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DB Cooper

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Good summary of coalition deaths in Afghanistan at

didn't realize the numbers were so big.
1532 total.

IED deaths by year is still increasing. and increasing percentage-wise on an annual basis.
485 deaths this year. (299 US).

31 just this month (Nov)
Aug-Oct spiked to mid-70s per month.
929 of the total deaths were USA.
UK next largest with 236.
Then Canada with 133.

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I don't think you know McCoy at all.

Remember everything about how deeply his wife was involved (it came out in later court case regarding the book. She was never charged though).

I think you're creating a mythology that isn't just right.

Now it's fair to say there's this weird thing between Vietnam, helicopter pilot, novice sport jumper, national guard, husband, mormon, and a guy who can then escape from prison etc.
(not to mention he was going to BYU to be law enforcement)

Even the circumstances of what happened on the prison escape are muddied.

Who knows what McCoy was really like? No one.

He could fly a damn helicopter in Vietnam though.

(edit) I don't know why Georger is saying Carr was spot-on about McCoy. Carr used McCoy as an example of how an expert jumper would do it. McCoy was a novice jumper. Now if you want to say McCoy was an example of how a novice jumper would do it...okay.

So 'who is' the expert jumper that did it right, in your

I think you're having an allergy attack here Snowmann. Every time the dog gets close to
a solid scent trail you start wheezing and coughing
and sputtering nonsense.

Go back to Braden if you like.

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But my general opinion is that no one has any information to say anything reasonable about who Cooper might have been. It's biased more by who the observer is, rather than any evidence about Cooper.

Now you know that is not true.

Which "observer" would you pick to do your heart surgery ... or as your guide on a fishing expedition?

bad examples. Both of those have stuff to observe and study.
My point is there's nothing to study.
Any damn opinion off the street is just as good.

If good fishing was random, I could take you anywhere and be just as good as any fishing guide.

Same with heart surgery. If there was nothing to study, and success was just luck, I'd cut you open and be just as good.

Precisely. Its not luck. Any more than your being
here with the most posts of anyone is pure
random luck, but why am I saying this. Its
like talking to an allergy when what is really going
on is a P-J synaptic disconnect. A seeing eye dog
might help?

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G said "I think you're having an allergy attack here Snowmann. Every time the dog gets close to a solid scent trail you start wheezing and coughing and sputtering nonsense."

I have to start wheezing and coughing and sputtering nonsense because the dog is getting close to a solid scent trail.

It's part of how I keep Cooper unfound.

See: because of what I do, it's not possible to find Cooper. Tough job. Luckily it's subsidized.

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3568 posts.
One thread.
One topic.

I defy anyone to top that.

Also, I can't be accused of repeating. I don't think anyone's posted "Snowmman, you already said that multiple times".

I do repost, but only when there's evidence of Alzheimer's.

(edit) I have 3 dogs already. No room at the inn.

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:(>:(When we moved to Va. Bch. was in 1983 several yrs after he took me to WA in 1979 and told and showed me what he did. Our moving to VA is not when or why Duane became interested in McCoy or the Cooper Story. I would appreciate it if you would keep yours statements regarding this factual rather than adding to the myths and if you would please refrain from making COY statements about Weber unless you verify the facts.

This is the kind of thing that contributes to the myths of the future.

we have been over this a thousand times.
your stories keep changing.
what else is new?

Now you just said Duane took you to WA and
'showed you and told you'.

For thirteen years you have been saying he 'did
not show you and tell you' anything that made sense, and thus your thirteen year quest AFTER
his deathbed confession to being Cooper.

Between the trip to WA and his confession on his
deathbed you say you did not have the faintest notion that Duane could be Cooper, or Eisenhower either! Or was involved in the JFK Assassination,
which you now claim an association.

As for McCoy., you have posted on this forum it
was at Virginia Beach where you and Duane became aware of Richard McCoy and you even drove by his house and a book about the Cooper
hyjacking 'appeared' on your mantel but you never
read it. That is what you have previously posted. I have a long memory, plus an archive of this whole forum (cross referenced for searches - so do others.) I can re-post your posts on this topic if you like, which you would only ignore to continue ... which
makes me think none of thios has any real meaning for you. You just like the chase and chasing others
to fill the void in your life.

Maybe pig wrestling would be more your style?

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The American Legion had their 48th annual convention the end of August in Washington D.C 1966. President Johnson made a speach at this convention.
Vietnam vets attended this convention. What about those you could never be revealed? Did not one prison furlough some vets and others for this conven

March 2000 the FBI denied that Duane was EVER at McNeil and stated he was never in the army. They are on record as stating that the number on his military records belonged to a Wavy Greene.

Does that sound like a thorough FBI check of Duane L. Weber? I was holding the papers from McNeil and a letter written from Camp Siebert in Alabama.

Which hand did Cooper hold his smoke with?

I trusted the FBI to investigate Duane, but they had NOT investigated the background of Duane Weber and the FBI thought I would accept their letter and never expected me to go public in 2000. Had I not caught the agent in a lie, I might have accepted what I was told.

How many of you have ever tried to check the people in Duane's past? Did the FBI? This world is full of secrets and Duane's family had secrets. A part of the family they never exposed to me and others? Does not anyone of you find this strange? Duane was aware of the Uncle - because of his talk about Boeing, but the rest of the family did not acknowledge this. They didn't want me to know anymore than I already knew about the family connections to Boeing.

The 40's and 50's and 60's presented a very different outlook on life than people have today. Families and careers where destroyed by what others in the family did. Criminals where disowned by their families. Knowledge of secrets where held close to heart and never spoke of and no contact was made with the wayward relative. Decades pass with no contact then out of the blue - this stranger appears on your door step......
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The American Legion had their 48th annual convention the end of August in Washington D.C 1966. President Johnson made a speach at this convention.
Vietnam vets attended this convention. What about those you could never be revealed? Did not one prison furlough some vets and others for this conven

March 2000 the FBI denied that Duane was EVER at McNeil and stated he was never in the army. They are on record as stating that the number on his military records belonged to a Wavy Greene.

Does that sound like a thorough FBI check of Duane L. Weber? I was holding the papers from McNeil and a letter written from Camp Siebert in Alabama.

Which hand did Cooper hold his smoke with?

I trusted the FBI to investigate Duane, but they had NOT investigated the background of Duane Weber and the FBI thought I would accept their letter and never expected me to go public in 2000. Had I not caught the agent in a lie, I might have accepted what I was told.

How many of you have ever tried to check the people in Duane's past? Did the FBI? This world is full of secrets and Duane's family had secrets. A part of the family they never exposed to me and others? Does not anyone of you find this strange? Duane was aware of the Uncle - because of his talk about Boeing, but the rest of the family did not acknowledge this. They didn't want me to know anymore than I already knew about the family connections to Boeing.

The 40's and 50's and 60's presented a very different outlook on life than people have today. Families and careers where destroyed by what others in the family did. Criminals where disowned by their families. Knowledge of secrets where held close to heart and never spoke of and no contact was made with the wayward relative. Decades pass with no contact then out of the blue - this stranger appears on your door step......


He wants you to drive his car in the Indy-500 ?

He wants you to get back into foreclosed properties and sell more houses to people who cant afford them? Thats right down your alley, so to speak.

Your doctor was wrong and you aren't dead?

Dont hold us in suspense 4Jo.

The auditorium is almost empty and some even want their tickets refuned ...

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the same place Jo & Duane Weber would move to just several years later, where Duane Weber presumably became interested in McCoy and the Cooper story (Jo claims she and Duane knew nothing of McCoy or Cooper at Virginia Beach)!


we have been over this a thousand times.
your stories keep changing.
what else is new?

NO my story does not change but, you are taking and twisting everything because that is your assignment. His statment and the things he said on the WA trip did generate some curiosity (enough for me to make a mental note on the street sign - remember my memory is visual - so I read the sign and then filed it in my memory bank). Then I went on with my life and with him...I just let that go.

Yes, you are correct that I did not give it much thought and that he did mention McCoy and that the only thing I saw or was aware of while in Va. was the book - and I didn't know it was related to a Skyjacking.. or Cooper. Had I have read that book - then D.B.Cooper might have gone to jail.

Note what you said in your post you said " (Jo claims she and Duane knew nothing of McCoy or Cooper at Virginia Beach)",
Excuse me !Duane was very aware I was not. When we went to VA our first drive around the area was when he showed me where McCoy got killed and there was a conversation and it was quickly put aside as it was not something that interested me. No I didn't remember the house - because I paid it little attention. But I did remember the location because it was on the same street as the only large Mall we had at that time and not too far way.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He wants you to drive his car in the Indy-500 ?

He wants you to get back into foreclosed properties and sell more houses to people who cant afford them? Thats right down your alley, so to speak.

