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DB Cooper

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So Robert will understand how his logic is flawed, someone please print out the attached photos, go to the mall, approach at least 100 people over the age of 45. Show one of the pictures (or #3 Front and Back) and ask:
Did anyone in your family (father, brother, uncle, etc.) ever own this tie-bar?

Let us know how many ID the photo as a tie bar owned by an older friend or family member.

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STILL curious if anyone ever heard the RUMOR I heard in WA while I was out there about the CHECKERED PANTS being FOUND in AMBOY area. When did that story start and how? If this truely occured - when did it occur?

This one needs Snowmman!

The forum needs Snowmman on this and many other matters. It's like Gotham City without Batman.

Can someone better than I am with image editing replace the bat symbol with a snowman symbol? See below.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Again, correct to a degree. However, Adventure Books of Seattle staff refused to proceed on the investigation or any possible book unless Lyle Christiansen signed a contract with us disallowing himself or his family anything but a modest amount that might come for book sales or film rights. He gets virtually nothing. Not absolute zero nothing, but you couldn't pay one month's rent on it over a period of several years. He's already pretty well off financially anyway. Gayla Prociv and I insisted on this arrangement to help provide some credibility to the family. In general, the Christiansen family believes that Kenny could be the guy, but they are embarrassed about it, and they certainly aren't looking to gain from it. Lyle, since he signed that contract, has said repeatedly he only wants to know the truth about his brother.

I am a bit puzzled. If they want total credibility why take any money? Maybe a dollar to provide adequate legal consideration for the contract.

If they are meth heads maybe they couldn't see past tomorrow and just wanted enough for a few bags. JUST KIDDING, really.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Blevins made this statement:


One thing: Jo (falsely) claims that the FBI has said KC was eliminated by DNA testing. I don't necessarily trust the DNA sample they are using, but I will ask why they haven't yet eliminated Kenny. They've had Lyle's DNA for quite a while now, and I understand they already eliminated Duane Weber using the tie sample, and that this was BEFORE they got the Christiansen sample.(?)

:|Mr. Blevins: Have you spoke with the FBI agents? Do not accuse me of making a FALSE statement unless YOU can PROVE it!

:oYou yourself or one of KC's family stated they provided DNA to the FBI. The brother is able to obtain that information from the FBI (not you). As a relative and a relative who submitted the DNA - he can receive that report by request.

I do agree in regards to the DNA sample not being reliable and have made a public statement regarding this - and the FBI has refuted the statement "excusing" Weber to another source. They retracted this DNA comp in a conversation with a certain party...but like the DAN COOPER Comic they will never make a public apology.

Do your investigation - YOU go sit down and TALK to the FBI yourself and hear 1st hand what he has to say. Betcha don't get in the door much less the time of day...that alone should spell it out for you. KC is not Cooper.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Like a State Park bordering the Washougal River and right off Interstate 5, for example. They did find the 1980 money a short distance away...


I think the closest any part of the Washougal River comes to I-5 is about 15 miles... WAY to the east. It follows that aptly named Washougal River Rd in yellow from the A on the map.

Good Catch Amazon.
Wish I had been able to get in touch with you while I was in WA and OR for 15 days. Glad to be home, but there was so much I didn't get to do and I can't afford to go back so I will have to depend on independent research regarding the things I have - I know FULL well not to expect ANYTHING from the FBI.

You should have sent me a PM Jo. I am only about 4 hours away to the north of that area. I do tend to work too much on weekdays but I lived in the Portland-Vancouver area for 18 years. I also lived on my boat on Sauvie Island (Oregon side of the river)and also kept it at a Marina very near to Tena Bar ( we used to troll for salmon near there):)
I saw your post about the weather.. hey at least its mild here year round. Once you acclimate to this climate its not bad at all:)

I really think you should come out for the 40th Anniversary activities up at Ariel Washington next November. The DZO OF Skydive Toledo and I are thinking about having a nice party at the DZ and maybe some demo jumps into the area near the bar:)

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I'm going to reply to Sluggo's post one bit at a time.


'Now… let’s get down to business.'

It appears that it is fairly common knowledge (don’t slap me georger, I know that is unsupportable) that Brother Lyle has admitted that he saw the “Unsolved Mysteries” show and thought he could sell a movie story-line by accusing his deceased brother of being DB.'

Only partially true. Lyle Christiansen thought some of the things he saw on the Unsolved Mysteries program were a good match for his brother. However, since he was a 78-year old retired postal worker with zero experience dealing with media, he had no idea how to proceed. This was one of the big reasons why Skipp and I only relied on him for actual physical evidence such as pictures and letters, and not testimony from him saying, 'My brother was the hijacker." That would have been taking the familiar route used by Galen Cook.

We felt about Lyle the same as you, basically. We checked out his story, but we knew any testimony from him would be slanted. That's why you only find a little bit from him in the book.


'After all… he hired Skipp Porteous of Sherlock Investigations to find a particular movie producer, NOT to prove his brother was DB.'

Yes. That is how it went at first. Lyle was a real amateur and had no idea what to do with his suspicions.


'Les Jones reminds us [Here]:
“It's worth mentioning that Lyle Christiansen has a financial motivation in implicating his brother. He came forth with his claims in the context of pitching a movie. There's nothing new under the sun - there are at least two cases where people claimed that their own father killed JFK and tried to land a book or movie deal. As with the new D.B. Cooper suspect the accused were dead when the claim was made. Kenneth Christiansen died in 1994.”

Again, correct to a degree. However, Adventure Books of Seattle staff refused to proceed on the investigation or any possible book unless Lyle Christiansen signed a contract with us disallowing himself or his family anything but a modest amount that might come for book sales or film rights. He gets virtually nothing. Not absolute zero nothing, but you couldn't pay one month's rent on it over a period of several years. He's already pretty well off financially anyway. Gayla Prociv and I insisted on this arrangement to help provide some credibility to the family. In general, the Christiansen family believes that Kenny could be the guy, but they are embarrassed about it, and they certainly aren't looking to gain from it. Lyle, since he signed that contract, has said repeatedly he only wants to know the truth about his brother.


'Lyle seems to busy himself by inventing (very useful) things. I have attached a few of his patents. Patents are a very good way to learn (a lot) about people.'

He is also retired from the US Postal Service. And he has not been implicated as a suspect in a major unsolved crime. His penchant for inventions he probably inherited from his father, as noted in the book.


'Back in February 2007 Lyle called into a radio talk-show [MJ Morning Show] Lyle finally admitted that the only link Ken Christianson had to DB Cooper was "the one that he (Lyle) dreamed up”. He just thought the story would make an interesting movie. Lyle said he couldn't produce any evidence at all that Ken was Cooper. Remember this was in 2007 right after Geoff Gray’s article.

Lyle had no idea that some of the things he forwarded to Skipp Porteous could be evidence when subjected to scrutiny and examined by experts. We're talking about a fairly senior guy here, (Lyle) who has no experience in these matters. He's even admitted to me he likes email better because he's not very good on the phone.


'So, knowing this, why have Blevins and Porteous pursued this path? Was Lyle just the luckiest man on earth, one who made up a story out of whole-cloth and a New York detective, not being paid by him, found evidence that the fantasy was, in fact real?'

Well, I wasn't sure Lyle or Porteous had anything until Porteous sent me the big package of files, background checks, letters, and photos on Christiansen. Then I thought maybe Skipp was onto something. And this was BEFORE I started interviewing people. After the second interview with 'Dawn J', I was beginning to suspect there was more to KC than met the eye. Besides the money, I think the two strongest pieces of evidence against Kenny are Dawn's ID of the tie-tac and Helen J's testimony that Kenny smoked Raleighs. She was absolutely certain on that. Of course, there is more, but we've already discussed that.


'You decide!'

I'm not completely sold on Kenny as the hijacker, but he needs to be investigated further until it is proven one way or another. One thing: Jo (falsely) claims that the FBI has said KC was eliminated by DNA testing. I don't necessarily trust the DNA sample they are using, but I will ask why they haven't yet eliminated Kenny. They've had Lyle's DNA for quite a while now, and I understand they already eliminated Duane Weber using the tie sample, and that this was BEFORE they got the Christiansen sample.(?)

So, you screwed Lyle good! "He gets virtually nothing."

You and Porteous used him in spite of his lying,
then he admits his lie, but you still play ball
just to have him on board, all so youcan build a
THEORY OF A LIE and get something in return,
but " He gets virtually nothing."

What does "He gets virtually nothing." mean?

You answered below :

Good question. We gave Lyle a modest compensation just to cover his costs for mailings of letters, pictures, a bunch of stuff he continues to send. He even sent us a 'DB Cooper' puzzle he made out of a picture of Kenny. It was kind of cute, I'll admit.

I won't deny that AB of Seattle stands to make money on book sales of the new edition when the show airs, but since we're already several thousand in the hole for research trips and everything else, we will be lucky to break even after all is said and done. We're realistic here, believe it or not. Book sales will probably spike for a short time, and then go back to normal. I don't see much for us beyond that.

I think you have just defined your THEORY!

Its a business model.

A business model for YOU and a nightmare for

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Funny Georger.

You'll know this business model has gone too far when we start getting emails from Lagos from undiscovered accomplices, children, relatives or attorneys of Cooper who had invested his loot wisely and now need our assistance in getting the swollen coffers (30 million US sounds about right) out if the country.

At first I was going to take a shot at Robert and Gayla for using the elimination of bias/conflict story to rationalize screwing Lynn out of his fair share of the story profits, but it's a moot point. AB will be very lucky to just break even. Blevins knows this yet he continues on his quest. I'll buy his book if he and Gayla will sign it. I think ANY Cooper story can help solve this case by stirring things up and jogging memories about the case.

I'd buy Sheridan Petersons book too if he'd sign it. It isn't about Cooper on the surface, but what lies beneath is very intriguing.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We get stagnant too quickly with only the die hard forum loyalists posting. I used to ridicule those who kept threatening to leave. No more. The best actors and athletes always the ones who threaten to quit. The B players don't have enough credibility and crowd appeal to pull it off.

Man up and return Nexus. You gonna let a tiny bit of criticism from Coopers wife chase you off?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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What we figured about Lyle and the investigation was this:

It's all about credibility regarding witnesses in the Cooper case. Lots of people have come forward and said someone they knew was Cooper. We saw the mistakes that Galen Cook made, i.e. relying mostly on family members and whatever they wished to 'Cook Up' to try and convince people Gossett was the hijacker. We did not want to go down that same road.

You want to yell at me, or run me over the coals? I will be hanging out at the Ariel thing this year and not making a big deal out of it or announcing myself to anyone. Feel free. I'm going because I've never been there and I'm curious about it.

Besides, it beats sitting around the office. ;)

I will be the one wearing the NB6R;)

We need to get 377 and Snow and the whole gang to come to the warmup party for next year:)

I was bummed when I opened it up on Saturday and found a USAF 24' in it instead of the 26' conical that was supposed to be in there...[:/]

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georger says in part:


'So, you screwed Lyle good! "He gets virtually nothing."

He isn't in it for the money. I thought I made that clear.

Next question, if you have an intelligent one, that is. I'm still hoping, believe it or not. :|

Insult noted .... Ive lost count.

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Thanks for the link Nexus. I had forgotten that Quade penned your name, or damn close.

I also read Sheridan Peterson's post and noted his rapid disappeance when AIr America 727 jump questions were posed.

Nexus, why not stay and just be a bit more civil? It won't make anything shorter or less funtional.

It would be fun to get everyone together in person sometime. Wouldn't Disneyland be more fun than the Aeriel Tavern? When will they wake up and offer the DB Cooper experience ride. Don't say Disney won't glorify crime. Do you think pirates of the Carribean were law abiding guys?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sluggo Monster,

I had the same concerns about the year 2525, if woman can survive.

Then I realized this would be the introductory vanguard from 1966 UHF transmissions into deep space.


What intergalactic intelligent life would gaze upon this display and conclude there was a second generation as a result of sexual reproduction? No doubt, they have already concluded this species as having interbred to the point of being void of any rhythm, masculine features or pigmentation. My theory: we have already been classified as extinct by Roswell Greys.

In the unlikely event that I may be mistaken, I joined the Neptune Society. Not the one where your remains become part of a reef system, but the one where your ashes are launched towards the planet Neptune.

I just want to make good and sure that I’m out of the pool of candidates for reanimation by future generations of scientists where I’m potentially facing a tribunal of anthropologists and trying to explain the before viewed abomination. Money well spent, to be sure.

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I loved Herb Alpert and the TJB.

Probably because the first album I ever bought (of theirs) was; "Whipped Cream and Other Delights" (See attached photo)

It kicked my late-teen early manhood fantacies into OVERDRIVE!

Here's some background info not found on the liner notes:

The model is Dolores Erickson. She was pregnant at the time of the photo shoot. She was actually covered with shaving cream (whipped cream kept melting under the lights). The LP was released in 1965 and spent 189 weeks on the charts.

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377 said "Speak for urself Nexus. We are miles above the "backwater forum" genre."

I apologize. I didn't realize that a skygod posted here. Didn't I see you reviewing some canopy flight book recently? What are you doing here in this slum? The guys at the DZ probably can't believe it...

Did Blevins consult you on KC's canopy flight? Are you going to be on the History Channel?

I read in a paper that you recreated KC's 1971 radio comms. How much money did you make?

Hmm. beginning to wonder if you are a posterchild for 'misleading names'.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Blevins made this statement:


One thing: Jo (falsely) claims that the FBI has said KC was eliminated by DNA testing. I don't necessarily trust the DNA sample they are using, but I will ask why they haven't yet eliminated Kenny. They've had Lyle's DNA for quite a while now, and I understand they already eliminated Duane Weber using the tie sample, and that this was BEFORE they got the Christiansen sample.(?)

:|Mr. Blevins: Have you spoke with the FBI agents? Do not accuse me of making a FALSE statement unless YOU can PROVE it!

Um, Jo, that's a very ironic sentence coming from you.

Anyway the point of this post was that when Carr was still posting here (and I know I am not the only one who really wishes he still was), he said that they would not even test KC's DNA because DNA tests are expensive/take time/better spent on current cases and they had already dismissed him based on physical characteristics - if i recall correctly this was after they either received or were offered the DNA sample. (I can go back and search for that post if I really have to.) Can anyone CONFIRM for sure that they changed their mind and actually did test the DNA?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I'll admit that what I said below was pretty dumb:


'Next question, if you have an intelligent one, that is. I'm still hoping, believe it or not.'

Sorry...that was mucho el stupido of me.

Hmm. Maybe you're actually just too ...nice for this forum?! :D Good taste in music btw :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Joke of the Month:.

cellphone already debunked ;)

My candidate for joke:

A cop on night patrol stops a guy driving a bit suspiciously. "Where are you going?" he asks.
The guy replies "To a lecture about the perils of living loosely and abusing drugs and alcohol".
"Impressive," says the cop, "but who's giving a lecture on that at midnight?"

"My wife."
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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For you 727 pilots that have experience with the 727-051 model at night in light icing conditions, how do check for airframe icing? When you turn the wing icing lights on can you visually check the wing from the cockpit or do you have to go to the cabin and look out the passenger windows? Is icing visible around the cockpit windows?

Is there a source at this point in time for identifying the hardware, and its metallic composition, as it was used in 1970 and earlier for the NB-6 and NB-8 parachutes? Can similiar hardware still be purchased?


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As for NB 6 and NB 8 stuff, its still widely available and on eBay all the time, mostly complete rigs. If you ignore the ridiculous pricing (eg $1500) that some sellers put on these rigs (as "collectable"), you'll find them ranging between $150 and $300. If you are just looking for hardware contact Para gear, they used to have a lot of old mil surplus hardware that isnt in their catalog.

I have a pristine 70s vintage stock NB 8, all packed and ready for Snowmman to jump into the Death Woods with. It is 100% military configuration, with a C 9, no sleeve, etc.

Most of that hardware was steel and plated with cadmium or other anti corrosion alloys. It is incredibly strong and durable. I'd bet it would still be in decent shape even if submerged or buried since 71.

Why the 727 ice spotting questions?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The Amboy Chute is part of a government blunder, but not in regard to Cooper.

Through the use of ballistic calculations, perfected at Patuxent and practiced at Kwajalein, I was able to forensically recreate the Roswell Crash profile. I have prepared a compelling, exhaustive and devastatingly intelligent list which points to one and only one possible solution.

1. July, 1947 a shepherd named Mac Brazel discovers a debris field in the marginal grazing area north west of Roswell.

2. On a heading of 118 degrees, the remainder of the craft and bodies are found. There is no deceleration device.

3. This technology is gathered and used for our own fledgling space program.

4. V-2 and Redstone rockets did not use parachutes for re-entry until AFTER 1947.

5. The distance from entering the Earth’s atmosphere to touchdown would be 1120 nautical miles.

6. From the Roswell Crash site, on a reciprocal heading to 118 degrees, for 1120 nautical miles is…. Uh huh, Amboy, Washington.

7. Where is a deceleration device found which is made of an unknown and often argued about material? You are correct, Amboy again.

8. The date of manufacture of this mystery material is BEFORE the Roswell Crash (anybody in there?).

9. What exactly could survive 60 years in cold, wet Amboy dirt other than something manufactured on some loom in a deep space sweat shop?

10. The government kept the constituent parts of the space ship separated under the assumption that no one could connect the dots. The chute in Amboy, Saucer in Area 51, bodies in Wright-Pat, Ohio and the German science team inexplicably moved from White Sands to Alabama.

11. Now the government has gone covert while tending to their gardens of twisted deceit. A Seattle native is hired to become the prurient fantasy of every red blooded male by posing suggestively on an album cover.

12. One such admirer ‘coincidently’ hails from Alabama and happens to work in the nuclear field in Washington where a long standing interest in the Flight 305 hijacking manifests in endless research and a ‘recognized’ website.

13. Mr. Norjak (not his real name), constantly supplies reasons for the money found at Tena Bar originating around Battle Ground or some other form of terra firma.

14. Downstream of the Cooper jump would be the prime location to ‘harvest’ the ransom money as it drifted by without notice. The FIRST city downstream from the Cooper zone is Longview, WA.

15. Who gave up a lucrative modeling job and just happened to settle in that very town? Well, you’re probably way ahead of the game if you said – Dolores Erikson.

16. Who is the ONLY aboriginal Alabamian, to enter the nuclear field and reside in Washington, while deflecting attention away from the disposition of the Flight 305 ransom AFTER betraying an all consuming passion for Dolores Erikson?

17. That’s right, you’re busted Sluggo Monster. Hoisted by your own lusty petards.

I would like to see you try and dig your way out from this mountain of damning, unbiased, circumstantial evidence.

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German science team inexplicably moved from White Sands to Alabama.

Hardly inexplicable Farflung. It was for breeding prurposes. The US Govt. wanted brains in the scientist's offspring but not so much aggesssion and rudeness.

Of course the solution wasn't so simple. Most of the Deutsche Southern Belle crossbred wunderkinder just designed ICBMs with happy faces painted on the nose and a few "have a nice day" logos on the INS package. Their neutron bomb invention was seen as a kinder gentler weapon.

The better genetic outcomes went on to invent improvements in pneumatic paintball weapons.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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