JerryThomas 0 #17301 April 5, 2010 Sorry all. Happy easter. It has snowed here for 4 Days. My 36 yr Old daughter is here today. It has realy been a good day for me.Orange one , After spending the day with my daughter. I thought about you and the little orange one. I remembered when I was awarded custody of my young ones. They were9.mos And 2YRS. i WENT OUT AND BOUGHT 3 BUNNY RABBITS that easter. Turned them loose in the yard. Then the easter egg hunt begain.This was 1974. I was stationed at Ft Jackson Sc. As A Drill SGT. Any way after the easter egg hunt I cagged the rabbits 2 Months later. guess what. BUNNIE BUNCHIES. Bottom Line Happy Easter All You Too Quade and Jo. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #17302 April 5, 2010 Quote QuoteThe millions of Jews killed under Hitler's order was an outrage, but is it anymore of an outrage than America ordering The "N" bombs to be used in Japan? Is it any different than the Civil war - brother killing brother because of ORDERS? Yes, it IS different Jo. I don't think any humans should ever be nuked and there were a lot of atrocities in the Civil War (Andersonville prison camp for example), but the torture and execution of six million non combatants can hardly be excused by a "just following orders" defense. It wasn't just Jews BTW, Gypsies and homosexuals were sent to the Nazi death camps too. Soon hunting Nazi war criminals will be a moot point due to age, but I do see a reason to go after them while they can still be found. They are criminals and should have to answer for what they did. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were arguably valid military targets due to industrial presence. I think it was wrong to bomb them and never would have approved it if I were the President without first demonstrating the atomic bomb in an unpopulated area and giving the Japanese a chance to surrender after witnessing its horrendous destructive power. I am friends with a Hiroshima survivor. He was a child living in the city when the bomb was dropped. Interestingly, he sees the nuclear bombings as more justified than I do. 377 Wait... wait... is Jo's argument that the FBI should be spending funds tracking down a hijacker who didn't kill anyone and just lost a few people some cash, rather than tracking down actual proven criminals - murderers, mass murderers - and removing them from US society? (Especially considering that she will never believe what the FBI's result will be anyway.) Sorry, but to me the logic sounds just as twisted as ...well, most other stuff she has presented here.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #17303 April 5, 2010 and happy easter Jerry and everyone!Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #17304 April 5, 2010 Thank you . Orange one. Shelly says Ya All Is the best and Happy Easter. Jerry. Ps this is not my Idea ( the picture I mean) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17305 April 5, 2010 Quoteand happy easter Jerry and everyone! same to you & yours Orange ... G Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17306 April 5, 2010 Well, it’s finally been proven! Jo was right, we were wrong. It is a known fact the Duane received military (skydiving) training! How do I know it’s true? I read it on the internet! An online magazine, called “mental_floss magazine” ran an article about 7 incredible stories of escapes. Here’s what it said {Emphasis mine}: … 2. Skydiving for Cash On November 24, 1971, a man calling himself Dan Cooper boarded Northwest Orient Flight 305 from Portland to Seattle, carrying only a briefcase. Once in the air, he handed the stewardess a note. When she ignored the gesture, Cooper politely redrew her attention to the message. This time, she realized how serious the situation was. The note said that Cooper had a bomb in his briefcase, and that he planned on setting it off unless he received $200,000 cash and some parachutes upon landing in Seattle. After having his demands met, Cooper redirected the plane to Mexico. He also gave the pilot instructions to maintain a speed of less than 150 knots and an altitude of less than 10,000 feet, and to keep the flaps set at 15 degrees. All of this kept the plane moving slowly enough for Cooper to make a dramatic exit. With cash in hand and a parachute on his back, Cooper jumped out of the plane somewhere over the Washington-Oregon border. To this day, Cooper’s whereabouts are unknown. Authorities maintain that he probably died while leaping from the plane, but there’s evidence to suggest otherwise. In 1978, hikers in Oregon (near the area where Cooper had jumped) found instructions for descending the rear stairwell of a Boeing 727. And in 1981, an 8-year-old boy discovered $5,880 that turned out to be part of Cooper’s ransom money. Neither discovery is conclusive proof, but there is one more piece of evidence: In 1997, the FBI opened a posthumous investigation into Duane Weber, an antiques dealer in Florida who made a deathbed admission that he was Dan Cooper. It turns out that Weber had a criminal record, serving six prison terms for burglary and forgery, and that he’d received military training during WWII, which included skydiving. … You can read the whole article HERE and find out about the other six escapes. So it’s settled, Jo can now put Duane under canopy with military training. It has to be true, it’s (in print) on the internet, it has to be true because “they” wouldn’t let them publish it if it wasn’t true. I happy now and I’m sure Jo is too! What you got to say now Mr. 377? Doubter, skeptic and cynic. Duane was under canopy! Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #17307 April 5, 2010 Case closed. What's next? "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JerryThomas 0 #17308 April 5, 2010 Sluggo. Check this info with the FBI not everything in print is fact.If you believe it is! your inteligence could be in question. Give larry a call and see what he says. You will find out that the information did not come from the FBI instead it came from Doug Pasternick and his article. Jerry Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17309 April 5, 2010 Wonder where those guys (note the article has no writers credited) get their info. Certainly not from me and if you are familiar with the other - individuals they spoke about - you would know this to be a farce. I have read other articles that made mistakes and misquotes, but this one takes the "CAKE". Yes, we can put Duane in a chute (if we can verifiy the source) and through association with others who did jump(most of who would be deceased..As for skydiving - that one is a stretch - other than maybe for 2 wks in the 60's - no one would even remember him and maybe "No one was Supposed to". This would have been done using an AKA and with an altered appearance - maybe why one individual claimed Duane's hair was "Sandy" but, I ignore this person until recently. I am now researching things on the computer that I found in the early yrs before I went public and before doors were "closed". Finding out about the past of one specific person - has really opened my eyes to some possiblities. Unfortunately they fall under the quise of a word none of us like "covert"...but not in the military. His phrasing which I wrote word for word "The Government came in a seized ALL of our records," This was after 1971. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #17310 April 5, 2010 lol... well, Jo has claimed all that here (without proof), and this is the internet - so who needs proof? We will only know it is REALLY true if the link goes *poof* (as well as all associated posts about it in this forum obviously, otherwise the FBI-CIA-SOG-Area51-ET-M15-KGB and everyone else in on it just won't be doing their jobs properly, right?)Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17311 April 6, 2010 Well, tonight I will throw some stuff out there and hope you can read it or at least maybe one of you will understand where I have been. Do any of you know who K. Neustel is? If not find out and tell me what you know about him. Do any of you know who N Bertel is? If not find out and tell me what you know about him. I spoke with both of these men yrs and yrs it makes no difference because NO one will ever listen. Both of them may be deceased by now, but I know what they told me. Don't understand my notes on Nuestel, but my notes on Bertel are very very clear. The difference between Golf and Skyjumping! Golf = Whack and then uh-oh. Jumping - Uh- Oh - then Whack. Found that when I was trying to find out if Neustel was still alive, but I don't think that is the same Neustel - but, maybe it is and if it is maybe he is still alive. Just the fact that the name was Neustel and he was a jumper - maybe there is more than one Neustel who was a jumper from 1944 to I don't know when - he has to be dead. Talked to both of these guys in 1998...that was 12 yrs ago. If either of them are still alive I don't even know if they will remember a phone call asking them if they knew John Collins or Duane Weber and what they knew about D.B. Cooper and other very private questions. If the FBI ever talked to them about Cooper - bet they never owe up to it...but then maybe the FBI was too busy chasing terrorist and bank robbers.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #17312 April 6, 2010 Quote Wonder where those guys (note the article has no writers credited) get their info. Certainly not from me and if you are familiar with the other - individuals they spoke about - you would know this to be a farce. I have read other articles that made mistakes and misquotes, but this one takes the "CAKE". Yes, we can put Duane in a chute (if we can verifiy the source) and through association with others who did jump(most of who would be deceased..As for skydiving - that one is a stretch - other than maybe for 2 wks in the 60's Good response Jo.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17313 April 6, 2010 Skydive71 said:Quote“… because NO one will ever listen” That is a situation that you created yourself. When you loose your creditability, no one will EVER listen to you! Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17314 April 6, 2010 AE6IM, I won’t OUT you here, since you didn’t post it here. But, you have inspired me (on several levels). I turned 63 yesterday, maybe you’ll get me “under canopy” (in some form) by/on my 64th birthday. What a great way to meld two hobbies! Consider posting the video link here, let everyone share. KE7GED Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17315 April 8, 2010 Neustel and Bertel - no one was interested. Anyone ever wonder WHY Coffelt just went POOF!. According to the source - There are actual tapes of individuals interviewing Tina and Florence regarding Coffelt....both who state Coffelt is Cooper. I will believe that informatin when I see it. All of this was early on in the case - prior to 1980. How many of you know that the articles supposedly written by Brown - where actually plagurized from another author and Brown put himself in the place of the other writer. I have read and compared the articles written by Brown and other article appearing in the London Observer - with the same details, but the story in the London Observer was written yrs before the article Byrom Brown claimed to have written was published in the Las Vegan. So how is that for new facts and myths. Fact - the article was plagurized. Unknown - are thereactual video tapes of Tina and Florence claiming Coffelt was Cooper and if so - why have they not revealed this to the public? I never felt Coffelt was Cooper, but the person who told me he had the videos has told me truths about other things - which he proved by producing of the plagurization of the London Observor articles. I am not the person for finding and having interviews indept with this individual. ..but participated in several long conversation with this man who has more actual information about the crime and the witnesses than any of us have ever been privey to. Now does anyone really want to investigate or just create myths? The above story is true and is not myth...for someone with the means and unbiased abililties and who can keep the facts straight I will put you in contact with this person. The man knows the case very very well including the facts about Weber and Coffelt. He does NOT participate in forums - but he has lots of information regarding this case never publicized - the man is creditable and once held a high profile position with-in the media. Not one of you have been where I have been in this investigation - I continue to make my calls and do my thing - but, I do take the time to listen to individuals I have reason to believe are creditable. He is convinced Coffelt was Cooper, but his information about Coffelt is best I can determined second hand and not in the first person. The above individual has quietly done his on research with the help of other for more yrs than I have researched Weber and his story fell on deaf ears. I at least listen and try to find out why he is so convinced Coffelt was Cooper. His stories are interesting and / but similiar to my own story in different ways. I enjoy hearing about his search and he has never had closure yet, he doesn't stop believing or hoping that someday the truth will be admitted. He strongly believes this crime was committed by more than one Man (which by the way was again plagurized by Brown - in some places word for word). A matter of National Security were the words spoke when government cars pulled up to stop production of a story this man had done. Now I am admitting - I let you guys think that was my phrasing. but it was not. His story happened Yrs Ago and now they FBI is doing the same with Weber.... We basically ended the conversation today in agreement that maybe more than on man committed the skyjacking and then each one as they have died off admitted - I am Dan Cooper. The first to die was Coffelt. Perhaps Gossett was one of this group? I would like to know what the FBI has to say about others who have also claimed to be Cooper and how many have actually done this?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17316 April 8, 2010 QuoteA matter of National Security were the words spoke when government cars pulled up to stop production of a story this man had done. Now I am admitting - I let you guys think that was my phrasing. but it was not. His story happened Yrs Ago and now they FBI is doing the same with Weber.... Why is it that the paranoid conspiracy buffs always claim that witnesses with crucial facts are silenced by MIBs, FBI agents etc who cite "national security"? An FBI agent can tell you to keep quiet about something due to national security and you can ignore the command. They have no injunctive power. Courts can order silence, FBI agents cannot. When they are cutting deals with confidential informants, silence can be an agreed to condition, but they can't just come up to a person who for example saw a flare dropped from a plane and order them to keep their f---ing mouth shut and arrest them if they disobey. Those kinds of orders have no legal weight. I personally doubt these stories and think they are made up to give an aura of danger and government concern to matters that the government couldn't care less about. Scully and Mulder don't really work for the FBI. There are no X files nor is there any government coverup of Norjack. The FBI got caught flat footed by Cooper and would LOVE to solve the case, even posthumously. Ckret didn't threaten Jo or order her to stay away or be silent, but it gives strength to her coverup theory if her claims are believed. I miss Ckret and I miss Snowmman, to this day. They both added a lot to this forum. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17317 April 9, 2010 I thought for a while there that I had “Killed the thread.” I posted Post #17314 at 7:46 AM on Apr 6, 2010. There were no other post until skyjack71 posted at 12:26 AM on Apr 8, 2010. That’s 40 hours and 40 minutes! That has to be a record for this thread. [All times CDT (Zulu -6).] I can remember when I would write a reply and there would be three or four posts sandwiched between the reply and the post I was responding to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sluggo's Quotable Ouotes There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17318 April 9, 2010 Hey Sluggo! Have we voted on the packing card issue? Let's next explore the D ring absence comment Cooper allegedly made. Don't worry about this thread dieing. Quade could kill it, but it won't die on its own. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17319 April 9, 2010 QuoteWhy is it that the paranoid conspiracy buffs always claim that witnesses with crucial facts are silenced by MIBs, FBI agents etc who cite "national security"? There have been lots of conspiracy theories regarding Cooper because he has evaded detection for 38 yrs. The researcher claimed to have recorded documentation of the stewardesses stating Coffelt was Cooper. The incident regarding the "black cars" and saying it was a matter of National Security and "suggested" they not continue with their filming. The gentleman seems to be creditable - as there were 5 witnesses to the above action. Did anyone think about WHY Coffelt just seemed to be forgotten as a suspect - early on? I suggested to the "individual" today - that maybe there were several guys and the first to die would claim he was Cooper and so on down the line - I was joking of course, but that is where I left the conversation. I could not and would not ridicule this man as others have done me. This man is a senior citizen and was a successful member of the media information circuits in those days. I believe he firmly thinks his suspect was Cooper and others believe their suspect was Cooper. Why do I even bother to investigate what others have done? Because I am always looking for that one small link - that might connect any two of the suspects...yet each one of the writers over the yrs will not share timelines on the lives of the suspects. Also the FBI has other "deathbed confession" (so they say - but these where never made public - so how do we find them? Could there be a common thread between these suspects? Part of the conversation today - brought about this statement.."None of them ever imagined that anyone of them might marry someone 17 yrs younger." Very little of this conversation was hypothetical and most of it was based on his research and my research...each believes our own suspect was Cooper. Both of us being considerate of the others opinions..but listening to what each was saying. Before we had discussed sharing time lines and I sent him a sketch of Duane's but he had not shared his suspect's time line - he agreed to do so in this conversation...I am 70 and he is 80 so time is closing in on us. QuoteCkret didn't threaten Jo or oder her to stay away or be silent, but it gives strength to her coverup theory if her claims are believed, The only thing that makes me even mention "cover-up" is my personal experience. I did not claim Ckret (Carr) threatened me, but he did say "If you come to Wa you could get in trouble." What was NOT an appropriate was his discussing with a private citizen any content of this call - totally unprofessional.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #17320 April 9, 2010 Quote I thought for a while there that I had “Killed the thread.” I posted Post #17314 at 7:46 AM on Apr 6, 2010. There were no other post until skyjack71 posted at 12:26 AM on Apr 8, 2010. That’s 40 hours and 40 minutes! That has to be a record for this thread. [All times CDT (Zulu -6).] It was an awesome time for sure.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1969912 0 #17321 April 9, 2010 Quote It was an awesome time for sure. "Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ." -NickDG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #17322 April 9, 2010 QuoteQuote I thought for a while there that I had “Killed the thread.” I posted Post #17314 at 7:46 AM on Apr 6, 2010. There were no other post until skyjack71 posted at 12:26 AM on Apr 8, 2010. That’s 40 hours and 40 minutes! That has to be a record for this thread. [All times CDT (Zulu -6).] It was an awesome time for sure. I can't believe you let one of the wuffo's escape from here to SC....... THE HORROR Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17323 April 9, 2010 QuoteQuote I thought for a while there that I had “Killed the thread.” I posted Post #17314 at 7:46 AM on Apr 6, 2010. There were no other post until skyjack71 posted at 12:26 AM on Apr 8, 2010. That’s 40 hours and 40 minutes! That has to be a record for this thread. [All times CDT (Zulu -6).] It was an awesome time for sure. I keep thinking whats the big deal, anyone can just ignore the forum for as long as they wish, but alas, moderators do not have that freedom. Now I understand Quade's "awesome time" comment a bit better. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17324 April 9, 2010 QuoteQuoteQuote I thought for a while there that I had “Killed the thread.” I posted Post #17314 at 7:46 AM on Apr 6, 2010. There were no other post until skyjack71 posted at 12:26 AM on Apr 8, 2010. That’s 40 hours and 40 minutes! That has to be a record for this thread. [All times CDT (Zulu -6).] It was an awesome time for sure. I keep thinking whats the big deal, anyone can just ignore the forum for as long as they wish, but alas, moderators do not have that freedom. Now I understand Quade's "awesome time" comment a bit better. 377 Can you translate that into English? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #17325 April 9, 2010 Quote There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't. One of our IT guys has this on a t-shirt, i love it Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites