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Note Ckret said
"type used had blades to break up the sediment into small pieces."

whenever people use words like "small" and think that conveys information that you can transfer to other materials, you know they're not very diligent.

What is "small" anyhow?

If the blades are chewing hard clay, how big are the chunks?
What about flexible paper bundles?
I posted the picture of the probable blades.
If you remember, they are probably nothing like what you expect.

I bet Ckret didn't have a clue what the blades looked like. Maybe he pictured a kitchen garbage disposal?

If you're dredging the Columbia...dollar bills are small.
Think about all the sticks and rocks they probably run into!

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I picture an FBI dredge report saying

"rocks and sticks were found on the beach. They could not have come from the dredge."

"Bubble gum wrappers were found. These may have come from the dredge, since it can pass bubble gum wrappers, with some damage"

What happens to any trash the dredge runs into? Is the theory it's all ground up into smaller than dollar bill chunks...all of it? Why would they do that with a 30" pipe?

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ckret's statements on why "no dredge" were pretty weakly founded (I pressed him a lot on this)

My perception is slightly different. Dismissing Ckret's apparent firmness about certain things, I think he was (and still is) searching as much as we are. In fact, I think that is 50% of the reason he came here to begin with. To learn from us, throwing out what he felt or read the facts were, as best he knew !

This is a new case for Ckret. He does not have
a long background in it.

Ckret always said he was open to new facts, but
required "proof". Behind the scenes he said this
even more strongly.

I think we have given him one fact: the money did not arrive in 78-79 unless there is something big
I am missing.

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georger said "Tom Kaye says the money find location is far away from any dredge deposit. Tom Kaye bases his measurements on measurements the dredge people originally provided, and on Ingram's memory. "

We have the FBI marked photos (circles) that are probably good for showing where the money was found. The sand outlines show where the dredge spoils probably went.

The thing I posted from Ckret said front loaders spread the sand.

The distance in the photos is reasonable for a front loader to move sand. They wanted to cover the beach.

What's the question here? Tom Kaye is just nuts. Does he even know about the front loaders? Ckret posted about them.
His exact statement is here:

The river in the area where the money was located had been dredged August 19 through the 25th, 1974. The dredge material was deposited on the banks of the Fazio Brothers farms and spread by front loaders.

Ckret never acknowledged that I knew more about where else dredge spoils from the Columbia, in that area, went that summer. And there's nothing to say what side would favor the money. So talking sides doesn't matter.

Tom Kaye never seemed like a big historical researcher to me.

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I just had two duh! thoughts (which we've discussed before. People reject things at different times though, for no good reason)

1) Tom Kaye saying the money find was far away from dredging. Palmer says the dredge spoils clay layers were right there. And Ckret uses that as part of his argument. So: the dredging was where the money was found. Tom Kaye is wrong.

2) The sand was spread.
So of course there would be disturbed sand (the apparent money layer) above the non-disturbed layer. Due to the frontloader action.

It's not about dredging. It's about dredging plus frontloader.

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In this moment I believe we have now passed the idea the money came in 1978,79,80.

The total morphology of the money find (bundles +
frags + conditions revealed) select against a monolithic late deposition 1978-1980. The money
arrived earlier by some means unless there is contravening evidence.

This is progress!


Georger is simply trumping up Cooks book and you guys are eating right out of his hand. Don't you know these 2 guys talk all of the time.

Georger KNOWS what the Palmer report said or did the FBI loose it...like they lost the cigarrette butts!

One cannot be an expert in all fields. Palmer was trained to do the job he did - and he had first hand knowledge of the money and the ground yet, a bunch of guys can get on the computer and try to change an official report. Reports can err, but there is ONE thing for certain - the money found in the COLUMBIA was protected or stored for most of those 8 yrs.

The money and rubber bands could not have been directly in contact with the water and ground for more than one yr.
Rather than this constant controversary - why don't one of you contact the FBI and ASK for the Palmer Report to made PUBLIC?
Then you could argue this subject intelligently rather than continue to repeat yourselves.

ASK yourselves WHY the PALMER REPORT has never been made public? THINK!

Public knowledge of the PALMER REPORT and its contents if revealed to anyone person outside of the FBI without it becoming a part of the FIOA is MISCARRIAGE of JUSTICE and subjects the party releasing the information to anyone unauthorized person - due cause for dismissal from his or her position.

Georger is talking like he has READ the Palmer Report. Then it has to be made available to ALL to read - NO interpretation can be made of the report without its availability.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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georger: you made a comment about lots of people dating the rubber bands.

They have to make some assumption about water, oxygen, microbes, UV, ozone, to date the rubber bands.

I'm assuming if the rubber bands are 30 feet down in the Columbia, buried in sand, that it's difficult or impossible to date them.

Under what scenario can someone date rubber bands? It can't be that all environments result in equal dates.

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The Palmer report is a don't care.
It doesn't matter what it says.
The photos we have are sufficient to demonstrate Palmer's impressions.

What more could the Palmer report say? We're not going to refute his statements about the clay layer.

Unless there's more info in there we've not seen, it's just not interesting. What am I missing?

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she says "Then you could argue this subject intelligently rather than continue to repeat yourselves."

Irony is a situation, literary technique, or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity, discordance, or unintended connection with truth, that goes strikingly beyond the most simple and evident meaning of words or actions.

In fictional dramatic irony, the artist causes a character, acting as a mouthpiece, to speak or act in a way which is intentionally contary to the truth; this again is a method of highlighting the literal facts by giving the example of a fictional persona who is strikingly ignorant of them.

Almost all irony involves commentary which heightens the tension naturally involved in regarding the state and fate of a person (in the present, or the past) who badly needs to know a given fact which they could easily know, but which they do not.

As part of his philosophical method, inspired by Socrates and the Socratic dialogues, Kierkegaard's early work was written under various pseudonymous characters who present their own distinctive viewpoints and interact with each other in complex dialogue.

He assigns pseudonyms to explore particular viewpoints in-depth, which may take up several books in some instances, and Kierkegaard, or another pseudonym, critiques that position.

Thus, the task of discovering the meaning of his works is left to the reader, because "the task must be made difficult, for only the difficult inspires the noble-hearted".

Subsequently, scholars have interpreted Kierkegaard variously as, among others, an existentialist, neo-orthodoxist, postmodernist, humanist, and individualist.

I hereby retract this post. It was a necessary deception in order, if possible, to deceive men into the CSG, which has continually been my task all along. Maieutically it certainly has had its influence. Yet I do not need to retract it, for I have never claimed to be its author.

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georger said "What Palmer may have failed to account for was the amount of erosion which had occurred at this site
between 74-80. Whatever dredge sand had been in place in Dec 74 might very well have been mostly gone by 1980. The clay layer Palmer took to be
the dredge deposit layer might very well have been the natural river bottom clay layer itself! He didnt do lab testing to test his hypothesis. Because, whether the money was in the dredge sand layer or a pre-dredge sand layer and if the bulk of the dredge sand layer has been washed away by erosion/flood (as the 1980 photo shows compared to the 1974 photo) then all that can be left is a pre-1974 sand layer and below it "clay", ie. the natural river bottom
which undergirds all of Tina Bar ... that is the clay
Palmer thought was the dredge layer! (If most of the
dredge layer is gone by erosion then there is no "dredge layer" to find!)."

That all makes sense.
To add to it, I have a hard time believing that a single dredging operation produces a single coherent layer. I would think a dredging operation produces more than one distinguishable layer. Because the river bottom can't be that uniform? It's got to vary as you go deeper? I dig in dirt and see layers.

In any case, the erosion/deposit issues probably are more important.
Although, the comments I provided about not being allowed to replenish the beaches in later years, may say that there isn't as much deposit as you would think at the beach (although there must have been deposit at some time...the beaches weren't man-made to start with..)

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georger said "My guess is: if Himmelsbach (and others) are correct
and frags were found at 3 feet, then the money almost unquestionably arrived in 71-72 to finally be
exposed by 1980. If frags were not found at 3 feet
then deposit time may be something closer to 1977
but no later. "

We've seen pictures of the large screen they used. I think there was also a smaller screen. It would be interesting to know if any of the found fragments came as a result of the screening.

The most intriguing description, I thought, was that FBI agent saying he found something like a balled up wad.

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Has someone has been snooping around Oregon and Washington? Could a young man who picked fruit in the area have been Cooper....no one remembers his name - could have been Dusty or Buster - it was too far back and no employment records...this was around the mid 40's - just a scrawny kid back then...took most jobs offered him..and he managed to get some forestry training and work on the pipeline. Did a lot of climbing around the ridges and caves when he wasn't working. Stayed around about 2 yrs and then one day he was just up and gone.

