Orange1 0 #17401 April 27, 2010 Quote Quote Question - If you found money and gold in an old car you bought and did not report it and the FBI knocks on your door 2 yrs later - what would you do? I'd exercise my 5th Amendment right to remain silent. Without some dumb admission they'd have a tough time getting a search warrant or having cause for arrest. Silence, literally in this case, is golden. 377 Question: if someone asked you yet another hypothetical irrelevant question on a forum, would you feel obliged to answer it? Of course, if the question was phrased thus: if you found money and an old parachute in an old car you bought ... now, that would be much more interesting.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17402 April 27, 2010 Quote Question: if someone asked you yet another hypothetical irrelevant question on a forum, would you feel obliged to answer it? Good one Orange!I cut Jo a lot more slack than I would grant to the FBI. Dunno why. I was starting to think that if Cooper landed alive and made a safe egress to cviilization, then his flight path is irrelevant, but that not the case. His flight path could tell us something about how the Tena Bar money got there. If there is no natural water transport explanation then things get really interesting. I keep thinking about what incredible courage it took to jump into the stormy night not really knowing what was below. I've jumped for 42 years and that would scare the living hell out of me. It also takes incredible courage to jump from the Golden Gate Bridge, yet many ordinary people do it every year. Sometimes I wonder if this kind of "suicide courage' is what was operating with Cooper. I wonder if instead of a courageous ex military special ops type perhaps we should be looking for a very depressed ordinary person. What argues against this is Cooper's alleged instruction on exit speed, altitude, etc. It sounds like he was trying to maximize his chances of surviving the jump. That is inconsistent with a suicidal model... I think. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17403 April 27, 2010 Quote Quote Quote Question - If you found money and gold in an old car you bought and did not report it and the FBI knocks on your door 2 yrs later - what would you do? I'd exercise my 5th Amendment right to remain silent. Without some dumb admission they'd have a tough time getting a search warrant or having cause for arrest. Silence, literally in this case, is golden. 377 Question: if someone asked you yet another hypothetical irrelevant question on a forum, would you feel obliged to answer it? Of course, if the question was phrased thus: if you found money and an old parachute in an old car you bought ... now, that would be much more interesting. Be a little difficult to hide a parachute in a car for 25 yrs. The cash and gold is the wash...and 377's answer is the same one I got for yrs. In 1996 no one was looking for old $20 bills...but, what was left was only soveniers and the rest was wash (safe).Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #17404 April 27, 2010 Quote I keep thinking about what incredible courage it took to jump into the stormy night not really knowing what was below. I've jumped for 42 years and that would scare the living hell out of me Wussie Night works in your favor psychologically.... you can't see how bad it is outside the door Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17405 April 29, 2010 Bursworth (no first name) and not sure of spelling. Well, that name was Donald Burnsworth - a pilot. A contact claimed the FBI came into his office asking about this individual the day after the Highjacking. I didn't remind the person that the day after was Thanksgiving day.. No the name is not the 2 words I was waiting for. I do not know who Donald Burnsworth was other than what I was told yesterday. Why did this man's contact interest me? Just 2 words he used in his contact with another individual. As much as I have said over the yrs there ARE things I have NOT told (or if I did I don't remember telling them). A story he told me MATCHED a story Duane told me - but, I do not remember telling the FBI or mentioning this to the FBI other than to Himmelsbach - ( I can hear you guys now chanting in unison - why didn't you tell the FBI and how convenient for you to remember it now). Fortunately I had a word processor back in 1996 til 2000...I kept notes about people I talked to and my memories of the trip and experiences with Duane. I made hard copies and I have the floppy which was converted into a format that could be read in a computer (not sure how useful that is now). I also have a tape recording I made over a period of several days during those first 4 yrs before going public.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17406 April 29, 2010 Quote As much as I have said over the yrs there ARE things I have NOT told (or if I did I don't remember telling them). Is this a quote from the Mad Hatter? According to her own words Jo has been consistent in telling less than the whole story "over the years". There is always something crucial that remains undisclosed. What happened to CAVA? Sluggo? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #17407 April 29, 2010 forget the CAVA, what happened to Sluggo??? I had an excuse to be missing, my wife gave birth our little girl 2 days ago! She wouldn't name her Cooper, She wouldn't consider D.B. and i was afraid i would get hit if i suggested Sluggo, or GeorgeR! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17408 April 29, 2010 Hey Skywhuffo, CONGRATULATIONS to you and you wife on the wonderful news!! Hope mom and daughter are doing well. In three years your baby girl can be tunnel flying. I've seen 3 year olds do some very respectable belly flying in our local machine. When my girl was about 4 she'd love to come to the DZ. I'd drop treats attached to long crepe paper streamer from about 2000 ft and watch her racing across the fields to catch it. Good times. We know your daughter is not a Cooper, but what did you name her? All the best, 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17409 April 29, 2010 The REAL reason I haven't posted lately is I heard SKYWHUFFO and Mrs. Whuffo DID NOT name their child Sluggo or Sluggette. I'm pissed! Congrats on the new addition. Now... it begins... be afraid... be VERY afraid! Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #17410 April 30, 2010 377, we named her Kinley Grace. Sluggo, I promise when my Golden Retreiver has puppies I will name one Sluggo! That's the best i could do.Now, for a little newborn present to the old man,sombody thow out some juicey news related to the case would ya! if i have to stay up all night i want somthing good to read or think about. It's quiet in here and i need somthing to read other than! HA! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17411 April 30, 2010 Read NPR interview: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #17412 April 30, 2010 been there done that Georger, CNN, Usatoday, ESPN etc etc. I think i have read every story on the oil rig, the economy, hell i i even read the story where they found Noah's Ark on Mt Arat last week, and wondered who was going to be the first to ask if there was iny 20's in a bucket buried with it was going to be! HA! sleep deprivation is taking it's toll, must have Cooper NEWS! JO- I'll even take a Jo story or theory right now! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17413 April 30, 2010 Quotebeen there done that Georger, CNN, Usatoday, ESPN etc etc. I think i have read every story on the oil rig, the economy, hell i i even read the story where they found Noah's Ark on Mt Arat last week, and wondered who was going to be the first to ask if there was iny 20's in a bucket buried with it was going to be! HA! sleep deprivation is taking it's toll, must have Cooper NEWS! JO- I'll even take a Jo story or theory right now! funny. Two aspirin, hot shower, and sleep. That's my RX. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #17414 April 30, 2010 Quote forget the CAVA, what happened to Sluggo??? I had an excuse to be missing, my wife gave birth our little girl 2 days ago! She wouldn't name her Cooper, She wouldn't consider D.B. and i was afraid i would get hit if i suggested Sluggo, or GeorgeR! And what, may I ask, is wrong with Orange? hey - congrats!! and backing up 377 - my older girl went tunnel flying when she was 4, and she thought it was even more awesome than Disneyland Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17415 April 30, 2010 Orange wrote: Quotemy older girl went tunnel flying when she was 4, and she thought it was even more awesome than Disneyland She got her mom's "jump gene" for sure! Freefall beats any Disney ride for those who are afflicted with this genetic disorder. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17416 April 30, 2010 All, As I mentioned previously a “friend-of-the-site” has made a 1971 Seattle Sectional Chart available for posting (at no cost to me). I was prepared to spend around $200 and 3-months waiting, but he saved me all the trouble. I haven’t posted the chart on my site yet, because the scans are very high resolution and I am having trouble getting Adobe Photoshop to handle the files on my computer. (Each side of the chart is a 2Gbyte file.) Now, I know some of you don’t understand my fascination with the historic maps and charts, but I feel that when you consider all the time and words wasted in the last 38 years looking at the case, a little bit of time spent with the charts and maps that were current at the time might yield something that has been missed looking at modern charts/maps. The chart that Ckret supplied (with the flight-path marked on it) is of questionable origin. I have always referred to it as a “1971 Seattle Sectional”. Now I can say with certainty that is not! So, now I will refer to it as the “Mystery Chart”. It may be a Northwest WAC Chart, an early 1972 Sectional Chart (I don’t think so), or a pre-1971 Seattle Sectional. With no legend, scale, or other information, anyone’s guess is as good as mine. The (for-real) 1971 Seattle Sectional is different from the Mystery Chart. NOTE: The color is not an issue, there were some primitive color copiers that didn’t match color very well. While breaking down the charts, I noticed something I thought I would share with “The Zoo” here at Attached are the following files: 1971 Seattle Sectional Date of Use.jpg This file is just to show doubters and accusers that I really do have a copy of the chart that was current on November 21, 1971. The chart was valid from July 22, 1971 until February 3, 1972 1971-Seattle-Sectional-Symbols-RED.jpg This will help you to understand the symbols used in aviation charts in 1971. FBI Mystery Chart.jpg This is a small segment of the Mystery Chart centered around Portland. 1971 Seattle Sectional (Compare).jpg This is the (approximately) same area as the section of Mystery Chart above. Now, let’s play the “How Many Things Are Different Game?” Compare the two charts. One thing that I’d like for you to notice (the main thing) is that Scholls Airport (in Orchards) had a DZ in November of 1971. Does anyone know the name of this DZ and who operated it? Quite some time ago, in one of my first communications with the FBI, I was told that there was some “new thinking” that indicated Cooper may have jumped farther south and landed “near Orchards.” About that same time, an Investigative Journalist asked me where Orchards was (he/she couldn’t find it on a map). So… what do you guys think? Sluggo Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17417 April 30, 2010 QuoteAll, As I mentioned previously a “friend-of-the-site” has made a 1971 Seattle Sectional Chart available for posting (at no cost to me). I was prepared to spend around $200 and 3-months waiting, but he saved me all the trouble. I haven’t posted the chart on my site yet, because the scans are very high resolution and I am having trouble getting Adobe Photoshop to handle the files on my computer. (Each side of the chart is a 2Gbyte file.) Now, I know some of you don’t understand my fascination with the historic maps and charts, but I feel that when you consider all the time and words wasted in the last 38 years looking at the case, a little bit of time spent with the charts and maps that were current at the time might yield something that has been missed looking at modern charts/maps. The chart that Ckret supplied (with the flight-path marked on it) is of questionable origin. I have always referred to it as a “1971 Seattle Sectional”. Now I can say with certainty that is not! So, now I will refer to it as the “Mystery Chart”. It may be a Northwest WAC Chart, an early 1972 Sectional Chart (I don’t think so), or a pre-1971 Seattle Sectional. With no legend, scale, or other information, anyone’s guess is as good as mine. The (for-real) 1971 Seattle Sectional is different from the Mystery Chart. NOTE: The color is not an issue, there were some primitive color copiers that didn’t match color very well. While breaking down the charts, I noticed something I thought I would share with “The Zoo” here at Attached are the following files: 1971 Seattle Sectional Date of Use.jpg This file is just to show doubters and accusers that I really do have a copy of the chart that was current on November 21, 1971. The chart was valid from July 22, 1971 until February 3, 1972 1971-Seattle-Sectional-Symbols-RED.jpg This will help you to understand the symbols used in aviation charts in 1971. FBI Mystery Chart.jpg This is a small segment of the Mystery Chart centered around Portland. 1971 Seattle Sectional (Compare).jpg This is the (approximately) same area as the section of Mystery Chart above. Now, let’s play the “How Many Things Are Different Game?” Compare the two charts. One thing that I’d like for you to notice (the main thing) is that Scholls Airport (in Orchards) had a DZ in November of 1971. Does anyone know the name of this DZ and who operated it? Quite some time ago, in one of my first communications with the FBI, I was told that there was some “new thinking” that indicated Cooper may have jumped farther south and landed “near Orchards.” About that same time, an Investigative Journalist asked me where Orchards was (he/she couldn’t find it on a map). So… what do you guys think? Sluggo Im not going to say "I told you so - " but damit Sluggo. Mystery Chart indeed. If Larry & others didnt know the origin of the chart how in blazes .......... could you? That said and over with, a DZ at Scholls Airport was discussed before. Some searches might now be in order. And I dont appreciate being referred to as a member of a Zoo. That may be your perception, but yours alone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #17418 April 30, 2010 QuoteAnd I dont appreciate being referred to as a member of a Zoo. That may be your perception, but yours alone. He isn't alone.Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17419 April 30, 2010 QuoteQuoteAnd I dont appreciate being referred to as a member of a Zoo. That may be your perception, but yours alone. He isn't alone. I have now contacted an aviation historian who should be able to supply someone knowledgeable in aviation chart history, who just might be able to identify which map the FBI plots were drawn on - I am tired of waiting on "the experts". This should be elementary? (Tom Kaye may already know, btw?) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17420 April 30, 2010 QuoteQuoteAnd I dont appreciate being referred to as a member of a Zoo. That may be your perception, but yours alone. He isn't alone. I really don't mind it at all. I've been called worse things in my time. I don't bruise easily. Sluggo isn't a very abrasive guy, especially by the standards we set here in this forum. I think it was meant in jest. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #17421 April 30, 2010 Yes, it was in jest. I am truly sorry, I did not mean to offend. That’s twice now I have offended someone here with my use of a depreciating term used as endearment (the other was Orange1 and the “Sky-Ape/Bird-Turd” term). I guess I was just poorly socialized, but, it is the way I talk. If I didn’t “like” you I would be EXTRODINARY POLITE and call you Sir and Ma’am. I guess you guys are just accustomed to dealing with trolls and it would never occur to you that if I really thought of you as animals in a zoo, I wouldn’t bother to post here. Comments? (Like I have to ask.) Sluggo Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #17422 April 30, 2010 No worries Sluggo. You are a good guy in my book. That old DZ has always intrigued me, but how the hell could Cooper navigate to that airport or even recognize it if he flew near it that night? Did it have a rotating white green tower beacon? I am pretty good at night visual orienting from airliners over urban areas that are dense with well lit location cues, but out in the sticks its just a wild ass guess... unless there is an airport beacon. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #17423 April 30, 2010 Quote One thing that I’d like for you to notice (the main thing) is that Scholls Airport (in Orchards) had a DZ in November of 1971. Does anyone know the name of this DZ and who operated it? Quite some time ago, in one of my first communications with the FBI, I was told that there was some “new thinking” that indicated Cooper may have jumped farther south and landed “near Orchards.” About that same time, an Investigative Journalist asked me where Orchards was (he/she couldn’t find it on a map). So… what do you guys think? Hi Sluggo. The Bomb I dropped in WA revealed the very same thing. I recieved communications with 3 individuals. One man knew exactly what I was looking for with the maps I sent out - he described it to me exactly the way I remembered it and tried to tell over the yrs. There was a slight problem with my map, but after what he said - it was easy to see where Duane flipped me (remember we made lots of turns and he didn't need a map). Everything I described - is there including that FIELD where there was an airstrip I couldn't see, (not too far from Scholls airport), but was told about by Duane. Everything I was shown was again explained to me by this contact. Another call also revealed the same thing. 1966 seems to be a pivitol yr for the background of Cooper. P.S. I have a story to tell about a man who showed some young squirts how to do it (jump). I don't have time right now and would rather wait until I get the facts straight. Plus I can only spend a few minutes sitting at one time. It is funny as hell - but I want to tell it right....but, what was strange about this story is that Duane had told me the same story in 1979.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17424 May 1, 2010 QuoteNo worries Sluggo. You are a good guy in my book. That old DZ has always intrigued me, but how the hell could Cooper navigate to that airport or even recognize it if he flew near it that night? Did it have a rotating white green tower beacon? I am pretty good at night visual orienting from airliners over urban areas that are dense with well lit location cues, but out in the sticks its just a wild ass guess... unless there is an airport beacon. 377 Cooper had no idea where he was UNLESS AND ONLY IF he was very good at celestial navigation/lunar navigation, and saw some stars/the moon above 10k feet, somehow figured out they were on V23 and he knew V23... etc etc etc. All he hoped for was: headed south. He may have figured out they were headed south (saw reference points he could interpret) and then clued in to the lights of Portland-Vancouver coming up. IF he jumped as per the original NWA estimate then none of this even matters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #17425 May 1, 2010 Quote Quote One thing that I’d like for you to notice (the main thing) is that Scholls Airport (in Orchards) had a DZ in November of 1971. Does anyone know the name of this DZ and who operated it? Quite some time ago, in one of my first communications with the FBI, I was told that there was some “new thinking” that indicated Cooper may have jumped farther south and landed “near Orchards.” About that same time, an Investigative Journalist asked me where Orchards was (he/she couldn’t find it on a map). So… what do you guys think? Hi Sluggo. The Bomb I dropped in WA revealed the very same thing. Sluggo is fortunate to have you checking his work. Keep up your Revelations to the planet, Earth! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites