377 22 #18851 October 29, 2010 Quote I have a suspicion that 'Nexus' is the same guy who was stalking Adventure Books of Seattle around Amazon.com. His name would be Brent Butler. He got the Cooper book on our free download that we did for six weeks, and then he trashed it at Amazon and said we got our friends to put up the 'good' reviews. When I tried to answer some of his questions, this just pissed him off. He ended up hunting down our only other free book, 'Robinson Crusoe - Special Redux Edition' and doing the same thing. On that one, he never read past the Foreword. 'Special Redux' was trashed simply because we edited it from the original Defoe work. This guy didn't even realize that Redux was only one in a long list of modifications to the famous book. There have been more than 30 versions published of Crusoe... We've received nice messages from teachers about that book, who said it was the only way they could get their students to actually read it. After that last fiasco, he quit following us around. There were no more freebies to trash. When Nexus said this, I finally figured out he was probably Brent Butler: Quote 'I am your worst enemy. Woman with a keyboard. (edit) Correction: dog with a keyboard.' This is a reference to Skipp Porteous. Skipp thought Brent was a woman at first, and then Brent corrected him in a comment at Amazon. I would say the second part is the MOST correct. (laughs) That's proof enough for me. Case closed. Next? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18852 October 30, 2010 I saw that Sheridan Peterson had posted on this thread. Since we were just discussing Linn Emrich (that person), I thought this following post was interesting. It seems to me that the history and characters of Issaquah in its early days is not well told. At least, not on this thread. But shouldn't it be? I have no idea if Sheridan is just a B.S. artist. But there doesn't seem to be any people around from Issaquah in the '60s to provide additional info. Has anyone ever posted here, that jumped at Issaquah in the early '60s? It got me wondering about who were all the interesting characters from Issaquah that might have met the age and physical description. Does anyone know what color Sheridan's eyes are? (funny, he misspells Linn's name much like others do) Why would he bother getting Linn's USPA number down? C-1036. Is that correct? Is he just a nut case? On my fortieth birthday. May 2, 1965, I made my first “batwing” skydive at the Issaquah Sport Parachute Club just east of Seattle. A seamstress sewed patches of denim to a pair of coveralls beneath both arms and between the legs. The space from my elbow to my wrist was held in place with a cord that was looped over the thumb. Just prior to reaching in for the pull, I’d slip the loop from my thumb. Because the Parachute Club of America, the USPA’s predecessor, prohibited the use of “batwings”, the club safety officer forbid me to jump. However, Linn Emerick (C-1036) interceded. He said that he saw nothing wrong with the wings. It was his club and if I wanted to jump them I had his authorization. I made a thirty second delay from seventy-two hundred feet; however the wings slowed my decent, so I assume that it was a forty or forty-five second delay. I wrote in my log book that the wings improved my stability and that the turns were slower. I made a second thirty second that day. My “batwing” venture ended three years later in Vietnam. Although I was the president and jump master of the Saigon Sport Parachute Club, Sgt. Ray Duffy, A Golden Knight, tore the wings from my coveralls at a meeting while I was in the Mekong Delta working as a Refugee Advisor. He too said that “batwings” were prohibited. Sheridan Peterson D-2024 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18853 October 30, 2010 This is a reference to Skipp Porteous. Skipp thought Brent was a woman at first, and then Brent corrected him in a comment at Amazon. I would say the second part is the MOST correct. (laughs) That's proof enough for me. Case closed. Next? 377 10-fer on that 377 Mountain Man. Guess we kin put dat one ta sleep, yepper. Puts the dindar on the dondar and the hat on the Monkey. See ya on far side of dreams soon ... keep rollin. 88s! dit dah dit dah dit dah .. Tosaw scores agin! Damn that kid can run! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18854 October 30, 2010 Damn Georger. You talk pretty convincing CB, or is it "freebandese"? Did you get it from watching Smokey and the Bandit or is there a darker explanation, a nagging dissatisfaction with living under the iron fist of Part 97... Then, quietly and covertly, a participatory excursion into the spectrum slums that lie beneath the 10 meter band. You found a more basic comraderie there, something that was more appealing to your core than the same old 599s, hi hi and 73s pounded out by people who believed that they needed federal permission to play with Maxwells equations. You lingered there. You felt at home. You found yourself conversing in their dialect. I won't tell. Don't worry. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18855 October 30, 2010 QuoteDamn Georger. You talk pretty convincing CB, or is it "freebandese"? Did you get it from watching Smokey and the Bandit or is there a darker explanation, a nagging dissatisfaction with living under the iron fist of Part 97... Then, quietly and covertly, a participatory excursion into the spectrum slums that lie beneath the 10 meter band. You found a more basic comraderie there, something that was more appealing to your core than the same old 599s, hi hi and 73s pounded out by people who believed that they needed federal permission to play with Maxwells equations. You lingered there. You felt at home. You found yourself conversing in their dialect. I won't tell. Don't worry. 377 Began with a Tempo-I. And an amp. Yagis later I come down one morning to find my three year old yacking with some guy in Honolulu... I had forgotten to turn my radio off. Beni had watched and knew how to press all the buttons! He hears me coming and turns around in a flash (Im int rouble look still holding the mike) and he says to the guy in Hawaii 'my dad is coming do you want to talk to him?' ... on 11 meters. So I plop down in ym big chair my son crawls up on my lap, and we talk to the guy in Honolulu .... wife comes in and asks what we want for breakfast and if Beni has been talking to another one ... another one? I ask. Damn! the good ole days of 11 meters... We all have stories don;t we! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18856 October 30, 2010 the prettiest weapons. Says so on the box (pic). Maybe good for keeping stalkers at bay also? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18857 October 30, 2010 Funny thing about Sheridan Peterson. He makes all these far out claims about his history, and when you check them out you don't find a single lie or even an exaggeration. Pete seems to be a very straight shooter with no BS boasting or shading the truth. Has he ever directly denied that he was Cooper? I know he implies as much but has he ever said directly that he wasn't? Just wonderin... 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18858 October 30, 2010 Quotethe prettiest weapons. Says so on the box (pic). Maybe good for keeping stalkers at bay also? What IS that thang Nexus? An ignitron? Are you building a WMD? I loved Georger's 11 meter story. Chip off the old block. Where is Ckret? I want him to get some Amboy chute info. I suppose Petes DNA wasn't a match for the tie partials. I just wonder how the FBI is so sure the tie DNA was Coopers? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18859 October 30, 2010 QuoteFunny thing about Sheridan Peterson. He makes all these far out claims about his history, and when you check them out you don't find a single lie or even an exaggeration. Pete seems to be a very straight shooter with no BS boasting or shading the truth. Has he ever directly denied that he was Cooper? I know he implies as much but has he ever said directly that he wasn't? Just wonderin... 377 well the guy has a real-life vita 20 miles long. Ive only known a few people like that in my life. They were all schizophrenic (paranoid type). Borderline types can squeak through, but the symptoms still manifest usually in harmless renditions. Yes, there is 'something' about Petey .... good veins and low blood pressure? Amazing set of accomplishments. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #18860 October 30, 2010 QuoteQuotethe prettiest weapons. Says so on the box (pic). Maybe good for keeping stalkers at bay also? What IS that thang Nexus? An ignitron? Are you building a WMD? I loved Georger's 11 meter story. Chip off the old block. Where is Ckret? I want him to get some Amboy chute info. I suppose Petes DNA wasn't a match for the tie partials. I just wonder how the FBI is so sure the tie DNA was Coopers? 377 In case anyone is wondering I did take steps to isolate my radio from my little boy ... no electrocutions or fires in my house! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18861 October 30, 2010 Quote well the guy has a real-life vita 20 miles long. Ive only known a few people like that in my life. They were all schizophrenic (paranoid type). Borderline types can squeak through, but the symptoms still manifest usually in harmless renditions. Yes, there is 'something' about Petey .... good veins and low blood pressure? Amazing set of accomplishments. Just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you :) I read that he wrote a book, but can't find it online. Is it in print? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #18862 October 30, 2010 QuoteIn case anyone is wondering I did take steps to isolate my radio from my little boy ... no electrocutions or fires in my house! hope you didn't make it too safe for the tyke Georger. Kids need some danger to learn how to make good judgments and manage risks. Despite my parents best efforts I'd find ways to get shocks from AC wall sockets. I learned from that. My girl was furious that we kept the baby safety latches on things long after she passed the two year mark. One evening when I was scolding her for deliberately tumbling down a flight of stairs, she told me " don't talk to me like a baby" I said "OK Amy." she answered: "don't call me Amy. My name is "Danger Girl". The schizophrenics I dealt with on court appointed cases were pretty low functioning. They couldn't hold down jobs at all. Petey seems to have done fine in holding jobs that required physical skill and the application of intellect. I'm not a psychaitrist though. Petey is one really interesting guy with a perfect Cooper skills resume'. I bet Petey and I vote the same CA ballot on Tuesday. I am really looking forward to the SF Giants winning the World Series and Queen Meg, the Goldman Girl, seeing $143 million of her own money having been spent to lose the election to Gerry Brown. She is wondering "what does that bitch Sara Palin have that I don't". I don't have the heart to tell her. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #18863 October 30, 2010 California politics like D B Cooper represents the macrocosm of fragmented thought, nonlinear logic and the absurd. Begin by creating a job that is more contemptible than that of Vice President of the US. How about Lieutenant Governor? Except when the Governor is removed from office you ignore the guy and the succession of offices in favor of a ‘casting call’ election. Hey, this could get juicy. No primary process, just $3500 and a dream. Imagine that, $3500 would buy you resume fodder as a final candidate for Governor of California – fantastic. Hmmm…. a person serving as Lieutenant Governor putting his name on the ballot would be exquisite irony of a degree the mind can barely comprehend. If they lost….. Well that would be a clear sign of the rapture approaching. If they stayed in the office of Lieutenant Governor after losing the recall election, I would expect the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse next. Even with 135 hopefuls, providing for a write in candidate would make it even naughtier. But not naughty enough, there needs to be some spice in that candidate stew. Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler magazine is made to order, so was Mary Cary. Tachikaze Rightmyer ran as an Independent and was listed as a “Middleweight Sumo Wrestler”, could it get any better? Sure, how about the inexplicable mono-nom, Angelyne? All this before the bevy of actors, political experts and assorted, but as of yet undiagnosed, megalomaniacs threw their Tin Foil hats in the ring. I was convinced that I had seen it all. Wrong again. The most populous state in the US was going to prove just how wrong I could be. Out of some 30 million people rose the best and brightest, group think could offer. A former Governor, who is the son of a former Governor and a wealthy woman who helped start some cyber garage sale. I can see a reason for the legalization of marijuana (also on the ballot), smoking the stuff could not possibly result in anything worse than the sober world is offering for the first Tuesday in November (after the first Monday, of course). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNjcuZ-LiSY Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18864 October 30, 2010 QuoteQuotethe prettiest weapons. Says so on the box (pic). Maybe good for keeping stalkers at bay also? What IS that thang Nexus? An ignitron? Are you building a WMD? I loved Georger's 11 meter story. Chip off the old block. Where is Ckret? I want him to get some Amboy chute info. I suppose Petes DNA wasn't a match for the tie partials. I just wonder how the FBI is so sure the tie DNA was Coopers? 377 My guess is the photo was taken before April 2006. 377: Check out W6UF, W6CHE, and W6XBB in the Bay/Silicon Valley area. Who says vacuum tubes are dead. Nexus... you a radar guy, an accelerator guy, or one-'o-them-other guy? Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18865 October 30, 2010 Last year I heard about (think now) a Explosively Pumped Flux Compression Generator that produced as much EMP as a Nuke. Not a weapon of mass destruction, but rather, a weapon of mass disruption. All electronics fried, structures left standing (with a few fires maybe). Hmmmmmmmmmm????? Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18866 October 30, 2010 :) It's got thoriated tungsten in it, but I don't know how the hell it works. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18867 October 30, 2010 Just because it's on tv, or web sites or you have metallurgy experts or paintball guys gone pro, or gone amateur or ???, doesn't make something more real. Or initials like FBI. I think people have a hard time accepting that this thread, for instance, can be more real, than what social institutions are. Mr Blevins, you're back focusing on the FBI. There are no pretty women at the FBI that are single. Bruce verified this. What's the point? (edit) why am I not Brent now? Same dog. Same keyboard. (edit) "or 63 years (military pilot story)" Mr Blevins, you are lost in the weeds. There is no military pilot story that holds water. Unless you know of additional crashes in that area after the DOM? You're repeating rumors, and blaming others for bad rumors that are obviously false? Again..why bother? what's the point? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guru312 0 #18868 October 30, 2010 Quote:) It's got thoriated tungsten in it, but I don't know how the hell it works. Oh? We used thoriated tungsten in some of our stuff. :) You conspiracy and CIA/FBI/NSA paranoids ought to enjoy this interview with an ex- business partner of mine who was known as Mr. Death. http://www.natscience.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/chem/3058/Magic-bullets See the forum entry at: 28 Apr 2005 15:57 GMT The article is a re-type, and poorly done at that. He misspells the name of person who did the interview it should be: Laurence Gonzales. Gonzales writes REALLY good stuff...stuff that is real life for some of us, right Amazon? If you want something interesting read "Deep Survival". Enough common sense and reality, get back to DB Cooper.Guru312 I am not DB Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18869 October 30, 2010 I think you've said the same thing a couple hundred times. Are you adding any information? Here's what it sounds like: 1) You have theories about silk degradation 2) You have theories about how long the Amboy chute was in the ground 3) You know about two military crashes that were before the DOM on the Amboy chute 4) You think the FBI did the silk vs nylon identification wrong. If you want to start having deep conversations about silk degradation, then go ahead and start. Start with the year you think the Amboy chute was buried. And state why you think you know. It sounds like you have a hard time understanding that Larry Carr's stunt was kind of a fake deal. You seem to want it to have the full weight of FBI-authentic on it. It never did. Get it? It's like watching a play or movie. Suspended disbelief. But that's history now. How have you brought doubts to the silk claim? You've just said "I don't believe it" That's just saying "no". That's not bringing anything? Bring something. So far, you've brought nothing. (edit) Oh you have another theory i noticed. You have a theory that the Amboy chute was buried in a deployed/open state...i.e. not packed, for some number of years. Is that true? Why do you think that? (edit) There is no official FBI story on the Amboy chute. They just said it's silk. That's it. You're the one adding the rumors (based on newspaper crap) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18870 October 30, 2010 1) FBI shows a parachute with a clear DOM of Feb 21, 1946. They then say its silk, later. 2) Blevins says no. It's not silk because of secret knowledge he has. He also apparently has secret knowledge that Cooper was given this 1946 chute, in 1971 3) The History Channel has validated 2) by recording/publishing it..well actually published in the future, after a secrecy pact has expired. (edit) another thought. You're so vociferous, you must have researched all the military plane incidents from the 40's and early 50's in that area from available books. Can you share the research you did in that area? (edit) Or maybe I missed a theory? Maybe Mr Blevins is suggesting the Amboy chute is not DOM 1946. Maybe that was faked for secret purposes, presumably by Larry Carr. Why did the paintball guy get access to the money, but not the chute? Apparently Mr Blevins knows why but won't say? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18871 October 31, 2010 Laurence Gonzales wrote a book about an airport that I used to fly out of, Galt (10C) near Wonder Lake, IL. The book is called "One Zero Charlie: Adventures in Grass Roots Aviation". It is a great read. Galt is the last vestage of the old G-A airports where friends and families set up grills and lawn chairs between the hangars and runway(s) and make a party out of a Saturday or Sunday of "Club-flying". Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sluggo_Monster 0 #18872 October 31, 2010 Someone please direct me to the information where the FBI says the Amboy chute was silk. Cossey looked at the chute on April 1st and "had a go" with the reporters and the FBI (April Fool's Day). He said the chute was Cooper's. This little joke caused an article posted on the internet stating the chute WAS Cooper's to be quickly withdrawn and the reporter nearly fired. Neither the FBI nor the reporters thought it was very funny. Cossey made several statements about how much it irritates him for mere mortals to ask him about equipment believed to be Cooper's. Cossey said the chute was silk. The FBI has never made any statement as to the composition of the material (that I know of). Reporters (quoting Cossey) stated the chute was silk, not the FBI. So, we are arguing about the validity of an FBI statement that was never made. This is how/why the mythology lives on at the expense of the truth. Web Page Blog NORJAK Forum Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18873 October 31, 2010 Quote Blevins: All possibilities equally likely is only useful analysis for buying lottery tickets. Jumpers: We tested all the Urals AADs we have for sale at all altitudes. Very reliable: 99.9% "But we only want them to work at 800 ft" "Oh..the reliability is only 25% at 800 ft. But they are 99.9% reliable overall. Good yes?" Others: Attached article is a not-yet-reported interview with Linn Emrick and his wife on 12/1/71 They both agree that they have a suspect. What's odd: if they suspected someone, by 12/1/71 wouldn't they know if that person was still "around"? And if "around"..would they call him up and ask? Does it sound like they knew they couldn't talk to the guy? (I mean, why talk to a paper before you see the guy?) Does that mean their suspect was someone who used to be around, and was either a physical match, or a "personality match" or ??....and that person was no longer around? Either for years. or weeks or ?? Isn't it odd that Emrick would say he has a suspect on 12/1/71? Emrick is part of the jumping community. Why would he (and his wife) say that to a newspaper? (and why would the wife also have an opinion? from talking to Linn? or ??) Who did Emrick name? Article says he fed a name to the FBI. Bonus (unrelated except for perversion): Name the company Emrick invested in later, that made (and required) millions, plus the founder was killed under mysterious circumstances. The last sentence from Emrick: Emrick said he has some admiration for the hijacker, "but if he is the fellow I think he is, I hope he gets caught." Why would Emrick be so negative on a suspect, who If Emrick knew, was probably a jumper? Who did Emrick think was a loser? and why? Jumpers: Look at that oversized chest rig in the attached photo. What is it? Also: Heard rumor that the "training reserve" had red painted flaps. (in addition to the "X") Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? I guess no one has really heard of the "X" thing as a Issaquah protocol either? (also never found out if the training chute Cooper took was red or white. The main was white) Desert Island question: Blevins or Jo? I vote Jo. Dear Nexus or who ever you really are. I could not read the article because I didn't know how to enlarge it or make it clearer. As for Emirck and his wife - I wish I had had their names and phone numbers while I was in WA and OR for the last 15 days. Linn's name had been brought up to me before, but I thought he had died. Except for 3 of the 15 days I was ALONE searching for my memories and the past of Duane L. Weber. I found more than I expected to find and contacted the FBI on my last day. Had I not have run out of money and the weather had been warmer, I would still be out there. I should have done this 10 yrs ago and all of this would be over - there would be no Robt. Blevins / Porteous Story and Kenny Christiansen would never have been known. As for Galen Cook's suspect - I know little about him and have found no correlations between Gossett and Weber. None of this is why I went to WA. I went there to prove to myself that my memory was unflawed and that I was not delusional nor a teller of fantasy stories. I did not expect to FALL into some of the things I did, but hoped and prayed for answers. Will anything I found make Duane Weber Cooper? That is entirely up to the FBI if it chooses to re-investigate Duane Weber with the new evidence I provided to them. There are 3 witnesses who were interviewed by the same FBI agent in WA. All who told the FBI the same story and who were not together on that night. This agent made not one note unless he did it in his car or after he got home. I found all but one of the places Duane Weber took me to in 1979. One specific place I was told did NOT existed by one of our previous posters - but it does and little has changed. I was unable to go to the top of this hill because of the narrow road and the horrid rains. I was with a witness when this was found...he lives in WA and he would not take his truck up that road...but we knew it was the right place. On the other side of this hill there was a similar road, but it was straight, but I had a feeling something felt right. At the end of this other road was an old house with many vehicles parked in front of it. My driver and friend said he wouldn't knock on the door...my having been born and raised in the country I felt no fear...and knocked on the door. The lady who answered the door was very nice and told told me what I was looking for was the very road I had had shown my driver and guide earlier in the day because it FELT right. We drove back around to the other side of the mountain I was elated. Because of the narrow winding road and the fact that it was still a dirt road - to have done anything other than walk up it would have been dangerous. It was pouring rain and cold and I was not dress appropriately nor do I walk too well unassisted in unfamiliar terrain - just seeing it and knowing it did exist was enough. Maybe some day I will get to go to the top of it...! I was told it was exactly as I had described it in 1979, but there is now a tower up there. This hill I was told did not exist. On another day by myself I found the Washougal Memorial Cemetery. I had been directed to it going from an Easterly approach behind the new school and decide to turn around so I would not get lost. At the point I was turning around I realized this was the very point Duane and I had turned around in 1979, but from the opposite approach. I had forgot about this park - Duane and I had got out and walked a short way into the park - Quote he helped build it . These small things I remembered have helped me to locate the source of Weber's existence in WA and OR. My guide and friend looked for the place of the tracks and the wooded area the tower would have been and his time was limited. Three days I found more - Weber had taken me much further North than I had realized. Also the map I had only showed one set of tracks - there are several sets of tracks East of the main tracks - no one told me about these spurs..as they are called until recently. Since everything was closer and easy to get to from point to point - I realized that Duane and I had covered a lot more ground in that afternoon than I could ever have imagined. Not one time did he look at a map and he was driving fast from place to place - I found it all (all but the clearing with the tree line that was lower) - but I have been told where it probably was. Since the land has been developed since 1979 - I may never know the exact location unless someone saved a picture of it prior to the developement. To be more precise in the things we found and I found - besides to the FBI, would defeat the purpose of this expensive trip...my own resolutions and looking for that one thing - that would require the FBI to re-investigate the past of Duane L. Weber.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NexusOfCivility 0 #18874 October 31, 2010 Good point about the silk commentary Sluggo. Secret Agent with code name "ckret", head of the FBI task force on Cooper (aka Homeland Cooper) and contact point for the Citizen's Sleuth Group posted on April 1 2008 here http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3170951;search_string=silk;#3170951 and said "I am not sure about it being silk, if it was, it was not in the ground that long" He posted that immediately after posting (same page) "Yes, it's official, the canopy was not Coopers " So, the determination it was "not Coopers" must not have hinged on the silk determination. Why does Blevins seem to think the Cooper chute identification hinges on silkness? What does Blevins know that the thread doesn't know, and why is Blevins holding back? Blevins also pretended not to know who Emrich was. Yet how could a Cooper researcher not know? Something doesn't add up. Maybe Blevins is Brent? Maybe the History Channel will get to the bottom of Blevins involvement? Where was Blevins in May 1984? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #18875 October 31, 2010 Quote "He fought his way to the bottom of the stairs, his heart racing. The tremendous roar of the engines was both deafening and an incentive to do what he had to do to get away from the noise. He held the bundle to his chest and jumped. The frigid air pierced his body like a thousand knives as he fell. He threw the bundle away from him and began a count. “One Mississippi! Two Mississippi! Three Mississippi!” He shouted over the blast of the wind. A few seconds later he pulled the ripcord. The parachute opened and the harness jerked him violently. The heavy bundle dangling below him pulled hard on his waist. The wind whipped against his face while the rain pelted him and soaked through his clothes." Come to think of it, just change a couple words, and it's the same as the porn story I'm reading on the next window. addition: I never said I was polite. Don't put that on me. Well, Blevins took the Mississippi one and two from the story I have told for yrs. Duane had told me about this counting method, but I had no interest in what he was talking about - Dumb Blonde Roots! I am not even sure I knew he was talking about jumping...it has been lost to time and from my memory. I never said I was smart so that matches your never saying you were polite. Have no idea who you are Mr. Civilility, but I like you. You seem to know just where to put the blow below the belt when it comes to Belvins and his knowledge of jumping...at least I have never avowed to such knowledge...I leave that to the forum. I just knew the man...and that is all I ever try tell - Who he was and Not how he did it because only the expert will figure out how Cooper survived and how he did it - when the identity of Cooper is finally revealed.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites