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DB Cooper

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Sep 1, 2008, 3:34 PM

Post #4295 of 14025 (2078 views) Edited for space/

Edited out conversation about prints.

Now the crust of that post Made in Sept 01, 2008 at 3:34 PM.

"Thought ALL of you might be interested in a photo found in a Magazine. I only reviewed that magazine today - as I had shoved it aside. "

"A man jumping with a very large container between his legs. Taken from a Soldier of Fortune magazine dated 1994 and the photo is not dated, but the article is about 1967 and Nam."

"I believe the magazine was in his possessions because there is a note inside that I contacted the magazine and the name of the man I spoke with."

"I will have to say I honestly did not pay any attention to that photo until TODAY. I questioned it at the time and then forgot it.

(This post was edited by skyjack71 on Sep 1, 2008, 4:34 PM)

Attachments: Jumper.JPG (29.7

It is therefore documented that on Sept 1, 2008 - I told about the Soldier of Magazine, the picture and BuDop for the first time in this thread (do not remember if I mentioned it in the 1st thread).

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger is ranting - not me!


Yea. I saw it too. On the Sasquatch Channel.

Call 911 if your writer friends abandon you and
you start choking then turn red, green, and purple ...

better check yourself in the mirror right now.

Whatever these guys got they got right off of this thread - not from me personally. I had NOTHING to do with it. Hopefully you have read the old post and know that I have talked about this since Sept of 2008 - also Sluggo saw this when he was here. I also told the FBI about it yrs ago.

Someone must have thought it was good material and a way to poke fun at Cooper which is what they did in the very end. The idea or concept obviously came thru this forum - I truely hope the proceeds from that segment went to help our homeless veterans who are living on the streets right now.

:([:/]It is a sad state of affairs when writers have to hijack a story line off of the internet .
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Remember this Post #10947 posted on July 11, 2009 at 1:01 AM. I edited off the last part of the post - but this NEEDS to be repeated because of what was viewed on Numbers in a episode called - Old Soldiers aired on Friday Dec. 4 2009 - writers R Scott and T Scott - not known to me.

Post #10947

I am trying my best to bite the bullet and keep quiet, but I want everyone in this forum to think back to when I posted the pic from Page 49 of a SOLDIER of FORTUNE Magazine dated Dec. 1994.

This magazine was the ONLY item in a safety deposit box owned by Duane L. Weber (one, I as his wife did not know he had). I found the receipt in his belonging and went to the bank with the will. Since the box did not have my name on it the bank did not allow me to view the box, but brought this magazine out and told me" this is all that was in it". He had to have placed this magazine in the box in Dec. 1994 or by Feb of 1995 just before he became too ill to drive on his own.

A yr later when I found out who Dan Cooper was - the magazine didn't seem important and I had placed it with ALL of the tax returns he had kept from 1968. It was always something I pushed into the back of my mind. Months ago a post in the thread caused me to pulled it out and read it from cover to cover again trying to figure out why this magazine was in that box. I don't really remember the re-actions of the thread, but it is out in front of me again, because of the recent posts.

Yrs ago I was contacted by a man who told me that John Collins was removed from Jefferson Federal Prison and place in to a "program". I didn't believe the man. but the FBI never provided me with the Jefferson records and all I got was what this forum guided me to obtain which is detailed in the thread. I tried to obtain the detail work logs and reports which I could never get because after a period of time those no longer exist (30 yrs). Prior to the expiration of that 30 yr period, I had made several exchanges with the prison - and got 3 different stories regarding John C. Collins and others.

The story in the magazine centers around BuDop March 1967 (supposedly Duane was in prison). The picture of the BuDop encampment taken from the air resembles a painting Tony Wong had done of a "place" he and Duane obviously spent some time at. (this conclusion was reached by conversation I over heard between the two of them).

Names mentioned in this article are:
Lieutenant John "Jack" Throckmorton, son of Colonel Throckmorton NOT General Throckmorton.
Chief Warrant Officer Jerry Johnson,
"China Boys"
Staff Sargeant Roger Haliberg,
Sergeant First Class J.W. Edgell
Captain Stewart (they never give a 1st name).
Master Sergeant Charles Hosking,
HALO jumps with the dummy device (barrel),
The Green Berets knew the SADM (small atomic demolitions munition),
Captain Stewarts first name is never given.

The reason I am reminding you of this is because this thread has gone back to Vietnam. I don't know what the damn magazine means, but you JUST do not put a magazine in a Safe Deposit box.
Considering the subject matter and the atttached photos and the mention of HALO's done at night...WHAT was Duane's connection to this?

I find it difficult to even think of Duane in terms of actually being in Vietnam - but maybe having been associated with someone mentioned or pictured. The group picture states that only 2 Americans survived the ambush and 1 of those is named.

So what I am getting at - did Duane know someone mentioned in that article or the writer John Mullins? He was TOO connected to that Magazine. It was 1994 when I saw that airline ticket. The house was broke into after I sold the VAN. What was with that Wallet the new owner found? Why did the man tell 2 different stories about where he found the wallet. Did Duane leave a note with the wallet telling me where something was hidden in the house. When the house was broke into NOTHING was taken that I was aware of, but the handles to the fire irons where all loose (I noted this because I went to set them up straight). Duane always said Hide it in Plain Site. Did he leave a note directing me to a treasure and someone else thought it was money - could it have been the airline ticket or one of the $20's?

I will always have these question in my mind - till the day I die. Why did he tell me anything? Why did he hide his past?
If I told you about another thing I found I would be called a liar or delusional. I was too stupid to see what was right in front of me and something I had in my possession - I didn't know the value of it because I didn't know who Dan Cooper was. Stupid Naive Dumb me. Always taking things and people at face value and never asking too many questions.

All that is left now is unanswered questions and I am afraid to trust anyone with everything - I am tired of being called delusional - I am tired of trying to tell people what I held in my own hands and saw with my own eyes. Tired of trying to tell people what he told me and showed me. I am tired of secrets and tired of not being heard (except for you guys).

Since 1996 I have told the truth and nothing but the truth regarding what I know. I have NOT lied nor am I delusional. In 2001 when the FBI found I
was going Public - everything that has been done has been done to SILENCE me and to make me go away. I wouldn't give up - so now the FBI's and "other's who be " decided they have done enough to convince anyone interested that I am just one of the "wannabe's" or as others in the forum have said - delusional.

I believe someone out there knows who Cooper was. In other circumstances our
own government ordered pictures and files destroyed - wiped-out because their content would jeopardize national security. I ask (what national security - a security they have build on lies and deception)? If ever was the time to come straight out with all of the secrets now is the time.

It will take someone like Snowmman to expose them. We know our government has had their hands dirty before - they just don't want the world to know how many times and to what extent. Our economy is in the gutter, our people
living on the streets while one illegal uses up 2 millon dollars in medical expense because they can't deport him.

unreal, crazy.

Have you contacted the US Dept of the Army
about any of this? Or members of the US Rangers?

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Georger is ranting - not me!


Yea. I saw it too. On the Sasquatch Channel.

Call 911 if your writer friends abandon you and
you start choking then turn red, green, and purple ...

better check yourself in the mirror right now.

Whatever these guys got they got right off of this thread - not from me personally. I had NOTHING to do with it. Hopefully you have read the old post and know that I have talked about this since Sept of 2008 - also Sluggo saw this when he was here. I also told the FBI about it yrs ago.

Someone must have thought it was good material and a way to poke fun at Cooper which is what they did in the very end, because the idea came from me or thru this forum - I truely hope the proceeds from that segment went to help our homeless veterans who are living on the streets right now.

:([:/]It is a sad state of affairs when writers have to hijack a story line off of the internet .

stop projecting Jo ...

you have outdone yourself this time -

its no wonder Duane got upset and told you to
"let it go"! He evidently knew you were nuts, from
firsthand experience.

Duane was just deluded and inept and unlucky.
You are an asshole, and just plain mean!

The bottom line here in addition to your allegations
against the FBI, US Federal Prison system, now
the Dept of the Army, and on and on is:

your posted photo is NOT a photo of Duane Weber
any more than it is a photo of the Queen of England. Even a two year old could see that,
but not Jo Weber.

People with claims like you have are a dime a
dozen. Please move to the back of the line now
that we have processed your application. Next

*So the writers of the fictional account have been
lurking here but not posting, but are in contact with you., and aware of what you are posting here? If
not they soon will be (already are.... you say).
Lets check it out.

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I did not say the picture of Weber and the man in the photo were ONE and the SAME. I was looking for 0pinions because many times I studied the magazine trying to understand what was contained within that would hold so much significance as to conceal it in a Safe Deposit Box.

I have even spoke of the other articles in the magazine and the ads in the magazine. This is the only one that constantly haunted me over and over - along with a story told to me by Duane (regarding something within) and one from a mystery man and the threat made toward me after Duane died.

A great deal of work has gone into researching this and the forum spent a lot of time generating many ideas regarding Vietnam...and related subjects. I find it surprising anyone is agitated by a TV program and not by the prior searching we did right here in this forum. It is not like this is new information - just not CONTAINED within the boundaries of a thread.

The magazine article states that only 2 men survived the ordeal and that there was CIA involvement. It was about HALO drops of small nuclear devices - hence the photo of the jumper and barrel - hence the World's Greatest Jock Carrier. Maybe Duane JUST knew one of the guys in the picture? Maybe one of the other articles was of interest to Weber? According to the FBI records Duane was in
Jefferson at this time - but 2 other individuals put him someplace else TWICE while he was contained within this prison. .

This was the part of Duane's history that DID NOT make sense. Individuals remembering dates and yrs - 28 yrs later is iffy.
Note the original information from these parties happened before 2000 - BEFORE I went public - both I spoke with many many times. I was able to confirm what one of these individuals told me with a family member.....but, how reliable is the information of old men and women? No one got excited or upset about this magazine before - why now?

Paintings of an encampment done by an individual connected to Duane during this time looked very much like the encampment in an arial photo of BuDop within that acticle. As I have said before - this fencing was to keep someone out not to contain those within. No man would display paintings of a prison on the living room walls. This man and Duane both were in this place together - because Duane asked him is he still painted. The man indicated about 5 hanging on the wall. I observed the paintings and Duane made a quick comment in regards to the camp and quickly diverted the conversation. I remember the comments. I remember the paintings. I remember what the room looked like and the wall that held the paintings.

Nothing more than the ramblings of a senseless old lady who no longer has enough sense to be scared.

P.S. Again - I HAD NOTHING to do with that segment or those writers - They hijacked the information from this forum - as far as I know this is the only place I ever posted anything about the Soldiers of Fortune. Look at Ckret (Carr) - he knew.
Sluggo knew...and my guys knews, but they didn't have anything to do with this.

Contact the writers and the producer - let the sponsors know the writers hijacked the material and information. Take it out on them - not me! :)

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo said "It will take someone like Snowmman to expose them."

Sorry, not me. I named a price and three different government agencies paid in full. They even arranged the buy of those Polish airplanes, because I told them the Poles were complaining they were getting grief because everyone found out about the CIA black site they hosted. The Poles are happy now. (also gave them the phone numbers of some Icelandic girls....If Tiger had just married an Icelandic girl, instead of a crazy Swede, he'd be playing golf today)

Hey talking about Sammy and car crashes, I remember a year or two back I was driving around and happened to cross the place where James Dean crashed his Porsche 550 Spyder in 1955.

Sure, you might think, that since my car's speedo goes to 180 mph I felt the need to tempt fate.

But no, I actually thought about how cool it was when Duane arranged the theft of the crashed car, so we could sell it to a collector for $500k.


"Many Dean fans wonder what happened to the smashed Porsche. After the accident, the crumpled car was toured around the United States as part of a driver safety presentation. However, en route between two stops, the car disappeared. In 2005, Volo Auto Museum in Volo, Illinois offered $1 million to anyone who currently had the car. So far, the car has not resurfaced."

I remember asking Duane why James Dean had "Little Bastard" painted on the back of the Porsche. Duane smiled, pulled on the Raleighs that always seemed to be in his hand and said:

"That's what I used to call Dean. After a while, he liked it....There's something you learn selling insurance...Just dump enough shit on people, and eventually they fold and pay up...Just a matter of when."

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Some may find it surprising to learn the Rat Pack had Chicks. Or so they would like you to believe.