They figured he went back to wherever he came from. Seems he got a girl pregnant and she left the area. Next time anyone hears she is in the East... and he is in jail. It was so long ago and back in the mid fourties pickers and CPS and misfits came and went - not many paid them much mind no one left to remember them.,,those that do just don't remember cause the youngest one is 89 yrs old and most all of them are dead...

A road way bar in Dollar Corner remembered this guy would sing up a storm for his drinks and he alway hung around some rangers and jumpers whenever they paid a visit....
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The article I posted that named Schreuder as the agent "in charge" of the beach search, and making the "3 feet down" comment, spelled his first name wrong.

Using the sophisticated secret CSG databases, the correct spelling is
Dorwin Schreuder. (all govt agents for all countries are in CSG databases, past and present)

You can see a number of things he was involved in back then (80s) here

Interestingly, he was one of the 3 agents who negotiated with the attempted hijacker Tripp (the guy who tried twice). They shot him the 2nd time.


Oddly, Tripp said he wanted to go to Afghanistan. Tripp was one of 17 children.

In any case, Dorwin Schreuder appears to be alive.

Maybe Bruce can interview him about the beach search?

Dorwin L. Schreuder was originally from Montana. Looks like he's 67 years old.
Looks like he's returned there, and there's a listed phone number for him. (Bozeman)

BRUCE: This would be a most excellent interview...another FBI guy on the money search..but this guy seems more connected to the overall thing than the last guy!

He was an FBI negotiator..so watch out!

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In this moment I believe we have now passed the idea the money came in 1978,79,80.

The total morphology of the money find (bundles +
frags + conditions revealed) select against a monolithic late deposition 1978-1980. The money
arrived earlier by some means unless there is contravening evidence.

This is progress!


Georger is simply trumping up Cooks book and you guys are eating right out of his hand. Don't you know these 2 guys talk all of the time.

Georger KNOWS what the Palmer report said or did the FBI loose it...like they lost the cigarrette butts!

One cannot be an expert in all fields. Palmer was trained to do the job he did - and he had first hand knowledge of the money and the ground yet, a bunch of guys can get on the computer and try to change an official report. Reports can err, but there is ONE thing for certain - the money found in the COLUMBIA was protected or stored for most of those 8 yrs.

The money and rubber bands could not have been directly in contact with the water and ground for more than one yr.
Rather than this constant controversary - why don't one of you contact the FBI and ASK for the Palmer Report to made PUBLIC?
Then you could argue this subject intelligently rather than continue to repeat yourselves.

ASK yourselves WHY the PALMER REPORT has never been made public? THINK!

Public knowledge of the PALMER REPORT and its contents if revealed to anyone person outside of the FBI without it becoming a part of the FIOA is MISCARRIAGE of JUSTICE and subjects the party releasing the information to anyone unauthorized person - due cause for dismissal from his or her position.

Georger is talking like he has READ the Palmer Report. Then it has to be made available to ALL to read - NO interpretation can be made of the report without its availability.

Ive had enough of your bullshit and have deleted
my/ the whole post.

Satisfied now?

You trully are a spoiler!

Once again the thread has been ground to a hault by the infamous JO WEBER and unless we vacate
this place in favour of someplace you cant go, we
wont even be able to speak our minds here -

Just think of all the good things you are going to be missing now, Jo.

You just fucked yourself!

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In this moment I believe we have now passed the idea the money came in 1978,79,80.

The total morphology of the money find (bundles +
frags + conditions revealed) select against a monolithic late deposition 1978-1980. The money
arrived earlier by some means unless there is contravening evidence.

This is progress!


Georger is simply trumping up Cooks book and you guys are eating right out of his hand. Don't you know these 2 guys talk all of the time. (edited to remove a bunch more rubbish).

Ive had enough of your bullshit and have deleted
my/ the whole post.

Satisfied now?

You trully are a spoiler!

Once again the thread has been ground to a hault by the infamous JO WEBER and unless we vacate
this place in favour of someplace you cant go, we
wont even be able to speak our minds here -

Just think of all the good things you are going to be missing now, Jo.

You just fucked yourself!

georger, please, just ignore those posts.. she's trying to goad you, and she's succeeding. don't read what she says, keep on posting ... she is the only person here who believes what she says, whether about duane or whether about you being a plant (tho whether you are a plant of the FBI, CIA or Cook she seems to get a bit confused)
calm down, take a big breath, & don't read posts that certain posters post!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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georger said "What Palmer may have failed to account for was the amount of erosion which had occurred at this site
between 74-80. Whatever dredge sand had been in place in Dec 74 might very well have been mostly gone by 1980. The clay layer Palmer took to be
the dredge deposit layer might very well have been the natural river bottom clay layer itself! He didnt do lab testing to test his hypothesis. Because, whether the money was in the dredge sand layer or a pre-dredge sand layer and if the bulk of the dredge sand layer has been washed away by erosion/flood (as the 1980 photo shows compared to the 1974 photo) then all that can be left is a pre-1974 sand layer and below it "clay", ie. the natural river bottom
which undergirds all of Tina Bar ... that is the clay
Palmer thought was the dredge layer! (If most of the
dredge layer is gone by erosion then there is no "dredge layer" to find!)."

That all makes sense.
To add to it, I have a hard time believing that a single dredging operation produces a single coherent layer. I would think a dredging operation produces more than one distinguishable layer. Because the river bottom can't be that uniform? It's got to vary as you go deeper? I dig in dirt and see layers.

In any case, the erosion/deposit issues probably are more important.
Although, the comments I provided about not being allowed to replenish the beaches in later years, may say that there isn't as much deposit as you would think at the beach (although there must have been deposit at some time...the beaches weren't man-made to start with..)

If rivers in my State are any example, river flow tends to strip beaches of sand then deposit it near
bends and in slow areas (called sand bars) vrs. an
ocean front which brings sand up on to the beach
actually creating beach front before wave action
moves the same sand back out ...

Its a difference in current flow and direction
depending on the size of the river. The Mississippi
here is more like a flowing lake except in times of flood - I would assume the Columbia is a smaller
example but with faster overall current due to steeper drop ...

We have few reclamation projects in this State designed to replace beach sand. Instead what we
have are eroded river shorelines - pure mud and
Pleistocene dirt with tree roots hanging over the
eroded embankments everywhere. And large beautiful sand bars at the outside bends of rivers
where wildlife and humans have collected historically...

I have to assume the same principle applies in WA.

The rolled up ball of bills is interesting. I will look into that but for the moment Im going to assume that 'wad' was found closer to the shoreline. Palmer found nothing like that in his trench so far as I know - just fragments. Every time I go back to this subject
I laugh a little because it was Himmelsbach who stated in his book: "fragments at 3 feet". So it is
H himself who supported the idea of a fragment field and never denied it in any manner.

It may be the 'wad' or 'ball' was where the notion
of "rolling" got started, then that notion transferred to the whole money find as a kind of physical and
historical explanation, since a larger explanation is missing...

The "ball" probably speaks to a process that ocurred prior to the money field being buried on the bar, or
during the burial process (perhaps with things being moved around by an end loader?). How would one group of bills wind up in a ball (mechanicaly) while the rest remain as open broken fragments plus a small 3 bundle stacked-cemented wad? Whatever the process it miust account for all three conditions including 'frags at three feet' (Himmeslbach was not making that up!).

Lastly, lets keep in mind each bundle represented a different amount of bills. No two bundles were identical (we are told) in dollar value. The bundling occurred after the bills were recorded by guys grabing wadsof cash then banding them into bundles, and each bundle depending on size
had two or more rubber bands placed around each
bundle. It was quick operation ... the plane was waiting ... Al Lee was complaing, Scott was asking, Cooper began to kvetch .... and Jo Weber was
sleeping in her bed sawing FBI agents zzzzzzzzz.

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georger, please, just ignore those posts.. she's trying to goad you, and she's succeeding. don't read what she says, keep on posting ... she is the only person here who believes what she says, whether about duane or whether about you being a plant (tho whether you are a plant of the FBI, CIA or Cook she seems to get a bit confused)
calm down, take a big breath, & don't read posts that certain posters post!

I didnt mind deleting the post - wasnt much in it that cant be repeated at a moment's notice when
needed ...

Jo's account of Duane throwing a bag of money
into the Columbia during their trip now conflicts
directly with the money find. Jo is upset. She
sees the contradiction between her account and
the facts recently revealed ... and there will be
more coming.

