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He says Jo asked him to back the
story because she was launching a real estate business in Florida and needed the publicity. The man says he refused and told Jo 'never call me again'! But Jo went forth on her own with her story.
He says it never was Duane's story during Duane's life but only Jo's story, after Duane died.
You made this statement... not Jo... not Sluggo!
You want me to confirm it?
You throw a rock into a pack of dogs and you always know which one you hit!
Web Page
Shouldn't Kanye West jump in here and declare that
Duane is the best DB Cooper EVER!
I vote that everyone declares Duane to be DBC.
Then, people can wait until a confession or evidence emerges from other parties. This would save a lot of time.
Evidence should involve - confessions, money,
Unsubstantiated hearsay or meaningless promises of evidence can be ignored immediately without responses.
snowmman 3
Let's keep the facts straight.
As Senator Franken pointed out
"Everyone can have their own opinion,
But everyone can't have their own facts"
I wonder if Duane had a conversation about life insurance with Tina, or asked if he could examine her files.
(edit) I believe Jo said Duane used to mow the grass with their own lawn mower, but forget. Need confirmation on that.
377 22
Quote377 Said:
find it hard to believe that anyone would devote significant time and resources to the Weber=Cooper story if they were not being compensated by someone.
Ouch! I’ve spent a lot of time working on Jo’s claims without compensation (more than she is aware of, (based on one of last night’s posts).
To be fair to you Sluggo, I too thought there might be something to Jo's story early on. Remember how I used to defend her and urge others to keep an open mind?
Then she started connecting Duane to JFK, RFK, MLK, Rangers, prisoner smoke jumpers, BuDop, FBI coverups, national security etc and my skeptic/BS meter pinned the peg, bent the needle and burnt out the coil. It is driven by a ratio circuit of claims/evidence fed into a custom IC linear op amp designed by Snowmman. When you divide by zero all hell breaks loose. Snow didn't put in any foldback current limiting in the design in order to to preserve linearity.
I think anyone who puts any substance in Jo's grandiose claims today is naive to put it mildly. You get a free pass Sluggo because you made your visit before the claims became absurdly improbable.
I had originally hoped to make others more tolerant of Jo but Jo's continous teasing, promising blockbuster evidence and delivering NOTHING, made me come over to Orange's camp. Jo has no real evidence that Duane was Cooper, just unsupported claims and wild speculation.
Bless you for giving Jo a chance to present her "proof." Shame on her for not having any.
377 22
QuoteDuane never drove a Ford F-350.
He drove a tank
Held a general's rank.
In the BuDop raids
Where the bodies stank.
georger 247
You want me to confirm it?
You throw a rock into a pack of dogs and you always know which one you hit!
Am I not entitled to state what has been told me
by people who say they talked to Duane's friend?
Why are you bugging me about this? Killing off
the messenger, i think.
Pack of dogs, hitting with stone? I dont have the
faintest idea what you are talking about and frankly
dont care. Your problems are your problems, not my
problems. Stop and think for once. This has nothing
to do wth you. These are Jo's stories Jo advanced.
Why are you defending her and her stories after you
just lambasted her saying she is full of BULLSHIT!
Who do you hate more? Her or Me? Make up your mind.
You want me out of this forum and will not be satisfied until I am gone. That has been your
mission for a year+. I guess you see me as an
impediment TO YOUR RESEARCH?
I see you as extremely confused and conflcited.
I guess wat you are saying is: the Cooper case
is yours and this forum is yours.
I just dont have any more time to waste on whatever
it is is bugging you, Sluggo.
If I say you are No.1 here does that help you?
How else do I kiss your ass here?
377 22
Inmate crews fight fires on the ground, but do not and have not jumped in under parachutes. I've looked and looked and find zero evidence to support Jo's contrary claims. However, I cannot prove her claim false, therefore, by "Jo logic", it must be true.
I do think Jo thinks she saw a photo of inmate smoke jumpers. Perhaps it was a movie poster? This is what I found searching for a likely movie. Close, but no cigar.
FIRESTORM movie summary
This Chris Soth screenplay is directed by Dean Semler, the Oscar-winning Dances With Wolves cinematographer who also did cinematography for Waterworld and Last Action Hero. The film's action hero is Howie Long (Broken Arrow), Fox Sports commentator and former NFL star. Wyoming firefighter Jesse Graves (Long) leads a team of smoke-jumpers who parachute into forest fires. Inside a penitentiary, killer Earl Shaye (William Forsythe) devises an escape plan in order to recover a hidden $37 million. He murders a fellow inmate and takes his place in a group of convicts headed out to fight a forest fire. They make an escape, pose as visiting Canadian firefighters, and are ready to look for the loot when retired firefighter Wynt (Scott Glenn) discovers the escape. Shaye's group rescues trapped ornithologist Jennifer (Suzy Amis, Titanic's Lizzy Calvert). Jesse parachutes in, but time is running out, since the original fire and the backfire will soon combine to create a firestorm. Filmed on location in British Columbia with fire-enhancement special effects by Chris Corbould. Not to be confused with Firestorm: 2024 A.D. (1996) or Firestorm: 72 Hours in Oakland (1993). Bhob Stewart,
377 22
From the Redding Record Searchlinght:
“Smokejumpers preparing for the coming fire season could be dropping into the Swasey Drive Recreation Area as early as next week.
The U.S. Forest Service’s Region 5 Smokejumpers, whose base is in Redding, will be using parts of the 1,200-acre area managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management for training through the summer, said Bob Bente, the smokejumpers’ training foreman.
The spot west of town will be one of five around the north state used for training.
“It’s a new area,” he said.
Terrain in the recreation area, which is popular among mountain bikers and hikers, is similar to what smokejumpers — firefighters who get to backcountry blazes by parachute — might encounter on calls, said Francis Berg, assistant field manager in the BLM’s Redding office.
“Yet it’s close to town so they can get out there pretty quickly,” he said.
Bente said he wanted to give the public a head’s up that the chutists will be coming down. The parachutes should be visible from Placer Road near Swasey Drive, with the first jumps possibly Tuesday or Wednesday, he said.
Shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the smokejumpers used a new jump spot south of town, he said. The sight of people parachuting from a plane caused a stir among nearby residents, including one woman who thought it could be an invasion.
“She actually contemplated getting a rifle,” Bente said.”
377 22
The author of FIRESTORM explains his story development:
The California Manual of Wilderness Fire Suppression , which was dry. But it held my answer. It contained a graph of best firefighting practices. The graph helps when determining what measures are appropriate for fighting fires of various sizes.
The fire suppression manual also said prison inmate fire crews could be employed for fires covering 11,000 acres or more. If a forest fire gets big enough, the U.S. Forest Service will empty out prisons to fight it. That can create opportunities where prison inmates can escape, take hostages, and engage in all sorts of chicanery and mischief.
Orange1 0
QuoteTo be fair to you Sluggo, I too thought there might be something to Jo's story early on. Remember how I used to defend her and urge others to keep an open mind?
Then she started connecting Duane to JFK, RFK, MLK, Rangers, prisoner smoke jumpers, BuDop, FBI coverups, national security etc and my skeptic/BS meter pinned the peg, bent the needle and burnt out the coil. It is driven by a ratio circuit of claims/evidence fed into a custom IC linear op amp designed by Snowmman. When you divide by zero all hell breaks loose. Snow didn't put in any foldback current limiting in the design in order to to preserve linearity.
I think anyone who puts any substance in Jo's grandiose claims today is naive to put it mildly. You get a free pass Sluggo because you made your visit before the claims became absurdly improbable.
I had originally hoped to make others more tolerant of Jo but Jo's continous teasing, promising blockbuster evidence and delivering NOTHING, made me come over to Orange's camp. Jo has no real evidence that Duane was Cooper, just unsupported claims and wild speculation.
Bless you for giving Jo a chance to present her "proof." Shame on her for not having any.
Yeah, you all forget cos it was so long ago, but i was once 'in Jo's camp' too...
377 22
CANON CITY, Colo. (AP) - No, they weren't coming to the rescue.
Military officials said 25 heavily armed parachutists who landed in a cornfield on the grounds of a Colorado prison last week were on a training mission but landed about 3 miles off target.
"Those were Special Operations Command forces conducting routine training," Army Col. Hans Bush, a spokesman for the command at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., said Monday. He declined to identify the units that landed at Fremont Correctional Facility but said the target was Fremont County Airport.
The special operations troops, which could include Navy Seals or Green Berets, began dropping from the sky at about 4:50 a.m. Thursday. Guards on duty, who are trained to watch the skies following a helicopter escape in 1989 from a prison near Ordway, Colo., held their fire after noticing the parachutists were soldiers.
Guards who stopped the men and asked for identification were presented with documents that identified them only as Defense Department employees, Colorado Department of Corrections spokeswoman Katherine Sanguinetti.
"We don't know who they were and I'm not sure we'll ever know who they were," she said. "Everyone acted appropriately."
The parachute troops were armed only with rubber training bullets.
"The good news is everyone was able to quickly assess the situation," Bush said.
The Fremont Correctional Facility is a mixed custody facility that houses inmates classified from minimum to administrative segregation. It houses 1,471 inmates and employs about 450 people.
snowmman 3
It makes no difference anyway,
Whatever Jo says, I'm all for it.
No matter what it is or who commenced it,
I'm all for it.
Her propositions may be no good,
But let's have one thing understood,
Whatever it is, I'm all for it.
And even when she's changed it or condensed it,
I'm all for it.
I'm with it,
I'm behind it.
On general principle, I'm all for it.
Duane was Cooper!
Thanks and Ditto.
Web Page
Georger (so eloquently stated: Am I not entitled to state what has been told me
by people who say they talked to Duane's friend?
Why are you bugging me about this? Killing off
the messenger, i think.
Pack of dogs, hitting with stone? I dont have the
faintest idea what you are talking about and frankly
dont care. Your problems are your problems, not my
problems. Stop and think for once. This has nothing
to do wth you. These are Jo's stories Jo advanced.
Why are you defending her and her stories after you
just lambasted her saying she is full of BULLSHIT!
Who do you hate more? Her or Me? Make up your mind.
You want me out of this forum and will not be satisfied until I am gone. That has been your
mission for a year+. I guess you see me as an
impediment TO YOUR RESEARCH?
I see you as extremely confused and conflcited.
I guess wat you are saying is: the Cooper case
is yours and this forum is yours.
I just dont have any more time to waste on whatever
it is is bugging you, Sluggo.
If I say you are No.1 here does that help you?
How else do I kiss your ass here?
No ass-kissing required.
I just stated (it the same post that you blew-up at) that I valued your opinion.
Everything you said about me in this post seems to apply to you. Think about it!
Go back to DEFCON 4 (or 5) and take a look at those signatures. They have nothing to do with Cooper, but I (we) could learn a lot from them.
Sluggo (Jo’s personal researcher)
Web Page
I also know, Duane's friend at Marietta GA was interviewed and said Duane never claimed to be Cooper. This man knew and worked with Duane
for years and was one of Duane's closest friends.
This man was very clear about Duane's marraige
to Jo and cited comments Duane made about that.
Jo States:
This friend did not meet Duane until 1973 and Duane did not discuss Cooper with him. This person has NOT discussed my marriage to Duane - and nothing about the marriage was negative.
Duane's marriage to another person may have been discussed - but please do NOT confuse me with the woman he was married to from 1972 until 1977. That marriage was not good for either party.....
I met this friend and his wife on several occassions and have continued a friendship by Christmas cards and an occassional phone calls over the yrs. This person Knows that basically Duane and I had a good marriage for the most part until he struggled to adapt to the kidney machine in 1990. He was finally able to work his way thru this period only lasting a couple of months. Depending on a machine which drains every ounce of you strenght to keep you alive is a LIFE ALTERING experience.
Georger states:
This man says that Duane was interested in the Cooper case and Duane said many times he thought he might know 'who Cooper was', and that Duane
was referring to Richard McCoy, because Duane had
lived at Virginia Beach where McCoy was shot, and
many people at Virginia Beach thought McCoy might have been Cooper. This man says that idea was not original with Duane but common public speculation
at Virginia beach.
Jo states:
This conversation never took place with the things as are stated by your source. As the friend said - Duane may have mentioned McCoy - but that was BEFORE Duane and I married and moved to Virginia Beach ---- please keep you second hand facts straight because "your source hears things or invents conversations".
Georger states:
This man is also alleged to have said he got a call
from Jo after Duane's death and she put forth the
idea that Duane had been Cooper! The man says
he was stunned. He says Jo asked him to back the
story because she was launching a real estate business in Florida and needed the publicity. The
man says he refused and told Jo 'never call me again'! But Jo went forth on her own with her story. He says it never was Duane's story during Duane's life but only Jo's story, after Duane died.
Jo States:
This is a TOTAL lie. The friend did not know of any jumping background for Duane. I never ever mentioned the horrible allegations you are stating. I did not let my associates know what I was struggling thru. You Georger or your source are REALLY pushing the limit. I expect Mr. Thomas will be facing a lawsuit from this friend of Duane's - I am the only reason this has not happened but these allegations and untruth are way too much.
I built my real estate on honesty and truth - and did not use the deception others used. You do not know much about sales do you Georger?
PS: This is all being sent to the friend - he will not respond in this forum but, I am sure someone will hear from his attorney.
Ouch! I’ve spent a lot of time working on Jo’s claims without compensation (more than she is aware of, (based on one of last night’s posts).
I was in the process of making a post (reply to Jo) about how unbelievably ego-centric and non-analytical she is. While I was going through my “Sibert” research I noticed something that threw me for a loop.
Jo Asks - what document was that 1st signature on - I have looked thru the documents and can't find it. That one is definitely NOT the signature of Duane L. Weber. The others I believe to be his signatures becauses of the various handwriting sample I have.
QuoteHe says Jo asked him to back the
story because she was launching a real estate business in Florida and needed the publicity. The man says he refused and told Jo 'never call me again'! But Jo went forth on her own with her story.
He says it never was Duane's story during Duane's life but only Jo's story, after Duane died.
Yeah… Sluggo knows something…
Now it’s georger’s time to provide proof. Where did you get this information? You can’t hold Jo to one standard and yourself to another! I’m “pissed as hell” at Jo right now, but I won’t fall into the “rumor pit.”
Thank you Sluggo for that - because you and I both know the conversation Georger is reciting is NOT true. Before I read your post I was in the process of copying Georgers' claim and sending it to this friend to ask for his help in this SERIOUS deflamation - GEORGER and Jerry are participating in. A law suit has been mentioned before because this man is a sucessful person and for individuals to use lies to perpetrate their own perverted needs is not excusable.....
snowmman 3
It's not a ballgame till we're all lawyered up.
At least we're finally getting serious.
Hopefully the attorney will post here. We need fresh blood.
Does the attorney think Duane was Cooper? He better not be a disbeliever!
p.s. I've never talked to Jerry or known Jerry or talked to anyone who has talked to Jerry, but I think Jerry was defaming a number of people. I will testify to that belief.
(edit) Unless of course, Jo's evidence says otherwise. Then I won't. I mean will. I mean, whatever Jo says.
Quote377 Said:
Quotefind it hard to believe that anyone would devote significant time and resources to the Weber=Cooper story if they were not being compensated by someone.
Ouch! I’ve spent a lot of time working on Jo’s claims without compensation (more than she is aware of, (based on one of last night’s posts).
I was in the process of making a post (reply to Jo) about how unbelievably ego-centric and non-analytical she is. While I was going through my “Sibert” research I noticed something that threw me for a loop.
To All:
I am just using Sluggo's response to make a significant post of my own. When I try to pull this forum away from Weber - you guys are the very ones that make it about Weber.
Yes, Sluggo came to my home and he spent some time investigating Duane and I believe he has also researched other subjects.
He is not the only one who has devoted time and resources to this.
One is a man who came to see me many many yrs ago. He has done a tremendous amount of research - physical and thru other research. He has visited the CPS areas and research libraries in several states. He has read multiple very hard to find books. He has gone to county records in Ca and Mo. His time invested and monies spent far out weight what Sluggo has done. He has interviewed several individuals regarding Cooper and made trips to WA and MO.
Sluggo's research is more into the analytical end. Sluggo's personality is "soft" and has a tendancy to wear his feelings on his shoulders. This is good, but to deal with my personality - it is a problem. I rate Sluggo as a genius. His work is superior - but he cannot get over my abrupt personality - my dogmatic drive for the truth. This puts both of us on the offensive and we can't seem to get past that.
I just wish Sluggo would NOT take the things I say so personal, because he does keep his facts straight and he is a good record keeper.
There are 2 women involved in this research. One of these women had a completely different agenda when she contacted me. I do not believe her agenda has changed but we have become friends...her expertise is also research and this is how I found out about the Uncle NO ONE even talked about in Duane's family. She is now researching some property I asked about - but is currently tied up in another project. What she does for me is on the side and without compensation. She has come to NO conclusions about Weber/Cooper, but wants to help me to find resolutions that make me and to others. Good or Bad - it make NO difference as long as the data can be confirmed.
The other woman only came on board recently per chance. I was calling an area trying to find something from the past - in a place Duane took me and regarding a story Duane told me in regards to that area. I had been on the phone all day and just gave up. Then I get a phone call from a young lady who identified herself as the daughter of one of the women I had spoke to early. She has an expertise I need - I offered to pay her, but she refused - because the area I wanted searched is one of her passions and one in which she excels.
She has already sent me lots of information, but now I need to make a trip to that location and see with my eyes and my memories of the past - if any of it is has involved a lot of military research.
There is the young man in OR who has went to the area to look for Duane's route - the one who sent me the map - and the map I was viewing upside down at 3AM on morning before I put it in an envelope to seal it - and realized I had gone up that hill and got turned around - everything I had remembered was right there - changing the directions - was the ONLY reason the pieces did fit.
Last and absolutely one of the most important - is the young man who I have communicated with also for yrs. He has spent an enourmous amount of his time and resources because he believes Duane was Cooper. This young man I also classify in the Sluggo class - a genius, but he seemed able to deal a little more easily with this cause driven personality of mine.
This young man spent a lot of time talking to me in person, listening to me and emailing me and visiting with me. He is a remarkable young man who may be the one who finds the clues and the answers.
On a final note to 377 - I believe who asl me about the "22 hours of interogation". Let me explain what I mean by that. Interogation is NOT the right word. We were pushed for time - his time. On the
first day we talked for 9 hours, but the next day we went from 9AM that morning to 4PM the next morning. We took some breaks, but my age and health just did NOT want to co-operate with us. Toward the latter parts of the interview - he was having to prompt me because I was exhausted. This was sorely due to time constraints and not planned...but, perhaps this extended interview will provide information not digested before.
Why I compared it to an interrogation is what I see on TV when they keep a person going for hours and hours asking the same questions - their story starts to fall apart. I was so tired I couldn't remember what I had just said or what the question was - he was having to prompt me - but, we finally did finish. We licked the icing off the cake, but also made a few slices into the cake before we ran out of time.
I knew it was time for me to tell as much as I could - because by the time the truth is known or acknowledged I won't be here to set individuals like Jerry Thomas, Georger and others who get their details regarding Weber all screwed up.
I won't be here to set the lies straight so I want as much as possible to be documented regarding what I have maintained and claimed and screamed and cried - the things I have pleaded with the FBI to investigate. The things the FBI has told me - and what they didn't tell me....I want it documented so it cannot be twisted or misused or made to disappear.
Hopefully ALL of these individuals one day will be able to sit down with their films, recordings, documents, emails, and any other materials and come to a conclusion along with any possible evidence and OPEN FBI files and findings - to discuss Cooper/Weber. I am making sure that they will all be provided with the contact information of the others - the only one that is not current is Sluggo's. The written material, copies of photos, research material I own will be shared (collectively) with named indidivuals, but remain as personal property belonging to my children upon my death.
I am hoping for a conclusion while I am still here - but, only God will make that decision.
Now to take a moment to RESPECTFULLY ask those who repeat information (such as the conversation with a friend of Duane's) to visually see and verbally hear a recording of something purportedly said or written by me. With each a date will need to be I have chased the theories just like everyone else, but I usually go back to the basics.... What I do know, What I saw , What I was told and What I held in my own hands.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
snowmman 3
Small guy, fleece jacket. Drives a white Taurus. Drops off an envelope every two weeks. I don't ask questions. The money varies. I don't know what makes it vary.
Maybe what I post? Or Maybe what I don't post?
(edit) uh. Jo: Do you have pictures of the two women you mention? Are they from any of the following countries:
Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, Iceland.
Agreed, your response is. Boy! you blow-up easily!
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