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DB Cooper

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My real name is Harold McKraken. I’m a drag-line operator from Jasper, AL.

I have a PhD in Animal Husbandry with a minor in Music Composition.

I spent 4 years in prison for breaking a man’s back (he was “forcing himself” on a woman who didn’t know him). The court (jury) just didn’t see it my way so I got 8 to 10.

In 1988, I was taken aboard a UFO and examined (in a very personal way). In 1996, I was rear-ended in a fender-bender accident. This sent me into a post traumatic episode which caused be to be incarcerated in a Behavioral Health Clinic. The reason I was so traumatized was that it was a Ford Probe. No one wants to be rear-ended by one of those.

Oh yeah… I almost forgot… In High-School I dated Karen Silkwood (that was before she was radioactive).

Do you feel better now Jo/Robert B.

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You still can't put Duane in a chute, any chute at any time, much less in NWA 305. I don't doubt the sincerity of your beliefs Jo, just their factual accuracy.

I would be comfortable with putting ALL of these wuffos in a chute:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Shhhhhhhh! We're right here... we can hear what you are saying.

:):D:oPerhaps I can't put Duane Weber in a chute, but maybe I or the FBI can put one of his aliases in a chute! Maybe that has already been done - shhhhhh there are people listening.

I had never seen the article you guys posted, but I had been told part of the story previously by Duane. I laughed about the occupation part "crook" even then, but had NO idea this was about Duane Weber.

This article did present the same physical objection I have argued in the past. Duane's nose was different, but I know that was Duane Weber in the photo and then the intake photo to Canon City just a few months later in 1960. His out-take photo is different. Subsequent pictures show his nose being different. One would wonder if someone may have thought he was worth salvaging because he had spent most of his adult life in a prison - maybe someone decided he needed to be placed into a program of some sort? Maybe they provided him with the name of John Collins? New name and new look! This has been done before.

I have told before about Duane taking me to Canon City and talking about the guys and manuevers - but, I was unaware there was a Prison in Canon City until after his death and my contacting the FBI in 1996.

What I find strange about Weber is this. He actually told me about his life when we went to various places over the yrs. He just omitted the fact they had something to do with prisons.

I believe with all of my heart and soul that the things he told me are true and he lied only by omission. The research by the FBI, some of you guys and myself are evidence of this...even his record.

The one thing mentioned in this article is - having escaped from a prison in Ohio, but that might not have been accurate. He told me a story about 2 guys who escaped - over a very high fence in WA (I thought it was Camp Bonneville, but it could have been in another location in the WA and OR area). One got caught and the other escaped. That is ALL he said.

Everything he told me has been checking out. The people he knew in the OR area and the places in WA. Putting this knowledge into a proper slot in his life has been taking shape and I don't mean by just me.

The brother told me when he orderd Duane out of Mother Weber's home after his release from San Quentin that he had taken some coins of value - specifically some gold coins.
John never told me if they retrieved these coins. Since the time span was so short between his release from SanQuentin and being arrested in Treasure Island - maybe the gold coins the police found belonged to his mother.

Duane Weber did have a family member by marriage,who lived in St. Petersburg, but I believe this to be after 1970. This relative died in the St. Pete area and so did her last husband.

Her previous husband who was directly related to Duane - may have owned property there in 1957. Since his widow remarried
and moved to St. Pete later - this would seem a reasonable assumption.

Please NOTE one thing from the photo in the news article. The little widows peak - in the very place he had a scar when I met him. A lighter version of this peak shows in some of his younger pictures, but was more prominent in that picture (maybe because his hair was dark and longer).

Just something that caught my eye!

I am humiliated that I married an excon and that his record was so extensive, but because the things he told me have actual panned out - I am even more convinced Duane was involved in this Skyjacking. The more research I do the more convinced I become.

Infact this reseach has the utmost attention of some other people right now and I don't mean book writers or any media sources.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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My real name is Harold McKraken. I’m a drag-line operator from Jasper, AL.

I have a PhD in Animal Husbandry with a minor in Music Composition.

I spent 4 years in prison for breaking a man’s back (he was “forcing himself” on a woman who didn’t know him). The court (jury) just didn’t see it my way so I got 8 to 10.

In 1988, I was taken aboard a UFO and examined (in a very personal way). In 1996, I was rear-ended in a fender-bender accident. This sent me into a post traumatic episode which caused be to be incarcerated in a Behavioral Health Clinic. The reason I was so traumatized was that it was a Ford Probe. No one wants to be rear-ended by one of those.

Oh yeah… I almost forgot… In High-School I dated Karen Silkwood (that was before she was radioactive).

Do you feel better now Jo/Robert B.

Whatever, Sluggo. Everyone knows who you are anyway.

Here's two good reasons I went public right from the start:


The 80,000 hits on Google when you do an advanced/exact phrase search on 'Robert M Blevins'. B|

"Ant" beats that at 83,100

Jo Weber beats that at 4,290,000 results (0.07 seconds)

"Duh" beats that at 18,700,000 results (0.09 seconds)

and "Oh" beats that at About 500,000,000 results (0.12 seconds)

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Belvins stated:


Here's two good reasons I went public right from the start:


The 80,000 hits on Google when you do an advanced/exact phrase search on 'Robert M Blevins'. B|

Georger Replied:


"Ant" beats that at 83,100

Jo Weber beats that at 4,290,000 results (0.07 seconds)

Georger, I have NO idea what any of the means - way over my little ant brain.

But, when Blevins states the reason for his going public right from the start as "Credibility" I really had to laugh. I didn't go public - I called the FBI and started to dig in the only way I knew how - a telephone. I did not own a computer until 2000.

In fact I had to learn how to use it so for the 1st yrs I did little in research - I was using it strictly for business purposes - real estate - printing flyers and doing CMA's.

Change of subject:

What can anyone tell me about a little town in OR called Prineville? Mostly want to know what it was in the late 40's.

I noted NO one notice that little twisp of hair in the newpaper photo but me. First time it was ever prominent in a picture because his hair was so dark then. Even my daughter has noticed the nose - she nor I never remember his nose being as prominent as it was in the Canon City intake photo and in that picture in the St. Pete story.

The guy she and I knew looked like the out take photo - which I will attach to this post. The little twisp of hair is gone and the nose is very normal.

Then a second picture of Duane in a plaid brown gray suit. When she saw this post she asked me "What does he have on under that jacket." That was NOT all Duane Weber under that jacket! Does anyone have a clue where this photo was made?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It is good to see the application of linear logic and voluntary use of ethics which can appear so illusive at times. Published experience and skill sets are a vital component to thoughtful problem solving in pursuit of the truth. As if anyone has ever actively sought deception or manipulation or openly acknowledged to engaging in the same. Having said that…

Earl Cossey is a genuine pioneer in the sport of skydiving. An FAA licensed rigger and jumper who has the distinction of having owned the chutes delivered to one D B Cooper. He owned them, packed them and jumped them. These are some impressive credentials to be sure.

It is good to know that when Cossey said the Amboy parachute was not his, this was accepted since Earl has such vast credibility and expertise regarding his own property.

It would be nice if the FBI had some experience in handling evidence or processing DNA too.

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I was dumb enough to say this:


'Here's two good reasons I went public right from the start:


The 80,000 hits on Google when you do an advanced/exact phrase search on 'Robert M Blevins'.

Pretty arrogant on my part, and I apologize.

However, if certain folks on this thread want to post up their anonymous expert opinions, then I will have to take their statements with a grain of salt. Excluded are links to good research, of course. I would take much more seriously the opinions of folks such as Sluggo Monster, who is a known quantity.

The Cooper case is not the only thing I've researched over the years. I did six articles on the disappearance of Steve Fossett, interviewed inmates serving life sentences without the possibility of parole, and a number of other things. One of the big points you look for when doing research is the credibility of the witnesses, or the source of the research and/or opinions being given. Otherwise, you have less options to establish if something someone is telling you is fact.

For example, if Helen J from Sumner, WA tells me that KC smoked Raleighs because he saved the coupons, I would more readily believe that than if some anonymous person on this thread says it. This is because I can establish the identity and credibility of the witness. I'm big on credibility and verification, especially from second sources.

Thanks Peggy.

Have you thought about copywriting any and all
info related to KC. You need sole control.

You could have yourself appointed "Cooperlator"
for the State of Washington. That ought to impress
a few people!

Get the Washington State Legislature to fund and
appoint you the Regulator for Cooperlation, in the State of Washington?

It's all politics. You (and Jo) are among the first
to realise that and see the potential opportunities implied . . . while the rest of the world was focused
only on the case. You saw beyond that! You are a

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It is vital to gather an individual’s name (like Helen J?) and qualifications such as working on Shemya Island in 1951. Armed with that knowledge, one can confirm and verify the Dan Cooper comic book was in the dayroom, therefore adding even more circumstantial evidence.

I take things much, much further in a quest for the truth. I mean names, qualifications and known facts. Yes, it is a Cooperism, but a damn fine one –‘known facts.’

Item: One Major Jesse Marcel is called by…

Item: Mac Brazel, long time resident and shepherd. Has Marcel inspect a crash site.

Item: Jesse Marcel, Jr. (a medical doctor) observes some wreckage brought home by the Major. It is concluded to be “not of this world.”

Item: One Stanton Friedman (master’s degree in engineering) is told this story at great personal peril, perhaps even a lawsuit.

Item: Glenn Dennis (mortician- verified, confirmed, certified, rock solid, quinary source) recalls that the government ordered several small coffins the night of the crash. A nurse tells him he is in danger. She is never seen again.

Finally in 1995 AND 1997, the US Air Force publishes two documents offering preposterous explanations as to the origins of the Roswell UFO and unintentionally confirms the very existence by attempting to prove a negative.

The Roswell UFO crash is a ‘known fact.’ Dit Dah Dit Dah Dit

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In a prior post I pointed out the absurd almost self destructive risk Duane took by commiting serial petty crimes while on California parole. A smart crook might do one carefully planned big job and a dumb one would do a lot of small crimes, each one presenting a new opportunity for arrest.

In CA you can get parole denied or revoked for just about anything that offends your PO, the board or the Governors office. It doesnt even have to be a crime. It's always been that way and still is.

A new appellate case was just published in which a CA convict named Danny Hare got parole granted and then revoked for "possession of an altered toothbrush." Really! It wasnt a weapon, no blade, no pointed end, just a slit cut in it which he explained was used for cleaning his comb and cleaning his fan. This alternate explanation was considered "evasive". The board recommended him for paole and actually granted it but the Governors Office intervened and parole was denied. The appellate court thought the decision was harsh but declined to interfere with the wide discretion given to the Governor's office on parole matters.

Most pickpockets ditch everything but the cash immediately so if they are caught they have a fighting chance of beating the case. Duane seemed to keep things tieing him to his crimes, which prosecutors just love.

Duane looks kind of happy in his prison mug shots and also in his St Pete capture photo. Do others agree?

Draw your own conclusions.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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In a prior post I pointed out the absurd almost self destructive risk Duane took by commiting serial petty crimes while on California parole. A smart crook might do one carefully planned big job and a dumb one would do a lot of small crimes, each one presenting a new opportunity for arrest.

In CA you can get parole denied or revoked for just about anything that offends your PO, the board or the Governors office. It doesnt even have to be a crime. It's always been that way and still is.

A new appellate case was just published in which a CA convict named Danny Hare got parole granted and then revoked for "possession of an altered toothbrush." Really! It wasnt a weapon, no blade, no pointed end, just a slit cut in it which he explained was used for cleaning his comb and cleaning his fan. This alternate explanation was considered "evasive". The board recommended him for paole and actually granted it but the Governors Office intervened and parole was denied. The appellate court thought the decision was harsh but declined to interfere with the wide discretion given to the Governor's office on parole matters.

Most pickpockets ditch everything but the cash immediately so if they are caught they have a fighting chance of beating the case. Duane seemed to keep things tieing him to his crimes, which prosecutors just love.

Duane looks kind of happy in his prison mug shots and also in his St Pete capture photo. Do others agree?

Draw your own conclusions.


Duane looked happy in the release photo, but not happy in the St. Pete photo nor his admission to Canon.

That release photo is more of the man I knew and he looked more like the man I knew. I do not believe attitude can change a persons appearance that much do you?

I still believe Duane did NOT think he would survive the jump and perhaps he thought he would be arrested or killed while the plane was on the ground. This would be an assumption from the profile you are contending he protrayed.

So what say you?

Cooper was giddy and child like when the money arrived. Did adrenalin give him the rush he needed to make the jump? Was he thinking Oh What the Hell! A career small time criminal who had spent most of his life in prison or on the run from the law - What say you and those who have studied this type of profile?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote:

I still believe Duane did NOT think he would survive the jump and perhaps he thought he would be arrested or killed while the plane was on the ground. This would be an assumption from the profile you are contending he protrayed.

So what say you?

Yes Jo, that giddy reaction (if it was an accurate report) could certainly fit the Duane profile and doesnt seem consistent with a hardened experienced sophisticated criminal (like a Ted Braden type).

Jumping off the stairs took extraordinary courage, but maybe it was just extraordinary fear of the consequences if he stayed aboard. It's tempting to call purse snatchers and other dirty rats "cowardly" but there is really no solid correlation. I honestly do not know if Duane was a scaredy cat or a brave guy when it came to physical risks. What light can you shed on this part of Duane's personality?

I still don't think Duane hijacked NWA 305 in 1971. Three things argue against Duane having been Cooper:

1. No history of big complex crimes with extreme violence threats like Norjack had. This was a very different kind of crime and didnt fit Duane's MO or history at all. Sure, criminals can change and become more sophisticated, but few do.

2. No significant aviation or parachuting connection for Duane. Sure he might have known a pilot or acft mechanic, seen some jumping, but I dont see Duane figuring out altitude and gear/flap configurations for a 727 jump or putting on a rig like he had done it before. As an experiment I've asked a few people with no parachuting exposure to put on my NB 8 rig. It isnt a quick or easy task and it is immediately apparent that they have never done it before. This isnt a controlled scientific experiment but it does say something about Cooper's possible familiarity with parachute gear.

3. Duane does not closely resemble the FBI sketch. I don't put too much stock in number 3 because too many times I have seen witness directed composite sketches that turn out not even close to an accurate depiction of the criminal they saw. Still, he doesnt fit the description very well in my view.

I can't prove Duane was not Cooper, but the burden of proof should be on the person making the extraordinary claim. That person is you Jo. I know you are trying, but so far you cannot put Duane in a chute or in the plane. Putting him in WA doesnt prove your case.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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And one more thing Jo, I do feel sympathy for you having married someone who completely misrepresented themself to you. You have mentioned that it is embarassing and a disappointment, and new stuff keeps popping up to add to the anguish. You get ridiculed and chided a lot here, but this part of the Duane Weber story makes me feel compassion for you. Nobody likes being fooled on such an important matter and few who are fooled stand up and face it the way you have.

I wish you could drop your quest and just enjoy the rest of your life, but you are on a mission and there is no stopping you.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo said:

This article did present the same physical objection I have argued in the past. Duane's nose was different, but I know that was Duane Weber in the photo and then the intake photo to Canon City just a few months later in 1960. His out-take photo is different. Subsequent pictures show his nose being different. One would wonder if someone may have thought he was worth salvaging because he had spent most of his adult life in a prison - maybe someone decided he needed to be placed into a program of some sort? Maybe they provided him with the name of John Collins? New name and new look! This has been done before.

One of the reasons, beyond background, that I have always leaned towards it not being Duane is precisely because of his nose and his hair. I find it doubtful that any of the witnesses who described the hijacker would have missed saying something about the nose if it had been Duane. It is a very distinguishing feature in Duane's pictures --both as a younger and older man.

Also his hair just looks very tightly curly (or wavy may be a better word) in virtually all of the pictures. I also don't remember seeing a definite part in the hair as described by witnesses - Duane's hair always looks more combed backed with no definite part. Almost looks too thick / wavy to keep a good part.

I know pictures can be deceving and many variables can change a person's appearance in any given photo - era, styles, profile vs head on, lighting, background, active or passive pose, etc. But photos of Duane seem to be pretty consistent in the way the nose and hair are pictured (for the most part)........So are you saying that somehow Duane might have received a nose job in prison in 60 or 61, took an alias, and then had another nose job after the 71 hijacking and reverted back to Weber?

I'm not trying to be facetious -- I get the aliases - obviously he was not above using other names - but seems like he would have kept the nose job intact. Is it just me - Maybe I'm not remembering his photos correctly...or am I not understanding your post?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo said:

Change of subject:

What can anyone tell me about a little town in OR called Prineville? Mostly want to know what it was in the late 40's.

Prineville history: Prineville was founded in 1868, when Barney Prine settled on the banks of Crooked River, where he built a blacksmith shop and a store-saloon.
Prineville was the first and, for many years, the only town in the 10,000 square miles, bounded by the Dalles on the north, Linkville (Klamath Falls) on the South, Eugene City on the west and Canyon City on the east. Before 1902, when the first high school was organized, anyone wanting an education beyond the 8th grade had to go to the Dalles or Eugene City.
In March of 1877, Monroe Hodges rode horseback to The Dalles to file the first plat of Prineville. Prineville maintained its place as the trade center of Central Oregon until 1911, when the Union Pacific and Oregon Trunk Railways were extended South from the Columbia River to Bend.
In 1917,Recognizing that Prineville would fade unless adequate transportation was available, the citizens of the city voted to build their own railroad to join the OT and UP north of Redmond. Through years of low revenues and high costs, the City operated the railway. Finally, in the late 1930s and early 1940s, sawmills began to reap the harvest of the vast stands of Ponderosa Pine from the Ochoco Mountains. The lumber was shipped over the City of Prineville Railway, resulting in the title of, "The Largest Ponderosa Pine Shipping Center in the World". So the C of P Railway became an asset to the city, and further gained the distinction of being the only city-owned and operated railroad in the U.S.

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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So the C of P Railway became an asset to the city, and further gained the distinction of being the only city-owned and operated railroad in the U.S.

Didn't the city of San Francisco own the former State Belt Line for a while after they bought the Port of SF in 1969? The Belt Line RR was running until the early 90s.

I like planes AND trains, same as when I was two years old.;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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So the C of P Railway became an asset to the city, and further gained the distinction of being the only city-owned and operated railroad in the U.S.

Didn't the city of San Francisco own the former State Belt Line for a while after they bought the Port of SF in 1969? The Belt Line RR was running until the early 90s.

I like planes AND trains, same as when I was two years old.;)


Me too. Trains more than planes in my case, though.

They have a shortline railroad in south Ga that goes from a town off of Interstate 75 called Cordele, GA and stops from East to West
1. City of Cordele, Georgia
2. Georgia Veterans State Park
3. City of Leslie, Georgia
4. City of Americus, Georgia
5. City of Plains, Georgia
6. City of Archery, Georgia (J.Carter's boyhood home)

I like to ride on the weekends sometimes.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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One of my favorites is this one, when they run steam. Very scenic ride up the Noyo River canyon on an old logging line.


Not too far off topic. Jo has said Cooper followed RR tracks. She even thought Duane might have used a hand powered "Gandy Dancer" type rail car.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I know pictures can be deceving and many variables can change a person's appearance in any given photo - era, styles, profile vs head on, lighting, background, active or passive pose, etc. But photos of Duane seem to be pretty consistent in the way the nose and hair are pictured (for the most part)........So are you saying that somehow Duane might have received a nose job in prison in 60 or 61, took an alias, and then had another nose job after the 71 hijacking and reverted back to Weber?

I'm not trying to be facetious -- I get the aliases - obviously he was not above using other names - but seems like he would have kept the nose job intact. Is it just me - Maybe I'm not remembering his photos correctly...or am I not understanding your post?

You are not understanding the post. The new article find and the intake photo for Canon SHOW a Duane that My Daughter and I did NOT know. The out take photo in 1962 - all smiles and with what appears to be nose without a big hump in it - is the Duane we remember.

Back in the 60's they could take the hump out but that is all they did. The bulb part of the nose (the end of it) would still be as it was. Then as a person ages that bulb gets larger. Also if one wears glasses - the nose becomes narrow in at the contact point area. I know what I am trying to say, but do not know how to explain it.

Perhaps I need to find an older retired Plastic surgeon who did such nose jobs in the 60's and find out if he followed any of this patients through the yrs. Duane may even have had a problem with his nose - like breathing and maybe his nose was broken in the prison system...hence repair to try to make him think more of himself or to help with his self-esteem. I don't know - I just know there was a change in that darn nose.

The pictures I have of Duane DO NOT show a obviously big hump that seems so obvious in the 1957 news article and the 1960 intake photo. He did NOT have a little nose and sometimes it was just the angle of the camera. All I can say is I have a problem with the nose in the early pictures compared to the man I was married to for 17 yrs. Perhaps it is just the photography and an oily and shiny nose in those 2 pictures. The profile of that same Canon intake does NOT show a nose out of proportion to his chin line and other featers.

33 yrs of age - my skin was oily and shiny - Maybe that is all it was - the shine and the angle making the nose appear exagerated. Lighting that was directly down on a subject with a shiny nose - I don't know - you photographers figure this out.

The hair I know all about. Duane and I both had curly hair, but only in hot humid climates. My hair in WA was straight even thought it rained part of the time.

Duane's hair in cold dry climates like in CO was straight and more so with grooming gel. I wear my own hair staight back, but I can part it - I don't like it parted. Duane didn't like to part his hair, but he did part it on occassion when the weather permitted. Just as I do.

In CO my hair was silky enough that I did sweep it to the side for special occassions. Also my hair is wavy the way Duane's was - but in cold dry climates I have to actually set my hair to get the waves and curls. Also back in the days of my 40's when I started having enough gray I used a dye to cover up the gray. For several wks after the initial treatment My hair was shiny and would do anything I wanted it to do.

I have a picture of Duane taken with a polaroid in 1968 and the hair color was salt and pepper. Then the photo dated 1971 in which his wife told me she dyed his hair for him - there is NO gray and the hair is smoother.

No witness has stated that the hair was straight - just parted on the side. If you examine the composites very closely and talk to an artist of 1971 - ask them what you are looking at? You might be surprised to hear the answer. We have been told the hair was combed back and parted. That is all other than it was SHINY dark - such as dyed hair.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Excerpts from Jo's post:


You are not understanding the post. The new article find and the intake photo for Canon SHOW a Duane that My Daughter and I did NOT know. The out take photo in 1962 - all smiles and with what appears to be nose without a big hump in it - is the Duane we remember.

...The hair I know all about. Duane and I both had curly hair, but only in hot humid climates. My hair in WA was straight even thought it rained part of the time.

Duane's hair in cold dry climates like in CO was straight and more so with grooming gel. ...

...No witness has stated that the hair was straight - just parted on the side. If you examine the composites very closely and talk to an artist of 1971 - ask them what you are looking at? You might be surprised to hear the answer. We have been told the hair was combed back and parted. That is all other than it was SHINY dark - such as dyed hair.

Nose: I'll defer to you on the bump disappearing. I don't really see it but I'm not able to go back and look at all of his pictures that are available on the net right now.
I was mainly referring to the size of the nose. Like I said... very distinctive feature - it's the first thing I notice when I look at Duane and I would think that it would be an entry in a description of him.

Hair: Like I said, the description just doesn't do it for me and nothing in your post really changes that. But you don't need my vote, you just need more proof. I say if it makes you get up in the morning, go for it! :)
As for straight hair... From Sluggo's site:
Descriptions of Cooper:


"W/M, mid 40's, 5-10" 6', 180 to 190, med to dark complexion, medium build, dark straight hair with narrow sideburns to mid ear parted and combed back, dark plastic wrap-around sunglasses, dark top coat, dark brown suit possibly with a thin black stripe, brown socks, brown ankle length pebble grain shoes, not the tie type, he had a low voice with no accent, she did not see scars, marks or tattoos, the man did not have on any jewelry she could see."


"W/M, mid 40's, 6', 170-175, average build, brown eyes, straight black hair medium length and parted on the left side, olive skin, black business suit, white shirt, thin black tie, black overcoat, black shoes, black briefcase, dark framed sunglasses with brown lenses, no scars marks or tattoos, he had a normal calm voice and appeared to be of Latin descent."

Authority: Table of Authorities #2:

#2 – Published Communication from confidential sources close to the FBI. (emphasis mine)
This consists of quotes from newspaper articles, Television interviews, and interviews in Web Logs (Blogs) posted by confidential sources close to the FBI

to be more specific, I think he got it from Ckret on here:
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Smoking - I had that info, but I was looking for more specific data regarding 1945 to 1949.

Thanks Anyway!

That flight path map is not detailed enough to show anything and that has been a problem - because you can't read it you can't compare it with anything else.

I will defer to eyewitness accounts.

4 individuals site the plane North of Heisson. The plane was low enough they thought it was in trouble and went running out of the house. One states he could see the image of the plane behind layered clouds (which if you understand this would make the plane seem closer to the ground). Evidently this was a result of what-ever lights the plane itself emitted.

1 individual reported a man walking somewhere in the vicinity of a log truck bridge South/east of Cougar at the crack of dawn the next morning. Another witness believed the plane was West of Mount ST Helens due to the above. The idiot was walking on a road in business clothes and carrying a bag.

The railroad track was very near the above point and I believe he realized by staying on the road he would get caught after this early morning traveler passed him. Since the Tracks where very near there the accessibility of the pump car presented itself.

Cooper had already exited the plane by the time it went over Heisson - perhaps the pilot hesitated after he felt the pressure bump..and that might contribute to the plane sounding so low to one witness.

Regarding the hair - I didn't know Duane in 1971 so anything I say is conjecture about his appearance taken from the photos I have. I just have to follow my gut and what I know and what I find. I can show you pictures of his hair being silky and straight but with a little wave - except he was completely gray and the texture of the hair changes with age and health. This was in high humidity FL.

Frankly I think the plane made a diversion somewhere around Mt. St. Helens in an attempt to shake Cooper off the stairs...could be why the plane lost altitude around that area (if the witnesses where correct in stating how low they thought the plane was). No one would ever admit this - but it is a reasonable conjecture when you consider the sitings and the location of the sitings.

Watch Blevins latch on this story!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just a little something I received in the mail today, but I did change some of the wording and excluded some of the things I felt a little too much.

With Blevins book about to hit the streets - time for a ROAST.

Rumors running around WA:


:oAnother rumor is running around the Cooper display in Sea Tac. Some guy keeps calling complaining about Christianson's picture not being in the display case.

:|Skipp Porteous, ......running from attorney to attorney asking "Is it to late for me to get my name removed as co-author?"

[:/] What happened to Geoff Gray,............"no comment, please, no comment." He stays unavailable.

[:/]Poor Tina - She's just tired of the hassel - "Please, leave me alone. Please stop calling me."

:ph34r:;):)Haven't been able to get hold of Donna at the Ariel Tavern - she is busy getting ready for the usual shindig....maybe Blevins shouldn't eat any of the her famous chilie.:D:DB|

May I suggest you order your beer in the largest mug she has because you might need it!


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Smoking - I had that info, but I was looking for more specific data regarding 1945 to 1949.

Thanks Anyway!

I thought you might have since it was Wikipedia stuff, but since you seemed unsure obout the name of the town in the 40's, I figured I'd post it anyway.

Maybe if you could be more specific about what you are looking for from 1945 - 49 I could do some looking in my down time....do you want history or maps or what?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I will defer to eyewitness accounts.

4 individuals site the plane North of Heisson. The plane was low enough they thought it was in trouble and went running out of the house. One states he could see the image of the plane behind layered clouds (which if you understand this would make the plane seem closer to the ground). Evidently this was a result of what-ever lights the plane itself emitted.

1 individual reported a man walking somewhere in the vicinity of a log truck bridge South/east of Cougar at the crack of dawn the next morning. Another witness believed the plane was West of Mount ST Helens due to the above. The idiot was walking on a road in business clothes and carrying a bag.

The railroad track was very near the above point and I believe he realized by staying on the road he would get caught after this early morning traveler passed him. Since the Tracks where very near there the accessibility of the pump car presented itself.

There are no RR tracks in this area. The closest
extinct track would have been 15 miles away or further at Yacolt below Amboy. see attached.

Doesnt this area SE of Cougar begin to get hilly
between Mt. Tamtum east to Calamity Peak?
These would be some of the 'foothills' Blevins
was talking about, quite correctly? I think you
have to put Cooper somewhere within a reasonable
distance between where he lands and where he is

Please note that Cougar is on the north side of
the Lewis River. If Cooper lands north of the Lewis
he must ford the Lewis River to get anywhere south.
If Cooper bailed much before Heisson then very likely he lands north of the Lewis River due to how
the Lewis River bends south relative to V23 ... look at the map.

If he was seen SE of Cougar he had to land south
of the Lewis.

This area SE of Cougar is approximately 12 miles from where the chute was found at Amboy.

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Jo wrote:


The idiot was walking on a road in business clothes and carrying a bag.

Hmmm... Now that does sound like something Duane might do. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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