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QuoteHow to deal with an idiot:
The book is dead on arrival and a laughing stock -
Georger, I love you. The site made me smile and I printed out the 5 ways to deal with an idiot.
You are right his horse (duh, Book) will never get out of the gate. Me, you guys put up with me because - you think I am delusional, but I just might get the last word in on Cooper in a few wks...
Gonna take a Sentimental Journey
Gonna set my heart at ease,
Gonna make a Sentimental Journey,
to renew old memories,
Got my bag, got my reservations, Long to hear that "All Abord."
Seven, that's the time we leave, at seven,
I'll be waiting up for heaven,
Countig every mile of railroad track that takes me back,
Never thought my heart could be so 'yearny'
Why did I decide to roam?
Gotta take this Sentimental Joruney,
Sentimental Journey Home.
I will end with
You'll Never Know if You Don't Know Now and that is exactly the ending that is in site short of a miracle.
I believe in miracles.
nigel99 528
but I just might get the last word in on Cooper in a few wks...
QuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteI thought we came to the conclusion
we dont know why (exactly) the FBI processed
Sheridan except for his domestic problems involving
foreign flight and custody issues, and what if any role the Cooper matter played - except that Sheridan says he was wanted for being Cooper. That's his claim.
Last I knew Bruce was going to get the arrest report
but that never surfaced. Maybe I missed it? Sheridan has never been prosecuted as being Cooper, in any event.Quote
Here's what I've been able to dig up, with the help of the San Mateo, California Sheriff's Dept and Smokin99, who's a good little digger.
Don Burnworth was arrested on contempt of court charges at the San Francisco airport shortly after his arrival from Germany in August 1972. He was questioned by the FBI during the arrest process regarding his similarity to DB Cooper and the fact that his ex-wife "Burn"-Ice was squawking to the feds that he was Danny. Within hours, the FBI released Donny B back to the Sheriff's department and he was incarcerated for 8 days in San Mateo because he would not reveal where the three kids were. Eventually he relented and was released.
The contempt charges had to do with Don breaching his visitation rights with his kids, which was one month per year, and the prior year, during his legitimate time with the kids, he absconded with them to Germany. The ex, Bernice Bruno Burnworth, now, (1972) Bernice B. B. King, filed charges and Don got nabbed in Frisco.
Petey, on the other hand, has never been arrested by the feds, and currently lives a bit upstream in Marin County regions, specifically in Windsor, California. He has been investigated twice by the feddies, most recently about two or three years ago, when Special Agent Mary Jane What's-her-name took a mouth swab for a DNA test. She told me that Petey was the most interesting suspect she's ever conversed with.
377 is beatin' the bushes with me to head down to Petey's and check him out more thoroughly. Since the Dispatch terminated me yesterday in a ruckus over pay (zippo since August), I might have the time. Just gotta get the jack to go, now. Time and money - it's like oil and water....
Plus, Petey is dodging me big time, or is medically unable to fully respond to my journalistic charms. Regardless, Sheridan Peterson is a tough, uphill slog at this point.
I really like Petey, and would love to chat with him about his life. However, I don't think he's DB. More likely, he might be some kind of CIA guy and leery of guys like me. (His poppa was an operative of some kind in China before WWII....) Or Petey is really one-way-out-there character who just floated into the scene when the bullets were flying in Tianamin Square. Either way, I'm eager to listen and learn.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteI thought we came to the conclusion
we dont know why (exactly) the FBI processed
Sheridan except for his domestic problems involving
foreign flight and custody issues, and what if any role the Cooper matter played - except that Sheridan says he was wanted for being Cooper. That's his claim.
Last I knew Bruce was going to get the arrest report
but that never surfaced. Maybe I missed it? Sheridan has never been prosecuted as being Cooper, in any event.Quote
Here's what I've been able to dig up, with the help of the San Mateo, California Sheriff's Dept and Smokin99, who's a good little digger.
Don Burnworth was arrested on contempt of court charges at the San Francisco airport shortly after his arrival from Germany in August 1972. He was questioned by the FBI during the arrest process regarding his similarity to DB Cooper and the fact that his ex-wife "Burn"-Ice was squawking to the feds that he was Danny. Within hours, the FBI released Donny B back to the Sheriff's department and he was incarcerated for 8 days in San Mateo because he would not reveal where the three kids were. Eventually he relented and was released.
The contempt charges had to do with Don breaching his visitation rights with his kids, which was one month per year, and the prior year, during his legitimate time with the kids, he absconded with them to Germany. The ex, Bernice Bruno Burnworth, now, (1972) Bernice B. B. King, filed charges and Don got nabbed in Frisco.
Petey, on the other hand, has never been arrested by the feds, and currently lives a bit upstream in Marin County regions, specifically in Windsor, California. He has been investigated twice by the feddies, most recently about two or three years ago, when Special Agent Mary Jane What's-her-name took a mouth swab for a DNA test. She told me that Petey was the most interesting suspect she's ever conversed with.
377 is beatin' the bushes with me to head down to Petey's and check him out more thoroughly. Since the Dispatch terminated me yesterday in a ruckus over pay (zippo since August), I might have the time. Just gotta get the jack to go, now. Time and money - it's like oil and water....
Plus, Petey is dodging me big time, or is medically unable to fully respond to my journalistic charms. Regardless, Sheridan Peterson is a tough, uphill slog at this point.
I really like Petey, and would love to chat with him about his life. However, I don't think he's DB. More likely, he might be some kind of CIA guy and leery of guys like me. (His poppa was an operative of some kind in China before WWII....) Or Petey is really one-way-out-there character who just floated into the scene when the bullets were flying in Tianamin Square. Either way, I'm eager to listen and learn.
Thanks for the refresher - good report as usual.
I hope you get back on your feet. See if UPI
has an opening? Look for referrals ... something
will turn up.
Im sorry I got Peterson and Burnworth mixed up.
Been that kind of week.
You have Petey's photo. Do you think it matches
and how or how-not?
Orange1 0
but I just might get the last word in on Cooper in a few wks...
Yup. About the only thing more common on this thread than Jo threatening to quit, is her threats of imminent revelations

377 22
Snow? Farflung? a lurker?
I find it amazing. The whole forum experience in a few minutes minus the bickering.
What do my fellow film critics think?
Could it be primarily a web crawling spider harvest of pictures posted here? Perhaps, but I think I see images that have not been posted here.
It has my vote for the DBC forum
1969912 0

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."
Farflung 0
I wish I had the brains or talent to create such a video as DORKZONE. But appreciate the inclusion, even though I would need four promotions to become a dork. I'm still deep inside 'socially unacceptable imbecile' status but studying for promotion to spaz.
Layer upon layer of the many images uploaded to this 'Lil 'ol thread from Cyber' makes for the perfect executive summary of the past years and dare I say, serves as a perfect anthem for the same?
Much the way 'Cheeseheads' embrace their title, so should the dorkz0ne.
377 22
Standing next to a river like that without a fishing rod in your hand?
Unacceptable behavior.
georger 247
QuoteSo who did this brilliant satirical video collage?

Amazon 7
QuoteSo who did this brilliant satirical video collage?
Snow? Farflung? a lurker?
I find it amazing. The whole forum experience in a few minutes minus the bickering.
What do my fellow film critics think?
Could it be primarily a web crawling spider harvest of pictures posted here? Perhaps, but I think I see images that have not been posted here.
It has my vote for the DBC forum
I Liiiike it

I would love to get that collage of pictures for sure... so you ould really look at them more than a flash

Orange1 0
i'm sure someone tech-savvy can download and slow it down?
seem to be more aliens in there than mentioned here. have we missed something really important, i.e. the Roswell connection?!
smokin99 0
"I really like Petey, and would love to chat with him about his life. However, I don't think he's DB. More likely, he might be some kind of CIA guy and leery of guys like me. (His poppa was an operative of some kind in China before WWII....) Or Petey is really one-way-out-there character who just floated into the scene when the bullets were flying in Tianamin Square. Either way, I'm eager to listen and learn."
When you guys first mentioned Peterson way back when, I looked him up and found this candidate bio from when he was running for a school board office in 2006. (If this is the same Sheridan Peterson - it mentions a brother named Alden)
Old news i know -- maybe been presented here before by snowmman or someone?? so sorry if it's rehash...but
Aside from DB, I got interested in his great grandfather's name - unusual and, if memory serves (been a while since I looked this up) his ggf named his sons after Civil War generals, Sheridan and Ulysses which was also interesting to me cause I'm currently reading Shelby Foote's civil war books.
All that to say...During this time I found an interesting side note about Sheridan's father. The linked bio above mentions his father, "Captain Chauncey Peterson, a combat veteran of World War I, was sadistic. Constant beatings hampered Peterson's will to learn. He drew back within himself and spent much of his time alone finding solace in the hills behind his home"
In looking up his father I found this interesting tidbit, Peterson's father, the Captain had two WWII Draft? Registration Cards at the age of 46 in two different names. Chauncey Weaver Peterson is the name on one and James William Mason is the name on the other. The other information on the cards is identical. In the margin, written in pencil on the Weaver card is the notation "This man changed his name from James William Mason to above (Chauncey Weaver Peterson)" While on the Mason card, it just has handwritten in the margin "See Chauncey Weaver Peterson". Though it would make more sense the other way around (Peterson changing name to Mason since the Chauncey name is well documented in other sources prior to 1946)
What does this have to do with DB.....Not a darn thing.....just thought Peterson's bio and this historical info was interesting.......something to read about while I lament the current lull of DB direct news.

The site above has other links as regards Peterson's philosphy on education, a timeline resume -- If half of his bio is true, he's had a life of adventure and travel ... makes for a fascinating subject even if not DB.
This is the short version :)
"Bachelor Arts & Science, University Missouri; Post graduate studies, creative writing, mentors: Pulitzer-Prize winning author, Walter Van Tilburg Clark and literary critic Leslie Fiedler, University Montana; Lifetime teaching credentials, Washington; Community College credentials, Napa Community College. Associate Professor, Akita University Law & Economics, Akita, Japan.
Sixteen years designing & implementing corporate training programs, middle & upper level management, & technicians. Developing & conducting skills training courses. Designing & supervising needs analysis & conducting instructor training programs.
Seven years as technical editor/writer, reports officer, journalist & feature writer. Wrote four corporate textbooks.
Ten years' secondary teaching experience, Washington; two years', Montana; upward-bound coordinator, under-privileged youth, Watts, Los Angeles; technical writing instructor, Northrup University; Instructor, Riyadh University; Saudi Arabia; University of Finance & Banking, College of Economic Management, 2nd Foreign Language Institute, & Civil Aviation Institute, China; & University Rio Grande, Tokyo; Director, English Studies, Caledonian International Language School; & Manager, Tesco International School, Tokyo; Director, Learning Center, Bell Helicopter, Iran; training supervisor, Bechtel, Papua New Guinea; training supervisor, curriculum designer, refugee advisor, reports officer, Vietnam.
Fourth generation Windsor resident, Attended Hill School, Windsor Elementary, Healdsburg High; Marine Corps veteran, licensed USPA skydiving instructor; USFS Smokejumper, civil rights activist, Mississippi." this quote from his bio (this was in 2006) "What would he like to do now that he's back in his hometown? For one thing he'd like to make a skydive on his eighty-first birthday, May 2nd. He has kept his membership in the U.S.Parachute Association current in order to qualify for freefall status. He'd jump on a regular bases if he could only afford it; however unfortunately it has become a rich person's sport. He would also like to find a job. With such a broad diversity in the fields of education and writing, he feels that he should be of worth to some company or institution. Besides with a well paying job, he could afford to buy one of those four-thousand dollar rigs with all the state-of-the-art gimicks and make jumps on a weekly bases." [this was cut and pasted from the above link]
Keep trying Bruce...that would be neat if he would agree to some indepth conversations about the biography of his life. Would make for some interesting articles.
My mother-in-law and her twin sister are 91 years old and I keep saying we've got to document these stories they tell before it's too late...but, alas, I never do.
smokin99 0
i'm sure someone tech-savvy can download and slow it down?
seem to be more aliens in there than mentioned here. have we missed something really important, i.e. the Roswell connection?!
....and Shirley McClain...LMAO. I just kept pushing pause. This is priceless.
QuoteIf you don't know that much about the case history, you should NOT be running the recognized website.
Okay guys… that’s it! The guy who wrote the most authoritative, engaging, and sapient book on NORJAK (or was it KENJAK) says I have to quit running my web site. So, I must comply.
Who will run my website? Any takers? Anyone? Beuller? Well… if no one will take it, I’ll just close it!
I went to Guru312 for advice about starting a Cooper-based web-site back in the spring of 2008; he told me it would probably be okay as long as it didn’t become recognized. He said popular was okay, informative was okay, even controversial was okay, but… I MUST NOT let it be recognized!
Well, that day has come… it seems everybody now recognizes my web-site. (I held my laptop up against a mirror and the web-site even recognized itself!). What shall I do?
It’s sad, but I know that I now must close down. When the lead investigator for KENJAK tells you that you shouldn’t be running a recognized web-site, you have to listen. It doesn’t matter that you were reading about NORJAK when he was leaving yellow turds in his diapers, you still have to listen.
So, does anybody think I would be successful running a KENJAK web-site? I think it would be okay as long as it doesn’t get “recognized.” But, then again, I don’t think there’s much chance of that… is there?
Web Page
smokin99 0
To Sluggo: I hope you're kidding about closing your website.
btw...I watched a crime show the other night about a guy named Tim Masters who was targeted by the police, spent 9 or so years in prison but was eventually cleared of all charges partly through the work of a company in the Netherlands who specialize in "touch DNA".
As recently as March of this year, U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer announced that he has written a letter to the head of the New York State Department of Health urging him to allow this same advanced Dutch laboratory to perform a new DNA test, “touch DNA”, in the cold case of Kristin O’Connell, who was brutally murdered during a camping trip to Seneca County in 1985.
According to the televsion show that I saw, this lab is at the forefront of conducting skin cell DNA analysis Their web site explains
"Our Forensic DNA services include:
Evidence Examination:
Finding the evidence is the first and most crucial step in the whole DNA process. The forensic scientists of Independent Forensic Services have extensive experience in both trace recovery and generating forensic DNA-profiles from all biological traces, with a special expertise on the most difficult ones: skin epithelia cells. This experience, which is of great importance for the chance of obtaining a DNA profile, can be crucial in finding DNA which could be left by a perpetrator.
IFS uses all the modern equipment available to detect biological traces and have developed a unique system of special lenses and computer software to enhance the possibilities of trace recovery.
Evidence Sampling:
Sampling the biological material is the second crucial step. On several occasions it has been the expertise and method used by the scientists of IFS to sample a specific biological trace which generated the decisive DNA-profile. Flexibility and creativity in sampling are important characteristics in the way IFS handles the evidence sampling.
DNA Extraction:
When samples have been taken from pieces of evidence to perform a DNA analysis, the goal is to extract the DNA and separate the DNA molecules from other cellular materials and from pollutions present. Based on our experience and by closely following the latest techniques IFS is able to choose the optimal isolation technique for the material where the DNA must be isolated from.
DNA Quantification:
Before the amplification process, IFS quantifies the appropriate amounts of DNA needed for optimal DNA amplification. IFS uses Real Time RT-PCR techniques, which are able to detect as little as 2 picogram of DNA. The advantage is that no precious DNA isolate is wasted. There is less need to rerun samples for DNA amplification, which saves time and reduce costs. Due to quantification of the samples IFS is also able to distinguish samples containing no DNA, male DNA, female DNA or a mixture of male and female DNA. This enables IFS to increase the throughput of samples taken by trace recovery, make a pre-selection of samples and choose the appropriate amplification method.
DNA Amplification (PCR):
Subsequently to the DNA isolation and quantification, a method is used in which specific regions of DNA are multiplied. This is done by means of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). During this process, the target DNA fragments are replicated over and over again using the enzyme DNA polymerase. In general, 28 of these multiplication steps are performed to yield many copies of the DNA fragments, resulting in the PCR product. In addition, IFS use the Low Copy Number (LCN) technique to increase the amount of PCR product when needed. IFS is able to amplify very low amounts of PCR up to 2 picogram successfully. By using commercially available validated kits, IFS effectively amplifies both autosomal and Y-chromosomal DNA from various samples.
DNA Analysis:
The length of the multiplied DNA fragments is established by means of capillary electrophoresis (CE). During the amplification steps, several colour labels are attached to the DNA fragments. Consequently, the length of the DNA fragments can be established precisely by separating the different PCR products in an electric field and capturing the data using a CCD camera. IFS uses of a very sensitive Genetic analyser which, has been proven to generate high quality profiles.
DNA Profiling:
For forensic applications, several amplification kits are available. Using these kits, several DNA loci can be investigated simultaneously. These loci can be found on both the autosomal chromosomes as well as on the gender chromosomes. The DNA kits frequently used by IFS are the Identifiler, Minifiler and Yfiler Amplification Kits from Applied Biosystems. Using these techniques, 16 locations (loci) on the DNA can be investigated simultaneously. If a full DNA profile is generated, it can be established with great certainty whether the cell material in a specific sample could or could not originate from a certain person.
DNA Profile Interpretation:
Experienced IFS personnel are trained to interpret results obtained from DNA profiling. Based on results obtained from complex high-profile cases, IFS has proven to effectively and thoroughly analyse profiles, including partial and mixed profiles. Furthermore, IFS is able to interpret these results in the context of the case with the information provided.
Wonder if there is any further and more viable/definitive DNA that could be extracted by this company from any items that the FBI has, such as the parachute supposedly left, the tie, etc.
Just curious.... Since many are skeptical of the DNA results that the FBI has in relation to DB items, I'd be willing to contribute to a fund to have these people go over any items left or touched by DB if the FBI was willing to let them have a go at it. Any thoughts by the "dorkzone" experts? or is this totally off the wall? Putting it out there anyway...maybe someone will be interested.
And I promise to ease off of the the incredibly long posts ....
QuoteSo who did this brilliant satirical video collage?
Snow? Farflung? a lurker?
I find it amazing. The whole forum experience in a few minutes minus the bickering.
What do my fellow film critics think?
Could it be primarily a web crawling spider harvest of pictures posted here? Perhaps, but I think I see images that have not been posted here.
It has my vote for the DBC forum
I don't get the can of clamato.
My eyeballs are still spinning, too...
Smokin99 stated:
QuoteJust curious.... Since many are skeptical of the DNA results that the FBI has in relation to DB items, I'd be willing to contribute to a fund to have these people go over any items left or touched by DB if the FBI was willing to let them have a go at it. Any thoughts by the "dorkzone" experts?
or is this totally off the wall? Putting it out there anyway...maybe someone will be interested.
I have often wondered why the FBI concentrated on the tie so much. Tina saw Cooper cut the lines - He would have held the cords in a loop to cut them ...It has never been stated if he had on gloves when he cut the cords.
I would think those cords of the cut chute would be the most reliable source of DNA - unless Tina told them he had on Gloves at that time. It has never been confirmed if the tie belonged to Cooper or one left by someone when the plane made other stops. (In all of my conversations with Himmelsbach he never one time said that Tie was definitely Coopers).
If the FBI was a little more liberal with the information they provide - the public could solve this darn thing.
To All:
I don't know where that guy got all of those photos - when I saw one of me flash - I knew I had never posted that one in this forum, but the media did have it in the beginning.
I used a book of photos I had put together when they interviewed me. I would a clip one time if they sent me a copy and then just filed it.

Why let the worst of the Cooper writers cause you to shut down your site? Blevins is a joke and we all know it - if the History Channel doesn't see thru him and allows his story to be treated as "History" that is their problem.
If the History Channel wants to do a real Historical segment - maybe they should find the Dorkzone guy who put that video together. A pretty fair representation of ALL the suspects or at least the most controversial.

377 22
QuoteThe site above has other links as regards Peterson's philosphy on education, a timeline resume -- If half of his bio is true, he's had a life of adventure and travel ... makes for a fascinating subject even if not DB.
Funny thing is that Pete doesn't seem to lie about or spin his background. His early skydiving achievements have been confirmed as has his smoke jumper credentials. I have little doubt about his job claims. Seems to be a straight shooter. You rarely see a man with such impressive "tough guy" credentials be so left leaning, anti govt and such a pacifist.
Bruce, if you establish contact I'll buy Pete a jump. Probably have to be tandem given his age and that no DZ has round canopy rental gear. I don't think he has flown squares. I'll buy him some good Bourbon too, something from Jo's old hood in KY. Pete is one of the O.G.s of skydiving.
smokin99 0
QuoteQuoteSo who did this brilliant satirical video collage?
Snow? Farflung? a lurker?
I find it amazing. The whole forum experience in a few minutes minus the bickering.
What do my fellow film critics think?
Could it be primarily a web crawling spider harvest of pictures posted here? Perhaps, but I think I see images that have not been posted here.
It has my vote for the DBC forum
I don't get the can of clamato.
My eyeballs are still spinning, too...
I remember clamato...Farflung did was the "solution that never had a problem"...I remember thinking.."dang I've had a rough day... I so needed that belly laugh. So I showed it to several people -- all laughed their butts off except my friend from Arkansas who didn't get it so I told him "there's no hope for you darlin'....if this ain't funny to you, you just ain't got a sense of humor. How about if i tell you a fart joke" Then he laughed........go figure.

Here's the post (hope this works):;search_string=clamato;#3804398
I have Dumb Blonde Syndrome, but you are on the path to self destruction. If you edit books the way you edit or interpret these posts you will loose the race before you get out of the gate. (I am a Kentucky girl)
You are supposed to be an editor - start performing like one. Me I am just that delusional - crazy woman who says her husband was Cooper - I am not writing a book. If you are going to use a phrase one us states - please use the whole post rather than take a portion that you twist to suit your needs. I truely hope the editors of the History Channel are reading your posts - of course they probably don't know much about the case themselves and are trusting that you are the man to go to.
Better hope they aren't lofting here and put a spin on the end of the program you aren't expecting. They might refer to the program as "Cooper Myths versus Facts".
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