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DB Cooper

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Jo has written that someone connected with Duane was a Boeing rep to the Army. I think Boeing Vertol made helicopters for the Army. As far as I know the US Army never sought, bought or used 727s.

Of course one also needs to look at things in context. A lot of people worked for Boeing. Not necessarily very unusual that someone had met an employee, particularly around the WA area...


when World War II started, the government suddenly desired tens of thousands of planes a year, and Boeing was positioned to provide them. Working under fixed-fee contracts, Boeing churned out airplanes and became by far the largest employer in Seattle.
With the Boeing 707-120, Seattle became Boeing's company town; in 1947 Boeing employed about one out of every five of King County's manufacturing workers, in 1957 about every other one.

On a related subject, you want a grudge? And the timing fits:

However, the announced layoffs are far from the deepest cuts in Boeing's history. From 1967 to 1971, the company cut 95,180 people of whom 63,674 lived in the Seattle area.

More specifically ref timing (this extract refers to numbers in Seattle specifically):

Due to changing external demand and the cancellation of the SST program, "the Boeing workforce was cut from 80,400 to 37,200 between early 1970 and October 1971".

That last date is very interesting timing in light of the hijacking don't you think...?

Keep track of the fact Blevins/Himmeslbach/Ckret say: Boeing and NWA employees WERE NEVER INVESTIGATED ... because they were too trustworthy to have done a hijacking.

All such employees, by the way, had finger prints
and vitas on file.

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Keep track of the fact Blevins/Himmeslbach/Ckret say: Boeing and NWA employees WERE NEVER INVESTIGATED ... because they were too trustworthy to have done a hijacking.

All such employees, by the way, had finger prints
and vitas on file.

The faith is touching. How does this square with Christiansen then, him being a NWA employee?

Edited to be pedantic: it's "vitae" ;)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I remember back when……

Interphones were made of…… wood.

Yep, this beauty was probably put into production right after the first plane was designed that could carry two or more people.

Pilot: We’re approaching the target, prepare for bomb drop.

Bombardier: WHAAaaaattt??

Pilot: Get ready to drop bomb.

Bombardier: I’m not ready to eat flan!

The East End Boys used Skippy peanut butter
jar lids and string. Lookout on top of fort complex
could communicate with gang members below
or hidden in bushes, when the coast was clear.

East End Girls club has no similar technologies!

At our last Reunion in 2005 Pam N. returned
to us one Skippy lid from one of our
'interphones' she had confiscated during our last 'war' in 1957. Pam is our class historian
and just wont let things die. We reciprocated by sending Pam N. one half a grapefruit and 'one golash boot' at Christmas. I knew I should have married that damned girl but I lacked the courage!


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Page 3 Crew comm notes- “HJ specified that he wanted to go to Mexico City non-stop, that the aircraft configuration must be gear DOWN, flaps at 15°, that the aft door must be open at all times, and that the aft stairs must be fully extended after take-off.”

Jo has written that someone connected with Duane was a Boeing rep to the Army. I think Boeing Vertol made helicopters for the Army. As far as I know the US Army never sought, bought or used 727s.

If you check out Duane's brother you will find that I am very very correct in what I am saying. I do NOT know what his responsibility with Boeing and the Army consisted of other than his statements - and his history. He was a Boeing employee. He was an engineer. How many other yrs and after the WAR I do not know.
If he had the schematics to the Boeings and other planes - he was obviously important to the Army and to Boeing.

By the way Blevin's big production is introduced with a MYTH. Blinding Storm - who has ever said there was a BLINDING Storm - MORE MYTHS. MORE sucking in the young people - everyone wants the truth to die and slowly the facts about many of the old crimes are distorted.
There was some bad weather, but it was NOT a BLINDING STORM. They will say whatever it takes to SELL a story.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I remember back when……

Interphones were made of…… wood.

Yep, this beauty was probably put into production right after the first plane was designed that could carry two or more people.

Pilot: We’re approaching the target, prepare for bomb drop.

Bombardier: WHAAaaaattt??

Pilot: Get ready to drop bomb.

Bombardier: I’m not ready to eat flan!

Priceless Farflung. That photo of the wood cased interphone is so cool. Wood still had a place even in supersonic jets. The Phillipine AF bought USN surplus Vought F8U Crusader jets, but didn't keep up with anti corrosion maintenance. Those jets were patched up with carved and shaped mahogany plugs and faired over with resin and/or sheet metal. I actually saw a leading edge corrosion repair that was made this way.

Wow, those Boeing layoff numbers that Orange found from 70-71 were HUGE. I do recall the big news when the US pulled out of the SST race. I recall seeing an amazing sight at JFK in the early 80s, a Concorde taxying behind a PBA passenger carrying DC 3.

I've heard that the KC 97 tanker did test refuelings of the supersonic B 58 Hustler bomber, which would be a similar juxtaposition of modern supersonic jet and ancient piston technology, but I cant find a photo. Maybe Farflung can dredge one up.

Georger, Sluggo, what is the Science Team up to? Why did they go silent? Did they disband or stop work?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Interphone - I am too young to comment on 1971 but I came across interphone recently and thought of this thread.

I believe it was on a transatlantic flight and the Cabin Crew used the term (I forget the exact circumstances - as I was probably being hit on by a male cabin crew member as usual - why never the women??)

What airline? What was the nationality of the cabin crew? Just curious. I'd never heard the term until I started reading about military aircraft internal comm systems.


I have been back and forth to the US about 10 times in the last 3 months - mostly on Useless Air (US Airways) but it could have been British Airways, but this is unlikely. It is not something I paid specific attention to but I believe the Captain or Co-pilot asked a member of the crew to go to the interphone over the PA.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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By the way Blevin's big production is introduced with a MYTH. Blinding Storm - who has ever said there was a BLINDING Storm - MORE MYTHS. .

Regarding weather Blevins previously sermonized:

Oct 18, 2010, 7:06 PM
Post #18817 of 18907 (252 views)

"And you can bet I blasted them a bit on the History Channel program, especially about their 'weather report' for the night of the hijacking. The official report from Portland International says winds were 5-15mph and mostly light rain and showers all day. In fact, at 8PM winds at ground level were a measly five mph. You can check that at WeatherUnderground dot com. If you believe Himmelsbach, it was a full-blown storm that day. I've been in plenty of REAL Northwest storms, and November 24, 1971 was a typical fall day in Washington. "

Typical fall day.

Maybe the History Channel producer has decided
to go with his own judgement about the weather
that day ?

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News Flash!

Blevins might need to shut the presses down - a lot is going on behind the scenes as we speak.

Things are esculating fast on this end...I really cannot say what part I have played in this, but it is happening...FAST. My trip to WA and to OR has put someone else on a fast track and it is not me. I have made phone calls and reached some individuals I interviewed and some I did not get the chance to visit with.

Things esculated so much in the last 3 days - I simply cannot keep up with it. The areas I visited in OR and WA - only knew I was there to retrace my husband's history in the area...mostly I never mentioned Cooper, because - I did NOT want the media or others in my face.

There was a handful of individuals I did explain the WHY to, because they were so helpful and generous about information they provided to an old woman simply trying to track the background of a husband who had deceased. Currently the best information came out of the Goldendale, Rufus, Biggs and The Dalles regarding the past of Weber.

My time was limited to 15 days, but when I had to come home - I didn't want to come home, but I was running out of money. I was buying cell minutes over the phone...and burning them.

It is what has happened since I got home - it has been OMG all over the place. I placed several calls back to those I had spoke with and others I could not when I was there. As we speak interviews are taking place on my behalf....I didn't know about this until 2 hours ago.

What has happened? One piece of information led to another and then to another and to another - Names and places and faces and photos...Duane had a very interesting past in the WA and OR area. When names started to POP up they were names he had mentioned and then the big BINGO was when one connection imploded and made connections with other things...this has been non-stop!

I threw a list of names out there several posts ago...and it might do some of you serious Cooper searchers to review that list of names. You know the plane that departed out of a airport near Amboy at about the right time was investigated...but, the FBI said it was BUSINESS people and I had often wonder who was doing business on Thanksgiving eve.

What if the names of those individuals where connected to Weber's past or that of another suspect? I say this in gest or speculation. At this point I will believe almost anything I am told...because I want to see this end before my days on this earth come to an end. I keep trying to put a lid on my emotions and what I say, but with all I am learning it is VERY difficult. Putting Duane in WA won't put him on that plane, but associations with other subjects may inadvertantly do this.

I really do not know what is being done right now I am posting because I can't hold my breath all afternoon. The findings just keep pouring in - and it is NOT me seeing these things. One individual I got in contact with after I got home put me in touch with another and it just kept going like stacked dominos.

Suddenly these people where creating more dominos of their own and the excitement has been building...I was just a woman trying to find the past of her spouse in a small area - showing pictures of him in his Navy uniform and the family pictures and the 2 photos of him as he may have looked in his 20's. Finding families he knew happened after I got home - then is when everything started to
esculate so fast.

Keep Quiet! I can remember the days when I kept quiet and accepted what I was told - the 60's homemaker syndrome.

NO! NOT ANYMORE! I turned over everything I knew and had to the FBI and Mr. Himmelsbach in 1996 - NO one did anything that was productive. Mr. H did what he could, but he had retired in 1980...and he was no longer in the FBI loop.

Do I have GUTS? Not really, but I have convictions and I had the determination to do all in my power before I die, to finish what I started - regardless of the outcome. When I got off that plane and set foot onto OR soil (pavement) - I doubted myself, but within the next 15 days (I was only supposed to be there for 7 days) my convictions became more deeply rooted. I was being guided by not only my memory, but by GOD.

Before I got on the plane to return home - I called the FBI in Portland. When I got home I started working the information I had acquired and if has NOT stopped. Soon it will stop, because it has to...I may be victorious only in discovering my husband had a past in WA and OR - but, I think soon everyone will know I found more than just that....WAS Duane Weber D.B. Cooper? I still don't have the answer to that one - but, what I have done is open up a new door for the FBI to explore without imploding it.

:)it was my choice - but if anyone of you had a child who was convicted of a crime you knew he did not comment and sentenced to die for the crime - would you not fight for him to the very end and even after his termination?:S

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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News Flash!

Blevins might need to shut the presses down - a lot is going on behind the scenes as we speak.

Things are esculating fast on this end...I really cannot say what part I have played in this, but it is happening...FAST. My trip to WA and to OR has put someone else on a fast track and it is not me. I have made phone calls and reached some individuals I interviewed and some I did not get the chance to visit with.

Things esculated so much in the last 3 days - I simply cannot keep up with it. The areas I visited in OR and WA - only knew I was there to retrace my husband's history in the area...mostly I never mentioned Cooper, because - I did NOT want the media or others in my face.

There was a handful of individuals I did explain the WHY to, because they were so helpful and generous about information they provided to an old woman simply trying to track the background of a husband who had deceased. Currently the best information came out of the Goldendale, Rufus, Biggs and The Dalles regarding the past of Weber.

My time was limited to 15 days, but when I had to come home - I didn't want to come home, but I was running out of money. I was buying cell minutes over the phone...and burning them.

It is what has happened since I got home - it has been OMG all over the place. I placed several calls back to those I had spoke with and others I could not when I was there. As we speak interviews are taking place on my behalf....I didn't know about this until 2 hours ago.

What has happened? One piece of information led to another and then to another and to another - Names and places and faces and photos...Duane had a very interesting past in the WA and OR area. When names started to POP up they were names he had mentioned and then the big BINGO was when one connection imploded and made connections with other things...this has been non-stop!

I threw a list of names out there several posts ago...and it might do some of you serious Cooper searchers to review that list of names. You know the plane that departed out of a airport near Amboy at about the right time was investigated...but, the FBI said it was BUSINESS people and I had often wonder who was doing business on Thanksgiving eve.

What if the names of those individuals where connected to Weber's past or that of another suspect? I say this in gest or speculation. At this point I will believe almost anything I am told...because I want to see this end before my days on this earth come to an end. I keep trying to put a lid on my emotions and what I say, but with all I am learning it is VERY difficult. Putting Duane in WA won't put him on that plane, but associations with other subjects may inadvertantly do this.

I really do not know what is being done right now I am posting because I can't hold my breath all afternoon. The findings just keep pouring in - and it is NOT me seeing these things. One individual I got in contact with after I got home put me in touch with another and it just kept going like stacked dominos.

Suddenly these people where creating more dominos of their own and the excitement has been building...I was just a woman trying to find the past of her spouse in a small area - showing pictures of him in his Navy uniform and the family pictures and the 2 photos of him as he may have looked in his 20's. Finding families he knew happened after I got home - then is when everything started to
esculate so fast.

Keep Quiet! I can remember the days when I kept quiet and accepted what I was told - the 60's homemaker syndrome.

NO! NOT ANYMORE! I turned over everything I knew and had to the FBI and Mr. Himmelsbach in 1996 - NO one did anything that was productive. Mr. H did what he could, but he had retired in 1980...and he was no longer in the FBI loop.

Do I have GUTS? Not really, but I have convictions and I had the determination to do all in my power before I die, to finish what I started - regardless of the outcome. When I got off that plane and set foot onto OR soil (pavement) - I doubted myself, but within the next 15 days (I was only supposed to be there for 7 days) my convictions became more deeply rooted. I was being guided by not only my memory, but by GOD.

Before I got on the plane to return home - I called the FBI in Portland. When I got home I started working the information I had acquired and if has NOT stopped. Soon it will stop, because it has to...I may be victorious only in discovering my husband had a past in WA and OR - but, I think soon everyone will know I found more than just that....WAS Duane Weber D.B. Cooper? I still don't have the answer to that one - but, what I have done is open up a new door for the FBI to explore without imploding it.

:)it was my choice - but if anyone of you had a child who was convicted of a crime you knew he did not comment and sentenced to die for the crime - would you not fight for him to the very end and even after his termination?:S




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It is great to see you so energized Jo. As usual you provide excited adjectives and predictions of confidential blockbuster events about to happen, but reveal few, if any, relevant facts. It's just the way you are. I don't think it's always a conscious manipulative tease.

Your message below puzzles me.

"..if anyone of you had a child who was convicted of a crime you knew he did not comment(sic) and sentenced to die for the crime - would you not fight for him to the very end and even after his termination?"

Sure, we'd all fight for an inoocent condemned or executed person, especially a family member, but you are fighting to convict someone who went to his grave untarnished with even an accusation that he had committed a violent felony hijacking. Odd juxtaposition. Do you see the two tasks as morally equivalent?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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OK, so the stairs could/should have been open for takeoff just as Cooper demanded (requested).

Now, Cooper could not control the speed, heading or altitude of the aircraft but he sure was in position to be Gatekeeper of the aft stairs. I know I would have been, if I knew how to operate them.

Why didn’t Mr. ‘Knows All About Aft Stairs On A 727’ simply configure the things precisely the way he wanted them?

Then he sends Tina to the cockpit because he has got everything under control. That is until he needs her to come back and ‘help’ get the stairs open. I hope Mr.’ Combat Veteran Airline Employee’ felt all butch, manly, man having to get a 23 year old to open those aft stairs for him.

I would have just done it myself.

PS. skyjack71 – You need to update your copyright year.

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PS. skyjack71 – You need to update your copyright year.

Great, now we will become infringers every time we quote Jo. ;)

Maybe she has finally become a "public figure" and we get more slack.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I hope Mr.’ Combat Veteran Airline Employee’ felt all butch, manly, man having to get a 23 year old to open those aft stairs for him.

Come on Farflung. Even if KC was gay, surely you can excuse him for wanting to gaze at the lovely Tina just one more time before jumping into the blast?

If I knew how to handle the door I still would have asked Tina for some help. Bet you would have too.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Look 377,

I already confessed my willingness to fake a massive heart attack and soil myself in order to get in Tina’s good graces. The point is, I would have operated the aft stairs as yet another display to Tina of what a fine example of burley, he-man, studly, superior, must be passed on DNA that I happen to represent.

Send Tina to the COCKPIT where there are THREE men? Riiiight, like I’m going to send her into the middle of some testosterone isolation booth with the expectation of seeing her again. This is chess not tiddley-winks, you have to think four or five moves ahead of the competition. If you’re not the lead dog, the view is always the same.

I would not have called her back, simply because she would have never left my ‘sphere of hunkyness’. Much like the moon Elara, Tina would have remained in an inexorable orbit of Farflung-iter, never truly realizing what draws her, yet she can’t leave.


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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


Priceless. And anyone would believe this guy
about anything?

Many things are undecidable. This however is
decidable. What is left for Jo to have to ponder?
The number on Weber's cell, in Hell?

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Georger, Sluggo, what is the Science Team up to? Why did they go silent? Did they disband or stop work?


Using the metadistribution of possible distributions for a given measure, we define a condition under which it is possible to make a decision based on the observation of random variables, which we call "statistical decidability". We provide a sufficient condition on the metadistribution for the decision to be "statistically decidable" and conjecture that decisions based on that metadistribution with non compact support, are always "statistically undecidable". There is the need for a strong undefeasable a priori without which decisions are
not statistically justified - an effect that is very significant for decisions affected by small probabilities. Once the metadistribution of the
of the non compacted issues has been made then decisions can be made by assessing the
deciable-undecidable ratio and assigning a value
to each. Metaformative decision making is as much
an art as a science and we will be proceding on that basis. Is this clear?

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Good find 99. Was that posted here before or did you find something that Snowmman missed, if there is such a thing?

From a ten dollar pickpocket who just served six years, couldn't do a year on parole without picking up a couple of Miami warrants and ends up getting caught red handed in St Pete...

to succesfullly pulling of one of the most innovative and daring crimes of the twentieth century...

If there were a Nobel Prize in crime I'd consider putting Duane ahead of Bernie Madoff.

Did he take a Tony Robbins course or something?;)
Nah, Tony was only 11 in 1971.

Maybe Dale Carnegie? Werner Erhard? L Ron?

Who was Duane's Guru, his mentor, the person responsible for one of the most amazing professional improvment stories in the history of crime?

It wasnt Mick Jagger. Duane ignored his sage advice:

"I stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change "

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farflung wrote:

Send Tina to the COCKPIT where there are THREE men? Riiiight, like I’m going to send her into the middle of some testosterone isolation booth with the expectation of seeing her again. This is chess not tiddley-winks, you have to think four or five moves ahead of the competition. If you’re not the lead dog, the view is always the same.

Which is why you were paid to sit up front in the left seat of a multimillion dollar airplane and I pay to ride in the back of a beat up Beech 18 with a bunch of farting skydivers.

When will I ever learn?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Your message below puzzles me.

"..if anyone of you had a child who was convicted of a crime you knew he did not comment(sic) and sentenced to die for the crime - would you not fight for him to the very end and even after his termination?"

Sure, we'd all fight for an inoocent condemned or executed person, especially a family member, but you are fighting to convict someone who went to his grave untarnished with even an accusation that he had committed a violent felony hijacking. Odd juxtaposition. Do you see the two tasks as morally equivalent?


Because I can't tell you what I am talking about - you might make that case, but it is what you do not know and something I do not understand.

I believe if you do the crime you do the time...and the example of what I was trying to convey may be a poor comparison, but I wanted you guys to put yourself in my position....but, I obviously didn't get that across to you or others.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Bad boys, bad boys,

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?


2nd Jul 30, 1957 Duane Weber article
same details as first. But includes some more details.

Says he was arrested in FL once before in 1949 also
says he was returned to prison in Ohio where he had escaped

Says he served time in Ohio for robbery and CA for grand larceny. Was on parole from both.

Duane never was arrested for those coat swaps Jo witnessed. He wasnt a complete bumbler.

Jo, were you aware of all the reported criminal history? Did Duane fully inform you?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Man... I missed that one too!

I wonder when it was added to the archive.

Maybe next week I'll blow my horn REAL LOUD when I come by your town.

What say you (about smokin99's newspapper article about Duane from 1957)?

You wanted to know about that era of his life. California, Ohio, Missouri, and Florida!

Web Page

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


I have never seen this article before and is it real or one of those things someone has printed up for fun?

July 29, 1957 - if he really was arrested at Treasure Island - why wasn't he sent to prison in Florida? How did he end up in Canon City in 1960.

1960 he is sent to Canon City and I have the picture of that incarceration - both before and after. The after didn't look much like the guy who was released.
I also have the records from Canon. No place does it mention an arrest in FL nor an incarceration in FL.

He was released from Folsom on March 18, 1957 and on paroled until May 5 1959 in the state of CA

Then he is convicted in Colorado on Sept 9, 1960 and paroled on June 16 1962 - he had passed to them from El Paso County.

So what happened? He is released on parole on March 18, 1957 from Folsum and then in July of the same yr he is in FL.
He would have been in violation of parole in CA. which did not expire until May of 1959.

The records I have do not show any FL arrests or convictions.... other than a DUI when he was arrested in Jacksonville, Fl around 1977 - he was also in possession of pistol on that arrest.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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