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snowmman 3
I know that if you and Galen Cook agree on something, that's basically rock solid truth.
But I did uncover all the records you are looking for and I destroyed them.
Duane was Cooper. Why won't you accept that?
Also: You can count on me to tell your story for you. No need to twist and turn. I have it all down.
georger 247
When Duane and I left Portland we went to Tahoe and he pointed up a road into the hills (I NOW know these were mountains) and told me he used to live up there and mentioned an address with a number in it - Like Eighteen mile road or Seventeen Mile Road as a place "we" used to live. I just assumed it was with a prior wife - and assumed Edna since it would have been in Ca. around the time a child would have been born named of Zona. I was told that Edna had lots of brothers and they were - I do not remember other than I got the impression of Mormon or Mennoite. Now I know that was a CPS camp and that is where CO's stayed.
So Duane was in some mountains but did not know he was in mountains at thetime, at some Mormon or Menonite jumper training camp at around the time of Zona with Edna too, a Mormon or Menonite CPS camp where CO's stayed....
Did they drink Kool Aid and twist and shout, or did they do the hoky-poky too? Ive never known a Menonite to hoky-poky! A few bank robberies and
such but never hoky-poky!
If the CO's stayed there was Duane a CO too?
Were CO's allowed to hoky-poky!?
How can you be in mountains and not know you
are in mountains? Was Duane blind folded
or was it just too much hoky-poky and Kool Aid?
At what medical centre was he treated?
Let's all do the hoky-poky and twsist and shout!

Georger, you are a real jerk - in fact I can think of some other things to call you, but I will be polite. [/crazy]
I ask for help about something that could bring this to an end for me and what do I get? How are you going to feel when this ALL comes out and it will come out? How will you explain your cruel actions and responses - do you think what you say on this forum will just vanish forever - do you not think that someone is not making hard copies of your posts every time you post?
Is this how you want to be remembered?
georger 247
QuoteGeorger, you are a real jerk - in fact I can think of some other things to call you, but I will be polite.
I ask for help about something that could bring this to an end for me and what do I get? How are you going to feel when this ALL comes out and it will come out? How will you explain your cruel actions and responses - do you think what you say on this forum will just vanish forever - do you not think that someone is not making hard copies of your posts every time you post?
Is this how you want to be remembered?
But you said clear as day:
When Duane and I left Portland we went to Tahoe and he pointed up a road into the hills (I NOW know these were mountains) and told me he used to live up there and mentioned an address with a number in it ..."
The question still stands. How do you live in mountains and not know you are in mountains?
At the very least, you would know you were NOT
in a corn field, or under water, especially for a sophisticated cat like Duane 'DB Cooper' Weber!
I have one more clue for you!
Zona. That's a religious name. You said she had brothers who were Menonites or Mormons. Was Zona
Serbian OR was she a member of the Moronites or
Zonaite order? Zona is a religious name (thats a fact), like Gabriel or Esther, or Sarah, or Isaac ...
The Angel "Zona"was the one who delivered the
covenant to the Zonaites ... Moroni did the same
for the Mormons ... Abraham for the Israelites, etc.
In the New World the centre of this activity is in Utah
according to those scriptures.
So, is it possible not only was Duane in mountains
but did not know he was in mountains, and was in Utah and not some other State? If Duane had been captured by a cult ad taught to sky dive in order to pull off the Cooper hijacking ... do you see how this
all comes together?
McCoy fell under the same influence and you know what happened to him!
I sense destiny working in all of this.
I hate to say this but it sounds as if Duane was
under some powerful influence at the time - that
would account for not knowing where you are (for
weeks at a time)?
woooooooops! Wait a minute. Zona was the child, not the wife. I misread what you said. Forget everything I have just said. I am a jerk! I apologise.
You know how we scientists are ... myopic ...
... why would they name the kid Zona? Maybe everything Ive said does make sense.
Please let us know...
377 22
snowmman 3
In any history of art, then, the Magdalenian system must occupy a place of importance. Alas, of all the forms of art practised on the planet, it is the one about which we know the least.
I can only hope, that someone reads my cave paintings in 20,000 years.
I can picture the Professor....'Eureka! I have figured it called "Snowmman" says "Duane Was Cooper"...and apparently the Earth was ruled by an entity called Snowmman Industries, with all communication being done thru machines whose purpose and operation were unknown, apparently deposited on earth by Alien beings'
Jo: I found a credible witness that ties the UFO aspect of this in.
Mike Wallace interviewed him in 1958. I think he knew Duane Weber.
Did Duane ever mention Major Donald Keyhoe?
georger 247
QuoteCave or rock art consists of engraved or painted works on open air rocks or on the floors, walls and ceilings of caves, some of them in deep and almost inaccessible crannies. They were created during the Upper Palaeolithic period (40,000 to 10,000 BC), and the best were done by what we call the Magdalenians (from the name of a site), peoples who flourished in Europe from 18,000 to 10,000 BC. Such works have a unity, and can be described as the Magdalenian art system, the first in human history. it was also the longest, lasting for more than two thirds of the total time when humans have produced art.
In any history of art, then, the Magdalenian system must occupy a place of importance. Alas, of all the forms of art practised on the planet, it is the one about which we know the least.
I can only hope, that someone reads my cave paintings in 20,000 years.
I can picture the Professor....'Eureka! I have figured it called "Snowmman" says "Duane Was Cooper"...and apparently the Earth was ruled by an entity called Snowmman Industries, with all communication being done thru machines whose purpose and operation were unknown, apparently deposited on earth by Alien beings'
Jo: I found a credible witness that ties the UFO aspect of this in.
Mike Wallace interviewed him in 1958. I think he knew Duane Weber.
Did Duane ever mention Major Donald Keyhoe?
include Project Bluebook.
377 22
I am breadboarding my dead guy receiver. Having a lot of intermod and dynamic range problems. Wish I knew how to tune for particular deceased people. If I could hear Duane and Cooper simultaneously on different frequencies I could prove to Jo that they aren't the same person. Would that convince her?
Duane hid out in a cave while the initial Cooper search was going on. Someday his "paintings" (done with the flares that he passed off as dynamite) will be discovered.
Maybe Jerry found them. That might explain his reluctance to post here lately.
QuoteHere is a Zona who writes about trouble in the air.
Strange you would send me that because there was a name attached to it from out of the past "Rapoport". Not my past but the past of Duane L. Weber.
A man he used to work for - strange I picked up on that instead of the Zona.
The things you guys are doing are cruel and senseless. YOU are going beyond a joke of light heartness. What's wrong? Are you loosing the battle? I think everyone of you know that I am up to something lately, but you haven't figured it out just yet. None of you will till it flies right at you and you won't see it coming.
Georger knows very well what the area is I was discussing. Around Lake Tahoe it was just HILLS to me an old Kentucky girl. I did not know those hills went on up into Mountains. Duane knew what was up there and it would be only in recent yrs that I understood what was up that road. The very things that Duane told me about and the very place he showed me pictures of at another time. The very place a family member claimed he was sent to help him with his problem of discipline.
377 22
QuoteThe things you guys are doing are cruel and senseless. YOU are going beyond a joke of light heartness
It's just teasing Jo. You tease. We tease.
Show proof that Duane was a parachutist and my teasing will come to a grinding halt.
Don't play the hurt feelings card when you can stop the behavior that offends you.
I'll make it even easier. Just admit that you have no evidence whatsoever that Duane received parachute training, that you made an unsupported claim and I'll stop the mocking humor.
Otherwise lighten up. Grin and bear it. Etc.
Farflung 0
Would I be a person who let a bias enter my recall of an individual? No way. Let me give you an example; I once dated a woman who looked exactly like Raquel Welch (start drawing), only a little shorter. According to internet sources Raquel is 5' 6" which would place my former acquaintance at some altitude below that, perhaps 5' 3" to as much as 5' 4 or 4.5" at most, no more than that (how's the sketch?). Her eyes were brown (just like Raquel's) and her hair was just a little darker. That should be more than enough detail for a neck up rendering anyway....if you know what I mean (insert self aggrandizing chuckle).
Attached are some examples of composites next to their subjects. Perhaps it is in the eye of the beholder but I would not consider these composites a great aid in identifying a person. Except for my mini Raquel.
b1jercat 0
Jo for what it's worth, I think the money went into the columbia in 1971. I leaned this from my first reserve ride.
snowmman 3
Luckily she's managed to keep her wits about her and keep supplying information that will help bring the hidden facts to the public.
She's doing this all for free, also. And the FBI lied to her at one time.
QuoteWhen Duane and I left Portland we went to Tahoe and he pointed up a road into the hills (I NOW know these were mountains) and told me he used to live up there and mentioned an address with a number in it - Like Eighteen mile road or Seventeen Mile Road as a place "we" used to live.
That would be:
7 Mile Canyon Rd, Sparks, NV 89434
Web Page
377 22
Duane saw the handwriting on the wall and started hanging out with Biggie and Tupac. He knew the Rat Pack was yesterday as far as commercial potential goes.
To be part of a star rappers "posse" you have to have "street cred". Fastest way to get it is to pull a bold felony. Norjack beat the hell out of sticking up a 7-11.
Duane was an old white guy, but nobody's fool. Frank, Dean and Sammy knew he did Norjack. So did Tupac and Biggie. It was very cool to be seen with Duane in Vegas. Wayne Newton tried to befriend him but Duane wisely brushed him off.
377 22
QuoteExcept for my mini Raquel.
And why did you let her go?
It's bad form not to at least introduce a hot ex to another jumper.
Is it like that with pilots?
QuoteQuoteWhen Duane and I left Portland we went to Tahoe and he pointed up a road into the hills (I NOW know these were mountains) and told me he used to live up there and mentioned an address with a number in it - Like Eighteen mile road or Seventeen Mile Road as a place "we" used to live.
That would be:
7 Mile Canyon Rd, Sparks, NV 89434
Found it on a map several months agao on line. I did not have a map for Ca. and the site would not let me print it. It had the word House in it.
There are other things and and now the FBI says - "you have to put him on the plane". What do they expect of me - WHAT do they expect of me! This is not right!
I can't go on - I can't do this by myself anymore. I also know how Duane knew the area so well (new info) - OR, WA, ID - now I know - proving it is another thing. I can't fight the government anymore - I am too tired - too exhausted and too old. The last 24 hours has been exhausting. The SS wants 1/3 of my SS check and I have spent the last 2 wks 12 hrs a day fighting them - NO answers - this government - the FBI, the SS and the IRS - they just want to kill us old people off with their letters - the stess alone is enough to cause us to have heart attacks and strokes. It is shortening the life of us who are already fighting for time. They take the joy out of life when we need all the joy we can hold on to.
I am on the forum tonight because I needed to get away from arguing with the SS and IRS.
They wouldn't tell me what it was last yr and this yr they want more and still can't tell me where it is - like the did last a yr. - a wavier, then they never send you any details. Then they sent another letter wanting more money. I have checked the tax reports except for one yr. and a CPA has looked at them - now I have to wait 45 to 60 day for the SS to NOT send another letter - which never comes. Explanation of income. There was only one yr out of the last yr I do not understand and it is 3 large manila envelopes - Capital gains and losses the yr he didn't have medicare and he had private insurance and they refused to pay for much of the cancer treatement. WAY over my head.
I need a hug.
In 1996 when I told the FBI about all of this - I had NO idea how long they thought the money had been in the Columbia...and no mention of this fact was ever stated publically by the FBI when I contacted them in 1996.
I appreciate Cook stating that I insisted the money went into the Columbia in 1979 and that the FBI agreed with that. I do take comfort in this even though you guys think I have lost it.
If someone - anyone could find the relatives of Leo Harder, Carl Unruh and Fleckinger - and more about La Camino and Snowline - this would help me to put this behind me. I know what Duane told me and showed me...and I know what the sister and brother of Duane told me about his being sent to a special camp to help straighten him out. I have told the FBI this for yrs and then when Snowmman posted it in the forum - I went back to it again and again and again. I was first told about the camp in 1998 by a friend of mine - he died in 2006. His wife remembers his assisting me on this as I remained friends with the two of them even after I remarried and moved. This friend found it because of my relating a story Duane told me in Tahoe.
When Duane and I left Portland we went to Tahoe and he pointed up a road into the hills (I NOW know these were mountains) and told me he used to live up there and mentioned an address with a number in it - Like Eighteen mile road or Seventeen Mile Road as a place "we" used to live. I just assumed it was with a prior wife - and assumed Edna since it would have been in Ca. around the time a child would have been born named of Zona. I was told that Edna had lots of brothers and they were - I do not remember other than I got the impression of Mormon or Mennoite. Now I know that was a CPS camp and that is where CO's stayed.
Please someone help me find these answers - don't let me die without knowing the truth. I need to know the truth..while I am still here and no one can twist what I have tried for yrs to tell.
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