As he suggested, I post his email "in toto:"
You can post this information verbatim.
In the December 1989, Farflung and I flew on an 737-200C that was half cargo/half passenger into Dutch Harbor. You can see what it was like in the vids below.
proof: here's an AA vid showing the 737-200 landing at Dutch Harbor
Well, so we made our way into town, and there was some kind of crazy bachelorette party going on at this purple bar called "The Elbow Room"
I kid you not: They had a burly woman at the door who wouldn't let you in unless you let her measure your dick and you passed a minimum.
Well we got in. I remember there was a woman passed out cold on the floor while two others were still fighting. One thing led to another. I remember hazily Farflung pointing to some bills posted behind the bar, and he was reading thru them..(different countries) till he got to a twenty with no additional writing on it at all.
He said "what's this?" and the bar went quiet. That's all I remember until I woke up at the airport in Anchorage.
I'm not kidding. You can confirm this with Farflung.
more vids on winter landings there
There was another time in Valdez, where Farflung and I ended up at the Pipeline club. Again I don't remember much, but at least that time I woke up in a room upstairs, not hundreds of miles away.
If Farflung denies it, have him explain this:
"Early 1994, ASAA requested a life raft deviation for it’s Russian operation. The FAA inspector team, including the Principal Maintenance and Principal Avionics inspector had safety concerns about granting this deviation in such a cold climate and freezing water. Baldwin told the inspectors that ASAA WOULD get the deviation “or else”. He raised his voice to the inspectors and emphasized many times that ASAA was our customer, and our job was to give them what they wanted. We disagreed, stating the flying public was our customer, and people would die unless we protected them. This type of incident was typical of Mr. Baldwin. In another incident, Mr. Bill Boser directed a Russian mechanic to de-ice an MD-80 with vodka and a garden sprayer. It was then done with passengers on the airplane and the APU running (a recipe for a fire). The plane then departs. I discovered the incident, attempted to go after the airline for safety violations, and experienced interference from Baldwin. Boser was a personal friend of Baldwin’s. Baldwin said he thought the incident was “funny” and “showed creativity”. Baldwin became angry when I pursued the issue."
Ahem, Farflung, I think the ball is in your court....
georger 247
QuoteGeoger Your Question about the Radar man is as I told you Non existant. Sorry it took so long but a lot had to be researched and verified. Through friends of mine, Tis is rock solid . Just got back from the woods.Jerry
Let's talk this weekend. Please read everything
posted in the last several days, if you dont mind.
I shouldnt be posting this here but will because I cant talk tonight or tomorrow but can on Sunday.
All is OK here. Glad you are back. Thanks.
377 22
First let me thank you for tracking down Burnworth and interviewing him.
Good job. I never shoot the messenger.
Second, thank goodness Snow is still on the case. I will sleep better tonight. Can't vouch for those wild bar stories but I do know that Snowmman is no stranger to Dutch, Adak and other godforsaken far north venues.
I just want to know if the bouncer used a crab gauge to do her go-no go metrics and if so was it the King or Dungeness size?
Come on Quade, let Snow back in so we don't have to sneak him in through the side door.
georger 247
QuoteX was referring to the US military's investment of time, money and training in Burnworth - not the FBI's investment.
This is based on alot of inference X received from the three federal authorities who individually interviewed him in three sequential, separate sessions. Exactly what was said by the agents, I do not know because X is very cagey about what the feddies specifically said.
If that was their perspective, that would not surprise me at all.
georger 247
using this link will allow you to use the “classic” google. At least in IE. For now.
Orange1 0
QuoteX says he wants to hold onto some details as a kind of trump card.
...why does X need a trump card?
georger 247
QuoteQuoteX says he wants to hold onto some details as a kind of trump card.
...why does X need a trump card?
and will X and DB be in Geof's book? It goes to
what really happened in the investigation of the DB Cooper case and the type of suspects that
were examined ... each represeting what theory
of the case?
How many X's and Burnworth(s) do you rationally
think there were in this case? 15? 50? 100? 200? 400? 800? What types of people represented the
other searches?
X and Burnworth illustrate what some investigators
were thinking in their profile of DB Cooper.
We also have the theory of the 'foul mouthed
nasty down on his luck Cooper, incompetent and possibly a food service worker'.
We have the 'he knew just enough to get himself into trouble possibly a cargo loadmaster' type.
One agent contrasts this with the skilled McCoy
who had real military training and background.
We have Jo Weber's profile namely Duane Weber.
Did Cooper escape all typologies of searches
and theories of the case, and if so why? How could
one decide a question of this type if you wanted to know (which most people dont want to know!) ?
QuoteQuoteX says he wants to hold onto some details as a kind of trump card.
...why does X need a trump card?
I don't know, Orange, but it suggests that he has grand plans, ie: movies, fame, books, etc.
Not only does X insist on anonymity, he has requested complete control over what I write of his information. I have never recevied a "request" like that before.
Don is much easier to deal with than X, but X is quite affable on the phone, too; it's his emails that are tough.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteX says he wants to hold onto some details as a kind of trump card.
...why does X need a trump card?Quote
I don't know, Orange, but it suggests that he has grand plans, ie: movies, fame, books, etc.
Not only does X insist on anonymity, he has requested complete control over what I write of his information. I have never recevied a "request" like that before.
Don is much easier to deal with than X, but X is quite affable on the phone, too; it's his emails that are tough.
Bring Burnworth here -
Tell X to go fish.
On what date did the Cooper case become a
Lottery, with Wise-guys and Wiase-gals hedging every bet?
Not only does X insist on anonymity, he has requested complete control over what I write of his information. I have never recevied a "request" like that before.
Don is much easier to deal with than X, but X is quite affable on the phone, too; it's his emails that are tough.
Bring Burnworth here -
Tell X to go fish.
Georger have you really studied what Burnworth had to say - I have had individuals who have known me for yrs to read this and they got the same drift - that Sluggo did. Also Burnworth's story doesn't add up - I sat down and tried to get a time line on his private life and it didn't work.
Remember when a story is told thur a 3rd party - it is impossible for the 3rd party to take it all in.
Bruce is pretty good - but, it will take several conversations with this man and documentations to back-up his claims. As I read what Bruce recited - it sounded all to familiar. Somethings I kept to myself and some other things that added to what I knew or had been told over the yrs. His dates didn't work and it sounded to much like my own story. It rambled as I also do.
I have requested to be able to communicate with this Burnworth because I have some questions I would NEVER ask of him in this forum or in public. I have also made contacts with certain individuals to reaffirm certain information - I dismissed yrs ago, because I couldn't or refuse to enter that particular realm of Webers life prior to my meeting him.
Burnworth even referred to his ex as a Jekell and Hyde as I and others (who have remained private) have been know to refer to an individual in Duane's past.
The exploitations within the material provided to Bruce are also in line with the known past of Duane and prior companions.
These are things I considered private and have not elaborated on except to those who I can trust in face on conversations or close friends...who do NOT repeat things said in confidence.
Perhaps Burnworth is facing health problems and wants to bear his soul or perhaps he has some knowledge unknowingly that connects to the story I have tried to uncover...per things told to me by Duane and others he knew. Perhaps Burnworth just sees a chance to get in on a story already in progress.
As for myself - I need to hear more of what this man has to say - face to face - not in this forum or publically. Scott and Scott monitored this thread for ideas and used them in more than one story they wrote for TV.
As for X I think he is smart to not let it all out on a forum or thru others - I for one can ATTEST to what this does to your private life and your credibility...both professionally and personally. Professionally it can be suicide. I had NO choice since the FBI would NOT communciate with me and refused to make documentation about Duane's past available to me. The FBI chose to bury Duane's past or NOT investigate it.
Until I have learned more from this Burnworth and from sources regarding Duane's past - I make NO judgements on his story. I am waiting for information provided to me about 2 yrs ago to be given to me again. This documentation was given to me sometime ago and I didn't see the need to process it - now I do.
As I have said before X said somethings that peaked my interest and then Bruce in telling Burnworth's story also added something to those other 2 items. Since these are NOT things I spoke about in the forum - I feel I have to follow through...only those close to me know about this. My files are so vast - I was unable to find the documentation I was looking for and have to contact the source.
QuoteJo still telling wonderfull fictional stories aren't you. I thought you would disapoint me and stop telling your tall!!!! tails. Oh! well, you didn't disapoint Me or Quaid ,Georger, Orange 1 Or sluggo . Yes I no, Sluggo ,speak for my self. But the truth is You have said the same thing. Jerry
Please read back into the thread since you left and know what the rules are. Everyone is respectful of others and the conversations have been civil, considerate and intelligent.
If you think what I have had to say is fictional TALL TALES (your way of calling me a liar) then read the posts Bruce has done about Mr. X and Burnworth and comment on those. I have had little to say - until the last couple of days...
This thread has produce new information be it false or true - but, things not known to the public thru traditional media or by way of the authorities.
Your harrassment and name unnessary and uncalled for......!
Quote”The story told in the last post by Bruce parallels (in many ways) information given to me (in confidence) by Skyjack71 years ago.” That’s the statement (no more, no less).
There could be a million reasons for the parallel aspects of her story and Don Burnworth’s story. His story has some “material false statements in it.
Take this for what it is worth:
Association with Chicago
Duane and I were the Sole Guests on a VERY LARGE yacht in the Fort Lauderdale/ Miami area in the 80's. I only told Himmelsbach and "friends" about this and the "other" little things or connections (private conversations).
The following quotes from Wikipedia are:
The manipulation and misuse of the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund. There were also allegations that The Outfit was involved in strong-arm tactics and voter fraud at polling places, under Salvatore Giancana in the 1960 presidential election. Along with the voting allegations, The Outfit was involved in a Central Intelligence Agency-Mafia collusion during Castro's overthrow of the Cuban government. In exchange for their help, the Outfit would be given access to their former casinos if they helped overthrow Fidel Castro (Operation Mongoose or Operation Family Jewels). Having failed in that endeavor, and facing increasing indictments under the administration of President John F. Kennedy (JFK), they are subjects of conspiracy theories regarding the JFK assassination, and that of JFK's brother Robert Kennedy. The Outfit controlled casinos in Las Vegas and "skimmed" millions of dollars over the course of several decades. Most recently, top mob figures have been found guilty of crimes dating back to as early as the mid 1960s.
I have never spoke to nor communicated with Donald Burnworth, but my sources tells me that Burnworth WAS not arrested for anything in Connection with the Skyjacking of 1971. There are some things in Burnworth's story that parallel with what I have told for yrs and things I never made public .
I had a conversation with one person who I related the yacht story to along with the other stories I told about "unusual" activities on the part of Weber and those stories have been repeated only to trusted individuals. I will say I do NOT believe Duane was a part of the Mafia - but he an infiltrator put in place in 1962 under another group - PROTECT - DO NO HARM. Believe if you wish he was the BAD guy - but whatever his assignment was or whatever he was involved in - continued until 1990...when he got his final payment.
Burnworth's story leaked like a bucket of water with too many holes in it. Yet, there was some sediment in the bottom of that bucket that needs to be examined - he only had part of the story...but, discredited himself with most of his interview.
Never state something about yourself in relation to a crime that is documental. Burnworth was NOT - in jail for 8 days in regard to D.B. Cooper...he may have been in jail, but he WAS not there as a Cooper suspect.
There were as Sluggo stated lots of problems with his second hand interview, but he did state things that correlate with things I have stated and other things told only in confidentiality....I don't know where this is going, but I am waiting to hear the magic words. Who owned that Yacht?
georger 247
QuoteQuote”The story told in the last post by Bruce parallels (in many ways) information given to me (in confidence) by Skyjack71 years ago.” That’s the statement (no more, no less).
There could be a million reasons for the parallel aspects of her story and Don Burnworth’s story. His story has some “material false statements in it.
Take this for what it is worth:
Association with Chicago
Duane and I were the Sole Guests on a VERY LARGE yacht in the Fort Lauderdale/ Miami area in the 80's. I only told Himmelsbach and "friends" about this and the "other" little things or connections (private conversations).
The following quotes from Wikipedia are:
The manipulation and misuse of the Teamsters Central States Pension Fund. There were also allegations that The Outfit was involved in strong-arm tactics and voter fraud at polling places, under Salvatore Giancana in the 1960 presidential election. Along with the voting allegations, The Outfit was involved in a Central Intelligence Agency-Mafia collusion during Castro's overthrow of the Cuban government. In exchange for their help, the Outfit would be given access to their former casinos if they helped overthrow Fidel Castro (Operation Mongoose or Operation Family Jewels). Having failed in that endeavor, and facing increasing indictments under the administration of President John F. Kennedy (JFK), they are subjects of conspiracy theories regarding the JFK assassination, and that of JFK's brother Robert Kennedy. The Outfit controlled casinos in Las Vegas and "skimmed" millions of dollars over the course of several decades. Most recently, top mob figures have been found guilty of crimes dating back to as early as the mid 1960s.
I have never spoke to nor communicated with Donald Burnworth, but my sources tells me that Burnworth WAS not arrested for anything in Connection with the Skyjacking of 1971. There are some things in Burnworth's story that parallel with what I have told for yrs and things I never made public .
I had a conversation with one person who I related the yacht story to along with the other stories I told about "unusual" activities on the part of Weber and those stories have been repeated only to trusted individuals. I will say I do NOT believe Duane was a part of the Mafia - but he an infiltrator put in place in 1962 under another group - PROTECT - DO NO HARM. Believe if you wish he was the BAD guy - but whatever his assignment was or whatever he was involved in - continued until 1990...when he got his final payment.
Burnworth's story leaked like a bucket of water with too many holes in it. Yet, there was some sediment in the bottom of that bucket that needs to be examined - he only had part of the story...but, discredited himself with most of his interview.
Never state something about yourself in relation to a crime that is documental. Burnworth was NOT - in jail for 8 days in regard to D.B. Cooper...he may have been in jail, but he WAS not there as a Cooper suspect.
There were as Sluggo stated lots of problems with his second hand interview, but he did state things that correlate with things I have stated and other things told only in confidentiality....I don't know where this is going, but I am waiting to hear the magic words. Who owned that Yacht?
You are sophisticated. Will Chastity, Virtue, Yatchs,
377, Sluggo and YOU solve the Cooper caper?
With or without X and Burnguy?
And, will the end result of production put these capers into a can ... at an affordable price. ?
Olive oil mafia style or Finnish dry?
Or, as some 'theys, thems, and its' think, is this all
desgined by 'you guys' to make you billionaires and th rest of us paupers?
Also: your 16 week BOMB ALERT! you told us to
lookl for is now months overdue in Washington.
What happened? You keep talking about the BOMB you dropped? Did Washintonians miss it?
What is this BOMB you keep talking about?
Did you buy Lithium from Burnguy? Did Sluggo
move to Lithium Futures? Does X deal in rare
metals? Where does 377 fit into this spculation
on Wall Street?
Oh! New uniforms for certified Cooper sleuths is coming soon.
377 22
QuoteDid you buy Lithium from Burnguy?
No, but he is trying to market something else from the Periodic Table.
Oddly this same Burnworth (ex UAL pilot) is trying to sell Iridium, the element.
Arent you a physicist or physical chemist G? Tell us what this might mean. Go ahead and speculate, thats what we do here in the absence of facts.
As far as Duane being a white hat Mafia infiltrator, show me some proof.
QuoteBurnworth was NOT - in jail for 8 days in regard to D.B. Cooper...he may have been in jail, but he WAS not there as a Cooper suspect.
How do you know this Jo? Burnworth could obtain the FBI reports on him thorugh a FOIA request. If he was arrested by the FBI, the reports would detail the basis of the arrest.
QuoteThere were as Sluggo stated lots of problems with his second hand interview, but he did state things that correlate with things I have stated and other things told only in confidentiality....I don't know where this is going, but I am waiting to hear the magic words. Who owned that Yacht?
If the yacht was a US vessel then all I need is the name of the yacht and year you were aboard and I can probably find out who owned it Jo. The USCG keeps vessel documentation records going way way back.
georger 247
QuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteDid you buy Lithium from Burnguy?
No, but he is trying to market something else from the Periodic Table.
Oddly this same Burnworth (ex UAL pilot) is trying to sell Iridium, the element.
Arent you a physicist or physical chemist G? Tell us what this might mean. Go ahead and speculate, thats what we do here in the absence of facts.
[Rarest of the rare: investing in rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and ...The spot prices of platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium currently are set by Johnson Matthey twice each day for the American market. ... - Cached - Similar pages]
Remember Howard Hunt (The Hunt Bros. - Texas) and silver?
Iridium is part of the Platinum group: see -
small percentage in nickle meteorites and:
The element iridium originates in stars. It is not a product of "regular" fusion (stellar nucleosynthesis), but occurs as a byproduct in post-iron nucleo-systhensis of heavier elements through a supernova event.
Iridium on earth is rare in the crust of the planet. It is found in meteorites, like the big one that fell in the Yucatan some 65 million years ago. The massive blast scattered an ash layer that can be discovered in many places around the world today.
If this sounds familiar, it probably does so because this impact is the cause (all or in part) cited for the erasure of the dinosaur from the chain of life on earth.
Most iridium is recovered as a byproduct of nickel and copper refining. It appears in the muds of the processing tanks for these metals. In nature, it is found in gravel deposits with osmium and platinum abundant ores. About 3 tons is produced per year worldwide with Canada as the primary mining area.]
See also:
Iridium appearing in the spectrum of a star can be used to help ddtermine a star's age -

georger 247
QuoteI guess I didn't read enough of the Back log forum. I am realy confused with the Battery thing. I thought we were discussing The new story from Bruce and Jo"s Yacht club. WoW! sorry. Jerry
Bruce came forward and profured a Mr X (who
llives close to you!

Bruce then found and interviewed the man himself, one Donald O. Burnworth, Cpt who confrimed he
had been incarcerated for eight days during the
Norjak investigation. It's a confused story with
many question still unanswered. Im just sitting
here copyng it all so far. Burnworth says he has
no time in a chute (which contradicts Mr. X's
assertions). So far its monkey-see monkey-do
until monkey shits and tree splits. Whcih way will
it fall?
Colder than a witches patut with strong rain here.
Got my tomatoes in today. Everything else ok and holding steady - busy.
You are sophisticated. Will Chastity, Virtue, Yatchs,
377, Sluggo and YOU solve the Cooper caper?
With or without X and Burnguy?
And, will the end result of production put these capers into a can ... at an affordable price. ?
Olive oil mafia style or Finnish dry?
Or, as some 'theys, thems, and its' think, is this all
desgined by 'you guys' to make you billionaires and th rest of us paupers?
Sweetheart I am a pauper by your standards. I haven't designed anything - just searching for the truth and some things have landed in my lap lately - they might turn out to be bird poop!
Capers in a can - can you do that? I want the truth - what do you want in your can?
QuoteAlso: your 16 week BOMB ALERT! you told us to
lookl for is now months overdue in Washington.
What happened? You keep talking about the BOMB you dropped? Did Washintonians miss it?
What is this BOMB you keep talking about?
I only got out 17 of the bombs, only one hit a target - no collateral damage, but I may have to go to WA to see the results. I thought I had posted about this - but, maybe I didn't.
MY bombs had absolutely nothing to do with this recent information that is being posted regarding Mr X or Burnworth. If you communicated with me other than in this forum you would know about the Bombs - I don't share things with people I can't put a name with and face with.
Provide me with an address by email and I will mail you one of my Duds. They need to be redone because of information one produced.
QuoteOh! New uniforms for certified Cooper sleuths is coming soon.
You don't consider me a Cooper Sleuth - but, do I get one? Probably T-shirts with all of the avatars on it...why you wanted me to change my avatar!
georger 247
You are sophisticated. Will Chastity, Virtue, Yatchs,
377, Sluggo and YOU solve the Cooper caper?
With or without X and Burnguy?
And, will the end result of production put these capers into a can ... at an affordable price. ?
Olive oil mafia style or Finnish dry?
Or, as some 'theys, thems, and its' think, is this all
desgined by 'you guys' to make you billionaires and th rest of us paupers?
Sweetheart I am a pauper by your standards. I haven't designed anything - just searching for the truth and some things have landed in my lap lately - they might turn out to be bird poop!
Capers in a can - can you do that? I want the truth - what do you want in your can?QuoteAlso: your 16 week BOMB ALERT! you told us to
lookl for is now months overdue in Washington.
What happened? You keep talking about the BOMB you dropped? Did Washintonians miss it?
What is this BOMB you keep talking about?
I only got out 17 of the bombs, only one hit a target - no collateral damage, but I may have to go to WA to see the results. I thought I had posted about this - but, maybe I didn't.
MY bombs had absolutely nothing to do with this recent information that is being posted regarding Mr X or Burnworth. If you communicated with me other than in this forum you would know about the Bombs - I don't share things with people I can't put a name with and face with.
Provide me with an address by email and I will mail you one of my Duds. They need to be redone because of information one produced.QuoteOh! New uniforms for certified Cooper sleuths is coming soon.
You don't consider me a Cooper Sleuth - but, do I get one? Probably T-shirts with all of the avatars on it...why you wanted me to change my avatar!
If you had no candidate (Duane) and hadnt stirred up so much grief, you would almost be likable.
Hell I would even leave a bag of tomatoes at your door.

Orange1 0
QuoteRarest of the rare: investing in rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and ...The spot prices of platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium currently are set by Johnson Matthey twice each day for the American market. ...
If I'd gone online earlier, I could have told you that, 377. We know our PGMs very well down here in SA

QuoteSouth Africa, with vast platinum ore deposits in the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld complex, is the world's largest producer of platinum, followed by Russia.
(Before I moved into finance per se, I worked at a company that at that stage owned the largest platinum mines in the world, as well as some very rich gold mines. I know my precious metals

georger 247
QuoteQuoteRarest of the rare: investing in rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, and ...The spot prices of platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, and iridium currently are set by Johnson Matthey twice each day for the American market. ...
If I'd gone online earlier, I could have told you that, 377. We know our PGMs very well down here in SAQuoteSouth Africa, with vast platinum ore deposits in the Merensky Reef of the Bushveld complex, is the world's largest producer of platinum, followed by Russia.
(Before I moved into finance per se, I worked at a company that at that stage owned the largest platinum mines in the world, as well as some very rich gold mines. I know my precious metals)
and here's one you might like.
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