All so very, very Germanic isn't it? But it kept the civil population quiet until the US could choose when to enter WWII in order to 'defend' North Africa and the Saudi peninsula.

The US needed more oil and the delay Schwarzkopf facilitated was rewarded through the promotion of his son to the rank of General. What war did this son fight in? That's right, the Gulf War to free Kuwait's oil.

With 800 oil wells burning out of control (thanks to the war fought by Schwarzkopf) the only company considered was Haliburton. The CEO agreed to managing the oil well fires on the condition of some day becoming a two term Vice President, that CEO was Dick Cheney.

Whittington is appointed to the Texas Funeral Commission by none other than George W. Bush who was governor of Texas. Whittington has long been opposed to the death penalty and was active in investigating past executions (Hauptmann's perhaps) searching for evidence of misuse.

Cheney was made aware of Whittington's investigations by the FBI upon which he called George W. Bush to arrange a quail hunting trip.

Whittington is accidently shot at 5:30 (8 minutes AFTER sunset) by Dick Cheney. After being rushed to the hospital doctors begin the tedious task of removing shot pellets from the right leg, torso and face of Whittington. Doctors estimate approximately 200 shot were left in the victims body.

Considering the average shotshell contains 75 pellets one could assume there was more than one shotgun blast directed at Whittington and there has to be a cover up. Whittington has decided to keep his mouth shut and carry 200 small reminders of what 'could be' if you look too closely at the death penalty.

Texas remains the second most productive in regard to executions, first place - Saudi Arabia, oil and executions will forever be linked. Lindbergh lost an American born son to a German born kidnapper, who could possibly be surprised by the procreative retaliation exercised by Lindy gettin Lucky in Germany?

It's all so clear now.

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Did Duane burn the money as some kind of offering? Do people do that?

Of course I'm sure you realize, as probably everyone except Jo does, that the "burned" in Ckret's post that she was harping on about is 99.9999% likely to have been a typo when he meant to type "buried". Most people (without agendas) recognize a mistake like that when they see ut.

(Or does anyone think I was actually referring to someone called "Ut" there? ...btw that was a genuine typo, then I just decided not to correct it to prove a pint.)

I know Ut. He's from mongolia, his brother is ut'Tu.
They raise camels and peacocks and buffalo not
too far from me. They have a little realty firm called
T4Tu. Which makes 4x4, I guess. They subscribe
to the Turtle Theory - that everything is being held up by the back of a Turtle, which sits on a 4x4,
held up by a Tu4Tu.

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