skyjack71 0 #18051 July 26, 2010 QuoteQuote When are you going to learn how to do an internet search? I suppose it would be far too cynical to respond that that wouldn't be an excuse for yet another tease ... I haven't got time for teases - and if you guys didn't pick me apart and cause me to spend too much time defending myself, I will get a lot more done. Busy Busy Day tomorrow and lots of pictures to scan and air express and lot of phone calls to make. I should have done what I am doing yrs ago...but some of this we didn't have until about 18 months ago and stories I had heard yrs ago seemed insignificant - I am now learning nothing is insignificant if I am ever going to learn the truth about Duane L. Weber. If some of you guys want to help and I mean really help just contact me - especially if you live in WA or OR...and know some of the OLD OLD timers - now is the time and it is probably too late, but I am doing everything in my power to bring this together NOW and not when I am no longer here to defend myself. What does Mooney Bible Institute of Chicago mean to WA? I know, but do any of you know? What I needed to know about them they do NOT reveal in their sites. I am investigating this only because in 1947 they started a program training missionary pilots and mechanics. Their site then jumps off and it seems this was done in TN, but in 1947 they did not have a school in TN. It will take a TEAM of investigators if I am going to get this done any time soon. This Institute might not have a darn thing to do with Duane, but it is something I am looking at because of something he said and his friend said over the yrs. Remember that Ed Huran was supposedly a airplane or helicopter pilot and/or mechanic and he knew Duane from WA. This institute was in the area he took me to in Clark County...but, to my recollections he did NOT mention may just be a co-incidence. Duane's brother and sister told me that Duane was sent to a place (not McNeil) because family or friends of the family intervened and got him into a program that was going to help him. What were Duane's skills in his teens and after he left the Navy? What potentials did he have and what would families in those day do to help their wayward son? Duane had told me he wanted to be a pilot, but his eye site was not 20/20 - therefore that dream was a did he know he could not pass a pilots physical? In the military was always my thinking - but who am I? I never thought about private pilots...and not military pilots. Got to go fishing at Fishers Landing and Clark County some more.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #18052 July 26, 2010 Quote ...if you guys didn't... cause me to spend too much time defending myself, I will get a lot more done. ... Ah Jo, here's a very important lesson in life. You may not be able to control what other people do or say, but you CAN control how you respond to it. No-one but yourself is "causing" you to spend time doing anything. You take this decision. You could - perhaps you should - not bother wasting time on things that do not help accomplish what you are trying to do.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18053 July 27, 2010 Jo wrote: Quote I haven't got time for teases somehow Jo, you always seem to find the time. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18054 July 27, 2010 Jo, Perception is reality. You have your perceptions and that is your reality. Others have their perceptions and that is their reality. If you could only see yourself as others see you…………. Well, you know. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #18055 July 28, 2010 looks like the Kat in the Hat got hurt at the Oshkosh fly inn! go to the Bonfire and look at the pic of the jet. Official press release to date: STATEMENT REGARDING TUESDAY EVENING ACCIDENT AT WITTMAN REGIONAL AIRPORT EAA AVIATION CENTER, OSHKOSH, Wis. - (July 27, 2010) - At approximately 6:15 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, July 27, 2010, a Beechcraft Premier business jet registered to Roush Fenway Racing, LLC, was involved in a landing accident on Runway 18 at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh. The National Transportation Safety Board and Winnebago County Sheriff's Department have confirmed the two occupants on board were Jack Roush of Northville, Mich., and Brenda Strickland of Plymouth, Mich., who each exited the aircraft following the accident. Both were transported to local hospitals, with Roush in serious but stable condition and Strickland with non-life threatening injuries. The NTSB is leading the investigation into the accident. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18056 July 28, 2010 Thanks... I had not heard. That makes two... he lives a charmed life. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18057 July 28, 2010 There are a few venues with 'happenings' that embody the theory that Americans don't understand moderation. I have personally attended three, over sold and over hyped, cultural gatherings which have the additional attribute of faded or long forgotten relevance. 1. Mardi Gras (1979) 2. Sturgis (1987) 3. EAA Oshkosh Fly-in (1995) From the three hour crossing of the Lake Pontchartrain causeway to a city with hotel rooms booked the year prior, I still had to experience some shoulder to shoulder, drunk fest, that gave me an appreciation for elbow room and how fresh the inside of a public restroom smells compared to the outdoors in the French Quarter during Mardi Gras. Sturgis was a gathering place of veterans who went from aerial combat over Europe in WWII to picking weeds from their lawns and guarding against chinch. These refugees of a binary transition purchased snarling, coughing vehicles with a sound and feel similar to the aircraft they crewed in earlier times. They gathered in an area where they could spend a little time in the company of those who silently understood. By 1987 the streets were filled with vehicles towing a trailer which contained the motorcycle. Not being concerned with the equivalent of a helicopter ride to the top of the Matterhorn, these new riders introduced Sturgis to coos coos, lattes and mimosas. Perhaps my father and uncles simply had forgotten to mention this element. Oshkosh was that 'lil ol airport that pilots used who had a common interest. Building and flying their own aircraft. I passed the Ford pavilion then through the booths manned by Piper, Cessna, Beechcraft, Boeing, Airbus, Dassault, Cirrus, Bombardier, Diamond and Hawker to find a Hartford Group kiosk had blocked any exit. I was able to take a shortcut behind some static displays of T-6, P-51, F-16, T-38, C-130, A-1E and C-47 aircraft to blunder into a combination Jamba Juice, Starbucks, Smoothie concession where models from Old Navy, The Gap and Dockers displayed the new line-up for the discerning metrosexual. The next turn would prove equally sublime with a 'Hello Kitty-esque' mascot flanked by three mimes handing out brochures about some service on a thing called Internet. So reading about some private citizen crashing his high end, Beechcraft, twin-jet in front of a regional audience gathered to celebrate home spun craftsmanship, innovation and talent didn't even raise an eyebrow. I hope the NASCAR community can recover from this mishap that has tarnished their event. This entire accident could have been prevented if those low and slow, bugsmashers were prohibited from entering Oshkosh airspace. There are B-2s and Boeing 747s in the pattern after all. Some people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18058 July 30, 2010 QuoteJo, Perception is reality. You have your perceptions and that is your reality. Others have their perceptions and that is their reality. If you could only see yourself as others see you…………. Well, you know. I have no perceptions - just things I have been told and things I have learned and what I held in my own hands. I have made - with what means I have - a concerted effort to learn all I can about the past of Duane W. Weber. A package went off today to WA and this package was expensive for me to put together (no, it is not going to the FBI). All the FBI ever says is "Can you put him on the plane". They want physical proof Duane Weber was on that plane - therefore one would deduce that the FBI is aware of one or more items that may have been in the possession of Cooper. Since I don't know what they are looking for - I could be sitting on them. It would be simple for them to swear me to an oath and run certain things past me - fake and real - to see if anyone of those might be something I still possess. I got rid of so much after Duane died and before I knew who "Dan Cooper" was. Money, bag, chutes, harnesses, ticket, matches, bag carried on, the money, a book, a piece of jewerly, a picture - how am I supposed to know what to look for. The FBI need keep NO secrets at this late a date - because when Cooper died or dies - most people just throw out most things - because some of them like me think they are just old useless junk - especially if they didn't know who Cooper was. What would anyone with a lick of COMMON sense believe regarding the FBI keeping secrets - for 38 yrs. Usually 38 is the magic yr. for most things of this nature - except when it concerns what was considered National Security in 1971 or something that would endanger the accountability of our own government regarding all of their secrets. The FBI has NO reason to continue to keep secrets involving this case...not on this 38th anniversary.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18059 July 30, 2010 QuoteThe FBI has NO reason to continue to keep secrets involving this case...not on this 38th anniversary Not so. If they have a Cooper item unknown to the public that was left on the plane then it's just good sense to keep that item confidential to sort out the wannabes. Your suggestion that the FBI run a bunch of fake and real clues by you to see if you call a match with some evidence Duane might have posessed is not good investigative protocol. If you only have one ace you don't show it to any player, period. Wonder how Ckret is doing in his new FBI gig? I miss him and I miss Snowmman. Will another summer pass without a book from Galen Cook? What about Tom's scientific work? Did he find anything of interest? At one point pollens were thought to be of interest. I was clearing out some old stuff from my attic and found my old unmodified C 9 canopy and a stock Navy NB 6 harness/container. Not Coopers rig, but I did ponder some wonderful pranks that I could pull if I had some time in the Washougal area and could age the stuff properly. Maybe I should just toss it in the Columbia and see what happens. One thing I willl not do is jump that round ground hungry canopy. Too old and wise for that stuff. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18060 July 31, 2010 Quote Wonder how Ckret is doing in his new FBI gig? Quote I miss him and I miss Snowmman. Now, Snowmman - yes I miss his abliity to find all of that "stuff". Wish I could hire him right now to pull some stuff for me and maybe even meet me in WA. Quote Will another summer pass without a book from Galen Cook? If Cook lets Grey go first - he wins because the interest will be created by Grey's book Then Cook steps right up to bat....and maybe he will hit a homerun. He has to touch all the bases to get there and make it before the ball ends up at homeplate. It all in how they play the game....right! Neither one of them have to be right to win.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18061 August 2, 2010 When I focused on the TRIP Duane and I made in Sept, of 1979 - a lot has happened. This Mesker Map dated 1974 has opened up Pandora's Box. Just one surprise after another and another! Duane did NOT lie to me about the places and the people - if ALL of that was true then ---Well, I just don't know what to think. It is useless to contact the FBI - they just say put it in a box or write them a letter. I am TOO scatterbrained to organize this "shit" into a worded document they would pay any attention to. This is when I really really need some help, because I cannot do this alone. Had I not been writing an Email to a friend about some things that are common between us - I would not have gone where I did the other night (I did not get off the computer until 5:14 that next morning). I was remembering some of the things Duane had told me over the yrs and going thru all the things I had found...things that said he was in WA during the mid to late 40's. I started talking about some other things he had told me over the yrs (not related to WA or Cooper) and zeroed in on a specific thing Duane had told me several times. I always just thought "Oh, yea - sure!" Well, when I got off the computer with this person - I keyed in this particular subject...expecting to find Duane was as some will say just "talking nonsense". What I found still has my mouth WIDE open. He had claimed to know a certain famous person - and I just never believed it. WELL, I have been on the phone today and I have more phone calls to make tomorrow, but the history of this famous person - puts the 2 of them in a specific place in WA at the same time...very small population back in those days. All I could think was "What the F---!" That is exactly what I said over and over the other night. I was angry at myself for not having checked this out yrs ago. Does it prove he was Cooper? NO, but then again it puts him in WA with known individuals during a specific time frame...the very time frame the FBI and others have scoffed at. The next two days will be very busy ones - I have so many phone calls to make it is amazing - thank Heavens for unlimited long distance. I made one phone call last night to an individual who was able to give me a LOT of information due to his personal contacts. This is an unknown person to this forum who has an altogether different subject than Grey, Cook or myself. One would think "Why consort with the competition?" BECAUSE my motive is not a book or movie - it is for the truth and to prove I have not lied nor misrepresenting my finding. This very famous gentleman provided me with phone numbers to contact the persons and groups and / or their representatives. Sluggo has many times said I don't see myself they way other perceived me. I don't give a hoot! All I want is the truth and I am doing what I have to do to find that truth. I have no idea what the readers of this forum think - I know I am admonished by a couple of posters for how I go about things - but, I am only doing what I know how to do and that is PUSH and PUSH and GO FORWARD. This mission and its continuing search has torn my soul from my body and demeaned my quality of life, but finding the Truth about Duane Weber is WHAT I have to do because if I Do Not do it NO one Else will. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erroll 80 #18062 August 2, 2010 Quote is a SECRET. Jo is going to like you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18063 August 2, 2010 Mr. Blevins do you remember my having to correct you about a statement you made very early on about the note being handed to Tina Mucklow - that was Me who corrected you. I told you - you needed to get your FACTs together before writing a book. I have noted that you did make that correction. I have been told that Himmelsbach talked unkindly about me in your book - but, he did NOT. You claimed to have interviewed Tina - you did NOT. When a simple simon such as myself can pick these things out, then you need to rethink the whole thing. Your book has not been recieve well by those of us who know this case and I am not talking about individuals like myself who have a subject of our own. IF you are here to sell your book - good luck. When you misrepresent interviews you supposedly had - I suggest you present tapes of those interviews, because when someone else talks to them they are told a very different story and DENY having spoke with you or your representative. The picture you presented of Christainsen pretending to be Cooper is an absolute JOKE. I have not read your book other than the few pages I was able to get for free. My personally communications with individuals you claimed to have interviewed -denied the interviews. I have talked to 3 of these individuals - in recent weeks. Another thing you seem to be unaware of. It was NOT Agent Carr who made the Dan Cooper Comic suggestion (connection). That was made by one of our own on this thread - Snowmman, but Carr took credit for this on the FBI site. Perhaps you need to read ALL of this thread before you put your foot where your mouth is.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18064 August 2, 2010 Quote Quote is a SECRET. Jo is going to like you! YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! Did you read my post There are people who do NOT like being misquoted or interviews being claimed that did not happen. If I am a joke to the Cooper community he needs to see himself for what he is!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18065 August 2, 2010 Jo wrote:Quote I can assure you that legal proceedings are already taking place. There are people who do NOT like being misquoted or interviews being claimed that did not happen. (emphasis added) Really Jo? Case number, court. assigned judge please. Until it is a filed case with a properly served defendant it is just blowhard BS. Anybody who spends a penny on a Cooper related slander-defamation lawsuit is an idiot IMHO. You always tease Jo, but it's been awhile since the tease involved lawsuits. I am calling your bluff. Legal proceedings of this type are public records. Prove that legal proceedings are "already taking place". Give us a case citation. Putting Duane in WA proves nothing. Put him in a chute. Put him in the NWA 727. Stop blaming the FBI for your complete failure of proof. You made the extraordinary claims. It's your burden to supply extraordinary proof. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18066 August 2, 2010 Quote I have not spoken to you, neither did I say in the book that I interviewed Tina Mucklow, or Flo Schaffner either. And if there is nothing about Himmelsbach talking badly about you in the book, then what is your complaint? ------------------------------ Quote Mucklow we contact through a family member. Schaffner's address is known to us. We sent both of them copies of the book recently, as well as some blow-ups of key photos and a letter, and we're waiting to see if they have anything to say about it. In so far as Mucklow that was highly insensitive of you - in all of these yrs I have NEVER inflicted pictures upon her. How do you even know the person you spoke to was ACTUALLY Tina's relative? Truth is you DON't know. Snowmman finally found a copy of it but, I don't remember if he had both Part 1 and Part 11. Until then - people had to come to me for that one. But what you and others don't know is that most of the information in The Las Vegan was plagurized from another article done for a paper in London. Byrom Brown plagurized almost the complete story - word for word. -------------------------------- Quote I'm going to call this as I see it. Baloney. You have NOT spoken to these people and have no way of knowing their names. Prove it. Make their names public now, or forever hold your peace. Talk to Galen Cook and Geoffry Grey - they will tell you I don't have to defend myself or make personal information available. They and others including Bruce know that I have spoke with just about every major player in this case. I have an ongoing interaction with 2 of them...but, I don't have to prove anything to you.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #18067 August 2, 2010 QuoteWe have to abide by the agreement until after the show airs. They tell me it is standard practice. After that, no problem. Very interesting original post. Nice to see some substance and cooper comic looked interesting.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18068 August 2, 2010 QuoteReally Jo? Case number, court. assigned judge please. Okay I over shot my mouth on that one, but that man made me mad as hell. Yes, I have spoke with 2 of the individuals I was told had been interviewed and what he supposedley said in his book. They claimed not to have made such statement, but I have NOT actually read his book - just the 38 pages you can get for free.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18069 August 2, 2010 Quote We asked permission from Mucklow's family to submit the book. We did not 'inflict' it on her. ------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++ Quote No one asked you for personal information. You said you had already spoken to three of the witnesses in the book, and you said they had denied being interviewed. I asked you to prove it by revealing their names. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++++++++++++++++++++++ Quote The actual identity of the witnesses were only given to the Seattle office of the FBI. What they are doing with this information, I don't know and don't pretend to know. See what I mean about keeping the facts straight. I was not talking about "your supposed witnesses regarding Christiansen" - I am talking about individuals actually present in 1971. The FBI is NOT investigating this case and have probably not interviewed your "new" witnesses. I expect you do not even know who the agent of record is at this time. There were lots of individuals who came forward regarding information about Weber - but they didn't want to give or use their real names - when that happens - you investigate the background of the person and one usually finds they had NO real knowledge. I could tell at least 7 stories about different individuals who came forward on Weber - and TWO of them actually went to the FBI with their story...these are the only ones who used their real names. Have "your witnesses" walked into an FBI office and gave a statement to the agents? My guys did and therefore I won't expose them to the public until the FBI acknowledges them...but I am also not writing a book. The night clerk went to the FBI office after they were aware of him for several yrs. He walked in and gave them a statement a couple of yrs ago, but until he did that the FBI made NO attempt to contact this Night Clerk. Since then my "guy" has made a video of the night clerks statement with a question and answer segment. He orginally contacted the FBI in 2001, but they ignored him until he walked into their office in 2008 and they still ignore him. When they step-up to the plate and go to bat then they become a witness - until then they are just a teller of a story or someone looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Definition of a Witness:: A person who has seen, experienced or heard something. something serving as proof of or evidence. To give proof or evidence of.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18070 August 2, 2010 Quote Editing out what you said previously and then trying to change your story is not a good idea, Ms. Weber. You said this: Quote 'I have not read your book other than the few pages I was able to get for free. My personally communications with individuals you claimed to have interviewed -denied the interviews. I have talked to 3 of these individuals - in recent weeks.' And I say you did not. If you cannot back up your statement, then this calls into question your basic credibility on everything you've said before. It's as simple as that. ==================== /////////////////////////////// Mr Blevins: See what I mean - I am talking about the key individuals in the Skyjacking itself - I am talking about the witnesses and players of 1971. You are on a completely different track - so don't claim my statement questions my credibility. You made claims about Himmeslbach and others that were NOT true to fact...send me your darn book and I will highlight the errors and send it back to you...I don't get into the technical flight or jumping things. Sluggo is the flight specialist and one of the older jumpers would be good for the chute and jump itself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18071 August 2, 2010 This Mesker Map dated 1974 has opened up Pandora's Box. Just one surprise after another and another! Duane did NOT lie to me about the places and the people - if ALL of that was true then ---Well, I just don't know what to think. It is useless to contact the FBI - they just say put it in a box or write them a letter. I am TOO scatterbrained to organize this "shit" into a worded document they would pay any attention to. This is when I really really need some help, because I cannot do this alone. Had I not been writing an Email to a friend about some things that are common between us - I would not have gone where I did the other night (I did not get off the computer until 5:14 that next morning). I was remembering some of the things Duane had told me over the yrs and going thru all the things I had found...things that said he was in WA during the mid to late 40's. I started talking about some other things he had told me over the yrs (not related to WA or Cooper) and zeroed in on a specific thing Duane had told me several times. I always just thought "Oh, yea - sure!" Well, when I got off the computer with this person - I keyed in this particular subject...expecting to find Duane was as some will say just "talking nonsense". What I found still has my mouth WIDE open. He had claimed to know a certain famous person - and I just never believed it. WELL, I have been on the phone today and I have more phone calls to make tomorrow, but the history of this famous person - puts the 2 of them in a specific place in WA at the same time...very small population back in those days. All I could think was "What the F---!" That is exactly what I said over and over the other night. I was angry at myself for not having checked this out yrs ago. Does it prove he was Cooper? NO, but then again it puts him in WA with known individuals during a specific time frame...the very time frame the FBI and others have scoffed at. The next two days will be very busy ones - I have so many phone calls to make it is amazing - thank Heavens for unlimited long distance. I made one phone call last night to an individual who was able to give me a LOT of information due to his personal contacts. This is an unknown person to this forum who has an altogether different subject than Grey, Cook or myself. One would think "Why consort with the competition?" BECAUSE my motive is not a book or movie - it is for the truth and to prove I have not lied nor misrepresenting my finding. This very famous gentleman provided me with phone numbers to contact the persons and groups and / or their representatives. Sluggo has many times said I don't see myself they way other perceived me. I don't give a hoot! All I want is the truth and I am doing what I have to do to find that truth. I have no idea what the readers of this forum think - I know I am admonished by a couple of posters for how I go about things - but, I am only doing what I know how to do and that is PUSH and PUSH and GO FORWARD. This mission and its continuing search has torn my soul from my body and demeaned my quality of life, but finding the Truth about Duane Weber is WHAT I have to do because if I Do Not do it NO one Else will.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18072 August 2, 2010 Go back and READ the other posts This is ridiculous. You are just trying to start something out of nothing. Go back and read ALL of the post since you made your first post and then think this out. You will see we are both talking about a different set of individuals. You are on one page and I am on another - GET it? I am NOT talking about the people who are claiming Christiansen was Cooper. READ! This is the point I keep trying to make. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18073 August 2, 2010 QuoteMr. Blevins do you remember my having to correct you about a statement you made very early on about the note being handed to Tina Mucklow - that was Me who corrected you. I told you - you needed to get your FACTs together before writing a book. I have noted that you did make that correction. I have been told that Himmelsbach talked unkindly about me in your book - but, he did NOT. You claimed to have interviewed Tina - you did NOT. When a simple simon such as myself can pick these things out, then you need to rethink the whole thing. Your book has not been recieve well by those of us who know this case and I am not talking about individuals like myself who have a subject of our own. IF you are here to sell your book - good luck. When you misrepresent interviews you supposedly had - I suggest you present tapes of those interviews, because when someone else talks to them they are told a very different story and DENY having spoke with you or your representative. The picture you presented of Christainsen pretending to be Cooper is an absolute JOKE. I have not read your book other than the few pages I was able to get for free. My personally communications with individuals you claimed to have interviewed -denied the interviews. I have talked to 3 of these individuals - in recent weeks. Another thing you seem to be unaware of. It was NOT Agent Carr who made the Dan Cooper Comic suggestion (connection). That was made by one of our own on this thread - Snowmman, but Carr took credit for this on the FBI site. Perhaps you need to read ALL of this thread before you put your foot where your mouth is. Where is that post do I claim to have spoke with "your" witnesses. You mispresented statements made by KEY players and they do not take kindly to that nor do I. This is exactly what I mean - the FACTs have been so scrambled that NO one actually knows the true FACTs about the crime itself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nigel99 528 #18074 August 2, 2010 Quote We asked permission from Mucklow's family to submit the book, a letter, and some pictures. We did not 'inflict' it on her. No one asked you for personal information. You said you had already spoken to three of the witnesses in the book, and you said they had denied being interviewed or that they did not say the things that appeared in the book. I asked you to prove it by revealing their names. Seemed like a reasonable request to me. But you cannot provide them, because you never spoke to these people. When you say these things, you should be prepared that you will be called out on them, and asked to provide proof. The actual identity of the witnesses were only given to the Seattle office of the FBI. What they are doing with this information, I don't know and don't pretend to know. However, I'm sure none of the witnesses have spoken to you. Would you care to retract your statement now? Robert do yourself a favour and stick to your book. If you allow yourself to get sucked into the "drama" that can go on in this thread you will lose the will to liveSkip the annoying posts please - it would be so nice for the Cooper thread to have another stint at being ABOUT Cooper. On the subject of the staged photo - I can quite easily imagine someone recreating a photo of "back from the greatest stint of my life". I don't imagine it would have to be Cooper though. It could have easily been a prank as a real I want to catch this moment photo. If the photo really was hidden and mean't as a clue it is a real pity that he didn't clip a $20 to it.Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18075 August 2, 2010 Mr. Blevins - just how did you obtain any information about Tina? I know for a fact that Blevins would not have had that information had it not been given to Skipp Porteous by another party. His concept of the NORJAK incident is amateurish at best - yet he mocks those who have spent yrs legitimately investigating the aspects of the Cooper include myself and many others. He has openly blasted individuals who have done serious research on this case in every way he can find. He has attacked other writers on Face Book Pages - I have been told about this, but I do not go to Face Book myself. Now he is here and making a mountain out of a mole hill...going where ever he can to draw attention to his book. In 2007, one of these individuals debated Lyle Christianson on a radio talk show in Spokane, WA and Lyle confessed on the air that Kenny never told anyone he was DB Cooper. Yet, Blevins and Porteous continue on this claim for glory without a shred of real evidence. Do the research - and know the details of the crime - don't ride on the coat tails of the hard research done by others. The story is ridiculous. I have nothing more to say regarding Blevins or his claims.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites