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DB Cooper

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Whoa, whoooaa. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. This story is still salvageable with the smallest amount of embellishment.

Kenneth jumps from a Boeing 727 and returns to his dingy hovel in Sumner.

Within weeks, he pays cash for an opulent home in the adjacent city of Bonney Lake and loans $5,000 to his friend. But wait; doesn’t Kenneth’s home have a strikingly similar appearance to a barn? No question, we all see that.

The $5,000 was not a loan but a retainer for the services of a Filipino plastic surgeon and lawyer.

In 1994, Kenneth travels to the Philippines where he goes through a series of plastic surgeries which make him appear 40 years younger. He then has a local lawyer obtain a new identity where he returns to the US as Kenneth ‘Pinyan’ and moves to the adjacent city of Enumclaw. Could anyone find a Filipino to verify this?

Still craving the action of aviation and out of money thanks to his friend selling off his trees. Kenneth gains employment from the very company that built the plane he hijacked.

In 2005, after a game of erotic Rock, Paper, Scissors, Kenneth finds himself in a neighbor’s barn filled with animals. His ‘friend’ offers his services as a videographer and records a session between Kenneth (aka Mr. Hands) and a horse that was named Big Dick (hand to heart true). Now ensconced as international legend, Mr. Hands and Enumclaw are inextricably linked in a dirty tango of unfortunate city names and dark deeds.

Just like the Cooper hijacking, Mr. Hands’ tale was thrust repeatedly and mercilessly into the headlines when the aforementioned act ended in Kenneth’s demise.

Cries for the videographer’s arrest rose from the masses only to discover that the activities on video were “perfectly legal”. Enter Pam Roach, State Senator from, where else? The adjacent city of Auburn, the circle is now complete. Roach crafts legislation which outlaws bestiality in Washington thus ending a long tradition of stuff that fills my nightmares.

How could so many ‘Freak Show’ worthy activities occur in four, cities which apparently share quite a bit more than their municipal boundaries?


“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Hunter S. Thompson

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Georger says:


'Funny. Cheap bastards.

Keep the bluebird chirping and the buffalo fed.'

As usual, your responses have absolutely no substance. If you are going to call foul on something, it's expected you actually PRESENT A CASE to support your viewpoint.

Otherwise, you have no case.

If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will eventually turn white

[edit] I forgot the period. Here it is:, " . "

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The reason I am writing to you again is Dropzone.
...... I wanted to let you know that I read some of those posts today. They were awful, disrespectful, and just plain uncouth. Seriously, they should be ashamed. You totally mean well...its easy to see.

You have presented some new information to them in a respectable manner and have not claimed to have solved the case. I have come to the conclusion that these people know that the case will never be solved and therefore are bitter and downright sullen in most everything Cooper related. This is evident in their cryptic-sarcastic responses, which include digital collages, lyrics, and youtube videos. Honestly, who takes the time to do that? Bitter people do....

I tried to send you a PM today that said essentially the same thing, but you have PM's blocked (I don't blame you for blocking them),. Send me a PM with contact info if you want.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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PM's will be enabled. However, my email address is public knowledge. I only do this because G-Mail is REALLY good at filtering out spam. You can download it from a PDF document on our main website, on the Press and Media Info page.


Are you allowed to advertise and promote your
commercial ventures here ....... just saying?

Can I advertise free here?

Just asking?

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I have come to the conclusion that these people know that the case will never be solved and therefore are bitter and downright sullen in most everything Cooper related.

naaaah. I am convinced that Cooper will be identified. Just a matter of time. Earhart too.

I the Dorkzone Youtube video to be wildly creative and funny. Hardly bitter and sullen.

I wish Blevins well. No such thing as a bad Cooper book at this point. Anything thatcstirs up interest and further inquiry is great.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger asks:


'Are you allowed to advertise and promote your commercial ventures here ....... just saying?

Can I advertise free here?

Just asking?'

Well, probably not. I will defer to you on this one. But when you copy over the entire post with our website address...

BTW: Are we allowed to engage in name-calling and post up junk from YouTube that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the thread or the DB Cooper case?

Just asking...

(I removed the link. Maybe you should do the same.)

you have me confused with someone else.

I am georger.

I have never posted a video link here - ever.

I see 377 is back, or dropped in. Talk to him!

And on that note . . .

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

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naaaah. I am convinced that Cooper will be identified. Just a matter of time.

:oLike very soon.

;)Who said Weber didn't have a Washington or Oregon past?
I think that will be proven to be a statement of error.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Millions have a past in ORE and WA.

Only one jumped out of an NWA 727 in 71.

Putting Duane in ORE or WA doesn't do much to solve Norjack.

How about less tease and more tell?

Still, I wish you good hunting Jo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I was sent a comic book cover that may prove a better source for the name the hijacker of Flight 305 stole along with $200,000.

Dated 1 June, almost six months before the hijacking and containing some striking similarities.

The name D B Cooper is an exact match unlike Dan Cooper.

He is wearing a military style rig and shedding money everywhere he travels.

Most telling are several flying dragons spewing flame at the lost ransom. Any doubt how the money found on Tena Bar became black and charred in appearance now or the lights observed by that woman? Flares indeed.

Other than the fact that Cooper removed his tie before jumping, I think this serves as compelling evidence which contains ramifications so profound that one may question the validity of physics, science and aerosol propelled cheeses.

We should all take some time out to thank the person who sent this information without government mandate or profit motive. He possesses nothing more than a burning desire to practice what I fall so woefully short of myself; truth, justice, the American way. Thank you Clark Kent (Ed. Note: Not his real name).

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The creative talent that finds its way to this forum is truly inspiring. We need some sort of dropzone.com DBC forum OSCAR award and a gala ceremony... or is that a Gayla ceremony? Do you think we could get J-Lo or Beyonce' to show up, and perhaps some heavy rappers? They get more media attn than mainline Hollywood stars these days.

What has happened with Galen Cook's investigation? That story about the witness seeing DBC on the 727 steps was absurd, Georger even gave quantitative proof that you couldnt resolve that detail at that distance, but the description of the flare arcing in its descent is not absurd at all and makes me wonder if she really saw a flare toss and filled in the rest from flawed memory and post event suggestion. Few non tech people would know that a dropped object from a plane takes an arcuate path to the ground (assuming that the plane has positive ground speed) .

Of course this all assumes that she really did report an arcing ballistic flare trajectory.

Snowmman continues his DBC research in exhile. Quade will not relent. Duane got a sentence commuted for a felony but Quade thinks forgiveness is for whuffos and sissies. Amnesty International sides with Snow, but they have declined to intervene. I think they like working with the Dalai Lama more than taking on Snowmman's cause because they get to hang with Richard Gere and other stars. Snow's posse is composed of considerably less glitzy folks. They aren't on the A list at any of the cool clubs except the DXCC. Georger has allegedly been seen there at times.

Banned for life Snowmman has found some interesting crash reports on the two F4U Corsairs which I will post below. Two WINTERTIME crashes in DBC country. One pilot parachutes and walks out. Doesnt that say DBC had a decent chance of surviving and even escaping if he deployed? Those "death woods" are not fatal to everyone who alights from the sky.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The creative talent that finds its way to this forum is truly inspiring. We need some sort of dropzone.com DBC forum OSCAR award and a gala ceremony... or is that a Gayla ceremony? Do you think we could get J-Lo or Beyonce' to show up, and perhaps some heavy rappers? They get more media attn than mainline Hollywood stars these days.

What has happened with Galen Cook's investigation? That story about the witness seeing DBC on the 727 steps was absurd, Georger even gave quantitative proof that you couldnt resolve that detail at that distance, but the description of the flare arcing in its descent is not absurd at all and makes me wonder if she really saw a flare toss and filled in the rest from flawed memory and post event suggestion. Few non tech people would know that a dropped object from a plane takes an arcuate path to the ground (assuming that the plane has positive ground speed) .

Of course this all assumes that she really did report an arcing ballistic flare trajectory.

Snowmman continues his DBC research in exhile. Quade will not relent. Duane got a sentence commuted for a felony but Quade thinks forgiveness is for whuffos and sissies. He has found some interesting crash reports on the two F4U Corsairs which I will post below. Two WINTERTIME crashes in DBC country. One pilot parachutes and walks out. Doesnt that say DBC had a decent chance of surviving and even escaping if he deployed? Those "death woods" are not fatal to everyone who alights from the sky.


Interesting material. I did more searches and discovered there are some posts
here at Dropzone re- water impacts and even a
small thread on water landing(s), should anyone
wish to search. Nothing technical but a few posted
comments were interesting and give context.

Here's one search url:

So a few of us got busy doing actual calculations.
Turns out angle of entry and area of impact make
a large difference in terms of water impacts, for any
drop over 300ft. Terminal at 10k is another matter entirely but the same principles apply...

Cooper could not have survived any freefall drop
over 500 ft at Terminal. That is a given regardless
of water or mud or farm field or Death woods rock
terrain .... :(

But from this discourse an entirely new dynamic
has surfaced ... landing in water and being dragged
in water ... turns out rounds will sink you! Oooops.
Once the sinking starts if you dont cut out fast its
over! But we know Cooper never landed IN the
Columbia. Ckret said so. B|

It's all in a day's work. Ho humm.

Here's today's mild Fall weather along the drop zone. Convective cells and all ...

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G wrote:

Cooper could not have survived any freefall drop
over 500 ft at Terminal. That is a given regardless
of water or mud or farm field or Death woods rock
terrain ....

But from this discourse an entirely new dynamic
has surfaced ... landing in water and being dragged
in water ... turns out rounds will sink you! Oooops.
Once the sinking starts if you dont cut out fast its
over! But we know Cooper never landed IN the
Columbia. Ckret said so.

Amazon should chime in cause she trained guys for this stuff. I met a skydiver, very good jumper, who during his skydiving carrer had to do an ejection over water at his day job, Navy pilot. With all his jump experience and military training he damned near drowned. He said it was a very humbling experience.

There used to be fatalities in lake jumps when skydivers would cut away or slip out of their harnesses thinking they were 10 or 20 feet above the water and they were actually hundreds of feet up. Its VERY hard to judge height above open water.

Water landings in perfect warm weather daytime conditions are tricky. In worse conditions they can be extremely hazardous.

Hey G, susnpots are coming back. Fire up that HF rig.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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During World War II, the air over the continental United States was a virtual third front. The little-known statistics are alarming: the Army Air Forces lost more than 4,500 aircraft in combat against Japanese army and naval air forces in the war. During the same time, the AAF lost more than 7,100 aircraft in the United States to accidents in training and transportation. Such accidents claimed the lives of more than 15,530 pilots, crewmembers and ground personnel, and the stories of their deaths are largely forgotten.


There were numerous aicraft that were not found until many years after the war. They include the missing P-40 in California in 1941 that was not found until 1959, the two B-24s that disappeared over California the same night in 1943 and were not found until 1955 and 1960. The UC-78 that vanished in Arizona and not found until 1974. The most recent find is the P-38 lost in 1942 and not found until Sep 1997 in Washington State. At the back of Volume III is a list of about 75 USAAF aircraft that have still not been found.

If entire planes could disappear over US ground it isnt too hard to imagine thet DBCs carcass might suffer the same fate.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Why would any of this data, be viewed as absurd?

That could come across as some variety of satire which would be better offered at a Mensa gathering rather than some internet forum. You might as well serve Beluga Caviar at the ‘Hometown Buffet’. It will be eaten, but there will be little knowledge or appreciation of what was just consumed.

Prose has countermeasures just as effective as a velocity gate walk off or pull off, where tracking can be utterly flummoxed (Star Trek sucks) with the insertion of some (Mariners wear hoop skirts) well timed and easy to understand and typically misinterpreted fragments. Much like the operators of the victim systems, the threat will have long passed over their heads while they ponder what happened with a sausage in their hand.

Dit Dah DIt Dah Dit

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G wrote:


Cooper could not have survived any freefall drop
over 500 ft at Terminal. That is a given regardless
of water or mud or farm field or Death woods rock
terrain ....

But from this discourse an entirely new dynamic
has surfaced ... landing in water and being dragged
in water ... turns out rounds will sink you! Oooops.
Once the sinking starts if you dont cut out fast its
over! But we know Cooper never landed IN the
Columbia. Ckret said so.

Amazon should chime in cause she trained guys for this stuff. I met a skydiver, very good jumper, who during his skydiving carrer had to do an ejection over water at his day job, Navy pilot. With all his jump experience and military training he damned near drowned. He said it was a very humbling experience.

There used to be fatalities in lake jumps when skydivers would cut away or slip out of their harnesses thinking they were 10 or 20 feet above the water and they were actually hundreds of feet up. Its VERY hard to judge height above open water.

Water landings in perfect warm weather daytime conditions are tricky. In worse conditions they can be extremely hazardous.

Hey G, susnpots are coming back. Fire up that HF rig.


Good info - hope Aamazon comes and gives us a lecture ... rig is on every night on 40. (cw)

Im headed to that url I posted to do some reading ... good stuff there. Pleasant night after a 60 mph windy day . set a new low pressure mark
here .

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G wrote:


Cooper could not have survived any freefall drop
over 500 ft at Terminal. That is a given regardless
of water or mud or farm field or Death woods rock
terrain ....

But from this discourse an entirely new dynamic
has surfaced ... landing in water and being dragged
in water ... turns out rounds will sink you! Oooops.
Once the sinking starts if you dont cut out fast its
over! But we know Cooper never landed IN the
Columbia. Ckret said so.

Amazon should chime in cause she trained guys for this stuff. I met a skydiver, very good jumper, who during his skydiving carrer had to do an ejection over water at his day job, Navy pilot. With all his jump experience and military training he damned near drowned. He said it was a very humbling experience.

There used to be fatalities in lake jumps when skydivers would cut away or slip out of their harnesses thinking they were 10 or 20 feet above the water and they were actually hundreds of feet up. Its VERY hard to judge height above open water.

Water landings in perfect warm weather daytime conditions are tricky. In worse conditions they can be extremely hazardous.

Hey G, susnpots are coming back. Fire up that HF rig.

Good info - hope Aamazon comes and gives us a lecture ... rig is on every night on 40. (cw)

I LUV water landings:)I have said it before and I will say it again... BIG SPLASH is always more fun than BIG THUD on Terra Way Too Firma.:ph34r::ph34r:

Never never ever cut away a canopy over water till you are FEET WET. I have a lot of water landings and the distance to the water can be VERRY deceptive.
We also used to make everryone go all the way across under a C-9 canopy by following a single seam till you were out from under it.

Its amazing what you can survive and from 500' even if you have just a little bit of canopy out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZrloA5Twwo

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G wrote:


Cooper could not have survived any freefall drop
over 500 ft at Terminal. That is a given regardless
of water or mud or farm field or Death woods rock
terrain ....

But from this discourse an entirely new dynamic
has surfaced ... landing in water and being dragged
in water ... turns out rounds will sink you! Oooops.
Once the sinking starts if you dont cut out fast its
over! But we know Cooper never landed IN the
Columbia. Ckret said so.

Amazon should chime in cause she trained guys for this stuff. I met a skydiver, very good jumper, who during his skydiving carrer had to do an ejection over water at his day job, Navy pilot. With all his jump experience and military training he damned near drowned. He said it was a very humbling experience.

There used to be fatalities in lake jumps when skydivers would cut away or slip out of their harnesses thinking they were 10 or 20 feet above the water and they were actually hundreds of feet up. Its VERY hard to judge height above open water.

Water landings in perfect warm weather daytime conditions are tricky. In worse conditions they can be extremely hazardous.

Hey G, susnpots are coming back. Fire up that HF rig.

Good info - hope Aamazon comes and gives us a lecture ... rig is on every night on 40. (cw)

I LUV water landings:)I have said it before and I will say it again... BIG SPLASH is always more fun than BIG THUD on Terra Way Too Firma.:ph34r::ph34r:

Never never ever cut away a canopy over water till you are FEET WET. I have a lot of water landings and the distance to the water can be VERRY deceptive.
We also used to make everryone go all the way across under a C-9 canopy by following a single seam till you were out from under it.

Its amazing what you can survive and from 500' even if you have just a little bit of canopy out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZrloA5Twwo
That was quick! Holy Moses ...

Just found this from you on another thread and Im reading everyrthing youve written ...



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Re: [Skypilot] Water Landings - NEW [In reply to] Quote | Reply


Are these planned water jumps.. or unplanned?

I have a "few" water landings ( I did one into the lake last summer at Lost Prairie under the Papillion I got from Viking).... and have watched literally thousands of Air Force flight crew students do them at the USAF Water Survival School under parasails as part of the water training.
How I handle them as opposed to what I would teach another skydiver are two different things. I myself am going to have my Air Force LPU's for any water jump I am going to do and I am flaring to wet feet then chopping the main upon hitting the water. ( I have seen people misjudge and cutaway way to far above the water and nearly hurt themselves from the fall. ) I am comfortable with my procedure and have always done it that way. The whole getting out of the harness ( SIM ) with the LPU's on is not going to happen.... there is NO WAY I would be able to swim down out of the harness, especially with the LPU's on and especially with them inflated. I myself do NOT inflate them nowadays unless I reallllly need them, but even uninflated its hard to get them from out of the harness while you are swimming in the water.. The reserve provides plenty of flotation for me. ( oh.. another word of caution with reserves and water landings.. especially with a belly mounted reserve.. I HIGHLY recommend looking off to your side with your head back a little when you enter the water... getting the reserve slammed into your chin or eating the belly wart.. HURTS.( the aircrew types did not have chest mount reserves so this was never trained.. it was just something I learned the nosebleed way)

A lot depends on what sort of equipment you have and the conditions of your landing. A lot of what you do depends on if you have support boats and flotation. Is it a lake .. the ocean.. or a fast moving river, there are a LOT of variables.( Check the SIM)

Questions: did Cooper take the dummy reserve as flotation ?

How deep w/o chute at Terminal and near vertical entry would one go
into water?

How deep into mud?

How deep with chute would one penetrate water
at near vertical? same for mud ?

Any comments you can make are appreciated!


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Questions: did Cooper take the dummy reserve as flotation ?

How deep w/o chute at Terminal would one go
into water, at near vertical ?

How deep into mud?

How deep with chute would one pneetrate water
at near vertical? same for mud ?

Any comments you can make are appreciated!

No idea why he took it.. but under a stressful situation even a training reserve might get missed and used if it looked like something he was used to. I think he chose the main canopy well because as I have said before a round military parachute is a whole lot easier to land in the trees than any high performance canopy... It is what I would choose and I have 2 intentional tree landings under a C-9 .
I have no idea how deep into the water you would go but I doubt you would go all the way to the bottom of the Columbia River channel at 45' maintained depth. I do not think I ever went deeper than 15 feet jumping off of the cliff at the quarry and that was about a 65' wall.

Into mud under a streamer.. no idea.. but I have watched a guy go in under a streamer, into dirt in a soft field and he only punched his leg bones down thru the sides of his tenny runners about knee deep

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... his heart was probably going 140 beats or better when he started going down those airstairs.

I jumped a few weeks ago with pulse oximetry telemetry. My resting heart rate is in the 70s. Going out the door it was 150 and peaked at 162 while waiting for my canopy to inflate.

I obviously have not acclimated to skydiving.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Questions: did Cooper take the dummy reserve as flotation ?

How deep w/o chute at Terminal would one go
into water, at near vertical ?

How deep into mud?

How deep with chute would one pneetrate water
at near vertical? same for mud ?

Any comments you can make are appreciated!

No idea why he took it.. but under a stressful situation even a training reserve might get missed and used if it looked like something he was used to. I think he chose the main canopy well because as I have said before a round military parachute is a whole lot easier to land in the trees than any high performance canopy... It is what I would choose and I have 2 intentional tree landings under a C-9 .
I have no idea how deep into the water you would go but I doubt you would go all the way to the bottom of the Columbia River channel at 45' maintained depth. I do not think I ever went deeper than 15 feet jumping off of the cliff at the quarry and that was about a 65' wall.

Into mud under a streamer.. no idea.. but I have watched a guy go in under a streamer, into dirt in a soft field and he only punched his leg bones down thru the sides of his tenny runners about knee deep

Thanks Amazon.


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I have another point for all you water-landing buffs. If you compare the square mileage of the possible jump zone and factor in the actual square mileage of that in areas covered by water, the land is a much more likely landing spot.

In other words, the odds are very high against a water landing.

Hey Einstein, statistical odds were calculated
long ago here and posted - go look it up.

If you have a better number present it!

Believe it or not, this thread did exist before
you got here.

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Georger says:


'Hey Einstein, statistical odds were calculated
long ago here and posted - go look it up.'

Why should I go 'look it up'? It's YOUR odds, look it up yourself and post it if you wish. Or are you claiming the chances of a water landing are greater? Doesn't really fit the facts.


If you have a better number present it!

What number is that? You didn't SAY the number.


Believe it or not, this thread did exist before
you got here.

Sure it did. Doesn't mean everything on it is accurate, does it?

So you did look it up, how else would you say
"its YOUR odds"? So why are you presenting it as your idea? A little plagarism maybe?

What it means is your plan is to pilfer and take
over this group.

Wasnt that your original mission coming here?

Fuck you Blevins. and fuck off.

My estimate is you dont have the intelligence to
be a writer of any merit, much less an investigator.
Go back to your day job (housecleaning).

Stop schleping!
shlo mitov. todah.

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Blevins: All possibilities equally likely is only useful analysis for buying lottery tickets.

Jumpers: We tested all the Urals AADs we have for sale at all altitudes. Very reliable: 99.9%
"But we only want them to work at 800 ft"
"Oh..the reliability is only 25% at 800 ft. But they are 99.9% reliable overall. Good yes?"

Others: Attached article is a not-yet-reported interview with Linn Emrick and his wife on 12/1/71

They both agree that they have a suspect.

What's odd: if they suspected someone, by 12/1/71 wouldn't they know if that person was still "around"? And if "around"..would they call him up and ask? Does it sound like they knew they couldn't talk to the guy? (I mean, why talk to a paper before you see the guy?)

Does that mean their suspect was someone who used to be around, and was either a physical match, or a "personality match" or ??....and that person was no longer around? Either for years. or weeks or ??

Isn't it odd that Emrick would say he has a suspect on 12/1/71? Emrick is part of the jumping community. Why would he (and his wife) say that to a newspaper? (and why would the wife also have an opinion? from talking to Linn? or ??)

Who did Emrick name? Article says he fed a name to the FBI.

Bonus (unrelated except for perversion): Name the company Emrick invested in later, that made (and required) millions, plus the founder was killed under mysterious circumstances.

The last sentence from Emrick:

Emrick said he has some admiration for the hijacker, "but if he is the fellow I think he is, I hope he gets caught."

Why would Emrick be so negative on a suspect, who If Emrick knew, was probably a jumper? Who did Emrick think was a loser? and why?

Jumpers: Look at that oversized chest rig in the attached photo. What is it?

Also: Heard rumor that the "training reserve" had red painted flaps. (in addition to the "X") Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I guess no one has really heard of the "X" thing as a Issaquah protocol either?
(also never found out if the training chute Cooper took was red or white. The main was white)

Desert Island question: Blevins or Jo? I vote Jo.

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