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The FBI called me today - no other than LARRY CARR, so supposedly he still has the Cooper case.

The ever patient Ckret still takes calls from Jo. You just have to admire that. I certainly do.


CARR denied any knowledge of the information I have recently acquired.....he DID state that I might get in trouble if I made my next move....this I do NOT understand. He simply stated - "Do what you have to do."

Jo, I hope you understand that the above quote tells us absolutely nothing of substance. Sometimes I wonder if you are aware of how little relevant information you convey in your evasive posts.

So you are planning to make some kind of "move" and Carr said you "might get into trouble" if you proceeded.

Yawwwwnnnn.... Wake me up when you have some relevant information Jo. You feel a need to be secretive but also a need to post. The two dont combine well for forum readers.

Still, I am glad you are well enough to vigorously pursue your "Duane was Cooper" quest, however ill advised and unproductive it may be.


I dont support this position. I cant support this
position, because of the very high cost to others
who are totally innocent in the whole matter of
Jo's agenda now 13+ years old.

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Please answer this single question openly and honestly:

Have you (recently) been in contact with Frank Scozzari?

Your answer should be in this format (Check one and fill out any applicable fields {in red}):

[ ] Yes, Sluggo I have been in contact with him. He called {insert relative time here} and wanted to talk about {insert subject here}.

[ ] Yes, Sluggo I have been. I’m sorry but I can’t discuss what we talked about due to {insert reason here}.

[ ] No, Sluggo I haven’t had any discussions with Frank lately.

[ ] No, Sluggo. I don’t have any idea who you are talking about. Who is this “Frank Scozzari?

Please stick to the format above. I don’t care to hear about how the FBI has wronged you or why you know that Duane was Cooper. Just check the box {like this [X]} and fill out the required fields {in red})(if applicable).

Thank you for your participation,

A word of advice:
The Jo I know had an abiding respect for the privacy of others, I hope she still carries that ethic. Selling out your core values will not serve you well.

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This guy?

Frank Scozzari lives in Nipomo, CA, a small town on the central coast. He is an avid traveler, and recently returned from another trip to Africa where climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. His short stories have appeared in various literary magazines including The South Dakota Review, Spindrift, The Licking River Review, Reed Magazine, Pangolin Papers, Limestone: A Literary Journal, Reader's Break Short Story Anthology, and others.

He also wrote a screenplay The Wind Guardian and has a patent on handles for a body board used in wave surfing.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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This guy? Frank Scozzari lives in Nipomo, CA,

More to the point and back on subject, did DB Cooper know Frank Scozzari, or did Duane know
the person?

Is this thread about DB Cooper or Jo Weber?

Jo Weber and Sluggo are both on Sluggo's forum.
Cant issues between Jo Weber and Sluggo be
addressed there?

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Are you kicking me off of YOUR forum?

It isnt MY forum.

Why would you even say something like this?

Maybe at this point it would be better for me to withdraw and ley you, 377, and Jo (Orange) just
do your thing.

You seem to have the central vision for how
everything should proceed at this forum and
elsewhere, and I do not want to become your
scapegoat a second time.

Go forth ...

I just thought maybe we should get around to discussing DB COOPER at some point.

Obviously I am limiting the discussion here.
I dont understand where you are going - so will
just become a spectator or leave when the score is
100,000 to 3.

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Please answer this single question openly and honestly:

Have you (recently) been in contact with Frank Scozzari?

Your answer should be in this format (Check one and fill out any applicable fields {in red}):

[ ] Yes, Sluggo I have been in contact with him. He called {insert relative time here} and wanted to talk about {insert subject here}.

[ ] Yes, Sluggo I have been. I’m sorry but I can’t discuss what we talked about due to {insert reason here}.

[ ] No, Sluggo I haven’t had any discussions with Frank lately.

[ ] No, Sluggo. I don’t have any idea who you are talking about. Who is this “Frank Scozzari?

Please stick to the format above. I don’t care to hear about how the FBI has wronged you or why you know that Duane was Cooper. Just check the box {like this [X]} and fill out the required fields {in red})(if applicable).

Thank you for your participation,

You forgot to put a check box for :
"the FBI said I had to put him on the plane" which is Jo's stock evasive answer to all who ask for specificity.

Who is this guy Frank Scozzari Sluggo? Is he writing a Cooper book or screenplay?