First is Marilyn Monroe, blonde, blue eyed and shapely. Perpetually breathless and always running in a pair of heels that amplify any motions her body may produce. A natural choice to hang with the boys.

Then there is Angie Dickinson, also blonde and with a slightly harder edge, the kind of woman that you wouldn't mind bossing you around. (Attach Rat Pack Chicks)

Then there is the suspect. Always described as utterly forgettable and below average in appearance. Thin lips with a reptilian edge, a long narrow nose which adds to the androgyny. Those emotionless, close set, almost perpetually squinting eyes masking what has to be a bottomless pit of self interest. (Attach Age Progressed Cooper) Shirley you must be kidding.

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I did not say the picture of Weber and the man in the photo were ONE and the SAME. I was looking for 0pinions because many times I studied the magazine trying to understand what was contained within that would hold so much significance as to conceal it in a Safe Deposit Box.

I have even spoke of the other articles in the magazine and the ads in the magazine. This is the only one that constantly haunted me over and over - along with a story told to me by Duane (regarding something within) and one from a mystery man and the threat made toward me after Duane died.

A great deal of work has gone into researching this and the forum spent a lot of time generating many ideas regarding Vietnam...and related subjects. I find it surprising anyone is agitated by a TV program and not by the prior searching we did right here in this forum. It is not like this is new information - just not CONTAINED within the boundaries of a thread.

The magazine article states that only 2 men survived the ordeal and that there was CIA involvement. It was about HALO drops of small nuclear devices - hence the photo of the jumper and barrel - hence the World's Greatest Jock Carrier. Maybe Duane JUST knew one of the guys in the picture? Maybe one of the other articles was of interest to Weber? According to the FBI records Duane was in
Jefferson at this time - but 2 other individuals put him someplace else TWICE while he was contained within this prison. .

This was the part of Duane's history that DID NOT make sense. Individuals remembering dates and yrs - 28 yrs later is iffy.
Note the original information from these parties happened before 2000 - BEFORE I went public - both I spoke with many many times. I was able to confirm what one of these individuals told me with a family member.....but, how reliable is the information of old men and women? No one got excited or upset about this magazine before - why now?

Paintings of an encampment done by an individual connected to Duane during this time looked very much like the encampment in an arial photo of BuDop within that acticle. As I have said before - this fencing was to keep someone out not to contain those within. No man would display paintings of a prison on the living room walls. This man and Duane both were in this place together - because Duane asked him is he still painted. The man indicated about 5 hanging on the wall. I observed the paintings and Duane made a quick comment in regards to the camp and quickly diverted the conversation. I remember the comments. I remember the paintings. I remember what the room looked like and the wall that held the paintings.

Nothing more than the ramblings of a senseless old lady who no longer has enough sense to be scared.

P.S. Again - I HAD NOTHING to do with that segment or those writers - They hijacked the information from this forum - as far as I know this is the only place I ever posted anything about the Soldiers of Fortune. Look at Ckret (Carr) - he knew.
Sluggo knew...and my guys knews, but they didn't have anything to do with this.

Contact the writers and the producer - let the sponsors know the writers hijacked the material and information. Take it out on them - not me! :)

Have you consulted with the US Army Rangers Assoc

Feel free to present your case or any questions
you have, there.

... _ _ _ ...

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Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after Duane talked to them.

For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Duane Weber, each testicle is larger than the other one.

Duane Weber did in fact, build Rome in a day.

When J. Robert Oppenheimer said "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", he was not referring to the atomic bomb. He was referring to the Duane Weber halloween costume he was wearing.

As President Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Duane Weber."

Duane Weber never owned a house. He walked into random houses and people moved.

Duane Weber once went skydiving, but promised never to do it again. One Grand Canyon is enough.

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Remember the Soviet Union? They decided to quit after Duane talked to them.

For some, the left testicle is larger than the right one. For Duane Weber, each testicle is larger than the other one.

Duane Weber did in fact, build Rome in a day.

When J. Robert Oppenheimer said "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds", he was not referring to the atomic bomb. He was referring to the Duane Weber halloween costume he was wearing.

As President Roosevelt said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself. And Duane Weber."

Duane Weber never owned a house. He walked into random houses and people moved.

Duane Weber once went skydiving, but promised never to do it again. One Grand Canyon is enough.

Your donnation is appreciated -

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True story.
You can see it at the link.
I believe this Duane Weber was pretty similar to the Duane Weber that hijacked Flight 305.

I don't know if this guy has paintings on his living room wall though.


"When Obama takes questions from the crowd, he picks them in man-woman-man-woman order. For his last question, Obama points to a huge muscular man, Duane Weber. He has a mean, mad-dog look, and tells Obama he’s lost his job of 13 years at the Toyota plant. He fears he can’t get another job because he has a 20-year-old felony. Only when Obama tells Weber that his long work history proves he’s made amends to society does the man drop his mad-dog stare and finally smile at the president."

(edit) Oh: I was wondering about Duane's porn choice again. Did Duane ever talk about Yank magazine or Candy Jones?

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True story.
You can see it at the link.
I believe this Duane Weber was pretty similar to the Duane Weber that hijacked Flight 305.

I don't know if this guy has paintings on his living room wall though.


"When Obama takes questions from the crowd, he picks them in man-woman-man-woman order. For his last question, Obama points to a huge muscular man, Duane Weber. He has a mean, mad-dog look, and tells Obama he’s lost his job of 13 years at the Toyota plant. He fears he can’t get another job because he has a 20-year-old felony. Only when Obama tells Weber that his long work history proves he’s made amends to society does the man drop his mad-dog stare and finally smile at the president."

(edit) Oh: I was wondering about Duane's porn choice again. Did Duane ever talk about Yank magazine or Candy Jones?


The Dirty Dozen (1967)
Directed by Robert Aldrich. With Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson. A US Army Major is assigned a dozen convicted murderers to train and lead ... including Duane Weber from The Missouri State Prison.
Full cast and crew - Trivia - Plot Summary - Trailers and videos plus

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Jo I'll Just send a copy of our 1st and 2nd conversation to you for your memory and to the rest of the media at there request. Then finally may you can get your memory back. End of subject. Jerry

The real-estate agent from Pace, Florida says one
of her husbands was DB Cooper:

""Oh, let it die with me!" Duane died 11 days later. Jo sold his van two months after his death. The new owner discovered a wallet hidden in the overhead console. It contained a U.S. Navy "bad conduct discharge" in Duane's given name and a Social Security card and a prison-release form from the Missouri State Penitentiary, in the name of "John C. Collins." Duane had told Jo that he had served time for burglary under the name John Collins. Still, says Jo, a real-estate agent in Pace, Fla., Duane rarely spoke of his past. "His life started with me, and that was it," she says.

In April 1996, Jo discussed Duane's criminal and military past with a friend. She also mentioned that just before he died, Duane had revealed the cause of an old knee injury. "I got it jumping out of a plane," Jo recalls him saying. "Did you ever think he might be D.B. Cooper?" the friend asked." (Pasternak, US News & World Report 7/24/2000)

Without Douglas Pasternak, the Weber story would
not be what it is today. Pastermak's messianic presentation of Jo's unproven and unprovable anecdotes remains all there is even today,
all coming from a Pace Florida real-estate agent
who was operating in the fast-paced S&L subprime real-estate market which collapsed, taking the nation's prosperity with it and ruining millions of
victims lives, internationally!

According to Jo, Duane told her on his deathbed: "Oh, let it die with me!" .
She did not.

Duane Weber never confessed to the world he was DB Cooper but according to Jo he said, "Oh, let it die with me!" .

Without Jo Weber there literally would be no
Duane Weber/DB Cooper story at all.

Everything has been assembled and presented by
Jo Weber from reams of material she says she has, but refuses to share with the FBI or anyone, and it continues and promises to continue at Jo Weber's insistence, for more decades yet to come; with the assistance of people like Douglas Pasternak and
others whose identities are also hidden, except that she slips up and offers a name now and then.

Pasternak could not check many facts because
there were no "facts" to check and if any material evidence existed Jo was either hording it or it had
disappeared, Jo says. It was mostly rumor and allegation from Jo Weber, which Pasternak
then passed on to the public, wholesale. Mr Pasternak didnt demand much of Jo Weber in
order for his bosses to publish his and Weber's story.

I go back to the central fact that without widow
Weber and people like D. Pasternak, there would
be no Duane Weber/DB Cooper story at all. Weber had not self-confessed and no one else was promoting him, and so far as we know Weber never surfaced independently in the FBI's investigations.
(Jo may rise to dispute this, now that Ive mentioned it for the first time). And there would be none of the machinations all inspired by Jo Weber which has ensued in the Weber case since ... in what was
a "criminal case" to begin with.

It is interesting to me that people who think they
have a "public" platform with some license to
operate one public sector, sometimes wind up as
socalled authorities in "criminal" matters. License in one transfers to a license in the other, as these people see it, I guess. No special training is required,
just an interest or a candidate to promote.

But, without the intervention of Jo Weber there
would be no Duane Weber story in the public
mind at all. That is a simple fact. So whose story
is this? Duane Weber's story, or Jo Weber's story...
or whose? Jo says Duane said: """"Oh, let it die with me!"''' . But Jo for her own reasons chose to pursue the matter, in a manner which has proven both unusual and provocative on its own merits sometimes even disrupting the formal investigation
of the Cooper case itself!

Jo says: "Duane rarely spoke of his past. "His life started with me, and that was it," she says. "

"His life started with me, and that was it," she says.

Is Jo saying Duane had no life in some literal sense before her? That she, "Jo whos-it" was the sum and
substance of Duanes life, before and after meeting her, and nothing and nobody else matters?

Under this defintion it would be easy for someone
to deny a dying person's last wish: "Oh, let it die with me!"

Who owned Duane's life? Was Duane's life merely
another property to sell in the marketplace? And
along with that a story that he was also: DB Cooper!

Who was the real Duane Weber, aside from what
Jo Weber has said?

And what if anything does any of this have to do
with the DB Cooper case, aside from what Jo Weber
has thrust upon the world.

"I am wondering and only seeking the truth", is
what Jo Weber said when she first contacted Ralph Himmeslbach suggesting her late husband might
be or could be DB Cooper, and she was "only" seeking the truth, she has written.

Well in these matters of truth aside from photos and other socalled evidence which never seems to square with reality for Jo, where is the "fit" between DB Cooper and Duane Weber that Jo might have thought promoted the claim that 'Duane might be Cooper'? For the ansser to that I think we have to go clear back to the beginning.

The first contact suggested "Duane might have
been Cooper" not that he was Cooper. Jo rreverts
back to that stance even today when finally pressed. This first contact said Duane "might have been" Cooper, not that he was.

Later a witnesses would surface who actually knew Duane Weber who said: "Duane did not say he was Cooper but that he thought he might 'know' who Cooper was", and we have every reason to believe Duane was referring to Richard McCoy, because Duane moved to the same town where McCoy had been killed and it was all over the news - even Jo has admitted she and Duane knew about McCoy at Virginia Beach, (and now says she never said this
and/or it does not matter.).

But behind all of this what we do have is what was in the news for everyone to hear and know which was
Ralph Himmelsbach's book in which he gives his profile of Cooper to the world, that Cooper was:
an incompetent nasty twerp!

I think this is the common denominator Jo and H had in common which along with peripheral anecdotal evidence about Duane that brought Weber forth as a possible candidate in the Cooper matter,
to both Himmelsbach's and Jo's personal satisfaction. Except that Himmeslbach then backed off into investigation while Jo forged ahead on her
own course.

It seems like little to bring someone foward as a suspect on, but it was enough for Jo to continue
with for decades right up until today.

As soon as the FBI began to back off Jo began to accuse the FBI of lying to her and mishandling "her" case. It was never "Jo's" case to begin with.

That is all there is to this or ever was -

Jo has had one candidate, her husband, while
the FBI has had 1056+ candidates and is still

Jo's latest gaf asserting links to Lee Harvey Oswald and the Kennedy Assassination (she wonders), and Duane being taken out of the Missouri State Penitentiary "Dirty Dozen style" to serve with the US Army Rangers and Special Forces inside a wire enclosure at Bu-Dop in 1967, all because of paintings a Tony Wang did ... these machinations take us right back to the very foundation of Jo Weber's case when she refused her husband's
dying request to: "Oh, let it die with me!".

That is a Jo Weber Story. Something distinct and separate from any Duane Weber story.

And even further distinct and separated from the
DB Cooper hijacking which Jo Weber says Duane
'pulled off'.

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I was going over some old photos from the Sands Casino in Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.

I found a beautiful picture of the sign at night and thought I would post it (Rat Pack Sign).

Then I noticed some troglodyte with his pant leg hiked up and his foot on the stage. There was a time when you could go to a show like this and not have to deal with such riff raff (Sands Copa Room).

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thanks farflung.
Good detective work.

I was curious about the mention of Red Norvo on the sign.
Red Norvo's name has curiously been kept out of this.

Here's a good video with Red Norvo and Benny Goodman.
Red is on the marimba, and Benny is on the clarinet.

They're both pretty good.

We know Duane could sing. Could he play the clarinet or marimba?

The reason I ask: I was searching in a $1 bin in a Chicago music store, and I found this weirdly labelled CD. It seems to say it has some kind of confession. (attached). (edit) It also mentions "stuff".

Your picture of Cooper in the audience with the Rat pack, may be the link between the CD, the confession, Norvo, the Rat Pack and Cooper.

The team is trying to decode the data on the CD, although it appears well encrpyted.

I also interviewed a guy down the road, who neighbors had said once claimed he knew who DB Cooper was. He was not forthcoming at first, but I will do a second interview, to see if I can more info. Apparently there's an old senile guy he knows, who came into some money in the '70s and built himself a shack in the woods.

When I asked whether the guy had ever seen any nuclear weapons around the shack, he clammed up quick, which is pretty suspicious.

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Later a witnesses would surface who actually knew Duane Weber who said: "Duane did not say he was Cooper but that he thought he might 'know' who Cooper was", and we have every reason to believe Duane was referring to Richard McCoy, because Duane moved to the same town where McCoy had been killed and it was all over the news - even Jo has admitted she and Duane knew about McCoy at Virginia Beach, (and now says she never said this
and/or it does not matter.).

YOU my dear Georger are a desperate man - because there is NO Witness as you claim. No one was in that room, but me and there are 2 nurses at the hospital who came into medicate Duane AFTER his outburst who can prove this.

At this point I don't have to prove anything- but, you may have something to hide - for the good of Good Ole America. It is time for this Secret Stuff to be over - the government had their chance yrs ago before I used up my life with this endeavor for ALL the right reasons TRUTH. I believe this country was build on GOD and TRUTH and TRUST.

IF there was PROOF Duane WAS not Cooper the FBI would have presented that to me and to the public by now. Individuals such as yourself have only driven me to find WHAT I did FIND. Who was your "contractor"? You KNOW exactly what I am talking about, but others here may not.

I expect this email will send you into one of those rages, but I will suggest to you that you need to calm down and think rationally such as in-person - eye to eye. Had I not been driven by individuals such as yourself the truths I have found might never have been found.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo's latest gaf asserting links to Lee Harvey Oswald and the Kennedy Assassination (she wonders), and Duane being taken out of the Missouri State Penitentiary "Dirty Dozen style" to serve with the US Army Rangers and Special Forces inside a wire enclosure at Bu-Dop in 1967, all because of paintings a Tony Wang did ... these machinations take us right back to the very foundation of Jo Weber's case when she refused her husband's
dying request to: "Oh, let it die with me!".

Lee Harvey Oswald - I know of NO connection between Oswald and the man I knew as Duane Weber.

A participant in the the Kennedy assassination - perhaps he was there, but not as part of an assassination.

Missouri State Pen - furloughs - well, it is difficult to be in 2 places at one time. Prison is also a convenient cover for unexplained absences.

That painting could all so have been a training camp in Arizona or Mexico......

The "Oh, F--- Let it die with me!" as said very loud and angrily because I did NOT understand what he was telling me and it was out of pure frustration. I have told what the conversation consisted of and it does NOT bear being repeated.

The assignment has been terminated.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Is this thing on?

Duane is God! Send $5 for a bumper sticker.

Helllo! Do I need to type louder? Hello? Can anyone hear ME? HELLO? HEEELLLL-OOOOHHHHHH....??

How come I can't hear anything? Is this where something jumps out of the bushes and eats me?

HELLOOOOOO???? ???? Everyone's posts have been deleted, and Catherine Zeta Jones doesn't call anymore.


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IF there was PROOF Duane WAS not Cooper the FBI would have presented that to me and to the public by now. Individuals such as yourself have only driven me to find WHAT I did FIND. Who was your "contractor"? You KNOW exactly what I am talking about, but others here may not.

"IF there was PROOF Duane WAS not Cooper the FBI would have presented that to me and to the public by now." ???

So you are saying if the FBI does not give you proof
Duane was NOT Cooper, then Duane was Cooper?

Is this what you are saying?

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Jo's latest gaf asserting links to Lee Harvey Oswald and the Kennedy Assassination (she wonders), and Duane being taken out of the Missouri State Penitentiary "Dirty Dozen style" to serve with the US Army Rangers and Special Forces inside a wire enclosure at Bu-Dop in 1967, all because of paintings a Tony Wang did ... these machinations take us right back to the very foundation of Jo Weber's case when she refused her husband's
dying request to: "Oh, let it die with me!".

Lee Harvey Oswald - I know of NO connection between Oswald and the man I knew as Duane Weber.

A participant in the the Kennedy assassination - perhaps he was there, but not as part of an assassination.

Missouri State Pen - furloughs - well, it is difficult to be in 2 places at one time. Prison is also a convenient cover for unexplained absences.

That painting could all so have been a training camp in Arizona or Mexico......

The "Oh, F--- Let it die with me!" as said very loud and angrily because I did NOT understand what he was telling me and it was out of pure frustration. I have told what the conversation consisted of and it does NOT bear being repeated.

The assignment has been terminated.

The "assignment"?

Who assigned you this? God?

Maybe someone else can get to the bottom of your "assignment".

Since Duane Weber was not DB Cooper, this must
be about something else.

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Is this thing on?

Duane is God! Send $5 for a bumper sticker.

Helllo! Do I need to type louder? Hello? Can anyone hear ME? HELLO? HEEELLLL-OOOOHHHHHH....??

How come I can't hear anything? Is this where something jumps out of the bushes and eats me?

HELLOOOOOO???? ???? Everyone's posts have been deleted, and Catherine Zeta Jones doesn't call anymore.



Bend down closer to the decoder ring.

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I got a $1M grant thru DARPA. I told them I was going to use modern social network techology to find Cooper.

The first test was this red balloon test.


It was won by an MIT team, led by a guy who never buys food...he steals bagels from the back of a grocery.

They used a multilevel pyramid scheme, promising payout to everyone connected to the first report of each balloon. Sure they just copied a classic Ponzi scheme. But Ponzi works! US needs more Ponzi schemes...(edit) well it's not real Ponzi..I guess multi-level marketing..it's all kind of the same..in the end only a few make money.

"The MIT team created a recursive schedule of payouts that capitalized on the depth of social networks. "The MIT Red Balloon Challenge Team is interested in studying information flow in social networks, so if we win, we're giving all the money away to the people who help us find the balloons!" the team said on its Web site.

A formal online invitation system was created for recruiting volunteers. The participant who contributed the first confirmed sighting of a balloon was promised $2,000. The participant who recruited that finder would get $1,000. That person's recruiter would get $500, and so on down the chain."

You can see that the strategy copies Snowmman Industries corporate vision. We're looking to use the demonstrated "Red Balloon" success, as a way of getting more money to unroll a similar plan in Afghanistan. Plus we'll be able to build more Starbucks there...so it's all win-win.

Hey that reminds me: coffee stirrers: wood or plastic? What do people prefer?

(hey: maybe I can teach the Ponzi class at MIT? ...I'll assign grades based on a Ponzi scheme..will they fall for it?...Hmm...if the "whole world" is part of the multi-level marketing scheme..who makes money..oh that's right, the creator of the religion! Snowmman Industries..ka-ching!)

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Hey that reminds me: coffee stirrers: wood or plastic? What do people prefer?

plastic. ligter more flexible/versatile. cleaner more
sanitary, hospitals use em, wont absorb water andother stuff to get yuky ... our anthropoid ancestors hated wood - we are always headed toward plastic, and whats needed now is a plastic that will cut diamond. Get to work on it ...

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