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georger 247
QuoteGeorger said:
I always saw Max as a consumate liar and opportunist, in search of a life - with a phony
lifestyle to support.
Jo to Georger:
Clara talked to Max several yrs before he did the book in 1985 - but his communications with Clara took place prior to that of course.
As for a phoney lifestyle to support - I know nothing of that.
In one of his letters and in many of the phone calls he talked about his wife. I got the impression they had some what of a kinky life style and lived life to the fullest.
One of our last communications by phone Max was on his way to California - supposedly someone was doing a Movie of one of his books and paying him lots of money he claimed he did not need. Since I never read his other books (I did not even look them up) so I do not know which one it was.
There would be one last communication by letter after that date. Since I refused to impose on him - I made no more communications. I learned only in the last few yrs Max was deceased...It was Grey who told me Max was deceased. After learning of my communications with Max - Grey tried to find what happened to Max's files. As far as I know he never found them.
Max asked me how to find this ex before he went to CA - (after hearing her voice on a recorder over the phone)..I never knew if he found her and talked to her or not....nor his reason for wanting to know where she was. Remember his last letter was after that trip....and it was a farewell letter.
I suppose I could read lots of things into that, but have tried not to do so. I do not even know what yr he died and our communications had ceased by the time I got a computer in 2000. I do know that at the time Clara was communicating with Max in 1982, the ex was under the assumption that Duane Weber was already deceased...the last time they laid eyes on each other was in 1977 when I personally put him on a plane to CA.
I know that Duane called her in 1990 when he went on dialysis. This is when I believe she learned he was still alive. Then when I finally contacted her in 1997 - she was shocked he had lived until 1995....and was upset the FBI came to see her. The FBI gave me orders NOT to contact her - but, I did and her story was very different from what the FBI reported. Also her adult daughter who was living with her told a different story...she said that she knew Duane was Cooper (she OD'd about 3 yrs before her mother died).
The ex told me that when she and Duane last saw each other in 1977 he had told her that he had only about 5 yrs to live.
He told me this when he and I got married in 1978, but I changed the way he lived his life and the way he ate and taking his drugs - it would be 1990 before he actually reached that 5 yr expiration date...and only then did he need diaylsis. He expired in 1995 because he ceased diaylsis of his own accord, due to his over all health.
Jo, We have been over this ground before. Duane's looming PKD. Your remarks tonight are consistent with everything you have ever said about this here
at Dropzone. By 1977 Duane obviously knew he was in trouble. He confirmed it to you in 78. Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys which may infiltrate and involve the liver.
I dont know if Duane was feeling symptoms in 1971? You basically say he wasn't and was fit.
Duane however, was carrying the genetic markers for his form of PDK in 1971.
I will leave it at that, knowing you have no faithe in the genetic profiles you think the FBI has.
Sept 1979 - Duane takes a Sentimental Journey.
Feb 1980 - Money is found in the Columbia River at Tena's bar.
April 1982 - Clara contacts Max.
Max mentions Longview as the birthplace of Clara, but the truth is that Longview is an area that Cooper had a history with.
Clara actually met Cooper in Denver, CO. To admit she had bore 5 children made it too easy for someone to figure out who she was - so she lied - saying she had NO children.
Clara has to change the sequence of things such as when she first met Cooper - she is grieving because she thinks he is dead and really was in need of money...but her knowledge of the crime and the fact that he spent monies on her meant she could be prosecuted.
Clara sought council thru a relative with experience in matters of law. She was aware the money was obtained illegally and he had spent a great deal of it on her. She did not tell this person the husband was Cooper.
She was advised that she could be charge as an accessory after the fact and might face prison time.
Clara was drinking when she contacted Max and later he would only hear from her when she was needing to talk. I don't know if Max was able to trace a call in 1982, but since the FBI didn't seem interested I doubt they would have gone to the effort of tapping Max's phone on the long shot she would actually call back.
What I have told is a combination of 4 stories and how I intermingled derive at what I think is the truth to this point. Stories Duane told me, Stories Max told me, Clara's own admissions (read only the quotes in Max's book) and what I was personally told by a specific party.
Now it is up to you the reader - am I now writing fiction or are you reading some truths that have been hidden away for many yrs? I am sure Jerry has his opinion.
Face it - it is a more logical story than any of the writers have reported to this point. By the way, this is NOT something new and you can ask anyone who has communicated with me for the past 14 yrs...including Mr. H. I was telling this yrs and yrs ago and I do believe Himmelsbach thought I had gone off the deep end...because he gave little credence to Max's story.
QuoteI dont know if Duane was feeling symptoms in 1971? You basically say he wasn't and was fit. Duane however, was carrying the genetic markers for his form of PDK in 1971.
I will leave it at that, knowing you have no faith in the genetic profiles you think the FBI has.

Little was known about the different stages the disease could follow and that they could go for yrs with no symptoms and then would re-appear.

The FBI has never made me privey to the DNA and genetic profile they supposedly extracted from items which had been used by others, cleaned and stored in a hot humid Florida attic for 8 yrs before they retrieved them and then stored it in their own coffers for over 4 yrs before they did the first DNA test on the items.
If they can show me the genetic profile and what items they extacted it from (would have to be multiple items) belonging to Duane compared to the DNA from the cigarrette butts..not a tie they cannot prove belonged to Cooper. That will get my attention.
I was told by the FBI they only got multiple particial DNAs from the tie. Unless a certain number of factors existed these particials are inconclusive to exclude, excuse or include or conclude a subject.
Have the FBI provide me with the information...they have on the tie along with proof this tie belonged to Cooper and DNA from the cigarrette butts. I will have it compared at my own expense to items that will have Weber's DNA on it, Can DNA be left on a vinyl photo album and/or its cover. I also have 2 items I have handled that were not in what I gave to the FBI, but that I would turn over to a private lab. A special thing he made to preserve an old buckle he treasured and his leather covered alarm. They could even check the band of 2 watches, but they would only be able to make a swab and hand the items back to me as one of them I wore when my watch broke and it is very valuable...the other watch was a gift to him from me.
Therefore if the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it.
If you really have any connections you can arrange this - if not then go feed the the way do they still put out the salt blocks.
georger 247
If you really have any connections you can arrange this - if not then go feed the the way do they still put out the salt blocks.
List of DNA tested mummies:
Cretaceous dna and mtdna:
and you are informing ME dna from multiple sources 37 years extant is no good?
I question your credentials!
georger 247
QuoteWell...I did want to address Georger's legitimate question about the parachute, i.e. 'they would have found it' or 'it's still out there.'
I think you are confusing me with someone else -
no problemo.
Therefore if the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it.
If you really have any connections you can arrange this - if not then go feed the the way do they still put out the salt blocks.
List of DNA tested mummies:
Cretaceous dna and mtdna:
and you are informing ME dna from multiple sources 37 years extant is no good?
I question your credentials!
Bleach destroys DNA and so do other cleaning substances. But read the first paragraph you posted at the being of this.
I will repeat it for you.
"Therefore if the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it."

georger 247
Therefore if the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it.
If you really have any connections you can arrange this - if not then go feed the the way do they still put out the salt blocks.
List of DNA tested mummies:
Cretaceous dna and mtdna:
and you are informing ME dna from multiple sources 37 years extant is no good?
I question your credentials!
Bleach destroys DNA and so do other cleaning substances. But read the first paragraph you posted at the being of this.
I will repeat it for you.
"Therefore if the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it."

Question all you want.
You quite literally don't have a clue what you are
talking about. Neither would Napoleon!
You said you had famous professors and world class forensic people and other famous experts working with you - get them to explain it. Why are you even posting here about this when you have all your experts to assist you privately. ?
Why waste your expertise and talents on us morons here? Get Quade to help you! Quade knows everything.
I wont waste your valuable time any further on this.
I will repeat it for you.
"Iif the FBI has viable repeated DNA that they KNOW and can prove belonged to Cooper. Let's have at it."
What I am questioning is the DNA the FBI has from the tie and the cigarette butts which we were told had been "lost". I am questioning the FBI's source of "Cooper DNA". I have DNA I know came from Weber, but they were items I did not want destroyed or lost in their warehouse.
This is a simple request - copies of the dna the FBI claims to have and were it came from - to compare against valid DNA from Weber - what is so complilcated about that? Nothing.
Got my meds in me - going to bed.
Here are some thoughts about Earl Cossey, Cooper's chute, and the one found in Amboy that I would like you to know.
Notes, Earl Cossey, (impromptu, off the top of my head, August 24, 2010)
My recollection of my interview over the phone with Coss in 2009 was that he empathically stated that the parachute found a year or two ago in the Amboy, WA area was not the one Cooper used.
Coss also told me that Cooper’s chute was his own personal parachute for skydiving, and that he had modified it to suit his own tastes. Hence, I figure Coss should know Cooper’s chute precisely when he sees it.
Also, Coss acknowledged that when he made his conclusions about the Amboy chute and told the FBI, they in turn asked him to keep that information “quiet for a few days.” I consider that a major red flag about the FBI's investigation.
Coss is a bit cranky, and he refused to meet with me. However, he was generous with his time when we spoke and seemed authentic and genuine. He was also a little difficult to get a hold of, but his family was quite gracious during that process.
In addition, Coss is a bit of a games player. He told me that the parachute that Cooper did not use was a “Paradise,” not a Para Commander. I double-checked with him on that point and he insisted it was as he stated. Hence, I wrote that in my magazine article until folks at the DZ convinced me otherwise.
Coss also goofs on the FBI and further, he did a real number on a reporter, from the Oregonian, I believe, when he told the journalist that the Amboy chute was Cooper’s. The reporter ran with the story and really got schmeared because of it. Coss just seemed to think of it as a trivial joke.
Folks that I know who also know Coss tell me that he is an honest guy, and they accept his Cooper accounts as factual.
However, I think Coss knows more than he is telling, and certainly more than he told me. I practically begged him to meet with me so that I could discuss what it was like dealing with the FBI back in 1971, especially regarding who ran the case, how it was managed, and what the culture of the investigation was like. He refused to discuss this angle, and that is a huge red flag to me.
quade 4
QuoteDon't forget, Cooper's rig is out there somewhere. If he died it's there. If he walked out it's there. No reason to pack it out and plenty of reason to conceal it.
And no reason to expect it to be able to find it under years of under growth or sediment! No law says it would be still visible just laying around on the surface.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
I always saw Max as a consumate liar and opportunist, in search of a life - with a phony
lifestyle to support.
Jo to Georger:
Clara talked to Max several yrs before he did the book in 1985 - but his communications with Clara took place prior to that of course.
As for a phoney lifestyle to support - I know nothing of that.
In one of his letters and in many of the phone calls he talked about his wife. I got the impression they had some what of a kinky life style and lived life to the fullest.
One of our last communications by phone Max was on his way to California - supposedly someone was doing a Movie of one of his books and paying him lots of money he claimed he did not need. Since I never read his other books (I did not even look them up) so I do not know which one it was.
There would be one last communication by letter after that date. Since I refused to impose on him - I made no more communications. I learned only in the last few yrs Max was deceased...It was Grey who told me Max was deceased. After learning of my communications with Max - Grey tried to find what happened to Max's files. As far as I know he never found them.
Max asked me how to find this ex before he went to CA - (after hearing her voice on a recorder over the phone)..I never knew if he found her and talked to her or not....nor his reason for wanting to know where she was. Remember his last letter was after that trip....and it was a farewell letter.
I suppose I could read lots of things into that, but have tried not to do so. I do not even know what yr he died and our communications had ceased by the time I got a computer in 2000. I do know that at the time Clara was communicating with Max in 1982, the ex was under the assumption that Duane Weber was already deceased...the last time they laid eyes on each other was in 1977 when I personally put him on a plane to CA.
I know that Duane called her in 1990 when he went on dialysis. This is when I believe she learned he was still alive. Then when I finally contacted her in 1997 - she was shocked he had lived until 1995....and was upset the FBI came to see her. The FBI gave me orders NOT to contact her - but, I did and her story was very different from what the FBI reported. Also her adult daughter who was living with her told a different story...she said that she knew Duane was Cooper (she OD'd about 3 yrs before her mother died).
The ex told me that when she and Duane last saw each other in 1977 he had told her that he had only about 5 yrs to live.
He told me this when he and I got married in 1978, but I changed the way he lived his life and the way he ate and taking his drugs - it would be 1990 before he actually reached that 5 yr expiration date...and only then did he need diaylsis. He expired in 1995 because he ceased diaylsis of his own accord, due to his over all health.
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