I dont understand why people get so worked up about who posts what here. It is so frigging easy to skip posts that you find uninteresting or irrelevant.

Still feeling the high from last Saturday's skydiving. I just love this sport. It's just as thrilling as it was 42 years ago and a lot safer than it was back in the day when C9s shared the skies with Pteradactyls.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 said:

He also wrote a screenplay The Wind Guardian......

You forgot "The Triumph."

He has asked me a few questions, I don't know whether or not he is thinking about a Cooper book (or screenplay). I'm sure he'll tell me if he wants to.

Legal Notice: This post was approved by georger because it relates directly to DB Cooper and has nothing to do (directly) with Sluggo or Jo (individually or severally).

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recently returned from another trip to Africa where climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Lol - while certainly not commonplace, this feat is not unusual among people who live down here.

Oh, and remember I told you Max the Gorilla got treated at a hospital? Today another hospital had a lion admitted :)http://www.news24.com/Content/SouthAfrica/News/1059/a88a8ae8ca5744169d632e61dcc5bd48/24-03-2010-10-13/Hospital_admits_female_lion

377 said:

It is so frigging easy to skip posts that you find uninteresting or irrelevant.

I wish more people would do this!!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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[ X] No, Sluggo. I don’t have any idea who you are talking about. Who is this “Frank Scozzari?


A word of advice:
The Jo I know had an abiding respect for the privacy of others, I hope she still carries that ethic. Selling out your core values will not serve you well.

As far as I know I have never met or talked to this man. As for selling out core values - uncertain what you mean there.

I have continued to respect the privacy of others - but, I am comtemplating making some moves that would be out of character for me - simply out of desparation....why I wanted to talk to you and emailed and called to ask your advice....with no reply.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It is so frigging easy to skip posts that you find uninteresting or irrelevant.


I wish more people would do this!!

Indeed Orange. I mean when these folks walk down a sidewalk soiled by dog poop, do they stop and complain about every pile?

It's so much easier to just keep walking and avoid the messy spots.

As long as there is more bare concrete than poop, it's "mostly good".

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo says:

I am comtemplating making some moves that would be out of character for me -



Translation please Jo?

I am thinking about doing some stuff about something that may be related to something else.

Can you see yourself in this mirror Jo?

Oh, please put Duane in a chute if you have a few spare moments.

On a lighter note, what was it like talking to Ckret Jo?
I miss him and I miss Snowmman. I wish both of them could return.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo said:
I have continued to respect the privacy of others - but, I am comtemplating making some moves that would be out of character for me - simply out of desparation....why I wanted to talk to you and emailed and called to ask your advice....with no reply.

I am aware of what you are contemplating… Hence my advice. That IS your reply.

Why don’t you tell everybody what you are contemplating and ask their advice?

Legal Notice: This post was NOT approved by georger because it relates directly Sluggo and/or Jo (individually or severally).

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I am forced to guess.

Is Jo going to try to contact Tina Mucklow?

Might as well tell us what you are contemplating Jo and get everyones opinion.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Might as well tell us what you are contemplating Jo and get everyones opinion.


Yes, in fact seeing as Jo volunteered the fact that is she going to make some "moves" and this discussion is not in a PM to sluggo but in public, I think we should all be let in on it. (Georger can skip the posts to preserve his blood pressure.)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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btw Sluggo deserves some kind of Cooper Loony Forum Lifetime Achievement Award... he actually got Jo to give a straight answer!

(Muses: will we see more posts now in the form of a list of options with boxes to X next to them??)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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It is so frigging easy to skip posts that you find uninteresting or irrelevant.

and when all of the posts are about one person/topic
then what? I have never found E-Weber Entertainment Tonight interesting or relevant, once
it was proved Duane was not DB Cooper which
was months ago here.

As to Jo's threatened or announced or proposed "moves", whatever that is, and Sluggo seems to know, I wonder if its just more empty
Jo Weber rhetoric. The only thing that comes to my mind is something Jerry said a few posts back, ie.
that somebody wanted to do a documentary on
Jo Weber. Whatever that would be.

Meanwhile, Safe does have his vids up, which Sluggo
announced. His vids are very specific as to content.
In addition Safe and I did exchange one PM which
I felt was productive. I then looked at Safe's vids
again and have a number of very specific questions
about assumptions Safe makes in his vids ... all of
which I felt was highly discussable here but once
again nobody is interested ... Jo Weber concerns take precidence.

