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georger 247
"The Mystery of D.B. Cooper," by Musika Farnsworth, Parachutist, November 2003.
Is the long post at the Lexus Forums the same
article? Url is:
any help appreciated.
I can find nor eference to this article having ever been mentioned in this forum? perhaps I am wrong.
Likewise, the Lexus Clubs article on DB Cooper is
worth reading if you dont know about it -
see attached - so far as I can determine, the Parachutist Magazine has no archive on its homepage to download past articles from ... ?
Robert99 50
Robert Nicholson
georger 247
QuoteMusika Farnsworth also has the first of a series of articles on the Cooper hijacking in the May 2010 issue of The Parachutist Magazine. Perhaps you could contact Farnsworth through that magazine and either get a back copy or a referral to where a copy of the article can be found online.
Robert Nicholson
Thanks Robert.
377 22
The author was drawn to the subject after meeting Himmelsbach at her local airport where he kept his plane.
She does interview some highly experienced skydivers who jumped from 727 and DC 9 aircraft and all were suprised at the initial violence of the exit.
She apparently got a lot of cooperation from Larry Carr.
I'll bet you can buy copies of Parachutist magazine issues from the USPA. Parts one and two of the latest DB Cooper story are are in subsequent issues.
QuoteAccording to my friend, woe be unto Ranger or Special Forces posers who make the sad mistake of peddling their heroic lies in hearing range of the real vets, especially in a bar where a substantial amount of alcohol has been consumed by the real guys.
My son, a former Army Ranger, just told me he emailed a guy he saw on tv claiming to be an Army Ranger and called him out on his claims.
Apparently this guy was promoting his book and claimed to be a "Ranger".
My son did some research, the guy has the "tab" but never was in a Ranger unit.
There is a big difference between completing "Ranger School", getting the "tab" to actually being in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Oh, my son didn't get a reply. Imagine that...
"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan
Hangdiver stated:
There is a big difference between completing "Ranger School", getting the "tab" to actually being in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Jo states;
I like the remark - "completing" versus "actually". Lots of military and non military where trained to jump but were never considered rangers.
377 stated:
I don't condone beating up mentally ill posers, but that's what happens.
At least afterwards the poser can truthfully claim that he fought with the Army Rangers or Special Forces.
Jo states just for the record:

I hope you are NOT putting Duane in this category as he only mentioned 'ranger' training once, when were going thu a forest - I thought he was referring to forest rangers. I still do.
The forum and others before picked up on the word 'ranger' - I did not understand the connection. I investigated this possiblility, but the family members are all deceased. All we found was - an undated note in the family records and with no source stated. It stated a date and a location for jump training..the date stated was pausible with the background of Weber.
When Duane took me on
business to the Ft. Benning area...he pointed out a duplex or apt. and said "that is where we used to stay" and then going just a little further North pointed to another area and stated "Over there is where we jumped".
He did NOT claim it was military and the building he showed me was NOT on military grounds, but the base was in this very vicinity.
Remember when I made inquires of this military base - I was told some formidable things and then the man 'vanished' - I was told he was no longer there.

377 22
QuoteJumpers where trained on or in cordination with this base - that were NOT military.
Can you prove this statement? What evidence do you have of civilians being trained to jump by the military at or around Ft Benning??
QuoteJo wrote:
QuoteJumpers where trained on or in cordination with this base - that were NOT military.
Can you prove this statement? What evidence do you have of civilians being trained to jump by the military at or around Ft Benning??
We have gone over this before - smokejumpers where trained at Ft. Benning. I don't have time to go back and find the sources, but it was in the history of smokejumpers and the research an individual in the Ft. Benning area did...Ft. Benning also trained jumpers for other countries.
I have forgot the story - but there was one guy who was in the jumping course - and somehow an individual was found who had used someone else's number - and/or name. When found out I do not know what the results where - I expect criminal charges. I have often wonder if this is why the FBI came up with the name Wavy Greene on a military record with Duane's military one was ever able to answer this one, but then all I have is my conversation with an FBI agent some time between 1998 and the early part of 2001. Wish I had recorded that conversation then maybe it would be proof.
I have never research a Wavy Green because I don't know what the correct spelling was.
georger 247
Hangdiver stated:
There is a big difference between completing "Ranger School", getting the "tab" to actually being in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Jo states;
I like the remark - "completing" versus "actually". Lots of military and non military where trained to jump but were never considered rangers.
377 stated:
I don't condone beating up mentally ill posers, but that's what happens.
At least afterwards the poser can truthfully claim that he fought with the Army Rangers or Special Forces.
Jo states just for the record:

I hope you are NOT putting Duane in this category as he only mentioned 'ranger' training once, when were going thu a forest - I thought he was referring to forest rangers. I still do.
The forum and others before picked up on the word 'ranger' - I did not understand the connection. I investigated this possiblility, but the family members are all deceased. All we found was - an undated note in the family records and with no source stated. It stated a date and a location for jump training..the date stated was pausible with the background of Weber.
When Duane took me on
business to the Ft. Benning area...he pointed out a duplex or apt. and said "that is where we used to stay" and then going just a little further North pointed to another area and stated "Over there is where we jumped".
He did NOT claim it was military and the building he showed me was NOT on military grounds, but the base was in this very vicinity.
Remember when I made inquires of this military base - I was told some formidable things and then the man 'vanished' - I was told he was no longer there.

Maybe Duane was just a fucking liar and embellished everything?
Have you ever considred that?
Liars have an uncanny ability to confuse and
obliteratre logic - maybe he confused and
obliterated you?
In addition, your reference to Duane & Bu Dop
1968-9 was rather specific, tease or not! That is military. That was just one more false path you
have taken people down ... in a long list of same.
377 22
Does Sheridan Peterson still read this forum? Turns out old Pete was a very early wingsuit flyer. He was certainly up for trying the unconventional/dangerous.
Sheridan never did respond to my questions about how widespread the knowledge was regarding those Air America 727 jumps among people working/fighting in SE Asia.
I STILL think that Cooper knew for sure that a 727 could be jumped.
377 22
Do you think he was a trained jumper Jerry? Military? Skydiver? Both? Neither?
Robert99 50
QuoteMy guess would be that less, and probably a LOT less, than 500 people who were on this planet in late 1971 would have the specific technical information on the 727 that Cooper had. Cooper probably had extensive experience in wearing parachutes but little, if any, in jumping itself.
Based on what?
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Robert99 50
georger 247
QuoteMy guess would be that less, and probably a LOT less, than 500 people who were on this planet in late 1971 would have the specific technical information on the 727 that Cooper had.
which technical info did he & only 500 have?
Any fool could put 2+2 together and realise you
could jump off those rear stairs, IFF you could
get SOMEBODY to lower them for you (which is
where Tina came in).
According to my friend, woe be unto Ranger or Special Forces posers who make the sad mistake of peddling their heroic lies in hearing range of the real vets, especially in a bar where a substantial amount of alcohol has been consumed by the real guys.
I don't condone beating up mentally ill posers, but that's what happens.
At least afterwards the poser can truthfully claim that he fought with the Army Rangers or Special Forces.
You ever hear about this kind of stuff Jerry?
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