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DB Cooper

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So much for my Lightning flight fantasy.

Poor guy. He radioed that he was having hydraulic problems, diverted from the crowded airshow area, then reported that his ejection system was not responding.

For around $30,000 you can ride in a surplus F 104 Starfighter in Fla.

I think I'll stick to planes that can be exited from more easily.


:( I thought I had told you about this incident... I guess not. Very sad day. Quite a few news articles in the local press.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Sluggo Said:

NPR is too far left to allow me onboard. Remember…. I’m a wacko gun freak.

I should have put a ";)" emoticon after that. It was a joke. I sometimes forget that even though we communicate a lot, we really know very little about each other. Those who know me would have known it was a joke (without the emoticon).

I am somewhat “left-leaning” or at least perceived by most as “left-leaning.” I claim no affiliation with any political party or special interest group (including the NRA). I describe myself as “somewhat middle of the bird, but sitting on the left side.”

I listen to NPR often. When I was at Hanford, I listened at least 2.5 hours/day due to the long desert commute. I am a very frequent, major contributor to Northwest Public Radio (even though I don’t live there anymore).

I am an avid gun owner/collector, which pleases my “right-wing whacko” friends and puzzles my “bleeding-heart liberal friends.” The important thing is that they are ALL my friends.

I’ll try to remember the emoticons for the sake of cyber-comm.

Return to "Parade Rest".

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Dr. Tyson’s contact info from his “Official Website” link from the Hayden Planetarium gives me this:

Hayden Planetarium

Questions About Science
Due to a large backlog, this e-mail is temporarily suspended.

Questions About the Night Sky
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So... you think he may be busy?

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Mediacom is pointing the finger at Outlook and Outlook express, in spite of Mediacom also
requiring customers to use that software! Mediacom
tried to "migrate" its email service to a cheaper
provider and everything blew up..

Although I heavily discount conspiracy theories, this isnt the first time a big dollar migration away from a Microsoft product has caused a major blow up. Do those those who leave the flock suffer the pre-programmed wrath of Gates-god? Hope things get fixed soon.

I wonder what the "serious research" Sluggo hinted about is doing?

I recall Galen saying that a sample of Gosset's DNA was available. Wonder it was ever run against the supposed Cooper tie DNA?


:(Aol, was down in this area for 3 days off and on.

:) because more and more is being "uncovered" which proves I have known the truth for yrs...Why do you think others who had a suspect have jumped onto and used information that applied to Duane in regard to their subjects - because it was the only thing that made sense.

Safecracker tried to tell you all about the probability of the money time line and deposit on Tena's Bar 2 yrs ago. No one chose to listen - no one chose to believe - but, soon you will believe. There will be the nay sayers who will forever debate the subject, as the assassination of Kennedy has been debated over and over..till none of it matters.

What is KNOWN regarding Cooper may not be made public by our own government and by the time it is declassified (if ever) - no one will remember this forum or the woman who knew too much. I am not a writer or anyone important and never wanted to be - I have just wanted the truth.

Recent findings and hidden information are setting me FREE.
It was NOT FAIR that our OWN government would condon the non-disclosure that has happened regarding Dan Cooper.
There have been other lives (not just mine) destroyed by the secrets kept filed away by the FBI and our own government regarding this case. The FBI site regarding D.B. Cooper and the agent is comical for those of us who know the truths - we laugh at the myths that "Official FBI site" is perpetrating.

The lies this government has kept for yrs - after and prior to 1971 - is NOT the America most of us would choose. Decisions where made without the disclosures even after they were done. It was the governments choice to keep its dirty laundry tucked safely away - to attempt to erase the files. Slowly information leaks thur the cracks as the wall of containment continues to deteriorate due to age. All of the secrets will never be known, but this one will - because there was physical evidence and the technical world has made it easier for connections among individuals and groups to be made.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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All of the secrets will never be known, but this one will - because there was physical evidence

When will it be known? Without evidence, this is just a tease. You keep promising to produce evidence but it never comes, just more teases. Everyone is tired of this Jo. You are so predictable. Suprise us sometime.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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All of the secrets will never be known, but this one will - because there was physical evidence

When will it be known? Without evidence, this is just a tease. You keep promising to produce evidence but it never comes, just more teases. Everyone is tired of this Jo. You are so predictable. Suprise us sometime.


I actually read the post you responded to and I am sorry to say that I am now certain, beyond 100% even, not that Duane was Cooper but that his widow is completely deluded. It is very sad.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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You have lost all credibility with the posters here. SafecrackingPLF and I, over a year ago, warned you that you were doing it, , but you seem to be impervious to the observations of the people whom you claim to trust.

You are wasting time and bandwidth, and with each post, you lose more and more creditability.

Someone (it might have been me) suggested you contact Coast To Coast AM where you might build a small following of people who would help you with your quest. You could answer questions through a phone interview, so people could hear your voice, and really see who you are. I suggested that you should contact the producers of Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory for the same reason. These are people who would lend you support… but you avoid them and continue to post on a forum on which you have absolutely no traction. Contacting these media outlets would be a way to get the help that you have continually expected others to provide, and at no costs to you.

Jo, since I know you personally, I can say something no one else (that I know of) here can say. You are a delightful person! You are intelligent, a good conversationalist, pleasant to be with, a good dinner partner, and you have a keen sense of humor, but none of that can be seen on an internet forum. (I have no idea why you play that “dumb blonde” card, because it certainly isn’t true!)

I do not know much about autism (I don’t know anyone who is autistic), but it is my understanding that the autistic sometimes can’t read the emotional response of someone that they are interacting with. That’s the way you communicate with the posters on this forum. (And, no… I haven’t forgotten who started this forum and why!) You keep doing the same thing, they (we) keep asking you to stop, and you keep doing the same thing again. So, I guess you are the cyber equivalent of autistic. I’ll call it cyber-autistic.

You tease, and tease, and tease. You are asked to show some evidence (any evidence) or something that you think is evidence. But you continue to refuse. Why? Based on what can be determined from only knowing you from this forum, the only logical conclusion is that you are just seeking attention. Not help, not advice, not a better understanding, just attention (any attention).

I know I’m being harsh, and if you understand that what I am saying is the truth, then, it may hurt your feelings. But, remember what I told you years ago in my little parable about the bird trapped in the winter: “Everyone who shits on you is not your enemy, and everyone who pulls you out of shit, is not your friend.”

The only person you can change your condition (lack of credibility), your cyber-autism, is you. You must start today! Contact C2C. Contact Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory. Stop posting teases, or at least offer some evidence (if only a hypothetical example that parallels the elements of your story). You might be surprised how many people would begin to help you and treat you with respect.

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Bi-polar! we go thru this once every 30 days with JO just like sombody who is bi-polar and not taking their lithiumn. go back thru the posts, EVERY 30 DAYS like clockwork Jo wigs out! Jo read Sluggo's post many times till it sinks in PLEASE! he is not trying to be mean, just helping you.

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This DB Cooper case must be hugely significant. I mean, the US government can't even cover up the dirty deeds or pecadillos of presidents while they are in office (Watergate, Clinton/Monica ...) ... yet somehow they have managed to keep Cooper covered up with nary a deep throat for nearly 40 years. Incredible.

Unless... wait! I've got it!
Chuck Norris was DB Cooper :D

Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Good one Orange!

Long term coverups are sooooo hard to pull off. The govt is far worse than the private sector at keeping things hushed up.

Most coverups are short lived. Tiger Woods had a long run for his money.

It is heart warming that we still show Jo some concern. I still wish her well but am really tired of the endless teases.

I could write them myself or even program a computer to write them by just constructing sentences using: Duane, coverup, FBI, refused, mafia, assasination, conspiracy, coverup, high places, my people, soon will reveal, evidence, at last, finally, rangers, smoke jumpers, Boeing, little girl, relatives, unspeakable, hidden, Angel Udell, motorboat, bucket, power lines, Jerry, lied, hid, Washougal, Merwin, railroad tracks, night clerk, files, John Collins, cabin, river, lake, furlough, commutation, JFK, tie, RFK. MLK, ticket, SOF, POOF, 727, JM WAVE, CIA, etc.

Here is an example of a synth-Jo tease:

My people are on to something HUGE and it will expose a part of our government that has for years been acting against the basic principles of democracy and justice. I am not at liberty to tell you the details yet, but what I have seen will prove forever that what Duane told me was true and was only the tip of a horrible iceberg of deceit, treachery and mean sprited work by the FBI.

The FBI not only lied, but refused to investigate crucial information I supplied to them and it is so unfair. They could have saved me thousands of dollars and years of grief but chose instead to use the cloak of national security to conceal vital and revealing information held in their files.

Jerry and Georger just explode when I post. I don't know what their role is but I wouldnt be surprised if silencing me or making me appear foolish is part of their job. You weren't there when Jerry deliberately mislead me about the local geography in an attempt to get me to give up my quest. Had it not been for Angel Udell he might have succeeded.

I cannot be silenced and won't be, but I cannot hurt innocent people or put people in danger. There are people who would kill to keep the truth from being published and I have to take my safety and the safety of others seriously. Soon the evidence will make it clear that I am not a crazy old lady, not obsessed, and not a dumb blonde after all. Just be patient and soon the truth, the whole ugly truth that the FBI tried so hard to suppress, will be revealed.


If Jo ever wants to take a few days off I can post for her. I know the drill.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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This DB Cooper case must be hugely significant. I mean, the US government can't even cover up the dirty deeds or pecadillos of presidents while they are in office (Watergate, Clinton/Monica ...) ... yet somehow they have managed to keep Cooper covered up with nary a deep throat for nearly 40 years. Incredible.

Great post, Orange. I think you've hit the nail on
the head. So if what you say is true, how could that be? There's a simple answer that everything else
flows from - - - perhaps the most difficult answer
for people to accept, including the FBI!

Lack of hard evidence.

Let me try and some it up:

Unknown guy with somewhat contradictory traits hijacks an airplane, which after leaving Seattle
takes an ill-defined route, then Unknown guy
leaves the plane by a parachute bailing at an
unknown place into an unknown fate, with
$200,000 dollars in a bag. Only two pieces of evidence ever turn up in apparently unconnected
places. One of the largest invesigations ever
conducted turns up - nothing!

Into the backwash of that void then flows the dreams, desires, ambitions, talents, time, et cetera
of people's lives for 37+ years. Still nothing turns up! And we are basically back right where it all started 38 years earlier with the clock on the wall right where it was when this started - and the hands on the clock have not changed one minute!

This case might as well be sitting on the bottom
of the Atlantic somewhere near the Titanic, maybe?, yet to be stumbled onto. Maybe a sea shrimp or some grizzley bear's kids know what happened?

That is how I see this case.

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Another good post by G, but I think there is one more piece of evidence.

The FBI must be holding and concealing one piece of evidence that it can use to separate the real from the fake Coopers.

Something left on the plane perhaps?

People seem to disappear in or from aircraft, but they rarely stay lost forever. Steve Fossett's body and plane was eventually found. Amelia Earharts plane will eventually be found.

If Cooper washed out to sea with an unopened rig, even his remains may eventually be found. Bottom trawlers drag up all sorts of stuff from mines and torpedoes to bodies and aircraft wreckage. Some items have been "missing" for decades such as WW 2 ordinance. I think the rig would survive a long time submerged in fresh or salt water.

Many states and even the feds have prohibited fishing zones close to shore. Items on the bottom in these zones remain untouched for a long time.

Sometimes, at night in foggy conditions, a trawler on the way to a port will make an illegal "beach tow" of short duration inside these prohibited zones. The only thing that looks odd on a radar or transponder plot is the slow speed which can be explained by foggy conditions and safety concerns. Maybe on a foggy night off the Washington coast near the mouth of the Columbia, something strange will be trawled up during a "beach tow."

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Another good post by G, but I think there is one more piece of evidence.

The FBI must be holding and concealing one piece of evidence that it can use to separate the real from the fake Coopers.

Something left on the plane perhaps?

People seem to disappear in or from aircraft, but they rarely stay lost forever. Steve Fossett's body and plane was eventually found. Amelia Earharts plane will eventually be found.

If Cooper washed out to sea with an unopened rig, even his remains may eventually be found. Bottom trawlers drag up all sorts of stuff from mines and torpedoes to bodies and aircraft wreckage. Some items have been "missing" for decades such as WW 2 ordinance. I think the rig would survive a long time submerged in fresh or salt water.

Many states and even the feds have prohibited fishing zones close to shore. Items on the bottom in these zones remain untouched for a long time.

Sometimes, at night in foggy conditions, a trawler on the way to a port will make an illegal "beach tow" of short duration inside these prohibited zones. The only thing that looks odd on a radar or transponder plot is the slow speed which can be explained by foggy conditions and safety concerns. Maybe on a foggy night off the Washington coast near the mouth of the Columbia, something strange will be trawled up during a "beach tow."


If its in an oxy free zone you might be
right. I wonder how salt water would affect the money or metal chute parts?

When Tosaw's group found Nile Kinnick's WWII
plane they said the salt water has dissolved it so
badly it could not be raised ...

You also bring up secret FBi evidence. Im sure they
have a few things - hope so anyway. But, they might
not also.

I was thinking about this after I posted to Orange and something struck me...

go back to when Hancock came back for her purse.
She found Cooper putting on his chute, even before
the take off at SEA. She might have seen something
else we dont know about; like Tina saw or heard something that has not been revealed.

But, it also struck me that Cooper was vulnerable
during that period when Hancock came in. Now if
Hancock had been a female FBI agent resembling
Alice .... well:)was subdued. Cooper was vulnerable during the time he was putting on the chute and he might not have been near his 'bomb' at all times...

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This morning I had to get up at 02:00 to take Sugar to the airport (she’s attending a wedding near Seattle). Since it was too late to go to bed when I got back, I added some historical 1:250,000 scale topographical maps to the “Other Evidence” page of my web site. These are the maps that would have been used in 1971. Also, I finally located (in electronic form) the 1:62,500 scale topo map that the FBI LZ map was plotted on. I posted the LZ area. I also posted the three 1:250,000 Quadrant maps that cover Flight 305’s path from SEA-TAC to Portland, they are: Seattle, Hoquiam, and Vancouver.

1954 La Center Quadrangle Area of Interest
This is a JPEG of the map the FBI used to draw the landing zone map. This map is a scale of 1:62,500 produced by the Army Corps of Engineers. As best I can tell, the 1:24,000 scale (7½ minute) USGS maps did not exist in 1971. That is why there are no modern maps with the La Center name. This map, last updated in 1954 was the current 1:62,500 scale map in 1971.

I cropped this area out of the map to match (closely) the area shown in the FBI map. The resolution is very poor. I obtained the map from the State of Alabama map archives and the maps are displayed under the “Mr. Sid add-in” which does not export maps very well. I will be working on this map to get better resolution to post in the future. I will also Photoshop the lines to agree with the FBI map. This file is 1,097 Kbytes.

Seattle 1965 Topo
This map, last updated in 1965 was the current map in 1971. NOTE: This is a very large file. This file is 7,978 Kbytes.

Hoquiam 1968 Topo
This map, last updated in 1968 was the current map in 1971 NOTE: This is a very large file. This file is 8,859 Kbytes.

Vancouver 1967 Topo
This map, last updated in 1967 was the current map in 1971. This is a very large file. This file is 8,330 Kbytes.

I hope some of you find them useful. If anyone wants to help me coax a better resolution product (the resolution is fine in the MR. Sid viewer) out of the 1954 La Center map… let me know. I have some .tiff files that show pretty good (but not great) resolution. I was hoping that I could produce the FBI LZ map with good enough resolution that one could use it if they decided to go hunt for dead bodies and/or left-behind rigs.


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Mediacom is pointing the finger at Outlook and Outlook express, in spite of Mediacom also
requiring customers to use that software! Mediacom
tried to "migrate" its email service to a cheaper
provider and everything blew up..

Although I heavily discount conspiracy theories, this isnt the first time a big dollar migration away from a Microsoft product has caused a major blow up. Do those those who leave the flock suffer the pre-programmed wrath of Gates-god? Hope things get fixed soon.

I wonder what the "serious research" Sluggo hinted about is doing?

I recall Galen saying that a sample of Gosset's DNA was available. Wonder it was ever run against the supposed Cooper tie DNA?


:(Aol, was down in this area for 3 days off and on.

:) because more and more is being "uncovered" which proves I have known the truth for yrs...Why do you think others who had a suspect have jumped onto and used information that applied to Duane in regard to their subjects - because it was the only thing that made sense.

Safecracker tried to tell you all about the probability of the money time line and deposit on Tena's Bar 2 yrs ago. No one chose to listen - no one chose to believe - but, soon you will believe. There will be the nay sayers who will forever debate the subject, as the assassination of Kennedy has been debated over and over..till none of it matters.

What is KNOWN regarding Cooper may not be made public by our own government and by the time it is declassified (if ever) - no one will remember this forum or the woman who knew too much. I am not a writer or anyone important and never wanted to be - I have just wanted the truth.

Recent findings and hidden information are setting me FREE.
It was NOT FAIR that our OWN government would condon the non-disclosure that has happened regarding Dan Cooper.
There have been other lives (not just mine) destroyed by the secrets kept filed away by the FBI and our own government regarding this case. The FBI site regarding D.B. Cooper and the agent is comical for those of us who know the truths - we laugh at the myths that "Official FBI site" is perpetrating.

The lies this government has kept for yrs - after and prior to 1971 - is NOT the America most of us would choose. Decisions where made without the disclosures even after they were done. It was the governments choice to keep its dirty laundry tucked safely away - to attempt to erase the files. Slowly information leaks thur the cracks as the wall of containment continues to deteriorate due to age. All of the secrets will never be known, but this one will - because there was physical evidence and the technical world has made it easier for connections among individuals and groups to be made.

yawn - yet another tease, with no substance
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Thanks for your map improvment efforts Sluggo.

My outlook on Cooper's fate varies with mood, but if he lived and walked out I think his rig would have been found by now.

He would not have taken the time to bury it deep as he only needed to conceal it enough so that it wasnt immediately obvious to ground or air searchers.

I just cannot figure out why a dead Cooper wouldn't have been missed by someone who would put two and two together.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We really don’t know for certain that he wasn’t missed.

What if he lived in Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, or even in Canada? Remember… it was 1971, communication (especially among LE in different countries) wasn’t anything like it is today.

I agree, if he lived in the US, LE would have heard about most all missing persons that could have been possible suspects.

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We really don’t know for certain that he wasn’t missed.

What if he lived in Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, or even in Canada? Remember… it was 1971, communication (especially among LE in different countries) wasn’t anything like it is today.

Snow had an intriguing highly qualified suspect who resided in SE Asia right before Norjack. If your neighbors thought you were travelling to the US perhaps never to return you could die and not be missed by them.

The absence of hard evidence turns us all into raving lunatic speculators. That's just the way it is down here in the dank Cooper forum cave.

We need to get out more. Let's go make some crop circles when things dry out. Lets do it near the Washougal.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Mediacom is pointing the finger at Outlook and Outlook express, in spite of Mediacom also
requiring customers to use that software! Mediacom
tried to "migrate" its email service to a cheaper
provider and everything blew up..

Although I heavily discount conspiracy theories, this isnt the first time a big dollar migration away from a Microsoft product has caused a major blow up. Do those those who leave the flock suffer the pre-programmed wrath of Gates-god? Hope things get fixed soon.

I wonder what the "serious research" Sluggo hinted about is doing?

I recall Galen saying that a sample of Gosset's DNA was available. Wonder it was ever run against the supposed Cooper tie DNA?


:(Aol, was down in this area for 3 days off and on.

:) because more and more is being "uncovered" which proves I have known the truth for yrs...Why do you think others who had a suspect have jumped onto and used information that applied to Duane in regard to their subjects - because it was the only thing that made sense.

Safecracker tried to tell you all about the probability of the money time line and deposit on Tena's Bar 2 yrs ago. No one chose to listen - no one chose to believe - but, soon you will believe. There will be the nay sayers who will forever debate the subject, as the assassination of Kennedy has been debated over and over..till none of it matters.

What is KNOWN regarding Cooper may not be made public by our own government and by the time it is declassified (if ever) - no one will remember this forum or the woman who knew too much. I am not a writer or anyone important and never wanted to be - I have just wanted the truth.

Recent findings and hidden information are setting me FREE.
It was NOT FAIR that our OWN government would condon the non-disclosure that has happened regarding Dan Cooper.
There have been other lives (not just mine) destroyed by the secrets kept filed away by the FBI and our own government regarding this case. The FBI site regarding D.B. Cooper and the agent is comical for those of us who know the truths - we laugh at the myths that "Official FBI site" is perpetrating.

The lies this government has kept for yrs - after and prior to 1971 - is NOT the America most of us would choose. Decisions where made without the disclosures even after they were done. It was the governments choice to keep its dirty laundry tucked safely away - to attempt to erase the files. Slowly information leaks thur the cracks as the wall of containment continues to deteriorate due to age. All of the secrets will never be known, but this one will - because there was physical evidence and the technical world has made it easier for connections among individuals and groups to be made.

yawn - yet another tease, with no substance

When I began reading allof the above I first thought
(what turns out to be Jo's BS) was yours and something NEW really mighjt be happening. :P
Funny one on me! Im laughing deeply. Thank God!

Happy Holidays -

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We really don’t know for certain that he wasn’t missed.

What if he lived in Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, or even in Canada? Remember… it was 1971, communication (especially among LE in different countries) wasn’t anything like it is today.

I agree, if he lived in the US, LE would have heard about most all missing persons that could have been possible suspects.

Maybe he wasnt missed and people knew exactly
where and what had happened to him - a few may
have even gone looking for him!

I once was hunting turkies. I happened on cyote tracks followjng turkey tracks down a long canyon.
I followed the cyote tracks. Finally caught a glimpse
of the cyote belly down in the snow looking out
into another deep ravene. I crawled up and finally
rouster the cyote out (was he ever surprised), and
then shot a few turkies!

If you cant find the damned turkies follow something or someone who can and is also looking?

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Did you know that there are at least 2 Jo Webers who are Real Estate Agents? One in Mission (near KC), KS and one in Keizer (near Salem), OR.

Just some usless facts discovered while doing "serious research." ;):):)

would you believe 13 of them in different parts of the country? all in realty.

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We really don’t know for certain that he wasn’t missed.

What if he lived in Australia, South Africa, Bolivia, or even in Canada? Remember… it was 1971, communication (especially among LE in different countries) wasn’t anything like it is today.

Snow had an intriguing highly qualified suspect who resided in SE Asia right before Norjack. If your neighbors thought you were travelling to the US perhaps never to return you could die and not be missed by them.

The absence of hard evidence turns us all into raving lunatic speculators. That's just the way it is down here in the dank Cooper forum cave.

We need to get out more. Let's go make some crop circles when things dry out. Lets do it near the Washougal.

Jerry and I have discussed caves and
rock burial sites in that area one could slip into
for a few days and hide things under - it sure beats Sluggo's digging up cemeteries around Scotton!;)

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