Your doctor was wrong and you aren't dead?

Dont hold us in suspense 4Jo.

The auditorium is almost empty and some even want their tickets refuned ...

You really get Testy when I am telling it the way it is - you did the same thing regarding Tina - got real Testy. I may never know what your connection to all of this is, but I will bet it is personal.
Never sold the first repo when I was in the business and I was a foremost runner in objecting to subprime loans. I had a disagreement with my best friend because her buyer was one of "those" loans and I did NOT approve of it. She and I are still best friends - we never let business get in the way of our friendship. Although we have both been retired for several yrs - she came to visit me a couple of months ago. Strangely enough that was the only loan she ever did like that.

I have strong morals and scruples - never doubt that.
Never take the alleys - I have never been that desperate.

I am not holding you in suspense - you are holding your self in suspense. Funny how my posts make you uneasy when I let loose with what is going on. WHY? What deep dark secret do you have? One gets the opinion you are personally vested in Cooper. Am I so close to what you know as the truth that you cannot bear it? Tell Richard (Dick)I would like to meet him. It is time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He sold insurance and did some crime with his wife

Jo, a criminal?
What evidence do you have?

Jo, an Internet couples counselor?
Show me the link.

Jo, a tease?
Stipulated. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I trusted the FBI to investigate Duane, but they had NOT investigated the background of Duane Weber

which proves beyond any doubt that the FBI knew Duane was Dan Cooper and that the bureau was actively covering up that fact on the interest of national security. OK. Case closed. Jerry can stop looking for the body.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The American Legion had their 48th annual convention the end of August in Washington D.C 1966. President Johnson made a speach at this convention.
Vietnam vets attended this convention. What about those you could never be revealed? Did not one prison furlough some vets and others for this convention?

Makes sense to me. Put convicted felons serving time next to LBJ. If they were involved in the JFK killing maybe they'd be given front row seats as friends of the speaker.

Crashing the Obama party was nothing compared to what happened at the 66 American Legion convention.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I am not holding you in suspense - you are holding your self in suspense

Sounds like something that cult leader con artist Werner Erhard (EST) would have said.

Jo is a cult leader of sorts. She has amazing powers of persuasion. I point to the exhumation and examination of a long dead dog by eager volunteers as irrefutable proof.

She is hinting more strongly than ever that Georger is part of the Cooper coverup conspiracy. An enemy of a cult can be in great personal danger. Be careful out there G. ;)


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Re: [snowmman]
3568 posts.
One thread.
One topic.

I defy anyone to top that.

Also, I can't be accused of repeating. I don't think anyone's posted "Snowmman, you already said that multiple times".

You are indeed the champ Snowmann. Who gets to be Howard Cosell?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I am not holding you in suspense - you are holding your self in suspense

Sounds like something that cult leader con artist Werner Erhard (EST) would have said.

Jo is a cult leader of sorts. She has amazing powers of persuasion. I point to the exhumation and examination of a long dead dog by eager volunteers as irrefutable proof.

She is hinting more strongly than ever that Georger is part of the Cooper coverup conspiracy. An enemy of a cult can be in great personal danger. Be careful out there G. ;)



I thought she mean't Georger was either cooper or Tina:o
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I didn't read the post but it looks like a couple of hundred words, when all that would have sufficed would have been one letter for the appropriate option. I'm guessing the question wasn't answered ...

and this forum is getting sidetracked by jo/duane again unfortunately.

the notion that mccoy may have known cooper is intriguing... but it is mccoy who got caught for talking, not cooper. why would cooper have blabbed to mccoy when he was clearly good at keeping his mouth shut, and why wouldn't mccoy have given him up after he was arrested?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Cook Appeared on Coast to Coast again on November 28th. I guess he even had some audio of his suspect. I can not get the feed to work while I am at work, but I thought I would share if anyone else is interested. Maybe someone could give a synopsis of any new developments in his case.


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I wish Galen Cook had chosen a more orthodox forum. Coast to Coast is UFO-govt conspiracy central.

I'll see if I can find an audio file. Cook isn't a nut case at all, but when you appear on Coast to Coast you get baked into the fruitcake.

Orange, you are right. Jo has sidetracked us once again. I'll get back on the main rails.

On McCoy being a novice parachutist... Sometimes you see newbies who in 30 jumps are as good as others with a hundred or more. These prodigies are often pilots and almost immediately "get it" about altitude awareness, body stability and canopy control. We have a guy like that at our local DZ. He flies in a jet acro team (L 39s). He is now a highly experienced jumper/instructor, but he went up the learning curve waaay faster than most. I have a feeling McCoy was cut from similar cloth.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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An elk hunter finds a placard which he puts in his shirt pocket from Flt 305.

A young boy digs up a stack of money a few inches thick.

The government sponsored search party actually finds a body, just not Coopers body.

The search efforts appear to be relatively effective if such small items are discovered. Of course there is the school of thought where the money was planted and the forest north of Vancouver is polluted with aircraft placards and undiscovered human remains. Who am I to question that? Seems perfectly reasonable for the money to be planted near the flight path of 305 in order to confuse authorities who suspected the jump occurred 10 miles north. I would have tried to confound authorities by leaving money in Scranton or Cleveland. I also would have scattered the bills rather than leaving them banded together, being a hijacker does not mean you loose your eye for value.

Is there an exemplar where a thief buried some money in a decades late attempt to confuse the police? There must be many for this theory to have taken flight.

How about a Cooper-amorphic dummy splash test? Give the dummy a retro wardrobe over which is lashed a Navy pack, reserve and money bag. Then drop this package in the Columbia with some electronics to track what happens?

Maybe it will get hung up on a long submerged rig. Wouldn't that be a gas?

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the notion that mccoy may have known cooper is intriguing... but it is mccoy who got caught for talking, not cooper. why would cooper have blabbed to mccoy when he was clearly good at keeping his mouth shut, and why wouldn't mccoy have given him up after he was arrested?

Quite the opposite. Cooper would have listened
as McCoy rambled. Cooper might have exchanged
a few general remarks like: 'yes, the world has
gone to hell' (things like Jo sayz!). Then Cooper thinking McCoy was a damned fool sets out to act
on his own impulses, first, possibly even thinking
thefinger will be pointed at McCoy (thefool).

This scenario requires two things: (a) a quasi academic environment where Cooper and McCoy
have a chance meeting, if they did not already know each other. (b) The assumption on Cooper's that
anyone can 'parachute'! (b1) a plot w. helpers?
(b2) research, (b3) that McCoy's attention is diverted away from even thinking that someone
he knows or barely knows is in fact Cooper.

This scenario also requires that total morons
like Duane and Jo will come along later and muddy up the works. But Cooper is intelligent. He knows the world is full of transients like Duane/Jo. The Weber
escatology is simply the end-game in Cooper's
longterm plan for escaping detection. He is relying on
many wannabes surfacing from greed and conviction
to make things hard for the FBI.

Jo is the real plant! The disrupter. She knows she
is the disrupter. She just doesn;t know she "is" a
disrupter. Morons never know they are morons.

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An elk hunter finds a placard which he puts in his shirt pocket from Flt 305.

A young boy digs up a stack of money a few inches thick.

The government sponsored search party actually finds a body, just not Coopers body.

The search efforts appear to be relatively effective if such small items are discovered. Of course there is the school of thought where the money was planted and the forest north of Vancouver is polluted with aircraft placards and undiscovered human remains. Who am I to question that? Seems perfectly reasonable for the money to be planted near the flight path of 305 in order to confuse authorities who suspected the jump occurred 10 miles north. I would have tried to confound authorities by leaving money in Scranton or Cleveland. I also would have scattered the bills rather than leaving them banded together, being a hijacker does not mean you loose your eye for value.

Is there an exemplar where a thief buried some money in a decades late attempt to confuse the police? There must be many for this theory to have taken flight.

How about a Cooper-amorphic dummy splash test? Give the dummy a retro wardrobe over which is lashed a Navy pack, reserve and money bag. Then drop this package in the Columbia with some electronics to track what happens?

Maybe it will get hung up on a long submerged rig. Wouldn't that be a gas?

It is obvious Cooper was not from the area, when he made his way back trying to get back to Portland,
only to stumble into a well known transient hangout
on Thanksgiving eve no less empty of fishermen
that night, then got jumped, scuffle ensued ...
evidence of the scuffle left for posterity to find
years later ... and Cooper's body perhaps with
the money bag still attached chucked into the
Columbia for Nature to take away.

Bums at Tina Bar have a nasty habit of never
knowing what they have when they jump their
victims in the middle of the night, a few bundles
left right where they fell in the dark.

Bums are meaner on Thanksgiving eve because
they remember how things used to be...

Bums walk into churches later to tell their story.

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