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DB Cooper

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July 29, 1957 - if he really was arrested at Treasure Island - why wasn't he sent to prison in Florida?

Even back then, states liked to ship bad boys to other states to serve time for parole violations in those places rather than give them taxpayer paid room and board where they committed their latest caper, especially if the local crime was small time.

If you violate CA parole by conduct in FLA you can be sentenced to do more time in CA on the basis of violating the terms of your CA parole. One condition of parole and probation is: OBEY ALL LAWS.

Also, with the new crimes, stadard of proof to get a conviction on the new crime is 'proof beyond a resonable doubt' For parole violation it is laughable, you can sneer at your PO or be ten minutes late for an appointment and get some more prison time. Verrry easy to go back if you screw up. No jury trial, just a revocation hearing.

Soooo many data points on Duane's lack of skills in his self admitted profession: CROOK.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


I have never seen this article before and is it real or one of those things someone has printed up for fun?

July 29, 1957 - if he really was arrested at Treasure Island - why wasn't he sent to prison in Florida? How did he end up in Canon City in 1960.

1960 he is sent to Canon City and I have the picture of that incarceration - both before and after. The after didn't look much like the guy who was released.
I also have the records from Canon. No place does it mention an arrest in FL nor an incarceration in FL.

He was released from Folsom on March 18, 1957 and on paroled until May 5 1959 in the state of CA

Then he is convicted in Colorado on Sept 9, 1960 and paroled on June 16 1962 - he had passed to them from El Paso County.

So what happened? He is released on parole on March 18, 1957 from Folsum and then in July of the same yr he is in FL.
He would have been in violation of parole in CA. which did not expire until May of 1959.

The records I have do not show any FL arrests or convictions.... other than a DUI when he was arrested in Jacksonville, Fl around 1977 - he was also in possession of pistol on that arrest.

If it's fake certainly not by me. Regardless the authenticity would be easy enough to check either through the paper or police. In the second article it states that he is in violation of parole in CA and Ohio.
Petty larceny is what he is booked on and lodged in the county jail for. Would one would go to prison for that - or county jail / fine? Not sure what they would have done about the parole violations from other states. Today seems like they would send him back but maybe they didn't have the resources or motivation to do this in the late 50s.

Edited to defer to 377 on this....;) Of 1957 I have no authority with which to speak. In Georger word's I was still an undecidable then. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Says he was arrested in FL once before in 1949 also
says he was returned to prison in Ohio where he had escaped

Says he served time in Ohio for robbery and CA for grand larceny. Was on parole from both.

Cannot figure out the 1949 arrest and then sent back to Ohio from where he escaped.

I have a letter the state wrote to his mother - dated Jan
8 1945 stating her son was in custody in Rockford, Ill. and where advised that Duane had left the San Francisco area with out permission...he was sent back to CA and sentence to McNeil within 10 days. In Feb he is supposedly in McNeil, but this is when family member or friends of the family intervened arranging for him to go into a program.

He is sentence in CA to SanQuentin in August of 1951 and released in 1957 in CA.

Someone fill me in on 1945 (released to a work program in 1945 but officially a prisoner until 1946 in McNeil) to 1949.

You guys couldn't have come up with this at a better time - I have a long medical test tomorrow so I don't need to go all balistic. The SanQuentin/Folsom file says that the OHIO warrant was cancelled...but it was only for petty theft.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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July 29th article says "..Weber also may be charged with impersonating a peace officer and violating parole."

That was the highlight of the night. Guess he had enough experience to pass himself off as a peace officer - I don't even know what a peace Officer is.

What all of this information did re-inforce is that no one knows of Duane L. Weber's where-about in those dates after McNeil and before 1949. If he was wanted he was hiding and he did a pretty good job of hiding himself or thru the efforts of the family friends.

I have someone in WA and OR who made a trip today to check on something. I have a feeling a woman called Mattie may have became Duane's surrogate mother. When Duane was pointing out the places in OR and CO - you could tell these where GOOD times and not bad times. I now have the feeling that the time he spent in WA and OR may have been the only character building exposure he had ever had... and why it made him smile like a boy full of happiness.

Perhaps he felt what I felt when I was out there - I didn't want to come home. The people there are so down to earth and they are good unpretentious people.
I fell in love with OR and WA.

I actually feel sorry for Duane and the life he led and yet I resent him for the life he led. I do not know any other way to word that. I resent that he was a dirty rotten criminal (using Himmelsbachs words), but seeing him under arrest and in a newpaper article is different than seeing this man in a prison file.

It made me physically sick and think about how lucky I was that I didn't become one of his victim or that he didn't steal from my family. What changed this man from the dark side to the good side. I know the ex from the 60's thought the sun rose and shined with him, but the one in the early 70's had nothing but BAD words for Duane.

What happen to this man who could be so gentle with a dog and be so boyish about things.
Why did he change his life or was I that blind - did I remind him of Mattie - the woman he thought of as a mother? Why didn't he ever say anything about his real mom? Was this because he inherited polycystic kidneys from her? Where his parent to stern? What happened to the boy?

I think what you guys have done is good - I have seen a part of Duane I didn't know, but it only enforces my efforts. Now I KNOW what my goal will be - remember that I have always said I didn't want to benefit from any of this financially and I wanted some kind of program for excons - all of this just reinforces that goal. Duane was salvagable and what he did with the rest of his life proved this.

This man had spent most of his life in prisons - and maybe his early yrs with very stern parents.
Perhaps why the yrs in OR and WA made him smile...they were happy times - good times with people who did not slap him in the face everytime he made a mistake. I am choking up and have to go.

What made this boy be bad?
Why did he choose me? Why did he tell me who he was? Why! Why?

I have a feeling all of this has something to do with the "Grudge" and why he chose WA and OR to commit suicide.
He didn't have grudge - he was going to die in the only place he had ever found happiness. He didn't care about the money - he was going HOME to die.

He just did not plan on surviving.
Then is when he had to fight for life - if he got caught he would never be free during his life span.
The FBI and everyone else missed the motive all of these yrs. and then his motivation not to get caught - Tina did a good job.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger transmitted:


Is this clear?

Absolutely OM. I just cranked up the DSP and now everything is intelligible.

DSP is a good anology. Its like when
one chicken hears the other chicken, in a herd of
chickens, ... and they get married and have little
chickens, and live happily ever after ... without


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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


I have never seen this article before and is it real or one of those things someone has printed up for fun?

July 29, 1957 - if he really was arrested at Treasure Island - why wasn't he sent to prison in Florida? How did he end up in Canon City in 1960.

1960 he is sent to Canon City and I have the picture of that incarceration - both before and after. The after didn't look much like the guy who was released.
I also have the records from Canon. No place does it mention an arrest in FL nor an incarceration in FL.

He was released from Folsom on March 18, 1957 and on paroled until May 5 1959 in the state of CA

Then he is convicted in Colorado on Sept 9, 1960 and paroled on June 16 1962 - he had passed to them from El Paso County.

So what happened? He is released on parole on March 18, 1957 from Folsum and then in July of the same yr he is in FL.
He would have been in violation of parole in CA. which did not expire until May of 1959.

The records I have do not show any FL arrests or convictions.... other than a DUI when he was arrested in Jacksonville, Fl around 1977 - he was also in possession of pistol on that arrest.

If it's fake certainly not by me. Regardless the authenticity would be easy enough to check either through the paper or police. In the second article it states that he is in violation of parole in CA and Ohio.
Petty larceny is what he is booked on and lodged in the county jail for. Would one would go to prison for that - or county jail / fine? Not sure what they would have done about the parole violations from other states. Today seems like they would send him back but maybe they didn't have the resources or motivation to do this in the late 50s.

Edited to defer to 377 on this....;) Of 1957 I have no authority with which to speak. In Georger word's I was still an undecidable then. :)
let me see
if I can grab it and shop it for presentation later
tonight ... that means I get an extra cup of coffee
tonight ... fooled my doctors again! B|B|

BTW: damned good work smokin99! Greatwork!

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Wouldn't do any good. Tina suffered some psych problems related to the hijacking. I have this from a solid source.

Just how solid is your source Robert? I've heard rumors that Tina turned out just fine. You make her sound disabled. Are you sure that is accurate information?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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It is great to see you so energized Jo. As usual you provide excited adjectives and predictions of confidential blockbuster events about to happen, but reveal few, if any, relevant facts. It's just the way you are. I don't think it's always a conscious manipulative tease.

Your message below puzzles me.

"..if anyone of you had a child who was convicted of a crime you knew he did not comment(sic) and sentenced to die for the crime - would you not fight for him to the very end and even after his termination?"

Sure, we'd all fight for an inoocent condemned or executed person, especially a family member, but you are fighting to convict someone who went to his grave untarnished with even an accusation that he had committed a violent felony hijacking. Odd juxtaposition. Do you see the two tasks as morally equivalent?


377 get with the program man>:(

The crime he did not commit is NOT related to DB Cooper but is another famous crime for which someone was executed. I am not sure which one although as it is a week past 5th November maybe it was Guy Fawkes. So my hypothesis is that Duane was Guy Fawkes father and THAT is why he hijacked the plane - this explains the grudge of course.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


Smokey, here's your article. I was able to bring
out a little more detail in the photos... hope
this meets with your approval. Regards -

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Wouldn't do any good. Tina suffered some psych problems related to the hijacking. I have this from a solid source.

Just how solid is your source Robert? I've heard rumors that Tina turned out just fine. You make her sound disabled. Are you sure that is accurate information?


There was a guy who posted here for a while - I cna't remember his "name" but I think he was the one who passed away - possibly either dbcoopercatcher or his partner. I seem to recall he got extremely agitated at one point about the effect that Cooper had had on the stews - talking about nightmares and other pysch problems (in fact, from his reaction I thought he might be a family member but it appears he wasn't.) So this isn't a first, and from what the guy had written (not sure if I have the energy to search) it sounded very much like he knew what he was talking about. Pity he like others got hounded out of here by A Certain Someone; because there certainly are enough other suspects at least as viable as someone who listed his occupation as "crook" and (rather hopefully?) stayed at "Treasure Island".
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


Smokey, here's your article. I was able to bring
out a little more detail in the photos... hope
this meets with your approval. Regards -

So Georger it is you who has finally put Duane in contact with a parachute - however tenuous the link. The article mentions Kissinger was the judge:o
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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There was a guy who posted here for a while - I cna't remember his "name" but I think he was the one who passed away - possibly either dbcoopercatcher or his partner. I seem to recall he got extremely agitated at one point about the effect that Cooper had had on the stews - talking about nightmares and other pysch problems (in fact, from his reaction I thought he might be a family member but it appears he wasn't.) So this isn't a first, and from what the guy had written (not sure if I have the energy to search) it sounded very much like he knew what he was talking about. Pity he like others got hounded out of here by A Certain Someone; because there certainly are enough other suspects at least as viable as someone who listed his occupation as "crook" and (rather hopefully?) stayed at "Treasure Island".

Myers & Dvorak (Leftcoast & Eastcoast) in the
Ted Mayfield fiasco. They went on TV and accused
Mayfield of being Cooper, things got hot, and
Leftcoast (Myers) suddenly died of MS or an auto accident or something.

I think what Blevins said about Tina is equally
"tasteless" and crude.

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Well one thing you can say about Duane is that he got around. Here he is in St. Petersburg, Fl in 1957. Haven't seen this pic before (above article). Interesting article too.


Smokey, here's your article. I was able to bring
out a little more detail in the photos... hope
this meets with your approval. Regards -

So Georger it is you who has finally put Duane in contact with a parachute - however tenuous the link. The article mentions Kissinger was the judge:o

I think somebody should check to see if Duane
is really dead! -;)

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I am always accusing Duane of being the crook who couldnt shoot straight, but swiping that law enforcement officer's badge and ID? Pretty slick, I must admit. The ID photo looks enough like Duane to work in most situations. I'll bet there is a story about how Duane managed to get that item.

Wonder if Duane also had someone's USPA D license? Very useful when showing up at a new DZ to do some NORJACK practice jumps.

I wonder if deep down in his subconscious Duane preferred prison to outside? Look at his behavior while on parole. Look at how often he gets caught. Look at the stupid risks he was taking (serial small dollar pickpocketing). Every crime is new chance for arrest and sure enough he gets arrested.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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377 profoundly reflected:

“I wonder if deep down in his subconscious Duane preferred prison to outside?”

That is one of the imponderables of life. Is man inherently good or bad, does art imitate life or life imitate stupidity and other cosmic queries which will not be answered too soon.

Imagine being in a beautiful place like Treasure Island, FL and stealing rather than enjoying such a location. Kind of depressing to read how one person could or would spend so much time in the hoosegow by the age of 33.

But we are a painfully duplicitous society regarding crime. I had a motorcycle stolen in the 70’s and the FIRST question the police asked, “Was it locked?” Like it would be my fault if it wasn’t. The next question had to do with making payments, to which I answered “I haven’t made payments becau….” Ahhh, you see, I believe your bike has been repossessed; you just need to settle with your bank. I finished with “because I paid cash for the bike.”


Can you prove it? Yes sir, here is the pink slip. From a suspected ‘vehicle not-locker’ to a ‘deadbeat’ that had to prove I never had a loan on the thing. Crime may not pay, but the benefits of obeying the law aren’t all one may imagine either.

He filled out a report and told me that the recovery rate is less than 2% so the report will only have value to your insurance company. I don’t have theft insurance. That’s not too bright he responded (great now I’m an idiot too). Well, the premiums were $600 a year and I had the bike just less than four years and paid $2,000 for it; so I figure I’m ahead $400, but quickly losing my mind right now.

Here’s your report, have a nice day.

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I am always accusing Duane of being the crook who couldnt shoot straight, but swiping that law enforcement officer's badge and ID? Pretty slick, I must admit. The ID photo looks enough like Duane to work in most situations. I'll bet there is a story about how Duane managed to get that item.

Wonder if Duane also had someone's USPA D license? Very useful when showing up at a new DZ to do some NORJACK practice jumps.

I wonder if deep down in his subconscious Duane preferred prison to outside? Look at his behavior while on parole. Look at how often he gets caught. Look at the stupid risks he was taking (serial small dollar pickpocketing). Every crime is new chance for arrest and sure enough he gets arrested.


Smokin99 deserves a lot of credit for
having found this ... evidently it was just
sitting at Google all along for somebody to find.

Duane Weber defines himself as a petty cowardly
"imposter crook" who steals from old ladies, incapable of being DB Cooper.

The article confirms everything Ive always thought
about Duane and defines Duane in a way Jo will never describe Duane, or admit to.

I think the whole thing is sad and has been very
wasteful of everyone's time, on Jo's part.

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Smokin99 deserves a lot of credit for
having found this

99 sure does deserve a lot of credit. I've had one of those autosearch things running on Google for a long time and it didnt spit up this infomative article on Duane Weber.

I am not a psychologist, but there seems to be a compulsive nature to Duane's criminal actions. Perhaps he got a huge irresistable high from pulling off a theft or con job. or by doing a successful impersonation. He knew from prior arrests, convictions and sentences that he really wasnt very good at it, but he goes right back to it as soon as he gets out of jail.

When I did criminal defense I occasionally got a case where a very wealthy person was caught shoplifting. It had to be a thrill thing, there was no rational economic reason justifying such a risk. They usually had some story about having tried on a garment and forgetting to take it off before they left the store etc etc, but they were really just wealthy thieves. The system (in CA) usually goes easy on them if it's a first time case. They go into a diversion program, attend some classes, perhaps do some volunteer work and the record gets expunged, no recorded criminal conviction.

I had one case that didnt go so smoothly. It was a wealthy woman who had what the store dectectives call a "rig", a garment modified to conceal stolen items (often a concealed access slit and internal bag in the lining of a coat). She got caught and was charged with burglary, because they could prove (from the rig) she entered the building with intent to commit a crime therein therfore it was unlawful entry etc etc. It took a lot of steppin, but I got the charges reduced to misdeameanor theft and she was accepted for diversion.

I've often wondered if NORJACK was a thrill crime and had no compelling economic motivation. Cooper didnt seem all that interested in the actual money (surprised to get it, offering some to Tina, apparently unprepared to carry it on a high speed exit).

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Smokin99 deserves a lot of credit for
having found this

99 sure does deserve a lot of credit. I've had one of those autosearch things running on Google for a long time and it didnt spit up this infomative article on Duane Weber.

I am not a psychologist, but there seems to be a compulsive nature to Duane's criminal actions. Perhaps he got a huge irresistable high from pulling off a theft or con job. or by doing a successful impersonation. He knew from prior arrests, convictions and sentences that he really wasnt very good at it, but he goes right back to it as soon as he gets out of jail.

When I did criminal defense I occasionally got a case where a very wealthy person was caught shoplifting. It had to be a thrill thing, there was no rational economic reason justifying such a risk. They usually had some story about having tried on a garment and forgetting to take it off before they left the store etc etc, but they were really just wealthy thieves. The system (in CA) usually goes easy on them if it's a first time case. They go into a diversion program, attend some classes, perhaps do some volunteer work and the record gets expunged, no recorded criminal conviction.

I had one case that didnt go so smoothly. It was a wealthy woman who had what the store dectectives call a "rig", a garment modified to conceal stolen items (often a concealed access slit and internal bag in the lining of a coat). She got caught and was charged with burglary, because they could prove (from the rig) she entered the building with intent to commit a crime therein therfore it was unlawful entry etc etc. It took a lot of steppin, but I got the charges reduced to misdeameanor theft and she was accepted for diversion.

I've often wondered if NORJACK was a thrill crime and had no compelling economic motivation. Cooper didnt seem all that interested in the actual money (surprised to get it, offering some to Tina, apparently unprepared to carry it on a high speed exit).


If we had a similar article on Cooper I imagine
we would all sit back and say 'ahhh so that's what
it is!'. The moment of discovery.

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this
article likewise. Smokin99 is our hero. I love it!
That is what I came here for.

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Please tell us how you found the article so we can all can sharpen our search skills.

The undisputed Jedi Master of Cooper online searching is Snowmman. Snow taught me many things but would not hold my hand on searching. He'd just stay cryptic stuff like "Feel the FORCE, Luke."

I should have found Sheridan Peterson before Snow did. I was looking for Boeing, smoke jumper, skydiving and all the right stuff but I couldn't even find Sheridan AFTER Snow did. I had to look at his his actual search results and backtrack.

The article you found gave a lot of info about Duane completely uncolored by Jo. What we saw was a pathetic petty thief and con artist who couldnt even pull off a successful ten dollar purse snatch. Decide for yourself if that was a young Dan Cooper.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Please tell us how you found the article so we can all can sharpen our search skills.

The undisputed Jedi Master of Cooper online searching is Snowmman. Snow taught me many things but would not hold my hand on searching. He'd just stay cryptic stuff like "Feel the FORCE, Luke."

I should have found Sheridan Peterson before Snow did. I was looking for Boeing, smoke jumper, skydiving and all the right stuff but I couldn't even find Sheridan AFTER Snow did. I had to look at his his actual search results and backtrack.

The article you found gave a lot of info about Duane completely uncolored by Jo. What we saw was a pathetic petty thief and con artist who couldnt even pull off a successful ten dollar purse snatch. Decide for yourself if that was a young Dan Cooper.


Ckret tried to convey some of this here
but wasn't taken seriously, and you saw what kind of
response that brought from Jo. I can repost some
of what Ckret shared here - but I dont think that's
necessary. Good job, Ckret!

Here is a repost of the St Petersberg article -
cleaned up more. I have streched this cleaning
about as far as I can while still keeping within the
300k limit of a jpeg one can post here ...

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Thanks for the cleanup Georger, nice job. I wonder what that typewritten list was all about? Who were those people? A typed out list is a lot different than a serially updated address book.

I'll wager it was part of a set up for some con job. Con artists often ingratiate themselves with potential victims by claiming to know common aquaintances and having details about them such as where they live, names of kids, relatives etc.

I still think Duane's connection with Norjack may have been a con hatched long after Cooper did the job. It may have taken him to WA to learn some facts about the area and be able to weave a credible story about knowing the area. I can't figure it all out but I go back to Jo's claims that notes in Duane's handwriting were found in a local library book about DBC. Something tells me he was doing research for a con job.

"Maybe I was the guy on the ground." Remember that? Wouldnt that be a good start to a con? DBC died during or after the jump, you disposed of Cooper's body and hid the money, need a "partner" to finance its recovery etc etc. You can describe the area with great detail...

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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