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DB Cooper

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Orange1 Said:
Edited to add: have now read some of Knoss's ramblings, so ... no real need to answer Anyone who wants proof that this is not the only page where people spout crazy stuff about the case, I can direct you to another link!

Question: what's your understanding of Kenny's family lineage? Any idea? Scandinavian of some kind I would presume. I have a reason for asking.

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Georger go back and edit your post - you threw the lines out of whack - has something to do the code. You goofed. Quade is going to take the code thing away from us if we don't stop messing up the the thread lines.

Just make the correction or we will have to put up with this thing going clear across the page for a few days.

By the Way - about 2 wks or so ago there was this strange phenomen in the S.Western sky about 7 PM. The Sun had finished setting (except for the red glow in the sky) and suddenly there is this crescent in the sky just above the Western Horizon (looked like the Moon) and just beyond it slightly more South and just a little higher in the western sky that was what I assumed was Jupiter. Am I the only one who saw this?

You could see the glow of the sunset, but you could see the crescent of the Moon in the West at the same time????I must have had a few drinks too many. Since it was low in the sky and going behind the house across the street I couldn't get the camera fast enough to make a picture without going into the neigbors backyard (they had guest due to a birthday)....I can find exactly what day it was - it was the neighbor's birthday.

I tried to PM you about this, but as usual you have me on ignore.
I know you are into these kinds of things - so is my brother but he had a bad accident - so you are my next source of information. There was NOTHING in the papers about this in my area. There is a similar phenomen in the sky tonight, but that is up high and not in the WEST approx 7 PM Central time about 2 wks ago. It was LARGE as all get out.

In all of my 70 yrs. I have never seen anything like this.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Yeah, 377, I love Petey, too, and you make one heckava case for Mr. Sheridan to be DBC.

But in my gut I say no. I talked with the FBI agent who interviewed him the second time; she seemed quite straightforward, and she says no. But she didn't do the actual DNA analysis, just a chat, a swab and then she waited for a lab report. She made a point with me to say that she didn't even get a call from anyone in the Bureau about Petey, which makes me wonder who gave her the orders to go find Pete in the first place.

I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that Petey refused to acknowledge his identity to me when I got him at home on the phone, (I think). Why would he hide. His infrequent emails to me were most indirect and he never plainly said, "No, I am not DB Cooper," even though I asked him, (begged!) him to do so.

However, his brother feels strongly that Petey is not DB Cooper. Bro' is angry at Petey and mostly estranged, but he knows him pretty well and he says no, too.

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Hey Smokin99 and G.

Welcome aboard Flight 305-A, smokin! I like your questions and hopefully you'll be getting some answers with meat on the bone.

Already you've caught a whiff of the inconsistencies in the transcripts and pronouncements by officials and others. Trying to make sense of all that is what we do here, mostly, such as by gathering facts and sharing them - although on some days that mission is clearly abandoned.

I don't have any answers for your specific questions, but if you want to PM me, I'll send you a magazine article I wrote that presents my persecptive on the case.

BTW: G and S99, the receptionist at Richard Tosaw's law office in California referred to the gentleman as Mr. Two-Saw. So does Galen, if I recall.

Also, everyone calls him Tosaw, strangely. I've never heard anyone refer to RT as Richard, Dick or Rick, etc, as folks often refer to Himmelsbach as Ralph, or even me as Cousin Brucie!

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Hey skyjack71…
Bad xxx xxxxx (the Pride of Minnesota) is loose on the internet. Better watch your fingers and toes, he’s dangerous, he’s talking, and he’s STILL nuts!

This man is a piece of work Sluggo and you know that. He made life for the co-pilot and his wife and family living hell. It only got worse after the co-pilot's email address got out to the public thru this thread.

You guys have heard me talk about "and hence the one legged man was born" and my emailing bait. I would copy the email to Doug Pasternac and in a few days would come this story about things I used as bait. What was bad is that I didn't understand where he was coming from till the damage had been done...and it only hurt me.

I had given him information and names hoping he was for real - YRS ago. I told him about Tony and Tommy and at first he never heard of them - then later I get these emails telling me all about Tommy and Tony (his characters did not resemble the real individuals). He knew how to play things, but I did protect myself - by using Doug because of his knowledge of what was real and what was bait in my communications.

Ever once in a while I would get the feel he did know something and then his story would go off the wall again. I have reached only one conclusion about his claims...that perhaps he had met Duane Weber, but within the ranges of an activity he did not want to admit...he even claimed Duane was FBI and so was Tommy and produced sites to support this (but there was NO way that this Tommy .... and Duane Weber involved in a mass suicide had anything to do with the real Tommy....and Duane Weber).

He claimed McCoy was Cooper and was still alive and McCoy was a wrestler in CA and it was all a set-up by the FBI and FAA. He went so far as to make claims about the co-pilot and other creditable people. His harassment of the co-pilot's family was the last straw when this guy managed to get one of the writers to come to see him.

This writer spent a considerable amount of time interviewing this guy and tried to get an interview with the co-pilot. Because of this writers contact with this "guy" the co-pilot told me to tell the writer NEVER to call him again. This individual cost the writer an interview with a key witness.

Using the back door was not smart and a hard lesson that was costly for this writer. I try to be kind to this man as many of you do me, but I cannot swallow his story, because I listened to it being fabricated over a 10 yr period of time. The way you guys view me except I am consistent, but do explore the possiblities when presented to me.

This is it basically a summary of what I know - and I have not heard it all. I didn't know he was still out there telling his story after the problems he caused the co-pilot around June of this yr - 2010.

Interesting Jo.. he is now saying he thinks Duane was Cooper, but also that Duane and McCoy knew each other and that he (Knoss) was present at the training sessions for the hijack and claims to have known all the people involved. Still going on about FBI/FAA complicity. And some stuff about a BYU (Brigham Young University) medallion left on the plane. I think there was something about the crew being involved too, but by that stage everyone except the Roswell alien was implicated and I had the feeling he'd be worked in somewhere too if I kept on reading those ramblings!

(Oh but also like someone else any time someone asks a question that's too close the "legal/sue" aspect gets brought up as an excuse.)

btw Jo you don't need to edit out his name - the posts I refer to were all made under his own name anyway.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I don't know a thing about DNA or how it is processed. Human nature.... well....

Any odds on what would be said about contamination or reliability if some 'Cooper DNA' matches someone's pet suspect? I'm betting that it would be launched into the category of irrefutable proof that this person is without a doubt, D B Cooper at a hyper-space speed and titanic volume with lashings of - I told you so.

Rather than occupy an intellectual house of ill repute, why not simply say person X's DNA did not match what the FBI has on file? The end.

Embellishing the DNA vehicle with cross contamination, incompetence and irrelevance, adds no value to an argument and is clearly laced with bias. Additionally, should any DNA provide beneficial information in the future for YOUR suspect, you have preemptively declared it null and void. Poor form, to say the least.

Finger prints don't match any suspects either. Does this mean the suspects are eliminated? Don't think so. Could be used for inclusion however.

I don't understand this double edged research, where a suspect does not match some element (height, age, DNA, eye color) and there is the inexplicable and unlikely, 'bonus research' where suspect X was known to walk with a stoop or wear colored contact lenses or a wig.

There is the fickle finger of credibility. The First Officer said the pressure bump was at 8:11 and before reaching Portland so Cooper jumped around Lake Merwin, because the First Officer said so and he was there. Cossey said the Amboy chute was not his, not close, it was a ten second thing and he knew it was not the chute he gave to the FBI. Well, I want the Amboy chute included soooooooo... Cossey is mistaken, even though he was there and owned the chute. The Co-pilot had never experienced such an event before and was used to nail down the jump area. Weird.

The Cooper research resembles my recollections of my 'first time'. My version includes some Thor-esque performance where she was driven to the brink of insanity knowing there would never be an experience to approach this ecstasy for the balance of her life.

Her version includes clumsy and painful groping with constant pleas of 'stop that' and 'Oh my god, what are you doing?'

The evidence, has me taking an afghan, her grandmother hand knitted, to the dry cleaners for the removal of some 'male protein stains'.

Well, I'm not about to change my version and believe it to represent the truth and reality in spite of all else. So there.

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Interesting Jo.. he is now saying he thinks Duane was Cooper, but also that Duane and McCoy knew each other and that he (Knoss) was present at the training sessions for the hijack and claims to have known all the people involved. Still going on about FBI/FAA complicity. And some stuff about a BYU (Brigham Young University) medallion left on the plane. I think there was something about the crew being involved too, but by that stage everyone except the Roswell alien was implicated and I had the feeling he'd be worked in somewhere too if I kept on reading those ramblings!

(Oh but also like someone else any time someone asks a question that's too close the "legal/sue" aspect gets brought up as an excuse.)

btw Jo you don't need to edit out his name - the posts I refer to were all made under his own name anyway.

I was trying to be kind by not using his name. What you have outlined are among the things he has claimed...he even implicated one of the crew.

The secrets I keep are things that would harm innocent individuals - if you allowed PM's that you would not make public - you will understand WHY - it is more about harming innocent victims than being sued.

Himmelsbach and the FBI has told me in the past that there WAS NO BYU medallion. McCoy was so much young than Duane and so was Knoss - hard to believe they even ever met each other. Implications where made about Duane's involvement with a second party removed - and I knew that was way out. I did find the party he was referring to and there was NO SUCH contact.

McCoy's widow remarried and lives in TX if I remember right. She sued the writer of "The Real McCoy" and won without it going to court. The "legal/sue" issue does exist and I try NOT to plunder into that territory.

P.S. The reason he contacted me yrs and yrs ago - was to tell me that he knew Duane was Cooper, but he has yet to produce any valid information to back up his claim. The documentation he claimed to have was never produced - to me or to the FBI that I have any knowledge of.

I do not know if any of his story is true - the one thing he did do was put Duane Weber and his wife in Mn at a specific time. The ex-wife was still alive at that time and confirmed his story about being in Bloomington for about 6 wks. She said she forgot to mention it because it was only for about 6 wks or 2 months. The time frame she had and the time frame he had where different - but both time frames supposedly put Duane and his wife in Bloomington when he was "supposed" to be in the Jefferson Prison.

He even sent me pictures of the apartments which I forwarded on to the ex-wife for identification. She and Duane had stayed on the run and lived in so many places she was unable to identify the apt. building.

She also put Duane and herself in Washington DC when he was supposed to be in prison and attending a convention there. I had just chaulked it up to her getting her dates screwed up since it had been so many yrs and of course, alcohol does impair memory cells. Then Snow verifies this Convention was during a that time Frame and she had given me the date over the phone....both pieces of information several yrs apart.

That is the extent of his involvement with me. Not sure if his contact with me was before or after I went public - but, I kept all of the phone bills - do not recall how he found me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Orange1 Said:
Edited to add: have now read some of Knoss's ramblings, so ... no real need to answer Anyone who wants proof that this is not the only page where people spout crazy stuff about the case, I can direct you to another link!

Question: what's your understanding of Kenny's family lineage? Any idea? Scandinavian of some kind I would presume. I have a reason for asking.

No expert on geneaology (half the time can't even spell it :) and this one was a drive-by - but I love to dabble in it so I'm just gonna jump on in the water even though the question wasn't directed at me :)

Kenny Christensen
Paternal grandfather side - German, not sure where, only went as far as KC's Grandfather who immigrated from Germany.

Paternal grandmother side - German. (All from Rensdburg, Ekernforde, Schleswig-Holstein area of Germany so could be some Danish connection in there somewhere? Also Steinfeld-Osterfeld, Germany

Maternal Grandfather side - England / Canadian

Maternal Grandmother side - England
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Orange1 Said:
Edited to add: have now read some of Knoss's ramblings, so ... no real need to answer Anyone who wants proof that this is not the only page where people spout crazy stuff about the case, I can direct you to another link!

Question: what's your understanding of Kenny's family lineage? Any idea? Scandinavian of some kind I would presume. I have a reason for asking.

No expert on geneaology (half the time can't even spell it :) and this one was a drive-by - but I love to dabble in it so I'm just gonna jump on in the water even though the question wasn't directed at me :)

Kenny Christensen
Paternal grandfather side - German, not sure where, only went as far as KC's Grandfather who immigrated from Germany.

Paternal grandmother side - German. (All from Rensdburg, Ekernforde, Schleswig-Holstein area of Germany so could be some Danish connection in there somewhere? Also Steinfeld-Osterfeld, Germany

Maternal Grandfather side - England / Canadian

Maternal Grandmother side - England

Have em. Late arrivals settled in Stevens County
MN after 1870 near Morris MN which is in the mid
western part of the State - Google it. Both Lyle and Kenny (Christiansen) were raised on a farm near Morris. (The U of Minn has an extension college
at Morris MN). Stevens County Historical has records -

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Orange1 Said:
Edited to add: have now read some of Knoss's ramblings, so ... no real need to answer Anyone who wants proof that this is not the only page where people spout crazy stuff about the case, I can direct you to another link!

Question: what's your understanding of Kenny's family lineage? Any idea? Scandinavian of some kind I would presume. I have a reason for asking.

No expert on geneaology (half the time can't even spell it :) and this one was a drive-by - but I love to dabble in it so I'm just gonna jump on in the water even though the question wasn't directed at me :)

Kenny Christensen
Paternal grandfather side - German, not sure where, only went as far as KC's Grandfather who immigrated from Germany.

Paternal grandmother side - German. (All from Rensdburg, Ekernforde, Schleswig-Holstein area of Germany so could be some Danish connection in there somewhere? Also Steinfeld-Osterfeld, Germany

Maternal Grandfather side - England / Canadian

Maternal Grandmother side - England

Variation in eye color is only significant in people of European descent but the classes are well known, in
fact there are several vast data bases ... thanks for your help.

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We have Kenneth Christiansen's complete family history, but I don't see what that has to with the DB Cooper case.

BTW Smokin' 99: You were correct on one point, wrong on the others.

It's easy to go wrong when you're doing this in a hurry and have no knowledge of the people, area etc. so I'll lay out what I came up with

Kenneth P. Parents: Edwin and Ida May, m., 5/28/23. Iva originally from Iowa but lived with her brother William in 1920 in Minn.

Father: Edwin Christiansen, b. Minnesota, 3/16/1895 - 1/21/1987
Father's father: Claus Christiansen, b. 6/16/1842, Germany. Province of Schleswig-Holstein, Husum, Germany. Parent's Hans and Minna, also from Germany
Father's mother: Johanna C. Koos, b 1854 in Iowa. Parent's Peter and Henrietta Koos, Germany. Same general area as Claus if I remember correctly.

Joanna was 16 when she married Claus. He was abt 28.

Kenny C's Mother: Ida May Mullins, b. 6/14/1899 - 2/26/1987, Ohio

Mother's father: Gordon Mullins, b. abt 1865, Ontario, Canada (English), Can't read my scribbles whether his parents, William and Ann were born in Canada, but they originated from England.
Mother's mother: Fannie Radcliff, b. abt 1866, Ohio, I think her parents are Richard and Elizabeth from England. Regardless, she notes that her parents are from England on census.

I have no idea why I looked this up in the first place, **slapping self silly** but now that you've said it's incorrect, my OCD is kicking in :).....So where did I go wrong?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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my OCD is kicking in :).....So where did I go wrong?

Hello, my name is 377 and I am a DBC-oholic.

Where you went wrong was when you made your first click into this forum. You can leave, but there is no escape.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Where you went wrong was when you made your first click into this forum. You can leave, but there is no escape.


Like Hotel California :D

I'm not rolling on the floor cause i can't get up if I do, but I really am laughing out loud. B|:D
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Well Smokin99, you touched the 'third rail' of information stewardship. You see, most information on this thread is unencumbered with source attribution, but makes up for this deficit with passive aggressive inferences. You were right about one thing (a secret) and wrong (inferring that I must be right) about everything else. Isn't that easy? Once you release any association with linear logic or reason, you will understand and conform. You must conform. If someone claims to have done something for a longer period of time..... they win. If they claim to have talked to an individual.... they win. If they quote anyone or anything, that matches their theory.... they win. Offering some differing perspective or any ancillary data, is to be met with hostility, hubris and a droll sense of personal ownership.

Keep up your participation by posting information with attribution. This will spark contempt in the hearts of those who knowingly engage in pusillanimous steering and pathetic manipulation. They know who they are and exist in the umbra of a crippling fear of being discovered. Probative questions are few and far between. These are but a few of the attributes which represent the subjects of D B Cooper, Bigfoot, Roswell Aliens and Diet Foods. There may be more.

Fortunately, we have evolved well above the lower species which occupy this planet. Imagine animals with brains so small that the only way they can communicate with others is through scent markings, hissing or some other display like Peacocks or Frilled Lizards. Yes, this forum is in fact a microcosm of just how much we have distanced ourselves from the afore mentioned creatures. Now we just need to determine if that distance is above or below their level.

Welcome aboard. SSSSsssssssss,(extending frills) clickty, clickty, Beeowwww, Beeowwww (rump flashing orange then blue).

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History Channel guys have set the filming schedule in Seattle. Subject: The DB Cooper/Kenny Christiansen book. September 30-Oct 6. They want me to appear on Oct 2 and 4, at the Elliot Bay Bookstore in Seattle, and in Bonney Lake, WA for two separate interviews. Remainder of the time they will be interviewing the book witnesses and doing whatever their shooting script requires. Show airs in January. That's all I know.

:)Taylor and Reed - sounds like a menswear line. Right?

:):D:D If not shame on him!

Blevins NEEDS to talk to the FBI pronto. There is a fool born every second of every day. Too many people have staked their careers - on finding out who Cooper was! I put my credibility on the line and not for a book or a movie...but, for the truth and the truth is what will stand...and evidence that will put a subject on that plane.

Blevins is up the creek without a paddle - and nothing to put Christiansen on that plane.
Will Taylor and Reed have the last word?

Two new photos (one is similar to another you have seen and resembles one of the more popular composite).

The second is an eye opener when compared to the Rose Composite the FBI concealed from the public for yrs. This is a much older Cooper, but very very close to the Rose Composite.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


"Blevins NEEDS to talk to the FBI pronto. There is a fool born every second of every day. Too many people have staked their careers - on finding out who Cooper was! I put my credibility on the line and not for a book or a movie...but, for the truth and the truth is what will stand...and evidence that will put a subject on that plane.

Blevins is up the creek without a paddle - and nothing to put Christiansen on that plane..."

Well, first my 'career' isn't trying to discover the identity of DB Cooper, and it's not a movie, just a one-hour television program for the History Channel that examines the *possible* case against Christiansen.

I run a professional housecleaning business (http://www.freewebs.com/bghousecleaning) serving upscale customers in the Puget Sound area, and nights and weekends I serve as managing editor for Adventure Books of Seattle. I edit other writers' books on the side to pick up extra money. That's been my life for about the last ten years. This DB Cooper stuff is a recent addition that came with so many penalties that I will be glad when it is over. I am practically run into the ground as it is, and after the History Channel folks leave town I am taking a vacation into the high country for a few days.

The FBI already has the book and access to all the information we've gathered so far on Christiansen. Can I stand here and assure you that Kenny was DB Cooper? No way. Do I believe he needs to be investigated further? Yes. Do I think the FBI has been fully cooperative with the public in trying to solve the case? Not really. I've sent them two requests asking them to confirm whether their 'John Doe' warrant covers only the hijacker and not any accomplices. Reading it from their website, it looks like it is restricted to the hijacker only, but they refuse to answer. Do I think the FBI's DNA comparisons are valid? Not sure, but I highly doubt it because of possible contamination by multiple people who handled the tie over the years. They can't REALLY be sure the sample they are using for comparison to eliminate suspects is actually from the hijacker.

On a side note, Skipp Porteous and Lyle Christiansen arranged for Lyle's DNA to be submitted to the FBI a long time ago. The FBI has not eliminated Kenny on this basis, but again, the sample is suspect and no, I don't trust it. Neither do I trust the FBI and Earl Cossey's claim that the parachute found in Amboy isn't Cooper's. I already said why, but I will repeat it: Silk is biodegradable and Ralph Himmelsbach, although he likes Cossey, also says Cossey's been wrong before. That's a direct quote from his telephone interview with Skipp Porteous.

Two really strange things emerged from our interviews with the people who were closest to Christiansen, none of whom had ever been approached before about Christiansen or the hijacking. First, they had a lot to say about the hijacking and began pointing fingers at each other almost immediately, and freely offering up what they knew that pointed to Kenny as the hijacker. They did this without being prompted, which I found extremely weird. Second, when one of them realized after he saw the book that HE was being implicated as a possible accomplice ('Mike Watson'), he tried to take back everything he said, and then called up his sister ('Dawn J') and told her to do the same thing. Then when the History Channel execs confronted them with their previous statements, they did a complete one-eighty again. Watson said he now believed Kenny was the hijacker, and admitted being the go-between for the cash loan to his sister a few months after the hijacking. Dawn J also admitted that yes, she had told me that Kenny owned a toupee but that she never saw him wear it again after the hijacking.


"Too many people going underground...too many reaching for a piece of cake..."

Paul McCartney

So many people. TOO many lies. So much finger-pointing, huge unexplained expenditures, allegations of found money on Kenny's property, a trip over Thanksgiving that was draped in mystery and lies, yada yada yada. It just goes on and on with these folks. Mike Watson is the worst. He tried to tell me that Kenny got the money to loan his sister the 5K and the 16.5k for his house in Bonney Lake by selling off the logs on some property Kenny owned near Pipeline Road in Sumner. Another lie. We found out those logs were sold off many years AFTER the hijacking, not before as he claimed.

When you catch folks in so many lies, you ask yourself what would motivate them to lie. History Channel believes it's because they have something to hide. Who the heck knows? Maybe THEY can find the truth. This was the reason I asked the FBI about their 'John Doe' warrant. I told Skipp and the History Channel that if the warrant covered only the hijacker, that any accomplices would be free to reveal any truths they knew without fear of prosecution. Up in Twisp, 'Katy Watson' voiced her concerns about this and has told me she is afraid of the FBI. However, she's also the only person I interviewed who has never lied to me so I generally trust what she says. We recently mailed her a prepaid cell-phone so the History Channel can interview her that way for the program.

Skipp Porteous is supposed to get a New York lawyer to verify this warrant thing one way or another, and he's supposed to get it done quickly. I hope he does, because it might encourage some of these witnesses to stop lying and come to Jesus once and for all.

It's been alleged that $2,000 in twenties MAY have been found just out back of Christiansen's old house in 1999 when a new owner sold off the logs there to a local logging company. Three weeks ago, Skipp Porteous finally discovered the name of the actual owner of that house in 1999, and he is trying to contact her to verify whether this incident really happened. I have no idea whether this story is true or not. I only have the word (so far) of Dan Rattenbury, the current owner of the house who converted it to a print shop. Since he's a pretty solid guy and a long-term resident of Bonney Lake, I included it in the book, but there is also a disclaimer that this allegation has yet to be proven. That is Skipp's job, and I have no doubt he will be able to contact the former owner. If she says it never happened, then it is a rumor. If it DID happen, it is only a piece of circumstantial evidence anyway.

I have come to the point in all of this where I no longer care about selling DB Cooper books. Heck, it isn't even our biggest seller. It's THIRD. 'Pilot Down, Presumed Dead' (illustrated edition) by Marjorie Phleger and 'Big Bang' by A.J. Desmond do much better. We've got six other titles ready to rock, and an upcoming five-volume historical epic we have to do next year, plus an inspirational tale of a young Tacoma lady who made one of the biggest personal comebacks you've ever seen. Those things are much more important to me than this friggin' case.

I asked a cop once in an interview (not about the Cooper case) what was the worst thing about the job. He said:


"Everybody lies to you...even when they don't have to."

That was a surprise, since I thought he would say something like the possibility of being killed on the job, etc. After all these Christiansen/Cooper interviews, I'm beginning to understand why he said that. B|

It's not about the book with me anymore. I would settle for the truth, if that's even possible to discover. Then I am moving on from all this.

To the person who looked up Kenny's lineage: I see you got it right this time...on all counts. Good work there. I still don't see what it has to do with the case, but good work anyway. :)

Have you and Pretentious Maximus
ever been checked for grandiousity
enlargement. Its a common ailment
in the house cleaner-writer-PI-researcher-
bookseller-publisher-famous person DB
Cooper profession?


Jo Weber might be able to give you guidance.
Jo has maps ... and mountain top property.

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Georger says in part:


"Have you and Pretentious Maximus
ever been checked for grandiousity
enlargement. Its a common ailment
in the house cleaner-writer-PI-researcher-
bookseller-publisher-famous person DB
Cooper profession?"

Yada yada yada. Have you ever addressed someone's points by actually REFERRING to those points, or do you just spend your time hurling insults?

There's nothing wrong with a housecleaning business combined with a publishing business on the side. FYI: Cleaning large homes pays very well, is highly resistent to a bad economy, and I am my own boss. I wouldn't change a thing, and neither will I ever return to being a wage slave.
No thanks.

What is your secret cleaning fantasy?

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I thought this article from 1976 (before they indicted him, I guess) was funny. Another reason for DB to lay low...

"Skyjacker Who Disappeared Owes for Back Income Tax
"D.B. Cooper," wherever you are? You're in trouble with the tax people.
The Internal Revenue Service disclosed that the parachuting skyjacker who disappeared between Reno, Nev., and Seattle in 1971 owes the government $295,900 in taxes and penalties because of the S200.000 he extorted from Northwest Orient Airlines. But "D.B. Cooper" can take some comfort in knowing that the statute of limitation for his Thanksgiving eve caper runs out in November. The IRS computed the amount owed the government on the presumption he was single and had no other income during the period. The agency said he would be taxed $53,090 on the first $100,000 and $70,000 on the rest of the money. Civil fraud penalties for failure to file would be 50 per cent of the tax due, or $61,545. Interest at seven per cent per year on the amount due would he about $34,000, bringing the total to $218,635. This would not include, however, a possible late filing penalty of $30,771, plus a late payment penalty of $7,300. This would bring his bill to $295, 906."
Kittanning, Pa.
Wednesday, Mar.24,1976
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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There is a John Doe warrant out there for Cooper that was issued by a Federal judge just before the statute expired. It appears to be directed specifically at the hijacker and no one else. The FBI can renew the warrant as long as they want. You can see it on their website.

Yeah, this IRS article was from November 1976, and I think that's when the indictment was done also. Seems Like I remember reading they got the indictment right before the statute of limitations expired.

So either the author didn't know about the indictment or it wasn't official yet. Just thought it was interesting that the IRS weighed in for their pound of flesh. I guess the government wanted to cover all the bases. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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