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DB Cooper

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I do a lot of searching. For newspapers sometimes it's hit or miss because of the tiny print and OCR limitations, and sometimes pages are scanned in horizontally. I've found sometimes it works better to use more generic search words rather than names and lots of times I just browse. (And a bad neck to show for it) If you know a date range, geographic area, and know the layout of newpapers (where do they put their obits, crime reports, etc) browsing can be productive. I also search the scholar, book and archive sections a lot. I love the book section for old magazines. An aside -- I was researching some stuff on this KKK guy who apparently crashed MLK's funeral as an usher, and I found the most amazing pictures of this guy taking dignitaries to their seats. He's pictured with Jackie kennedy and supposedly told Robert Kennedy something to the effect of ..not to worry, they had good security, as he led him to his seat. This was in two 1968 issues of JET magazine. I get lost in the old stories. I also use the Wayback time machine for old web pages a lot - it's called something different now i think but the searching there is kind of frustrating - the last time I used it you had to be specific about the web page.

THAT SAID.....the Duane article was pure dumb luck...I routinely search on some of my favs, like Duane lorin Weber, Sheridan peterson, II, or whats-his-name that Bruce Smith interviewed- can't think of his name right now..... to name but a few. Usually the only new stuff I find is an article about Jo or some of Sheridan's posts on different forums - though i've been able to find quite a bit on him in the past. Anyway, this article just popped up on Google news. Like someone said....just sitting out there waiting to happen.

I will say this also ...after Jo's comment wondering whether it might be fake I went back and made sure that i could pull up that newpaper and article by date, and I searched a few names that were mentioned in a city directory search just to make sure someone wasn't playing games. I've seen the stuff folks can do with photoshop. B|... esp on dork...I mean....dropzone.com :)So I do think it's legit...or.. someone went to a heck of a lot of trouble....I know if I was going to go to that much trouble to prove something about Duane, I'd have gone for the gusto and made the date November 24, 1971, and not leave so many years for him to hone his skills :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Duane Weber defines himself as a petty cowardly
"imposter crook" who steals from old ladies, incapable of being DB Cooper.

The article confirms everything Ive always thought
about Duane and defines Duane in a way Jo will never describe Duane, or admit to.

I think the whole thing is sad and has been very
wasteful of everyone's time, on Jo's part.

I think your post was in very bad taste! He said "crook" and they weren't old ladies (where in the article does it say old ladies)? The officers also refer to him as Smooth Talking Con Man.

There is no way I could describe him in any other manner than I have. I never asked about his past other than what he volunteered - he only lied to me by omission or made it sound as if he was talking about someone he used to know.

What I find sad is that until 1968 Duane Weber had spent most of his life in one prison or another and on the run when he wasn't in prison. He came from a family who excelled - he felt like the underdog.

I am not defending the fact that he was an ex-con, but that there were NO programs in place to help a young man with problems in the 40's.

Let me tell you a sadder story. People like you who have never been where Weber was have NO right to condem his actions until you have walked in his shoes.

For one moment put yourself back in the 40's. There is a war and everyone else is doing their part, but you failed to be all you could be...even though you were so eager to do your part you had your mother falsify your birth certificate. Then you are out for a few months and somehow figure out how to get yourself in the Army.

We still do not know where he was - between Camp Siebert and San Franciso. He runs away from the problem in San Franciso, but is located very quickly in Ohio and sent back to Ca where he was sentenced to McNeil in WA.

He disappears off the map from 1945 to 1949. Then he is sentenced to San Quentin and Folsum from 1949 until 1957. Obviously he immediately per the article took off for St. Peterburg. (By the way something none of you know he did have a relative in the St.Pete area, who was connected to big money and famous people).

At any rate he ends up in Co in Canon City Prison and out in 1962 - but he obtains another ID of John Collins which he would live under until 1968. He would spend 2 of those yrs in prison under that name.

This man until that time had spent his life in prison or on the run - and it didn't stop there. In 1968 the FBI came looking for him again - most assuredly they found him, but didn't send him back to prison (no one has ever provided the papers on that one, nor given me an explanation).

Ends up in N.Orleans on the run again, but this time with a wife and 4 kids. Something bad happened in N.Oleans - he is angry and hurt (his past has harmed someone he really cared about and something I will never discuss). Now he heads to Atlanta, but he is still doing BAD things to provide for the wife and her kids - but for the first time is is responsible for someone besides himself. Needless to say the bad guy in him took over especially after the diagnosis he received in 1971 (I have never been able to confirm the date, but believe it to be early 1971).

He realizes his life has been about nothing and he will be at the mercy of the state or county for medical treatment. He doesn't know what to do - he had done pretty good selling insurance under the name of John Collins for 2 yrs - which is what he was doing in Atlanta under the name of Duane Weber. His income in 1971 very very low.

He is looks back over his life knowing he has NEVER accomplished anything in his life. His entire adulthood had been spent in prisons and on the run. If you consider the mental state he must have been in at that time - you might understand that he conceived doing the "Big One" which had been talked about in Jefferson and Canon.

My research shows the prisoners did sit around in Jefferson and talk about doing this very crime. Don't forget the individuals I met who had known him as John Collins - were very dangerous men. During the yrs as John Collins - I do know that he was connected with individuals who were connected with some very bad things. He warned me to NEVER be alone with one certain individual - just told me he was a DANGEROUS Man.

From the things I found in WA and OR, I believe he had at least a 2 or 3 good yrs there living and working under another name. There was Mattie who became a surrogate mother and the guys that became his family.
Think about this before you condem the "boy" he was in the 40's...he had never had a normal life. Those 2 or 3 yrs were the only time in his life he had felt joy and happiness and freedom.

After all of the things I discovered in OR and WA - I firmly believe he was commiting the big one and perhaps it was a death wish. If he was sad it was because he was looking at the possiblity that his life was over - that he never really had a life.
OR and WA were the only happiness he had ever known...this was so obvious if you could have seen his face during that trip...and the smiles the memories gave him. If he wasn't the one in that plane he knew who was.

If any of you have ever noted - Duane's nose was different upon being dismissed from Canon City.
The before and after look like two different people. I was never allowed to see the Jefferson photos....

I find it difficult to believe that I could have been taken in by his charm and demeanor as so many women in the past have been - but, he didn't steal from me and the man I knew for 17 yrs was kind and loving. Like anyone else he had his moments.

He worked hard and as a team selling insurance we made very good money with heavy renewals.
We bought and sold 2 homes and made a profit. He was a hard worker around the house and the yard. I have told about his moments of weakness in 1981 approx when I caught him doing something I could not live with. I told him to take me home and I started packing boxes and called about a u-haul truck. That night he got down on his knees and promised me he would never do anything like that again and begged me to stay. I did stay and if he was a bad boy after that - he managed to keep it for me for the next 14 yrs.

Until I am proven wrong I still maintain he was Cooper and that he survived. If he was not Cooper he sure as hell knew who was - otherwise I would never have seen the physical evidence I held in my own hands in those 5 yrs prior to this confession. The dumb blonde in me just had no idea who Dan Cooper was.

If you Georger, believe these yrs have been sad and a waste of the time of others then you are also calling me a liar. The truth is NEVER a waste of time.

This much I will admit - I am thankful my parents did not live to see this and to know I spent that many yrs with an ex-con is humilitating and embarassing, but it did happen. If I had known I would have been gone faster than a bolt of lightning.

I did find out about Mo in 1990 , but by that time there was 12 yrs invested in the marriage and he had already started diaylsis - I could not walk away at that time.
I am more humane than that. I just did not ask him question - only what he did tell me.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I think your post was in very bad taste! He said "crook" and they weren't old ladies (where in the article does it say old ladies)? The officers also refer to him as Smooth Talking Con Man.

It's bad taste to call a crook a crook, and to call him unsuccessful when he keeps getting caught?

There's a difference between a "crook" and a "con man"?

I'm confused. I find no logic in these arguments at all.


I find it difficult to believe that I could have been taken in by his charm and demeanor

...and yet you seem almost proud at the description of him as "smooth talking" .... and you have often described yourself as naive, so - again, logically - why is it difficult to believe you could have been taken in by the charm of a smooth talker?
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Blevins states:

If he were actually D.B. Cooper, he would have been caught within a day or two. The article was a revelation. Weber had neither the smarts nor the skills to pull off the only unsolved hijacking in history.

Wanna BET! Duane never talked about his past or his crime - so he was silent about his past to his friends and to me. He was never one to brag - he was always modest about his accomplishment. Perhaps you should read about his speech in St. Thomas after winning the award of his life.

Blevins states:

That is a personal opinion, but I believe it is also a hard truth that Jo needs to face. Her husband was a con-man, not the slick airline hijacker who got everything he wanted, jumped out at 196mph at angels 10 and gave the finger to the F.B.I. He just didn't have the stomach for it and absolutely nothing in his character points to him doing it. If he HAD done it, he would have been caught even more quickly than McCoy


Perhaps when all is said and done you will apologize for that statement...or at least eat your words. You knew nothing of his character or his conscience. You, yourself will be facing some hard truths in the next few months. The only one I have to face is the fact that I was married to a con man for 17 yrs.
He is a much more likely candidate for Cooper - than Christiansen or McCoy. I think you are in for a shock.

You give everyone the impression the trip was planned to lay forth a plan in the next 15 yrs to confess to me.

1. Number one the trip was a business trip to Seattle in 1979.

2. It would be 15 yrs later before he would tell me he was Dan Cooper...he didn't use D.B.

3. Duane wasn't researching anything, but checking up on something the EX had told him. She thought he had already died when he contacted her to tell her in 1990 to inform her about the diaylsis - he made the call on the shop phone. See I haven't told everything I know.

4. Then shortly after that - the bag and the stub show up. Then the Ticket. Sure went pretty far to stage this - right? Remember I am talking 1990 and he didn't confess until 1995.

What you are laying claim to has no credence! Duane Weber was able to keep secrets - explain how he kept his past from me for all of those yrs. Explain how he could sell insurance for one of the key insuers of the 80' and 90's for many yrs.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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if you are interested in the missing stuff about Duane, maybe if you timelined everything you have learned (meaning factual events that you have documentation on or witnessed) about Duane --from DOB/parents to marriages to prisons to death in a clear, concise manner -- some of us might be able to research more and help you feel in gaps. Maybe a timeline in the following format:

19XX - Born in City, State to parents: A and B
19XX - Graduated such and such
19XX - Entered Army
19XX - Left Army
19XX - Married X
19XX - Arrested in X. Went to prison X
19XX - released from prison X
19XX - Went to X for covert meeting with X
19XX - Divorced X
19XX - Married X
19XX - Arrested in X. Went to prison X
etc, etc,

A timelined history of actual places and events does not have to involve he saids/she saids or include things that you have guessed at. If someone was in the service, married, put in prison, or seen with a known criminal it's just a historical fact - not something that is going to hurt anyone at this late date. Not family, not friends. It's just history now. Jimmy Hoffa's dead cause a friend he trusted painted houses. Someone wrote a book about it naming names and places. No one cares. The Warren commission has spoken. There was no one shooting from the grassy knoll...even if we all know there was.. now it's just a Conspiracy Theory.

I, for one, would be more than willing to help you with research on geneaology, dates and places - but it's kind of confusing to follow your narratives.
No one wants to hijack or steal your story, pardon the pun. ;) They can't anyway - you've copywrited it and we're all witnesses. :)
Seriously, I think many on this forum would be able to help you piece together the puzzle that was Duane - they just get frustrated with the narrative when it gets jumbled up with your emotions. And I guarantee that if you came up with the real smokin gun or parachute that proves it was Duane, the DropZone crew would be the first to mea culpa.

Thanks, Jo, and I hope you take this with the helpful spirit that is intended.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo wrote:

Then shortly after that - the bag and the stub show up. Then the Ticket.


If Duane Weber were Dan Cooper, survived the jump and escaped without even being identified, why would he hang on to physical evidence that could tie him to the crime?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote:


Then shortly after that - the bag and the stub show up. Then the Ticket.


If Duane Weber were Dan Cooper, survived the jump and escaped without even being identified, why would he hang on to physical evidence that could tie him to the crime?


That is the easiest Question anyone has ever asked..but, it is only my theory because I lived with him for 17 yrs and the places he took me and what I found after he died.

He committed the crime after being told what kind of death he was to face - a death that was not a very pretty death in approximately 1971. In 1971 - little was known about the disease and the treatments were limited...it was always fatal.

He did survive and he was smart enough to put the evidence in a safety deposit box under the name of John C. Collins and pay it forward for 10 yrs...why he had to keep up the alias. Perhaps why he made a trip to another state while we were living in Co in 1980 to a bank (after the money find) - claimed he had some business to take care of with someone he knew in the bank.

He wasn't gone for very long and we drove 2 states away for him to do this.

In 1990 when he goes on diaylsis he manages to reactivate the John Collins ID at a great risk of being discovered.
How he did this - I still don't know. He again goes back to the place he took me in 1980 and retrieves whatever he had in the Box.

Then he establishes a safety deposit box under the name of Duane Weber in a location near where we lived. This box would be the safety deposit box, I would locate after his death with only that Magazine in it...the 1994 issue of Soldier of Fortune. The box had been opened in 1990 after the John Collins ID and having started diaylsis.

I had no knowledge of the trip he made other than a charge on our credit card that we eventually paid for - even after I had it removed 2 times. I would not know about his absense during the time of this plane ticket because he arranged to go to Tallahassee with his friend who managed the set-up for 2 days before Duane returned on a Sat.

This friend later would tell me about this disappearance which coincided with the purchase of the airline ticket out of Tallahasse. A week or so later (in 1990) this friend would see Duane counting out a large amount of money...in 100's but, thought I was aware of it and that Duane also kept his money in a personal vault as he himself did.

The friend would not tell me about this until - 1996 after I contacted him about what Duane had told me and told him about the "DAN COOPER thing" Duane had talked about in the hospital in 1995. This was BEFORE I contacted the FBI. Jim was a good friend to both Duane and myself - he was baffled, but we did put the time table together with what he knew and what I knew.

Remember that in 1990 is when I saw the bag and the stub and the pictures that where in that magazine - but 4 yrs prior to the magazine being published that was in the safety deposit box I found in 1995. I would not see the airline ticket until Jan or Feb of 1994. Most of you will remember that story as he had fractured his leg and I was cleaning out a 1990 file box that needed to be taken care of since his health was failing.

Until 1990 the evidence was under the name of John Collins in a bank safety deposit box.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:


Then shortly after that - the bag and the stub show up. Then the Ticket.


If Duane Weber were Dan Cooper, survived the jump and escaped without even being identified, why would he hang on to physical evidence that could tie him to the crime?


That is the easiest Question anyone has ever asked..but, it is only my theory because I lived with him for 17 yrs and the places he took me and what I found after he died.

He committed the crime after being told what kind of death he was to face - a death that was not a very pretty death in approximately 1971. In 1971 - little was known about the disease and the treatments were limited...it was always fatal.

He did survive and he was smart enough to put the evidence in a safety deposit box under the name of John C. Collins and pay it forward for 10 yrs...why he had to keep up the alias. Perhaps why he made a trip to another state while we were living in Co in 1980 to a bank (after the money find) - claimed he had some business to take care of with someone he knew in the bank.

He wasn't gone for very long and we drove 2 states away for him to do this.

In 1990 when he goes on diaylsis he manages to reactivate the John Collins ID at a great risk of being discovered.
How he did this - I still don't know. He again goes back to the place he took me in 1980 and retrieves whatever he had in the Box.



You have denied countless times and written
reams claiming Duane was HEALTHY during the
whole period of the 70s onward ... despite others
saying optherwise. Now you jump to USE the SICK

That is a con game.

Which shell will the peanut be under next?

Duane hijacked 305 in his sleep?

Give it up Jo. The performance is over.

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Jo wrote:


Then shortly after that - the bag and the stub show up. Then the Ticket.


If Duane Weber were Dan Cooper, survived the jump and escaped without even being identified, why would he hang on to physical evidence that could tie him to the crime?


That is the easiest Question anyone has ever asked..but, it is only my theory because I lived with him for 17 yrs and the places he took me and what I found after he died.

He committed the crime after being told what kind of death he was to face - a death that was not a very pretty death in approximately 1971. In 1971 - little was known about the disease and the treatments were limited...it was always fatal.

He did survive and he was smart enough to put the evidence in a safety deposit box under the name of John C. Collins and pay it forward for 10 yrs...why he had to keep up the alias. Perhaps why he made a trip to another state while we were living in Co in 1980 to a bank (after the money find) - claimed he had some business to take care of with someone he knew in the bank.

He wasn't gone for very long and we drove 2 states away for him to do this.

In 1990 when he goes on diaylsis he manages to reactivate the John Collins ID at a great risk of being discovered.
How he did this - I still don't know. He again goes back to the place he took me in 1980 and retrieves whatever he had in the Box.



You have denied countless times and written
reams claiming Duane was HEALTHY during the
whole period of the 70s onward ... despite others
saying optherwise. Now you jump to USE the SICK

That is a con game.

Which shell will the peanut be under next?

Duane hijacked 305 in his sleep?

Give it up Jo. The performance is over.

YOU know absolutely NOTHING about the stages of Polycitis Kidney disease and if you did you would NOT refute the medical history. You are the one playing a shell game and I have no idea what your reasoning is. Maybe you are part of his history.

I am not and it is clear to others I am NOT using a Sick Card. I suggest you find families of other individuals diagnosed with this hereditary disease in 1971 or there about at the age of approx 45...and follow their medical history. Some advance more quickly and others change their life style and go for yrs before having serious problems.

Remember Duane did have one good kidney in 1971 - and you can live a long time on one kidney....this has been proven over the yrs with the kidney transplants. The problem back in 1971 is they thought progression would be equal in both kidneys which has been proven not to be accurate.

Even when he was put on diaylsis he had one that was only pumping fluid due to the disease, but the other still had some function. Only in those last 5 yrs of his life did he need the machine - and he was only on the machine 2 times a wk. Others are on the machine 3 times a wk. Do you know a soul who depends on a kidney machine to stay alive and if they have been on it for 5 yrs? Do you have any idea what the late stage disease does to the body?

I don't think you have a clue. You are just upset about the other things that are going on at this time - and you have to play YOUR insulting intellect CARD when all else fails. Why don't you chill out and be patient? Maybe, because you have a strong motive to disprove Duane was Cooper or had anything to do with the incident.

You constantly refer to - WE and I have never been sure who WE are. WE know this and WE know that - but you stay anonymous with your identity. SHOW Your Credentials if you want to continue to your charade. Prove you are a medical expert on kidney disease - show the forum who you really are and reveal your real motive in proving Duane Weber was not involved in the skyjacking.

I was asked a question and I answered the question theoretically with my personal knowledge of the disease and the progression of the disease regarding Duane L. Weber.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Skyjack71 refers to Georger with this:


'show the forum who you really are and reveal your real motive in proving Duane Weber was not involved in the skyjacking...'

What about it, Georger? My actual mailing address and phone number, as well as my public email are all freely available at our website.

Many of the people on this website are known, even though they have usernames. Like Sluggo Monster, for example. I've gotten angry with him a couple of times, but I forgot about all that. Some of that was because I knew who he was and had a certain respect for him.

Thanks for that post Blevins. You don't agree with me, but when it comes from you I know who I am dealing with and visa versa.
Like yourself I have met a couple of the guys who post on the forum and know who I am dealing with.

You are right Sluggo is a nice guy, but I don't always agree with him, but respect him because he is a honest and brilliant person who tries to stay objective.

When someone is constantly claiming to be a specialist in this field and then a specialist in another field that makes it hard to know exactly what their motive is regarding Cooper.

First Georger portrayed himself as an expert on the money and now on kidney disease. He seems to know an awful lot about a lot of different subjects, but I can assure you he is not a urologist. His constant reference to WE has given me cause to believe he might be FBI or retired FBI and he denies this.

Just who is Georger that he can be privey to information not available to the general public (per statements he has made in the thread)? If you go back into the thread you will find I have questioned his interest and knowledge of certain subjects previously as to exactly what his involvment is. He has put himself out there on a pretense of being "involved" in the investigation many times.

So Georger - tell us about yourself. You live in the mid-west and you have an interest in Astrology and per your own posting are a specialist who has studied and analyzed the money.

As for the money - I do dispute most of the "stuff" you made claim to a LONG time ago. If you analyzed the money found - you KNOW that money was in the water less than a yr. just as the Palmer report stated. Until I told about my trip with Duane in 1979 - NO one had ever put that money in the river in the correct time frame (why the Palmer report was kept secret).

Question yourself - how does Jo Weber know what the Palmer report claimed? Did some agent slip up? How could she know this?
I also know I was the only person to put that money in the river in the correct time frame...and I did that in 1996, a long time before anyone else did.

When the writers where working on Coffelt - they tried to explain the money - but they had the wrong time frame. The Palmer report had long been buried until I came along - why do you think Duane was even looked at as a suspect? I told the FBI when that money got into the river. This was all explained to the FBI and Mr. H. when I called them in 1996. I told the story about the paper bag being thrown in the river over and over and over for over 14 yrs...in May it will be 15 yrs.

I told about Duane turning in his resignation and leaving CO when the money was found in Feb of 1980 He had a good job and my daughter was going to graduate in June of that yr. - yet, as soon as the news was out about the money find he wanted to go back East and he needed to go fast. I would remain in CO with my daughter until June and then he came back to help us move.

By the way his resignation was dated the day after the article appeared in the Newspapers in Denver about the money find.
I was unaware of this until someone else took note of it while looking over some of the files.

Sheer coincidence - RIGHT! Now Blevins perhaps you understand why I will not be quiet - I want answers and not conjecture. Since I went public all hell let loose regarding Cooper - all because I would NOT just go away. I will not stand down from what I believe to be the truth until it is proven to me Duane was not Cooper. NO ONE can take away what he told me and what I held in my own hands and saw with my own eyes.

I do this because of MY own convictions. NO I am not proud to have been married to a con-man or thief or whatever he was.
In fact it was humiliating to continue with the search when the FBI made claimed about the DNA in 2008, but I knew there was something wrong with what the FBI was saying.

If the FBI could have done something conclusive back in 1998 when they sent me a letter dismissing Duane - if they had not lied to me - then I may have stepped down and let it go...but they let their guard down - as they had other things to take care of and this was an old crime. Then along came 911, but I have been determined to find the truth no matter what it took.... because until God decides to do so - NO ONE can take my memory away from me.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Think about it. I'm not saying you ARE, but theoretically you could just be some really smart sixth-grader from Orange County.

Well, Illinois maybe. ;)

You make a mockery of this and I PROTEST IT IN THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS.

It is well known among everyone at Dropzone that YOU and YOU ALONE want users should be required to use their real names and identities. NOBODY including the owner of this website agrees with you ... and Blevins!

When you brought this up before I got email from several other MODERATORS who said they did NOT
agree with your position and were astounded by it -
that it would cause CHAOS at Dropzone.

So, if you and Blevins want to play games with people and besmerch people here, please do it
in PMs on your own time and leave the forums

Just a suggestion.

I think your post is outrageously unfair at my
expense given your presumed neutrality as Moderator, and I protest your victimising me
for your own personal pleasure. There is nothing
fair or intelligent in your post.

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Calm down.

Of the approximately 307 million people in the US, I'm pretty sure you're one of them.

If you want to admit to living in Illinois, that's your issue, but that still makes you one out of nearly 13 million.

My guess is your secret identity is still safe.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Georger you are acting ridiculous. Take time to go back and read what is being said before you respond in that manner.

Everyone here knows you are from the MidWest and connected to a University in that area. Perhaps you should delete your post and/or apologize to him.

I do believe you need to state your credentials if you make claims that require more knowledge about specific subjects...and you definitely need to explain who WE are.

I know you are NOT a urologist and you are not in the medical field. I don't care how smart you think you are - don't go telling me about Polycistic kidney disease unless you are a urololgist and one who was in practice in 1971 and again in 1995...every case is different and you CANNOT put each patient into ONE category. Now apologize to me for claiming medical knowledge you do not have.

How many silvers have you pulled tonight?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote about Georger:

So Georger - tell us about yourself. You live in the mid-west and you have an interest in Astrology.

I don't know Georger's real life identity but I am certain that he thinks Astrology is baloney. I think you probably meant Astronomy. One is a science. The other isn't.

I'd also bet Georger is not ex FBI or affiliated with the Bureau. I think the only FBI agent on the forum is Ckret and your complaints Jo resulted in our loss of this unique resource.

Duane had a rich history of fake IDs and impersonations. He identified with being a crook. I defended hundreds of criminals and not one listed his occupation as crook as Duane did. Is it surprising that Duane would want to be remembered as a master of his profession? Nobody wants to check out as a loser.

You still can't put Duane in a chute, any chute at any time, much less in NWA 305. I don't doubt the sincerity of your beliefs Jo, just their factual accuracy.

KC, SP, TB, TM and other suspects had provable jump experience. Where is Duane's? There were never any CA State Prison inmate smoke jumpers. Nobody but you thinks there were. The history of US smoke jumping is very richly documented. Even records of Sheridan Peterson's stint are easy to find.

Duane never made a parachute jump. Not one. Prove otherwise and I'll eat crow for a week.

Georger can keep his anonymity. It's his option and doesn't affect his credibility in my view. He's a smart guy, obviously trained in science and when his temper is cool he has a wry sense of humor.

I can't wait to see the TV production about KC. It will stir things up in the real world and might bear fruit in generating new DBC leads. This forum is not the real world.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger can keep his anonymity.

Yeah . . . does make a person wonder why he's so touchy about it though.

The best way to remain anonymous is to not make a spectacle of oneself. Be the "grey man." He draws more attention to himself by doing what he's done than just blowing it off.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Robert I am only a member of 1 or 2 forums and dz.com is my "main attraction". Many years ago I had a wakeup call when a poster on this website got into a situation where what should have been internet name calling escalated and an individual managed to get to the posters employers resulting in him losing his job.

Frankly on a web forum remaining anonymous can allow you to let your hair down and perhaps behave in a manner that you would not want certain people to be aware of. In the same way that you might enjoy a drunken night on the town with mates - you probably wouldn't want to run into your biggest client in that state. I see forums in the same way - there is my professional life and my private life I would rather they stay that way.

I think that dz.com moderators do a fantastic job of ensuring that the forums don't descend into anarchy. Considering that the veil of anonymity could so easily allow this to happen. Also consider that in general this community (skydivers) is very small and in most cases at least 1 other poster knows the true identity of those who post.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Well the name and experience resumes would be a good idea if there was a way to validate those oft, wildly exaggerated claims.

What purpose would this information serve? Other than, binge ego feeding, scent marking, endless trump card production, cyber god ascension, shilling, puffing and a myriad of behaviors which medical science has not been able to cure.

If a person attaches a source or some attribution which can be verified (independently), I couldn’t care less what title or experience they hold. Having said that….

I’ve worked in a number of highly challenging financial institutions with increased responsibility resulting in higher than average industry returns year after year. My experience includes serving as a member and chairman on numerous corporate boards as well as being CEO of an organization which is responsible for billions in assets. I’m a member in numerous professional organizations, charitable trusts and committees, safeguarding their distributions and continued operations in perpetuity. I’ve received numerous awards from community leaders, members of the entertainment industry who prefer to remain un-named and other corporate and religious leaders. I’m an unashamed family man with a strong faith in a higher being that respects the belief systems of others.

But please, you can call me Bernie.

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Even with a spike in sales after the show, we will be lucky to break even, and that's a long shot.

Yeah Robert, this isn't gonna be a gold mine that's for sure. You and Galen get a lot of flack here but both of you put forth your suspects as probables not certains. Both of you have done a lot if research. ALL Cooper research, even Jo's, has the potential for finding something that will solve Norjack.

My stock military NB8 packed with a C9 canopy awaits Snow or Amazon when they are ready to make the rainy winter night jump into the Washougal Death Woods. I'll just watch the telemetry on the Internet. I am surprised some reality TV producer doesn't see a good idea here for a special. You could even have a bonus for making it to town without getting caught by people chasing a TV bounty prize for catching "Cooper".

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I didn't know they had internet access in prison, Bernie:P

My profile is accurate and honest. It keeps my posts reasonable and accurate. I'm not spouting garbage while hiding behind the anonymitiy of the internet. Others, however...

Georger is a college professor in the midwest (not Illinois though, Quade). If you look carefully, you can find enough clues to determine his identity.

Mr Blevins, you seem to think that if the Amboy canopy was Cooper's, then he survived (I don't agree that it's Cooper's, but that's not important here).

Why is that?

FWIW, I don't believe Cooper survived the night of the 24th. Either a no-pull or a landing injury that became fatal due to environmental conditions. A simple broken ankle on landing (very possible at night under a round going into an unknown DZ) would be very serious. The inablity to move, combined with shock setting in would be bad news.

So there he is, dead in the rig, with $200K strapped to him.
Given Sluggo's course/exit point calculations it's pretty likely his body was found fairly soon.

Think about it. You are a rural resident, not very well off and you find that amount of money.

What do you do????

Call the authorities?

Or dig a hole and bury everything but the money?

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Think about it. You are a rural resident, not very well off and you find that amount of money. ***

What do you do????

Call the authorities?

Or dig a hole and bury everything but the money?

I agree with Joe on the high chances of a landing injury. We had plenty of students who broke ankles landing C9s onto clear fields on sunny days.

If Cooper was found dead, was looted and buried, how do you explain the Tena Bar money?

Another possibility is that Cooper lost all the money during the jump, but survived and escaped. He sure didn't seem well prepared to carry it. On my DC 9 jump my goggles got ripped off my face and ended up on top of my helmet. Other people lost various strapped on accessories. It was jumping into the blast for sure.

So Georger is a professor. No surprise there. I'd bet physics or chemistry. Sometimes he acts like a person with tenure. Think about it.;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Even with a spike in sales after the show, we will be lucky to break even, and that's a long shot.

Yeah Robert, this isn't gonna be a gold mine that's for sure. You and Galen get a lot of flack here but both of you put forth your suspects as probables not certains. Both of you have done a lot if research. ALL Cooper research, even Jo's, has the potential for finding something that will solve Norjack.

My stock military NB8 packed with a C9 canopy awaits Snow or Amazon when they are ready to make the rainy winter night jump into the Washougal Death Woods. I'll just watch the telemetry on the Internet. I am surprised some reality TV producer doesn't see a good idea here for a special. You could even have a bonus for making it to town without getting caught by people chasing a TV bounty prize for catching "Cooper".


Sounds interesting ... Show me da money
But I think we all know that he was no where near the Washougal:ph34r::ph34r:

Think we could get the Conasters to bring their toy up for it.. I do not have a DC-9 on my airplane list yet. I wanted to get on it.. but it seems to be a bit hard to find a place and time when its "jumpable"

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If Cooper was found dead, was looted and buried, how do you explain the Tena Bar money?


Because money isn't as easy to store long term as a lot of people think.

"Farmer Fred" finds Cooper. He buries everything but the money (most farms have heavy equipment and a "dump area").

He can't deposit the money in his bank account, so he stashes it. Maybe buried, maybe in the attic, maybe in the barn.

Maybe he goes to a big city and spends a lot (Las Vegas in the early 70's would have been a good place to launder it), maybe he just spends one or two at a time at home.

In any case, sometime in about 1979, he digs up/takes down a container and finds that it wasn't sealed as well as he thought.
ANY moisture getting into the container is going to deteriorate the paper.

So he gets rid of it. I know of people who wrongly thought tossing something ino a river was a good way of permanently getting rid of it.

The consensus seems to be that the money wasn't on/in Tena Bar the whole 8 1/2 years. That means it was put there by someone who was in the area. Someone like "Farmer Fred".
Jo claims that DW did something just like what I just described. That he found some of his stashed money had been too badly damaged to spend, so he tossed it in the river.
I agree with what she describes, but I don't agree it was who she believes.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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You still can't put Duane in a chute, any chute at any time, much less in NWA 305. I don't doubt the sincerity of your beliefs Jo, just their factual accuracy.

I would be comfortable with putting ALL of these wuffos in a chute:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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