377 22 #18626 October 8, 2010 Quote Quote This is not the person who brought the money to the plane and he was not naked. There was a hijacking at SeaTac after the Cooper case where an FBI agent had to carry the cash to the plane in his underware. I have been so focused I was never aware that another Hijacking occured at Sea Tac - are you sure of this? Or is this just another story to create more confusion? Here is what our banished colleague found: here's a hijack at Seatac in 1980 where an airport employee was "stripped to the waist" for the money delivery. It was Northwest Airlines full article: http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=q5IlAAAAIBAJ&sjid=OPMFAAAAIBAJ&pg=3505,450106&dq=hijacker+1980+stripped+to+the+waist&hl=en "An airport employee, stripped to the waist at the hijacker's request, had boarded a truck and delivered the parachute late yesterday. Afterward, another employee delivered a suitcase with $100,000 to the plane. In both cases, one of the two remaining pilots came to the plane's front door to receive the package. The hijacker finally asked for a rental car with an automatic transmission and a citizens band radio. When negotiators, who said they were trying to stall, said they could not find a car with a radio, the hijacker said he would settle for "a fast car"" 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #18627 October 8, 2010 Quote ... this thread is here for entertainment purposes... no matter how much it frustrates some people Yes!! More people are realizing the truth about DB Cooper and from her comments over the years of this thread it's obvious that Amazon realized it a long time ago. In fact, Quade is in cahoots with Comedy Central. [Edited to correct spelling of the bossman's name.]Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18628 October 8, 2010 377 queried: "How did you deal with carrying the cowboy hat and your flight helmet?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18629 October 8, 2010 QuoteGeorger asks: Quote"One detail Ive never been clear about is what stairs (or combination of stairs) were used for what? I guess passengers and stews departed via the front stairs nearest the cockpit, whereas money and chutes were brought on via the rear stairs (with Cooper still in the bathroom during part of this)?" Fact: The airstairs were NOT lowered while they were on the ground in Seattle. From Into The Blast: Quote'A Northwest employee brought the chutes and cash aboard and left them just inside the door near the front of the plane. Cooper ordered stewardess Tina Mucklow to bring everything to the rear cabin. She managed it in two trips, first bringing the parachutes, and then the money...' Please to reveal how at Reno scent dogs were used and the results shown? As you know dogs' nose can work down to the molecular level. Honey bees to the atomic level. (Shipman etal). Please reveal to the group your knoweldge/research of this as it applies to the Cooper case. Was a honey bee brought on at Reno with what result? Will it appear in your sepher? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18630 October 8, 2010 QuoteWas a honey bee brought on at Reno with what result? Even today radio equipped bees are searching for Cooper. His scent has been extracted from the tie and replicated using analysers, synthesizers etc. This story below is just a cover for funding the technology. You know how it goes with classified programs Georger. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/05/100527013222.htm Black helicopters are so yesterday. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18631 October 8, 2010 Quote377 queried: "How did you deal with carrying the cowboy hat and your flight helmet?" Brilliant Farflung. Curtis Lemay would really like that crew. Spot promotions all around. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18632 October 8, 2010 Blevins stated: Quote EVERYTHING was done via the front stairs behind the cockpit. Deplaning of passengers, delivery of the money and parachutes. The rear airstairs were NEVER lowered while the plane was on the ground in Seattle. Never. I am referring to something way back in this thread where someone posted a picture to show 2 SIDE doors - one aft and one forward. I was under the impression from the post yrs ago there were 3 doors, but I suppose that was a picture of another air plane. Even then all of this confused me - I have flown very little in my life and not familiar with planes. If this makes for comedy - sorry. I have told all of you many times, I have Dumb Blonde Syndrome and now it is just classified as Old Timers. A comedy for me this has not been - I need to end my journey for the truth in the near future...I have one last thing I must do and do it I will if it is the last thing I do on this earth.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #18633 October 9, 2010 QuoteFarflung wrote: QuoteI grew up with a rotary phone in the home (one) which was on a party line. Me too. Funny thing, I hooked up an old rotary dial phone a few months back and the system still supports roatry dialing!!! That MUST be some proof of a government telco conspiracy.... advance knowledge that a catastrophic EMP event will fry every PN jucntion in the US taking phones, radios and the Internet down for the count. We'll be back to make and break dialing and carbon microphones. The racks of telco electromech stepper relays and crossbar switches must have been scrapped, so somwhere there are backup ESS switches heavily shielded. BTW Lockheed never gave EEStor any money, just signed some agreements. Still, mega stupid and it gave considerable credibility to EEStor. I have a very nicely produced book on Japanese experiments that were basically trying to create the electrical version of perpetual motion machines using toroidal inductors that could tap some sort of universal energy field, something Shirley McClain knows all about. Quote It's not just Shirley, 377, quite a few other folks do, too. The universal field that you referrence is often called the Zero Point Energy Field because this strange type of energy still is energetic at zero degrees Kelvin. I did a bit of research on the ZPEF for a magazine article I did on "field-effect" propulsion systems, aka anti-gravity. ZPE fluxes in a kind of constant electromagnetic flow - neg-pos-neg and so forth. The effects are very small locally, but since the "field" is infinite, it has quite a bit of total energy. Hal Putoff, of remote viewing fame and discussed here before, has a lot to say about ZPE in an excellent book on ZPE called, "The Field," written by a very sharp author by the name of Lynn McTaggart. As for toroidal inductors, Nick Cook, in his seminal book on field-effect propulsion, titled: The Hunt for Zero Point - Inside the Classified World of Antigravity - clearly indicates that current research suggests that toroidal devices can create antigravitic effects. Nick is no slouchin' latte drinkin' tree-huggin' wacko either; he's the aviation editor for Jane's Defence Weekly. I suspect that the UW in Seattle is deep into this stuff. One of their profs- Dr. John Cramer - got a grant from NASA to work-up an a-g gizmo based on harnessing centrifigal forces, but he "ran out of money before he could perfect it....." But across campus the Aeronautics and Astrophysics building has a toroidal thingy on the third floor that is very cool looking. Profs up there say it's a project for the Dept of Energy and is supposed to create electricity by heating heavy water somehow, but maybe it's for something else...remember Boeing's Phantom Works is just down the street in Renton. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18634 October 9, 2010 I have recieved 2 emails and 1 phone after your last post. This is a summary of what they had to say. Blevins you have a lot of Gall. This forum has helped you REWRITE several of your chapters so they will at least be correct regarding certain facts. I think everyone did this in earnest because we are tired of Myths replacing Facts. You have built your story in 2 yrs with a lot of misinformation and you should say "Thank You, DZ for the information you have provide". If you don't credit the DZ for the corrections you are having to make - shame on you! We try to have a little fun with the subject every once in a while and we get off subject. I appreciate your having been here because it took the HEAT off of me , If you want a really good book send a copy of your manuscript to each of us for proofing! We would have a ball! How many more myths are you going to create before you go to press? READ MY LIPS Christiansen was NOT Cooper. Hopefully the History Channel will GET IT before they make fools out of themselves. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #18635 October 9, 2010 Quote I have recieved 2 emails and 1 phone after your last post. This is a summary of what they had to say. Blevins you have a lot of Gall. This forum has helped you REWRITE several of your chapters so they will at least be correct regarding certain facts. I think everyone did this in earnest because we are tired of Myths replacing Facts. You have built your story in 2 yrs with a lot of misinformation and you should say "Thank You, DZ for the information you have provide". If you don't credit the DZ for the corrections you are having to make - shame on you! We try to have a little fun with the subject every once in a while and we get off subject. I appreciate your having been here because it took the HEAT off of me , If you want a really good book send a copy of your manuscript to each of us for proofing! We would have a ball! How many more myths are you going to create before you go to press? READ MY LIPS Christiansen was NOT Cooper. Hopefully the History Channel will GET IT before they make fools out of themselves. Blevins has already said he does not care if KC is Cooper or not and he is tired of all of this and wishes to get back to his regular work (housecleaning and research and writing - he already has another project). But before he leaves, only to stay, I believe Blevins has found Dropzone fertile territory to work out his agenda, and to prove his genius and competence perhaps as the best Cooper researcher ever ... Blevins is no doubt working closely with the FBI who appreciates his knowledge and skills perhaps more than they appreciated their own agent, Larry Carr, who made a few errors Blevins would never tolerate or make, not for a moment. We should feel honored that we have a person of Blevin's high stature & accomplishment here. Thank you Mr. Blevins for having come here to give us the benefit of your expertise and a moment of your precious time. Blevins may be Snowmman's worthy replacement! My feeling is Blevins has high ambitions. Could he replace Himmelsbach, and Rataczak, and Tina!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18636 October 9, 2010 Quote Yes...when the revised version of the book comes out, I will add a credit for Dropzone. I think Jo was right about that. [:) Blevins - We hold you to your statement...show us what you are really made of. I say Guys, Gang and We and hope no one takes offense to my taking a stand on this on behalf of the DZ and each and ever contributor...to this thread.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18637 October 9, 2010 Quote Have you ever heard of Cold Creek, WA in the 1945 period? Robert Robert99 - You asked me this question but it meant nothing to me until just now. I kept trying to find your post. The name Cold Creek means nothing but where it is DOES! Why? I kept trying to find the route he took me off of what would now be 500 - but, we went up thru the woods before getting to a main highway. This is where he turned me around - and I kept thinking we were West of Hockinson. When I looked up this Cold Creek Camp - it is East of Hockinson. So googling maps I have lots of questions. I can't print them out and I couldn't get any details of the area. I can tell you that he DID NOT take me to Cold Water Camp, but it is possible we were East of Hockinson when we drove out of the woods after he showed me the circle in the woods where a tower used to be. Problem is I can't find any tracks in the area, unless it was just a track to haul lumber. This is the part of our trip that has me baffled and if I could figure this out - it might bring some clarity to the rest of the trip.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18638 October 9, 2010 Believe me when I say this and there are others who can all fill you in on this.....these guys tape and tape and tape and then they use so very little. What they end up with is nothing like you thought it would be. They cut and paste - putting things out of sequence and most of it ends up on the cutting room floor. Been there done that and why I have turned down EVERY offer since 2001. Just doing my own thing to find resolution - I believe if I had not gone public this might be over now. If you let yourself get caught up in this (which you already are) it is difficult to let go - especially if you have a personal involvement such as I do. The problem with my research is that it is NOT hands on - I am not in WA and therefore it is all virtual. Because I know Duane Weber was Dan Cooper - and I actually held physical evidence and he actually confessed (except I didn't know who Dan Cooper was), my involvement is very very - personal and very intense. False statements regarding what I claimed and tried to tell were twisted causing me to be discredited by someone with a personal agenda...therefore my trip to WA in 2001 was a bust. Now that I have what I need - I will do what I have to do alone and on my own. It is too late for me to satisfy anyone, but myself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #18639 October 10, 2010 http://extras.denverpost.com/news/news0121g.htm RIchard Charles LaPoint, alias as John Shane. Is this name the combination of the movie 'Shane', the seminal flick of gunfighter turn farmhand who wins the attentions of the farmer's son and wants the attention of the farmer's wife but loses both after winning a gun battle against two desperados before riding into the sunset; and John Wayne, who is so pure American, macho that anyone who even thinks differently; will see their testicles implode into lavender, clouds of Pixie dust? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #18640 October 10, 2010 Jo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Amazon 7 #18641 October 10, 2010 QuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18642 October 10, 2010 QuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert I know where Hockinson is, but you are right about something. There is an Indian Reservation called the Yakama Indian Reservation about Goldendale. Just about that is Toppenish and Yakima (I was under the impression there was a airport in that area yrs ago associated with the government but I cannot find it nor do I know the name of it). Hockinson is a long way from there and so is Cold Creek Camp. A range of mountains separates the two as I see it. The things he told me on the way to Washougal after our night in the Dalles area - has given me reason to explore the above places and your placing the airstrip as a base for the P-38 fighters - if this turns out to be true - then I have to figure out why and when in the case of Weber. Duane also mentioned Trout Lake along the way. But another Indian Reservation and the Cascade Mtn Range separate all of that from Cold Creek and Hockinson which is West of the range. When I find out how and when Weber was in the area enough to know his way around without a map - then half of my job is done....just learning how he knew all these places and when will bring me some Peace - then I can die with some resolution. I just do NOT believe the FBI investigated the background of Duane Weber sufficiently enough to rule him out. He may not have been using the name of Duane Weber, but the nickname would be there (it was tattooed on his arm - but I never dared call him Dusty). His complexion was ruddy olive to a dark mahogany depending - on his sun exposure. As I have said before when he was real dark - he would have passed for black (I have given an example of that in the days we were married and living in Virgina). He did not have black features - other than the dark complexion and eyes. To me his complexion would be more accurately be described as Greek - Latin - Mediterranean (such as Caesar Romero)...we were even stopped on the beach on time by some woman who thought he was Mr. Romero...right after the Movie about I believe was called Atlantic City.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18643 October 10, 2010 QuoteQuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. AMAZON! You know that is NOT true. The Cold Creek Camp is in Wa North of Washougal about 9 miles. Do you really think I am that gullible?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Amazon 7 #18644 October 10, 2010 QuoteQuoteQuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. AMAZON! You know that is NOT true. The Cold Creek Camp is in Wa North of Washougal about 9 miles. Do you really think I am that gullible? I was talking about Hockinson which is just east of Brush Prairie...no Cold Creek.. And I think Ralph had a DZ around there in 1971 Look at the link I posted. Hockinson HS is right there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18645 October 10, 2010 I know where Hockinson is and that has been one of my land marks since 1979, but what I didn't know was where Cold Creek Camp was - and I found it East of Hockinson. What I was wondering or thinking out loud with my fingers is if the Tower that wasn't there was maybe East of Hockinson and not on the West side. When he took me North we went up a road which I intend to find when I go to WA. It is the only point in my trip in 1979 that I have NOT been able to tie down. Cold Creek is way up in the forest and in the mountains East of Hockinson. I do NOT believe we went that farand the area was paved except where we drove on a path about the length of a football field to a clearing. It was in this clearing he commented about a Tower that was not there and the low line of trees had at one time been a logging road all the way to the track. This is why I thought I had to be West of Hockinson toward the Brush Praire area, but NO one seems to know what I am talking about. When we came out of the woods he made the statement - If we continue on this road we would go to Hockinson but we didn't and we turned....this is the part of the trip I cannot put together. If I can put this together and find this area - it will help me put some pieces together. Duane had a history with the area and the FBI just will NOT investigate it and I am going to. I need answers. This should have been done in 1996 when the FBI was contacted. The individuals I find are senile or dead. There has to be one person who knows what I am talking about. There has to be one person still alive that can put a ribbon around these memories so I can find some peace - and let me live out my remaining time on this earth without constantly seeking information.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #18646 October 10, 2010 I had never seen a Bing Map - that is good. So Duane could have had me East of Hockinson and maybe near the upper end of Bonneville Camp, but where is there a track anywhere near there? I have never located a railtrack East of Hockinson. Those damn rail track just don't fit unless they were private logging tracks (is there such a thing)? Or did Bonneville have some tracks to move things in and out of there? I could never find much of anything on Bonneville. Even the citizens I have spoke with said they never really knew what went on there.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Amazon 7 #18647 October 10, 2010 QuoteI had never seen a Bing Map - that is good. So Duane could have had me East of Hockinson and maybe near the upper end of Bonneville Camp, but where is there a track anywhere near there? I have never located a railtrack East of Hockinson. Those damn rail track just don't fit unless they were private logging tracks (is there such a thing)? Or did Bonneville have some tracks to move things in and out of there? I could never find much of anything on Bonneville. Even the citizens I have spoke with said they never really knew what went on there. The original logging camps were all connected via Rail to get the BIG logs out. You will find rail grades and old rail bridges all thru the DEATH WOODS. That whole area would have had railroad spurs there. Some are now roads.. others were abandoned. To the east in the Columbia River Gorge you also find the old flume that goes down to the mill at Bingen WA. It was still working 20 years ago... and had a rough cut mill up in the hills and the wood was floated down the flume. You may also want to stop by Scholls Airport out about 130th ave and NE 95th St. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #18648 October 10, 2010 Quote Quote Jo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. Thats right. Reduced today to mere school districts... see map attached. Likewise Brush Prarie.. and an old rail line passed right between the two... Old cemeteries also! to dig up looking for loot! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #18649 October 10, 2010 QuoteHockinson is here: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=hockinson+washington+state&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Hockinson,+WA&gl=us&ei=lTixTKqGHYyisAOVl8GUAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA correctomundo - hadnt seen urs before posting mine, Ive been in this area ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #18650 October 10, 2010 You may also want to stop by Scholls Airport out about 130th ave and NE 95th St. I have a feeling Scholls is what she's connecting with we went over all of this before ... maybe before you were here. Sluggo knows this area... 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skyjack71 0 #18634 October 9, 2010 I have recieved 2 emails and 1 phone after your last post. This is a summary of what they had to say. Blevins you have a lot of Gall. This forum has helped you REWRITE several of your chapters so they will at least be correct regarding certain facts. I think everyone did this in earnest because we are tired of Myths replacing Facts. You have built your story in 2 yrs with a lot of misinformation and you should say "Thank You, DZ for the information you have provide". If you don't credit the DZ for the corrections you are having to make - shame on you! We try to have a little fun with the subject every once in a while and we get off subject. I appreciate your having been here because it took the HEAT off of me , If you want a really good book send a copy of your manuscript to each of us for proofing! We would have a ball! How many more myths are you going to create before you go to press? READ MY LIPS Christiansen was NOT Cooper. Hopefully the History Channel will GET IT before they make fools out of themselves. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18635 October 9, 2010 Quote I have recieved 2 emails and 1 phone after your last post. This is a summary of what they had to say. Blevins you have a lot of Gall. This forum has helped you REWRITE several of your chapters so they will at least be correct regarding certain facts. I think everyone did this in earnest because we are tired of Myths replacing Facts. You have built your story in 2 yrs with a lot of misinformation and you should say "Thank You, DZ for the information you have provide". If you don't credit the DZ for the corrections you are having to make - shame on you! We try to have a little fun with the subject every once in a while and we get off subject. I appreciate your having been here because it took the HEAT off of me , If you want a really good book send a copy of your manuscript to each of us for proofing! We would have a ball! How many more myths are you going to create before you go to press? READ MY LIPS Christiansen was NOT Cooper. Hopefully the History Channel will GET IT before they make fools out of themselves. Blevins has already said he does not care if KC is Cooper or not and he is tired of all of this and wishes to get back to his regular work (housecleaning and research and writing - he already has another project). But before he leaves, only to stay, I believe Blevins has found Dropzone fertile territory to work out his agenda, and to prove his genius and competence perhaps as the best Cooper researcher ever ... Blevins is no doubt working closely with the FBI who appreciates his knowledge and skills perhaps more than they appreciated their own agent, Larry Carr, who made a few errors Blevins would never tolerate or make, not for a moment. We should feel honored that we have a person of Blevin's high stature & accomplishment here. Thank you Mr. Blevins for having come here to give us the benefit of your expertise and a moment of your precious time. Blevins may be Snowmman's worthy replacement! My feeling is Blevins has high ambitions. Could he replace Himmelsbach, and Rataczak, and Tina!? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18636 October 9, 2010 Quote Yes...when the revised version of the book comes out, I will add a credit for Dropzone. I think Jo was right about that. [:) Blevins - We hold you to your statement...show us what you are really made of. I say Guys, Gang and We and hope no one takes offense to my taking a stand on this on behalf of the DZ and each and ever contributor...to this thread.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18637 October 9, 2010 Quote Have you ever heard of Cold Creek, WA in the 1945 period? Robert Robert99 - You asked me this question but it meant nothing to me until just now. I kept trying to find your post. The name Cold Creek means nothing but where it is DOES! Why? I kept trying to find the route he took me off of what would now be 500 - but, we went up thru the woods before getting to a main highway. This is where he turned me around - and I kept thinking we were West of Hockinson. When I looked up this Cold Creek Camp - it is East of Hockinson. So googling maps I have lots of questions. I can't print them out and I couldn't get any details of the area. I can tell you that he DID NOT take me to Cold Water Camp, but it is possible we were East of Hockinson when we drove out of the woods after he showed me the circle in the woods where a tower used to be. Problem is I can't find any tracks in the area, unless it was just a track to haul lumber. This is the part of our trip that has me baffled and if I could figure this out - it might bring some clarity to the rest of the trip.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18638 October 9, 2010 Believe me when I say this and there are others who can all fill you in on this.....these guys tape and tape and tape and then they use so very little. What they end up with is nothing like you thought it would be. They cut and paste - putting things out of sequence and most of it ends up on the cutting room floor. Been there done that and why I have turned down EVERY offer since 2001. Just doing my own thing to find resolution - I believe if I had not gone public this might be over now. If you let yourself get caught up in this (which you already are) it is difficult to let go - especially if you have a personal involvement such as I do. The problem with my research is that it is NOT hands on - I am not in WA and therefore it is all virtual. Because I know Duane Weber was Dan Cooper - and I actually held physical evidence and he actually confessed (except I didn't know who Dan Cooper was), my involvement is very very - personal and very intense. False statements regarding what I claimed and tried to tell were twisted causing me to be discredited by someone with a personal agenda...therefore my trip to WA in 2001 was a bust. Now that I have what I need - I will do what I have to do alone and on my own. It is too late for me to satisfy anyone, but myself.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18639 October 10, 2010 http://extras.denverpost.com/news/news0121g.htm RIchard Charles LaPoint, alias as John Shane. Is this name the combination of the movie 'Shane', the seminal flick of gunfighter turn farmhand who wins the attentions of the farmer's son and wants the attention of the farmer's wife but loses both after winning a gun battle against two desperados before riding into the sunset; and John Wayne, who is so pure American, macho that anyone who even thinks differently; will see their testicles implode into lavender, clouds of Pixie dust? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #18640 October 10, 2010 Jo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #18641 October 10, 2010 QuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18642 October 10, 2010 QuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert I know where Hockinson is, but you are right about something. There is an Indian Reservation called the Yakama Indian Reservation about Goldendale. Just about that is Toppenish and Yakima (I was under the impression there was a airport in that area yrs ago associated with the government but I cannot find it nor do I know the name of it). Hockinson is a long way from there and so is Cold Creek Camp. A range of mountains separates the two as I see it. The things he told me on the way to Washougal after our night in the Dalles area - has given me reason to explore the above places and your placing the airstrip as a base for the P-38 fighters - if this turns out to be true - then I have to figure out why and when in the case of Weber. Duane also mentioned Trout Lake along the way. But another Indian Reservation and the Cascade Mtn Range separate all of that from Cold Creek and Hockinson which is West of the range. When I find out how and when Weber was in the area enough to know his way around without a map - then half of my job is done....just learning how he knew all these places and when will bring me some Peace - then I can die with some resolution. I just do NOT believe the FBI investigated the background of Duane Weber sufficiently enough to rule him out. He may not have been using the name of Duane Weber, but the nickname would be there (it was tattooed on his arm - but I never dared call him Dusty). His complexion was ruddy olive to a dark mahogany depending - on his sun exposure. As I have said before when he was real dark - he would have passed for black (I have given an example of that in the days we were married and living in Virgina). He did not have black features - other than the dark complexion and eyes. To me his complexion would be more accurately be described as Greek - Latin - Mediterranean (such as Caesar Romero)...we were even stopped on the beach on time by some woman who thought he was Mr. Romero...right after the Movie about I believe was called Atlantic City.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18643 October 10, 2010 QuoteQuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. AMAZON! You know that is NOT true. The Cold Creek Camp is in Wa North of Washougal about 9 miles. Do you really think I am that gullible?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #18644 October 10, 2010 QuoteQuoteQuoteJo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. AMAZON! You know that is NOT true. The Cold Creek Camp is in Wa North of Washougal about 9 miles. Do you really think I am that gullible? I was talking about Hockinson which is just east of Brush Prairie...no Cold Creek.. And I think Ralph had a DZ around there in 1971 Look at the link I posted. Hockinson HS is right there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18645 October 10, 2010 I know where Hockinson is and that has been one of my land marks since 1979, but what I didn't know was where Cold Creek Camp was - and I found it East of Hockinson. What I was wondering or thinking out loud with my fingers is if the Tower that wasn't there was maybe East of Hockinson and not on the West side. When he took me North we went up a road which I intend to find when I go to WA. It is the only point in my trip in 1979 that I have NOT been able to tie down. Cold Creek is way up in the forest and in the mountains East of Hockinson. I do NOT believe we went that farand the area was paved except where we drove on a path about the length of a football field to a clearing. It was in this clearing he commented about a Tower that was not there and the low line of trees had at one time been a logging road all the way to the track. This is why I thought I had to be West of Hockinson toward the Brush Praire area, but NO one seems to know what I am talking about. When we came out of the woods he made the statement - If we continue on this road we would go to Hockinson but we didn't and we turned....this is the part of the trip I cannot put together. If I can put this together and find this area - it will help me put some pieces together. Duane had a history with the area and the FBI just will NOT investigate it and I am going to. I need answers. This should have been done in 1996 when the FBI was contacted. The individuals I find are senile or dead. There has to be one person who knows what I am talking about. There has to be one person still alive that can put a ribbon around these memories so I can find some peace - and let me live out my remaining time on this earth without constantly seeking information.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18646 October 10, 2010 I had never seen a Bing Map - that is good. So Duane could have had me East of Hockinson and maybe near the upper end of Bonneville Camp, but where is there a track anywhere near there? I have never located a railtrack East of Hockinson. Those damn rail track just don't fit unless they were private logging tracks (is there such a thing)? Or did Bonneville have some tracks to move things in and out of there? I could never find much of anything on Bonneville. Even the citizens I have spoke with said they never really knew what went on there.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #18647 October 10, 2010 QuoteI had never seen a Bing Map - that is good. So Duane could have had me East of Hockinson and maybe near the upper end of Bonneville Camp, but where is there a track anywhere near there? I have never located a railtrack East of Hockinson. Those damn rail track just don't fit unless they were private logging tracks (is there such a thing)? Or did Bonneville have some tracks to move things in and out of there? I could never find much of anything on Bonneville. Even the citizens I have spoke with said they never really knew what went on there. The original logging camps were all connected via Rail to get the BIG logs out. You will find rail grades and old rail bridges all thru the DEATH WOODS. That whole area would have had railroad spurs there. Some are now roads.. others were abandoned. To the east in the Columbia River Gorge you also find the old flume that goes down to the mill at Bingen WA. It was still working 20 years ago... and had a rough cut mill up in the hills and the wood was floated down the flume. You may also want to stop by Scholls Airport out about 130th ave and NE 95th St. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18648 October 10, 2010 Quote Quote Jo, I cannot locate Hockinson on a map either. But you had mentioned the balloon bombs and Cold Creek may have been the name of the area where the P-38 fighters were based that shot down the one I saw. I believe this air base was in the Yakima and Hanford area but don't have any better information on it. Robert Its now just a neighboorhood of the greater Vancouver WA area. DB probably landed nearby at the DZ Ralph Hatley had then. Thats right. Reduced today to mere school districts... see map attached. Likewise Brush Prarie.. and an old rail line passed right between the two... Old cemeteries also! to dig up looking for loot! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18649 October 10, 2010 QuoteHockinson is here: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=hockinson+washington+state&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Hockinson,+WA&gl=us&ei=lTixTKqGHYyisAOVl8GUAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA correctomundo - hadnt seen urs before posting mine, Ive been in this area ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18650 October 10, 2010 You may also want to stop by Scholls Airport out about 130th ave and NE 95th St. I have a feeling Scholls is what she's connecting with we went over all of this before ... maybe before you were here. Sluggo knows this area... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites