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Anybody out there want to post something about NORJAK? (Preferably something that doesn’t reference Duane Weber.)

Maybe we could get this thread “back on track”!

Does anyone have any definite expected publication dates for Geoff Gray’s, Galen Cook’s and/or Robert Blevins’s books?

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Anybody out there want to post something about NORJAK? (Preferably something that doesn’t reference Duane Weber.)

Maybe we could get this thread “back on track”!


Georger, I understand your frustration but am tired of the long rambling posts that get posted in response to your rebuttals! You have to understand, there is no logic in the responses, so trying to be logical is not going to help.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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There are some people who believe you can't predict the future. I don't know how they deal with getting up in the morning. Good Coffee?

In any case, I would remind the forgetful, how long ago I said "It's all about Slovenia" on these very pages.

Today you can see

"Once all the ping-pong balls were drawn in Cape Town, the U.S. ended up with the following first-round games: vs. England on June 12 in Rustenburg, vs. Slovenia on June 18 in Johannesburg and vs. Algeria on June 23 in Pretoria."

I have total confidence that Orange1 did not cause Slovenia to be picked on my request. That would be cheating.

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There are some people who believe you can't predict the future. I don't know how they deal with getting up in the morning. Good Coffee?

In any case, I would remind the forgetful, how long ago I said "It's all about Slovenia" on these very pages.

Today you can see

"Once all the ping-pong balls were drawn in Cape Town, the U.S. ended up with the following first-round games: vs. England on June 12 in Rustenburg, vs. Slovenia on June 18 in Johannesburg and vs. Algeria on June 23 in Pretoria."

I have total confidence that Orange1 did not cause Slovenia to be picked on my request. That would be cheating.

Oh, there are conspiracy theories about the draw too. Maybe we should link those guys up with ...um, certain posters here.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Anybody out there want to post something about NORJAK? (Preferably something that doesn’t reference Duane Weber.)

Maybe we could get this thread “back on track”!


Georger, I understand your frustration but am tired of the long rambling posts that get posted in response to your rebuttals! You have to understand, there is no logic in the responses, so trying to be logical is not going to help.

It is part of the Cooper Case, is it not? The above was my suggestion-request months ago - I dont run this group. Others do.

I have made uncountable attempts to get back "on
track" by making specific citations to no avail.

The choice I see here are:

(1) discuss Jo/Duane. Read Jo's posts.
(2) Discuss Braden etal.
(3) Discuss Sammy Davis/So Afrika/etal
(4) Discuss discussing Cooper.
(5) Discuss, discussing discussing, discussing.
(6) Wait until Sluggo discovers Cooper.
(7) Wait until Wells Fargo forecloses.
(8) Wait until Jo Weber works through her enemies
list and has us a;ll terminated.

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Did anyone hear Galen Cook's latest on Coast to Coast a few weeks back? Anything new?

I know he thinks some Cooper loot may be in a safe deposit box which Gosset had in Canada.

Did anyone see the TV show that Jo thinks tapped plot material from this forum? Any substance to her claim?

What Bout Braden? He sure looked like a promising suspect.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Did anyone hear Galen Cook's latest on Coast to Coast a few weeks back? Anything new?

I know he thinks some Cooper loot may be in a safe deposit box which Gosset had in Canada.

Did anyone see the TV show that Jo thinks tapped plot material from this forum? Any substance to her claim?

What Bout Braden? He sure looked like a promising suspect.


I dont listen to Ghost-to-Ghost.

What about Braden? What part of him looked like
a promising dancer on the NYC stage?

Sammy Davis Junior sure resembles the posters.

The NatGeo filum saz: (a) the plane was on outo-pilot undt (b) Cooper's drink glass wid his finger
prints got mixed up with all the other glasses and
lost, ie MWA cleamup girl got in ahead of the FBi forensic team! Is that all true?

I confess I think my assignment is over here. Why?
Labrys' admonition about "outlines" and (2) the
fact that Jo Weber has the answers to everything
but wont tell us! That is an impossible state of
affairs seeing as how Sluggo wont tellus either!

Tom Kaye wont speak. Thomas wont speak.
Snowmann wont speak. Sluggo wont speak.
Jo wont speak. Orange wont speak. The FBI
and CIA and Special Forces wont speak. Duane
is dead to tell us. Cook, Blevins, Gray, and
Swartzkaff wont speak. Quade has stopped speaking! Obama wont do anything and when
he does its for all the wrong countries! The rebel
city-state Wells Fargo is set to foreclose on everything and send us all into labor camps.
And racoons are shitting on my screen!

Its one helluva state of affairs but Sluggo is
still in control. Stay tuned. The forum is returning
to regular scheduled programming. The Gong

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hey is it just me?

Georger has mentioned Labrys a couple of times here, and it always surprised me..wondering "why is he fixated on her?"

I sort of laugh to myself when Georger mentions her, thinking Georger is generationally off-base, but now I'm wondering if I'm the one that's off base..

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Did anyone hear Galen Cook's latest on Coast to Coast a few weeks back? Anything new?

I know he thinks some Cooper loot may be in a safe deposit box which Gosset had in Canada.

Did anyone see the TV show that Jo thinks tapped plot material from this forum? Any substance to her claim?

What Bout Braden? He sure looked like a promising suspect.


and one more kvetch.

NPR refuses to discuss DB Cooper. That to me IS
significant. The pourported reason is Neil Konan
at Talk of the Nation feels DB Cooper would over
shadow him and steal his ratings!

OK! You "guys" want to discuss Cooper. Discuss
why Agent Calame thought Cooper's tie and tie clip
belonged to ....... McCoy. Calame was very certain
about this! He did an investigation and there is a
report, somewhere. Maybe Carr would release that
to Sluggo and Snowmann, the A-team

I am sure Sluggo and Jo know the answer.

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Any book or theory released always orbits around some coincidental facts which appear to become self supporting. Person 'X sub n' was an employee of Northwest and let me show you document after document and testimony from people stating he was an employee. Then this information gets supporting information and tertiary documents are introduced validating the documents which indicated this person worked for Northwest.

Now it's easy to get caught up in the minutia of this persons employment with Northwest. He had a problem with the company or he would act as if he had something to say and stop himself; but we all knew what it was.

How and when did Cooper ever become an employee? Has a hijacking ever been an inside job? You know McCoy was going to spend that money, in fact he was barely on the ground two hours and $30 was already in circulation.

Yes it is interesting that someone holds a resemblance to the composites for Cooper was not described as a white haired woman. So there is some basis of fact in the drawings. Cooper did not indicate being an employee to anyone. No jargon or use of aircraft equipment. Why risk bringing a bomb in the aircraft when an employee would know where to hide such a thing for later use?

The evidence presented is credible for points B to G or where ever. It's the way point A is glossed over as a given which makes for such frenetics. Person X3 was a special forces commando and I can prove it. That's not questioned by anyone as far as I can tell, what does special forces have to do with Cooper?

Person X4 said skydiving was easy even though he had never jumped, then one day he quit work and was never seen again. Someone with that profile would be a more plausible/interesting starting point than people selected for being jump trained or former employees.

Cooper wanted those stairs down and didn't seem to care that Mexico City became Reno because he expected to be gone. His targeting may not have been precise but it does not appear random either.

He's careful to take everything with him except a clip on tie and clasp. So he is capable of making a mistake. How many cars were picked up in the area as abandoned? Was he wearing everything he owned? I doubt that. He would not have set up a way to go undetected if he didn't make it, as that isn't very logical. These suspects theoretically have access to enough cash to be comfortable for quite a while. Yet they go back to work and stay there until normal retirement age without a plan B for the cash. I'm not sure what I would have done....but....is that....samba.....Brasillllll......Meu Brasil brasilerooooohhh.

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Any book or theory released always orbits around some coincidental facts which appear to become self supporting. Person 'X sub n' was an employee of Northwest and let me show you document after document and testimony from people stating he was an employee. Then this information gets supporting information and tertiary documents are introduced validating the documents which indicated this person worked for Northwest.

Now it's easy to get caught up in the minutia of this persons employment with Northwest. He had a problem with the company or he would act as if he had something to say and stop himself; but we all knew what it was.

How and when did Cooper ever become an employee? Has a hijacking ever been an inside job? You know McCoy was going to spend that money, in fact he was barely on the ground two hours and $30 was already in circulation.

Yes it is interesting that someone holds a resemblance to the composites for Cooper was not described as a white haired woman. So there is some basis of fact in the drawings. Cooper did not indicate being an employee to anyone. No jargon or use of aircraft equipment. Why risk bringing a bomb in the aircraft when an employee would know where to hide such a thing for later use?

The evidence presented is credible for points B to G or where ever. It's the way point A is glossed over as a given which makes for such frenetics. Person X3 was a special forces commando and I can prove it. That's not questioned by anyone as far as I can tell, what does special forces have to do with Cooper?

Person X4 said skydiving was easy even though he had never jumped, then one day he quit work and was never seen again. Someone with that profile would be a more plausible/interesting starting point than people selected for being jump trained or former employees.

Cooper wanted those stairs down and didn't seem to care that Mexico City became Reno because he expected to be gone. His targeting may not have been precise but it does not appear random either.

He's careful to take everything with him except a clip on tie and clasp. So he is capable of making a mistake. How many cars were picked up in the area as abandoned? Was he wearing everything he owned? I doubt that. He would not have set up a way to go undetected if he didn't make it, as that isn't very logical. These suspects theoretically have access to enough cash to be comfortable for quite a while. Yet they go back to work and stay there until normal retirement age without a plan B for the cash. I'm not sure what I would have done....but....is that....samba.....Brasillllll......Meu Brasil brasilerooooohhh.

This is logic. Not allowed. Please follow the A-team's guidelines.

But, that aside, why did Calame become convinced
the tie and tie clasp belonged to the Mormon who
wore such ties in a whole community of such ties
shopping at JC Penny buying such ties and tie clasps
as a standard accoutre'ment in vested standard issue Mormon uniform (much like the Amish or
Hutterites in Canada) inside McCoy's home with a dresser contained other simila ties and tie clasps
dressing as all other Morons dress who shop at
Penney's before moving to Virginia Beach where
Mo and Dope wouled move later, to be shot down like the dirty dog he was looking just like a food
service person which H said Cooper might be?
maybe inder Utah too don'ch ya tink golly gee?

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heretic! blasphemer!

meanwhile, I found a nice site that has all the current forest fire lookout tires in the area we like. Don't know about 1971.

interestingly, none around BattleGround (no forests!)

only two right around ariel/woodland.

I went and visited the two called
Devils Burn
(4 mi. N of Woodland, elevation 1803')
(10 mi northeast of Woodland, elevation 2954')

I crawled around both towers a lot. Not sure of what I was looking for.

But then, I found it.
look here on the tower for reference:

On the bottommost stair platform, on the left, underneath the platform, scrawled on the wood with what appears to be charcoal, were the initials and date "D.W. 1966"

But the weirder thing, was right under that..in a slightly different scrawl

"D.W. 1971"

I'm getting access to some portable ground penetrating radar gear. I think I may be on to something.

When I know what I saw, and felt with my own hands: you can't deny that.

(edit) Before you claim "liar" look at the history of that tower, on that url:
"Established in 1931 with an L-4 cab, a 2-story 10x18' "smokehouse", built in the 1940's, was followed by a 20' wooden DNR live-in tower in 1960. It was scheduled to be moved to Clark College campus in Vancouver as an exhibit in 1970, but the project never happened."

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Anybody out there want to post something about NORJAK? (Preferably something that doesn’t reference Duane Weber.)

Good Luck! I tried that and even if I just post - just a generic post not mentioning Weber - it sets Georger off.

If you read back thru the posts that is evident - he is fine when I do not post then he goes into a rage.

Now as for Gray and Cook. I am intouch with both - neither can talk about their book. I have no idea what the approach will be on the subjects.

I will tell you this - Gray is not (so he claims) writing a book about Christiansen! There is only one book that will stand the test of time and perhaps be a best seller - the one that puts the facts of the crime out to the public and explores more than one subject. A book that stays factual in what is known about the crime. Let the world decide from those facts if indeed anyone of the suspects are Cooper or is he someone else altogether?

The book would need to explore all of the information - and the different analysis and trains of thought on the subjects - such as the money, the flight path, etc.

As for Braden - he is NOT a good subject. I think you guys are looking in all the wrong places. The places you need to look are not available to the public. For instance - lots of guys received RANGER training (this does NOT mean they were RANGERS). These small groups where singled out for special use and high risk endeavors. These had to be individuals who would be accepted by "the forces that be" of the times and they had to blend in - men who had NOTHING to loose and everything to gain.

I did not throw "furlough" around as just a casual off the wall comment. Many of the recruits for these positions were ex-cons and military misfits - but trusted and engraved into the cause.

Good candidates had shown and represented an allegiance to the United States - but NO one wanted them except for high risk and covert action. Actions the government did not want the general public to be aware of.
Therefore "contractors" friends of the government became a necessity - all with an allegiance to the US. In order to compensate these men there had to a legal source with which to do so outside of the government. These individual would lead relative normal lives except when they had an "assignment".

In between assignments they were just ordinary guys doing ordinary work - some even infiltrated the Mafia and other groups. One such group warned the government of impending threats, but were ignored and the consequences where not acceptable. We will never know all that went on behind closed door - but, it did happen.

The question I would like to know - Is it still happening are there still closed door incidents within our government offices?
If so what is their purpose and who benefits?

Using this approach - is there not a suspect NO one has considered and have such suspects been presented and ignored because they had a "cover". This could mean Cooper acted either as a group or on his own. Either way - not one of that group could expose him without exposing themselves and their own activities and their country or perhaps jeopardizing their own life.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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heretic! blasphemer!

meanwhile, I found a nice site that has all the current forest fire lookout tires in the area we like. Don't know about 1971.

interestingly, none around BattleGround (no forests!)

only two right around ariel/woodland.

I went and visited the two called
Devils Burn
(4 mi. N of Woodland, elevation 1803')
(10 mi northeast of Woodland, elevation 2954')

I crawled around both towers a lot. Not sure of what I was looking for.

But then, I found it.
look here on the tower for reference:

On the bottommost stair platform, on the left, underneath the platform, scrawled on the wood with what appears to be charcoal, were the initials and date "D.W. 1966"

But the weirder thing, was right under that..in a slightly different scrawl

"D.W. 1971"

I'm getting access to some portable ground penetrating radar gear. I think I may be on to something.

When I know what I saw, and felt with my own hands: you can't deny that.

(edit) Before you claim "liar" look at the history of that tower, on that url:
"Established in 1931 with an L-4 cab, a 2-story 10x18' "smokehouse", built in the 1940's, was followed by a 20' wooden DNR live-in tower in 1960. It was scheduled to be moved to Clark College campus in Vancouver as an exhibit in 1970, but the project never happened."

more evidence

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But the weirder thing, was right under that..in a slightly different scrawl "D.W. 1971"

Cute story, but on a more serious thought - what towers existed in 1971 that were NOT there in 1979...near Battleground and not on high ground. The clearing was flat and in the forest not more than a couple of football field lengths off the road. What kind of tower would NOT be on a hill. What about private or county timber related lookouts or maybe some other kind of tower all together.
I assumed "fire tower".
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Anybody out there want to post something about NORJAK? (Preferably something that doesn’t reference Duane Weber.)

Good Luck! I tried that and even if I just post - just a generic post not mentioning Weber - it sets Georger off.

If you read back thru the posts that is evident - he is fine when I do not post then he goes into a rage.

Now as for Gray and Cook. I am intouch with both - neither can talk about their book. I have no idea what the approach will be on the subjects.

I will tell you this - Gray is not (so he claims) writing a book about Christiansen! There is only one book that will stand the test of time and perhaps be a best seller - the one that puts the facts of the crime out to the public and explores more than one subject. A book that stays factual in what is known about the crime. Let the world decide from those facts if indeed anyone of the suspects are Cooper or is he someone else altogether?

The book would need to explore all of the information - and the different analysis and trains of thought on the subjects - such as the money, the flight path, etc.

As for Braden - he is NOT a good subject. I think you guys are looking in all the wrong places. The places you need to look are not available to the public. For instance - lots of guys received RANGER training (this does NOT mean they were RANGERS). These small groups where singled out for special use and high risk endeavors. These had to be individuals who would be accepted by "the forces that be" of the times and they had to blend in - men who had NOTHING to loose and everything to gain.

I did not throw "furlough" around as just a casual off the wall comment. Many of the recruits for these positions were ex-cons and military misfits - but trusted and engraved into the cause.

Good candidates had shown and represented an allegiance to the United States - but NO one wanted them except for high risk and covert action. Actions the government did not want the general public to be aware of.
Therefore "contractors" friends of the government became a necessity - all with an allegiance to the US. In order to compensate these men there had to a legal source with which to do so outside of the government. These individual would lead relative normal lives except when they had an "assignment".

In between assignments they were just ordinary guys doing ordinary work - some even infiltrated the Mafia and other groups. One such group warned the government of impending threats, but were ignored and the consequences where not acceptable. We will never know all that went on behind closed door - but, it did happen.

The question I would like to know - Is it still happening are there still closed door incidents within our government offices?
If so what is their purpose and who benefits?

Using this approach - is there not a suspect NO one has considered and have such suspects been presented and ignored because they had a "cover". This could mean Cooper acted either as a group or on his own. Either way - not one of that group could expose him without exposing themselves and their own activities and their country or perhaps jeopardizing their own life.


well I guess Sluggo's request is in the toilet or
up his arse, or in Jo's purse.


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I did not throw "furlough" around as just a casual off the wall comment. Many of the recruits for these positions were ex-cons and military misfits - but trusted and engraved into the cause.

Furlough to what? BE SPECIFIC!

Make your claim.

Be specific for once, like you used to do?

Your semantics makes no sense. You cant be
an EX con while still in prison! ? Can you be?

Who gets furloughs? Were there furloughs at all? Were there people furloughed to the Ranger or Spec Forces Training camps who wound up at Bu Dop in '67? How did you get one of these 'vacations' at Bu Dop from the Missouri State Penitentiary you are keep alleging? Who was in charge of these vacations at Bu Dop? How did Duane go from being an anemic twerp burglar to being the big strong patriotic US Ranger you think might be Duane in the Bu Dop photo? Oh my! So many queshions_so little tyme.

Im going to find out.

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Jo's posts reminded me of the Soldier of Fortune court cases, where they were sued because of their classified ads.

Remember how they used to advertise guys who said they would go anywhere, do anything? Always sounded like bullshit?

Well there were a couple court cases where guys got nabbed, who actually did just that. Wives would call up, husbands would call up, etc. People got murdered.

one case where they put a malfunctioning bomb on a plane. The feds really got involved on that one.

Who would have thought? SOF ads, people got dead.

Snowmman Industries is no longer hiring pilots or jumpers. I mean we're no longer advertising that. I mean there is nothing going on. No investigation needed. Move along.

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Who would have thought? SOF ads, people got dead.

Yeah, I remember that stuff. Murder for hire in SOF, for real. I thought they were all couch potato cammo types who read and advertised in that mag, but I guessed wrong. You could get people killed and pretty cheap too. They really screwed up the market for professional hits.

I was going to compliment G on one of his recent posts but I am still locked out of his PM box. Oh well.

Orange, you can ignore Snowmman's moratorium on hiring. There is a seat belt on his C 123K with your name embroidered on it.

The idea of convicts being furloughed from MO state prisons for Ranger training and then jumping in top secret special HALO ops is very imaginative and entirely absurd. The Rangers are very active on the Internet. They delight in personally confronting and "educating" (beating up?) people making fake Ranger claims. They can't hurt Duane now though. Duane never claimed any link to the Rangers, Jo did it on his behalf posthumously. They wouldn't beat Jo up, so no worries there.

"Worlds Biggest Jock Carrier" as a CB handle? I listened to CB a lot back in the day. I NEVER heard a handle that long or that obscure. They were always short.

Ones I recall:

Sneaky Pete
Shark Bait
Ghost Rider

My next door neighbor in the early 60s was Bazooka. We could hear him on our TV set when he fired up his linear amp to work skip.

"this here Bazooooooka has you right in the cross hairs Mr Moonshine, come on back to the Big Bazooka out here in Caly For Nai Aaay, 10-4? Mr Moooooonshine, you gotta copy on the this here Big Bad Bazooka?"

Bazooka was a diabetic morbidly obese unemployed gentleman and CB was his world. In real life he was kind of a sad case but on CB he was a major dude. I liked him.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I knew a guy named Duane Weber when I was a kid. He was fearless. The first time I rode passenger in a car going 120mph was with Duane at the wheel. Duane always gave us kids free smokes and matches. "Just don't say where you got them, kid" he'd say.

Told us a story once where he fought his way out of a bar, and didn't even get a scratch. When we asked about everyone else, he just smiled.

Said he went back to the bar the next night and sung Sinatra tunes. No one said a word.

Said guys could point out any woman in the bar, and she'd be on his arm within an hour.

Told us he'd been in every prison west of the Mississippi at least twice, busted out of every prison east of the Mississippi at least once. Been in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, and spent a night in the brig in all of them.

He said he could build an airplane from a busted up jeep, skin a bear with a pointed stick, and walk 50 miles in the woods just smelling where he was going.

He knew everyone and everything. Duane could walk in a bank and the tellers would give him money just because they knew he deserved it more than anyone else. But he never needed any money. He'd give us dollar bills, laughing "there's plenty more were that came from".

He told us he'd run for Governer and win, but then they'd have to put him in jail, and you can't have a Governer in jail. So he wouldn't run no matter what people said.

Duane: he was the greatest.

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The idea of convicts being furloughed from MO state prisons for Ranger training and then jumping in top secret special HALO ops is very imaginative and entirely absurd. The Rangers are very active on the Internet. They delight in personally confronting and "educating" (beating up?) people making fake Ranger claims. They can't hurt Duane now though. Duane never claimed any link to the Rangers, Jo did it on his behalf posthumously.

Well you dont have to go every far to find a Ranger these days. I would suppose there are several here at Dropzone, somewhere. They might have thoughts on Jo's remarks. Another distinction Im trying to
reconcile is you have 'furloughs' say from education
or training and such, but are there 'furloughs' from
prison? I really dont know but Jo seems to think so.

I know some Rangers. I have turned Jo's remarks over to them and I think they will get to the bottom of this, for Jo. I always try to be a helping hand when I can.

I must remark however, there is one thing even Rangers are affraid of and will backdown to: a skunk.
Have you ever seen a Ranger treed by a skunk? I have. It isnt a pretty sight. Skunks can also be used to getconfessions out of people wthout laying a hand on. A skunk is very convincing. Skunks have a way with people, even the most obstreperous of our
species. I have seen skunks do what preachers and
ex-wives or a platoon of soldiers could not accomplish. Its all in the application once the person
is aware a skunk is around. A person would sooner
rather be shot than face theconseuences of a visit with a skunk. So, when confronted by a skunk take
special precautions and use only an approved Board Certified Skunk Remover, after sizing up the wind direction and the jaunt of the tail.

Did Cooper run into a skunk?
Did Duane ever mention a skunk?
Has Jo ever met up with a skunk?

And why arent you people pursuing the Calame/
McCoy tie connection? There might be a scent trail
there. Calame thought so. Maybe its the thought
that everything is related to Duane, inevitably, and
we've all been skunked. But Rangers do not like
to be treed by skunks! Lets see if the Rangers can
come up with a solution which we can then release
as 'hot air'.

Happy Hanukkah to all -

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Hey Jo,

it's been awhile back, wasn't you or sombody on here trying to find a smokejumper with the name like Cooley or sounded like that? Is this him

Earl Cooley, who died on November 10 aged 98, was the first of America's "smokejumpers" – forest firefighters who parachute into inaccessible areas to tackle blazes before they rage out of control; 70 years after his pioneering mission, smokejumpers are now regarded as firefighting's elite, and the practice is credited with saving tens of thousands of acres and millions of dollars each year.

Candidates for smokejumping are today required to pass rigorous physical examinations and undergo years of training. But when, on July 12 1940, Earl Cooley stood ready to jump from a small TriMotor aeroplane as it buzzed at 1,500ft over Martin Creek in the Nez Perce National Forest, Idaho, procedures were altogether more improvised. "Our training consisted of a man saying: 'This is your parachute. You know what fire is. We jump tomorrow'," he recalled later.

Such rudimentary preparation seemed to invite disaster – and it duly arrived, as the lines of Cooley's parachute got tangled and it failed to open properly. His fall was, however, cushioned by the upper branches of a spruce tree and he – and the art of smokejumping – survived. Dusting himself down, he and his partner, Rufus Robinson, located the equipment and provisions that had been dropped in their wake, and made their way to the fire. Over the next 12 hours they successfully put it out.

Dousing the flames solely with water was not feasible for the lightly-loaded smokejumpers, but several other tactics were at their disposal. These included chopping down trees to create firebreaks, digging trenches, and starting controlled fires to deprive the wildfire of fuel. In this way conflagrations could be corralled before they exploded into blazes that stretched over hundreds of acres.

All such techniques were second nature to Cooley, who had spent almost his entire existence out of doors. Indeed, to him and his fellow firefighters, the challenges and dangers of quelling flames, once safely on terra firma, were completely normal. It was the parachuting that was new, though Cooley came to relish the thrill (after the breathtaking jerk of the 'chute opening) of floating gently towards the smoke.

In a dangerous job, adding an extra element of risk carried with it a certain perverse kudos, and he enjoyed recounting the assessment of one forester: "The best information I can get from fliers is that all parachute jumpers are more or less crazy – just a little bit unbalanced, otherwise they wouldn't be engaged in such a hazardous undertaking."

He was born Earl Everett Cooley on September 25 1911 to parents who led a simple life on the land at Hardin, Montana. One of 11 children, he went to school until he was 12 before being summoned away to help with family farming and hunting duties. He had a particular love of stalking elk and deer and returned to Corvallis High School only in time to graduate aged 19.

His outdoor upbringing made him a natural candidate for the US Forest Service, which he joined in 1937, graduating from the forestry school at the University of Montana four years later. By then he had made his pioneering jump, and smokejumping was becoming an accepted technique to tackle fires which broke out far from roads or trails.

Depending on the skills of the pilot and the weather conditions, the smokejumpers would jump from between 1,200 and 2,000ft, aiming to get a good "read" of the fire as they circled overhead.

Those next to Cooley in the plane were often men he had trained himself, and included Quakers and, during the war, conscientious objectors who sought non-combat service. Cooley himself was regarded as an expert at locating safe "dropzones" from which the jumpers could hike to the fire.

Sprained ankles and the odd broken bone were standard fare. But Cooley was proud that in the early years, despite its apparent dangers, smokejumping had not claimed a single life.

That all changed on August 4 1949, when a lightning storm passed over the Helena National Forest, Montana. In view of the dry weather, the Forest Service had rated the fire threat as "explosive". The following day three small fires were spotted at noon and it was decided that a team would be sent in.

Cooley was not to be one of the jumpers, but it was his job to choose a safe landing spot. Despite heavy turbulence, the team made it to a place he had identified known as Mann Gulch – a cleft in the land which shielded them from the fire – by 4pm. Their two-way radio, however, had been destroyed after its 'chute failed to open.

A few minutes later, and against all Cooley's expectations, the wind changed direction and the fire leapt across the gully – trapping the men. The 16-strong team retreated as fast as it could, dropping gear and fleeing, but the pace of the 50ft flames, which covered 3,000 acres in 10 minutes, outstripped the men.

The crew's foreman, R Wagner "Wag" Dodge, knew then that running was useless, and told his team to stop. He lit a new fire, as a break, in front of him.

Two others, Walter Rumsey and Robert Sallee, found a nook in which to shelter. The others continued to run from the flames, then just 100 yards away. Dodge, Rumsey and Sallee were the only survivors.

The event profoundly marked the Forest Service – and Cooley, who was initially plagued by fears that he had made an error in choosing the drop zone. But an inquiry cleared him. "I am sure I did the right thing that day, but I still look at that map and have thought about it every day since then," he said 45 years after the event.

Mann Gulch remains the most lethal disaster to have struck smokejumpers on active service. In a later simulation, the Forest Service was unable to reproduce the unique conditions which allowed the flames to cross the gully and kill the jumpers.

Cooley's own career as a smokejumper lasted 22 years, during which he was a district ranger in the Nez Perce National Forest. He was named smokejumper base superintendent in Missoula, Montana, in 1958. There he recruited, trained, and dispatched some 150 smokejumpers wherever they were needed.

"He was always friendly and helpful and put up with a lot," noted Tom Kovalicky, who was a jumper at the time. "Smokejumpers had a playful streak and liked a drink, which kept Earl on his toes." Cooley became an equipment specialist in 1971 before leaving the service in 1975.

In retirement Cooley, an easy-going but hands-on manager who commanded respect from his fellows, founded the National Smokejumper Association and was its first president. "Like a lot of us he loved the excitement and the difficulty of becoming a smokejumper," said the current president John Twiss. Today, such demands mean there are still only a few hundred active smokejumpers. Last year they made 1,432 jumps for the Forest Service. "They're viewed within the community as unique – the special forces of firefighting," said Twiss.

Earl Cooley is survived by Irene, his wife of 68 years, and five daughters.

After the Mann Gulch fire he made crosses for the dead men and installed one where each had died. He continued to make the steep climb to maintain them until a few years before his death.

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Duane: he was the greatest.

Without a doubt he was, at least in the eyes of the woman who loved him.

The reality was just too hard to take: a petty con man who wasn't even good enough at his wicked craft to elude arrest or conviction for any length of time. In death he became exalted. This required elaborate constructs.

The incompetent petty crook wasn't really jailed for bad acts. Au contrare. He was one of the super elite Ultra Rangers, a group so dangerous that he and his cohorts had to be kenneled in the toughest prisons.

They passed time incarcerated, awaiting the call of duty which would result in an instant "furlough", whether it be to a Legionnaires convention to protect the President, to Viet Nam for some extreme HALO ops or to Cape Canaveral where they flew moon missions for the photogenic Astronauts who stayed in secret bunkers until their stunt double Ultra Rangers returned. Duane knew all the radio comms released to the public by NASA were pre recorded by the fake Astronauts who were in the bunkers, so he felt free to say whatever he wanted to when conversing with mission contol at Houston. Several amateur radio operators using parabolic dishes aimed at the moon heard the real comms: "One small step for man, one giant step for the world's biggest jock carrier."

Duane was really a military Mother Theresa of sorts, dedicating his life to selfless acts of combat charity to protect the meek and helpless. Although Ultra Rangers performed many acts of heroism, no medals were ever awarded nor can any records be found of their elite service exploits.

They did their very best to prevent the killings of JFK, RFK and MLK, but the murderous "powers that be" had their wicked way. These failed protection missions soured some of the Ultra rangers and they refused to report back to prison after being recalled. These Rogue Rangers turned to crime and there was no stopping them. Even when caught, they were released as they knew too much and the disclosure of their secrets could topple the government overnight.

So tip your hat to Duane Weber, a modern day Superman. He served his country with honor and distinction knowing that the official records would show him only as a common criminal. The FBI is just doing their job in covering up the truth.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You would probably be amazed to know how much Jo knows about the early Smokejumpers and their pilots.

I’ll bet if pressed, Jo could post 5 facts (verifiable) that most people don’t know about the very early days of those brave jumpers and their tall timber pilots?

Give ‘um some facts, JO!

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See...Duane will never let us down. Alive or Dead.

The legend of Duane Weber..it's better than the Cooper legend.

As long as there is a open web forum somewhere, the stories of Duane Weber will be told and retold. Serving as both inspiration and warning.

We need more Duane Webers.

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