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DB Cooper

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All of you have contacted me saying you were unable to play the tape - audio or could not find it. Below is the captions of the site. When you get to the site - click on the confession article at the end of the page. When the page comes up that is One paragraph, but above the paragraph is a microphone icon and a media icon - click and hear this conversation made on August 19, 2000.

At that time I was recuperating from an "accident". I had also had a conversation during that time with a man who told me some "strange" things - a short and to the point conversation and one recently brought to my attention...through "my continued digging". Yesterday I was "advised" again to stop my searching. If you can't open this site then I will find out how to obtain a copy of that interview.

The heading for the site in my internet search:
Type in D.B. Cooper and find this heading:

FBI Reopens Very Cold Case of D.B. Cooper : NPR
Jan 4, 2008 ... The FBI launches a new effort to crack a case from 1971, when hijacker DB Cooper parachuted from a Seattle-bound plane, after extorting ...

www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=17840873 - Similar
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I really don't think Tina should be needlessly hassled but I don't think she should have some sort of special protected status. She was an adult, she was not (to my knowledge) physically assaulted and not one drop of victim blood was spilled in the commission of the crime. As crimes go this was lightweight. If her testimony could solve the crime then yes I'd put her on the stand if I were a prosecutor.

Everyone assumes she went to a nunnery because of Norjack mental trauma, but there may be many other reasons. Tina got a better look at Cooper than anyone and observed most of the crime first hand and up close.

Tina deserves privacy but she also has a social responsibility that cannot be ignored. Had more nuns come forward to report priest sex abuse to the police many child victims would have been spared. This Cooper situation isnt an exact analogy, but using religious devotion/cloistering to rationalize silence about crimes is actually antithetical to the high calling nuns aspire to.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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All of you have contacted me saying you were unable to play the tape - audio or could not find it. Below is the captions of the site. When you get to the site - click on the confession article at the end of the page. When the page comes up that is One paragraph, but above the paragraph is a microphone icon and a media icon - click and hear this conversation made on August 19, 2000.

Looks like the audio clip you're talking about is at the top of this page: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1080901&ps=rs. There is a link on the right to a Real Media audio file, but I can't play it, possibly because I don't have a RM player. Or because the link isn't working. Can you play it Jo? Can anyone else play it?

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Thanks for a better link - but, YES, it did play for me. The media connection I had was the same but your page just showed better than the one I had. BUT, yes it played for me.

Thank You,
I have the Media Edition of Windows so maybe that makes a difference - why I was able to play it so easily. Was beginning to think I was REALLY crazy or delusion as has been claimed.

Thank You.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I really don't think Tina should be needlessly hassled but I don't think she should have some sort of special protected status. She was an adult, she was not (to my knowledge) physically assaulted and not one drop of victim blood was spilled in the commission of the crime. As crimes go this was lightweight. If her testimony could solve the crime then yes I'd put her on the stand if I were a prosecutor.

Everyone assumes she went to a nunnery because of Norjack mental trauma, but there may be many other reasons. Tina got a better look at Cooper than anyone and observed most of the crime first hand and up close.

Tina deserves privacy but she also has a social responsibility that cannot be ignored. Had more nuns come forward to report priest sex abuse to the police many child victims would have been spared. This Cooper situation isnt an exact analogy, but using religious devotion/cloistering to rationalize silence about crimes is actually antithetical to the high calling nuns aspire to.


It seems pretty simple to me. Show Tina a few photos of Duane Weber and ask her if he's DBC.

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Thanks for a better link - but, YES, it did play for me. The media connection I had was the same but your page just showed better than the one I had. BUT, yes it played for me.

Thank You,
I have the Media Edition of Windows so maybe that makes a difference - why I was able to play it so easily. Was beginning to think I was REALLY crazy or delusion as has been claimed.

Thank You.

It played for you when? In 2000 or 15 minutes ago?

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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I'm thinking the "forever altered" life of Tina should be the subject of a CAVA discussion.

From stew to nun...? sounds pretty radical to me.

Not for a 21 yr old in 1971. Back in those days - being a stewardess was a career that allowed you to travel and the pay was good for the times - a lot more than I made working a desk. They had height requirements and a vision requirements (no glasses) - 1959. I know this one for a fact.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Maybe 10 minutes ago - it played. I just tried it again. You have to click on the little Mike that says Media. Then it starts to play - you have to wait for the buffer - that is about 15 seconds and then the moderator starts to talk and introduces Doug Pasternac and Jo Weber...It was my first and only interview like that. Byrom Pitts did a video interview - for the news - but I don't remember right now which came first. The TV news clip was brief...and of course it was edited.

The radio interview was more direct - difficult to cut things out.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I can't play it with either windows media player or VLC media player (which palys Real Media). I won't install Real Media player (if it even exists anymore) just to listen to this. It seems that others are unable to play it as well. If you know anyone else who can play it, ask if they can upload it to youtube or something. Thanks!

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Factoid: There is no English word that rhymes with ORANGE.

da Slug

Florenge, Bloenge, Garrenge, and Roenge had hair
in places that porange should not grow .... Olde

accepted in Scrabble. My grandmother at Vancouver
was our family scrabble expert - I owe it all to her.


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Dear Sluggo,

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings or step on your toes by making what I believe to be a correction regarding the Gate Agent versus Ticket Agent. I get called down for all sorts of things and I have to have Alligator hide.

I also have a mouth on me that gets me in trouble because I just say what I am thinking.

The FBI tells me I have to put Weber on the plane and yet they can't even give me a hint what they were looking for. I was NOT on that plane with him.

If the FBI had just asked me if Duane had this or this - and have even thrown in fake things - perhaps those items where still around 1 yr and 2 months after he died or at least retrivable. Now it is up to witness accounts and slowly, but surely those witness accounts are fading.

I have told them about the bag that was in my possession and described it. I told them about the "ankle boots" not what Tina called them - he had newer ones but he kept this pair like they were special (black or Darkest Brown with a grain to them). The FBI didn't try to help me to locate the person who bought the Book that was not a book and what was probably inside of it. They didn't go question the young lady who was in-charge of the Garage Sale that day...at that time it had only been about a yr and 1/2 - maybe she would have remembered.

The FBI didn't ask the man who bought the van to take a polygraph or for me to take a polygraph - these things might have been helpful in 1996 because then they would have been valid and reasonable.

I have been left to do this on my own and with a great deal of sacrifice of income and health. In 1996 there are lots of things the FBI could have done that would have proved Duane was Cooper. I asked them to allow me to be wired and let me contact certain individuals - there would have been different answers.

In the very beginning I kept telling about Duane mentioning a name while we were in WA - I still do not really know what that name was - but I do know the name will be on a headstone or footstone in a cemetary. I did talk to a man with a similar sounding name who told me some strange things - I have several handwritten lines regarding the conversation and the man. What is in my note is all I remember.

Certain individuals I have had contact over the yrs - have only wanted to do a book or a movie (FBI included) and some have actually expended a lot of time investigating - but all of the investigation that has been done is only to be utilized as a vehicle to "Hollywood" Cooper...or to make money. When after 14 yrs of struggling I decide to make an attempt to go to WA - I am threatened! WHY? If I have respected Tina to this point why would they think that was all I wanted to do. Tina is NOT my purpose in going to WA. She is not even in WA.

My expectations of such a trip are only for my own benefit and for the most part want to be alone. I want to go to the places he told me about and and ask questions - but, NO one is going to remember a man they met a few times back in the late 40's or for a 3 wk period of time in the 60's. Maybe I will get lucky.

One thing is for certain - I am not a liar nor have I made this crap up. I have been misled many times - and it is time for me to go back although the changes will obscure most of my memories - just knowing that I tried is what counts. It is something I want to do and I don't need anyone putting any more obstacles in front of me than I already have.

What most of you do not know is that I rarely leave my home except to the grocery, drugstore and Dr.s - therefore my making this trip may only be wishing and wanting...in 10 yrs I have not been behind the wheel of car outside of a 3 county area and not more than 30 miles from my home. When my husband was alive - we did fly and travel - but I am terrified behind the wheel of a car not only as the driver, but as a passenger...but, I loved my husband I just took a pill. Can't do that and drive myself!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have monitored everything that has been posted since quade and my last post . Sluggo Recipe for disaster. Jo has already proved that. New subject,The paper bag is not a important part of the investigation. No brainer ,if it was don't you think it would have been researched deeper and yes it was .The card on the chute. Call the man that put the chutes together this is what, I told Larry to do when he found the chute. He did. I also Told him to contact Ralph. He did then guess what happened next. It was discovered that the chute found had nothing to do with this case.Slugo you can continue to go trough every piece of evidence. This is good But there is one person that will continue to try to disrupt you and make it about a lost cause. from Florida. You keep egging her on an cause more problems than it is worth. You yourself can have fun . What happened to your own web site. Are You still in charge there. Trust me it is going to be a continued quest by one person to control all. Yeah! Hi Jo Ps sorry All for stating the obvious.. Jerry

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I'm thinking the "forever altered" life of Tina should be the subject of a CAVA discussion.

From stew to nun...? sounds pretty radical to me.

Not for a 21 yr old in 1971. Back in those days - being a stewardess was a career that allowed you to travel and the pay was good for the times

Um, precisely. So you don't think changing from a lifestyle where you travel lots and meet lots of different people, to being a nun is radical??
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Thank you so much for the advice. Your advice and Billy Graham’s sermons have done me a world of good. :)


Interesting that you post begins with “Dear Sluggo” and the last paragraph begins with “What most of you do not know…” It causes one to wonder, exactly who are you addressing.

Regardless, I want you to know something. The FBI works for me (and about 300 million other taxpayers). If I knew that the FBI was spending their resources (the ones I (we) pay for) humoring a woman who was convinced her husband was a wanted criminal but had no “real” evidence to offer, I would call for a Congressional Inquiry.

I think the Bureau has better things to do than: Find the bag you had (at one time), find the ankle boots you had, find the person who bought the book that was not a book (whatever the fuck that is), question young ladies in charge of garage sales, perform polygraphs on two people not related to a federal crime, and place surveillance equipment (wire) on someone not involved in a federal crime. Your understanding of the responsibility of the Bureau come from some place unknown. About 2-years ago you were accused of treating the FBI like your own Private Investigators, I guess you never learned from that accusation.

To my knowledge, only one person here has accused you of being a liar, most don’t view you as a liar, but rather, a confused person who draws conclusions based on faulty logic. You have no proof that Duane was Cooper. Yes, you have suspicious circumstances, but no proof.

So, you have spent some money and degraded your health, that was your choice. You could have chosen to spend the last 13-years playing bridge at the senior center, or feeding the homeless, or singing in the church choir. Instead, you have obsessively pursued a quest that has very little chance of success, while ignoring the advice of those who really would love to see you (or anyone else who could find out who Cooper was) be successful.

So, now it’s time to “PUT-UP-OR-SHUT-UP”!

I’ll drive you on your damned trip (pending approval from Sugar)!

We’ll go to Washington, We’ll re-create the “Memory Lane Tour” in SW WA. We’ll go to ID and talk to Smoke Jumpers. We’ll poke around the motels near PDX, stand on the abutment at the “Red Lion at the Quay” (a motel that I am VERY familiar with) and throw a bag of simulated money in the Columbia River, visit the Pittock House; also known as the Leadbetter House, on the lake in Camas. We’ll go to the back side of SEA-TAC Airport. Whatever!

But there are conditions… We’ll use my car, but you pay for everything, gas food lodging, etc. AND, after the trip, you have 6 months to prove that Duane had something (anything) to do with NORJAK! If you can’t, you will never publically mention it again, no posting on the internet, and no interviews with the media. Why this condition? Because I want you to be unable to disseminate information that adds to the impression that anyone who seriously investigates NORJAK, is a freak from a circus somewhere.

You see Jo, you make the rest of us look bad. You don’t believe me? Here is a quote from someone outside the circle here:

“…But then I wondered at about everything at dropzone! Jo Weber seemed very chaotic, but you aren't, and you seem to think Duane Weber is a better fit than Ted Mayfield. I've waded through a lot of the posts there, and had to come up for air.”

So, I’m calling you out, the time has come to PUT-UP-OR-SHUT-UP!

How many of you think Jo will ever “shut-up”?

Sluggo’s Quotable Quotes
"One should never begin a journey by heading in the wrong direction."

Web Page

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How many of you think Jo will ever “shut-up?"

Sluggo, that was yet another very eloquently worded and eminently reasonable post that ..will no doubt fall on deaf ears once again.
So no, I am not one of those who thinks she will.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Well said Sluggo!!!!! Jo do not ignore this and keep rambling on. Address it here and not in a pm or anything. You cry about wanting help the offer is on the table to give you everything you want. So it is put up or shut up time as Sluggo states so well. Either accept the invite or quit the babbling about the FBI. If you don't address it we will remind you everytime you post of this offer.

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From stew to nun...? sounds pretty radical to me.

Not for a 21 yr old in 1971. Back in those days - being a stewardess was a career that allowed you to travel and the pay was good for the times

Um, precisely. So you don't think changing from a lifestyle where you travel lots and meet lots of different people, to being a nun is radical??

It was/is a fact there was more to Tina's decision
than the hijacking ... the hijacking may have been
the least of her reasons. Whatever the case it was
personal and multi faceted. That said, what business
is it of ours?

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I’ll drive you on your damned trip (pending approval from Sugar)!


Wow! Talk about calling someones's bluff...

There is liitle chance that Jo will accept your offer and even less chance that she will abide by the terms.

Still, I really admire your dedication to the cause.

Jo has said before that she had proof that Duane was Dan Cooper, that Duane received Ranger training and that Duane was a jumper.

If she has all that why would she need to travel to WA for further investigation? The answer is obvious.

Jo's inflation of Carr's concerned comments into "FBI threats" is sad.

I've asked Jo a number of times to air her proof about Duane being a parachutist. Her stubborn evasive non responsive dodge answer is always: "The FBI said I had to put him in the plane."

The FBI wants to solve Norjack in the worst way because it is their ONLY miss on a skyjack. If they solve this case they will be batting 1000 in a very notorious crime category.

It isnt the FBI who has made Jo waste a lot of time and money, it's Duane's lies and her own stubborn obsession. I do think Duane told Jo he was Dan Cooper, but it was just a lie, a chance to go out as a big shot in the eyes of a woman who loved him. Duane couldn't credibly claim to be an altruistic hero, but he could claim to be a far more clever criminal than he actually was... and that's what he did in my opinion.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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There is little chance that Jo will accept your offer and even less chance that she will abide by the terms.

You are right about that one - I need someone who will work with me and not against me. I don't want someone who will dictate to me (referring to the directions given to the documentary crew in 2001) No you couldn't be here or there - you had to be here. (We all know who I am referring to) I want to feel my way thru it without any instructions or feed.

I also do not want people to know I am there - I will be under enough stress just doing the things I need to do - and asking the question I need to ask and searching the records. Some of this will be difficult to do without revealing who I am - and I will leave those things for the last day or two.


Jo has said before that she had proof that Duane received Ranger training.

The individual in possession of this - has NOT produced the document. I questioned its validity when I was told about it - and since the source is well connected to Duane's family we accepted it at face value.

The orginal source of the document (or note)knew Richard Tosaw and his family members ??? This connection was prior to Duane being publically acknowledge as a Cooper suspect. I have NOT discussed this because if it does exist we don't want it to POOF!


Jo's inflation of Carr's concerned comments into "FBI threats" is sad.

Excuse me! - I just stated what CARR said "If you go to WA, you could get in a lot of trouble". Sluggo is the one who added the FIRE. The torching was done by CARR - taking FBI business outside of the office and to a private citizen. As far as I know Sluggo is not an employee of the FBI. I have taken this up with Ray Lauer.


The FBI wants to solve Norjack in the worst way because it is their ONLY miss on a skyjack. If they solve this case they will be batting 1000 in a very notorious crime category.

I think you are all wet there - the FBI doesn't want it solved because if someone does solve it - they look bad. Have you ever given thought to the fact the FBI has been told to LOOK the other way?


It isnt the FBI who has made Jo waste a lot of time and money, it's Duane's lies and her own stubborn obsession. I do think Duane told Jo he was Dan Cooper,

The logistics do not make sense.
If he was lieing - he spent 17 yrs telling the lie - in small ways. Do you really think Duane was smart enough to feed me (its and bits over a 17 yrs span to create the grande finale') - "I'm Dan Cooper"?

He was smart, but like a fox - hiding and wanting to boast about what he did - but, doing so meant spending the rest of his life behind bars.

You forget the trip, the things I held in my hands and his secretive life. You forget his connections (but then all you have is my word on that). Remember my words are worth nothing - and my words may forever be lost, unless someone left standing is brave enough to step forward. I do not believe there are any Heroes left amongest those who know the truth.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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