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DB Cooper

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We haven't heard from Orange in a while. How's life in SA during the World Cup?


heh heh... just got back from a week on the sunny tropical island of mauritius today (remember it's winter in SA) and catching up on what i missed, which is basically: welcome robert99/thanks sluggo for facilitation; congrats sluggo on job, skywhuffo on 4000 jumps, and jerry on daughter's recovery; and thanks 377 on info re radio comms under canopy.

As for the World Cup, it's just awesome. Can explain the atmosphere about as well as trying to explain to a whuffo what a skydive feels like :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Since I’m going to be on travel status the first 4 days of next week, I put up Robert99's NWA FLIGHT TRACK ANALYSIS - Part 2 on my site today.

I wish I had time to discuss it, because I disagree with some of his assumptions. Oh well! I’ll take my shots (at him) next week.

Go in through my home page (the link on my signature line) and be the 13,001st person to visit my site.

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There are so many names in the periphery of the DB Cooper story, I wonder if it would be possible to compile a list and give a brief description of the contributions of the various players? Those actually involved, those that have written books, those that have made outlandish claims and those all too frequent trouble-makers that hide behind assumed names.

Might keep somebody busy for awhile, but might be an interesting reference for those that have come late to the party.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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There are so many names in the periphery of the DB Cooper story, I wonder if it would be possible to compile a list and give a brief description of the contributions of the various players? Those actually involved, those that have written books, those that have made outlandish claims and those all too frequent trouble-makers that hide behind assumed names.

Might keep somebody busy for awhile, but might be an interesting reference for those that have come late to the party.

That might be a little difficult without your help... Are you just referring to the forum or to the Cooper case since 1971?

This could turn out to be a useful thing if it encompasses the 39 yr history of the case. Would test a lot of individuals abilities to recall actual facts and names and times and places. Those who hide behind assumed names - you are the only one with access to that one.
One would have to start with a yr.

1971 - Ralph Himmelsbach FBI agent in charge
1971 - list the passengers
1971 - list the crew
1971 - list all known characters such as ticket agent and others.
1972 - the first suspect Coffelt with is legal name and aliases and names of writters an were these article appeared
1972 - commentators and other known names of individuals withing the realm of Coffelt (except the man who has extensive research on Coffelt who has never wanted to be Identified - in his mid 80's he still quietly works away at this old case, but without the media exchange). But at his age is too set and not flexible in his thinking.
1971 and 1972 - all of the news media and specials done on Cooper.

If this is what you are suggesting it would be an unsurmountable task...and require lots of research to give names and place and circumstances and claim.

This would also encompass new articles written and every witness account ever reported(I like that subject).

The page and my mind goes blank just thinking about this one. It would have to be chronological for anyone who was new comer to the Cooper case to make any sense out of it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There are so many names in the periphery of the DB Cooper story, I wonder if it would be possible to compile a list and give a brief description of the contributions of the various players? Those actually involved, those that have written books, those that have made outlandish claims and those all too frequent trouble-makers that hide behind assumed names.

Might keep somebody busy for awhile, but might be an interesting reference for those that have come late to the party.

It's a great idea Quade! ...assuming someone will volunteer their time for it...
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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There are so many names in the periphery of the DB Cooper story, I wonder if it would be possible to compile a list and give a brief description of the contributions of the various players? Those actually involved, those that have written books, those that have made outlandish claims and those all too frequent trouble-makers that hide behind assumed names.

Might keep somebody busy for awhile, but might be an interesting reference for those that have come late to the party.

"Can't tell the players without a scorecard!"

Here's the 'Readers Digest' version:

Skyjack71 ~ The sparkplug looking to uncover D.B. Cooper.

Guru 312 ~ D.B. Cooper.


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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How about this:

Here is a template (attached as an MS Word file):

Everyone add what they want and post it here, I’ll take on the responsibility to collate them and make a master and post it back here.

I don’t know what we’ll do when it goes over 300k, but we’ll figure something out.

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The FBI section is pretty awesome.

I don't see the flight crew and ticket agents, and surely more than one person has stepped forward with a claim to connection to the event than just Jo.

How about all the folks that have played with the recovered money? The people that have participated in the numerous recreations and in what appears to be a lot of cases taken liberties in attempting to explain them? The "facial recognition" software?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul,(Quade) I guess some people just don't like there real name.They choose to use call signs.I believe it makes them feel safe. One question, why did you decide to be the moderator for this thread. Seem's that if you dislike it as much as you seem too, you would pass it on. Or could there be a hidden reason like power. My point being, everyone has a reason for how they post on this thread. If they don't want ther name's expossed they have there reason's, just like you have your's. Oh I use my real name and have even posted my home phone# my reason is I'm not hiding or running or telling lie's .All I want is to see this case solved before Ralph die's. And post's that make fake claim's does not help this case.Jerry

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It is intended to be a template!

I just filled in the FBI and Book sections because I had them handy, the others I looked up as examples.

As I run across stuff, I’ll populate it, but the intention was for everybody to pitch in. If everyone pitches in, we can build a hellacious database of info, if no one else wants to play, I’ll just post what I have on my web site.

There is more (NORJAK) information (valued and valueless) in this forum thread than anywhere else in the world!

Your suggestion was a great one, but for one individual to do it… well… it could be a “life’s work.”


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Robert. Where you at. You haven't posted in a whille.Anyway check your Email I answered your question's. Some of your questions I will answer only to your email, others I'll answer on drop Zone to benifit all. Some answer's could be used to fabricate stories. These answers are the one's you will recieve by Email only. Jerry

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A good idea has a thousand fathers, a bad one borne an orphan.

No one will admit to holding the patent for the UroClub or Tiddy Bear, but someone filed trademark and intellectual property rights for those brain dead products. Heck, put the Segway on the heap while you are at it. Unless socially unacceptable people needed a form of transport that would lower their chances of procreation to less than zero, I suppose it could be considered a success.

Bernie Madoff used his name to run a business for over a quarter century to the point of the largest theft in the history of man. I mean, 50 billion bucks and he did nothing but convince some trust fund babies to invest with him because they were extra special. Amazing what a self absorbed cloister can convince themselves about while completely detaching from all validation, feedback and reality. Hey, Bernie was the president of the NASDAQ and knew rich people and had dimples on his butt. With qualifications like that, he could and did make claims about trading stocks that did not have an aggregate volume of one tenth that Bernie printed on his statements. Audits, oversight and validation are for those who don't know what they are doing.

Use your real name and trademark some garbage and claim to be very close to inside information (like Bernie) while lamenting all the crap flying around. Or.....

One could post (with attribution) a theory or thought process which stands the test of scrutiny and review by individuals known only for their ability to employ rational logic in the search of truth. Nahhhh, I was just kidding, go back to your normally scheduled self interests, bias and steering.

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It is intended to be a template!

I think you misunderstood me. I wasn't criticizing your work, simply suggesting categories of other people that should probably be eventually included by those that wish to contribute.

What you've done so far is excellent!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul,(Quade) I guess some people just don't like there real name.They choose to use call signs.I believe it makes them feel safe.

And I think that's the problem I have with people using aliases in general. It's a way for them to NOT be accountable. They are free to berate any number of people that really have put themselves on the line by saying things, but they get away scott free because they can hide behind a screen name. To me, if a person is going to be taken seriously, they'll stand behind their words with their actual name.


One question, why did you decide to be the moderator for this thread. Seem's that if you dislike it as much as you seem too, you would pass it on.

I didn't choose to moderate this thread. A LONG time ago, well before this thread ever existed, I was asked to be the Moderator of this Forum (History & Trivia). It just so happens DB Cooper falls into that category.

I have nearly but not zero interest in the topic, but am occasionally dragged into the thread when one of you guys gets out of line and another (or more than just one) of you complain to high heaven about it.

There is absolutely nothing in Moderating this thread that is done to -MY- advantage, because there is no advantage for me to even be involved with it. If you thought about it for a few minutes, you'd understand that's actually what most people would really want here.

All I want is to see this case solved before Ralph die's. And post's that make fake claim's does not help this case.Jerry

Which is exactly why I think you'd support people using their real names rather than aliases.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul I don't understand. What Slugo has done is not excellrnt but just an atempt to control this thread and his own blog . Still Claim's to fame should only be at a personal level and not public. Jerry

Really? What about the information provided in his list of names isn't factual?

As for him controlling his own blog, that's his blog; he's entitled to it.

He certainly doesn't control this thread or forum.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Your Right. However. I do also believe that you should support my feeling's in keeping this thread factual and not let a person to post (her or it's) lie's or fictionional situation's to be posted and expell this individual from drop zone. Failure to do so is nothing more than a statement that itis ok to tell lies. It's time to stop all the BS and give this thread a chance to solve this case and expel the Lier's and story maker's . Do you have the Guts to to this. It's your call . I say go for it . Do your self a favor . Post a vote. Jerry

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Your Right. However. I do also believe that you should support my feeling's in keeping this thread factual and not let a person to post (her or it's) lie's or fictionional situation's to be posted and expell this individual from drop zone. Failure to do so is nothing more than a statement that it is ok to tell lies. It's time to stop all the BS and give this thread a chance to solve this case and expel the Lier's and story maker's . Do you have the Guts to to this. It's your call . I say go for it . Do your self a favor . Post a vote. Jerry


It's a SKYDIVING website...it IS okay to tell lies! :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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While I understand your point of view, nobody is getting booted off or banned simply because you or anyone else disagrees with another person's story.

I think if you looked at a lot of stories surrounding the DB Cooper case you'd find bits and piece of almost all of them a person could have an argument over, and they do, here, regularly.

If we banned everyone we didn't agree with, the topic simply wouldn't exist on this web site.

Now, IF you'd like to make your own web site or discussion group, you're more than free to do so and you can run it any way you damn well please. As I said in the very first post of this thread, Yahoo makes makes groups all day long. If you don't like this thread about DB Cooper, you can make your own there and nobody is going to stop you.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Paul. Well aparently someone doe's and you just proved it with your last comment. If I can get under your skin.Like I just did. Than any one can, It's time to re evaluate your possition on this thread. A leader need's more control than you have . Think about it. Your first comment should have been about the one person most people complain about. And post Lie's . And don't try to say that you can't think they are not. Still you choose to do other wise. All it would take is a light action research.There is no doubt that you have already done this.Still You are incharge of this thread. So Grow up act like a leader and do not question those that have a call sign on this thread. You Know wwat is realy funny. You Know the real names and addresses of all on dropzone to include other Info . If you didn't you wouldn't be able to shut them down. Does everyone on drop zone know that you have info to all here private info . Big responesbility. But Californians believe that they can controll life it self . So step up to the plate .Jerry

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Paul. Understand I pissed you off. So Be It. What I said should not have . Unless it chalenged your Power sindrome. Power and controll is not that great I HAVE HAD IT. iT COMES WITH RESPONSEBILITY OF LIFE AND CONTROLL Of real life situations. I do under stand that you or in controll of your own life.This you have proven with cut a ways. Now multiply that by 3800+ Then you have me.Botom line is The truth and control of your own envirement is the ultimate especialy if you have children or a command. Jerry

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