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DB Cooper

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Snowmman and Geoger can stop squabbling.


What a white elephant. Can you imagine trying to rent it out right now?

Wonder if they ought to convert one of the elevator shafts into a gigantic vertical wind tunnel. You enter at the bottom, fly for a ten minute up lift on a fan driven air column then exit out the top for one hell of a base jump.

Better be sure you will not have an accidental deployment in the tunnel. That would be a REALLY bad day.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Snowmman and Geoger can stop squabbling.


What a white elephant. Can you imagine trying to rent it out right now?

Wonder if they ought to convert one of the elevator shafts into a gigantic vertical wind tunnel. You enter at the bottom, fly for a ten minute up lift on a fan driven air column then exit out the top for one hell of a base jump.

Better be sure you will not have an accidental deployment in the tunnel. That would be a REALLY bad day.


I was watching those vids of the two guys who jumped it illegally during construction. They only jumped at 650M?

So it's not been jumped at full height?

(edit) is top of spire 828 m (2,717 ft)? don't know where 650M is.

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I am not reading what I write anymore.

I am only reading the odd numbered sentences from 377.

I am reading the prime numbered sentences from Sluggo.

I am clicking on all ads with large busted women.

All these wimps who rely on aided Internet browsing with blockers and all that.

I can do it without those crutches.

I have the will power to ignore the noise and focus on the signal.

Georger and to a lesser extent Snowmman need sharp skirted IF bandpass filters. They know exactly what I mean. I think G may have even particpated in the design or characterization of some of the best mech filters in the world.

Since Jo is so predictably monotonic, an auto tracking tone notch filter works just fine and leaves you a lot of receiving bandwidth.

When I accuse Snow of listening only to half of what I say I am 100% right unless I post an odd number of lines.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 said "When I accuse Snow of listening only to half of what I say I am 100% right unless I post an odd number of lines."

Did you notice how Orange1 demonstrated she could read a post I made, where every word was scrambled? first and last letters were correct, but internal letters were reversed. (edit) What does that say about Gorillas? That they are endangered like polar bears and shouldn't be shot!

You actually don't even need to make a post...just bump the post # and we'll know the message: Duane was Cooper!

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Being in shape makes the widow situation more likely to end in one's favor, also.

If Tiger Woods had any sense he would have gone the widow in a cabin route. They are usually very discreet.

Cooper wasnt a bad looking guy. Maybe he got lucky that night.

Shelly doesnt let Jerry search in any wooded areas where widows live. That's why he hasnt found Cooper's remains.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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N252SA is a Dehavilland DHC-6 which is presently used for skydiving and contract smoke jumping. Many consider the DHC-6 perfect for jumping.

It was on 14 Dec 2000 when several passengers were milling around the San Jose airport some 40 minutes after their flight. Finally one of them decided to ask about a fellow PAX. The concerned individual, one of five passengers traveling from Roseville, CA to San Jose, CA wanted to know what they were going to do about Ms. Elizabeth M. Otto. A perplexed mechanic asked for more detail. This passenger had made an early exit somewhere south of Sacramento he was told and the PAX thought someone would want to talk to him.

Early exit as in; opened the door on the Dehavilland and performed a chuteless free style from FL20. That was the last anyone saw of Elizabeth M. Otto (EMO) alive. The First Officer had the door secured and returned without noticing 20% of the passenger load was missing from the spacious DH-6. Additionally, the 'remaining' four passengers felt no reason to alert the crew about the egress.

So now the story is going to get weird. EMO was apparently suffering from depression according to her husband, friends and co-workers. She had hinted at doing something drastic and was scheduled to see a professional in a few weeks. Always nice to promise a drowning man a good meal.

The plane, a corporate shuttle for Hewlett Packard, had just departed Lincoln, CA airport when the door light illuminated in the cockpit. The First Officer walked back and checked the door before landing at Sacramento Executive Airport to have the problem checked out. Although several passengers witnessed EMO manipulating the door handle, none saw fit to inform......anyone. They waited until an A&P had inspected the door and cleared them for continued air operations.

As the plane climbed through 2,000 feet, EMO manages to open the door she is seated next to. You know, the door which had just given the crew a false open light. Why not let someone sit next to that door? Especially the same passenger who was seated there when the mystery malf caused the light to shine.

Apparently one of the other PAX noticed her exit. No mention was made of the noise or any associated wind blast. This was purely a visual exercise.

The remainder of the flight was uneventful even though the door open light illuminated again and the crew decided to continue to San Jose since they could see nothing wrong with the doors function once the First Officer had secured the device.

Where to start with this yarn. So many choices of where indifference meets detachment and breeds with incompetence in order to produce ineptitude from the group think dynamic.

A. A companies health plan actually scheduled an appointment for a person with suicidal tendencies several weeks later.

B. This persons friends and family (cross check) felt this was an acceptable action.

C. The mental health provider actually designed, approved and implemented the above mentioned process.

D. The first door open indication had the crew landing as soon as practical in order to have the airframe inspected for safety of flight.

E. The passengers said nothing about the event while they continued to morph into a stalk of rhubarb.

F. The passenger seated next to the faulty door was allowed to return.

G. The light came on again during climb out but (wildcard) the crew decided the second equipment failure in the last 10 minutes would be best handled after another 100 miles of flight.

H. The aircrew was unaware that one fifth of their passenger load was missing.

I. The passengers were unconcerned about one of them being missing, guess they didn't want to get involved.

J. The First Officer had to close the door this time and still thought it wise to keep flying than RTB.

K. The passengers witnessed the door open, EMO exit and thought it wise to keep flying.

L. Upon landing, several of the passengers simply went home. How was your day? Some ol thing, accounting cant get the new payroll software to work and someone opened the door on the company plane and jumped right after take off. What's for dinner?

M. The Pilot became aware of the missing passenger after he was informed by a San Jose police officer called by the planes mechanic. What does it mean to be responsible for something? If it goes wrong you will feel really, really bad?

N. The PAX manifest had five names yet the four passengers deplaning caused no alarms. What is the point of the manifest? Weight and balance? If you didn't notice the passengers doing the math seems kind of superfluous.

There you have it. Still related to skydiving as the plane is utilized for such after EMO completed the ultimate jump. Powers of observation....bwah..bwaaahh..bwah..ha..ha..ha..ha. Forget about it.

What was everyone so focused upon during the above exercise? My guess would be themselves. Their next house payment and getting their kid in a good college while purchasing the next life affirming object like a car or vacation in the Caribbean. Did they notice the hair or eye color of EMO? Did they notice her initial attempt to jump? The lack of logic in this tome is only surpassed by the expectation of any quality information from a group of people who failed so miserably while this was taking place real time.

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The rig is OLD. The kid is YOUNG. He has SNOW written on his shirt with a Dan Cooper like comic book character pictured below .

Admit it Snowmman. You know more than you have told us about NORJACK.

Can you prove you and Jo are not allied?

This Duane stuff has proven very effective at distracting us Citizen Sleuths.

You need to explain this photo.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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N252SA is a Dehavilland DHC-6 which is presently used for skydiving and contract smoke jumping. Many consider the DHC-6 perfect for jumping.

It was on 14 Dec 2000 when several passengers were milling around the San Jose airport some 40 minutes after their flight. Finally one of them decided to ask about a fellow PAX. The concerned individual, one of five passengers traveling from Roseville, CA to San Jose, CA wanted to know what they were going to do about Ms. Elizabeth M. Otto. A perplexed mechanic asked for more detail. This passenger had made an early exit somewhere south of Sacramento he was told and the PAX thought someone would want to talk to him.

Where did you get all this Farflung? Lincoln CA had or may still have a DZ and had a visiting Twin Otter for a while. As far as I can tell the EMO death jump story is not true, but it is really interesting to read.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Wow. I'll take my foot out of my mouth now Farflung.

How did that incident get so little publicity?

The bravery of suicidal people astounds me.

I can never figure out if depression numbs the fear or if they want to end life so badly that they just do something very scary out of desperation.

How incredibly sad.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I suspect we all could post suicide stories that would get everyone all EMO...but what's the point?

Or: the insenstivity of others?

Is this a Gorilla related story or ??

...My fingertips sweat, as they curl over the keyboard...the words, the words, where are they....suddenly they come in a rush a blur...too many to type...have to get them all down..not sure which are needed..what if I miss one, what if no one reads this post...I block out thoughts of failure... I block out thoughts of Donna...no wait, that's a good thought...fingers are slipping off the keys...where's the @..where's the @! damn got it...can't be much longer, must have enough words by now? maybe just a couple more, just in case...breathing is getting shallow...slow down...can't fail if I type on the exhale...just type on the exhale...got it! Click: Post Reply

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I wasn't sure if you were "yanking our cranks" or not.

Early Report

Later Report

"We've ruled out foul play on behalf of any of the passengers," FBI spokesman Andrew Black told Associated Press. "We're looking at it strictly as a possible suicide or an accident."

~ ~ Makes one kinda wonder what happened to that damn cryin' baby next to me on an international flight a few weeks back...HUH! :$>:(

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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All this makes me wonder if Cooper were depressed to the point of being suicidal. It might have given him whatever it takes to do something so incredibly brave and scary.

Just thinking.

Snow, you havent responded to my photo a few posts up.

You can ignore it, but inferences WILL be drawn.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 said "Snow, you havent responded to my photo a few posts up.

You can ignore it, but inferences WILL be drawn. "

ah! pretty cool. it was a link.

Yes, on the internet, no one can tell when you're 8 years old.

Or a dog. Woof, Woof!

On Georger's internet,....hell I can't even picture what Georger's internet would be like..I'm picturing maybe a lot of stewardesses in leather, based on what he's posted, but that may be wrong. Maybe just one stewardess?

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I suspect we all could post suicide stories that would get everyone all EMO...but what's the point?

Follow the money, even if something looks all EMO.

Speaking of EMO and money, remember all those car crash songs from the 60s Snow?

"Tell Laura I Love Her", etc.

Why haven't they been replaced with something more contemporary? I mean they sold REALLY well.

Another opportunity for Snowmman Industries to investigate. Put together an Icelandic girl band doing DEATH EMO songs in an ABBA style if you are targeting an older audience or more rap/hip-hop like if targeting the kids.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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On Georger's internet,....hell I can't even picture what Georger's internet would be like..I'm picturing maybe a lot of stewardesses in leather, based on what he's posted, but that may be wrong. Maybe just one stewardess?

Remember the movie Putney Swope? Lucky Airlines?
G was a Platinum Premier Level Frequent Flyer.

Lucky Airlines had in flight raffles. The winner went to the back compartment for a little up close and personal in flight entertainment with a bevy of flight attendants.

I have heard of similar things happening on jumpships but no raffles were involved.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I was thinking of a phrase I saw recently, talking about the rush of going from "dying to flying".

Reminded me of probably the only time where I've instantly transitioned between a thought of "Well, I'm dead"...to "No shit, I'm going to live!"

I don't know if that instant transition of thought happens in some emergencies in jumping. I suspect yes.

(thinking about it now, there were a lot of things in my mental state that led up to the situation. You could say I was setting myself up for it hours beforehand)

Mine was a stupid mistake on my part. I wasn't really being really stupid...just stupid for conditions.

In my car, snowing, snow on the road, passing a 18-wheeler on a downhill...going slow, but a banking right turn up ahead, I 360'ed, (edit) (in reality, 180'ed I guess..I always think of it as 360) and started going underneath the rear trailer (between the two sets of wheels).

That's it, I thought: not much you can do to react, because of the snow..But then my windshield smashed against the bed of the trailer, and I bounced off in slow motion and went into a snowbank.

I can still remember the intensity of that transition of "I'm dead" to "No I'm not"...that and sitting in the snowbank with snow coming in the broken windows, thinking I needed to get a jacket on.

No panic. No magic thoughts. It was just like flipping a light switch.

Was still a little dicey making sure things didn't snowball into something worse, but it all worked out.

Partly for that reason, my current ride has all-wheel drive :).

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All this makes me wonder if Cooper were depressed to the point of being suicidal. It might have given him whatever it takes to do something so incredibly brave and scary.

Just thinking.


Could be. Here's a bunch of suicide-by-aircraft stories. Check out the June 3-4 2002 one. The guy crashes a helicopter into a house, and when released from the hospital the next day, he grabs his 172 and finishes the job. Quite a few of the suicides were people who were facing criminal charges. I wonder if the FBI looked at that angle.


"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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I don't know if that instant transtion of thought happens in some emergencies in jumping. I suspect yes.

I remember thinking odd thoughts while cutting away from my messed up C9 round cheapo and pulling the handle on my $25 surplus Navy conical reserve. I remember thinking I had literally bet my life on a $25 rag and it seemed so stupidly frugal now that I had to use it.

After it opened and let me down for a very soft landing I congratulated myself for finding such a good value in my military surplus gear.

I never reached the point where I thought:"you are dead." There was still altitude and still another parachute that might save me. I did think: "I will literally know in a few seconds whether I am going to die or live." That was pretty scary.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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*** I never reached the point where I thought:"you are dead." There was still altitude and still another parachute that might save me. I did think: "I will literally know in a few seconds whether I am going to die or live." That was pretty scary.


Yeah that's a good point. I'm thinking of other situations, and the "I'm dead" thought never occurred.

I think the difference is that I had no mental plan, and so had nothing to do for the unexpected. So I had room for that thought.

In a jump emergency, I can imagine you want all sorts of mental training to kick in, and there's always one more thing you can try...so there really should be no room in your brain for any thought like that. Unless it's something hugely unexpected.

But maybe it's pretty rare that someone lives to tell about the hugely unexpected thing, where he was saved thru something he had no part in. I guess it happens though.

Goal is to never be in that situation though! Unless you're Ms. EMO, I guess.

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