snowmman 3 #15726 January 14, 2010 QuoteQuoteIf Cooper had been drinking a Coors light, I wonder why that would be hidden from us? Coors Light debuted in 1978. Can you imagine the chaos that would have resulted if the FBI revealed that DBC came from the future? 377 True. But in 1971, you couldn't get Coors on the east coast only the west. And Flight 305 originated on the east coast and ended in the west. I wonder if Jo's book actually has a beer stain on the photo? And you know what happened to Adoph Coors III in 1960, right?,891609&dq=coors&hl=en kidnapped Then eventually they find his skull. Where? next to a creek. (bones and clothing) Yes, in the Rocky Mountains...the same clear water in the beer. How come this is so eerily parallel to the Cooper saga?,2636026&dq=coors+skull&hl=en Edgward Green, 30, of Englewood, CO found the shoes, about four feet apart then a wadded pair of pants. in the pockets were 43 cents and a keychain. Silver pocket knife on the chain, monogrammed AC III (edit) AC -> DC -> Dan Cooper Corbett who they suspected early, eventually was convicted (he was a prior murderer) Where was Corbett arrested? Vancouver, British Columbia, Oct 29, 1960. Joe Corbett's 1960 booking mug shot is attached (from the above url) My point? Joe Corbett was Cooper Note he was born in Seattle. Note he worked at the Benjamin Moore paint company. Not Sherwin Williams. Oct. 25, 1928: Joseph Corbett Jr. is born in Seattle. June 7, 1949: Corbett's mother, Marion, falls from a balcony where the railing had been removed. She dies five days later. Dec. 21, 1950: Corbett shoots and kills a hitchhiker near Hamilton Air Force Base north of San Francisco. March 15, 1951: Corbett pleads guilty to second-degree murder; a judge sentences him to five years to life. Aug. 1, 1955: Corbett sneaks out of his dorm at a minimum- security prison and disappears. Late 1955: Corbett arrives in Denver, adopts the name Walter Osborne and eventually lands a job at the Benjamin Moore paint plant north of downtown. April 1, 1956: Corbett moves into a third-floor apartment at 1435 Pearl St. June 8, 1957: Corbett orders a pistol through the mail, one of several guns he purchased. Feb. 24, 1959: Corbett orders four pairs of leg irons. May 1, 1959: Three pairs of handcuffs are shipped to Corbett. Jan. 8, 1960: Corbett buys a yellow 1951 Mercury. Jan. 25, 1960: Corbett is ticketed about 3 miles from Morrison while driving the yellow Mercury. Feb. 9, 1960: Adolph Coors III leaves his Morrison-area home, headed to the family's brewery. His vehicle is later found idling on a narrow bridge. Detectives find blood and Coors' hat and glasses in the creek below. Feb. 10, 1960: Corbett moves out of his Capitol Hill apartment and vanishes. The same day, Mary Coors receives a ransom note instructing her to come up with $500,000 and to place an ad for a tractor in The Denver Post's classified section once she has the money. Feb. 14, 1960: The Coors family places the ad, offering a John Deere tractor for sale. Feb. 17, 1960: Corbett's yellow 1951 Mercury is discovered ablaze near Atlantic City, N.J. March 30, 1960: The FBI places Corbett on its 10 Most Wanted List. Sept. 11, 1960: The bones of Adolph Coors III are discovered in Douglas County. Experts conclude he was shot twice in the back. Oct. 25, 1960: FBI agents pick up Corbett's trail in Toronto, where he again used the name Walter Osborne. Oct. 29, 1960: Corbett is arrested in Vancouver, British Columbia. March 13, 1961: Corbett's murder trial opens in Golden. March 29, 1961: The jury returns a guilty verdict, meaning a life sentence. June 15, 1978: Corbett is granted parole. July 6, 1978: Corbett's parole is revoked after a public outcry. July 5, 1979: Corbett is granted parole again. July 10, 1979: Corbett is released and flies to California. July 11, 1979: Corbett flies back to Colorado to close a bank account. July 15, 1979: Corbett is arrested in California for violating parole by returning to Colorado. July 31, 1979: Corbett's parole is revoked. Dec. 12, 1980: Corbett is paroled yet again. He rents an apartment at 2801 S. Federal Blvd. Dec. 12, 1985: Corbett is released from supervision. Aug. 24, 2009: Corbett is found dead in his southwest Denver apartment, a victim of suicide. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #15727 January 14, 2010 Quote The money was transferred to another container inside of the plane - after Cooper expressed concern to Tina about the type of container provided. Multiple containers use for carry on had been left by the passengers and crew who had disembarked. The passengers could not go to the Aft overhead to collect their belonging - these would supposedly be returned to them later. I have heard of some individuals who claimed they are missing items that were NOT returned to them or their relatives. Since not all got their belongings right away it was due to the collection of evidence - but some never got all of their belongings. Among those items missing I believe you will find two books...and a suitable container. Cooper did not go to all that trouble to jump with a package he might loose. The Captain is reported as stating he saw Cooper packing the money in what he thought was one of the front packs. He may have saw that and Cooper may have been agitated. If Tina nor the Captain provided the container then Cooper just helped himself to a container stored in those Aft overheads. The stewardesses may have collected some of the objects in the overhead and took them forward. I expect Cooper did not allow passengers to disembark until he was provided with another container - but he was not going to give the FBI a chance to get onto that plane. I told this to Carr and prior agents but NOT anyone of them would listen to me. They were not allowed to contact the crew because it had been agreed not to ask them any questions. WHY would a FBI agent NOT be allowed to talk to a witness when new information is introduced regarding a new suspect. I believe this is what they mean when one can hear a pin drop in a crowded room...! It was known the pilot saw Cooper packing the money into what he believed was one of the chest packs.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15728 January 14, 2010 Quote I believe this is what they mean when one can hear a pin drop in a crowded room...! It was known the pilot saw Cooper packing the money into what he believed was one of the chest packs. Baloney. Post a reference. I believe the only reference is the article I posted, and Ckret's reply. Neither were fact. Ckret's was opinion. Post a reference. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15729 January 14, 2010 On Sept 7 2007 Ckret bragged. His measurements come from measuring what was left of the lines. The chestpack/money thing is speculation, regardless of what Jo wants to believe. " Some info to recreate Coopers money bag. Cooper cut all of the line from the chest pack where it was connected into the pack, separating the chute from the pack. By the way, the rubber bands in the pack show no signs of wear. By separating the chute from the pack he must have planned to put the money in the container. When he realized it would not fit, he then cut two lines, one 14'5" and the other 14'6". He then used the line to secure the bag and according to Mucklow to himself. The bag was described as 12"x12"x9" ";search_string=money%20chest;#3101518 The speculation is based on having all the cords cut inside the reserve container, not just the cords that were taken. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15730 January 14, 2010;search_string=scott%20article;#3261834 It was a 1997 talk at the Aero Club in Arizona. The relevant passage that I wondered about is here: (see original post for url of the source) Once Cooper got his sack of money, he ordered Scott to fly as low and slowly as possible and drop the back steps. After cutting up a parachute, he emptied the sack of loot and began stuffing $20 bills into his makeshift waist pack. When Mucklow expressed astonishment at the huge pile of money, Cooper reached over and handed her a stack of bills. `We can't take tips,'' she said. The odd sentence is the "makeshift waist pack". (edit) and the implied pile of money outside of the original bag..."emptied the sack and began stuffing"..."the huge pile of money" But Scott wouldn't have seen that. Also, this is a reporter writing what he thought Scott said. There is nothing else. Jo, I think you're full of baloney on this. Cooper was drinking Coors. I thought it was Coors Light. But the FBI can't prove it wasn't Coors. For 20 years, I've asked them to show me the beer cans on that flight. No answer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #15731 January 14, 2010 This week I was able to trace the author and artist of one of the books. This book was orginally done under another title prior to it "remake" for a very special and coveted organization under the cover of that organization. Only 3000 copies where made available. This was 1960 or 1961, but the first production of this under a different cover was done 10 yrs before around 1950. The author is 90 plus yrs old today and of sound mind - we had a bit of an unusual conversation. She was puzzled how one of her books ever ended up in Florida. I did not tell her my story, just that is was a book my husband was very attached to and about a picture of a little girl in it...that perhaps it had belonged to his mother or sister. This explanation was a white lie on my part to explain my phone call and my unusual questions. Because of the production and availability of the book - at the time the book was produced Duane's mother had already passed away in CA. The sister was also living in CA. at that time and no family member lived in the vicincity of the local sales of that book. Nothing explaines this book being in Duane's possession in 1990 other than his having stored it where the other items had been stored. It was just an old book - he never opened it, but he sure wanted me to be careful of it. Since there was no family connection to this book nor was if of any value - and considering its origin there is only ONE explanation for this book. Had it been just an item to add to my collection, he would have had NO problem with my use of it. The other book is about the same age, but I do not have a date available. I will be working on it's source tomorrow and that takes me to WA and OR. What I have here is a trail of sorts - books generic only to specific locations and those being on both ends of flight 305. Sweet Dreams Snowmman. YOUR days of creating trivia will soon be over and you shall have to find another pass time.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15732 January 14, 2010 Damn, Duane Weber Was Cooper! (edit) Jo said "and no family member lived in the vicincity of the local sales of that book." Pretty strong point. Could Duane have stolen it from a library? Or maybe he took it when he hijacked Flight 305? (edit) I'm thoroughly confused. I thought Tina was on the cover. Did Tina pose for the author of the book? What does the author say inside the book? Amazing coincidence that the author is a woman, and Tina is a woman....and Duane is a! (edit) Jo said "The other book is about the same age, but I do not have a date available. I will be working on it's source tomorrow and that takes me to WA and OR." But if these are Tina's books, what does WA and OR have to do with it??? Did Tina spend time in WA and OR? Did she pose in WA and OR for the book? Do the books have nothing to do with Tina, but still everything to do with Flight 305, since the photo had Coors spilled on it? How did they serve Coors on planes in 1971? Was it a steel can? an aluminum can? A bottle? Probably a bottle. Bottle would have fingerprints. Is that why the FBI has covered up the Coors angle? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #15733 January 14, 2010 Quote old thread is only locked for posting, not for reading. I believe someone has a link to it on the first page of this thread. I saw one of Jo's posts start with "i searched the old thread..." .. i might discount that if i were you - as Jo has claimed time and again that she is no good at searching these forums... anyway good luck. you might chuckle a bit when you see someone called Orange1 who was very helpful to the OP earlier on in that thread. also read some of the other stuff - awsee (brenda) on mayfield, and some other stuff from a couple of guys you may recognise from other cooper threads. OK. Now you know how much I know about things here! Thanks for this info - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #15734 January 14, 2010 QuoteI can see Cooper after Tina turns the money down, just chucking it out the rear door. It is amazing to me that the bank or FBI didn't photograph the money with the bag before it was delivered. There are so few facts on this case I tend to agree with your assessment that the investigation, if you can call it that, was weak from the beginning. >I always write the parking garage location on my parking stubs, otherwise I can't find my car. It makes sense that Duane would have drawn a treasure map for where he buried the money, on that parking stub. I lost my car at Sky Harbor after leaving it there for a week. It was dark and I couldn't remember if it was in the east or west lot. I also lost my truck at Sacramento once when they were doing construction. The lot was gravel with no reference signs. Something I didn't know is that security drives through the parking lots and takes pictures of all the license plates. They put it in a data base and can locate your vehicle for you if you can't remember where you parked. Unfortunately my truck has a lift so the camera was to low to record the license plate so it wasn't recorded. Eventually found them both, embarrassing. I do the exact same thing in parking lots - but you could drop me in the middle of some wilderness and if I kept helathy I would walk out, easily, with a grin on my face. Cement screws me up! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #15735 January 14, 2010 Quotehangdiver said "It is amazing to me that the bank or FBI didn't photograph the money with the bag before it was delivered." My understanding is the doe was photo'ed at the bank with FBI there? The bag now becomes crucial because it relates to the money find. But a million saw this bag, some still living. Its just a matter of asking the right people - - - or remembering to ask after the guy on the other end says: "Hello! Would you like a Big Mac meal today?" The constant assault of advertising throws people off; it was designed to do that just as the BIG MAC shrunk by 50% and the price went up by 200%. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #15736 January 14, 2010 QuoteThe money was transferred to another container inside of the plane - after Cooper expressed concern to Tina about the type of container provided. Multiple containers use for carry on had been left by the passengers and crew who had disembarked. . Jo that is speculation, seems logical, but still speculation ............. needs confirmation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15737 January 14, 2010 G wrote:QuoteI could dropme in the middle of some wilderness and if I kept helathy I would walk out, easily, with a grin on my face. That's very Cooperesque. Georger, were you in Ranger training with Duane? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #15738 January 14, 2010 >I do the exact same thing in parking lots - but you could drop me in the middle of some wilderness and if I kept helathy I would walk out, easily, with a grin on my face. Cement screws me up! I have a very good sense of direction also but after a week of being in a totally different environment finding where I parked is a challenge. If I drew a map on the stub like snowmman and took it with me, I would certainly lose it and have to pay the max amount. I wonder how Jerry would do if dropped in the concrete jungle, everyone has their weak points. "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #15739 January 14, 2010 >That's very Cooperesque. Georger, were you in Ranger training with Duane? My son the Ranger, actually ex-Ranger he's going to college much to my surprise, has a terrible sense of direction. Navigation was his weak point. He was telling me about the cool navigation aids he got to use in Iraq and Afghanistan. If those electronics crashed or couldn't be used those guys were screwed! Does Tillman ring a bell? His stories about nav training and how they cheated are hilarious. "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15740 January 14, 2010 Quote>That's very Cooperesque. Georger, were you in Ranger training with Duane? My son the Ranger, actually ex-Ranger he's going to college much to my surprise, has a terrible sense of direction. Navigation was his weak point. He was telling me about the cool navigation aids he got to use in Iraq and Afghanistan. If those electronics crashed or couldn't be used those guys were screwed! Does Tillman ring a bell? His stories about nav training and how they cheated are hilarious. I think it's right that your kids should always surprise you. If they didn't, they'd be screwing up! What's your son studying in college? What was his take on the whole Ranger experience? good, middling, bad? I'm assuming a little bit just happy to be back ok? (edit) 377: you'll note hangdiver's comments reveal that "cheat to win" is an operational strategy taught by Snowmman Industries to Ranger teams. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #15741 January 14, 2010 >What's your son studying in college? He's taking general ed catching up on the stuff he should have learned in high school before dropping out. He wants to be a writer/journalist. He already has some outlines for some crazy sci-fi stories. 3.6 ave. for a trained killer I think was pretty good for his first semester. >What was his take on the whole Ranger experience? good, middling, bad? I'm assuming a little bit just happy to be back ok? He loved it. They really do some sketchy shit. Most of the stuff he did is classified. He really couldn't give me exact dates or destinations before his deployments but we had a code system set up to communicate. He wanted to be a "subcontractor" after discharge but domestic life put a glitch in that which I'm pleased about. "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15742 January 14, 2010 Quote>That's very Cooperesque. Georger, were you in Ranger training with Duane? My son the Ranger, actually ex-Ranger he's going to college much to my surprise, has a terrible sense of direction. Navigation was his weak point. He was telling me about the cool navigation aids he got to use in Iraq and Afghanistan. If those electronics crashed or couldn't be used those guys were screwed! Does Tillman ring a bell? His stories about nav training and how they cheated are hilarious. I have a friend who was first a Ranger then later a USAF Pararescue Jumper (PJ) with the 129th ARS. He was a crewman on a commercial fishing boat I skippered back in the late 70s. He told me of a handheld GPS they had (very early in the GPS game) that had accelerometers and a flux gate compass so that it could dead reckon when GPS signals were blocked such as inside a building or tunnel. They also had fold down plotting boards for night jump nav. Sounds really clunky (working with maps during canopy descent) but he said it worked OK. He thinks if Cooper opened he landed alive. He did some amazing rescue jumps far out at sea to aid mariners in medical distress. Pretty scary cause if the boat doesnt recover you you are totally screwed. It isnt as easy as it sounds to find and extract a jumper in open ocean conditions. Just getting aboard can be really hard. It is easy to lose track of people in the water with big swells even if they are nearby. I guess they used smoke, flares etc to help the boat keep track of them. Bruce is back on the scene behind the scenes. He isnt doing Cooper science, just plain old investigating. Is anyone doing Cooper science? Is there such a thing? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15743 January 14, 2010 Quote>What's your son studying in college? He's taking general ed catching up on the stuff he should have learned in high school before dropping out. He wants to be a writer/journalist. He already has some outlines for some crazy sci-fi stories. 3.6 ave. for a trained killer I think was pretty good for his first semester. That's pretty cool. Writing and communicating ideas is really powerful and required for most any white collar job (and hey, while lifting things and moving them around is cool...its decidedly uncool once you're an old fart, or if you have to work outside in the winter :) I don't think it's bad playing "catch up"'s like your mind isn't ready for certain things at certain times. I suspect, for instance, he'll come to learn that it's going to be hard making money writing, but hey, it's all part of the path. Life is unpredictable. The kid will have a huge effect on him and how he makes decisions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowmman 3 #15744 January 14, 2010 377: "Is anyone doing Cooper science? Is there such a thing?" Yes, It's on the FBI channel at youtube (they have one). There's a guy Tom Kaye who is leading the science effort. There is an illustrator researching Dan Cooper comic books and there was a metallurgist on TV but I think he got fired for smoking dope on the job. On youtube, there's a video of the science team doing a car drop out of the back of a C-130. I think they were in a humvee. The metallurgist had a huge spliff hanging out of his mouth. Tom Kaye was wearing full paintball face shield and other protective gear, which seems like cheating the car drop. The CSG employees are grumbling about unionizing..saying they don't get paid enough. F*ck 'em, I say. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15745 January 14, 2010 QuoteHe's taking general ed catching up on the stuff he should have learned in high school before dropping out. He wants to be a writer/journalist. He already has some outlines for some crazy sci-fi stories. 3.6 ave. for a trained killer I think was pretty good for his first semester. Nice GPA! Sounds like a smart kid Hangdiver. I am sure you are proud of him. He might want to chat with Bruce who sometimes posts here. He is a real journalist who has done crime stories and other investigative journalism. How is the granddaughter doing? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15746 January 14, 2010 QuoteOn youtube, there's a video of the science team doing a car drop out of the back of a C-130. I think they were in a humvee. The metallurgist had a huge spliff hanging out of his mouth. Tom Kaye was wearing full paintball face shield and other protective gear, which seems like cheating the car drop. Cheat to Win Snow. Cheat to Live. Same thing. That Good Stuff car drop is so damned scary to watch. I can just see getting wedged into something or shredded by something big breaking loose (like a door!). Our CSG "scientists" have been quiet for too long. I dont equite silence with progress. You are in charge. Demand transparency and openness. I dont care if they are working for free, they have a job to do and they need to "get er done." If they can prove upstream propeller snag money transport they deserve a Nobel Prize in forensic science. I know there isnt such a thing but maybe the Nobel committee could create a new category for such an achievment. It's also time for another press event. They'll have to something a bit more interesting than showing old analytic instruments and flycasting with bundles of currency. They have to be careful casting money like that. It could result in hooking a lawyer. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15747 January 14, 2010 QuoteThe kid will have a huge effect on him and how he makes decisions. Got me wondering if Cooper had a kid or two. Most guys of that age did back then. If he did, the chances of him being missed if he died on the jump go up a LOT. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #15748 January 14, 2010 >Bruce is back on the scene behind the scenes. He isnt doing Cooper science, just plain old investigating. Is anyone doing Cooper science? Is there such a thing? Bruce needs to email snow's suspect, get an interview and ask about his take on who Cooper was. As far as Cooper science, first there needs to be facts to do proper science. The "facts" are few and far between. I think if Cooper opened and didn't land in the water he lived. I find it odd that the briefcase, moneybag or rig has not been found. I have this vision of Cooper throwing stuff out the rear steps to see what the slipstream was doing. I also don't put to much confidence in the pressure bump being his exit point. I have a cousin who is a Columbia River pilot. I haven't spoken to him in some time but should ask him on his opinion on Cooper landing in the river and never being found. He could probably also confirm or deny the propeller snag theory. "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #15749 January 14, 2010 QuoteDamn, Duane Weber Was Cooper! (edit) Jo said "and no family member lived in the vicincity of the local sales of that book." Pretty strong point. Could Duane have stolen it from a library? Or maybe he took it when he hijacked Flight 305? Snow: you would NOT find this book in ANY library and it is not the sort of Book Weber would have been interested in. ============================================== Quote I'm thoroughly confused. I thought Tina was on the cover. Did Tina pose for the author of the book? What does the author say inside the book? I NEVER said Tina was on the cover - all I said was there were little sketches in the book and one is of the little girl the author named Tina. There was a photo in the book (not connected to the book or part of the book) of a child who resembles the picture of Tina. The author told me she used the name Tina because she liked the name. ============================================== Quote Jo said "The other book is about the same age, but I do not have a date available. I will be working on it's source tomorrow and that takes me to WA and OR." But if these are Tina's books, what does WA and OR have to do with it??? Do the books have nothing to do with Tina, but still everything to do with Flight 305. Snow I will try to help you understand this: It was "my theory" that maybe these books may have belonged to Tina and she used one of them to entertain Cooper with "due to the words within the book" - or that this book belonged to a family member. These books could still belonged to Tina, but they DEFINITELY do not belong to Weber's family because of the origins and dates. Right now these books are very SPECIFIC to Flight 305 - because of the origins of the books. Since Nov. 24 1971 was a traditional Holiday wk-end - I HAVE ever reason to believe Tina or a passenger carried these book on board. The rumor of relatives regarding one of the passengers making enquiries about some books never returned to them - has been bugging me since that time - yet, I have NEVER been able to find anything regarding this rumor. My research on these books since that time and their total disconnection to Weber or his family and the origins of the books - are cause for me to spend the time to do what the FBI did not do. I have more phone calls to make on the other book. If anyone has a flight manifest and or knows how to contact anyone on the flight or their family please PM me with that information or call me. The passengers I previous contacted 14 yrs ago about the skyjacking were Finegold and Mitchell (the old phone numbers do not belong to them now).Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #15750 January 14, 2010 QuoteI have a cousin who is a Columbia River pilot. I haven't spoken to him in some time but should ask him on his opinion on Cooper landing in the river and never being found. He could probably also confirm or deny the propeller snag theory. I posted an article (PDF scanned pages) on here a while back written by (or about?) a Columbia River pilot. It wasnt about Cooper but it had useful info about currents, bank suction effects etc. It was in one of the trade rags I get about commercial marine stuff. Wonder if your cousin knows the pilot mentioned? I think the Columbia Bar and River pilots are different groups. I have crossed the bar at Astoria many times when I was active in commercial fishing. There used to be a lot of fish canneries in that town. It can be very scary crossing that bar in iffy conditions in a heavily loaded fishing boat that cant exceed 8 knots. Bruce is trying what you suggested among other things. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites