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377 22
QuoteI then looked at Safe's vids
again and have a number of very specific questions
about assumptions Safe makes in his vids ... all of
which I felt was highly discussable here but once
again nobody is interested ... Jo Weber concerns take precidence.
Wrong G, I am quite interested. I think you have made some intriguing posts about the money find and I'd like to see a dialogue with you and Safe and Sluggo right here.
Go UNI Panthers!!! I am lined up with you 100% on this one Georger. Underdog small town teams touch my heart.
As far as the money find, I am still hung up on how only 3 bundles fall out of the bags and land side by side. Georger, Sluggo, I asked your opinion earlier, would you care to discuss my opinion it was the money Cooper pulled from the sack offered to Tina then stuffed in his Jacket? I think it's more logical it was concealed together in the jacket pocket.
Safe if you are correct and it's the bag where is the rest of the bag,and why only 3 bundles spilled? Can you chime in and discuss this please.
Jo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!
QuoteJo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!
Remember this:
Back within the last few yrs there was a remark made regarding a family member of a passenger who was trying to find out what happened to some very "Specific Items" never returned to the family member. This occurred during some activities in WA concerning Cooper. Either a journalist, TV person or another participant was approached...there was a brief mention of this, but since I live in the SO. I was never able to trace the validity of this enquiry.
I have tried to find a complete LIST of the passengers and was only provided with a partial list.
This was prior to my introducing an item on this forum. When I did introduce the specific item the forum took a turn going somewhere else regarding the item. My reason for introducing this article - became lost in the rhetoric. I never found where the remark came from or who the interviewer was or if the conversation with these spectators and family members actually took place?
It was shortly after I heard about this enquiry that I pulled this item from the memorabilia Duane left behind and made it public. I think all of you will remember this item - because it was suggested (not by me) the little girl could be Tina. Maybe it is , but more than likely it belonged to the woman who owned this book and perhaps the owner of another item in my possession.
This is the only one the forum can help me with. The statement supposedly took place during an investigation instigated by members of this forum? I believe Sluggo can attest to the fact he did NOT see this item nor the picture when he came to visit...because until I heard about that statement I did not see a possible connection.
Recently revisiting statements made to me by the FBI yrs ago -regarding souveniers taken and kept by Cooper - it has been suggested I make efforts to expose this item to the public. Perhaps the owner was told it was lost or held as evidence.
Individuals moved forward were NOT allowed to retrive items they had left in the aft compartment.
georger 247
I think you are confused ...
I was referring to college basketball, March Madness,
the NCAA playoffs which are going on right now ...
I asked if you and your team played basketball?
I was suggesting a basketball match might be
preferrable to going to war against the FBI, or
whatever it is you have planned that Sluggo and
you are talking about ...
I just dont like all this bitterness but I am at a
complete loss to do anything about it.
I think Sluggo is giving you very good wise advice.
I dont know what else to say -
georger 247
Well the Panthers left Cedar FallsQuoteQuoteI then looked at Safe's vids
again and have a number of very specific questions
about assumptions Safe makes in his vids ... all of
which I felt was highly discussable here but once
again nobody is interested ... Jo Weber concerns take precidence.
Wrong G, I am quite interested. I think you have made some intriguing posts about the money find and I'd like to see a dialogue with you and Safe and Sluggo right here.
Go UNI Panthers!!! I am lined up with you 100% on this one Georger. Underdog small town teams touch my heart.
tonight for St Louiy. Grin ...

Win or lose you have no idea of the pride this
whole State has in this whole affair -
This is a small State and this is one of the biggest
things to happen around here in a long time - especially following what the Hawks did in football
last year.
georger 247
QuoteHaving played basketball in the Missouri Valley Conf against UNI several moons ago, I gotta cheer for the valley team!
As far as the money find, I am still hung up on how only 3 bundles fall out of the bags and land side by side. Georger, Sluggo, I asked your opinion earlier, would you care to discuss my opinion it was the money Cooper pulled from the sack offered to Tina then stuffed in his Jacket? I think it's more logical it was concealed together in the jacket pocket.
Safe if you are correct and it's the bag where is the rest of the bag,and why only 3 bundles spilled? Can you chime in and discuss this please.
Jo, Nike has a motto, JUST DO IT! do what ya gotta do, we are tired of hearing we want to see!
Go UNI !!!!!!!!! Im glad for your viewpoint on this.
Safe says "only" three bundles were at Tina Bar.
Nothing else. No frags. Just 3 bundles. He bases
many logical conclusions on this assumption. Its
either true or false. But what Safe bases his
assumption on I really dont know .... but we had
a pleasant backyard exchange in any event ...
Safe does not strike me as the kind of person who would say something like "3 bundles only and no more" unless he felt he had a pretty solid reason
for saying this. I just want to know what his sources
or reasons are ...
In his videos, Safe does not mention or account for the shards of money that multiple FBI agents say were embedded in the sand.
To whit:
Himms writes in his book that shards were found as deep as three feet.
McPheter told me on the phone that he recovered at least 6-7 shards along the tide line and some as deep as a shovel blade, 1-2 feet deep.
Lastly, Dorwin, the Delightfully Doozy G-Man, says thousands of shards were equally dispensed throughout the sand column at least three deep down and for a diameter of 20 yards. Yes, of course, Dorwin also remote-viewed the Bedell still dredging the Columbia at Tena's Bar six years after it left, and he says his team also found parts of the briefcase and assumes that DBC put money into it, but no one else has remotely suggested anything close to the Dorwin Hypothesis.
And secondly lastly, Al Fazio says not one shard was buried and that everything was at the surface. But Al was the last guy to the party, arriving from his cattle auction trip well after the feds got there and locked Al out of his property when he drove down River Rd. I give Al credit for not finding anything in the sand when he was digging with his back-hoe, but what about all the FBI shovel work before he hit the beach?
So, Safe - ya gotta tell us: how come you say 3 bundles was it, in toto?
On a similar vein. I loved the deduction that suggested that the money couldn't have been the transporter of the three bundles to Tina's Beach. Too improbable that the other 97 bundles wouldn't be near-by, that a plume-field dispersion pattern would be most probable if the bag carried the loot down the river.
Hmmm, the Ckret's Propeller Theory AND Barb Dayton's burial scenario are looking better at the moment. Quick, 377, pour me a drink...................
Are we back at the Bedell-cutting-everything-up-in- 1974, and the rubber bands holding intact for six years in the sand and three years in the river????
377 - where's my drink!!!!!
As for three bundles in a coat pocket, I have never seen that conclusively confirmed. Has it been?
BTW: Robert Blevins is posting on his web site that the release date for his DBC book: "Into the Blast: The True Story of DB Cooper" has been delayed until the summer. It had been originally scheduled for Feb, 2010.
My move has NOTHING to do with Jerry or anyone on this forum nor does it have to do with Tina...All parties with any consideration for her have agreed to this and I hope they abide by it. In the event she still remembers "something" of importance there are trigger points that can be introduced without contacting her. If she has anything to say I am sure she will do that in her own time and space - if it is her desire to do so.
I thought the videos where pretty good - but admit I do not understand things regarding the money find and the river. I thought what he said did throw out some logical ideas...that have not been discussed.
P.S. Georger - are you talking in riddles now? Yes, I know there are game players out here and it is all about MONEY. For me it is only about the won't do me much good where I am going.
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