Jo is just pissed her deceptions didnt stand the
test of time and 'scrutiny'.

Jo has been welcomed into the real world.

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georger said "How would one group of bills wind up in a ball (mechanicaly) while the rest remain as open broken fragments plus a small 3 bundle stacked-cemented wad? Whatever the process it miust account for all three conditions including 'frags at three feet' (Himmeslbach was not making that up!)."

Yes good point.

It's amazing to me, how this information (which we still don't have a complete view of, yet), changes everything about how people perceive the possibilities.

I mean, on the one hand, the FBI acts like people are nuts with theories about "planting the money"...but all people heard are these "3 bundles, with rubber bands, tightly stacked together" stories...I mean it feeds that kind of thinking naturally.

Note that some money had no rubber bands!

I'm thinking that the fragments couldn't have been from the 3 bundles. We've discussed that.

So I think the find is "3 bundles stuck together with aged rubber bands...plus other pieces not related to the 3 bundles, with no rubber bands, dispersed how far? fragments (of what range of sizes?) and maybe a balled up wad".

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georger said "Jo is upset. She sees the contradiction between her account and the facts recently revealed ... and there will be more coming."

We've moved from random books, to Duane the young pipeline worker, hanging with rangers and jumpers, banging girls and singing songs and getting drinks for free.

You get a shiver in the dark and wet
It's been raining at the airport but meantime
North of the river you stop and you hold everything
Rataczak is flying 305 at double four time
You feel all right when you hear that intercom ring

You step outside but you don't see too many faces
Going out in the rain to see Cooper come down
Too much competition, too many other places
But not too many jumpers can make that exit sound
Way on down south, way on down south, Portland town

You check out Himmelsbach he knows all the shit
Mind he's strictly old school he doesn't make it cry or sing
An old fork tail is all he can afford
When he gets up to play his thing

And Florence doesn't mind if she doesn't make the scene
She's got a stewardess job she's doing alright
She can play honky tonk just like anything
Saving it up for Wednesday night
With the hijackers of the thing

And a crowd of young boys they're fooling around at the DZ
Drunk and dressed in their best white baggies and their french boot soles
They don't give a damn about any jet jumping band
It ain't what they call rock and roll
And the FBI played Creole

And then the man he steps right up to the intercom
And says at last just as the time bell rings
'Thank you, good night, now it's time to go home'
and he makes it fast with one more thing
'Duane was Cooper'

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I didnt mind deleting the post - wasnt much in it that cant be repeated at a moment's notice when
needed ...

Jo's account of Duane throwing a bag of money
into the Columbia during their trip now conflicts directly with the money find. Jo is upset. She
sees the contradiction between her account and the facts recently revealed ... and there will be more coming.

Jo is just pissed her deceptions didnt stand the test of time and 'scrutiny'.

Jo has been welcomed into the real world.

:) provide your credentials stating you are qualified to refute the Palmer report - or file the necessary papers to make that Report PUBLIC. You supposedly have the power to do so.

As long as EVERYONE agrees with YOU - you are fine - WHY would you get upset when a simple unqualified woman disagrees with your statement? If I were you and IF I knew I was qualified to make such an analysis - what some simple old woman said wouldn't mean anything.

By the way - the mention of money at three feet. You had best talk to Himmelsbach yourself. He was not happy with some of the things the writer used as they were inaccurate.
Anyone who has someone writing a book for them can expect these kind of things and Himmelsbach stated several times about some the facts not being accurate - this was in 1996 when I first read the book after he sent it to me.

Many people over the yrs have been quoted and the press taking what they said out of context - and not in a sequence which would make one understand the statement they may or may not have made. Writers do this ALL of the time.

:)The story I told about our trip and how the money may have gotten into the river IS the ONLY thing so far that could put the money find on Tena's bar and the Palmer report indicates the money was protected from the elements for a period of time. This has been reported in various articles since the 1980 find.

If you will notice I had not been actively posting - and then ALL I have to do is open my mouth and state anything that conflicts and who "looses it"? None other than Georger - and those of you have the ability to think this out for themselves - have to ask yourself WHY? Just because I have different opinion and ask for verification of credentials, WHY is that reason for Georger to get his shorts in a Bunch?

Continue on and remember I made no contribution to the "teckie" stuff because I am NOT qualified. I stated only what I have stated for 14 yrs and ask about the qualifications of an individual who "seems" to have the knowledge, yet he admittedly does NOT live in WA and other times he seems to indicated he does.

Even Kaye stepped away from making futher reports about he money. Was this because he realized he did not have all of the infomation or was the Palmer Report made available to him after the fact - causing him to rethink his findings on the money? Tom Kaye is an expert about OLD things - things much older than the money and he did NOT know the history of that river...the way Palmer did. Or did Kaye find something that supported the Palmer report - and maybe he was orderd not to reveal it. Maybe he is working with one of the book writers for it to be revealed with the Cooper Story?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This is a slightly interesting article from 2/14/80 after the money find...

Jack Pringle, who was in charge of the Seattle FBI office, makes some odd comments .."It's all from one bundle" and that Cooper had been given "several bundles of money"...but I don't think that really means anything.

He repeats the statement about additional fragments found.

Pringle played down the fragments, because it sounds like he wanted to see more bundles.

That's interesting, because he's in the Seattle FBI office.
So that means, the Portland office must have called the Seattle office and told them about fragments.

Jo has tried to say there were misquotes by newspaper people. (Jo apparently knows because of her nefarious relationship with Himmelsbach. Jerry Thomas has a similar nefarious relationship. Maybe Himmelsbach goes both ways?)

I'm not sure how a Seattle FBI guy gets quoted about fragments in Portland, unless Portland FBI talked to Seattle FBI.

And this is the head guy in Seattle. Not some flunky.

He also talks about the FBI regrouping to Seattle to decide what to do next. Also mentions that the agents "combed" several thousand yards of the beach. I don't know what that means, whether it's volumes of sand (cubic yards) or they walked a couple thousand yards looking for stuff (probably can't walk that far, so maybe an estimate of what they dug?)

(edit) it's also possible that the Seattle office decided all the fragments were from the 3 bundles? I'm not sure how they could have decided that. Maybe that was part of the bad information starting?

(edit) The idea that Portland FBI agents didn't get all their info to Seattle, might make sense why some details of the dig were lost?


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I just found this choice tidbit


""We are looking at everything," said Carol Abraczinskas, a scientific illustrator who teaches at the University of Chicago Midway. She didn't know much about Cooper but became fascinated after hearing Kaye talk about the case during a break at a convention."

Maybe Tom is more of a player than we realized?

There's also a weird statement in there, that a Frisbee was in play when the money was found:

"an Arkansas man who discovered $5,800 of the loot in $20 bills while throwing a Frisbee on the banks of the Columbia River when he was 8 years old."

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By the way - the mention of money at three feet. You had best talk to Himmelsbach yourself. He was not happy with some of the things the writer used as they were inaccurate.
Anyone who has someone writing a book for them can expect these kind of things and Himmelsbach stated several times about some the facts not being accurate - this was in 1996 when I first read the book after he sent it to me.

For the simple woman:

"Special Agent Dorwyn Schreuder, in charge of the beach search, said some fragments were found
as deep as three feet below the surface."
ERG 2-13-80.
Codeword: NORJAK NA-330-5756836325B - NB

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By the way - the mention of money at three feet. You had best talk to Himmelsbach yourself. He was not happy with some of the things the writer used as they were inaccurate.
Anyone who has someone writing a book for them can expect these kind of things and Himmelsbach stated several times about some the facts not being accurate - this was in 1996 when I first read the book after he sent it to me.

For the simple woman:

"Special Agent Dorwyn Schreuder, in charge of the beach search, said some fragments were found
as deep as three feet below the surface."
ERG 2-13-80.
Codeword: NORJAK NA-330-5756836325B - NB

Georger: you didn't submit an expense report for the last month.
please expedite. Also: still need projected expenses for this year's budget, including the "special project" with the writer.

also, I wasn't kidding: the correct spelling is Dorwin Schreuder. That newswriter got it wrong. You can see from all the relevant hits on Dorwin in the '80s FBI Portland office, that Dorwin is correct.

(edit) I'm actually wondering about Dorwin's role, since he was cited as "spokesman" so much in the '80s. But he was a FBI negotiator on the Tripp thing. So maybe they mix field work and spokesman work or he transitioned into that?

(edit) It's interesting how much Jo depends on her Himmelsbach connection. Just like Jerry Thomas. It's like Himmelsbach cultivated these kind of people. (Ckret doing the same thing with Tom Kaye?)

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