Yes Orange: for me at least it is frustrating to a
point. Beyond that its just a boring ballgame with
score which will probably never be surpassed.

Meanwhile my whole State and everyone here is
shocked and amazed and very pleased that little
ole UNI beat Kansas! Tosaw (and Galen) would know
what Im talking about!! So a lot of my attention is
focused on Friday when UNI plays again and win or
lsoe UNI has a special place in everyone's heart here ... we might even recruit their coach to come
to UI (but thats a deep secret!).

UNI deserves all the praise it is getting. UNI is a
little funded superbly coached courageous bunch
of very talented folks who have emerged as small
town teams are supposed to emerge in the American way of things - and that is headline
in our minds here.

Does Jo Weber's team play basketball?

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As to Jo's threatened or announced or proposed moves, whatever that is, and Sluggo seems to know, I wonder if its just more empty

My move has NOTHING to do with Jerry or anyone on this forum nor does it have to do with Tina...All parties with any consideration for her have agreed to this and I hope they abide by it. In the event she still remembers "something" of importance there are trigger points that can be introduced without contacting her. If she has anything to say I am sure she will do that in her own time and space - if it is her desire to do so.


Meanwhile, Safe does have his vids up, which Sluggo

I thought the videos where pretty good - but admit I do not understand things regarding the money find and the river. I thought what he said did throw out some logical ideas...that have not been discussed.

P.S. Georger - are you talking in riddles now? Yes, I know there are game players out here and it is all about MONEY. For me it is only about the TRUTH....money won't do me much good where I am going.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I then looked at Safe's vids
again and have a number of very specific questions
about assumptions Safe makes in his vids ... all of
which I felt was highly discussable here but once
again nobody is interested ... Jo Weber concerns take precidence.

Wrong G, I am quite interested. I think you have made some intriguing posts about the money find and I'd like to see a dialogue with you and Safe and Sluggo right here.

Go UNI Panthers!!! I am lined up with you 100% on this one Georger. Underdog small town teams touch my heart.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Having played basketball in the Missouri Valley Conf against UNI several moons ago, I gotta cheer for the valley team!

As far as the money find, I am still hung up on how only 3 bundles fall out of the bags and land side by side. Georger, Sluggo, I asked your opinion earlier, would you care to discuss my opinion it was the money Cooper pulled from the sack offered to Tina then stuffed in his Jacket? I think it's more logical it was concealed together in the jacket pocket.

Safe if you are correct and it's the bag where is the rest of the bag,and why only 3 bundles spilled? Can you chime in and discuss this please.

Jo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!

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Jo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!

Remember this:

Back within the last few yrs there was a remark made regarding a family member of a passenger who was trying to find out what happened to some very "Specific Items" never returned to the family member. This occurred during some activities in WA concerning Cooper. Either a journalist, TV person or another participant was approached...there was a brief mention of this, but since I live in the SO. I was never able to trace the validity of this enquiry.

I have tried to find a complete LIST of the passengers and was only provided with a partial list.

This was prior to my introducing an item on this forum. When I did introduce the specific item the forum took a turn going somewhere else regarding the item. My reason for introducing this article - became lost in the rhetoric. I never found where the remark came from or who the interviewer was or if the conversation with these spectators and family members actually took place?

It was shortly after I heard about this enquiry that I pulled this item from the memorabilia Duane left behind and made it public. I think all of you will remember this item - because it was suggested (not by me) the little girl could be Tina. Maybe it is , but more than likely it belonged to the woman who owned this book and perhaps the owner of another item in my possession.

This is the only one the forum can help me with. The statement supposedly took place during an investigation instigated by members of this forum? I believe Sluggo can attest to the fact he did NOT see this item nor the picture when he came to visit...because until I heard about that statement I did not see a possible connection.

Recently revisiting statements made to me by the FBI yrs ago -regarding souveniers taken and kept by Cooper - it has been suggested I make efforts to expose this item to the public. Perhaps the owner was told it was lost or held as evidence.

Individuals moved forward were NOT allowed to retrive items they had left in the aft compartment.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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P.S. Georger - are you talking in riddles now? Yes, I know there are game players out here and it is all about MONEY. For me it is only about the TRUTH....money won't do me much good where I am going.

I think you are confused ...

I was referring to college basketball, March Madness,
the NCAA playoffs which are going on right now ...

I asked if you and your team played basketball?

I was suggesting a basketball match might be
preferrable to going to war against the FBI, or
whatever it is you have planned that Sluggo and
you are talking about ...

I just dont like all this bitterness but I am at a
complete loss to do anything about it.

I think Sluggo is giving you very good wise advice.

I dont know what else to say -

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I then looked at Safe's vids
again and have a number of very specific questions
about assumptions Safe makes in his vids ... all of
which I felt was highly discussable here but once
again nobody is interested ... Jo Weber concerns take precidence.

Wrong G, I am quite interested. I think you have made some intriguing posts about the money find and I'd like to see a dialogue with you and Safe and Sluggo right here.

Go UNI Panthers!!! I am lined up with you 100% on this one Georger. Underdog small town teams touch my heart.

Well the Panthers left Cedar Falls
tonight for St Louiy. Grin ... :)
Win or lose you have no idea of the pride this
whole State has in this whole affair -

This is a small State and this is one of the biggest
things to happen around here in a long time - especially following what the Hawks did in football
last year.

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Having played basketball in the Missouri Valley Conf against UNI several moons ago, I gotta cheer for the valley team!

As far as the money find, I am still hung up on how only 3 bundles fall out of the bags and land side by side. Georger, Sluggo, I asked your opinion earlier, would you care to discuss my opinion it was the money Cooper pulled from the sack offered to Tina then stuffed in his Jacket? I think it's more logical it was concealed together in the jacket pocket.

Safe if you are correct and it's the bag where is the rest of the bag,and why only 3 bundles spilled? Can you chime in and discuss this please.

Jo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!

Go UNI !!!!!!!!! Im glad for your viewpoint on this.

Safe says "only" three bundles were at Tina Bar.
Nothing else. No frags. Just 3 bundles. He bases
many logical conclusions on this assumption. Its
either true or false. But what Safe bases his
assumption on I really dont know .... but we had
a pleasant backyard exchange in any event ...

Safe does not strike me as the kind of person who would say something like "3 bundles only and no more" unless he felt he had a pretty solid reason
for saying this. I just want to know what his sources
or reasons are ...


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You hit a major point on Safe's assumptions, G.

In his videos, Safe does not mention or account for the shards of money that multiple FBI agents say were embedded in the sand.

To whit:

Himms writes in his book that shards were found as deep as three feet.

McPheter told me on the phone that he recovered at least 6-7 shards along the tide line and some as deep as a shovel blade, 1-2 feet deep.

Lastly, Dorwin, the Delightfully Doozy G-Man, says thousands of shards were equally dispensed throughout the sand column at least three deep down and for a diameter of 20 yards. Yes, of course, Dorwin also remote-viewed the Bedell still dredging the Columbia at Tena's Bar six years after it left, and he says his team also found parts of the briefcase and assumes that DBC put money into it, but no one else has remotely suggested anything close to the Dorwin Hypothesis.

And secondly lastly, Al Fazio says not one shard was buried and that everything was at the surface. But Al was the last guy to the party, arriving from his cattle auction trip well after the feds got there and locked Al out of his property when he drove down River Rd. I give Al credit for not finding anything in the sand when he was digging with his back-hoe, but what about all the FBI shovel work before he hit the beach?

So, Safe - ya gotta tell us: how come you say 3 bundles was it, in toto?

On a similar vein. I loved the deduction that suggested that the money couldn't have been the transporter of the three bundles to Tina's Beach. Too improbable that the other 97 bundles wouldn't be near-by, that a plume-field dispersion pattern would be most probable if the bag carried the loot down the river.

Hmmm, the Ckret's Propeller Theory AND Barb Dayton's burial scenario are looking better at the moment. Quick, 377, pour me a drink...................

Are we back at the Bedell-cutting-everything-up-in- 1974, and the rubber bands holding intact for six years in the sand and three years in the river????

377 - where's my drink!!!!!

As for three bundles in a coat pocket, I have never seen that conclusively confirmed. Has it been?

BTW: Robert Blevins is posting on his web site that the release date for his DBC book: "Into the Blast: The True Story of DB Cooper" has been delayed until the summer. It had been originally scheduled for Feb, 2010.

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