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Farflung 0
My initial post and POINT was about the ambiguity in HER own telling that she could not recall if she monitored anything while 305 was on the ground. That is ALL.
I offered the MOST (biggest margin) conservative estimates (34 foot tail height) and referenced every friggin step in the analysis. Much, MUCH, MUUUCCCHH more than the average person offers on this forum. I even went so far (foolishly) to offer validation by any un-biased person willing to complete a cross check. Instead of correcting my math or posting a different solution, this entire subject released a frothy stool in the bed with proclamations of reflectivity and scintillation that 377 would verify. He did just that and uses 1.2/square rather than the 1.5, I initially posted. So the initial distance calculated is actually of a greater amount.... NOT lesser. Making the monitoring of ground comms even LESS probable.
But I'm open to any NEW (assumes true) information like: they had a 100 foot tower for their UNICOM. But until I have that information, I'm not going to just dismiss the subject and go back to spinning the prop on my beanie.
For Pete's sake georger. Why do you have such Diamond Cutting Fanboi Manwood for this subject? It seems out of character for your usual logical analysis.
I'm surrendering to the battle of wills, you win. Remember, if it turns out they had a 300 foot mast at Shady Acres it won't matter since you were willing to accept a 6 foot antenna as capable of receiving 34 foot transmissions from SEATAC.
I took a nap next to a giant pod and see the wisdom of buried money and flares and felt the need to feed on the sweet, sweet nectar of iridium... I meant brains. Cause Zombies eat brrrraaaaiiinnns.
If you have read my blogs and other posts, you know that I think the investigation in general was botched, mainly because of biases of some of the lead investigators. However, being a “botched investigation” is not the same as “failure to investigate.”
Whether the investigation was driven by “leads/tips” or by proactive efforts coming from some sort of “think-tank or steering committee” is irrelevant to me.
This article indicates to me the FBI was investigating every possibility that they were aware of and which might have lead to a conclusion.
Now, I have to tread carefully here… least I begin to sound like Jo. So, you read it just as I state it. I have reason to believe the FBI knew about the SF-SOG activities in Viet Nam by as early as 1972. I came by this information since the conversation I had with Ckret (and posted last night). I don’t want to hear a lot of shit about my standards for proof being low… the fact is, I have no proof. But, I trust the person who told me. All information EVER gained from this person has checked out.
Way Back When - Sluggo posted the above! As more and more has becomes evident - do the above statements mean more or less? Are we over a yr later still baffled? Will this skyjacking forever stay unsolved thru out eternity?
There are answers NO one wishes to face. Cooper although he may have been involved in some "secret stuff" (note I do not say covert or SOG) in all probability acted alone or with only one other person. There is NO evidence to prove he died on that night.
The only way Cooper could not be detected was to "change" his life. If he had a criminal past - he had to make sure he was never arrested again for anything. He had to cut all ties with anyone who might remember him and he was aided by the fact the first Composites were so bad (referring to the Bing Crosby look-a-like). It would be several yrs - before other composites would ever be known - to the general public.
No one keeps a secret forever and he knew he had done a bang-up "job" - he knew he had got away with the "big score", even if he lost all of the money.
Unless Cooper died in an accident or unexpectantly he had to tell someone who he really was...this would not be a secret a man would want to take to his death...if he was given the opportunity to tell it when NO one could hurt him or lock him up. This is human nature and survival.
Because he had a "clandestine" past - if the FBI ever found out or suspected who he was - they may NOT have been able to "catch" him because it would have meant exposure of secrets others chose to keep...therefore like poison Ivy they let him be.
Why expose a man who might expose "other" things as long as he was keeping his mouth shut?
Why or how would such a man obtain many thousands of dollars during his last few yrs when his income was basically nothing? Lot's of questions!
Robert99 50
QuoteQuoteDr Hawkins has published studies about worm holes in time...
That explains those odd perforations in the Tena Bar money.
Does anyone have a picture or other description of the perforations or other marks that were on the Tena Bar money?
377 22
Fly Shelly to a really romantic getaway vacation spot and she'll forget about all the money that plane burns just sitting at the airport.
With a good moving map aviation GPS you wont be flying into any mountains and you'll always find the airport.
You live in a beautiful area. Why not see it from the air whenever you feel like it?
It's safer than jumping if you watch your weather and make conservative go no go decsions.
How many hours on the engine and airframe? What is the panel like, any modern stuff at all for that low price? Any damage history?
Do a compression AND leak down test so you dont get stuck with a weak engine.
377 22
QuoteQuoteQuoteDr Hawkins has published studies about worm holes in time...
That explains those odd perforations in the Tena Bar money.
Does anyone have a picture or other description of the perforations or other marks that were on the Tena Bar money?
There are lot of Tena Bar money photos posted way back on he forum. Look at Snowmman's posts.
Check this too:
3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.
Flys a Bonanza at 84, wow! As I recall he flew P 51s and P 40s in the military so he is certainly a seasoned aviator.
What's your excuse for hanging up skydiving Jerry at your young age?
If you are down my way and change your mind I'll buy you a couple of rides to 14K.
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