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DB Cooper

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Come back EagleeyeWinsor and tell us about Jerry of the death woods.

The death woods where the FBI found a sheet with "good luck db Cooper" on it. I guess the FBI found their bodies as well.

Sheridan, Eagle Eye Winsor the Mud Hut
Albert Schweitzer and Cooper wannabe is genuinely
sick ... very sick .... very very very ill .... in pain ...
no energy ... and fill in the blanks for yourself.

Bring the old man back here to please yourself!

What is there about "abject misery" you Humanitarians dont understand?

Please yourself. Go to a bar.

(edit)) I have an idea. Get him back in a different thread. No Cooper questions. Talk skydiving only.
Make him feel at home. That would be the appropriate place and thing ... ?

This Cooper thread is nothing but trouble.

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How could Jerry be personally aquainted with so many credible Cooper suspects???? I don't doubt the truth of his claims, but am amazed and confounded.

maybe not really surprising , considering he was jumping and in nam at the relevant time? ...add the fact his interest in the case and probably looking for some of the guys?

wanna bet someone like ... uh, earl cossey or ted mayfield probably knew a good number of the suspects too?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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georger asked "dont know what Snowmman's "stage act" is all about.
Maybe Snowmman is another Sheridan?
How in hell would I know?
Who the fuck are you?"

I thought I was transparent. God. The Messiah. The Pope.

We're coming up on page 666, it's no time to be having doubts about the prophecy. Anyone can say they knew the prophecy was true after the fact. It's only true believers who will be rewarded in the everlasting, for their faith in the "first post on 666 will be 377" prophecy.

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Keep your hands at your sides, and don't try anything funny.

This thread is all that management allows.

If you try anything, there will be consequences.

So put down that fork, and get back in line.

(edit) There was a guy back in 2007, that tried to do something about DBC that was outside the DZ.com posting rules. Note you don't hear from him any more. Sad case.

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Come back EagleeyeWinsor and tell us about Jerry of the death woods.

The death woods where the FBI found a sheet with "good luck db Cooper" on it. I guess the FBI found their bodies as well.

Sheridan, Eagle Eye Winsor the Mud Hut
Albert Schweitzer and Cooper wannabe is genuinely
sick ... very sick .... very very very ill .... in pain ...
no energy ... and fill in the blanks for yourself.

Bring the old man back here to please yourself!

What is there about "abject misery" you Humanitarians dont understand?

Please yourself. Go to a bar.

(edit)) I have an idea. Get him back in a different thread. No Cooper questions. Talk skydiving only.
Make him feel at home. That would be the appropriate place and thing ... ?

This Cooper thread is nothing but trouble.

??? Now you're back to being Mr. Emo.

Here's a clue. People get to do whatever they want!
Isn't that beautiful? Anything we say here has nothing to do with what people do or don't do.

It's just writing. If you don't read it, it doesn't exist!

(edit) Cooper Wannabe? I don't think we have any Cooper Wannabees? There are some dead guys that others are talking about a lot. I've talked about the possibility of Pete. Why call him a Cooper Wannabe in the same breath you're being Mr. Emo?

Jerry's the only one who implied he was a wannabee. Actually, who knows what Jerry was saying.

Be more clear, georger. If you try hard, you might be able to?
Why is Pete a wannabe? What has he done to get that label?

Guru312 has done more in the wannabee category than Pete, for example.

(edit) I guess Pete's brother threw out the wannabee possibility. But based on what? I guess I just don't see what point people are trying to make.

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The number of US soldiers that jumped in vietnam was pretty small I thought.

I don't remember hearing that Jerry jumped in vietnam.

Did he? That would be a good story to hear if so.

(edit) oh I guess Orange1 didn't say "jump in nam"
she said "considering he was jumping and in nam at the relevant time?"

You're saying Jerry had done some jumps before he went to vietnam? Wouldn't a lot of guys? How would that connect him to Pete? I can't see the connection you're suggesting.

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Guys -- WTF?

You can all take some self imposed time outs or have me do it for you. I guarantee you'll like it less if I do it.

This thread is a "fun" place for some of you to hang out and I'm completely cool with that, but try to keep it together and maybe revisit the main topic every once in awhile.

Just chill out a bit will ya?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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georger, I don't think my asking for information on the internet has one thing to do with how someones life is being affected.
NO ONE is being forced against their will to read this thread with the exception of quade.

Maybe SI has some interrogation facility that has this thread on audio 24/7 but that's it.

Everyone has control over their own actions and are responsible for their own emotions no matter what the input.

That's my thoughts on the subject.

"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Guys -- WTF?

You can all take some self imposed time outs or have me do it for you. I guarantee you'll like it less if I do it.

This thread is a "fun" place for some of you to hang out and I'm completely cool with that, but try to keep it together and maybe revisit the main topic every once in awhile.

Just chill out a bit will ya?

Hi Quade.
You've not been here in a long time.
I've been claiming it's not possible to ban me.
So your post kinda doesn't mean anything.

Can you prove differently?

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If Quade bans everyone else, and 377 keeps posting, then he will be the first post on p666. However he will have to make sure he keeps his 5 or so pages of posts fairly close to the Cooper subject!

i actually thought we were generally managing to keep it pretty much on topic? (or is it just that the offtopic posts are the ones I tend to ignore?)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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My request for information from a former FBI Cooper suspect on the DB Cooper thread about skydiving is on topic.

I certainly wouldn't go knocking on his door even though I will be in Santa Rosa this afternoon... hmmm, nope no interest, I've got better things to do there.

Not to you Orange1 or anyone else with a grain of reality, but this is the internet folks.

It's just writing. If you don't read it, it doesn't exist!

"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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I had thought I noticed that the google ads on the left, responded to the text on the page..i.e. if we talked about something, the ads tended to migrate to that topic (at least I thought so)

I just switched to using the Google Chrome browser, and I'm noticing the ads switch to a topic I was recently searching on, or maybe browsing to. (not DBC related)...creepy. I guess I've not been paying attention to how this targeted ad stuff works. It's like having something follow you around.
(right now, the ad on the left and top for me, is for "AeroMarine Cycloaliphatic Epoxy"). The bottom ad is for "Rust Converter. Kills Rust dead"

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If Quade bans everyone else, and 377 keeps posting, then he will be the first post on p666. However he will have to make sure he keeps his 5 or so pages of posts fairly close to the Cooper subject!

i actually thought we were generally managing to keep it pretty much on topic? (or is it just that the offtopic posts are the ones I tend to ignore?)

I think we are reasonably on topic lately, but the personal insult stuff makes us look immature. I'd sure like to see it stop. I thought Quade had ceased reading this forum. He never rose to any bait I cast, but he was always there, watching, waiting, like a parent tacitly observing sandbox play and ready to intervene if it gets out of hand.

Note that Georger does not (yet) use a derogatory acronym when referring to me. I like that. I actually like many of Georger's posts, but its isn't mutual. We disagree civily.

Sheridan blasts all over the Internet. He is not to be pitied or coddled. I find it very refreshing that a USMC combat vet takes such a strong anti war and anti govt. stand. Pete is no hothouse flower leftie. He fought in the Pacific in WW2 and was in the thick of things as an "advisor" in Viet Nam. He was a smoke jumper, a civil rights worker and an accomplished early skydiver. He has a surplus of "street cred."

I was jumping in the late 60s. Most of the ex military skydivers of Pete's age were gung ho in favor of the Viet Nam war. Pete turned out different, WAY different. He is interesting to me for this and many other reasons.

I sure hope he comes back and responds to the questions about his knowledge of 727 jumpability. When did he know it was jumpable? If before Norjack, how did he learn?

I doubt if I'll get post 666. If I knew more about macros I'd write one to autopost, but that's beyond my current skill level. Maybe I should just give my password to Snow. I am sure he could get me on post 666, but I fear what else he would do using my screen name.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 guessed "He fought in the Pacific in WW2"

I think Petey was enlisted during WW2, but hostilities ended before anyone shot at him. I'm not sure what you meant by "fought"...I guess any military service can be just as rough as another...just wanted to clarify that we don't really know..it's easy to paint one's own beliefs on to something.

I think he said he visited China as part of his military duty. He must have been pretty young at that time. That would be interesting to hear about. (edit) maybe I'm misremembering. Can't imagine why US military grunt would be in China post WWII?

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I thought I read that he had fought in the Pacific as a Marine during WW2 on one of his posts off this forum.

Maybe I am confusing Sheridan with Barb Dayton, the unenlisted teenage wonder woman who was the sourge of the Japanese in Pacific island combat.

Anyway, even w/o WW2 combat, Pete has the balls, skills and experience to have been Cooper, at least in my book.

The FBI's timing and lack of depth in investigating him is still very puzzling to me. I mean showing birth certificates of his kids hardly proves he was OUS during Norjack. He could have easily come in through Canada or possibly even Mexico.

I hope Sheridan is gong to the VA for treatment. There have been recent advances in prostate surgery that could help him survive if it is still operable. If it isnt operable there are proton beams and other types of focused radiation treatments that might extend his life. The VA is pretty up to date in the SF Bay Area where he lives.

I'd still like to buy an autgraphed copy of his book if he'd tell me how. Snow apparently has the first and only edition. I can't let that be.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Hi Quade.
You've not been here in a long time.
I've been claiming it's not possible to ban me.
So your post kinda doesn't mean anything.

Can you prove differently?

How long do you want me to prove it to you? A week? Forever?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Don't rise to the Snow bait Quade.

Ignore alien orders.

It takes two to make a pissing contest.

Let him piss alone.

If you do ban him make it short please. Thats all it takes to prove that you can do it.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Don't rise to the Snow bait Quade.

Ignore alien orders.

It takes two to make a pissing contest.

Let him piss alone.

If you do ban him make it short please. Thats all it takes to prove that you can do it.


Quade's in a low pull contest with me.
The problem is, he's competing with a guy experiencing a malfunction.

How will Quade survive? Reserve won't help if he's too low.

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Hi Quade.
You've not been here in a long time.
I've been claiming it's not possible to ban me.
So your post kinda doesn't mean anything.
Can you prove differently?

How long do you want me to prove it to you? A week? Forever?

Surprise me.

Ok. When the box came up I just typed in a random number. Didn't even look at it.

If you don't post again for a few hours, we'll know why.

Since I've "won" the low pull contest, does that mean I get your gear? Opps, guess I'll have to wait until you can post again to find out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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You can't win a low pull contest with a guy who can make the ground recede with a few keystrokes.

Hope the timeout is short.

You cant get his gear Quade because Snowmman doesn't jump... YET.

Several of us are working on remedying that deficiency.

Georger has offered to supply the rig and both canopies.

G insists that both Snow's main and reserve be sealed and subject to no further inspections before Snow jumps them.

G has is own lead seal kit, but the FAA says they have no record of him as a rigger.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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