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DB Cooper

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Great! This is what I envisioned when I suggested the CAVA Exercise!

Somewhere in my notes (and I think somewhere in
these Dropzone posts) Ckret talks about the time
agents and LE spent visiting stores, vendors, etc
looking for any connection to Cooper which included
looking for a connections to his 'bomb' and any connection to the 'paper bag'.

Hardware stores, drug stores, vendors at the airport, etc. all were visted and interviewed with a composite
of Cooper in hand ...

This not only happened at Portland but also to some
extent at Tacoma because of Cooper's mentioning
Tacoma, and in other localities.

Im just too busy to do a search here at DZ right
now but I think Ckret spoke to this issue here .. ?

I think the paper bag was real and a part of the
original evidence/searches looking for any connection that would turn Cooper up.

1056+ candidates plus all of the original footwork
is a lot of searching.

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Nice to get back to Cooper. Thanks Sluggo.

One rumor I'd like to run down is that Cooper inspected the riggers packing card on at least one of the rigs. These cards are normally in very well concealed pockets. If Cooper knew how to find one it would speak volumes about his parachuting experience.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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help me out on this one cause i never used one it was before my time. How big would a pillow altimeter be. Would it match Georger idea of the package size, or what would the military equal to that be? Georger that may answer your size and it being soft, quiet.

There is no such thing as a pillow altimeter. The pillow was simply a wedge of fabric covered foam onto which an altimeter was mounted and the foam pillow was attached to the harness, usually with a webbing loop through which a chest strap was passed. In 71 there were a number of skydiving altimters available that could easy fit in your pocket. The SSE Altimaster was one. The Northstar was another.

BTW an altimeter is just a barometer with a different face on it calibrated in feet rather than pressure. There were a number of hiker barometer/altimeter devices available in 71 that were even smaller than skydiving altimeters.

Scroll down for pillow picture


I used to sew those together on my Singer 31-15 to support my skydiving habit back in the day.:)
I was thinking 71 was a tad early for the alti pillow... I did not get a pig rig where the pillow mount was needed till 1976, before that I had the mondo aircraft alti and stopwatch on an aluminum panel on my c-9 reserve belly wart.

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You may be right Amazon. Pillows might have come later.

I was jumping surplus gutter gear through the 70s, C9 main, Navy Conical in a belly reserve container and a panel on top of the reserve with a BIG acft altimeter and a stop watch. I was always afraid that panel would take my teeth out on a slammer opening.

I collect skydiving altimeters and have some rare ones such as the Chute Shop mini, which was just a barometer with a new face on it. I have a knock off of the military SSE MA 2-30 made for the US govt by a second source contractor. Also have a prototype of an SSE military model with blue electrolum panel backlighting. I've learned how to repair most old altimeters and have a vacuum chamber to check calibration.

I like to actually jump my antique altimeters, but always wear a known good modern one too and an audible.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Trying to put a site connection into the post. I did not know this site existed of a telephone conversation conducted in Aug of 2000 with Doug Pasternak and myself and a News person.

I was not well prepared for the interview, but I tried to answer the questions off the top of my head. It was a brief interview and therefore some of the other things where not mentioned. :)no witness present until the second day when Weber was talking about the "bucket".

I had NO idea this was on the internet. On the second page is a live conversation you can actually hear on the internet.

D.B. Cooper: A Death-Bed ConfeFBI Reopens Very Cold Case of D.B. Cooper : NPR
Jan 4, 2008 ... The FBI launches a new effort to crack a case from 1971, when hijacker DB Cooper parachuted from a Seattle-bound plane, after extorting ...

On the site at the bottom is a clicky that takes you to Deathbed Confession which has a recording of a phone interview done August of 2000 - this was BEFORE I went to WA in 2001. More proof of deliberate deflamation or discrediting of my previous posts by another party. Not to mention the horrible mental anguish that was inflicted on me.

Sorry for the interuption of our subject matter and please do not respond on the forum regarding this tape - I would appreciate PM's or contacts thru my personal email address. :)This tape is my vindication, because someone cared enough to make this available on my behalf. I do mention a Boy Scout Camp because I thought the area looked like a place that Boy Scouts might camp at and in reference to what I found in May of 2001 to be a Youth Camp on Lake LaCames.

P.S. Phone calls are welcome.
Yes, Jo there is a GOD!.


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have my 1976 Clear Yellow SSE Alti... still works great. I had it rebuilt with a new face and pressure checked at the Byron boogie a few years ago and the Alti guy offered me a couple new Alti Galaxy's for it... its kinda unique.. he had never seen one like that.

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You have one of the rare Clear View SSE altimeters Amazon. I have yet to find one for my collection. Hang onto it, very few made. I have a mint SSE Anniversary Issue altimeter, rare but not as rare as yours.

In one account of McCoys skyjack great detail is told about his using flights in his ANG helo for testing and recalibrating an SSE Sentinel AAD to work over the terrain he expected to jump into. The early SSE Sentinel was really just a modified SSE Altimaster altimeter with user adjustable electrical contacts for triggering a reserve pin puller.

McCoy was apparently concerned that he might strike the 727 during exit and wanted an AAD in case he was knocked unconscious.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Nice to get back to Cooper. Thanks Sluggo.

One rumor I'd like to run down is that Cooper inspected the riggers packing card on at least one of the rigs. These cards are normally in very well concealed pockets. If Cooper knew how to find one it would speak volumes about his parachuting experience.


Riggers packing card(s) as opposed to 'instructions
for opening' which Tina handed to Cooper - Cooper
tossed the instructions aside saying he didnt need those. ?

Didnt know he spent time looking at the riggers cards? Where di you get that?

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The rigger card inspection was a rumor G. It was widely circulated in skydiving circles right after the skyjack. It lead many jumpers to conclude that Cooper was a skydiver.

Ckret told me ages ago that he was unaware of any witness statements about Cooper locating and reading rigger data cards on any of the rigs.

It probably didn't occur but if it did, it would be a very valuable clue.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Nice to get back to Cooper. Thanks Sluggo.

One rumor I'd like to run down is that Cooper inspected the riggers packing card on at least one of the rigs. These cards are normally in very well concealed pockets. If Cooper knew how to find one it would speak volumes about his parachuting experience.


I'll put that on the list of CAVAs.

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Jo Said:
A representative of the illustrious FBI told me "If you go to WA you will get into trouble." What are they going to do - arrest me? Why do they want to keep me out of WA.?


Listen to me! I don’t know exactly what Agent Carr said to you on the phone, but about a week ago, he expressed to me that he was afraid that you would go to Washington and attempt to interview witnesses and get some unintended negative results.

You interviewing witnesses is not the issue, trying to interview witnesses who do not wish to be interviewed is! He told me he was afraid that you would go about your task with the single-minded, incessantly aggressive, and socially and politically insensitive attitude that is the characteristic of your pursuit of a Duane/Cooper connection.

He was concerned that a Florida woman, coming out of the blue and (seemingly) demanding answers will cause your targets to notify local law enforcement and treat you as a stalker. He and I agree on that point.

Jo, you have never been able to see yourself as others see you. If you could, I know you would change. If you changed, others would be willing to help you.

When you make statements like the above, you malign the integrity of someone who was probably just trying to help you. You should really learn how to control the things you say.

377 Said:
I'd bet 100 to 1 that Carr was expressing concern for your welfare rather than threatening you Jo. Since you are so secretive about what you plan to do in WA it's hard to know what prompted Carr's words.

If you think the FBI cares where you travel you are overestimating their interest in you and Duane by a large amount.

Overestimating the FBI's interest in your affairs is kind of sad. The truth is less glamourous Jo, they don't really care what you do as long as you don't commit crimes within their jurisdiction.


I agree with 377. Get your head out of your ass and listen to 377.

Sluggo's Quotable Quotes
We all have mental problems, it's just that some of us choose to show them.

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Listen to me! I don’t know exactly what Agent Carr said to you on the phone, but about a week ago, he expressed to me that he was afraid that you would go to Washington and attempt to interview witnesses and get some unintended negative results.

Who has been protective of witnesses - especially one? Who has respected their wish NOT to be contacted even though I had that information for yrs. Galen Cook knows where she is...will he be as protective as I have been.

Obviously Blevins Pounced on her. She called me...yrs ago and all I did was send a note. I have left 2 messages over the yrs - one to let her know a person had found her location and I felt responsible --- the other was to put her incontact with an old friend. Since she took the phone call from this person after that - it was the only Thank You I needed.

You nor CARR know me very well - I am not the one who has domatically pestered the witnesses. Yes, I have contacted Himmelsbach many many times. Someone like Jerry is a person who needs to be reprimanded - not me.
I don't see you condeming him for what he did to me - didn't you listen to the tape?

Who has been the one to defend the negative talk about Tina in this forum? Who has the compassion for her one would have for a child? Others choose to talk about her just as they do about me - and it usually is not good. I am delusional and lots of bad things have been said about her in this forum - and NOT ONE of you know if it is true.

I defend her right to her privacy - that doesn't mean I don't want to talk to her and see her eye to eye and ask questiona and show her pictures - but in the yrs I have had her number and location - I have NOT done this - why? Certainly I have MORE respect for her than most others do.

Listen to that tape and then go back are read the horrible things Jerry said to me - over and over and treated me like a prisoner of war. How he has spent yrs trying to discredit what I said - with these tactics (but, I had paper trails). I have always admitted there might be something out there because in ONE interview I was actually asked to use the terminology and names that Jerry provided - since I didn't know them. I regreted doing so and informed these people none of that was correct and that Jerry made me look like a fool...I have the email.

I have explained what I am going to do in WA, but not in detail - all of this is providing my health even lets me make the trip - I may never get to do it except in my mind.:|:|[:/][:/]

If I am ABLE to go to WA - I assure you that if Tina was to see me it would be her choice. She has chosen not to dicuss this with anyone and that is her choice. She chooses who she talks to - you don't.

I am the least of CARR's worries.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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He was concerned that a Florida woman, coming out of the blue and (seemingly) demanding answers will cause your targets to notify local law enforcement and treat you as a stalker. He and I agree on that point.

THAT is ABSURD and you know it.
What Targets? I have no one person in the state of WA I need to see - I have research to do. Historians to talk to. Archives to study. Most assuredly would not be talking to CARR or to Jerry.
You are the one who is making me sound like a stalker!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What I needed a passenger list for is totally separate issue.

Upon obtaining a list - I found very little connection in what I am looking for other than the name Cummings - without saying much - this was a name very well known to me - but what is in a name - that is a common name....but cause for thought.

Try Neustel --- unsure of the spelling...something that came up very early on in my research. Was NOT a passenger. :S I am not and never was.

Something I tried to tell the FBI and it fell on deaf ears.

:)My DROP is working!:ph34r::D:D

P.S. Tina is not an issue and I will not say where she is located.
So you think she is in WA? I never said that.......:D:D:D

I believe Bruce is correct about the card and I am too busy to dig out my book. Since Tosaw was one of the last interviews Tina gave I would not vouch for the accuracy. Some individuals crawl into a safe haven within themselves to protect their sanity. Tina took approximately 10 yrs of it - I am older and tougher.....but not stalker.

Driven and obsessed - yes, but that is far from being a stalker or someone who would further damage the life of another. It is amazing those who tell me to BACK OFF - including the FBI. I will back off when I get explanations that make sense....that does NOT mean I have to prove Weber was Cooper.

It does mean obtaining ACCEPTABLE answers to his background among other things. It also does NOT mean those answers will necessarily be made public.....you figure that one out. I could have chosen an easier route - such as a book or movie or exposing others...as so many before me have and will continue to do. Maybe it is TIME for the TRUTH to be known. The truth lies with more than one soul and the consequences will affect more than on soul.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The rigger card inspection was a rumor G. It was widely circulated in skydiving circles right after the skyjack. It lead many jumpers to conclude that Cooper was a skydiver.

Ckret told me ages ago that he was unaware of any witness statements about Cooper locating and reading rigger data cards on any of the rigs.

It probably didn't occur but if it did, it would be a very valuable clue.


I believe Richard Tosaw mentions in his book that Tina told him that Danny checked the rigging cards.

My copy of T's book is outisde in The Box, and it's raining and cold - but if I have to go dig it out, I will. Maybe someone else has a copy at arm's length???

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On the site at the bottom is a clicky that takes you to Deathbed Confession which has a recording of a phone interview done August of 2000 - this was BEFORE I went to WA in 2001. More proof of deliberate deflamation or discrediting of my previous posts by another party. Not to mention the horrible mental anguish that was inflicted on me.


I was able to get the site to transfer in regular email but not on to the forum - must be some kind of Block or it is the user (me).

I emailed it to several of you so if you can get it to open then you can post the url. I couldn't.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The rigger card inspection was a rumor G. It was widely circulated in skydiving circles right after the skyjack. It lead many jumpers to conclude that Cooper was a skydiver.

Ckret told me ages ago that he was unaware of any witness statements about Cooper locating and reading rigger data cards on any of the rigs.

It probably didn't occur but if it did, it would be a very valuable clue.


I believe Richard Tosaw mentions in his book that Tina told him that Danny checked the rigging cards.

My copy of T's book is outisde in The Box, and it's raining and cold - but if I have to go dig it out, I will. Maybe someone else has a copy at arm's length???

Check that out Bruce if you can and cite page etc...
that would be very helpful. Thanks ---

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Bruce Smith said:
I still stand by, why would a ticket counter person or stewardesses have a reason to remember Cooper before he handed that note off.


Orange1 Said:
I've asked this question before too. It seems odd to me that the ticket counter person would have remembered anything about an unremarkable person at the counter. The stews I can understand, because they would have had opportunbity to observe him afterwards too.

We discussed some of this surrounding Post #10310 May 30, 2009, 9:44 PM Post # 10310.
In 1981 the ticket agent didn’t mention a paper sack, or at least it wasn’t reported that he mentioned it. However he DID mention the briefcase.

Of course the FBI’s “Headline Archives” don’t mention a paper sack either, so I have no idea how to run this to the ground. I have attached two articles (they are actually the same release) from 11/26/1981 with an interview with Hal Williams. One (with the photo) is from The Oregonian and the other is from the Galveston (TX) Daily News. Not that they add anything. But maybe someone will see something I don’t.

Skyjack71 Said:
Ticket Agents name was Dennis Lysne… Gate Agent Howell Williams

The ticket agent was Harold (Hal) Williams, I have never known the “gate agent’s” name. Since you got the ticket agent’s name wrong, I’m not going to spend the resources to look for a “Dennis Lysne when it could just as well be “Dennis Lynn,” “Dennis Lane”, or “Denise Lysine.”

Sluggo’s Quotable Quote
"Being misunderstood by someone is vexation. Being misunderstood by everyone is tragedy." - Liu Shahe

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An interesting piece of what i could read in the second article, He stated he was not satisfied with the drawing the FBI provided, the chin too narrow.

Thinking about the whole picture, this guys sees thousands of people a day in his job. Why would ONE person stand out cause he is quiet and how would he know that person was the guy sitting in row 18 that started this whole thing? When i travel for business I am alone and usually act in these manners because i don't know anyone. I still stand by the thought that Cooper did nothing to note being noticed i think.

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Skyjack71 Said:
Ticket Agents name was Dennis Lysne… Gate Agent Howell Williams

The ticket agent was Harold (Hal) Williams, I have never known the “gate agent’s” name. Since you got the ticket agent’s name wrong, I’m not going to spend the resources to look for a “Dennis Lysne when it could just as well be “Dennis Lynn,” “Dennis Lane”, or “Denise Lysine.”

Perhaps this needs to be researched - for the sake of accuracy:

I am working from notes taken in the early yrs of my search 1996. The Gate Agent is listed as Williams (area code 503) and I had at that time a valid address.

The list also shows Dennis Lysne (maybe I have misspelled it) as Ticket Agent.

I am using notes compiled without a computer - perhaps I confused Ticket Agent with Gate Agent. The Gate Agents accounting has ALWAYS been one of question - because it changed - such as Black versus Brown

The Ticket Agents story remained the same.


PS: The ticket agents name was Lynse and he wrote the name of Dan Cooper on the ticket. At this time it was noted there was NO luggage, but his "briefcase".

I think an apology is due - mis-information I understand is the reason for this CAVA (whatever that means). SLuggo is supposed to be the go to person regarding the 1971 Skyjacking and he can make mistakes, but don't let Jo Weber (myself) make one little slip. I am even accused of making mistakes when I am accurate. So how's my memory? How good is my record keeping?

Are any of you aware that a Ticket Agent is NOT in the observation area...but, the Gate Agent is? The journalist made a mistake and then myth becomes fact - which in reality is NOT fact.:(:( So I am Crazy - but who is :$ing - not me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I dont think Tina should be bothered with wholly speculative Cooper inquiries, but other crime victims have endured far greater stress and horror than she did and nobody cuts them much slack as far as asking them relevant questions designed to solve the crime.

Tina is just a person, not a saint, not immune from her social and civil responsibility to help bring a criminal to justice. Why is there this uniformly accepted "hands off Tina" deal?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Tina is just a person, not a saint, not immune from her social and civil responsibility to help bring a criminal to justice. Why is there this uniformly accepted "hands off Tina" deal?


WHY? "Common respect" even among others on that same flight.

377, you are an attorney - Right!.
Would you take a victim of a crime in 1971 who was only 22 yrs old and who had moved on with her live - put her on a Witness stand today in 2010 - 38 yrs after the crime had been committed. Her life was forever altered - and none of us can even put ourselves in her place.

I try to put myself in her shoes - and personally knowing how this notorious crime - changes your life - I understand ---but, I do what I do out of choice and it is NOT inflicted on me.

Perhaps this is also the strongest argument for putting an end to the story. This ending of Skyjack of 1971 - will give all of us peace - do not let this incident ruin anymore live now or in the future.

Maybe WHY there are things in motion to END this. Enough said.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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