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DB Cooper

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As long as the topic is interesting scrapyard finds, attached is a pic of a speaker I built. The scrapyard item is the tubing used for the stand. Sluggo might recognize it. It's FFTF fuel assembly duct. It's hexagonal seamless SS about 6" flat to flat. Got about 8' for $45. For the speaker stand, it's filled with lead shot and sand, then welded shut.

Back to important Cooper talk.

hey cool...people always have such interesting hobbies. Do you weld? I am embarassed to say I bought a welder intending to learn, but it's still unused (I bought a refurb'ed/unused one..amazing how you can get cheap tools online now)

(edit) FFTF = Fast Flux Test Facility
Hey we talked about the Hanford site before..near the Columbia

Are you saying Cooper buried his money in a speaker stand made from FFTF scrap?

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That is a beautiful speaker and stand 912.

Can you send me a wav file of how it sounds so I can listen to it on my hypercompressed squequalized iPod?

Just kidding...

I like scrapyard stuff too. I found a bunch of heavy duty stainless orthopedic surgical stuff for scrap price. I used pairs of them to adjust pulley positions above hydraulic winches on a commercial fishing rig. They were not bearing the load, just giving some horizontal adjustment. One day at dockside some surgeons saw them and burst out laughing.

Nice job on the speaker.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Snow wrote:


Airtwardo's next jump, he's going to go out the door with that bar in his hands, convinced that this time, he'll score for sure....

Airtwardo already scored big time. He married a hot commercial jet pilot and stunt flyer, really! She was young and impressionable I guess.;)

It really pissed off most of the other jumpers. I mean good looks and she brings home a big airline 4 striper paycheck? Those two never go together. He gets to fly free too.

There is a sign posted at the gear store at his DZ: "Airtwardo, your wife called and says you can buy anything you want."

Some guys have all the luck.


Luck is not a factor...well okay, maybe in this case it is. :$:ph34r:

Of course OTOH ~ just imagine the challenges of being a laid-back ole, Harley ridin', hardcore hippie Skydiver...livin' 18+ years with a Mensa minded, turbocharged Type 'A' REDHEAD, officially certified P.I.C. & card carrying 'Captain Mom'...It can at times be likened to jugglin' 8 chainsaws blindfolded while pogo-stickin' in a mine field...at night....in the rain....DRUNK! :)never boring!!

HELL yeah,...It certainly doesn't suck to be ME! >:(B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I went to an art show in Berkeley recently. An artist had bought some windowed fuselage strips (each about 5 feet long) from scrapped 707 jets, polished and painted them in Pan Am livery and was selling them, along with a framed picture of a vintage 707 for over $4000. He sold a few.

Here is cheaper version:


I wonder why people missed the boat on selling pieces of the Cooper 727?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I don't mind paying taxes. I do have a problem with picking up the tab while a felon announces his heroic re-payment to society.

I'm endlessly astonished at how murderers will say they would gladly give their life if it would bring the victim back. Why not call their bluff? Announce a new technology which will bring the victims back if their killers give their lives. (insert cricket chirps)

Why don't convicted rapists or thieves ever make the same offer? Gee your Honor, if experiencing hours of rape at knife point would make the victim feel better.....

I was working with a guy in Saudi who's uncle was some hot shot with the government. He asks me if I wanted to bear witness to some local justice being dispensed to which I said yes. Later that night I pondered the value of such an experience balanced against a lifetime of endless nightmares, guess I'm not such a Billy Badass after all.

But at least I can brag about turning down a chance to see five beheadings and two manual amputations. Kind of makes what Cooper did a little less extraordinary.

The Saudi income tax...0%.

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Why don't convicted rapists or thieves ever make the same offer? Gee your Honor, if experiencing hours of rape at knife point would make the victim feel better.....

Some sex offenders, especially but not exclusively child molesters, get a taste of their own medicine in prison and frequently.

Everybody wants to feel morally superior and dole out "punishment" to someone whose criminal conduct was more reprehensible than their own.

Defendants will say anything at a sentencing hearing if they think it will score points. Judges don't give a shit most of the time. They look at the facts of the crime, not the post capture post conviction remorse.

Prison life sucks, even in low security Club Fed places. Nobody is having a great time in prison.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I read back and could find nothing in the forum - who are you talking about / and where is the posting by Snow you are referencing.

It was never posted Jo. The exchanges were all by PM and email. It really is a good test of how good a searcher someone is. I am betting Georger will find the guy with all the hints he has been given. He is an intriguing suspect even though he probably isnt Cooper. He fits all the qualifications but nothing links him to the crime, except perhaps a passage from a book he wrote, but it is probably just a coincidence.


If this is reference to a group of Jumpers - connected to Boeing.
I don't remember much of the story - but I have seen pictures of their first - meeting place (whatever you call it). These guys were all named and checked out and I do not know if I kept anything on it or not. Probably not. It was one of the FIRST places the FBI looked - now after all these yrs maybe it bears looking at again since one of the group is still alive.

Seems like I communicated with someone from this group on the recommendation of retired FBI, This was over 12 yrs ago. Wasn't it called the Boeing Flying Club? Really working from my memory and that is getting a little iffy lately.

Left the forum to look in the file, but didn't find what I was looking for - so hit a few keys on the old computer.

In their site it is mentioned the club was not formed until 1979, but that is not accurate. The orginal group had an similar but different name and I blieve this is what they are referencing in the paragraph from one of the sites below.

"We contributed to numerous worthwhile causes in skydiving, including Save Our Sport, The U.S. Team, several local teams, and many others. During the early 1970s we hosted a US Parachute Association Board of Directors meeting in Issaquah, and on Sept 17, 1994 we proudly sponsored the Northwest Regional Skydiving Championships. "

I am not going to look any further for these records tonight, but I have and did communicate with someone associated with this group in the yrs of my research - without a computer.
Just talking to people and using the telephone...you do NOT want to see my phone bills from 1996 until 2001. I look back and try to remind myself of what I did without to investigate on my own.
None of you are aware of how costly this search has been to me in terms of not only money, but health and relationships.

No one wishes more than I do Weber had never told me anything and I had stayed clueless. You think I am a thorn in your shoe - well, walk around with a thorn in both of your own feet for 14 yrs. Easy for you guys to think I am a mental case - but you have NOT walked this road for 14 yrs. Somethings are happening - but nothing is happening fast. I have been told March now. You think I am putting you on - and I keep telling those involved that I might not be alive when all of the deadlines come to the front.

Money and Things mean little to me at this time in my life - others knowing what I know and being vindicated is what I hold on to - and what keeps me going...is finding the truth.

I have never had a problem looking at other suspects and one I really feel needs looking at I can't even talk about for fear of a lawsuit. I will say he was a very dangerous man and because his name is obviously not his real name - I get no where trying to research him and I have been trying for 13 yr and his name is not Weber.

Unlike some of you who pull a name off of the Web sites or from military SOG's I do not go there - Cooper may have had military training and he may have been for hire. Cooper could have been many things, but one this is for certain -"Cooper was a very sad man" and you need to think about why he was sad and then why he was "giddy and child-like" when the money arrived. These are not ordinary reactions of someone for hire or someone who planned this caper and actually expected it to work.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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But at least I can brag about turning down a chance to see five beheadings and two manual amputations.

You made a good decsion Farflung. That kind of political theater sucks.

Once in a while the wrong guy gets convicted. There have been times where it looked 100% certain that the person convicted really did the crime then they find out after killing him that he didnt.

To me, there is no such thing as an acceptable error rate when you dole out capital punishment. If the system is imperfect, and it always will be, then you will kill a few innocent people. That's not OK with me.

I dont like keeping murdering low lifes alive at my expense, but there is no other way to prevent the massive injustice of killing an innocent person.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As long as the topic is interesting scrapyard finds, attached is a pic of a speaker I built. The scrapyard item is the tubing used for the stand. Sluggo might recognize it. It's FFTF fuel assembly duct. It's hexagonal seamless SS about 6" flat to flat. Got about 8' for $45. For the speaker stand, it's filled with lead shot and sand, then welded shut.

Back to important Cooper talk.

hey cool...people always have such interesting hobbies. Do you weld? I am embarassed to say I bought a welder intending to learn, but it's still unused (I bought a refurb'ed/unused one..amazing how you can get cheap tools online now)

(edit) FFTF = Fast Flux Test Facility
Hey we talked about the Hanford site before..near the Columbia

Are you saying Cooper buried his money in a speaker stand made from FFTF scrap?

I don't weld professionally.

I worked inside FFTF before/during college. Found the fuel assy. duct 20 years later in a Kennewick scrapyard. One-of-a-kind stuff.

The money has been shredded and is used instead of lambswool in the speaker enclosures.


The speakers sound really good. What's in the pic was the easy part. Took about a month do design/test/tweak. The hard part has been the low freq driver (10"), enclosure (~2 cu ft), active crossover, and amp. 2+ years on that so far (mostly part-time crossover test/tweak).

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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I love that 1969912 has an atom bomb explosion for his avatar, and he has spare parts from atomic reactor sites littering his living room...

I picture the news story, where some high school kid is playing with a geiger counter and it goes off the scale, and they finally track it down to 1969912's place and half the town is cordon'ed off.

Meanwhile, no one can go in while they're waiting for the hazmat team to be flown in from Quantico, and some really good music is left playing loudly, with everyone beyond the yellow tape swaying appreciatively.

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377 said "You made a good decsion Farflung. That kind of political theater sucks."

I was going to post at the time of the Iranian demonstrations, but did people see the video where the crowd rushed the guys at the public hanging and took them down (rescue)? (12/26/09, just last 2 weeks)

A reminder of how thin a veneer of civilization we have in the world, everywhere. And how it's very hard to understand just what goes on inside Iran.

This isn't too graphic. Although it will stick in your craw, as it should, I guess.

I'm not sure if the guys survived. It's amazing to me how Youtube serves as a vehicle for info from the Mideast (look at the character set). Sure there's propaganda on all sides...but more info is always better.

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"Cooper was a very sad man" and you need to think about why he was sad and then why he was "giddy and child-like" when the money arrived. These are not ordinary reactions of someone for hire or someone who planned this caper and actually expected it to work.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It wasn't until the early 90's that a friend's dad in Richland disposed of a nearly full 4 liter Erlenmeyer flask full of UF6 solution sitting in his basement that he had used, in the late 50's, to calibrate his diy uranium assaying equipment. I remember checking it with a Geiger counter while in high school. It wasn't pee. He shoulda dumped it several years earlier - radioactive Tena Bar money.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Hi Jo.

Walking the road for 14 years confirms you're a mental case.
It doesn't bother me. I don't care.
But I steer clear, because there's nothing to do to help. You actually don't need help. You're fine.

We're all fine!
Well Airtwardo is more fine than the rest of us....but I suspect when his wife discovers there's someone out there with a longer bar, I'll have a shot.

Duane Weber was Cooper.

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It wasn't until the early 90's that a friend's dad in Richland disposed of a nearly full 4 liter Erlenmeyer flask full of UF6 solution sitting in his basement that he had used, in the late 50's, to calibrate his diy uranium assaying equipment. I remember checking it with a Geiger counter while in high school. It wasn't pee. He shoulda dumped it several years earlier - radioactive Tena Bar money.

see, and people think my wild-assed stories have no basis in reality.
I'd say more about 1969912, but why get the NRC after a jumper, especially if he's got good speakers?

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"Cooper was a very sad man" and you need to think about why he was sad and then why he was "giddy and child-like" when the money arrived. These are not ordinary reactions of someone for hire or someone who planned this caper and actually expected it to work.

Jo, was Duane Weber a sad man? Cooper apparently was.

connect the dots .... ....

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Well Airtwardo is more fine than the rest of us....but I suspect when his wife discovers there's someone out there with a longer bar, I'll have a shot.

You wuffos...:S

~Got nuthin' to do with bar-stock dimensions or the Rockwell scale, it's the proper utilization of basic skydiving survival skills...the ability to stay focused & breathe through yer ears! :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I have had discussions with guys who jumped
in Calif back in the day. They are all certain that they
know who DBC was.

"This one guy who jumped with us on a team, worked for an airline. All of a sudden, he didn't come to the dz after the Cooper thing. That guy was definitely Cooper."

I know 20 guys with that story.

My favorite is a good friend who has a 3-digit C-license, career military,
and spent 3 years in VN teaching Pathfinder teams, among things.
He said that he has no idea who DBC was.
But, he said that he easily knew 50 guys who could had the skills and experience to be DBC.

My point - everyone thinks that they know "The Guy".

The FBI would have loved to hear someone get on this
forum and mention some unknown tidbit.
Didn't happen.

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Short declarative sentences are always more accurate.

Adverbs and adjectives imply inaccuracy.


(edit) Georger knows twenty guys who could build a grain elevator?

How come no one commented on the wooden ski jump pictures. I thought they were the best. ?

I knew a guy whose pickup truck only went in reverse, and had spent a Christmas day in jail.

Didn't anyone make jumps for their bicycle out of wood scraps when they were a kid?

Didn't anyone steal nails and lumber from whatever tract housing development was going up?

(edit) What about tree forts? Let's hear about tree forts. Did people do open platforms mostly, or roofed with walls? Anyone practice jumps? Any rope ladders to get up, or the classic nailed 2x4 to trunks? Or was is strictly natural branches only to get up?

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I mentioned that I thought most skydivers' sense of history was bullshit and that no old-time jumpers posted here.

Has anyone here actually jumped in the '50s or early 60's? (edit) I'll narrow it down more. Freefall then. SL-only doesn't count.

That would be 45 to 50 years ago?

Why do people think anyone who jumped in the '70s might have useful info, if Cooper had skydiving experience? (edit) Is there an assumption Cooper continued jumping after the hijack? (he lived and continued to jump???)


I saw a thread where someone bragged his first jump was 48 years ago elsewhere at DZ.com. That would be 1961? See? even that is a newbie. (edit) Cooper would have been an elder to that guy (Cooper would have been 35-40? That guy was probably in his twenties. Kid.)

(edit) I guess a simple example was when we went thru a number of historical details connected to Ted Braden. It belies all this nonsense about small skydiving community etc. (in terms of thinking about Cooper).

(edit) The thing is, as we continually agree, it doesn't matter, because there is no investigation, no evidence, no nothing. That's what makes Sluggo's and Georger's indignations or talks of science or whatnot, really , really funny! It's better than believing in some religion. It's like hope and prayer stuff based on no reality. What they really want to do is masturbate to the details.
However they're afraid to masturbate for real, like me.

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I knew a guy that knew a guy that had seen a story about a guy that talked to a guy whose wife's one armed lover once had a roommate in prison whose son's girlfriend's brother's best friend. . . had the word 'COOPER' on what looked to be a hockey helmet probably once used for clandestine parajump thingies...stranger than truth & you can look it up! :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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