SKYWHUFFO 1 #18101 August 8, 2010 Sluggo- Did the name SafecrackingPLF come to your mind too when you heard the voice?????????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18102 August 8, 2010 The other video with 'Stinky' traversing her natural habitat demonstrated some attributes about skunks which I had never known. Stinky's foot falls are extremely clumsy, loud, heavy and oddly bipedal. Here I thought the critters only weighed in around 8 pounds and trundled on all four legs. You know this can't be a hoax since the video was made by a person (adult male) who mustered all of his creative abilities to name his pet skunk... Stinky. Clearly such a dullard would be incapable of crafting such a prank. Therefore, I offer his incompetence as proof of authentic images in the video. The money has CLEARLY been burned by flares and stacked in a way that is quite common among DC-7 pilots, adjusting their weigh and balance, for departure from Dutch Harbor. This was written in a book which was secretly published and no longer available or viewable. WOW, the noose just keeps getting tighter. I personally think Cooper has long since laughed himself to death. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #18103 August 8, 2010 Quote It is a hoax! Or, an attempt at humor. Nothing more… nothing less. I'd go with my original thought that it's a scam to attempt to get hooked up with an "investor" to help him find the rest of the money. It's similar enough to a number of other con-man schemes. I've just never seen one using YouTube and a skunk-cam before. BTW, pet cameras sort of like the one that could have been attached to ol' stinky actually do exist, but it would be trivial to retrace the steps back to the money and nobody in his right mind would need to "share" it with anyone else.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18104 August 8, 2010 Don't know what to think of Stinky Skunk . I have see similar videos - a woman wanted to know where her cat went all day. I watched the stupid thing just like I watched the Skunk video. That cat did what ALL cats do all day - they are always hunting and exploring...or they are sleeping. I can imagine someone trying it on a skunk..after all WHAT does a domestic skunk do when it leaves the house? I still think it is a a JOKE, but I noted something none of you have mentioned about the "money". The bundles appeared to have been in a container or paper bag . Left rear of the video when he shows the money. The money did not look deteriorated enough to be Cooper's money - it has been 38 yrs! I wondered if the skunk was even in a hollowed out tree? Where do skunks go? I know absolutely NOTHING about skunks other than I never want to be around one unless the scent gland has been removed. Maybe this skunk did come up on something, but the likely hood of it being Cooper's money is practically zero... most likely it is a practical joke by one of our own, just to draw attention to Cooper or a promotional to draw attention to Cooper since there are 3 books coming out with-in a short period of time. Note how he starts out by updating the young people. Sounds like a promotional skit to make people aware of Cooper and the Cooper legends and so they start with a Skunk - there are so many Cooper Stories they are all starting to smell a little funny. How would money survive in a wooded area in a container of any kind - in the trunk of a tree or under a log as the man said? There would be sap in a live tree and the tree would grow into whatever item was put within it. A dead tree? There would be mold and the elements even if the opening had been sealed - 38 yrs? If Cooper had access to a steel or plastic box - maybe. They look too fluffy and not stuck together. Well, I guess I will raise a toast to Stinky Skunk tonight and look forward to hearing even more about Stinky's episodes when the media gets hold of this one. I did as Sluggo suggested and played it completely thru. This man has a Canadian or New England accent. This man is definitely not MidWest nor Southern or Western. Listen for these words: Found, Okay, motorcycle, find, the, rotting away under a log - these are just the ones I remember. I have heard Geoffry's voice and it is definitely not him, nor Sluggo, nor Carr, nor SafeCrack, nor Bruce, nor Jerry. There is a definite accent and these voices are the only ones I have heard over the phone or in a video or on the TV. My take is New England or Canadian. What does Skipp Porteous sound like.