Orange1 0 #14076 December 8, 2009 Skywhuffo, we posted about Cooley a while back. 377.. seatbelts are for cars Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #14077 December 8, 2009 QuoteSee...Duane will never let us down. Alive or Dead. The legend of Duane's better than the Cooper legend. As long as there is a open web forum somewhere, the stories of Duane Weber will be told and retold. Serving as both inspiration and warning. We need more Duane Webers. Perhaps there should be two threads since DW and DBC have nothing to do with each other. Otherwise, there would be one factual link between the two. Seems like in three years of posting, there would be one. (crickets chirping) The DBC thread would have no new information. There will be the occasional posts about information that will "bust the case wide open", but those are individual events because we will never actually see that. It reminds me of the movie Grease when one of the girls gives a detail of her date and the other girls dance around her singing, "Tell me more, tell me more...". In the movie, she does have more. The thread telling Duanes exploits would become ever larger because information is created on weekly basis. In fact, I have a picture from a very reliable source of Duane doing undercover work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14078 December 8, 2009 QuoteHey Jo, it's been awhile back, wasn't you or sombody on here trying to find a smokejumper with the name like Cooley or sounded like that? Is this him Earl Cooley, who died on November 10 aged 98, was the first of America's "smokejumpers" – forest firefighters who parachute into inaccessible areas to tackle blazes before they rage out of control; 70 years after his pioneering mission, smokejumpers are now regarded as firefighting's elite, and the practice is credited with saving tens of thousands of acres and millions of dollars each year. Candidates for smokejumping are today required to pass rigorous physical examinations and undergo years of training. But when, on July 12 1940, Earl Cooley stood ready to jump from a small TriMotor aeroplane as it buzzed at 1,500ft over Martin Creek in the Nez Perce National Forest, Idaho, procedures were altogether more improvised. "Our training consisted of a man saying: 'This is your parachute. You know what fire is. We jump tomorrow'," he recalled later. Such rudimentary preparation seemed to invite disaster – and it duly arrived, as the lines of Cooley's parachute got tangled and it failed to open properly. His fall was, however, cushioned by the upper branches of a spruce tree and he – and the art of smokejumping – survived. Dusting himself down, he and his partner, Rufus Robinson, located the equipment and provisions that had been dropped in their wake, and made their way to the fire. Over the next 12 hours they successfully put it out. Dousing the flames solely with water was not feasible for the lightly-loaded smokejumpers, but several other tactics were at their disposal. These included chopping down trees to create firebreaks, digging trenches, and starting controlled fires to deprive the wildfire of fuel. In this way conflagrations could be corralled before they exploded into blazes that stretched over hundreds of acres. All such techniques were second nature to Cooley, who had spent almost his entire existence out of doors. Indeed, to him and his fellow firefighters, the challenges and dangers of quelling flames, once safely on terra firma, were completely normal. It was the parachuting that was new, though Cooley came to relish the thrill (after the breathtaking jerk of the 'chute opening) of floating gently towards the smoke. In a dangerous job, adding an extra element of risk carried with it a certain perverse kudos, and he enjoyed recounting the assessment of one forester: "The best information I can get from fliers is that all parachute jumpers are more or less crazy – just a little bit unbalanced, otherwise they wouldn't be engaged in such a hazardous undertaking." He was born Earl Everett Cooley on September 25 1911 to parents who led a simple life on the land at Hardin, Montana. One of 11 children, he went to school until he was 12 before being summoned away to help with family farming and hunting duties. He had a particular love of stalking elk and deer and returned to Corvallis High School only in time to graduate aged 19. His outdoor upbringing made him a natural candidate for the US Forest Service, which he joined in 1937, graduating from the forestry school at the University of Montana four years later. By then he had made his pioneering jump, and smokejumping was becoming an accepted technique to tackle fires which broke out far from roads or trails. Depending on the skills of the pilot and the weather conditions, the smokejumpers would jump from between 1,200 and 2,000ft, aiming to get a good "read" of the fire as they circled overhead. Those next to Cooley in the plane were often men he had trained himself, and included Quakers and, during the war, conscientious objectors who sought non-combat service. Cooley himself was regarded as an expert at locating safe "dropzones" from which the jumpers could hike to the fire. Sprained ankles and the odd broken bone were standard fare. But Cooley was proud that in the early years, despite its apparent dangers, smokejumping had not claimed a single life. That all changed on August 4 1949, when a lightning storm passed over the Helena National Forest, Montana. In view of the dry weather, the Forest Service had rated the fire threat as "explosive". The following day three small fires were spotted at noon and it was decided that a team would be sent in. Cooley was not to be one of the jumpers, but it was his job to choose a safe landing spot. Despite heavy turbulence, the team made it to a place he had identified known as Mann Gulch – a cleft in the land which shielded them from the fire – by 4pm. Their two-way radio, however, had been destroyed after its 'chute failed to open. A few minutes later, and against all Cooley's expectations, the wind changed direction and the fire leapt across the gully – trapping the men. The 16-strong team retreated as fast as it could, dropping gear and fleeing, but the pace of the 50ft flames, which covered 3,000 acres in 10 minutes, outstripped the men. The crew's foreman, R Wagner "Wag" Dodge, knew then that running was useless, and told his team to stop. He lit a new fire, as a break, in front of him. Two others, Walter Rumsey and Robert Sallee, found a nook in which to shelter. The others continued to run from the flames, then just 100 yards away. Dodge, Rumsey and Sallee were the only survivors. The event profoundly marked the Forest Service – and Cooley, who was initially plagued by fears that he had made an error in choosing the drop zone. But an inquiry cleared him. "I am sure I did the right thing that day, but I still look at that map and have thought about it every day since then," he said 45 years after the event. Mann Gulch remains the most lethal disaster to have struck smokejumpers on active service. In a later simulation, the Forest Service was unable to reproduce the unique conditions which allowed the flames to cross the gully and kill the jumpers. Cooley's own career as a smokejumper lasted 22 years, during which he was a district ranger in the Nez Perce National Forest. He was named smokejumper base superintendent in Missoula, Montana, in 1958. There he recruited, trained, and dispatched some 150 smokejumpers wherever they were needed. "He was always friendly and helpful and put up with a lot," noted Tom Kovalicky, who was a jumper at the time. "Smokejumpers had a playful streak and liked a drink, which kept Earl on his toes." Cooley became an equipment specialist in 1971 before leaving the service in 1975. In retirement Cooley, an easy-going but hands-on manager who commanded respect from his fellows, founded the National Smokejumper Association and was its first president. "Like a lot of us he loved the excitement and the difficulty of becoming a smokejumper," said the current president John Twiss. Today, such demands mean there are still only a few hundred active smokejumpers. Last year they made 1,432 jumps for the Forest Service. "They're viewed within the community as unique – the special forces of firefighting," said Twiss. Earl Cooley is survived by Irene, his wife of 68 years, and five daughters. After the Mann Gulch fire he made crosses for the dead men and installed one where each had died. He continued to make the steep climb to maintain them until a few years before his death. a great story - well done! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14079 December 8, 2009 interesting background, 377. Could the "Rogue Rangers" have had a common interest in comic books? I'm wondering if the name for the group, and the use of "Dan Cooper" may have stemmed from a a common comic book interest. There was a book published recently "Going Rogue" that may be connected. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14080 December 8, 2009 QuoteSee...Duane will never let us down. Alive or Dead. The legend of Duane's better than the Cooper legend. As long as there is a open web forum somewhere, the stories of Duane Weber will be told and retold. Serving as both inspiration and warning. We need more Duane Webers. Its the Diva and her Manager that matter. Promotion is everything. Everything and everyone can be replaced, instantly. How is Skywuffo, a real historian, supposed to feed his children and pay his rent !? Did we really need this - Sluggo? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14081 December 8, 2009 QuoteQuoteSee...Duane will never let us down. Alive or Dead. The legend of Duane's better than the Cooper legend. As long as there is a open web forum somewhere, the stories of Duane Weber will be told and retold. Serving as both inspiration and warning. We need more Duane Webers. Perhaps there should be two threads since DW and DBC have nothing to do with each other. Sluggo is going to give the Diva of Duane a space/ column/forum on his website. Jerry Thomas will be kicked off. Sluggo is the "decider". These are all preliminaries to the real DBC discussion starting in 2012, after WWIII. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #14082 December 8, 2009 Quote Well you dont have to go every far to find a Ranger these days. I would suppose there are several here at Dropzone, somewhere. They might have thoughts on Jo's remarks. Another distinction Im trying to reconcile is you have 'furloughs' say from education or training and such, but are there 'furloughs' from prison? I really dont know but Jo seems to think so. I know some Rangers. I have turned Jo's remarks over to them and I think they will get to the bottom of this, for Jo. I always try to be a helping hand when I can. Be sure these Ranger know the time period - it would not happen in today's world. We are talking the 50's and maybe early 60's - I would appreciate the help, but be TIME specific. The information came from 3 sources. Guy's who were Rangers in the 50's - This was known in their small community that amongest them were some individuals recruited from the prisons and trained at certain facilities....these guys also had prior military experience and where able to fit in with the trainees. They were under the supervision of another government person and lived off base. They did NOT participate in normal activies with the real service men... Also - even though there is the thought that the jumpers from WWII came home and this put an end to the smokejumper training. The forestry contined to send recruits to Ranger training - this training was done on military bases. Other countries have in the past sent their men to America for this training in yrs gone by- 50's and 60's. This was something said I thought was interesting - how strange it felt at graduation to be saluted by men from China and Vietnam (I don't remember the countries he said). Remember you have to talk to people who participated in the training camps in the right age era. The 1950's - early 60's is a very important time era for this activitity. Our own government chose to use - others - to do certain jobs outside of the auspices of the known military activities. Why? None of us may ever know the answers to that - but, it was done. These men had to be compensated - some got released from prison - and then remained ON CALL. Since they had to have NORMAL jobs that would provide flexibility - this was arranged by contractors. Therefore for the most part they received business training and no background check was done. When they got the call to report and since their jobs required frequent travel and time away from home - the wives where none the wiser. If they were in prison - the cover was easy - they were "furlouged" to a medical facility or another prison. If they were injured or killed - I have NO idea how that was handled. Maybe a missing persons report was filed by a lot of girl friends and wives? For the most part these men remained single or not legally married.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14083 December 8, 2009 It'd be interesting to send smoke jumpers in as combat troops. Kind of human napalm bombs? They could set backfires and stuff. Imagine if a bunch of guys parachuted into major cities and just ran around setting things on fire. Not bombs. Just regular fires. Burn, baby, burn. (edit) Of course, a dangerous job like this, you'd need life insurance. Provided by Duane Weber, at a reasonable cost. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #14084 December 8, 2009 QuoteWe need more Duane Webers. There is actually an oversupply of Duane Webers, thousands of them. It is the Jo Webers that are in short supply. Whether that is a problem or blessing is open to debate. Without a Jo, a Duane Weber is of no material significance. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #14085 December 8, 2009 [replyQuote]Hey Jo, it's been awhile back, wasn't you or sombody on here trying to find a smokejumper with the name like Cooley or sounded like that? Is this him? Orange posted that a few days ago and that I believe may have been the man I was looking for - I never find them until they die. I intended to try to find any of his family that might have old photos - of his parents or any other family member - or who their connections might have been. Cooley is a name mentioned by Duane's brother and by Duane himself that intervened in the 40's when Duane was sent to McNeil. This family arranged for Duane to go to a special camp in CA. and then Duane disappears for several yrs...we think he was working part of that time in WA, OR, ID or UT area. This man was older than Duane, but too young to be friends of the mother or father...hence why I wanted to know more about his family. The background and location are dead on. If I can track this it might explain how he knew WA state so well and what he was doing when he was there. Sorry, I was only going to do generic posts - but the post I am answering has a direct connection to some of what I have searched for. Thank You , very much.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14086 December 8, 2009 QuoteQuoteWe need more Duane Webers. There is actually an oversupply of Duane Webers, thousands of them. It is the Jo Webers that are in short supply. Whether that is a problem or blessing is open to debate. Without a Jo, a Duane Weber is of no material significance. 377 Interesting. What if Jo latched onto the wrong one? What if the better one to latch onto is a friend of Duane Weber. Since you can get to almost anyone in 5 or so hops, starting with Duane Weber is fine. Jo just needs to traverse out a bit. (edit) New bumper sticker: "More Duane Than Duane" $5. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14087 December 8, 2009 QuoteQuoteWe need more Duane Webers. There is actually an oversupply of Duane Webers, thousands of them. It is the Jo Webers that are in short supply. Whether that is a problem or blessing is open to debate. Without a Jo, a Duane Weber is of no material significance. 377 STOP! You are stealing/using my copywritten material. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14088 December 8, 2009 Quote[replyQuote]Hey Jo, it's been awhile back, wasn't you or sombody on here trying to find a smokejumper with the name like Cooley or sounded like that? Is this him? Orange posted that a few days ago and that I believe may have been the man I was looking for - I never find them until they die. I intended to try to find any of his family that might have old photos - of his parents or any other family member - or who their connections might have been. Cooley is a name mentioned by Duane's brother and by Duane himself that intervened in the 40's when Duane was sent to McNeil. This family arranged for Duane to go to a special camp in CA. and then Duane disappears for several yrs...we think he was working part of that time in WA, OR, ID or UT area. This man was older than Duane, but too young to be friends of the mother or father...hence why I wanted to know more about his family. The background and location are dead on. If I can track this it might explain how he knew WA state so well and what he was doing when he was there. Sorry, I was only going to do generic posts - but the post I am answering has a direct connection to some of what I have searched for. Thank You , very much. "This man was older than Duane, but too young to be friends of the mother or father...: WAS HE BIGGER THAN A BREADBOX? SMALLER THAN A MAILBOX? ONE EYES OR TWO? OR THREE? WHERE DID THE MOTHER SHIP LAND? Is this is smokejumper history Sluggo promised us you had? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #14089 December 8, 2009 QuoteIt'd be interesting to send smoke jumpers in as combat troops. Kind of human napalm bombs? They could set backfires and stuff. Imagine if a bunch of guys parachuted into major cities and just ran around setting things on fire. Not bombs. Just regular fires. Burn, baby, burn. (edit) Of course, a dangerous job like this, you'd need life insurance. Provided by Duane Weber, at a reasonable cost. When some jerk Quincy cops brutally beat some WFFC jumpers there was talk of similar airborne revenge, but cooler heads prevailed. We just moved the event to Rantoul after getting agreement from the town officials that the Rantoul DZ would be treated as a sovereign nation. Here is a far better solution: New bumper sticker: "Friend of Duane, 1 step program". 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14090 December 8, 2009 Quote[replyQuote]Hey Jo, it's been awhile back, wasn't you or sombody on here trying to find a smokejumper with the name like Cooley or sounded like that? Is this him? Orange posted that a few days ago and that I believe may have been the man I was looking for - I never find them until they die. I intended to try to find any of his family that might have old photos - of his parents or any other family member - or who their connections might have been. Cooley is a name mentioned by Duane's brother and by Duane himself that intervened in the 40's when Duane was sent to McNeil. This family arranged for Duane to go to a special camp in CA. and then Duane disappears for several yrs...we think he was working part of that time in WA, OR, ID or UT area. This man was older than Duane, but too young to be friends of the mother or father...hence why I wanted to know more about his family. The background and location are dead on. If I can track this it might explain how he knew WA state so well and what he was doing when he was there. Sorry, I was only going to do generic posts - but the post I am answering has a direct connection to some of what I have searched for. Thank You , very much. Oh hell! I might as well ask. Tell us all about Calame and McCoy and Duane? I really-really-really wanna know! I know Duane and Calame met at least that is what Agent Benny Ambrose said. Pleez tell us all about this - pretty pleez? And what rank was Duane at Bu Dop? Did the warden throw him a party when he returned to prison in Missouri, prior to his release? Who came to get Duane on his release and where did he go? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14091 December 8, 2009 In the '60s, smokejumpers would yell "Duane Weber" when they jumped. If you forgot, you had to buy everyone beer. The story was, that Duane Weber invented the way they were all required to tie their shoelaces. The special threading/knot was optimal for not catching branches. It was called "The Weber" Duane used to brag about how this was named after him. Curiously, he never used "The Weber" when he tied his own shoes. Said that was an era he had to forget about. Too many bad memories about shoelaces. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14092 December 8, 2009 QuoteIn the '60s, smokejumpers would yell "Duane Weber" when they jumped. If you forgot, you had to buy everyone beer. The story was, that Duane Weber invented the way they were all required to tie their shoelaces. The special threading/knot was optimal for not catching branches. It was called "The Weber" Duane used to brag about how this was named after him. Curiously, he never used "The Weber" when he tied his own shoes. Said that was an era he had to forget about. Too many bad memories about shoelaces. Exactly right. Jo's whole pitch from the beginning has been that Duane was 'more than he was' and something special. A stint at McNeil Prison becomes parachute training with the smoke jumpers. With this Duane becomes familiar with the terrain in Washington where Cooper is thought to have parchuted. His dishonorable discharge from the Navy becomes a source for possible Seal training. His documented disease history becomes mistaken by physicians and minimised; only at the end of his life does it affect him according to Jo. Duane (his photo below) becomes fit and healthy and a generally low key 'superman behind the scenes including sexually', Jo has said. His jobs not mundane and ordinary but top of the line, performed with honors and awards. Duane steals a treasured personal memento from a noted politician, from the man's hotel room. (Another blow against authority for Jo and Duane and Jo think its funny and shows Duane superior skills and abilities, and hers also by association). Duane's stint at Missiouri State Penitentiary furloughed with no record, top secret, so Duane could possibly serve with the Special Forces and CIA at BuDop 1967, or, he at least knew and mingled with such people or something like that ... sufficient to keep a single copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine hidden "in a lock box" (along with other hidden clues he left for Jo) all of which has some connection to nuclear personnel devices at BuDop or elsewhere ... and his associate Tony Wong did a painting which Jo says very much resembles the enclosure at BuDop. It's all top secret whatever is going on, or could be or might be, that Duane caught wind of or was involved with which makes him special once again ... Jo speculates? A photo of some child which could be Tina Mucklow (received during the hijacking!) found in Duane's things by Jo. Jo presented us the photo saying it was ultra important to her case, then backed out saying she never said the photo was of Mucklow. And lastly Duane confesses to Jo secretly on his death bed, saying: "I am Dan Cooper". So yes, according to Jo, Duane was extra special. Or at least he knew and maybe even associated with special people. The Duane Pack. (with Jo knitting quilts silently in ignorance on the side). Duane had his own special forces, according to Jo. And good grief I almost forgot! Duane was DB Cooper. Maybe being Dan Cooper was the least of his accomplishments. His greatest accomplishment might be Jo Weber herself! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #14093 December 8, 2009 Pic of Duane doing CIA surveillance work using a genetically adapted cat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14094 December 9, 2009 Good cat happyt! Good summary Georger. Hey Georger, like it or not, maybe you're the historian! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #14095 December 9, 2009 JFK discussed Flight 305 and Duane Weber specifically, here: JFK confirms everything Jo has said. The only other possibility was that he was discussing US govt in the 21st century. But that's not possible because he would have to predict the future. It's more clearly related to Duane Weber and the Rogue Rangers. come it sounds just as prescient today, as it did in 1961? Eisenhower's speech is interesting to see also. I had never seen the actual video, or seen an Eisenhower speech. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #14096 December 9, 2009 QuoteWho gets furloughs? Were there furloughs at all? Were there people furloughed to the Ranger or Spec Forces Training camps who wound up at Bu Dop in '67? How did you get one of these 'vacations' at Bu Dop from the Missouri State Penitentiary you are keep alleging? Who was in charge of these vacations at Bu Dop? How did Duane go from being an anemic twerp burglar to being the big strong patriotic US Ranger you think might be Duane in the Bu Dop photo? Oh my! So many queshions_so little tyme. Im going to find out. You and I nor anyone else will ever know by spending our time beating each other up. I truely hope you are sincere is stating "Im going to find out." We could use your help - but you will need to reveal yourself to us outside of this forum. You may have an expertise we can use, but I do not even know what your profession is - other than you claimed to have been able to anaylze the found "Cooper" monies. You know how to email me either by my private email or thur the site PM'sCopyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #14097 December 9, 2009 Quote The idea of convicts being furloughed from MO state prisons for Ranger training and then jumping in top secret special HALO ops is very imaginative and entirely absurd. You are wrong - it is not imaginative nor absurd. You have to think about the politics of the 50' and 60's. The prison "fuloughs" really happened and ex-con being taught to jump Really Happened. ============= Quote The Rangers are very active on the Internet. They delight in personally confronting and "educating" (beating up?) people making fake Ranger claims. OLD rangers - those who trained in the 50's - talk to them, Tell them to come here and tell what they know. Tell them we need to know about their training experiences in the 50's. (Some may need a little help with the computer). Some of these guy know these groups existed and were not housed with the main training population nor allowed to mingle socially. This ODD group of men lived together away from the base and they always had a "supervisor" with them. Please have them come.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14098 December 9, 2009 QuoteGood cat happyt! Good summary Georger. Hey Georger, like it or not, maybe you're the historian! The thought intrigues me. Im sure it does others also - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #14099 December 9, 2009 Quote The incompetent petty crook wasn't really jailed for bad acts. Au contrare. He was one of the super elite Ultra Rangers, a group so dangerous that he and his cohorts had to be kenneled in the toughest prisons. These guys were not of the super elite. Most just ordinary guys who made mistakes and in the 40's and 50's - loss of family relationshps and respect. ===================== Quote They passed time incarcerated Contractors provided jobs for these guys so they could live relative normal lives. "Meetings" where provided during which they kept their skills active. These guys actually worked for a living when they didn't get their butts put in jail. They didn't get "fuloughs" to a convention to protect, but because some of them had a right to be there............ ================ Quote Ultra Rangers performed many acts of heroism, no medals were ever awarded nor can any records be found of their elite service exploits. DID the ULTRA RANGERS exist in 1950' and 1960's ??? Someone did the dirty jobs NO one else wanted to do - who? ============= Quote The disclosure of their secrets could topple the government overnight . I doubt this Our politicians are doing a good job of that without any help. It is time for past secrets and deceptions to be revealed. The declassification of many things over the past 3 yrs is evidence of activities leading right into this. Perhaps the revealing of the past will force the government to CLEAN up its act and kick all the ones out who lie about their income or not paying taxes. To me that is a crime and one that should be automatic explusion from the position. In order to run for a government position or be appointed - they should have to make disclosure and if anything came up in the future it would be a felony - or fraud or both. .Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #14100 December 9, 2009 Quote Quote The idea of convicts being furloughed from MO state prisons for Ranger training and then jumping in top secret special HALO ops is very imaginative and entirely absurd. You are wrong - it is not imaginative nor absurd. You have to think about the politics of the 50' and 60's. The prison "fuloughs" really happened and ex-con being taught to jump Really Happened. ============= Quote The Rangers are very active on the Internet. They delight in personally confronting and "educating" (beating up?) people making fake Ranger claims. OLD rangers - those who trained in the 50's - talk to them, Tell them to come here and tell what they know. Tell them we need to know about their training experiences in the 50's. (Some may need a little help with the computer). Some of these guy know these groups existed and were not housed with the main training population nor allowed to mingle socially. This ODD group of men lived together away from the base and they always had a "supervisor" with them. Please have them come. Quite frankly, we are trying to decide if its even worth commenting about, and the implications. You or the S of F article was correct about one thing however. It was Special Forces at Bu Dop in 67, not Rangers or Seals. Rangers as a separate unit did not even exist until Feb '69. Prior to that it was LRRPS pronounced 'lurps' or 'lerps'. Seals existed clear back in the 50's but none so far is reported as being involved at BuDop in '67. A history of the Special Forces can be found at: I want to make it clear I am NOT an expert in these matters, but I have consulted with people who are. The Soldier of Fortune photo has been passed to experts for their consideration. Jo, you or anyone else could have done all of this yourself. Thats really all I have to say right now ... Thanks, G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites