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QuoteI’ll drive you on your damned trip (pending approval from Sugar)!
Wow! Talk about calling someones's bluff...
There is liitle chance that Jo will accept your offer and even less chance that she will abide by the terms.
Still, I really admire your dedication to the cause.
Jo has said before that she had proof that Duane was Dan Cooper, that Duane received Ranger training and that Duane was a jumper.
If she has all that why would she need to travel to WA for further investigation? The answer is obvious.
Jo's inflation of Carr's concerned comments into "FBI threats" is sad.
I've asked Jo a number of times to air her proof about Duane being a parachutist. Her stubborn evasive non responsive dodge answer is always: "The FBI said I had to put him in the plane."
The FBI wants to solve Norjack in the worst way because it is their ONLY miss on a skyjack. If they solve this case they will be batting 1000 in a very notorious crime category.
It isnt the FBI who has made Jo waste a lot of time and money, it's Duane's lies and her own stubborn obsession. I do think Duane told Jo he was Dan Cooper, but it was just a lie, a chance to go out as a big shot in the eyes of a woman who loved him. Duane couldn't credibly claim to be an altruistic hero, but he could claim to be a far more clever criminal than he actually was... and that's what he did in my opinion.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.
There is little chance that Jo will accept your offer and even less chance that she will abide by the terms.
You are right about that one - I need someone who will work with me and not against me. I don't want someone who will dictate to me (referring to the directions given to the documentary crew in 2001) No you couldn't be here or there - you had to be here. (We all know who I am referring to) I want to feel my way thru it without any instructions or feed.
I also do not want people to know I am there - I will be under enough stress just doing the things I need to do - and asking the question I need to ask and searching the records. Some of this will be difficult to do without revealing who I am - and I will leave those things for the last day or two.
QuoteJo has said before that she had proof that Duane received Ranger training.
The individual in possession of this - has NOT produced the document. I questioned its validity when I was told about it - and since the source is well connected to Duane's family we accepted it at face value.
The orginal source of the document (or note)knew Richard Tosaw and his family members ??? This connection was prior to Duane being publically acknowledge as a Cooper suspect. I have NOT discussed this because if it does exist we don't want it to POOF!
QuoteJo's inflation of Carr's concerned comments into "FBI threats" is sad.
Excuse me! - I just stated what CARR said "If you go to WA, you could get in a lot of trouble". Sluggo is the one who added the FIRE. The torching was done by CARR - taking FBI business outside of the office and to a private citizen. As far as I know Sluggo is not an employee of the FBI. I have taken this up with Ray Lauer.
QuoteThe FBI wants to solve Norjack in the worst way because it is their ONLY miss on a skyjack. If they solve this case they will be batting 1000 in a very notorious crime category.
I think you are all wet there - the FBI doesn't want it solved because if someone does solve it - they look bad. Have you ever given thought to the fact the FBI has been told to LOOK the other way?
QuoteIt isnt the FBI who has made Jo waste a lot of time and money, it's Duane's lies and her own stubborn obsession. I do think Duane told Jo he was Dan Cooper,
The logistics do not make sense.
If he was lieing - he spent 17 yrs telling the lie - in small ways. Do you really think Duane was smart enough to feed me (its and bits over a 17 yrs span to create the grande finale') - "I'm Dan Cooper"?
He was smart, but like a fox - hiding and wanting to boast about what he did - but, doing so meant spending the rest of his life behind bars.
You forget the trip, the things I held in my hands and his secretive life. You forget his connections (but then all you have is my word on that). Remember my words are worth nothing - and my words may forever be lost, unless someone left standing is brave enough to step forward. I do not believe there are any Heroes left amongest those who know the truth.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber
That person is not alone!