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DB Cooper

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I uncovered this video of Cooper no pulling. The FBI doesn't know it exists till now!

Jerry, you need to change your search area based on this!


B| Happy holidays!

Yea! The one that got my attention even though I can only get clips at 30 seconds with dial-up. This one 130 People, 175 Mile per hr, 15,000 High. really got my attention. .

I wasn't sure that one was a 727, but the other one with the 727 combined with the above - fantastic!

Wonder if the FBI has ever seen these or if "others" who go around saying Cooper Splashed or Spattered even investigated the possiblities? The myth that Cooper could NOT have survived has been perpetrated by the FBI and others. WHY?

I know the answers now - it is just a matter of getting the attention of someone who is willing to stand-up against the system...and make the truth known. NO, I still can't prove Weber was Cooper, but the continuing co-incidences and the information that was denied by the FBI along with this other thing we sit on until we can get (verification)..... is getting overwhelming.

Put all the above with the other little things we have discovered about Weber's background and the circumstances involving the aftermath of the incident...it is getting harder and harder to deny. Nothing has said that Cooper was Weber, but a lot of things are adding up to that conclusion.

After the "guy" was here last wk - I have looked at the things that got his attention - I have never shared, because some things are private. One of the things was "other" photos I hesitate to share of Weber because he was older and they included myself and family members - but maybe someday.

When I was contacted by the woman who told me she was Tina - she had only seen the photo in the media That picture was provided by the brother. We didn't know the age, plus the photo had been distorted in the scan done by the brother - who was in his late 80's early 90's at that time. There are others who now believe that I actually did talk to Tina and I am the only person she has contacted regarding a suspect.

This is when she told me "He was a sad man" which for some reason was not part of the FIOA at that time nor was it public knowledge. As I have said before I sent a letter requesting permission to send other photos, but she never replied to this and I have been unwilling to force any other pictures upon her. Admittedly - I think about it ALL of the time. I think about showing up on her door with what I have in person. I think about it, but I stop because I do understand how this thing has altered her life. She nor I can ever get back the yrs this thing has stolen from us.

I think from what she said in that brief conversation - she had been able to move forward and urged me to do the same. I know what you guys are thinking so I will say this for the very first time - She DID NOT say Weber was Cooper. She called out of concerned for me and not herself at that time and her compassion was undeniable...I therefore kept her contact information a secret.

That is the one lie I have told - I pretended NOT to know how to contact her - rather than be harrassed to provide it to others.
The information was provided by an anonymous person who NEVER identified himself and I believe he may now be deceased. I got the impression he was ill as he communicated less and less or he had told me all could tell me without violating a confidence himself.

One day a few yrs ago his emails stopped. I have my own theories about who it was and have added 2 more to that possible list. Two of the possiblities died within the last 3 or 4 yrs. I appreciate the efforts made by that person to bring resolutions to me. His first contact was made after the 2000 incident when the FBI lied to me.

His email was untraceable.

I still love these words "confirmed by the FBI".

The news just flashed - another Northwest plane and bomb attempt in Detroit! Going to the TV. Bye!.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Listen!!! The low frequency component (a kerthunk) is missing due to poor camcorder audio but you can easily hear a whoosh as each jumper exits and there is no stair to rebound. Some pressure wave goes into the unpressurized cabin as each jumper exits.



2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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This is your first REAL assignment - I was told all this forum does is BS and no one here has ever done any real investigating.

There are a lot of Bradens here and Vaughs and Gossetts and the best line up you will ever find of Cooper suspects. We need names to go with these guys and a better picture.

Pick-out the ones who look to be over 30 - pass up the boyish ones.

Not in this pic, but in some others I found - what is this crazy expression they have on their face - like they are yelling.

Attached one of Duane in Seattle in 1979 the last day there. He had disappeared all afternoon and I figured he had been some place with the guys drinking. They told me he left the meeting at noon and they had not seen him since. He was late and I laid his clothes out for him. After disappearing all afternoon, I thought maybe he had been drinking, but he blew in my face and told me to fix him one - this was his first drink before dinner that evening.

The expression on his face is like the ones the rangers make in most of their pictures upon graduation. Someone must know what this means - I don't.

I had labeled this pic Giddy, because I accused him of drinking. We left the next morning to go home - the day he DID take me to the Columbia -(3 different locations) and the day he tossed that paper sack into the Columbia just West of the bridge behind the Red Lion Inn at I-5 on the Vancouver side...only a short distance by water from Tena's bar. One time I had figured out how far by water - not very far at all.

Someone told me that bridge was a new on now - does anyone know if that is true? In 1979 - it seems like it was an old bridge.
My blond roots are showing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is your first REAL assignment - I was told all this forum does is BS and no one here has ever done any real investigating.

You are in the wrong forum. This has been told to you before. You would do better in a Yahoo Support Group; here is one fitting your condition.

Guidelines for the Narcissistic Abuse Support Forum

The Guidelines are as follows:

This is not a place where you will go to tell your victim story over and over again. We do not want to hear what he or she did to you this time! We want you to focus on what you are learning about yourself and your own progress. I recommend you post your story at the very beginning of your enrollment in this group so others will know you and where you are coming from. Then it is time to begin re-writing your story.

By all means please do not try to play the expert
for others here, or ask or demand others do your
bidding here. Manipulation is one of the symptoms
of the Narcicistic Personality. You will gain much
repsect if you refrain from your old habits.

Your focus is to be strictly on your own recovery. You are not to give advise to others at this stage but are encouraged to share what you are learning in your own experiences. This prevents us from focusing too much outside of ourselves and keep our energy where it needs to be. On our own self-improvement.

We do give encouragement. We encourage each other to look within for our own answers. This is empowerment. If someone asks for suggestions or feedback than feel free to respond. Newcomers are
asked not to give advice until they become familiar
with the group.

We learn to see each other in our highest light. Remember we are all in training to be our fully empowered selves so this is what we want to encourage in each other. See the highest and the best in each person here.

Respect the differences of opinions! We are all beautifully unique and have our own voices. This is a safe place in which to express our own truth in a respectful way.

Encourage Dreams! We are the creators of our own reality so we may as well create a beautiful one! Lets encourage each other to dream big. We need healthy dreaming which frees, not the nightmares
we have been having.

There is no time limit on when one should begin socializing again. However we encourage one does not begin close personal contact until he/she has regained a strong sense of self and feels ready. One should socialize from a full cup not an empty one! We don't look outside of ourselves for someone to fill our cup. We learn to fill our own
and this can happen quickly or slowly.

Although this support group is based on spiritual recovery it is non-religious. All beliefs are welcome and respected. We acknowledge that we will have a greater sense of recovery when we approach it from a psycho-spiritual perspective rather than a stricly psychological perspective. We will most likely be talking about methods used in the book such as psychic chord cutting, energy work and psychic conversations. These are effective methods to cut the energetic chords that tie us to someone who is still feeding from our energy.

It is O.K. to express your deepest pain here and share your feelings. However we encourage you to log in on good days and bad days so you are sure to post the progress you are making. It is also helpful to others when you share both.

KUDOS! Lets celebrate each other as we transition to each level and also for the small successes along the way! Also celebrate yourself! Do something special for you! I want to hear about the things you all do to celebrate yourself!

go here to sign up for our free support forum
for recovery from narcissistic abuse


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Everytime I present something that YOU KNOW is going in the right directions - You take a stand to discredit and to immediately try to disfuse the direction and the people who read this.

The post you are referring to - has caught your attention and you know parts of the Cooper case have NEVER been made public. You know I have found some very important keys and I am unlocking those boxes as we speak.

Do you really think NO ONE has paid any attention to the references you have made over the past when you speak of WE in discussing certain things. It is obvious you have been privy to various part of the Cooper investigation over the yrs, but NO one can quiet figure out your position.

I am driven, but I am NOT emotionally ill. Do I get emotional more so than others when it comes to some of the "stuff" I have had to deal with? The answer to that is "Yes".

:)you supposedly have no Dog in this hunt.

Does anyone have an idea why my posting a picture of Rangers might be considered an unreasonable approach to finding Cooper? As I said there are lots more of these and the yrs I am going to send are significant - because what was found was something NO one had a CLUE I could ever dig up.

I can't take credit for it because Someone else found it many yrs ago prior to the FBI closing down this avenue on Weber...before the FBI actually knew who Cooper was..

"Confirmed by the FBI" I love those words.....especially when they involve something the FBI has denied for several yrs.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You keep implying that Georger is part of a govt coverup. Jerry too. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Georger is beyond laughing at that but I'm not.

The very idea that the govt would wage a Cooper coverup war on the Internet is just nuts. There is no Cooper coverup. The FBI has no idea who Cooper was. They blew the investigation and it has been an enduring embarrassment they would love to remedy by solving the case even this late.

You keep implying that Duane had a Ranger connection. Do you really think a highly trained elite unit like the Army Rangers would select a careless criminal with a bad military record to do their work? Why? If Duane couldn't elude local cops how could he do better against sophisticated foes? He wouldn't be on my A team or Z team either, especially if it involved tough parachuting assignments.

You want Duane to be more heroic in death than he was in life. I can understand that and even sympathize with it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:

I was told all this forum does is BS and no one here has ever done any real investigating.

You heard right maam. There was a stranger who came into town once, a man who called himself Bruce. He did some real investigatin before we run him out for stirrin things up. All we do is BS here maam. I think this town will suit you just fine.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Every time I go to a place no one wants me to go Georger makes it sound like I am delusional or need help.

As for Jerry - no - he just has a problem.

377 stated:
"There is no Cooper coverup. The FBI has no idea who Cooper was. They blew the investigation and it has been an enduring embarrassment they would love to remedy by solving the case even this late."
Jo's reply:
Do you really believe that? Yes, they blew the investigation, but when Weber became a suspect they send his widow a letter in 1998, but in a phone call with the agent in 2000 - he lies to her.

Only after Weber became a suspect and I went public because of the lies told to me by the FBI was there any reason to cover up anything. Yes, the FBI bungled this investigation until 2000 when I caught the agent in 2 lies that proved the FBI lied to me from 1997 until that day in 2000.

WHY would they lie in the 1st place?

What they haven't counted on - is my finding additional information that had to have been found prior to my confronting them "Someone" closed the window to further enquiries regarding this. I cannot tell you what this information is - because we need to verify it and as I said the Window has been closed.

377 stated:
"You keep implying that Duane had a Ranger connection. Do you really think a highly trained elite unit like the Army Rangers would select a careless criminal with a bad military record to do their work?"

Jo's reply:
The ARMY didn't make the selection - there are "others" who received training at the same camps not just army. Forestry also was trained there as well as foreign jumpers and the Others.

Where do you think the Mercenaries where trained? Or are you saying they just went into the desert and had their OWN training done privately.

The other thing - is stolen Identity. You are aware that this was done - because one man went on National TV to relieve his own conscience before he died - since 1996 - he never named the man who took his place. There were others who have never came forward.

Even CARR had asked me in this forum if I knew Duane's criminal background and PROMISED to send me his file. Well, that got shut down by his superiors because there is something in the file regarding 1958- 1968 I am NOT supposed to know. I recently found out what I believe this information is and this is why I am digging right back into the very thing I started with 14 yrs ago...Ranger training, and it makes NO difference what the training was for or the circumstance of the training - it did happen.

If no one wants to help then don't - I will just wing it on my own. I have already sent out emails for help and in the process of getting addresses and names of officials who might be able to help me. If anyone has a list of names and officials with addresses who might help then send it to me by my private email and not thru the forum.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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... it makes NO difference what the training was for or the circumstance of the training - it did happen.

Simple question Jo: Can you PROVE Duane Weber received parachute training?

Put Duane in a chute and you will have my attention.

I don't care if a relative said he was jump trained. That is not proof.

If you can't prove it, why do you claim it as a FACT?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Just when you thought civilian use of 28 ft C9 round canopies was just about over, here is a hobbyist who used at least 4 of them. Can you imagine a 1/10 scale Saturn V model rocket? Amazing footage. This thing is HUGE.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You keep implying that Duane had a Ranger connection. Do you really think a highly trained elite unit like the Army Rangers would select a careless criminal with a bad military record to do their work? Why? If Duane couldn't elude local cops how could he do better against sophisticated foes? He wouldn't be on my A team or Z team either, especially if it involved tough parachuting assignments.

A fact blindingly obvious to everyone here ...except one
"none so blind as those who will not see"
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Once again:

Simple question Jo: Can you PROVE Duane Weber received parachute training?

Yes or no?

I am waiting.


14700-odd posts in this thread; I seem to recall the other was somewhere over 1000.
In her very first post in the old thread Jo stated she was coming onto dz.com to help her prove Duane got parachute training.
16000 posts and a few years later, I'm guessing that if we haven't been shown proof, none exists.
So your answer is no.
(But you know that. :|)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Jo said:

Even CARR had asked me in this forum if I knew Duane's criminal background and PROMISED to send me his file. Well, that got shut down by his superiors because there is something in the file regarding 1958- 1968 I am NOT supposed to know. I recently found out what I believe this information is and this is why I am digging right back into the very thing I started with 14 yrs ago...Ranger training, and it makes NO difference what the training was for or the circumstance of the training - it did happen. {Emphasis mine}

Jo, you are a dear person, but if you really believe that, you truly are delusional.

“That” did not get shut down because there was something you shouldn’t know… "That" got shut down because an increasingly emotional (possibly delusional) woman was making accusations that would cause the FBI a lot of grief to clear up and she was threatening to "go public". The FBI doesn’t have enough resources to spend on crime fighting, much less address a bunch of unfounded accusations by a woman constantly threatening to go public.

Again it’s benefits vs. risk:
Risk – Expendature of resources, embarrassment to the Bureau (even if unfounded), transfer of official information through non-standard and non-approved channels (internet vs. Public Communications Office).

Benefits – information that they already have.

You weigh it out and see what you would have done.

Jo also said:

Where do you think the Mercenaries where trained? Or are you saying they just went into the desert and had their OWN training done privately.

I’m no expert, but I’ll bet 99.9% of mercenaries get their training in some country’s military (not necessarily their own).

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Jo also said:


Where do you think the Mercenaries where trained? Or are you saying they just went into the desert and had their OWN training done privately.

I’m no expert, but I’ll bet 99.9% of mercenaries get their training in some country’s military (not necessarily their own).

I think that's correct.

On that subject, have I recommended "The Wonga Coup" yet? - the story of the Equatorial Guinea coup. I finished it recently. A real eye-opener!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Attached is an approximation of the Jerry Thomas
flight path, according to Jerry's specifications and
other known facts in the Cooper case.

I have incorporated a number of features in my
rendering to provide context.

The Jerry Thomas flight path requires the following
or the Thomas flight path cannot happen:

(1) The flight begins at SEA and ends at RNO.

(2) V23 must comprise some portion of #305's
flight path south.

(3) The rear door placard from N467US is deposited
on the ground below V23 near Toutle WA.

(4) N467US must be near enough PDX in the time
frame ~20:15:56 to activate PDX's transmission of
Alt data to N467US. But, N467US cannot be near
BTG at the time of this transmission but somewhere
east of BTG approaching Troutdale (as per Jerry's

(5) Cpt Bohan was wrong. Bohan and his Continental flight were not trailing and above N467US in Bohan's approach to PDX.

(6) The military jets trailing N467US were east of
V23 also.

(7) Himmelsbach's helicopter was headed toward
an intercept point significantly east, northeast, or southeast of PDX...

(8) The Thomas flight path must accomodate all
events independetly verified as having taken place south of PDX as involved Oakland, Reno, etc.

(9) The Thomas flight scenario must occur between
19:33 (SEA liftoff) and Reno ILS at 22:46. N467US
circled at Reno beginning at 22:46 and finally landed
(after checking the back for Cooper) at 23:02.
There is independent verification of these events -

(10) The Thomas flight path requires a rejection
of substantial portions of the Pi and NWA Transcripts in terms of content and time tables. The transcripts
and the Thomas flight scenario are incompatable
in terms of fuel consumption, velocities, altitudes,
locations, time tables and time scales, et cetera.

(11) The flight path of N467US between SEA and Reno generated many independent records in
many places. Any flight path must account for all
the independently verified records in evidence.
This is not a he-said she-said issue.

ps* Sluggo, I can forward to you my larger complete map (in bmp) if you like? Let me know
and thanks again for everything this Holiday.

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The attached flight plan makes it hydrologically impossible for the money to end up on Tena Bar since everything along that flight path drains into the Columbia River near where the Lewis River drains into the Columbia River near Ridgefield,WA. All the streams like Salmon Creek in that area drain into Vancouver Lake or its outflow channels to the north along the railroad ( I used to keep my 36' cruiser in those big long sheds you see there on Lower River Road just north of Vancouver Lake.)

For the money to end up in the Columbia River on Tena Bar even by falling into the Washougal River ( which flows from the east to the west parallel for miles even much further to the east along the Columbia River before it drains into the Columbia at Washougal WA) the flight path would have to be at least 20 to 30 miles further east. In November with the winter rains... there is a LOT of water flowing to the Columbia River..nad it does not flow upriver.

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“That” did not get shut down because there was something you shouldn’t know… "That" got shut down because an increasingly emotional (possibly delusional) woman was making accusations that would cause the FBI a lot of grief to clear up and she was threatening to "go public". The FBI doesn’t have enough resources to spend on crime fighting, much less address a bunch of unfounded accusations by a woman constantly threatening to go public.

Excuse Me!
I had not gone public and did not go public until the FBI lied to me about documents I had already acquired. They had no problems with a threat until spring of 2000. I was working with them and co-operating with them until the agent LIED to me.

Until that conversation in March of 2000 I had done what was expected of me and it was only after they LIED that I started to do this with a passion. I had allowed the FBI to do what it was doing - and I had NO means or knowledge or tools with which to pursue my own investigation.

The FBI had the opportunity to explain the action of that agent and why I was told what I was told but, the problem was - He goofed! Big Time. There is NO reason for deception or lies if the truth is told.

With the information we have - they did lie to me and I want to know WHY? If there is something in Duane's criminal files that proves Duane was NOT Cooper then they could have saved LOTS of money by showing these to me or providing me with the copies - all of them.

Why expended monies to do DNA in 2008 and if the information they had in 1998 was conclusive Duane was not Cooper, they would never have continued to investigate. If there was a REASON for the FBI agent to lie to me in 2000 - Why did they not come to my home and explain to me the purpose of these willful lies and show me what they have that would prove Duane was not Cooper.

The FBI would not have done the other tests and the DNA if they were not looking for something. They found something that they could not discuss and will not discuss regarding his past. That past is why they refused to provide access to his criminal files.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Quick and early response (we'll talk more later).

The compass rose you placed on the map is wrong.

In 1971 the magnetic headings (the ones pilots use) were as illustrated in the compass rose around the BTG VOR. Note that North (0-degrees) is in the 1-o'clock position (roughly). I didn't take time to see if your compass rose was used in any way in your plot.

I'll give it more thought in the morning.

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Yes Jo... Whatever you say Jo.

It's obvious that you "Just Don't Get It".

Oh yeah... for everybody else: Did you know the FBI lied to Jo? I hadn't heard that!

I am just waiting for them or anyone else to explain these guys swimming the backstroke upstream....

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The attached flight plan makes it hydrologically impossible for the money to end up on Tena Bar since everything along that flight path drains into the Columbia River near where the Lewis River drains into the Columbia River near Ridgefield,WA. All the streams like Salmon Creek in that area drain into Vancouver Lake or its outflow channels to the north along the railroad ( I used to keep my 36' cruiser in those big long sheds you see there on Lower River Road just north of Vancouver Lake.)

For the money to end up in the Columbia River on Tena Bar even by falling into the Washougal River ( which flows from the east to the west parallel for miles even much further to the east along the Columbia River before it drains into the Columbia at Washougal WA) the flight path would have to be at least 20 to 30 miles further east. In November with the winter rains... there is a LOT of water flowing to the Columbia River..nad it does not flow upriver.

I havnt reconciled all of your points but esentially I agree. You know this area "much better" than I do.
I am not a native to this area. And some of these
drainage issues have been stated before - partly
by you because of your knowledge of this area.

At issue (for one thing) is the integrity of the PI
and NWA Transcripts. There must be compatability
between the money find (money facts), the flight
path, and the transcripts, as well as collateral
evidence. If the Washougal is going to serve as
the route of conveyance then Washougal drainage issues apply (as you point out).

Can a eastern flight route which activates the
Washougal as a delivery route be consistent
with the parameters the PI and NWA transcripts
set forth, not to mention other collateral evidence
which is documented?

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I really like it when the flight path gets critically reexamined. Go Georger, go Sluggo.

It is such a mystery because if you accept that natural waterflow put the money at Tena Bar, it really limits flight path choices and exit points. Some things don't add up

No comments on my post on the exit acoustics in the DC 9 WFFC jumpship?

Could the pressure bump on the NWA 727 been caused by Cooper throwing something out of the plane (bomb?) long before he jumped? Listen to the soundtrack.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Quick and early response (we'll talk more later).

The compass rose you placed on the map is wrong.

In 1971 the magnetic headings (the ones pilots use) were as illustrated in the compass rose around the BTG VOR. Note that North (0-degrees) is in the 1-o'clock position (roughly). I didn't take time to see if your compass rose was used in any way in your plot.

I'll give it more thought in the morning.

wooooooops! :)
Read Amazon's post... her points are valid and
apply IF the Washougal is going to serve as the
conveyance route.

Jerry and I have discussed this. Amazon's points
about geography are almost identical to those Jerry
has mentioned to me privately, so Amazon and
Jerry agree on the basic geographical issues at stake. Jerry still maintains his version of the FP
is correct. I just want it knowna nd stated: that
Jerry and Amazon are saying the same thing (at least to me). This should make everyone happy to know!

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Yes Jo... Whatever you say Jo.

It's obvious that you "Just Don't Get It".

Oh yeah... for everybody else: Did you know the FBI lied to Jo? I hadn't heard that!

I am just waiting for them or anyone else to explain these guys swimming the backstroke upstream....

Let me reveal my lack of knowledge (and nobody going years back ever bothered to answer me this)!

'Can you even row a rowboat against the current on the Columbia, so as to get across?' Say I was at Tina Bar and wanted to get over to the Portland
side? Could I row or swim against the current at all?

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