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DB Cooper

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There is a John Doe warrant out there for Cooper that was issued by a Federal judge just before the statute expired. It appears to be directed specifically at the hijacker and no one else. The FBI can renew the warrant as long as they want. You can see it on their website.

Is there an echo in here?

Is there an echo in here?

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Is there an echo in here?

:) Yep!
I spoke with two individuals who have been in the Cooper SEARCH for yrs and I heard echos last night...just like the one's here. A yr ago I contacted one individual because of his long and intense research about Cooper.

Echo or hijacking a story?

Now. he is very familiar with the company and background????
I have never read anything about his subject ever having sold insurance with this company or any of its constituants. I did try in NOV of last yrs to talk to the founding father of this company and asked about other employees whose name I knew worked for this company - I GOT NO WHERE. I was told it was a violation of the privacy act...ALL of these prior employees are deceased. The include the Tony W, Tommy G and John Collins (Duane Weber) and his friend Ed Huran. NONE of them are alive today...but in 1996 when I first contacted the FBI - Duane was the only one who was deceased.

I knew that some of the strange things Duane did would happen after he had a contact with this company (we were not employed by them at the times of the contacts). Deliveries - one to man KNOWN to be Mafia. Duane actually took me with him to make this "delivery" after we had gone to a meeting for the company. This is the same company Duane was employed by after he made a RUSH to leave Colorado after the money find...and although he did try to sell a few contracts - ( we could not survive on the work he got).

Yet, his contact with this company seemed to continue for yrs - even after his death. I had been searching into Duane's work background myself and contacted someone he worked for ( WITH THIS COMPANY) - this person went to a great deal of money and trouble to arrange for me to consult with a lawyer and they wanted to do a book or movie. After I thought it over I did not want to take that avenue, but to let the FBI see what they could come up with.

These individual had told me they never heard of the "guys" I have mentioned over the yrs who knew Duane and worked with him and knew him as John Collins and then later as Duane Weber.

Everyone of the guys had worked for this company.

Does this sound sort of suspicious to any of you? Pehaps they were trying to capitalize on the story - note, I had not gone public at that time and this occured in the first 3 yrs of my search and before I did go public.

My next contact with a different person resulted in this:
Who is James or Jim Taylor and a man with the last name Reed? Both of these names are supposedly connected to Cooper. I need to know if anyone has ever run up against these names reguarding the Cooper investigation and/or possible suspects.

Please note the below paragraph is hearsay and I have NOT heard anything from officials regarding this:

Blevins was ruled out by DNA, but this information is second hand. Supposedly Christainsen's DNA was compared to the supposed Cooper specimen. The source told me the FBI says Christiansen is NOT Cooper.

I do not know if this is true, but I am relaying the infomation that was provided to me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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There is a John Doe warrant out there for Cooper that was issued by a Federal judge just before the statute expired. It appears to be directed specifically at the hijacker and no one else. The FBI can renew the warrant as long as they want. You can see it on their website.

And if Cooper cratered on the night of the hijack, what difference would that make?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Quade says in part:


'And if Cooper cratered on the night of the hijack, what difference would that make?' (The FBI's John Doe warrant)

You are right. Not a bit of difference. They haven't found the body yet, though.

You didnt answer the question.

The question assumes they have found the body.

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Georger says in part:


'You didnt answer the question.

The question assumes they have found the body.'

If they found the body, they could identify it and either confirm or eliminate the main suspects, including Christiansen, who is dead and buried as far as we know.


'Hello...(hello)...is there anybody IN there...'

Pink Floyd

The question concerned the (The FBI's John Doe warrant) which YOU keep reminding us of for some reason. I think Quade is asking about the viability of a warrant on a man the FBI is saying is dead?
He may be pointing out that to simultaneously
claim a person is dead and keep a warrant alive,
is a little contradictory on the face of it?

The only thing that intrigues me about your case
is this story about the Dan Cooper comic being present on Shemya:

" Rick Cochran, the communications officer on Shemya while Christiansen was stationed there, testified that he saw the famous 'Dan Cooper' comic book by Albert Weinberg in the Day Room there, which shows a man on the cover parachuting out of an airplane."

I wonder if this is true? Was the comic there by subscription or was someone bringing it in? I presume you interviewed Cochran because Geof
Gray did not include this in his original sketch about
Christiansen, and presumably knows nothing about it? But even if true you have not established that
Christiansen ever even picked up the comic or knew it was there, or showed interest in it. If the comic was being brought in by somebody, maybe he is Dan Cooper? It does seem odd that this comic book would show up at Shemya Island of all places,
in the Aleutians, at a NWA facility no less?

You may be after the wrong guy!?

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This Dan Cooper comic has developed legs and can run like the wind and magically appear as evidence. Stunning, simply stunning.

The Dan Cooper Comic theory was spawned decades after the hijacking and based upon a single cover of 'our hero' skydiving. Do you see? Dan Cooper, a French comic, before the hijacking, shows a guy named Dan Cooper skydiving..... Just like D B Cooper. Welllllllllllll.....

Dan Cooper was a.... wait for it... little longer..... yes, that's right, Pilot for the Royal Canadian Air Force. Not a skydiver, but a pilot. Not French, but Canadian, so sorry, that is Canadian. Ahhh heck, what's the difference? French, CanUK, Icelandic... all the same in the eyes of us Americans. Pilot, skydiver, mechanic... all the same also. Why let facts spoil a perfectly good theory out of left field?

Dan Cooper was also a car sales business outside Minot, ND. Which is near the the oddly named, Minot AFB which is filled with airplanes, parachutes, pilots and mechanics. Hey, this could be significant.

I suspect the hijacker purchased a car from Dan Cooper and was so utterly screwed, that he vowed to get even with the SOB some day. He more than likely purchased a 1958, Edsel Ranger Roundup. The single most unlikely vehicle ever produced. The Roundup was a two door, nine passenger, station wagon with a three speed column shift and manual transmission. Just imagine loading six passengers through your choice of two doors before gliding away with a 16 pound clutch and three on the tree. Sure it sounds good on paper, but this vehicle was a miserable failure and no doubt an ownership experience could drive anyone to hijack a plane. Why not jump? Death would be preferable to the constant nagging knowledge of having owned an Edsel Ranger Roundup.

Back to Dan Cooper the comic. This was published for years and years with Dan getting caught in many and varied adventures. Flying fighters, cargo, helicopters, space ships and every aircraft one can imagine past and present. Yes, Dan Cooper even used a parachute on a cover, many, many, many.... OK, it was just ONCE. Once. Dan Cooper was featured as a skydiver one time in a comic serial which was published for decades. Yet this French speaking Canadian is suspected as the source of the alias used by D B Cooper. Ummm.... yeah... (cough) OK then... (insert long, uncomfortable pause).

Just like every single, putrid, steaming, un-verified, eccentric, could be related to Cooper, piece of evidence; this comic has managed to surface in yet another fine mesh, filtered investigation. Yes, some Shemya, passer-by, noticed and recalled, the only Dan Cooper comic with a skydiver on the cover, in a supine position, on a table, in a day room, from the 1950's. Pullllleeeeaassee. If there is such a thing a 'karmic justice', people taking such wild stabs in the dark, would surely receive one in the near future.

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Cossey has been known to give out incorrect and misleading info. I think he likes messing with Cooper people. Norjack was really one big hassle for him, a moment of fame and no bucks. Unless the FBI paid him for the lost and damaged gear, Norjack actually was a real net loss for him

Arguably Cossey still owns DBC's chute. It is valuable. A collector would pay several thousand to own it, perhaps a lot more. He could slice it up and sell pieces on eBay.

If the Amboy chute was the one Cossey packed and Cooper used he wouldn't just let it go. He'd verify its identity and claim it as his own.

For these reasons I don't think the Amboy chute was Cooper's. Besides, it is too old. I don't think Cossey would be using a 1946 chute for his bailout rig in 1971. By then more modern C9 ripstop nylon canopies were dirt cheap and far better than that vintage rag found in Amboy.

The buried aspect is very curious though. Why would anyone bury a canopy unless they were trying to hide it?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Quade says in part:


'And if Cooper cratered on the night of the hijack, what difference would that make?' (The FBI's John Doe warrant)

You are right. Not a bit of difference. They haven't found the body yet, though.

Skyjack71 says in part:


'Blevins was ruled out by DNA...'

That's expected. I was only 17 at the time of the hijacking, and don't really match the description. :)

I was not trying to be funny and I do not always edit my posts:

So Hear is the Correction:

:)Please note the below paragraph is hearsay and I have NOT heard anything from officials regarding this:

;)Blevin' subject (Christiansen) was ruled out by DNA, but this information is second hand. Supposedly Christainsen's DNA was compared to the supposed Cooper specimen. The source told me the FBI says Christiansen is NOT Cooper!

:PI do not know if this is true, but I am relaying the infomation that was provided to me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Farflung and Georger have some valid points regarding the infamous comic book, which the FBI has said might be a clue to the skyjacker's identity. Key phrase here is *might be*.

The comic book link was mostly investigated by Skipp Porteous, not I, although I did find the old article about Shemya. (Part one and part two are attached) Porteous was the one who interviewed Rich Cochran.

:)GUY LISTEN UP! The Dan Cooper Comic was presented in this forum by Snowmman. The FBI had never connected this comic or at least verbally said anything about this comic until Snowmman brought the subject to this forum.

Then later this bit of trivia was added to the Official FBI file. Even the FBI is confusing Trivia and Myths with Fact.

:)Now we have a writer who claims an investigator contacted someone out of the past who claims the comic was laying on a desk in a day room at a specific time in space (40 yrs ago) occupied by Christiansen.

Can any of you guys tell me what book was lying on a table 40 yrs ago at a specific time and date in the lounge of your office or work place? Other than PlayBoy and Life along with the usual Readers Digest. In other words would you have remembered a comic book?

Blevins this is LAUGHABLE and it is just a matter of COMMON sense to not include such a wild story or idea in your book. Be truthful and TALK to this person who was SUPPOSED to have TOLD this to your INVESTIGATOR.

The Last thing this case needs is more Trivia and more Myths to be mixed in with the TRUTH.

By the way Blevins - I thought you were OUT of here, but I guess you now have BD Syndrome and are so desparate to salvage your reputation that you are - hanging around to defend yourself. Withdrawal is really tough.

[BLUE]GOOD GRIEF SNOWMMAN LOOK WHAT YOU STARTED[/BLUE]! You took the DB bug and turned it into a Super Bug.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:

Withdrawal is really tough.

No kidding Jo. You've given more final appearances than Cher or Streisand.

I am one of the few here who has never threatened to quit. I'm in it for the long haul. Cooper's ID will be discovered and Amelia E's plane will be found in my lifetime. I am just an optimist. When you are optimistic, you see a negative present outcome as a mere delay not a final failure.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:


Withdrawal is really tough.

No kidding Jo. You've given more final appearances than Cher or Streisand.

I am one of the few here who has never threatened to quit. I'm in it for the long haul. Cooper's ID will be discovered and Amelia E's plane will be found in my lifetime. I am just an optimist. When you are optimistic, you see a negative present outcome as a mere delay not a final failure.


:):D NO, I think Blevins has attempted more exits in a shorter period of time than I have over the entire span of this thread. Who cares - just more trivia.

That Canadian film crew sure did stir something up in WA. Those who are aware of it thought it might have somethng to do with Cook or Grey's Book.

I am puzzled and upset over the fact that another writer is NOW declaring his book's subject had a background paralleling Weber...but, only after he was contacted by my guy and myself and exchanged information. IF his SUBJECT actually worked for the SAME company as Duane and his buddies then this would open up a can of worms (government worms). If what this man is claiming about his subject is TRUE and not just the hijacking of Duane's story - then the conspiracy theory is still alive.

Seems like NO one knows anything about JIM or JAMES TAYLOR and a man with the last name REED. Supposedly they were connected to the Skyjacking in some way. One was supposedly some kind of Flight Crew Coordinator (not sure what was being referred to). The other is the man who was responsible for the jump or jumper... Frankly I think the man I am talking to is the person who is feeding Blevins.

Geeze this is really sick. All of these accomplices coming out of the woodwork almost 40 yrs later.
Hell, if I had known who Cooper was during those first few yrs after the crime - I would have gone to the FBI....not wait till someone came out to talk to me because of a rumor.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Fascinating about the Shemya 'investigation'. Equally intriguing is what has been completely neglected about 'The Rock'.

Most of the 1950's had Alaska as a pseudo-entity called a territory. This is a special category to be sure. Taxes are paid by industries (just like to good old days) and residents were required to pay federal payroll taxes only (FICA). No income tax! I think my bladder just failed a little bit. Keep in mind the regressive nature of taxes in those days with a scale climbing to an astonishing 91% for the top bracket of 400k per year. Yep, find a way to earn $400,000 in the 1950's and the IRS will allow you to keep 36k. I need to dry a tear.

In 1950, the average income was $1510 for the United States. Alaska was $2400 (Survey of Current Business, Jun 2001). That territory paid a 60% premium above the national average and had no income tax. My goodness.

Why would a person work on Shemya? A place that the inhabitants of hell are threatened with should they misbehave. Simple, the money and the chicks. As advertised, Shemya had a beautiful woman behind every tree. So it must have been the money.

As a contractor in a territory with a wage premium, Shemya was an outpost with an additional wage premium. Does anyone think a person would submit to such an abject lifestyle for a standard wage? Guys went there to sack some cash and decide when to return to the 'world'.

Such employment cloisters still exist and are difficult to staff with tax free incomes three to five times greater than domestic wages. Guess the Saturday afternoon jumps are actually worth a great deal more than $17.

If you think people were paying a premium for hootch on the island; then you don't understand what many and varied things are delivered by aircrew to remote locations. I just sayin.

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If you think people were paying a premium for hootch on the island; then you don't understand what many and varied things are delivered by aircrew to remote locations. I just sayin.

and the comics and other magazines probably
came in in the same manner, by the same route, from the same people, from where, collected by who? Which proves (by the P&B Principle) these magazines were well distributed and everyone
was seeing/reading them ... everywhere!

Cooper could be anyone. Anywhere. There is no
center to the Universe. The center is everywhere.
The Cooper case now conforms with General Relativity, which it must.

Aint science fun!

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Dumb question- has it ever been identified what was in the Reserve that was sewn shut by Cossey and used as a trainer? Could that have been the Amboy canopy? After landing Cooper used the reserve pack to carry the money out thus dumping the canopy that was in it. I wonder if Cossey would talk about that?

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Skyjack 71 says in part:


"The Dan Cooper Comic was presented in this forum by Snowmman. The FBI had never connected this comic or at least verbally said anything about this comic until Snowmman brought the subject to this forum..."

I never said Skipp Porteous was the one who first brought up the comic book. I said he investigated it.

He did this by researching WHO FROM NW AIRLINES was serving on Shemya at the same time as Christiansen and Mike Watson.

One of the few people still alive from that time was Rick Cochran. Porteous interviewed him about life on Shemya and asked him later if he had ever seen the comic book. He said yes, and added it was a popular one among the guys. He didn't have much to say about Kenny or Watson, stating that they mostly worked maintenance out on the line and that he (Cochran) mostly hung out in the com shack. Was he able to verify that Kenny and Watson were on the island at the same time as him? Yes. Was he friends with them? Not really.

It still doesn't prove Kenny was the hijacker, and I never said it did. But no matter how you slice the bread, it is still hard testimony about the comic. Whether it means anything is a matter of opinion. I think it's only important if Kenny was later proven to be the hijacker, otherwise it means little.

:(Let's talk about that Dan Cooper Comic with REAL research.

The Dan Cooper Comic showing Dan Cooper in a parachute was produced many yrs after Christiansen was flying out of the Aleutians. If Snow was around he would even have the source for you to reference.

Contact Snow and ask him to find that old file for us

:)Give us exact dates you claim Christiansen was in the Aleutians.

:ph34r:To ALL:
Now what do you guys bet that - there was NO way Christiansen could have seen a Comic showing Dan Cooper in a parachute prior to 1971?

;)If my source is correct - NO WAY! Someone set out to Hoax me a couple of yrs ago and was unable to do so. Now Blevins is being Hoaxed.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Whether it means anything is a matter of opinion. I think (the comic) is only important if Kenny was later proven to be the hijacker, otherwise it means little.

I disagree completely. The comic book being at an
NWA facility stands on its own. It is the first solid
link of the comic to anything in the Cooper case,
ever - the link to NWA is specific.

Likewise the anatomical forensics is specific.
An isophototopic comparison of key points
in facial-cranial anatomies can be made.

The results are interesting in light of the brother's statement that Cooper and Christiansen were
"dead ringers" ....

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Blevins stated:


I never said Skipp Porteous was the one who first brought up the comic book. I said he investigated it.

He did this by researching WHO FROM NW AIRLINES was serving on Shemya at the same time as Christiansen and Mike Watson.


;)Perhaps someone has research on this Dan Cooper Comic that will put MUD in my face, but it won't be the first time.

:)Remember we are NOT talking about the Dan Cooper Comics but the edition that put the character in a parchute.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Likewise the anatomical forensics is specific.
An isophototopic comparison of key points
in facial-cranial anatomies can be made.

The results are interesting in light of the brother's statement that Cooper and Christiansen were
"dead ringers" ....

Try these photos and I have others I never posted nor scanned.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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All depends on how accurate the composite is - DARE you to compare the Rose composite which is an official composite, but some of the witnesses had a problem with it just as they had a problem with the two (2) that were used. In all fairness that comparison needs to be made with all of the composites the FBI acquired.

Provided by Snow:

Dan Cooper by Belgian cartoonist Albert Weinberg (1922-) appeared originally in the weekly TINTIN Magazine. The Cooper strip started in 1954. Weinberg started working for Tintin (Belgian magazine) in 1950. The first issue of Tintin was Sept 25, 1946.

The Dan Cooper character existed from 1954-1977.

Again, the first Dan Cooper strip, anywhere, was 1954, well after Cochran was on Shemya.

Rick Cochran was only on Shemya from 1950-51.
His email is available here, along with confirmation of 1950-1951. (he was there for only about 8 months?). (edited out something here because I didn't understand it). Basically stated that there was NO WAY Cochran saw what has been claimed by others.


It is not possible for Rick Cochran to have seen a Dan Cooper comic, of any kind on Shemya.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I disagree completely. The comic book being at an
NWA facility stands on its own. It is the first solid
link of the comic to anything in the Cooper case,
ever - the link to NWA is specific.

I agree with this.
I also disagree with the assertion that it had to be the one where he is in a parachute. I'm sure 377 etc who have helped investigate criminal cases know many instances of aliases inspired by a hero or character with no 'obvious' link to the crime they committed. (in fact some of Duane Weber's aliases would probably be a perfect example here).
Simply viewing the character as a 'hero' or 'daredevil' or whatever may have been enough to inspire using it as an alias. All conjecture yes but no more so than most other stuff here.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Snow is in exile on Devils Island. Requests for clemency have fallen on deaf ears in Paris... or is it Perris? I apparently am not permitted to channel Snow but can relay facts.

Snow thinks Blevins and Porteus are scamming, but I don't agree. They may be misinformed but I don't see cynical stuff in Blevins. Call me Pollyanna. Anyway, Snow knows a lot about the history of the Dan Cooper comics and has the following relevant info


Dan Cooper by Belgian cartoonist Albert Weinberg (1922-) appeared originally in the weekly TINTIN Magazine. The Cooper strip started in 1954. Weinberg started working for Tintin (Belgian magazine) in 1950. The first issue of Tintin was Sept 25, 1946.

The Dan Cooper character existed from 1954-1977.

Again, the first Dan Cooper strip, anywhere, was 1954, well after Cochran was on Shemya.

Rick Cochran was only on Shemya from 1950-51.
His email is available here, along with confirmation of 1950-1951. (he was there for only about 8 months?). No matter what that f*er says...he's not in on it. So ignore him.


It is not possible for Rick Cochran to have seen a Dan Cooper comic, of any kind on Shemya.

Please, everyone on DZ.com, don't reveal this until after the History Channel deal is done. We can work out the details after it's over. There's plenty to spread around.

People can google the details above.
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And Quade, don't jump on us for posting relevant info that originates from Snowmman. Neither Jo or I are fronting his personal stuff, just his research.

I should give up trying to get Quade to let Snowmman return. Snow would never show any respect for Quade and he'd probay get exhiled again.

I keep hoping Quade will be bigger than that and let Snow back on with a lot of slack. Snow is one of the best researchers who has posted. He finds all sorts of stuff others miss.

BTW Quade reads everything. I did a little Cooper fishing in the bat wing thread and he was on it in a flash, but he went easy on me.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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All depends on how accurate the composite is - DARE you to compare the Rose composite which is an official composite, but some of the witnesses had a problem with it just as they had a problem with the two (2) that were used. In all fairness that comparison needs to be made with all of the composites the FBI acquired.

Provided by Snow:

Dan Cooper by Belgian cartoonist Albert Weinberg (1922-) appeared originally in the weekly TINTIN Magazine. The Cooper strip started in 1954. Weinberg started working for Tintin (Belgian magazine) in 1950. The first issue of Tintin was Sept 25, 1946.

The Dan Cooper character existed from 1954-1977.

Again, the first Dan Cooper strip, anywhere, was 1954, well after Cochran was on Shemya.

Rick Cochran was only on Shemya from 1950-51.
His email is available here, along with confirmation of 1950-1951. (he was there for only about 8 months?). (edited out something here because I didn't understand it). Basically stated that there was NO WAY Cochran saw what has been claimed by others.


It is not possible for Rick Cochran to have seen a Dan Cooper comic, of any kind on Shemya.

Good work, both you and 377. Here's a few useful links (Snow probably has...)




partial publication chronology

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