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DB Cooper

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The DBC thread here is a crop circle of sorts.

I agree! I guess when you dont have a real ufo
or your own private plane you make crop circles
that will be seen? Most people just settle for banks
of sodium lights on their property (can be seen from Mars).

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You never expect people to do these things until they do them and inevitably someone does.

So true G. The 20 year son of a high tech Silicon Valley CEO was just killed in a bank robbery attempt in Redding CA.

"Friends of Brandon Reuter seemed mystified by the turn of events. When he graduated from Los Gatos High School in 2007, he received an award for academic excellence. But police reports and court records tell the tale of a life that gradually spun out of control since he entered his freshman year at the University of Colorado at Boulder."

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Someone posted a comment on the NYT review, about Damon not saying much and the difficulty of getting the accent right...
the reference to "South African subtle flavoring of Dutch/Afrikanns" got me fantasizing about what Orange1 sounds like in real life ....:)

re: 1995. We're talking about 1971 with Cooper. So 1995, is like, yesterday. :)


"Damon's wooden and constrained rendering of Pienaar. He seemed almost reluctant to open his mouth. Those southern hemisphere English accents (Aussie dipthongs, Kiwi vowels that can cut glass, South African subtle flavoring of Dutch/Afrikanns) are really tough for Americans to mimic. During the movie, I thought, "Damon's must have had a tough time with the accent, they constrained his lines to limit the chance of a slip-up." The few lines he had, he spoke reasonably well, but very limited in range. He's been a good actor elsewhere; I doubt that Pienaar is so steely and impassive in real life."

off topic and i was about to say without even the sky... but they did have a (very low) jet flyover before the game. it was brilliant :) ..been trying unsuccessfully to find a video clip of it online...

attempts to do SA accents have generally been terrible, will be interesting to see this one. i'm english not afrikaans btw, but with an accent still very different from an american !!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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haha...like i said i didn't watch most of the 95 final.. they had skydivers jumping into the stadium beforehand :D ...see, everything is connected after all!! a very brief snippet of the landing (trailing smoke, does that make him a smokejumper? ;) )seen at the beginning of this video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M7a7AG7PkA (and francois pienaar at 2.16 bearing not much resemblance to matt damon)

bad quality and from the wrong angle, short clip of the flyover at 1.20 on here, but i'm tired of searching and getting 'invictus' hits....

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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they did have a (very low) jet flyover before the game.

Cant wait to see a video.

The South Africans really do a lot of historic aircraft preservation. They have a non airworthy Lockheed 1649 Starliner Connie in immaculate condition and until a few years ago maintained a Shackleton in flying condition. I have heard that it might still fly once in a while.

If I win the lottery I am going to visit SA, jump with Orange and take a ride in a Thunder City Lightning jet. I think somewhere in SA there is a DC 6 and DC 4 that can be chartered. So much to do and see down there.

One of my coworkers is from SA and just recently returned for a visit. She described a very dangerous place, full of violent crime and fear, but I am sure there are differing opinions from those who live there full time.

Flew in the local wind tunnel two nights ago. They get a few drop in spectators. A little kid about 3 years old had her face plastered against the glass. I dont think she understood that I and my mates were flying on high velocity air. She had that wide eyed look of childhood wonder and complete amazement.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 coughed out "Snow, take a break from your research in Iceland and task your stable of Russian novelists with creating a plot storyboard"

funny you should mention that. My latest contact is from Netherlands. I'm thinking "Netherlands? WTF is that? Windmills? Then I'm thinking about Orange1, and thinking, "It's all about South Africa."

I gotta find out more about this Netherlands stuff. I think Switzerland is done since the bankers there got raked over the coals. Slovenia may not be the next "it".
Gotta be nimble.
If Obama can accept a peace prize and give a speech about war, then Snowmman Industries can redirect to Netherlands.

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haha...like i said i didn't watch most of the 95 final.. they had skydivers jumping into the stadium beforehand :D ...see, everything is connected after all!! a very brief snippet of the landing (trailing smoke, does that make him a smokejumper? ;) )seen at the beginning of this video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M7a7AG7PkA (and francois pienaar at 2.16 bearing not much resemblance to matt damon)

bad quality and from the wrong angle, short clip of the flyover at 1.20 on here, but i'm tired of searching and getting 'invictus' hits....

Sure, all the jumpers would be quick to say "WTF does Snowmman posting about Invictus have to do with skydiving :)"

Thanks for the clips.

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McCoy was not Cooper. I dont believe that for a second. However Cooper may have been someone with a background similar to McCoys, but without
the deep military background-skills McCoy had?

We know that McCoy was living right in the nexus
of serious social tensions which includes at Brigham Young. People saw McCoy as a model and above
the common norm but he was juggling conflicting stresses then he snaps. He was deeply in debt for one thing. (he asks 500k vrs Cooper's 200k and remarks about that - money is important to him). You never expect people to do these things until they do them and inevitably someone does.

I may have more to say later but this is (to me)
thought provoking...

Ok, you all are on track again - now I am going to share with you something I have.

In a 3003 contact from a man, I was told somethings I still do not understand. The call regarded a woman in a similar circumstance as myself...by a 3rd party. My notes are sketchy, but here goes what I do have.

March 9 2003
Notes state: Nurse and Hosp.
McCoy - Travis Air Force Base
Wound (assuming this meant he had an injury and was in the hosp).

This woman's husband was in the hosp with McCoy.

I don't understand my notes and they do NOT match another communication with the third party. Statements made at that time indicated this widow thought her husband was Cooper.

Maybe if I think about it I can remember more and find more notes on this as I go thur my reduction process (the files got to large - house cleaning the Cooper files).

I have another contact who I have talked to over the yrs that claimed a Brigham Young connection - he also claimed Duane and McCoy knew each other, but his story never made sense. The FBI did investigate this man and his story. He was always adamant that a Brigham Young medalion was left on the plane, but as we know that does not seem to be the case.

There was a thread within his story that was believable, but because of "things" within his story I knew to be "fiction" and was able to prove so...I also discounted "his story", but there is something within it that does draw me back to it on occassion.

I think what draws me back is something he told me about Duane - but, then he discredits himself by telling me something else at a different time. His story is more convoluted than my own - such as the FBI did not kill McCoy - and that McCoy was still alive until a few yrs ago. Claimed McCoy called him many time since and sent me pictures of individuals he claimed to be McCoy. It was after I mentioned the "Gunn" (an old friend of Duanes) that he invented one of his own. When I would tell him something he invented his own similar character.

I kept very good records on this man - he also claimed the Mkultra connections. His story indicates contact with Duane before and after the hijacking when he tells me that Duane left the Brigham Young Medallion (which according to the FBI does not exist) to get even with McCoy.
Claimed an involvement between Duane and the wife of McCoy.

This man did NOT pass the JO truth test. I would email him and put deliberate lies within. I would then email a copy to a respected journalist who knew my story well - (he knew what was NOT true "the bait" I used to see if more would be added to his story). This is where I say "and Hence the one legged man was born" (that is my way of stating the story grew and grew and grew).

PS There actually was a one legged man in Duane's past, but not related to Cooper. Please understand - "and Hence the One Legged man was Born" - Say that out loud to yourself - One is not usually born with one leg.:)
For example: Went to the Dr about a hand infected due to a contrast injections. After one month it was still very painful and swollen. The Dr. tells me that eventually it would eventually resolve itself. I responded gailey - "Oh, then I will be play the piano again". The Dr. thought I was serious.
I can "pick" a tune out on the piano, but I do not play. Very dry sense of humor!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Claimed an involvement between Duane and the wife of McCoy.

Richard McCoy was just a robot under her control.

Lord knows what she made Duane do or what tricks she used to control him.

Does anyone have her phone number?;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I gotta find out more about this Netherlands stuff.

Snow must have noticed Saskia who posted here about ten pages ago. She is from the Netherlands.

Snow you gotta take those ADD meds every day so you can stay focused on one country for more than a
fleeting moment.

You have 493 more research subjects waiting in Iceland. You owe it to science to finish this work.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I had some communication with Geoff after I posted Version 1, it seems that the expected publication date is very optimistic and will probably be moved out as there is a lot more work to do.

As far as the book being earth-shattering… I don’t expect it to be. But I do expect it to offer a clear path of where the investigation has gone until now. I think it will tell the story minus all the “folklore.”

You do know that serious research/investigation is ongoing at this time, right? The researchers/investigators all have learned from the past to avoid publication of ANYTHING until it leads somewhere. They’ve also learned to avoid this thread and its posters (myself included). We have discredited ourselves by the exercise in social masturbation* we have been participating in for the last year.

Hey…! At least I can still get good info from George Noory and Coast-to-Coast. :)

* It feels good, but it isn’t the “real thing.”

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I gotta find out more about this Netherlands stuff.

Snow must have noticed Saskia who posted here about ten pages ago. She is from the Netherlands.

Snow you gotta take those ADD meds every day so you can stay focused on one country for more than a
fleeting moment.

You have 493 more research subjects waiting in Iceland. You owe it to science to finish this work.


huh? did I post here? wait a sec, who am I here...I'm trying to find out what shoelaces those jumpers in the '95 SA exhibition used. Trivia or Evidence? Where's SchlitzNGrins when you need him? Why is there a shoelace coverup?

Praise the Tina statue and Pass the Mountain Dew.

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Sluggo faithfully reported "I had some communication with Geoff after I posted Version 1, it seems that the expected publication date is very optimistic and will probably be moved out as there is a lot more work to do."


When things move because of things we post here, there is only one explanation. The facts need to be juggled/hidden more.

(edit) Actually I gotta respect the fraud scheme. You ask for people's money for a book. (pre sales). You say there's a publication date. You keep their money. When they complain, you just say you moved it out. Hey they're just Cooper bozos..who are they going to complain to, FBI?

(edit) Sluggo: if you're in favor of logic, where's the logic in posting to a thread and complaining about how posting to the thread is only for bozos? or in effect.

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You do know that serious research/investigation is ongoing at this time, right?

No, actually I didn't, but we get pretty isolated here in the DBC cave ever since Bruce, our link to the world above, took leave.

Who decides what is serious research and what isn't?

When I first saw Tom's SEM images I said now THAT'S serious. Then he started talking about the propeller snag and I am thinking: "can he really be serious?"

I do hope there is serious Cooper research going on. I know there is serious (well funded) Amelia Earhart research going on.

I predict her plane will be found and Cooper's ID will be discovered both in my lifetime.

Like I said, I am an incurable optimist. Seriously. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sluggo has touched on the Old School vs New School way of thinking, although I think he didn't intent to.

He implied there was something wrong about publishing early.
Only if your goal is to personally appear like a genius.

Instead, the better goal is "Publish early, Publish often". That way errors get corrected by others.

For stuff like this, individuals don't matter.

Authors want individuals to matter. (and make a book)

The cost of publishing anything is zero. So publish early, correct based on feedback. Re-publish.

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haha...like i said i didn't watch most of the 95 final.. they had skydivers jumping into the stadium beforehand :D ...see, everything is connected after all!! a very brief snippet of the landing (trailing smoke, does that make him a smokejumper? ;) )seen at the beginning of this video:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M7a7AG7PkA (and francois pienaar at 2.16 bearing not much resemblance to matt damon)

bad quality and from the wrong angle, short clip of the flyover at 1.20 on here, but i'm tired of searching and getting 'invictus' hits....

I work ZS calls all the time and
their cw has not a hint of accent'. ;) 77 is laughing, I hope.

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I work ZS calls all the time and
their cw has not a hint of accent'. 77 is laughing, I hope.

g de 377 gud joke om hi hi 73

Hey, while we are debating statistics and causal links etc, why are such a large percentage of the DBC male posters licensed amateur radio ops?

I can hear ZSs but they cant hear me with my 100 watts and a wire dipole. I need a Snowbbeam. He can smoke flying crows at 200 yards on the main lobe. 1/r*2 means nothing when you are running Snowppower.

His dogs chase the smoking crows til they crash. They get all excited when he keys up and they see the lights dim. Saves a lot on dog food.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You see, the internet is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And the internet operates exactly the same way: type here, they read it there. The only difference is that there is no cat.

All I know, South Africa is about as far as you get from me before you start coming back.

If I can type here, and it comes out in South Africa....who needs cats?

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Who decides what is serious research and what isn't?

When I first saw Tom's SEM images I said now THAT'S serious. Then he started talking about the propeller snag and I am thinking: "can he really be serious?"

I do hope there is serious Cooper research going on. I know there is serious (well funded) Amelia Earhart research going on.

I predict her plane will be found and Cooper's ID will be discovered both in my lifetime.

:D:D:D:ph34r::oWELL, did you see the National News tonight?

I usually only watch the Local News and I seldom watch TV because of the reception using only an antennae.

"Contractors" & "Operators" made National News long with "Mercenaries". You all know as I have known - this illegal government practice has been going on for yrs.....

Do anyone of you think I am able to see into the future or the past! This happened before and it is still happening. Because of the communication levels which exists today, the government could not make the death of the 2 individuals (Mercenaries) quiet the way they did in the 50's and 60's. Wake-up!

How does one STUPID woman have any knowledge of these things? Do anyone of you think I am bright enough to make this stuff up? Come on - gimme a break - I stumbled into what existed yrs and yrs ago - because what I did know just didn't fit what is supposed to be known. Yes, 377 I believe you may know who Cooper really was before all is said and done.

Perhaps Gray has some insight as to what is going on - maybe that is why his publication date is being pushed back. Until this "stuff" made the News tonight I had NO knowledge of the recent Contractor and Mercenary information in our current military actions as I make a point not to read about the current WAR and military actions (they upset me).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So I was thinking about Sluggo's post again.
I'm not sure what he meant talking about the perils of publishing early and the ??? aspect of this forum.

But the way I remember things happening, is that we were all sitting here drinking, and Tom Kaye and Larry Carr went on TV.

And we had something to do with that being good or bad?

I don't get it.
Pour another round, all around.

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re mercenaries/contractors etc.

That's why you always stay out of the people part of the business..people get all emotional about that, especially when they get dead. You can see how deadness gets people torqued with our recent Tosaw things.

The money's in the gear. Problem is, it's hard to make good, cheap gear. Any jackass can run a "training" ground, or provide "security" guys that are just ex-military that you're paying more money to, and charging more for.

So that's the problem Xe has. There's no such thing as being better "operationally"...so you're just providing guys with guns...and there are laws and such and people get emotional about that.

Stick with the gear. Especially since you can get good stuff manufactured in China! Xe should compete that way.

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