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18105 August 8, 2010 Being an unashamed cynic, this Stinky scenario has baited the usual leap frog analysis. Good thing this 40 year old professional auto detailer, with 25 years experience didn't have the skills to Photoshop some Cooper serial numbers on those bills. Imagine the debates that would be raging for the next week or two. Since he repeated skunks make great pets several times, I went into a psychological analysis where one can see a lonely twelve year old boy crying himself to sleep because his birthday was forgotten, again. It was through a combination of voice stress analysis and his desire to split the money with anyone who would spend some time searching for the treasure. Or.... I searched "Pet Skunk" to find that 'Stinky' portrayed in the 'second' video is not a female from SW Washington but a male named Mr. Bumble, who lives in the UK and is an obese omnivore on a diet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18106 August 8, 2010 Quote I've done a blow-up and made some notes on it, comparing it to an actual bill of the same series. Just some initial thoughts on it, I guess. Linked through Photobucket because of the size. Looks to me like what he has here is at least one 1995 'Rubin' bill - see attached. The 8A, 10, and Rubin seem to match ? and the spacings match? You were correct to look at the spacings. Both 1963A Kennedy and 1969A Schultz bills are mentioned at: I attached a 1969 bill in addition to your 63 /... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18107 August 9, 2010 Georger - I think you are wasting your time on trying to analyze that picture of some money. What you should be doing is trying to find out this man's identity - and if he is even for real. Me thinks it might be a HA HA HA.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18108 August 9, 2010 Quote Looking at the picture Jo linked up back there, ('Christiansen1.jpg') my first thought was The Hair. Duane has thick and wavy hair in the picture. I understand this picture is not from 1971, and Duane is older in the picture. Nevertheless, his appearance, and especially that thick hair, is absolutely nothing like the FBI description. His resemblance to the FBI sketch is minimal at best. DEAR SIR: DID YOU spent 2 hours talking to the artist who did the composites? Well, prior to 2000 an investigative reporter on my behalf did just this with Rose who did the composites. You have NOT talked to this artist and this man is the closest anyone will ever get to hearing the description given by the witnesses (things the FBI has not revealed). As I said before you need to read this thread and the closed thread! Let me explain that there are things the FBI did NOT tell the public...about the appearance of Cooper. 1. Note the old unused and undisclosed (until this forum)- Rose composites. 2. Note the artist is trying to portray "xxxxxxx", but was unsuccessful in doing so. 3. None of the composites where in agreement with ALL of the witnesses. 4. I have explained the slanting forehead till I am tired of doing so. Look at what the artist is trying to show. If necessary take the composite and blow it up to letter size ----DO it!. Do it with all of the composites!. A forensic artist (who I consulted - one known nationally) and artist in general pointed these things out to me. 5. The artist tried to depict the slanted forehead and the optical illusions this creates for the observor....Same height, standing over the subject or shorter than the subject. Most of the contact with the subject was by stewardess - shorter than Cooper and who observed him sitting while they were standing. 6. Try to understand how one would depict this type of forehead. 7. Back in the 70's creams such as vaseline and Byrll cream were used to slick down the hair and they did a real good job. When this is applied to the curly hair it makes the hair appear much thinner. I personally have very curly hair and live in a humid climate. Dyed hair with the Clairol products of the 70's made the hair look shiny and also made it straighter (my own personal experience - when I first started graying). 8. When I started this investigation in 1996 - the ex-wife was STILL alive and told me she dyed his hair in the attached photo which SHE sent to me. The photo came right out of her own album (it is an orginal) and the date was written on the back. 9. At that same time she provided me with another photo taken around the same time - it was the glasses that Cooper wore...(they have been discussed in this thread and we did determine they were a the thing of the early 70's) and the kind that Cooper wore. 10. The forum has seen these photos,Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18109 August 9, 2010 This is what puts Cooper in the same league as Bigfoot and Roswell UFO crashes. Simply have Cooper in your story and factual errors, anachronisms and suspension of disbelief will be reduced to their most impotent definition. Someone tells a story about flying fish out of Alaska with one tiny but un-addressed slip. Long pause, dismissive rhetoric and it's off to the races with a declaration that the story checks out 100% accurate. If the 'control' story is feeble, how could the core tale be any better? If you were a genuine skunk aficionado, your story should be solid about skunks..... right? This guy is not a Cooper expert, he is a self proclaimed skunkologist who just moved to Washington. Did Stinky's owner realize that owning a skunk in Washington is prohibited? Perfectly fine on Oregon but a big NO in Washington. Did Stinky's owner know that skunks have a limited range of about one and a half miles? Since Stinky is a female, her range is closer to half a mile. How many logs could be around Stinky's home within half a mile and so close to a forest with such well marked trails? Seems very limited indeed. The Cooper aspect means nothing if this guy can't research and use a better foil. Just like people claiming to hear Flt 305's communications or expat, pilots living in Germany. Why is such credence given to the Cooper elements? An overwhelming desire to believe anything regardless of the source or quality of ancillary information? Listen to the Stinky video that is a whopping 2 minutes long. Listen. You will hear Katydids, Brown Bear, Osprey, Red Tail Hawk what sound like a lion and the chatter of Cicada. Has anyone ever experienced such a cacophony of calls in the woods? Has anyone ever been in the woods? Am I the only one that got a laugh out of that absurd audio? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18110 August 9, 2010 Quote Listen to the Stinky video that is a whopping 2 minutes long. Listen. You will hear Katydids, Brown Bear, Osprey, Red Tail Hawk what sound like a lion and the chatter of Cicada. Has anyone ever experienced such a cacophony of calls in the woods? Has anyone ever been in the woods? Am I the only one that got a laugh out of that absurd audio? I heard these things, but since I didn't know what some of the sounds where - I left it along hoping someone like you would make a comment. The roar - was my clue (lion or bear sound), but was unaware a bird could make that sound. Since I do not know the sounds of the WA. forest I wasn't going to say a word until someone else did. There were paths and a bridge - so this man should have known what was within a couple of miles of his home. Just hearing something that sounded like a lion or bear - didn't feel right to me (but we have bears here which come into yards and climb trees and forage from garbage cans)...thankfully I have not experienced this in my immediate neighborhood. I have animals in my neighborhood....alligator, frogs, snakes, turtles, lizards, chameleons, spiders, mosquitoes, moles, rabbits, occasionally a deer, doves, ospreys, hawks, blue birds, ducks, terns, etc. This was my first yr. to ever actually see the woodpecker(in this area) was a pleasant surprise.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkymonkeyONE 4 #18111 August 9, 2010 I am incredulous that this thread has grown so large since I resigned my moderator job. Unbelievable.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #18112 August 10, 2010 Quote I am incredulous that this thread has grown so large since I resigned my moderator job. Unbelievable.... "Them's that died are the lucky ones . . . "quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18113 August 10, 2010 Quote I am incredulous that this thread has grown so large since I resigned my moderator job. Unbelievable.... Are you one of the wing divers the TV did a documentary on? I found this very fascinating. Seems like one of them got killed shortly after or before the documentary was made - (if I remember right). The filming on this was amazing ( my favorite word when it comes to skydivers ). Until that documentary I didn't know what Wing diving was. Looked very very dangerous.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18114 August 11, 2010 Quote I am incredulous that this thread has grown so large since I resigned my moderator job. Unbelievable.... All of the files that have been kept closed by our own government - they never dreamed there would ever be leaks coming forth at the rate they are streaming in. All because others decided the time was right.....this has been 14 yrs coming. Nothing I have will prove Duane was Cooper, but the wall is falling now. In the 1950's and 1960's no one ever dreamed the information channels would start to rage out of control in 2010. Perhaps "others" decided it was time to let the cat out of the bag...if you can't stop it then at least try to control it...and that seems to be what is happening. Does anyone know WHAT our own government was doing from 1958 into the early 1960's in one of our midwestern states? Some very specialized training was taking place. TOP SECRET...and now most of these guys are deceased or senile, but there are some who kept secret records of their own - just as the victims of the Holocaust kept.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hangdiver 1 #18115 August 11, 2010 Examples and proof would be greatly appreciated Jo. I know, you can't because someone isn't dead yet, you'll get sued, signed a non-disclosure agreement, yada, yada, yada. What the hell are you talking about! Sorry, I don't even give a shit...I rarely read your posts anymore. eta: but I did jump out of an airplane last Friday August 6, load 13...first time in six years since back surgery...that was funny...I stood up my Stiletto, I'm still cool...ha ha, not... "Mans got to know his limitations" Harry Callahan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18116 August 11, 2010 Quote What the hell are you talking about! If I told ya I'd have to kill ya! Definitely not worried about getting sued - more like living to tell it. During the Holocaust individuals kept records. A lot of this stuff survived and now we know things about these people we would never have known before. Same way with our own government. 1000's of men were involved in "secret" stuff (after WW11) and many are starting to write their memoirs now from their notes and other papers. Photos are becoming available that where NOT supposed to exist and "other things". They jeopardize their own security by coming forward but, are making sure their heirs are able to tell the story for them. The papers are full of Obits for WW11 veterans now. The service personnel of the 50's and 60's are more savy and are also compiling their memories now. The era of Military Secrets. As long as the government peels off the benefits they don't talk (hence a lot of the new compensations that have been approved, for things that are just normal and not a result of Agent Orange or other war things). The disgruntled and seriously ill - note the new approvals for illnesses that are just part of the normal aging process for average Americans. .Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18117 August 14, 2010 Quote Examples and proof would be greatly appreciated Jo. I know, you can't because someone isn't dead yet, you'll get sued, signed a non-disclosure agreement, yada, yada, yada. What the hell are you talking about! Sorry, I don't even give a shit...I rarely read your posts anymore. eta: but I did jump out of an airplane last Friday August 6, load 13...first time in six years since back surgery...that was funny...I stood up my Stiletto, I'm still cool...ha ha, not... Congratulation on your jump. As for proof - think about why Tina is so evasive - why her background is so evasive. NOT one individual can produce a photo of her as a child. Not one investigator has been able to approach her...and there are lots who have tried over the yrs. In prior conversation with the FBI - all they would say is put him on the plane. The bag, the money, the stub, the ticket - 3 of which I held in my hand. There waa a 20 dollar bill neatly folded up the size of a quarter...but this was before I knew the story of Dan Cooper.....I will let your imagination go with that one...yea Dumb Blonde Sydrome! There was the hardware I sold for a quarter at a garage sale and only afterward did the man tell me what it was. It would still be several months later before I knew the story of Dan Cooper. If only Duane had told me "I am D.B. Cooper - and I need for you to get me a recorder...or contact the FBI"...... Think about why Tina is so obscure - maybe Cooper took something that belonged to Tina and she was the only one who could identify him. She was 22 yrs old. Duane had a daughter who was born in 1946 who resembled Tina - the last time he saw her she was about 9 yrs old and told him she never wanted to see him again. That was the only thing he ever told me about his daugter. The ex-wife did add something about his trying to see her when she turned 22, but that was all she told me. The mother's name was Edna and we believe the child was born in Mesa, AZ. and that her name was Zona. We were never sure of the birthplace, other than the family receiving a phone call from Mesa, Arizona from a woman who claimed to be in a family way and that Duane was the father. This woman (Edna) is mentioned in a letter to his mother he wrote from San Quentin asking that she be allowed to stand in for him at his father's funeral. He took responsibility for his father's death, but as the family has told me - he would later cause his mother more grief prior to her death. My daughter was 15 when I met Duane - and my daughter also looked like the little girl in the photo just the way Tina looked like the little girl in that photo...yet the photo and the book could NOT have belonged to his daughter - nor to Edna the mother of Zona...due to the date of the book and the period of the uniform. Let your imagination go on this one...and then you find a photo of Tina Mucklow prior to her teen yrs! Weber knew what Tina Mucklow's married name was ... because he enquired about another person with that same in a small town in CO...I was with him when he did this - and wondered what his interest was in this person. It was not until I was investigating the background of the case after I contacted the FBI - that I found that Tina's married name was the same as this school teacher Duane enquired about. He was too interested in the first name of this teacher's wife who would have been about the age of Tina. He was MORE than casually interested in this person...but back in 1980 it did not mean squat to me. He was running scared, but it turns out this particual person was not the XXXXXX mentioned in the newspaper. His resignation was dated the day after the newpaper had an article about Cooper's money find.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18118 August 14, 2010 Quote Today's the day I have to stand up in front of the hometown crowd and explain why I believe DB Cooper and a guy named Kenny Christiansen were very likely one and the same person. Good Luck. At least you don't have someone from this forum making threats the way I do. He ordered me to back down and NOT post. Individuals in Oregon,Washougal and The Dalles and other areas have been helping me and have acquired the information I asked this person to help me with over 12 yrs ago. The job has been done. With a 1974 Mesker map this person could have obtained - I have contacted the property owners - and traced the heirs. In 1997 that area had only started its developement and most of what I asked about was still there and even in 2000 when I went out to WA., but I would not find it until the crew left because they had been directed to take me everywhere, but the right places. I describe these in emails to the producer before going to WA in 2001 and on a radio station the yr before in 2000. This was a three way inteview with Doug Pasternak and myself and the interviewer. I suggest a lot of people listen to the silence in Seattle right now. The FBI is NOT pursuing any leads at this time. They put up a false screen with the DNA and Carr, but it backfired...and rather than end the rumors their investigation only fired more rumors and more suspects. Now they just want to wash their hands of Cooper. Repeatedly I asked individuals who live in the WA and OR area to help me - but that help was not forthcoming until certain individuals saw the National Geographics Documentary. One party was so enraged by the outrageous claims, they went to great expremes to locate me, even though the show did not mentioned Weber. ALL of the research I requested from a certain party and part of what I requested from the FBI has been done. Then another party contacted me and this has esculated into a very intense search...involving a lot of detail searching of archives - in the area Duane claimed to have worked. None of this will prove that Duane was Cooper, but it does prove that he did NOT lie to me about the other things he told me and showed me on that trip. I intensely questioned one certain party about employment with the pipelines and powerlines and the gravel pits and the cemeteries. Not one time was an attempt made to acquire this information even though I asked. When I inquired about certain pieces of properties - he knew who owned them or his wife's family owned them at one time. I put the photo of the little girl out there and the book it was in. The forum even noted the strong resemblance of the little girl and Tina.....Soon I will have some answers - maybe nothing that will prove Duane was Cooper, but none the less - ANSWERS to questions that could have been provided to me 14 yrs ago. Why was Weber's past in the WA and OR area such a BIG secret that the FBI and others denied he was ever there other than the FBI's statement "He passed thru McNeil"? This alone shoud cause some to question the motives of the FBI and others.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18119 August 16, 2010 Quote but I did jump out of an airplane last Friday August 6, load 13...first time in six years since back surgery...that was funny...I stood up my Stiletto, I'm still cool...ha ha, not... First jump in six years, recovering from back surgery, and you do it on a Spinetto 135??? Orthopedic surgeons just love it when skydivers do such things. Its good for business. You weigh about 135 fully geared up, right?Still, big congrats on getting back in the air. No tandem, no coached jump, no big familiarization canopy, just go for it like you never stopped jumping. About Jo, aka Mrs. Dan Cooper: Jo makes Batman's Riddler look like a straight talking up front guy. It has gone beyond teasing and has descended into an undecipherable maze of hints, guesses, dodges and implications. Jo has implied over and over that she has Tina Mucklow's little prayer booklet with Tina's childhood photo. There is Z E R O evidence connecting that booklet with Tina, yet Jo persists. The FBI has not proven that it isnt Tina's book and photo so it must be hers. Not one bit of probative evidence is revealed in Jo's latest posts, but lots of innuendo and of course the mandatory jab at the FBI. Still, I kinda admire Jo. We give her such a hard time and she rarely responds with venom, just dogged persistence. She has set up a church in hell and preaches every Sunday. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18120 August 17, 2010 Quote Jo makes Batman's Riddler look like a straight talking up front guy. It has gone beyond teasing and has descended into an undecipherable maze of hints, guesses, dodges and implications. I have NO IDEA what Batman's Riddler is! NONE of what I am saying is a tease - these guys are doing some amazing research and I am not dodging anything - just being cautious. Quote Jo has implied over and over that she has Tina Mucklow's little prayer booklet with Tina's childhood photo. There is Z E R O evidence connecting that booklet with Tina, yet Jo persists. The FBI has not proven that it isnt Tina's book and photo so it must be hers. I NEVER said it was Tina's prayer book, but something I believe may have belonged to her. The FBI has NOT even asked me about it even though they are aware this "book" exists. All they tell me is to put it in the mail - BULL! Do you really believe I would EVER SEE that book again? The FBI or "someone" has gone to a lot of trouble to MAKE SURE there are NO pictures out there of a pre-teen Tina Mucklow between the ages of 7 and 12. Detailed copies of the picture of the little girl and the book - along with 3 different photos of Tina Mucklow I have been able to obtain thru Media sources are currently being studied by a specialist in this field. Quote Not one bit of probative evidence is revealed in Jo's latest posts, but lots of innuendo and of course the mandatory jab at the FBI. If you handed a smoking gun with prints on it to the FBI and they did NOT check the prints or test the gun to see if the bullets matched those found at the crime scene - what would you call that? Quote We give her such a hard time and she rarely responds with venom, just dogged persistence. She has set up a church in hell and preaches every Sunday. One thing for sure - I did not make the co-pilot's nor the rest of the crews contacts or email addresses available to the public nor have I dogged them or misquoted them as certain writers and other interested parties have done...simply to line their own pockets...or to fabricate a story. I sought only the truth. Himmelsbach is the only one I persistently contacted - because I trusted him for quidance... I trusted the FBI to do what needed to be done. Now amateur and professional sleuths, artists, criminologist, historians, private citizens, retired law enforcement, specialist in the movements of the Columbia and other WA waters, media individuals and a few professionals I cannot mention who surprised even me with their assistance....have stepped forward during the last few months to help me. I stopped trying to prove Duane was Cooper and was willing to just learn more about this man I was married to - but, this search opened up doors I did not know existed. I cannot nor will I identify the individuals who are helping me and the information they have found. What they found was information I requested and was denied to me by other parties. What MOTIVE would these individuals or organizations have to conceal the past of Duane Lorin Weber or John C. Collins and other alias names he used. By stalling on the information tree and due to the age of the crime and any of those that were involved it was hoped the truth would never be known....that time would erase this crime from history.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18121 August 18, 2010 Quote DB Cooper researchers: We get blasted by these people regularly. I warned Skipp Porteous this would happen. It's my opinion that most of them don't WANT to find out who the skyjacker really was, because then their websites would become redundant. I accept this, and as I said, I knew it would happen. These researchers do good work, but sometimes they are TOO close to the case and concentrate on too many details that aren't relevant to simply identifying who the heck Cooper was. They start talking about ground speed, and whether this word or that was said, etc. They can no longer see the forest due to the number of trees. They don't see the Big Picture. At least some of them don't. Many have a 'pet' suspect and are unwilling to listen to anything else. I put Galen Cook into this category. A lot of the above is true, especially the forest through the trees stuff... our microscopic focus on matters of questionable relevance or materiality. I think you are wrong, however, in concluding that DB Cooper researchers do not want the case solved. We might have our favorite suspects and we enjoy the endless blogging and speculation, but I think all the serious researchers would LOVE to have Cooper's identity positively established. I am puzzled by Watsons actions, but they could have many other explanations besides fear of being linked to the Norjack crime. I do admire you posting here and exposing yourself to the inevitable criticism. Every Cooper researcher increases the chances that something or someone new will be found that is relevant to the case. The more the merrier as far as I am concerned. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18122 August 18, 2010 Quote 377: Not one bit of probative evidence is revealed in Jo's latest posts, but lots of innuendo and of course the mandatory jab at the FBI. Jo: If you handed a smoking gun with prints on it to the FBI and they did NOT check the prints or test the gun to see if the bullets matched those found at the crime scene - what would you call that? What "smoking gun" have you handed to the FBI Jo? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SKYWHUFFO 1 #18123 August 18, 2010 ' 'The FBI or "someone" has gone to a lot of trouble to MAKE SURE there are NO pictures out there of a pre-teen Tina Mucklow between the ages of 7 and 12." Jo- here is an interesting fact. I just searched the internet. there are no pictures of Jo Weber between the ages of 7-12 either. Did the FBI remove them? There are no picture of Robert Blevins between the age 7 and 12. There are no pictures of GeorgeR, Jerry, or 377 to be found between ages 7 and 12. I did find an early picture of snowman,but he was just a snowball back then! Sometime you give the FBI way too much credit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18124 August 18, 2010 Jo wrote: Quote What MOTIVE would these individuals or organizations have to conceal the past of Duane Lorin Weber or John C. Collins and other alias names he used. Jo, you may be confusing concealment with apathy and carelessness. Nobody but you sees any connection between Duane and Norjack. This causes all sorts of reactions to your dogged inquiries including stonewalling, making careless errors etc. I haven't seen any evidence of active concealment. I am not an FBI booster but I remain convinced that they would very much like to solve Norjack and have not engaged in any coverup of Coopers identity. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18125 August 18, 2010 Quote The FBI isn't holding back pictures of Tina Mucklow. The reason you can't find any is simple. The internet was almost 30 years into the future when Tina M was a teen. And she doesn't do Facebook. Excuse me,but I have not looked on the internet and you need to keep your story CONSISTENT about Tina. Do you think I am an idiot - What I am saying is you cannot even find a grade school picture of her through the schools she attended. Here you go again with you mis-information - first she allowes this or that and then you state you did not talk to her and then you turned right around in this post and stated below that YOU did speak with her. How about some TRUTH along with you Story! You just stated: Quote She lives in the Northeastern US today, doesn't want to discuss the hijacking, does not post on the internet, and 25 years ago she told a DB Cooper writer she couldn't remember what happened anyway. She did allow us to send her some color blow-ups, a letter, and two copies of the book, but she has not responded. We expected this, but we felt obligated to try. So which is the truth - you spoke to her or you spoke only to someone who told you they were a family member. I and a member of the crew are well aware that Tina has little memory of the incident and this thread has always treated her with respect - by NOT making her location PUBLIC. Quote I do NOT tell ALL in this thread as several people (not posters) can well attest to. YOU have never spoke to Tina. If you think you will "smoke" her with your lies - sorry that doesn't work. You make is sound like you have an intimate relation with her in the below statement: What you stated: Quote It's just the way things are with her. She hasn't been the same since the hijacking, and that's the truth. YOU, Mr Blevins have NO idea how things are with stop talking like you do. You have not communicated with her - even a crew member had to come to me for that information. YES, guys I do NOT tell ALL in this thread and some WHITE lies are necessary to protect others....and NO I do not have conversations with her...and I DO NOT intrude into her life. I have geared the finding of my information without causing her anymore suffering than she has already experienced. I have refused out of courtesy not to thrust information upon her...and why I continue to look for a picture of Tina as a little girl.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites